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what's up guys Clark welcome back and in this video I want to give you seven productivity hacks that you can do in under a minute that have saved me one full day a week by productive I mean your output is significantly better or more with less time so something that used to take you 6 or 7 hours you can press it down you can do it in one or two well you just saved yourself five or you don't get distracted and scroll for an extra 3 hours during the workday or when you're supposed to be doing something and then boom you save three right there okay so that's what I mean by a full day over the course of a week easily these tips have saved me that here we go all right let's start with the Banger uh you've heard of daily to-do list write down what you're supposed to do little boxes check it off I want you to experiment this week with weekly to-do lists right here this was a game changer maybe you've had the experience of doing a daily to-do list and you find yourself putting things on there like take out the trash reply of this person and like it takes you longer to write take out the trash and then to later consciously get up and do it take it out and then check it off then if you didn't write it and you just did it dozens of things I found when I was doing daily to-do list wound up on there like that like reply to this person well you don't need to write it down you just need to reply to the person you doing a weekly to-do list is essentially you setting goals for that week if everything went perfect what do you want to get done that week yeah some things you won't hit but your output will be higher than the weeks you don't number two there's something called psychological startup time where you're working really hard writing on a paper or doing something for work let's just say a coworker comes distracts you has this big like five minute conversation with you with lots of other details well now your brain's going towards that the amount of focus it takes you to get back to that same state that you were before you got interrupted that's going to take 5 10 maybe even 15 minutes maybe you never get back to that state now think about how many times throughout the day that happens and then the crazy part is think about how much we do that to ourselves with you know just scrolling and I mean that's psychological startup time right there in fact American Psychological Association found that distractions can reduce productivity by up to 40% the concept is Task batching now you might already do this like Saturday rolls around for you and you go run errands like a lot of people you know they go to the cleaners or go to the gym and then hit the grocery store on their way back cuz once you're out and about it's easier to just go boom boom boom the principle is do that with things in your life and ideally your work we'll get a lot of time back meal prepping is a great example instead of you setting everything up that takes 10 15 minutes you cut that down if you just make double the amounts and save leftovers yeah I would look for themes throughout your week if you have a time where you're really creative bat your creative work into that if you have a time where you're really analytical and you can respond to emails batch that all in an hour it's a good way you can start batching things hey if you like this video you'll love our email list it's a Weekly Newsletter that I'm starting committing to this year where each week I send directly to your inbox you also get our 11 questions that'll change your life as a free bonus 100% free I'll link it down below now here's the next tip dude I'm telling you this is the best $10 purchase you will ever make and it'll help you be more productive this is the kitchen timer it's $10 15 bucks on Amazon I call it the time chunker cuz it's what you do you set it to as much time as you need so I like doing 60-minute blocks and you hit it and you try not to get up for that 60 Minutes or check your phone or get distracted I know this will sound really simple but having something I guess this is digital but like analog physical that you can turn and play with and Visually see it's so motivating and it gives you a little dopamine hit when you finish a 60 Minute work block and don't underplay that cuz dopamine's like such a powerful chemical for motivation yeah I just get a sense of accomplishment when I hear that beep at the end of an hour and it also helps you gauge how long you think things will take then after the hour is done I get up I stretch I go water my garden I throw the ball for my dog uh maybe I'll even pull out my phone scroll through some shorts then and then back at it if I need another hour started viewing my day in like four maybe five of those 1H hour chunks instead of like okay I'm going to get up and work for 10 12 hours straight just drain yourself you creatively can't do that right you can't be creative for 12 hours a day you can't force things like that but I find that the next tip fits really uh perfectly [Music] here sometimes you're not productive because you're spending too much time on something that's an interesting take right there like when I was starting this YouTube channel I quit my jobs I'm like okay I'm doing it I'm going all in and I was miserable no one prepared me for how lonely entrepreneurship was all my friends I was like hey you want to hang out I got the day off I'm My Own Boss they're like no dude we got to go to work I remember waking up in my house like I was living in my mom's basement just like God I hope she doesn't leave so I'm not alone anymore kind of heavy but yeah it was it was dark moreover I just didn't want to produce videos I was like burned out from the loneliness to be totally honest so what I did is I went out and got a job part-time I was a middle school counselor Boys and Girls Club loved it got paid to have the most fun summer you can have going on field trips camping get called a loser cuz you're living in Mom's basements get told you have back fat yeah Clark's a YouTuber but he's a boring YouTuber and nothing will humble you faster than a ruthless 12-year-old just roasting you I digress where where were we oh yeah okay deadline compression so I got that job and for 20 hours a week I was working somewhere but I noticed I produced more content my mood was better things just worked when I better when I worked less and that's the challenge I want to give you is like how can working less actually be a benefit to you how can you compress your deadline for the thing you want to do or if you're creative maybe don't give yourself 12 hours a day to be creative maybe you give yourself three there's something called Parkinson's law tasks expand to the time allowed for them you've experienced this if you've had a deadline of like a paper uh you have two weeks to do it when are you writing that thing for most of us uh it's like the last 12 hours till it's due you're submitting it at 11:59 p. m. my goal this year is how can I grow the business more and be done by noon every day that's a real cool intention that gets me excited and uh I'm I'm experimenting with compressing the deadline down to something like that but remember that Parkinson's law your tasks however long you give it will expand to the time [Music] allotted this next one's a quickie that was my nickname in high school and just like that I could think I can give this one to you in 30 seconds this is a Sonic Loop so you're going to take a song and use it as white noise in the background there's some evidence to suggest people work better with this it's highly individual though you're going to repeat this song over and over and over again okay so it's one song on repeat while you're working I've personally find a lot of electronic music fits well you can get in this like locked in deep work Zone Ambience another great one there's YouTube mixes you know the ones that are like end of the world apocalypse Limitless productivity mix I like those those those are good but I think a song Loop works better for that white noise we're talking about here what music do you listen to Clark all right I'll give you a few of my top Spotify songs and embarrass myself here for you no judgment okay brand new at the bottom nothing nowhere Buck uh Fred again we lost dancing Silo ARL Grime anything off the Bronson odza collab album I just put that on and that's probably my most streamed one for this song Loop hey that's a good question what's your most embarrassing but like most out of pocket song Loop there we go what's your most out- of pocket song Loop post it in the comments below I want to [Music] know a lot of the advice tells you to not respond to distractions and just like lock in but that's impractical like you do have to respond to emails or slack notifications or texts The Habit that tell helped me in less than a minute is one touching so if you do see something like you don't batch emails and then you check your phone and you see an email and you're reading it I mean how many times do we just mark it as on red and save it for another day and then maybe you get a nudge from Gmail saying do you want to respond you're like oh [ __ ] I was supposed to respond to that someone has to double text you with like the passive aggression question mark cuz you didn't respond just marked it as on red you're like you man don't question mark me touching is how you avoid it so something takes less than 1 minute to do respond to do it then then then do it then do it then replying to the text message copy and pasting the email and running it through chat GPT and then copy and pasting that you'll do that that's my hack that's my favorite speaking of one touching something that takes less than 3 seconds to do smashing that like button if you're digging these tips moving [Music] on okay so this one the last one one this might be the most important and you got to forgive me cuz it's not necessarily a one minute tip it's more of a 1eh hour tip but you can identify it in under a minute this is your power hour the time of day you're most productive there's something called your ultradian rhythms and circadian rhythms now let's not geek out on Theory but it's how your energy levels fluctuate throughout the day and from hour to hour and these are different for everyone uh there's some patterns but like it's highly individual based on your sleep wake cycle caffeine intake diet everything included stress levels so you're going to have a time of day where you're most productive like if I give you the same task in the morning the afternoon and night you might get three different outputs right maybe for some of you the night time it's going to be the best product maybe for some of you the morning it's the best product there's no right or wrong here the point is identify what is your best time your power hours of the day now notice very important this isn't when is the dude on social media's time who's screaming at you through the phone telling you to get up at 5:00 a.
m. maybe you're someone who operates terribly at 5:00 a. m.
I've toured in the band and met tons of creatives where their best work they don't get up till noon and they're up till 4: a. m. every single night and they're highly productive when is it easiest for you to focus for me just to answer if you're curious here most days I get up at 5:00 a.
m. without an alarm clock I'd even get up earlier if I could like 4:00 a. m.
sometimes even 3:30 I'm so creative at 4:00 a. m. 3:30 there's something going on with like your brain waves and you know getting in a Theta state for your subconscious activation yeah for me first thing in the morning as early as possible doing my creative work the first couple hours of the day and by creative work I mean heavy cognitiv demanding writing uh writing emails writing videos coming up with ideas journaling or filming like this video I got up at 5:00 a.