【Full Movie】灰姑娘对着镜子整理穿反了的裙子,没想到竟被千亿总裁一眼相中 🥰 中国电视剧

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How come I wore it backwards? Geng Mochi, Idon't believe that you won't lower your head to me today. Boss. Boss? Here is Han Zhi. Mr. Qi. Sit. You are Han Zhi? Yes, Mr. Qi Mr. Qi, no need to walk me anymore. Let's meet again next time. AlI right. Goodbye. No matter what, I still have to thank you for dinner. You're welcome. I hope you can heed to everything I've said today. Sister- in- law. You are so pretty. Kaoer, you are so beautiful today. ls Mochi here yet? He should be here soon. We have to hurry.
What's wrong? Why the unhappy look? I am not unhappy. l am just nervous. What's there to be nervous about? he didn't quite seem like himself. 口 What's up? Idon'tknow how to say this I feel like he seems suspicious of me. I don't quite understand what he is implying. I don't know what his suspicions are all about. Do you think he might not come today? Don't believe such nonsensel How can he not come today? You have the typical pre- wedding anxiety. Don't overthinkl Just focus on beinga beautiful bride. This is your big day today. Are you
ready yet? Has Mochi arrived yet? Not yet. Wei Minglun tried calling him. He may be on the road. Don't think too much. This is the peak hour of traffic jam. Chairman, you have arrived. How can I not be here? Today is Kaoer s big day This way please. Chairman, please sit here. Chairman, please sit here. lt's close to the front. Where's the groom? He's on his way. He might not make it. You sure know how to joke. Even if he can't get here, you won't be the groom. You don't want your year end bonus? You
just have a seat first. I'll have a look at Kaoer. Hurry with what you're doing. Sister- in- law, don't be nervous. Sister- in- law, don't be nervous. Jinyi, pass me the phone. Here. Here. Hello. The phone number you are calling has been turned off. Why is it turned off? Turned off? What's up? His phone is turned off? Don't worry. lt could be that his phone battery ran out. lt could be that his phone battery ran out Huang Zhong is with him. Wei Minglun will contact him. Wei Minglun will contact him. Don"t worry. Sit down for
a while. Don't worry. Sit down for a while. There's no point in worrying. Just have a seat. We've been here fora long time. How come it's not starting yet? The bride isn't here yet, but the groom should be here first. Right? That's right. Why aren't they here yet? Haiyang, where did you hide the groom? I hid him away? Enough, enough. Don't worry for nothing. Maybe it's just traffic jam. He'll be here soon. Right, that's likely the case. Hey, Huang Zhong. Where are you now? Hurry, everyone is wondering why the groom is not here yet. Hurry.
Hurry. All right Quickly go to the main gate to welcome him. Quick. You can go with him. Just have a look again. What's up with the groom? Didn't we say it would start at twelve. lt's already five minutes past. 伴 水 I am sorry. The road is congested Traffic jam? Yes. Then what do we do with this? What to do? Everyonel Everyone! Over herel Ladies and Gentlemen! We're currently having a minor situation Since our groom is a big star, so his entrance must be special. Why is that? lt's mainly for the bride to regard him
highly after the wedding. Of course, we'll have to adjust our wedding ceremony today. That is to let our bride marry our groom! Haiyang, are you performing in this event? Get lost. To tell you honestly, this Mr. Geng is something else. He should remember when to be a star, and when not to be. lt"s his own wedding day today. So if he isn't here... If he still isn't here, then his bride will be taken away by someone else. Then I will ask again. Is there anyone who is willing to take the bride away? I will take
the bride. I seem to know this gentleman. BoTian Holding Limited Company's Chairman, Mr. Qi Shuli. Let me interview him. Mr. Qi, let me ask you. You're a guest from which side, the groom or the bride? Both sides. I am the love rival of the groom. Now, Iunderstand why Mr. Qi raised his hand. Then I have to ask you, Mr Qi Are you hoping right now that the groom does not appear? Don't give away my personal wish Don't give away my personal wish. Why are they not here yet? Huang Zhong? lsn't he together with my brother?
You can't get through. Then keep calling. Kaoer. Yingzhi. Yes. Has Mochi arrived yet? Don't worry. I heard from the wedding planning company that they've contacted the driver. The driver said they'll be arriving soon. Really? AII right. AlI right. Don't worry. Since they have been contacted, they should be here soon. That's right. 口 Okay. Perhaps, he will not come. n if it was a mountain of blades and sea of fire my brother will still come on such Mountain of blades and sea of fire? That's not what I mean. l am afraid he doesn't believe that I
love him. I am afraid he doesn't believe that I love him. What's up with you Kaoer? Yingzhi, am Iwrong? So much has happened in these three years. AlI the things I was sure of has become confused. I am afraid that he may not be as strong as what I've imagined him to be. ister- in- law, why are you still doubting my brother's love for you at a time like thi You must believe in yourself and even more in him, too. Look at that. Your make- up is falling apart. Let's touch it up. They are here.
Okay, we will be down quickly. All right. Sister- in- law, they are here. Let's go. I'|| bring the bouquet and you take care of the dress. Watch out for the gown's train. Slowly. Yingzhi. lam still very nervous. Don't be nervous. He will be here soon. No point being nervous. Right, everything will be okay. Just take a deep breath. Smile. The bride is here! So beautiful! So pretty! So beautiful! They're here. Huang Zhong is here. Kaoer. Today is your most important day. Smile. You look lovely when you smile. No, where is Mochi? I'II tell you later.
Everyone, please be quiet! l'|l tell you later. Everyone, please be quietl lt looks like our groom is making his appearance soon! Then let's follow my suggestion earlier. We will change the wedding arrangement just a little. lt's really not good to have our bride wait for such a long time. So now, we will invite the bride to come up first! So now, we will invite the bride to come up first! Good! Make some noise! Good! Greatl We'll let the bride stand here to welcome her groom. Okay? Okayl Stop messing around. You've been put at such an
embarrassing state today. lf you don't get back a little at him, how would you be able to face everyone? Let's give an applause! Good! Good! Good! Mister, you're the groom's representative. Right? am his lawyer. My surname is Huang. What? I am his lawyer. My surname is Huang. What? Lawyer? Everyone, take a look. A big star is indeed a big star. Even getting married requires a lawyer to warm up the stage first Very interestingl lnteresting! l'm sorry to have let you wait for so long. I'm sorry to have let you wait for so long. I already
said that I'm Mr. Geng Mochi's lawyer. Today was supposed to be his wedding day, but he can't come because of personal reasons. but he can't come because of personal reasons. He asked me to convey his apology to everyone. l"m sorry that everyone waited for nothing. I'm sorry that everyone waited for nothing. And now I'll read Mr. Geng Mochi's official statement. Divorce announcement. Divorce announcement. Why divorce? l, Geng Mochi, have been acquainted with Miss Bai Kaoer for several years. We established our marital relationship at the beginniing of this year. Although we've spent a lot of beautiful
times together and have many unforgettable memories, due to some irreconcilable conflict and differences between us What is Geng Mochi doing? After careful consideration, the wedding is now cancelled. Cancelled? e details of the divorce, I have authorized my lawyer to follow up with the requirei ln consideration that Miss Bai Kaoer is already pregnant, I will obey the relevant Iegal requirements to wait until after the pregnanjcy and neonatal care period to proceed with the formal divorce. During this time, I will do everything I can to provide the care for Miss Bai Kaoer. I know this decision will
involve many people. But, the divorce is a private matter between myself and Miss Bai Kaoer. ask everyone not to make random guesses about this matter. I hope that outsiders can provide us with some privacy sO that we can adjust to our new lives as soon as possible. Beyond this statement, I shall not comment or reply on the divorce matter. End of statement by Geng Mochi. Are you kidding me? This is ridiculousl Sorry, Kaoer. About what happens next, you can talk to him in private. Huang Zhong! Stop, stop taking photos, stop taking photosl Let me through!
Step away. ls she okay? Ambulance! Call the ambulancel Operating Room How could this be happening? She's still not out? The child will be okay. lt'll be okay. Why were you so late? Traffic 口 Traffic? I was further than you and you got here forty minutes after me. What happened? There was a lot of traffic all over. I was already driving fast. Doctor, how is she? How's the fetus? e child couldn't be saved. We've already taken it out. The mother lost a lot of bloc Doc. Right now, she's in critical condition. We have to do a
hysterectomy immediately. (Removal of the uterus) Are you her family? Where's the family? Where's the patient's family? Hurry up, call Geng Mochi! I was thinking last night, about the Milan issue, I should tell Kaoer first. I think so, too. Hong Zhong, what do you think? Let's find evidence first that Milan went into the apartment after Mochi. What are you saying? Are you doubting me? I'm a lawyer, I only believe in the evidence. Milan Doctor, I beg you. Can you not do a hysterectomy? She's so young. lf we can protect the uterus, we will definitely do it,
but right now, I can't stop the bleeding. The blood transfusions can't keep up with how fast she's losing blood. I have to remove the uterus first before I can stop the bleeding. If we don't hurry and do the surgery, she'll die. He's not picking up. Then what do we do? Call his manager. They have to be together. Doctor, I beg you. ls there any other way? lf her uterus is removed, she'll never be able to have kids again. DoctoraE" ht now, the priority is to protect her life. You have to hurry and get ahold of
her fa Milan called me. Don't answer i. Better pick it up. We can try to test her limits. Hello, Milan? Where is Geng Mochi? Where is he? Tell him to get to the hospital immediately. Kaoer isn"t well and they need the family to sign. What? Kaoer's at the hospital? Kaoa∈" Which hospital? Kaoer is hemorrhaging. They need you to sign the papers. She's in trouble. Hurry, get to the hospital. Hurry! Mister Geng. What's going on? They couldn't save the child. There's one more thing I need to tell you. Kaoer's child is yours. You misunderstood her before.
What...are you saying? She's pregnant with your child. Mine? Yes. She found out the child had heart problems. The doctor said she shouldn't keep it. But she didn't listen and absolutely wanted to keep it. She was afraid to tell you and wouldn't let me tell you. She said that she would tell you after the child was born. But didn't think that... That Mochi, should we have a baby? After you're done with the performance, I have a surprise for you. You told me that after the performance, you had a surprise. How's it going? lt's ready! What kind
of surprise? lfItell you, then it's not a surprise anymore. There's a small issue with the surprise. l'll tell you in a few days. Whose child is it in your belly? Why ask if you already know? ls the child mine or not? The child isn't yours. Mochi, I'm happy everyday. Having a small life slowly growing in my belly, this feeling is really magical. Later when the baby sees the photos, he'll know that his parents loved each other. He was a product of love, not a b*stard. Where's the family? Are they here or not? He's here. lt's
him. - lam, lam. Hurry and sign. What am I signing? To take out the uterus. She's currently hemorrhaging and in a critical state. Take outa∈" Yes, hurry and sign. lfwe don"t do the surgery, she'll die. Mister Geng, sign it. You have to save her. Okay. Hurry. Mochi. Tell him not to be too agitated. Okay, I got it She was fine before. What happened? Milan? Mochi! Milan! What did you do to Kaoer? l didn't. What did you do to Kaoer? ∫didn't! What did you do to Kaoer? Mochi! Mochi! Why must you hurt herl Mochi, let go!
Mochi! I'IIkillyou! I'll kill you! didn't Why did you have to hurt her? Why did you have to hurt her? Mochi, calm down! Calm down a bit! Yingzhi. Calm down a little. What's the current condition? Why must you hurt Kaoer! They couldn't save the child. The uterus has been removed, too. Kaoer is still being resuscitated inside. Give me back my Kaoerl Mochi, calm down! Calm downl l'm telling you to calm down. l'l strangle you to death! l'l kill you! Calm down! What are you doing? Mochi, youa∈" Haven't you had enough? ! Are you satisfied? You should
have figured out now who the child really belongs to. If the child was mine would I have let you marry her? ! You keep saying over and over that you love her. You don't even have the basic trust in her. That's bullsh*t type of love! Now, her child is gone and she can't have children anymore. She can never become a mother! How can you face her? How can you face yourself? Mochi! 口 Mochi! Mochi! Hurry and send him to the emergency room! Mochi! Mochi, are you awake? Why didn't I die? What nonsense are you saying?
How is Kaoer? Don't worry. Her surgery was successful. She is now in her room, waiting for the anesthetics to pass. Do not worry, and do not be overly sad. No one wanted this to happen. You should recover soon. Kaoer still needs you to take care of her. Why are you here? I'm here to see Kaoer. Frank. I need to talk to him. Don't come see me again. For the rest of my life, I don't want to see you again. I'm sorry, Kaoer. I shouldn't have doubted you. I didn't even face our sickly child together with
you. More than four months. The baby has taken form lt was a girl. But she didn't have the chance to come to this world alive. She doesn't even have a name. She inherited your congenital heart condition. I didn't dare tell you. Iknew you wouldn't let a sick child to come to this world. You didn't want her to suffer like what you've endured. can understand that. But you actually wouldn't recognize her as your flesh and blood. I'm sorry, Kaoer. I'm at fault for a thousand times, ten thousand times. You even had an affair with Milan. You
two betrayed me. No, Kaoer. You two betrayed me. No, Kaoer. You can scold me, curse me, but I swear to you, l have no relationship with Milan. Leave, l don'twant to hear that name. I don't want to hear anything about you two. Leavel oer, l beg you. Please give me another chance, another chance to atone for my gu We can go to Beijing, okay? Let's leave this place of tears. I went crazy for you. I lost a baby for you. I have lost the ability to bear children. I cannot be a complete woman anymore. What
else do you want me to lose for you? Geng Mochi. You will not exist in my life anymore. I will ask a lawyer to discuss things with you. Other than signing the divorce papers l won't see you again. i8 Geng Mochi later told me that he never cried so much in his whole life. He didn't before that, and neither will he in the future. AlI the tears in his entire life were shed in that one night. From then on, regardless of night or day, he could only wear dark glasses in public. He did not lose
his sight, but he feared all shining objects. He could no longer face this cruel world. Kaoer, my poor child. How did you get so thin? Let's get back into the house first. Go inside first. lt's not good to let people see us standing outside like this. Hurry, let's go home. Come. Niu Niu, come here. Aunt Kaoer, do you want to play kites with us? The kite Grandpa made me flies really high! Really? But it's not easy to fly it here. Then let's go to South Lake to fly them. Aunt Kaoer, will you come? Aunt is
sick, I can"t go. When will you be better? Aunt's sickness...won't get better. I"ll never be better again. Why? Why? Because. there's a large piece of my heart missing. There's nothing that can fil it That spot will never get healed. The monster is here! Hurry, runl Hurry run! Any better? I look pretty scary, don'tl? lt's all thanks to you. Last night, I was randomly blocked in an alley and beaten. After they beat me, they ran off. They didn't even take any money. lf it wasn't for some kindhearted person who took me to the hospital, I'd be
dead. You definitely know who did it, don't you? If it's not Qi Shuli, it's Geng Mochi. If it's not Qi Shuli, it's Geng Mochi. lt was nice of them to leave me my life. l'm so grateful. But Bai Kaoer, they made a mistake. They should have killed me instead of provoking me! Because as long as I have one breath left, I'lI never let them go. I only have such a cheap life, what else would I be afraid of? What? You don't like hearing it? Even if you don't like hearing it, I'm still going to say
it. Divorce Geng Mochi. You two don't have a child anymore or feelings. Why stay together? I don't want anything else, just the title as Mrs. Geng. He has to give it to me even if he doesn't want to. If not, l'll hold a press conference and announce the sexual scandal. I swear, this time he won't be able to make a comeback Also, I'll give you a week. Also, l"ll give you a week lf you haven"t divorced Geng Mochi by then, I'll hold the press conference. I've already picked the location, and even told the media. You
decide. I have nothing anymore. I can't even find a job. Even the landlord is kicking me out. I can only stay at my cousin's. Even the landlord is kicking me out. I can only stay at my cousin's. I snuck back and can't even bear to face my mom. lt's all because of you. You made me what I am today. So you have to give me the title of Mrs. Geng Get it? Are you done talking? l'm done. Get out. You think I want to see you? l've said the words. You think it through. Also, you
have to make sure you live. I want you to see how I change my fate and replace you. How I'm able to obtain what you once love the most. Mochi, the letter of Kaoer's lawyer is here. lt formally files for a divorce. Do you think we should call Hong Zhong over? Divorce is good. If we're divorced, then no one will try to hurt her anymore. Oh, right. I asked Jinyi to come. lt's easier to have her take care of you. I'll go pick her up from the airport in a bit. The wind is picking up.
Why don't you go sit inside? Lately, whenever I close my eyes while inside the house, I can hear a child crying. l would open my eyes and start looking all over. I couldn't find it. If I close my eyes then I can hear it again. l know that's my child crying. She's blaming me. She blames me for not letting her into this world. Mochi! She should've come. Even if she couldn't enter the world healthy, but she was the product of mine and Kaoer's love. I was the selfish one. Think about Kaoer. She's suffered so much
pain. What she needs is time. Lately, l keep thinking, if. if I hadn't said those words to her. If I agreed to have the child lf Ididn't wrongly accuse her, doubt her, then maybe all of these wouldn't have happened. Mochi. But how could there be so many if's? Don't get too agitated. The child has already been lost Even if you get more upset, you can't bring her back. You can't live the rest of your life in the shadow of what happened. Mochi? Hurry, come up here. Kaoer, I want to talk to you. Kaoer, are you
better? Why don't you come with me to Beijing to nurse yourself back to health? Didn't you get the letter from my lawyer? I came today to apologize. Originally, we could have had a very romantic wedding, a really happy home, but I personally destroyed all of it. ls there any point in saying this now? ls there any point in saying this now? There's no use in saying any of this now. there are some things that if I don't say now, I won't have an opportunity to say a We could have had a really cute daughter. She
might not have been healthy, but she was the product of our love. Because of my selfishness, she didn't have a chance to enter the world. Stop talking. I'm not here to beg for your forgiveness. But I still have to tell you I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I hope you can be well. I hope that you won't meet a scum like me again. Are you done talking? If the two of you have no dissent, please sign. Divorce Agreement Mochi, please let go. Mochi. Signature of the female party Do you think I won't find you if you
escape to Beijing? Please watch your words. What"escape"? lochi is transferred to Beijing for treatment. He's now relying on a ventilator to liv Milan, be a human and leave room for others. With Mochi like this, you still want to hold a press conference? Do you find his life not short enough? You can't wait another day? I don't have time to hear your crap. He needs to either marry me, or I'll hold a press conference to expose his scandal. Choose. I don't have time to waste. me how much money you want. I don't care how much. ls
that not good enough No. l only want to be Mrs. Geng. Bai Kaoer made me this way. What shes lost, I must have it. I heard Bai Kaoer won't live much longer. think she'll head directly to an asylum if she hears about me and Geng Mochi's m You And this is still not the latest news. Haven"t you been looking for the original composer of the Love Series? I have the original manuscript. What nonsense is that? The composer of Love Series was Ye Sha. What does that have anything to do with this? You say I'm a
liar? You are the ones who lie! You are the ones who lie! How could the original composer of Love Series by Ye Sha? u are an industry insider, so you probably can see what is written in this manuscri What about it? Can you see clearly now? This is the original manuscript of the Love Series. lt even has the date written on it. Here, look! There are English initials here, and it's not Ye Sha's. Ye Sha's English name is Lisa. I know that very well. Why do you have this manuscript? - Don't worry about that. I
can only say fate helped me. So, it's back to what I said. eng Mochi marries me, l'll give him the manuscript like a wedding gift to fulfill his Mochi is already like this. I don't understand, what"s the point of marrying him? As long as he is alive, I will be waiting to become Mrs. Geng. You are totally unreasonable. lt doesn't matter. You saw this thing now. the press conference, I won't just expose the scandal, I will also show the manuscr Say, he is someone who regards his reputation highly. Will he be happy to see his
reputation ruined upon his death? You are truly insane! Kaoer, Kaoer. What do we do? ust came out of the hospital and now you are feverish. Your coughing is getting V Here is water. Here is water. Look at her. She needs to go to the hospital. Come. l'm not going to the hospital. Mom, Im not going to the hospital. Not going, not going. Uncle, Aunt. You are? May I ask, is this Bai Kaoer's home? Yes, and you are... Hi Aunt, l'm here to see Kaoer. ls she home? She is. Are you her friend? Come inside, please.
Cut it out Let's go inside. My brother is about to die. ls there really no other solution? No. The only way to save him is by doing a heart transplant. But to get a suitable matching heart is very difficult What about Milan? ls she still pestering Mochi? If it weren't for her, my brother wouldn't have been so severely ill. She won t take the money we offer. She is forcing my brother to marry her. I know now. She is grabbing everything that Icouldn't afford to lose but actually lost. She is competing with me. Sister- in-
law, do you still hate my brother? I never really hated him. HHBHHHHHBHHH I don't resent him about the baby. I am responsible, too. I shouldn't have kept it from him. l should have faced the truth with him. But now, it"s too late to regret. But now, it"s too late to regret. What's the matter with you? Sister- in- law, you are coughing so terribly. The doctor said that I didn"t get enough rest after the surgery. I picked up a lung infection after getting rained on. Jinyi, thank you for coming to see me. Tell me news about
Mochi. My brother is very worried about you. He asked me to check on you. With you being so sick, what should I tell him when I return? Don't tell him. Let him rest well. Jinyi, I'm not getting better. With so much happening, l know I'm not getting better. But I don't want to die in front of my parents. I can'tface their tears. So I plan to go to the United States with Frank. Once Im there, l'll depart quietly, by myself. I don't have the will to live anymore. I don't know how to console you. Believe
me, once my brother recovers, you can still be together. You can still reconcile. Don't be so pessimistic. We won't be together again. There is a huge shadow from the tragedies between us. Just a slight misstep and we both would end up badly battered. lt's better to follow and finish our separate paths. Are you really going to the United States? This key...I've worn it all my life. l've been through a lot of unhappiness, too. Just like you, I felt so bad that I didn't think I could live. But I kept wearing this key and told myself
that I would lock all the unhappy things away into the deep end of my heart, and never to open them again. ln that way, I was able to live on. Sister- in- law, now I'm giving you this key. I think I've seen it before. Jinyi, when you've booked the flight, let me know and I'll go pick you up. Okay. Bye- bye. Jinyi saw Kaoer. She's doing very well. Jinyi saw Kaoer. She's doing very well. Mochi, you can relax. ng Zhong and I'll take care of the issue with Milan. You don't need to worry abou One
Milan can't bring down the whole sky. One Milan can't bring down the whole sky. Ijust don'tunderstand, why the manuscript is with her. Ijust don't understand, why the manuscript is with her. l've seen the dates on it. lt's from twenty years ago. That's to say, twenty years ago, when we were just kids, the songs already existed. the songs already existed. The name on the bottom is HCX. HCX I don'tknow who that is and can't figure it out. Mochi, what are you trying to say? He He Chengxuan. What? Who? He Chengxuan. Teacher He? The medicine is almost
done. Here, drink it while it's hot. You can only get better if you take the medicine. Mom. Yes? I have a book upstairs. Can you bring it down for me? You still want to read while you're like this? Okay. Okay. Drink it while it's hot. Good girl, you drank all of it? Here. Here lt was bitter. How can medicine not be bitter? I'|| get you some fruit, okay? Aunt. lt's Shuli. Then, you two talk. I'll go buy some groceries. Eat at our house tonight. Okay. How are you feeling today? The visa's done. After two days,
we'll leave. First to Hong Kong and then from there to the US. called Wei Wei. After learning you re going to the US, she was ecstatic over the phone. She said, after she's done with final exams, she'll come to Seattle to see us. By then, you can have someone to keep you company. Seattle? Yes. My US home is in Seattle. lt's a very beautiful and peaceful city. You'll like it. What is this? Why would you have this key? Where did it come from? Why do you have this key? What"s wrong? What's wrong? I have this
same key. Jie also had one. And there's one more, with my little sister, Xiaojing. And there's one more, with my little sister, Xiaojing. The three of us each had one of this key. Except for Xiaojing's, the rest are with me. Tell me Kaoer, who gave this to you? Believe me, this key has magical powers. Whenever you encounter something bad, just touch the key and all those bad things will become better. will become better. l'm not telling you. Why not? Why won't you tell me? This is my younger sister's key? You know that I've been looking
for her for twenty years! lt's easy for me to telll you, but you must promise me one condition. but you must promise me one condition. What condition? Tell me. What condition? Tell me. Take me to Beijing to see Geng Mochi. Wh- What- what are you saying? want to see Geng Mochi. lwant to tell him in person. Are you crazy? ln your condition, you still want to see him? ln your condition, you still want to see him? Then l'll go by myself. Then I'll go by myself. I asked you to accompany me so that my parents
won't get worried. lf you don't agree, then you won't ever know who gave me this key. then you won't ever know who gave me this key. how that this person could be the sister you've been looking for for the last 20 ye l know her. She gave me the key. Do you have to force me like this? You and him are already divorced. What's the point of seeing him? A day as husband and wife is a lifetime of affection Once I leave, it might be goodbye forever. l only want to bid him farewell. Is that
wrong? But he. l know. He's dying. So it's even more urgent to see him. have to tell him in person, Ihave to say to him, I have to tell him in person, I have to say to him, I loved him so much. I just need to see him one more time then Ican calmly go to the US with you. Even if I hear about his death in the future, I won't be as upset, because l"ve said goodbye already. because I've said goodbye already. You know my personality. If you don't take me to Beijing to see
him, you won't be able to take me to the US. you won't be able to take me to the US. Unless Im dead and you just carry my corpse there. Yingzhi, Iwon't go in anymore. You stay with her. If there's anything, call me anytime. Mochi. lt's me. l'm here to see you. l'm going to the United States. I can't stay here anymore. My mom sees me crying every day. Friends and colleagues call me every day to console me. I think I'm about to suffocate. I want to run away. See, I'm actually still a heartless person.
I knew this day would come. But I fear facing that moment. I don't have the courage to stay next to you to watch you depart. don have the courage to stay next to you to watdh you depart Forgive me. l'macoward. I have already endured too much suffering. I can't feel more sadness. lt would make me die. I don't blame you. I was too willful and it led to the current consequence. But Ive never regretted loving you. I've always loved you. I can take away Kaoer's person, but I can't take away her heart. She will stay
here with Geng Mochi until he dies. until he dies. And then her heart will die, too. Even so, I think it's right for you to take her away. lf she witnesses Geng Mochi's death, she won't be able to live. She will definitely die. This kind of love is so hateful. lt's also enviable. This kind of love does not exist among ordinary people. Their love is too pure That's why it ended up this way. You are envying them? ln our lifetime that lasts just a few decades, to be able to love so wholeheartedly for once, to
burn just once, is something that you can wish for but won't necessarily occur. Most of the time, we won't encounter such love. Even if we did, we probably don't have the courage to disregard everything else to pursue. Because we have too many things to care for, that we actually become cowards. But my love is also very pure. lt's also fearless. But love is never about two people meeting each other, it's about two hearts beating together. After we say goodbye this time, maybe we will never see each other again. If you really go to that other
universe, if I can survive, you must bless me. lf Ican't live, don't blame me. I really love you too much. I cannot live in a world in which you don't exist. If it's possible, l really wish lcould give you my heart for the transplant lt is hurting too much. The pain is so much that I feel like I'm dying every second. lt is just like you, it won't get better. lt will never get better. Don't Don't Don't... Whether we're alive or dead. This ring will represent each other in accompanying us. See? You will always be
with me. Kaoer, we should leave. Let Mr. Geng rest. l'm leaving. Doctor Zhang, are there really no other options? Doctor Zhang are there really no other options? l've already thought through all the options. But we can t do surgery in his condition. Also, without a donor heart, there's no point in doing the surgery. So how do we find a donor heart? You wait, there's no other way except to wait. Mochi. Mochi. Mld Mochi? What's in his hand? Mochi? Slowly. Older Brother, open your hand first and let us see. Okay? lf it's important, Ill take care
of it for you Wedding ring, it's Bai Kaoer's wedding ring. Bai Kaoer came Shuli called yesterday to say he was coming. l went to the airport so didn't see hi No wonder Mochi's condition got worse. He must be so sad. Don't think about anything else. Taking care of yourself is most important. If there's an opportunity, l'll go visit you. Chairman, I have something I have to do so I won't go with you to the airport. Okay. Take care of yourself. I'm leaving the work here to you and Han Zhi. Don't worry. Thank you. Good luck.
Excuse me. Where do you want to go? Please head to Kempinski Hotel. Everything will be better. Life has to go on, right? When you get to the US, work on getting better. If you miss your parents, you can come back any time. Or you can bring them both to the US. I have a favor to ask of you. Tell me. From now on, don't tell me any news about Geng Mochi. lt doesn't matter if he's dead or alive, don't tell me any of it. I promise you. Cathy. Frank When did you return? lt's been a
few days. Why did you return? To marry you. That again. What expression is that? We've been together for some years. lsn't it very normal for me to marry you? I've said everything I should say. I really don't have the strength now to repeat what I said. I'm tired. I need to rest. I heard that Milan is back. lt's none of your business. lt's none of your business. To terminate all the rumors, the best solution is to marry me. To terminate all the rumors, the best solution is to marry me. Once you marry me, those rumors
will dissipate. Out of nowhere, why are you suddenly talking about marriage again? How is it suddenly? I've been hinting about it all these years. You and I can form a new family. You are the one who pretended not to hear. I don't want to wait anymore. I want to marry you. If anything happens to me, I will die without closure. That's enough. Why are you cursing yourself? If you treat me like that again, leaving me without any hope, I might as well die. Cathy. Bai Kaoer. What? I'm really exhausted! I haven't even shut my eyes
since yesterdayl I want to talk about something serious. Once I've said it, l'll leave right away. Speak. This is a serious matter. I found a heart donor who matches Geng Mochi. This person has a terminal illness. He is close to dying. Once he dies, Geng Mochi can get his heart transplant. I don't understand what l'm reading. lt doesn't matter if you understand it, as long as the doctor understands it. The key is, do you want to save Geng Mochi? Of course, I want to save him. Very good. Then let's talk about the conditions. As long
as you marry me, fulfilling my long- cherished wish, l will give you the information regarding this heart donor. Otherwise, just pretend I never mentioned this matter. You. are using this to negotiate with me? You. are using this to negotiate with me? Negotiate? Sure, just think of it as a negotiation. I found the person anyway. AlI the test results match perfectly well. Whether Geng Mochi can get this heart... will depend on you. will depend on you. Qi Shuli, just give up. No matter how much I love him, I won't use marriage as a deal. You are
just like Milan. You are both mad. I am mad. If all these years I could have convinced myself not to love you, or love you a little less, I wouldn't have sunk to this point today. I'm too deeply entrenched in this relationship. I've used all my energy to love you. You still don't have any reaction. I refuse to resign to it I must marry you, or I've wasted five years of my life. You are dreaming. l won't marry you! You are giving mea non- existent heart to make a deal. Qi Shuli, you can demean my
IQ. But please do not denigrate the sanctity of marriage. But please do not denigrate the sanctity of marriage. How do you know for sure that this is a non- existent heart? Do you really think I'm a child? Wei Minglun and Dr. Zhang have spent so much time looking around the world for a suitable heart. They haven't found any so far. You found one this easily? Are you god? Forget it if you don't believe me. According to what I know, Geng Mochi has less than three months to live. You don't have much time to consider. I'||
Ieave the file here. Take your time to read it. Scram. Goodnight Hello. Hello, Miss Cathy? Kevin. l'm waiting outside your door. l'm taking you to the hospital. Mochi. What's wrong with Mochi? The surgery already started six hours ago. We have been waiting for news here. We only knew there were several surgeries going on since last night. After Mochi was wheeled in, we haven't seen him. Why dona∈™t we sit here? Dr. Zhang. Go say goodbye. He will be sent to the mortuary soon. Mochi Sister- in- Law. Mochi. You wouldn't even let me see you alive for
the last time. You promised me to live on. Liar. How can I live on by myself? How can I live without you? Mochi. Wake up. This...This What happened? Brother Qi. Boss. Brother Qi. He is the person you should bid farewell to. Qi Shuli. Mo...Mo... What about Mochi? This is beyond expectation. A coincidence. Maybe it was fate Three months ago, I learned that Qi Shuli was ill with liver cancer. lt was already at the late stage. He needed surgery. I was stunned and also sad. I was stunned and also sad. He proceeded with the surgery. But
regrettably, the cancerous have cells already spread to his chest. The medical term is metastasis. Under such circumstances, it's meaningless to have more surgeries. Chemotherapy is temporarily set for three steps. Dr. Arthur will communicate with you regarding the actual plan. Dr. Arthur will communicate with you regarding the actual plan. Can chemotherapy cure my disease? This The answer is no, right? lt can prolong some time. Prolong some time. After chemotherapy, all the teeth will be gone. AII the hair falls out Hands and feet are blackened. lt's so ugly. ldon'twant to be like that. l'd better be dead
than alive. Tell me honestly. lfl dontdochemotherapy, how long will|have? About six months. Half a year? I have only half a year left for my life? I wontdothe chemotherapy. I will die anyway, so why make myself live worse than death? I will die anyway, so why make myself live worse than death? With this little time left, l'|l spend it with Kaoer. Mr. Qi, I advise you to reconsider. lt's not necessary to reconsider. This is how I"ve decided. Qi Shuli adamantly refused chemotherapy. I advised him foralong time, but he wouldn't listen. Soon after he left the hospital,
he returned to China. Meanwhile, lwent to Germany for an exchange study. About a month ago, I returned to the lab in Seattle from Germany. Among the documents that my assistant gave me, I saw the information you sent on the heart transplant matched data. Medical Report As soon as I saw the data, I immediately became suspicious. I had seen those numbers before. Susan. Yes? Please go to Dr. Arthur's office. I want to see Mr. Shuli Qi's medical record. Okay, no problem. Dr. Zhang. Thank you. You're welcome. When I compared the data from the medical record to
that of the heart matched report, I realized a possibility. I flew back to China to see Qi Shuli. Qi Shuli eventually signed the donor agreement to donate his heart Organ Donation Agreement He must have gone through internal conflicts. He told me not to tell you. He said everything was in fate's hand. But no one expected Geng Mochi would be dying on the day of the wedding. When Qi Shuli was told that Geng Mochi would not survive the next day, he faced another difficult decision. Sleep. Get a good sleep. Get a good sleep. Tomorrow is a
new day. The sun will rise again as usual. The man you love will still be with you. Kaoer. I'II have to Ieave first. If you don't see a living Geng Mochi tomorrow, you would not want to live. If you don't live on, how could I live on by myself? I really can't bear it I really can't bear leaving you. Kevin, I'm going to the hospital to see Geng Mochi now. Quickly come pick me up. Chopin's"Farewell" Frank, other than Geng Mochi, you are the most important man in my life. Kaoer. Ambulance Mr. Qi was originally coming
to the hospital. But we suddenly received a call from Kevin, his assistant, saying Mr. Qi wasn't going to make it. When our people arrived, the garage door was closed. He somehow fell asleep in the car, which led to carbon monoxide poisoning. When he arrived at the hospital, he was already under brain death. Because he had signed the organ donor agreement, we then arranged the heart transplant surgery for Geng Mochi. Thank you. When did you find out? How about you? Before he left for the United States. lt feels like he will still come back. He is
an admirable person. I will always remember him. This office will always be kept for him. Is what you said real? He really gave his heart to Geng Mochi? Why did he do it? This must be his method of love. Mr. Qi loved Kaoer and was willing to do everything for her. Other than love, there is no other reason to explain what he did. You also know that Mr. Geng was his romantic rival. This is the deepest and highest form of love that I've ever seen. Mr. Qi probably knows more than everyone else how to love
someone. Even at the end of his life, he found a way to continue his love. The beating heart inside Geng Mochi came from Qi Shuli. He and Bai Kaoer will never be apart anymore. Everyday that Geng Mochi and Bai Kaoer are together, he will be there. This man is too calculating. Even at his death, he ca culated it. Even at his death, he calculated it. 一 Milan. - Enough. l know what you want to say. I am whoIam. I am who∫am. I cannot be great like him Are you satisfied? I cannot be great like him
Are you satisfied? There are probably very few people who can do what Mr. Qi did. He's taught us that love isn't possessing but fulfilling. Frank. 7ou stayed by me to get through the most difficult times during the last five years I can tell you definitely that I love you. lt's the love for family. This gravesite...was chosen by Mochi for himself. He said it's very beautiful here. You can see the lights around the bay at night. With so many lights to keep you company, you shouldn't be lonely, right? Sister- in- law. Kaoer... Yes? Ljust went to
Qi Shuli's gravesite. I thanked him for both of us. We should definitely thank him. Qi Shuli, thank you. Thank you. I'm alive again. l'm alive again Yes. Yes. We can always be together now. We can always be together now. Can you kiss me? Okay.
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