have you ever wondered could it be that my cats have even stronger preferences than that nice petting I usually give them many people believe that a simple ear rub is enough to make the felines happy but the truth is that there are several activities that the cats love today we are going to show 10 things that your kitties love more than receiving affection based on scientific studies and expert observation stay until the end because some of these discoveries will truly surprise you and can help make your cat's life even more enjoyable the number nine will
make perfect sense to you so let us go with Point number one exploring boxes and bags many cats feel an almost magnetic attraction to empty boxes paper bags or even plastic wrappings but why does this happen so often studies show that felines see these objects as strategic places to hide keep warm and observe the environment in nature they would look for safe dens to protect themselves from predators or even prepare ambushes for prey at home a simple cardboard box offers a sense of comfort and security because it blocks the view of potential threats plus the
rustling sound of bags stimulates curiosity and the desire to explore if you leave a box on the floor your cats will probably snuggle in there within a few seconds this need for Refuge comes from their primitive instincts and for them it can be even more rewarding than a simple head scratch the next point will make you think my cats are exactly like that number two interacting with scratching posts and elevated shelves have you ever noticed how your cats love to scratch surfaces scratching is not just a way to sharpen their claws it is also a
method of marking territory and releasing stress providing scratching posts made of cyle or cardboard helps direct this natural habit moreover cats feel safe when they can watch everything from above elevated shelves allow them to stay in a privileged position following every movement around the house this habit is based on their wild Instinct as felines used to climb trees to monitor territory in the absence of branches shelves help recreate that sense of security by having somewhere to scratch and observe the cats burn energy exercise their bodies and improve their moods preferring to roam those Heights rather
than receive a cuddle in your lap now let us talk about something that unfortunately many caretakers do not do with their cats number three playing it might seem that cats are independent but playtime is essential for their well-being when they chase a little ball or try to catch feathers attached to a wand they are simulating the act of hunting this activity releases energy stimulates the mind and strengthens reflexes behavioral veterinarians indicate that cats who play regularly are less likely to destroy furniture or show anxiety issues in fact playtime also strengthens the bond between the Felines
and their caretakers since the interaction involves Mutual attention toys that move unpredictably help the cats exercise their instincts keeping them more agile and healthy many cats prefer this sort of challenge over a simple pat on the head if you offer daily play sessions you will see how their mood improves and how they become more confident number four will surprise you if you see the cats only as just any other animal observing movement cats have a very keen hunting instinct which explains their fascination with anything that moves whether it is a leaf blowing outside a flying
insect or a light reflection on the wall they can spend long minutes fully focused this concentration stimulates the mind and keeps the cats alert as they try to anticipate the prey's next move many even make that teeth chattering sound a sign of excitement when something is Out Of Reach such as a bird at the window some flick their tails showing impatience and the desire to hunt it is a way of releasing adrenaline having screened Windows allows them to observe everything safely in many cases they prefer this past time to constant petting because they feel they
are exercising their wild impulses staying happy and mentally stimulated now we will talk about something all cats love number five sleeping cats are experts at napping they can sleep more than half of the day conserving energy for potential hunts in a peaceful home they sleep not only for physiological necessity but also as a way to stay relaxed some studies show that during sleep the cats process recent stimuli and reinforce learning which makes them even more alert when they wake up moreover the choice of sleeping spot reveals a lot about how they feel there if they
sleep in your lap it is a sign of great trust but many prefer Elevated Places or hidden Corners where they feel protected it is common for them to switch locations throughout the day looking for the ideal temperature they might sleep on the couch in the morning and in a box in the afternoon without needing frequent caresses to feel good and calm now let us talk about something your cats really love number six receiving special treats most cats perk up when they hear the sound of packages being opened as they quickly learn to associate that noise
with tasty treats for the kitties getting a different little snack can be much more exciting than receiving affection experts recommend offering these goodies in moderation avoiding excesses that might lead to obesity some treats have specific nutrients that help with dental health or their coat so they can be valuable allies in Daily care also it is possible to use treats as positive reinforcement in simple training like like calling the cats by name and rewarding them when they respond this type of stimulus often works better than any head scratch because the felines feel motivated by the flavor
it is a practical way of showing affection respecting the cat's space and personality are you enjoying these tips then take a moment to support the channel leave your thumbs up right now and subscribe so you will not miss any of the upcoming videos it is quick and makes a big difference now now let us continue with the next point because the seventh point will make you think my cats really love that number seven comfortable hiding places cats love having places where they can disappear from sight as if they were in a secure Den have you
ever noticed how they seek out open drawers spaces behind sofas or any tight Gap this behavior stems from their protective Instinct in the wild hiding is part of survival strategy at home these shelters give them a feeling of safety and reduce anxiety some caretakers set up little tents or cushioned boxes allowing the cats to have a place of their own in these Corners the kitties can rest quietly observe or simply relax away from noise many felines would rather stay there than receive petting because they value personal space if you respect this need you will see
that the cats feel more confident and free to interact whenever they wish this Hideaway works like a true feline Sanctuary tell me in the comments do your cats love having a hiding spot of their own number eight eating eating is among the most important moments for any cats although it seems basic meal time can bring intense sensations of pleasure cats are obligate carnivores meaning they mainly need quality animal protein many Kibbles today are formulated to meet these needs but it is good to pay attention to the food's composition some some caretakers choose to mix dry
food with wet food enhancing flavor and hydration cats usually like to eat in quiet places without too much noise or movement if there are multiple animals in the house it is advisable to have more than one feeding dish to avoid disputes many cats prefer small portions several times a day following a pattern that resembles hunting Behavior when they find the perfect meal they might even Meow in a tone of satisfaction showing that this moment outweighs any pat on the back since we talked about eating let us talk now about drinking but in a special way
number nine drinking water from the faucet there is something magnetic about the sound of running water that seems to Captivate the cats many stand still staring at the stream of water curiously and others will lap at the faucet to feel the flow experts explain that in the wild running water suggests freshness and lower risk of contamination so the felines end up preferring this kind of source at home it is common for some cats to openly request to drink from the faucet there are even specific fountains on the market which keep the water flowing and encourage
the kitties to drink more this is great for renal Health reducing the risk of urinary problems when they have access to running water many cats show so much excitement that they ignore any head scratch they become so immersed in this ritual of drinking that they seem hypnotized by the fluid and refreshing experience now for the 10th point but it is no less important being brushed although many associate cats with more reserved Behavior a large portion of them loves being brushed seeing it as a gentle massage this process removes loose fur reducing the amount of hair
balls swallowed during grooming moreover blood circulation improves ensuring a healthier and more beautiful coat research showed that many cats purr or rub against their caretakers even more during brushing indicating that they really enjoy the experience some prefer softer brushes While others accept slightly firmer Combs the key is to go slowly and respect the limits of the cats if they show discomfort take a break and try again another day many prefer this care routine to the simple Act of receiving a stroke on their back because they view brushing as a ritual that brings well-being now did
you know there are things your cats hate more than being picked up in this video that is here on the screen I show 10 things that your kitties hate more than being picked up do you already know these things click on the screen and continue with me in the amazing world of the cats