My name is Jaime. I'm 27 years old. I live in Windsor, Ontario.
I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I really have a desire in my heart to make a difference in the world through God. Just because people are struggling doesn't mean God love them any less.
We have a lot of sin. And with myself, I can tend to veer off and get into sin a lot. And it's a spiritual battle.
I believe I'm an addict and an alcoholic. Cheers, bro. When I drink, I just drink it down as fast as I can.
And there's no stopping me. I'll just go from beer to vodka to whatever I can get my hands on, just drink it really fast. OK, get some beer rolling.
Get some beer popping. I want to be that party girl. I'm a party girl by nature.
And I just want to go out and have some drinks and socialize. Thank you! And down.
If she's in the presence of alcohol, she'll take the bottle, and she'll drink it like it was water. If Jamie doesn't have alcohol, she will go and see if she can get some coke or if she can get some K. And she'll do-- she'll do other things.
I really enjoy ketamine because-- I don't know-- I like putting stuff up my nose, and it goes right to my brain and getting that instant-- instant high. I think the first time I got high, I loved the way it made me feel. It made me feel, like, powerful.
It made me feel confident. It made me felt beautiful. I'm a smart girl.
So if I start something stupid, you know I messed up. Hmm. It's really dangerous.
Anything Jamie can get a hold she'll should use. Jamie's been told by the doctor that her pancreas is in jeopardy from all this alcohol. It doesn't seem to make her want to stop.
When she'd go to court and they'd read the charges, she'd sit there and listen to the crown explain everything that happened that evening. And it's like the first time she's heard it. It's, like, I almost have no hope left.
It's, like, what is my next step? Because I just feel very hopeless and-- yeah. God gifted me with two identical twins.
holding them both in each hand. Jamie and Jen, they were always together. They were, like, each other's best friends.
Everybody called them Jamiefer, both of them. My sister and I were crazy tomboys. So we would play like little boys, like, just, like, destroying everything in our path.
Jamie's childhood was out of the norm. Her father was kind of controlling. I would say, like, as a kid, there was a lot-- there was some fighting.
There was, like, arguing. Growing up, I remember my dad being very abusive. My parents, they had a rocky relationship.
They would fight. And then my dad, he would flip the whole table over, and then he would take off and leave my mom to clean it up. They were all afraid of John.
John was an very intimidating man. I had never gotten physical with my kids. I restrained my kids on several occasions.
Well, the fact that my dad said he never laid a hand on us, that does bother me because that's not the truth. I don't remember how many times. If my kids blame me for being mentally abusive, understandable.
I'm sorry. All I know is how to speak loud, clear, and factual. I think the kids were afraid to tell anybody what was going on around the house because nobody ever talked about it.
You know, my dad's anger, his temper, You know, my dad's anger, his temper, that took a huge toll on Jamie. I was struggling a lot with inner pain and anguish. And I didn't want to have to feel it, so I would just drink it away.
Jen and Jamie partied with Susan probably from the beginning when they started partying. That-- that was their form of bonding with their older sister, I think. I think what drove Jen and Jamie to work at the massage parlor was the fast money, the easy money.
They were young. They wanted money. They wanted to go shopping or do drugs.
I would meet clients outside of the massage parlor and have sex with them and for money. There was a part of me that was dead inside. And I was just getting worse and worse.
And I was losing myself more and more. It wasn't a good scene, at all. I remember she said to me, she's like, I need help.
I just remember getting on my hands and knees, and I was-- like, I was bawling. And I'm like, God, please don't let me die. If you let me live, I will never use another drug in my life.
I've introduced her to some pastors at the church, Everything from that point on was, like, her whole life was everything to do with the church. And she wanted nothing to do with drugs. My twin sister was also struggling a lot.
And I-- I remember trying to get her to come to church with me all the time. I thought me and Jen were partying. We were having fun and just hanging out.
But Jen had a a lot more-- lot more problems than-- than I even knew. And when we pulled the plug, I just jumped on her, and I started screaming and wailing. And I'm --like I'm like, no, you know.
I want my sister back. I think we died with her that day. On the outside, I appeared to be strong and doing all the right things.
But inside I was just melting away. I was dying inside. The whole year of denial and the whole year of bottling it up kind of hit her really hard.
And she realized, hey, like, my twin, my other half, she's not coming back. The one-year anniversary, Jamie picked up that bottle and never stopped. She never turned back.
I would wake up, and I'd be in so much pain that I just needed to drink so I can just have a moment of peace. It's been the last three years about, and she just can't quit. Jamie is going to die if she doesn't get help.
JOHN: Sit down. My name's Candy Finnigan. Hi.
Just gonna have a little family meeting and see what we can do to have you have the life that you deserve, because you've seen and heard Jamie, I have seen your addiction affect your life negatively in the following ways. You're very unhappy. Usually you're so full of life.
This addiction is sucking the life right out of you. Jamie, you've got to get proper help. You have an opportunity now to get that.
This is destroying too many people. This sin, this destructive path you're on, it's gonna stop. Will you please accept this gift?
You're going? Promise? You promise?
JAMIE: Thank you. I'm proud of you. I love you.
I love so you. Thank you for everything. Bye.
I've been sober for 42 days. It feels great to be sober. I was ready to give up so many times, and I just wanted the drugs again just to make the pain go away.
But I continued, and I persevered, and I feel amazing now. When I complete treatment, I want joy. I want peace.
I want love. I want my friends and family to have that. (SINGING) No reprimand to liberated man.
This train's a-coming down the track.