The Entire MCU Timeline Explained (2023 Update)

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been going strong since 2008, but as of Phase Five, its story cove...
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the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been going strong since 2008 but as of Phase 5 its Story covers thousands of years need to catch up on the latest developments uh let's just go through the whole thing uh where to start um if you really want to know where things started in the Marvel Cinematic Universe you have to go all the way back to before the Big Bang no really before the beginning of the universe before even the creation of the six singularities that caused the universe to explode into existence they were the celestials beings of infinite
cosmic power the celestials led by erisham the judge created the original planets stars and life forms of the infant Universe following the Big Bang realizing they need help to expand the universe and create more life the first celestials seed planets with embryonic celestials these new Gods would be born once sentient life on each planet Rose to a critical juncture allowing for the emergence of a new Celestial and resulting in the destruction of that world to assist in this process the celestials genetically engineered deviant monsters to wipe out the apex predators of each World encouraging sentient
life to develop and multiply unfortunately the celestials miscalculated the deviants did their job so well they started hunting down and killing all life forms preventing emergences to keep them in check the celestials created the eternals synthetic life forms sent to different worlds across the cosmos to kill the deviants and protect the planet's life forms regarded as gods and superheroes by the populace the eternals are unknowingly preparing the planets for their destruction following each emergence the eternal's memories are wiped so they could be reused on different worlds meanwhile other interesting things are happening throughout the Universe
the six singularities that created the cosmos became the Infinity Stones objects that controlled fundamental forces like time space and reality itself they were then scattered Across the Universe popping up here and there and awaiting the eventual arrival of a giant golden oven mitt that would be used by a purple sociopath to kill off half the universe that of course was billions of years ago but it's not the only thing to happen in those long eons millions of years before we get to the present day MCU ego the living planet comes into existence gains Cosmic awareness
and seeds thousands of Worlds with his Essence in an attempt to create another Celestial being like himself but though he may in fact be a god-like figure in the end he's still essentially just a selfish deadly Dad no wonder Peter has issues well of course I have issues my freaking father while ego considers most of his early attempts at Offspring failures and kills them out of disappointment he does keep at least one of his kids around the insect-like woman mantis whose empathic abilities help ego sleep as far as heroes and villains of Earth are concerned
the MCU doesn't start with Tony Stark getting kidnapped in 2008 Carol Danvers being taken to Hala in the 90s or even with Steve Rogers volunteering for the super soldier program in the 40s the actual beginning happened in 5000 BC when 10 Immortal eternals Cersei Icarus ajac Kingo Sprite fastos Makari thina jurig and Gilgamesh arrived on Earth to take out the deviants on our planet for thousands of years the eternals protected emerging humankind largely through epic super battles with giant monsters by 1521 the eternals finally managed to defeat all the deviants on Earth or so they
think lacking any real Direction now that their main reason for coming to the planet is gone they scatter and get jobs as teachers Bollywood film stars and South American cult leaders since the celestials have instructed the eternals not to interfere in humanity unless deviants were involved other god-like beings get the chance to descend onto Earth and have their time to shine these include the asgardians vastly powerful alien beings who visit our planet many times and give rise to Norse mythology still the most exciting stuff those guys were up to happens off-world in the realm of
Asgard this mythological time scale begins Millennia ago as we find out in Thor the Dark World when the dark elf malekith the accursed Lays Siege to Asgard using a weapon known as The Ether actually an infinity stone that controls reality to revert the universe to a state of Perpetual darkness malekith is thought off by Bohr the father of Odin in 2988 BC or vanquishes malikin which turns out to be a temporary solution causing the dark elves to go into a state of hibernation for the next 5 000 years or then buries The Ether on a
distant world while we don't know exactly when it happens the next chronological event that we see from our characters is Odin's conquest of the nine Realms alongside his first child hella goddess of death during this era the magic Warhammer mjolnir is forged in the heart of a Dying star and used by hella thanks to her bloodthirsty ruthlessness and ambition Odin turns against her and in the battle that follows hella Slaughters the valkyrior the soul-surviving valkyrie flees from Asgard spending the next few thousand years drunk and depressed eventually she winds up on zakar a cosmic garbage
dump that an immortal being called the Grand Master builds into an Interstellar gladiatorial Arena hella is then imprisoned in another dimension by Odin who covers up all traces of her existence sometime after that but still far enough back that people were writing about it in the 13th century Odin and Friga have a son Thor shortly thereafter Odin slays the frost Giant lalphie and adopts his son Loki as his own not too long after this during their youth Loki turns into a snake because he knows Thor loves snakes and then tries to stab him in one
Universe he manages to succeed what was your Nexus event your majesty we killed Paul also millions of years before the present day two meteors made out of the super Metal vibranium strike the Earth One meteor lands in Africa drastically affecting the surrounding area much much later this area becomes the country of wakanda when a warrior Shaman receives a vision from the goddess Bast ingests a vibranium altered heart-shaped herb that grants him great powers and founds a dynasty of warrior Kings known as the Black Panthers the wakandans become secretive and isolationist remaining unconquered throughout history and
using the vibranium to create fantastic technology away from the eyes of the outside world the second meteor crashes into the Atlantic ocean near the Yucatan it mutates the undersea plant life in viewing many species with mutagenic properties in 1571 a Yucatan Mayan tribe dying of the smallpox virus introduced by the Spanish colonizers came across one of these vibranium altered plants which mutated them into a water-breathing people the tribe migrated to the Puerto Rico trench and built the underwater Kingdom of telecon using the rich deposits of vibranium Beneath the Sea one telecano woman is pregnant when
the plant mutates her causing her to give birth to a mutant child born with winged feet superhuman strength and a very long lifespan the child develops a hatred for surface dwellers when he sees a plantation owner abuse his Mayan slaves after the telecon boy orders his people to burn down the plantation a dying priest calls the young mutant El Nino cinamore the child without love which the boy adopts as his new name Neymar Namor rules over his kingdom for centuries and becomes known as kukul Khan or The Feathered Serpent God by his people over five
thousand years before the present day a faction of the militaristic alien race called the cree arrives on Earth and conducts experiments on humans creating the early Inhumans one of these Inhumans known as Hive drives the cree from the earth and establishes a cult of personality that regards him as a God after being banished his followers work to restore him while destabilizing Earth's Society over time the society becomes the terrorist organization Hydra moving to just about a thousand years before the present day the warlord Shu winwu makes a fantastic discovery of his own when he comes
across 10 otherworldly rings that Grant him immortality and the strength of a god using the Rings to establish his ten Rings criminal organization winwoo conquers kingdoms and topple's governments amassing an incredible power structure that influences the direction of the world over in Eastern Europe the Demonic entities tone writes a set of spells and a structure at the top of Mount wundergore the original text is then copied into a more portable book The darkhold that falls into the hands of several dark magic users including the witch Morgan lafay elsewhere a Celtic Woman trains in the Mystic
Arts to protect the Earth against magical threats after drawing power from the dark dimension she becomes functionally Immortal and takes on the name the Ancient One in 1693 the witch Agatha Harkness escapes being burned at the stake by her mother and a bunch of other witches who aren't happy with her practice of dark magic she drains their life energies and gets her hands on the dark hold before disappearing to get into all sorts of trouble before she pops up again in the present day jumping ahead to 1942 a Nazi officer known as Johann Schmidt experiments
on himself with an early version of Dr Abraham erskine's super soldier serum gaining both a physically perfect body and a decidedly redder complexion now calling himself The Red Skull he takes charge of a splinter group called a Hydra with the discovery of one of the Infinity Stones in the form of the Tesseract he creates a technologically advanced Army of his own that same year Steve Rogers volunteers for the Strategic scientific reserves attempt at creating a super soldier using a technique created by Dr Erskine the project Works giving Steve the body of a hunky Chris Evans
after the experiment Erskine is assassinated and his research is lost rather than risking their only super Soldier by sending him to fight in the war the SSR gives Steve the code name Captain America and uses him primarily as a spokesman to sell war bonds and Uso shows set to an extremely catchy song Eventually Steve goes AWOL to rescue his best friend Bucky Barnes and becomes an active soldier in the war working with tech genius industrialist Howard Stark falling in love with SSR agent Peggy Carter and leading a strike team called the Howling Commandos on one
of their missions Bucky falls from a train into a ravine seemingly to his death however Bucky is actually taken into custody by the Soviet Army given cybernetic enhancements and brainwashed into becoming a Super assassin codenamed Winter Soldier after attempting to use the Tesseract The Red Skull is sucked into a wormhole becoming the second person in Captain America the First Avenger to survive an apparent death in reality he lines up on the distant planet vormir serving as a sort of spectral Guardian for the Soul Stone as for Steve he crashes a bomber jet into the Arctic
to keep Hydra from destroying New York he is also presumed dead but he survives Frozen in suspended animation for the next 66 years geez doesn't anyone who dies in this movie actually die are you ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death hell no while things are pretty quiet for the MCU between 1945 and 1995. there are a few notable exceptions Peggy Carter continues to work for the SSR first in New York in 1946 and then in Los Angeles alongside Howard Stark in 1947. although Hydra is believed to have been destroyed it actually
secretly infiltrates the U.S government quietly influencing historical events around this time the Soviet Union produces the first graduates of its brutal Red Room facility where orphaned girls are trained as spies and assassins codenamed black widows during the 1950s Korean War veteran Isaiah Bradley and several other African-American soldiers are unknowingly subjected to a new version of the super soldier serum Isaiah gains superhuman abilities and is sent on secret missions including one where he battles a still brainwashed Bucky Barnes and learns his identity Isaiah subsequently goes AWOL to save his fellow Soldier Years From A POW Camp
in the aftermath all the soldiers except Isaiah die from the serum's side effects Isaiah is imprisoned for 30 years so CIA and Hydra scientists can experiment on him and try to replicate the serum in his blood eventually a nurse takes pity on Isaiah and has him declared dead allowing Isaiah to return to Baltimore Maryland and live with his family sometime after this presumably around 1948 or 49 Steve Rogers travels back in time from 2023 to reunite with Peggy she continues to work in Military Intelligence for the next few decades with Stark whose defense contracts turn
Stark Industries into the world's leading arms manufacturer by 1970 both of them are working out of SSR headquarters at Camp Lehigh along with a few other notable figures Arnhem Zola who worked with the Red Skull back in the 40s is stationed here and although his body dies in the 70s his brain is transferred into a computer data bank that continues hydra's in filtration of the government also Hank Pym is working here assisted by Bill Foster in his experiments with the size changing pen particles that will allow him and his wife Janet Van Dyne to become
the original Ant-Man and wasp between the 70s and the 90s several small but key events happened throughout the MCU in 1974 Howard Stark launches the Stark Expo displaying the city of the future powered by a clean energy Arc Reactor that's about the size of a house for some reason he also hides the structure of a new element in the arrangement of the buildings which is the kind of science it pays to not think too hard about congratulations you have created new one in 1980 ego comes to Earth winning the heart of Meredith quill nine months
later their son Peter Quill is born in 1987 Janet Van Dyne is lost in the quantum realm after she and Hank Pym attempt to stop a rogue Soviet missile targeting the United States in 1988 Meredith quill dies from brain cancer intentionally caused by ego leaving her son a mixtape of classic rock favorites Peter is then abducted by a band of outer space Outlaws called the ravagers their leader yandu then raises Peter as a son to keep up appearances yondu treats Peter harshly in front of the ravagers but shows the boy great affection privately even giving
Peter a pair of laser pistols as a Christmas gift and teaching him valuable survival skills in 1987 Janet Van Dyne and Hank Pym attempt to stop a rogue Soviet missile targeting the United States to destroy the missile Janet intentionally shuts off her size-changing regulator and shrinks through the missile's molecules she continues shrinking right into the subatomic Quantum realm devastating both her husband and her young daughter hope him spends the next several years studying the quantum realm unintentionally estranging himself from his daughter by 1989 Pym resigns from the SSR now renamed the Strategic Homeland intervention enforcement
and Logistics Division after finding out that they intend to use his pen particles to create weapons also that year Air Force Captain Carol Danvers who uses the call sign Avenger during her flight volunteers for a test flight of a light speed engine created by scientist Wendy Lawson Lawson turns out to be one of the cree a militaristic alien race constantly at war with the shape-shifting Scrolls and her engine is powered by the Tesseract when they're shot down Carol's body is overloaded with the tesseract's energy giving her incredible powers and also wiping her memory a Cree
soldier named Yan Rog abducts her and takes her back to the cree Homeworld of Allah where she has made the belief that she's actually a Cree named veers fighting alongside them as a member of the cree Star Wars while all of this is happening on Earth things continue to develop in space Thanos an incredibly powerful alien from the Planet Titan who's obsessed with balance begins to seek out the Infinity Stones along the way he lays ways to half of the population of entire planets occasionally taking young survivors and training them as soldiers assuming that most
of the more humanoid characters are the same age as the people portraying them then his two most notable adoptions happen in the late 80s or early 90s Gamora is taken in as a young girl after Thanos kills half of the population of her home planet throughout her childhood Thanos pits her against her adopted sister nebula every time they Spar Gomorrah wins and Thanos systematically replaces pieces of nebula's body with cybernetic Parts in order to make her a more efficient killer this creates a lot of resentment and nebula not only against Thanos but also toward Gamora
which will greatly affect their later relationship elsewhere in the Galaxy a geneticist known as the high evolutionary starts orgocorp an Intergalactic company that produces bioengineered products to benefit all life however orgocorp is actually a front to fund the high evolutionary's illegal genetic experiments and allow him to create his vision of a perfect Society his experiments result in The Sovereign a highly Advanced golden skinned race and the Human animals intelligent humanoid animals while many of the high evolutionaries Creations consider him a God the high evolutionary sees them as disposable experiments and regularly destroys entire planets when
the subjects don't live up to his expectations one of the high evolutionaries experiments is subject 89p13 a cybernetically enhanced raccoon with a genius intellect who renames himself rocket believing the high evolutionary will take him and his fellow experiments Lila thiefs and floor to live in peace on a new planet rocket help helps him with his experiments however when high evolutionary kills his friends a devastated rocket mauls the High evolutionaries face and escapes he becomes a bounty hunter and adopts a bitter cynical attitude to help him deal with his trauma meanwhile in the quantum realm a
stranded Janet Van Dyne comes across another Castaway an exiled variant of Nathaniel Richards named Kang the Conqueror initially believing Kang to be benevolent Janet helps him rebuild his damaged multiversal power core so they can escape the realm however when she realizes what a monster Kang really is she enlarges the power core so it can't be used trapping them both in their subatomic prison unfortunately Kang is still able to charge his armor and use its power to create the city of Axia the capital of his fascist Empire feeling responsible Janet joins a resistance movement against Kang
in 1991 the Soviet government sends the Winter Soldier to assassinate Howard and Maria's start this will have massive ramifications later on but the immediate effect is that their brilliant slacker son Tony Stark is left in charge of Stark Industries along with Obadiah stain as CEO they continue to manufacture weapons using Tony's increasingly deadly designs selling them to all sides of virtually every global conflict with Obadiah in particular making a profit from Secret arms deals with terrorist groups in 1992 king t'chaka of wakanda goes to Oakland California to investigate arms deals involving stolen vibranium the culprit
is his brother in jobu who is killed in the altercation in jobu's son Eric is a witness to the whole thing and grows up craving Revenge he joins the Navy Seals and becomes part of a CIA Black Ops unit killing hundreds of people around the world around the same time nine-year-old Matt Murdock is blinded by a drum of toxic waste while trying to save a man from being hit by a truck the chemicals heighten his other senses to superhuman levels allowing him to move and fight better than before after his father is killed by Mobsters
an orphaned mat is mentored by the blind Warrior stick who trains him to use his senses As Weapons stick later abandons the boy but Matt continues training and studying eventually becoming both A Gifted fighter and law student meanwhile Russian super soldier Alexi shostakov and black widow weapons designer Molina vostikov go deep undercover in Ohio posing as an All-American family with their so-called daughters seven-year-old Natasha Romanoff and three-year-old Elena Bulova while Alexia Molina worked to steal a shield or actually Hydra project focused on Free Will and mind control Natasha and Yelena experience some semblance of a
normal childhood by 1995 however the mission is complete and the family flees to Q Cuba however once they arrive they are split apart and Natasha and Yelena returned to the Red Room where they continue their black widow training slash torture sessions also in 1995 Carol Danvers still without her memories of Earth returns to her home planet after escaping from the Scrolls she teams up with Shield agents Nick Fury and Phil Coulson to stop the skrulls from invading Earth only to learn that they're not actually the bad guys instead it's decree that are the problem with
yanrog and Ronan the Accuser enroute in search of the Infinity Stones that will end their war of Conquest once and for all Carol taking the name Captain Marvel fights them off and saves a bunch of skrull refugees in the process an alien cat scratches Nick Fury's left eye blinding it and causing him to sport a fashionable eye patch before she Journeys back into space to Aid the skrulls Carol gives Fury a pager the can Summoner in case of a dire emergency inspire hired by Carol and her original Call Sign Fury lays the groundwork for The
Avengers Initiative a program designed to create a team of super-powered Heroes to deal with large-scale threats like alien invasions in 1996 winwoo having used his 10 Rings organization to secretly conquer or influence practically everything on Earth turns his attention to the mystical realm of tala after finding a magical forest near the village entrance he meets and falls in love with the village Guardian Ying Li the two marry and have two children Xiang Chi and xiaoling for a time when will reforms but when his wife is killed by his Rivals he decides to recreate the tin
rings and train his son Chung Chi to be a living weapon around the same time in Chicago Illinois a young Mark Spector and his little brother Randall are exploring a cave when it suddenly floods drowning Randall Mark's mother Wendy blames him for the accident and a traumatized Mark manifests the alternate personality of of Stephen Grant to help him cope with his mother's verbal and physical abuse in 1999 Tony Stark meets bioengineers Maya Henson and Aldrich Killian at a conference in Burns Switzerland he's very rude to Aldrich who remembers that as a soar point for about
14 years throughout all this Hydra continues its secret infiltration of shield and all levels of the United States government all that brings us to 2008 and Iron Man the movie that launched the MCU almost everything from here on plays out in chronological order in the years the movies were actually released almost in 2008 Tony Stark is demonstrating his newest weapons in the Middle East when he's kidnapped by a terrorist organization called the ten rings in what will eventually be revealed as a plot by stain to get Tony out of the picture while he's imprisoned the
terrorists force him and another captive Dr Ho yinson who was also at that fateful 1999 convention in Burn not that Tony noticed to make weapons for them instead Tony is able to recreate a miniaturized version of his father's Arc Reactor using it to stabilize a piece of shrapnel that's lodged near his heart the reactor also Powers the Iron Man a suit of weaponized armor built from scrap which allows Tony to escape after Jensen's death Pony historic was able to build this in a cave with a box of scraps he returns to America eats a cheeseburger
refines his design and wipes out the 10 Rings the ones in the Middle East at least in a brutally effective display of the Iron Man's weapons he also defeats stain who attempts to kill Tony and create his own massive suit of powered armor Tony then publicly Reveals His identity as Iron Man causing Nick Fury to approach him about the Avengers Initiative around the same time as Tony's capture Dr Bruce Banner whose seven phds apparently include physics and biological engineering is working on recreating the super soldier program instead of erskine's Vita Rays he uses gamma radiation
testing it out himself and turning himself into a rampaging green monstrous Hulk whenever he gets angry after the Hulk inadvertently injures Banner's girlfriend Betty Ross he attempts to go underground but returns to America in search of a cure for his condition he winds up dealing with a scientist named Samuel Stearns who wants to recreate the Hulk and a soldier called Emile Blonsky who turns himself into a similarly hulking monster called the Abomination ultimately the Hulk defeats the Abomination who sent to prison and Stearns absorbs some of Banner's blood causing his brain to mutate Banner then
goes back into hiding and starts learning how to control his Transformations also around this time Shield agent Clint Barton AKA Hawkeye is tasked with finding and eliminating Natasha Romanov the Black Widow Barton tracks down Natasha to her safe house in Budapest but feels Natasha wants out of the Red Room so he lets her live Shield decides to let Natasha defect to their side but requires her to kill her overseer General drakoff first Natasha and rig a five-story building with bombs and lure the red room's Mastermind into the Kill Zone but drakov's young daughter Antonia also
gets caught in the explosion while disturbed by the additional red in her Ledger Natasha nevertheless begins working for shield six months after revealing his identity publicly Tony Stark is called to testify before Congress because they are justifiably concerned about a private citizen building a suit of armor that can vaporize a tank to create their own version they turn to rival weapons manufacturer Justin Hammer after Tony's friend Colonel James Rhodes delivers a prototype Iron Man suit hammer and Russian scientist Ivan vanco reverse engineer them into an army of drones Stark also gets a new personal assistant
an undercover Natasha going by the name Natalie I want one no Stark and Rhodes equipped with his own militarized suit of armor codenamed War Machine defeat vanco and Hammer over the 10 Rings compound a now 14 year old chongqi has become the Master of Kung Fu having been taught every possible way to kill a man over the last seven years assigned to assassinate the man responsible for his mother's murder Xiang Chi completes his mission but is badly traumatized unwilling to return to his father Zhang Chi cleverly adopts the name Sean and starts going to high
school in San Francisco there he meets his best friend Katie a skilled driver meanwhile a now adult Mark Spector leaves home to join the United States Marine Corps but gets discharged because of his dissociative identity disorder with few options Mark becomes a mercenary and works for his former commanding officer Raul Bushman in addition to doing some jobs for the CIA Mark is ordered by Bushman to execute some archaeologists at an Egyptian dig site instead Mark tries to save the scientists but gets shot dying Specter is approached by the Egyptian god of the Moon konshu who
offers to save Specter if he will become his Avatar and punish evildoers on Earth seeing himself as little more than a killer thanks to his childhood abuse Specter agrees and is transformed into these Supernatural vigilante Moon Knight while all this is happening on Earth there's other stuff going on in the golden realm of Asgard Loki tricks Thor into antagonizing the frost Giants of yotenheim against Odin's orders as a consequence Odin Exiles Thor to Earth and enchants's Hammer mjolnir so that only someone worthy of Thor's power can lift it it lands in New Mexico where Agent
Coulson discovers it after a bunch of hicks try to yank it out of the ground with pickup trucks Shield constructs a temporary facility around it Thor eventually proves him self-worthy regains his hammer and stops Loki from staging a coup in Asgard in 2011 a team of Russian oil drillers discovers the crashed Hydra plane in the Arctic and alerts Shield Captain America is thought out and revived and after realizing he's in the 21st century he joins up with Nick Fury's Avengers Initiative it turns out he was just in time in 2012 Loki last seen a drift
in space after his failed coup in Asgard is enlisted by Thanos to recover the Tesseract from Earth with his recent brief visit to the planet being seen by The Mad Titan as relevant employment experience in exchange Thanos gives him control of the chitari a massive Army of Hive minded destroyers and a scepter containing the Mind Stone another of the Infinity Stones using these weapons Loki lets himself be captured by Shield incites a riot and stabs poor Phil Coulson in the back but don't worry he gets better the ensuing Ruckus provides the superheroes with a reason
to come together the result is the Battle of New York in which the Avengers Captain America Iron Man Thor Black Widow Hulk and Hawkeye are gathered for the first time as a team the good guys win after Loki is smashed against the ground five or six times but the battle is not without its consequences unlike in the real world where it's pretty nice these days the mcu's version of Hell's Kitchen takes a lot of damage and winds up being a center of corruption and graft as it's rebuilt this Injustice leads blind lawyer Matt Murdoch to
take on the identity of Daredevil to fight against criminal Kingpin Wilson Fisk and eventually elite team up with other super powered street-level crime Fighters Jessica Jones Luke Cage Iron Fist and kinda sword of the Punisher on Netflix the Reconstruction of New York is mostly handled by the newly formed Department of damage control we take over the lucrative contract and leave construction Foreman Adrian tombs in bitter and in possession of advanced alien technology tombs builds his own underground criminal Enterprise selling reverse engineered Qatari weapons on the black market while the Battle of New York comes with
its fair share of trauma it also leaves some people inspired after seeing Clint Barton unknowingly saving her life while battling aliens with a bow and arrow ten-year-old Kate Bishop decides to take up archery and learn martial arts in an attempt to protect her family against future threats she turns out to be a gifted if extremely Reckless Prodigy who often damages public property with their trick shots in 2013 Tony Stark in particular is overwhelmed by the concept of his Universe suddenly expanding to include Gods aliens and other unknowable Cosmic forces he deals with post-traumatic stress which
on unfortunately coincides with the return of Aldrich Killian Killian has been experimenting with Maya Hansen's regenerative extremist treatment which has the unfortunate tendency to cause its subjects to explode to cover his operations Killian appropriates win-woo's 10 rings and creates a fictional terrorist based on win-woo called The Mandarin hiring an actor named Trevor Slattery to play him in threatening videos the plot is uncovered and stopped by Tony and Rhodey I wouldn't go in there for 20 minutes in the aftermath Killian is killed by Pepper Potts and Slattery gets sent to federal prison where he's later abducted
by the real tin rings for impersonating Wynwood although win-woo is intent on killing this strange man who named himself after a chicken dish he has a change of heart after seeing how good Slattery is at performing Shakespeare and decides to make him his Jester around this time Phil Coulson resurfaces and begins recruiting some additional members into his own Agents of Shield they have their own Adventures including many involving the Inhumans and Ghost Rider but like the good secret agents they are a lot of this flies beneath the radar of most major MCU events oh also
malikith comes back and Thor fights him and Loki becomes the latest in a long line of Presumed deaths that actually aren't he stashes Odin in a retirement home in New York and then takes his identity ruling over Asgard and putting on critically acclaimed plays I'm sorry about that thing with the Tesseract I just couldn't help myself I know I'm a trickster in 2014 hydra's decades-long plot to infiltrate and take over America is finally discovered by Captain America and Black Widow who also learned that the Winter Soldier is a brainwashed Bucky Barnes while cap fights to
restore his best friend's Memories the Hydra plot is exposed and in the aftermath Shield collapses leaving The Avengers without the oversight and support of the larger organization that power vacuum leads directly to Tony Stark and Bruce Banner attempting to create an artificial intelligence that would help protect the world Unfortunately they goofed that plan up big time instead creating a genocidal robot named Ultron who winds up destroying an entire city resulting in the breakup of the country sokovia immediately after the battle the Hulk hijacks a quinjet and blasts off to space eventually landing on zakar hoping
for an ally against Ultron Tony and Bruce combined the Mind Stone a synthesized body created by Ultron and Tony's onboard AI Jarvis into a much more heroic AI called The Vision also Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver two definitely not mutants join the team Speedster Quicksilver immediately dies partly from bullets but mostly because Disney and fox were having a problem figuring out the characters film rights the destruction in sokovia also kills the family of helmet Zemo who then dedicates his life to Revenge while all that's going on Peter Quill is out in space on a job to
steal a valuable orb which unbeknownst to him contains the infinity stone known as the Power Stone that puts him in the sights of both Rhone and the accuser who's been looking for another infinity stone since 1995 and Thanos who sends Gamora after him quill and Gamora wind up running across Drax a very literal Warrior whose family was killed by Thanos rocket the cybernetically enhanced raccoon and Groot a tree after being in prison together the five of them stage a jailbreak defeat Ronan in a dance-off recover the power stone with the help of the real power
which is friendship during the adventure group dies leaving behind a baby Groot sapling and the group christens themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy they turn the power Stone over to the Nova Corps a bunch of space cops on the planet xandar shortly thereafter Thanos attacks xandar and recovers it for himself in 2015 an electrical engineer named Scott Lang gets out of prison and stumbles onto Hank pym's old size changing equipment under the guidance of Pym and his daughter hope Lang becomes the second Ant-Man and helps to keep the pen particles from falling into the hands
of evil arms dealer Darren cross when Darren Dons his own size-changing suit and becomes the villainous Yellowjackets lango's subatomic and damages Yellow Jackets suit so badly that the bad guy seemingly shrinks into Oblivion actually cross Journeys to the quantum realm where he's found by Kang and rebuilt as Modoc the mechanized organism designed only for killing more importantly it's likely somewhere around this time that a kid named Peter Parker is bitten by a radioactive spider tries to capitalize on his powers by becoming famous as Spider-Man and fails to stop a robber that later kills his Uncle
Ben none of this is actually covered in the MCU but you might have seen five other movies about it the following year sees helmet zemo's plan to destroy the Avengers reach its fruition as the world responds to the destruction of sokovia by trying to install new governmental oversight Over The Avengers Zemo furthers a wedge between Captain America and Iron Man by revealing that Bucky was the one who killed Tony Stark's parents he also frames Bucky for the assassination of king tachaka of wakanda leaving the King's son t'challa to take over leadership of the country not
to mention the identity and powers of the Black Panther the end result of all of this is that the Avengers break up the ones loyal to cap go underground and t'challa refuses to give Zemo the death he desires Bucky also gets safe refuge and treatment in wakanda after t'challa realizes they were all being manipulated by Zemo fleeing the U.S after the rest of Cap's team is in prison Natasha Romanov spends some time in Norway watching James Bond films unfortunately her vacation is cut short when she's attacked by Taskmaster an assassin who could mimic any fighting
style later she discovers Taskmaster is the brainwashed daughter of a still alive General drakoff who has restarted a crueler version of the Red Room that brainwashes new black widows and robs them of free will one of those black widows turns out to be Natasha's sister Yelena freed of her programming by another Widow Elena sends the brainwashing antidote to Natasha drawing her into the fight together Elena and Natasha work to reunite with their former parents Alexi and Molina and really kill Drake off this time although the dysfunctional Deep Cover family has more than its share of
issues they managed to pull together and take down the Red Room in the end Yelena gets to work liberating black widows around the world while Natasha goes to break her other family The Avengers out of jail while all this is going on Dr Steven strange who lost the fine motor control in his hands after a car accident seeks out the ancient one and trains to become a master of the Mystic Arts he stops an invasion by dormammu a demonic force from the dark dimension by using the time Stone to trap dormammu in a Time Loop
where the entity kills strange over and over again until the cosmic villain gets annoyed enough to leave Earth alone meanwhile the Guardians of the Galaxy encounter ego and Peter Quill's half-sister mantis ego reveals that Peter is his son and the heir to his power but when he tries to manipulate him into Conquering the entire galaxy mantis teams up with the Guardians to Kill The Living Planet the Guardians also incur the Wrath Of The Sovereign after rocket steals some of their batteries for absolutely no reason in retaliation their leader Aisha decides to create a more powerful
Sovereign named Adam to go after the Guardians in the absence of the Avengers Tony Stark begins to Mentor Peter Parker as Spider-Man Peter tries to deal with the evil arms dealer known as the vulture AKA Adrian tombs who turns out to be his homecoming date's dad the vulture is defeated arrested and sent to prison but not before he and several of Peter's classmates figure out Spider-Man's real identity also Tony Stark finally proposes to Pepper Potts lest you think Peter is the only super powered teenager in the MCU over in New Orleans teenagers Tandy Bowen and
Tyrone Johnson acquire powers of light and darkness and become the Vigilantes Cloak and Dagger meanwhile on the west coast privileged teenager Alex Wilder and his friends learn their parents are all super villains who control a powerful criminal organization called The Pride the kids go on the Run learn many of them have superpowers or connections to Advanced Technology and even run afoul of dangerous artifacts like the dark hold sadly it looks like Peter won't be meeting any of these young Heroes as their worlds are only slightly connected to the MCU meanwhile Mark Spector marries Leila elfule
the daughter of one of the archaeologists he failed to save the night he became Moon Knight the two go on many adventures together but when Specter learns konshu may use Layla as his new Avatar he sends divorce papers to her hoping to create some distance between them and keep her safe in Asgard Thor returns from two years of looking for Infinity Stones in various Realms only to discover Loki's been posing as Odin this entire time when Thor and Loki find the real Odin he's at the end of his life and his death allows hella to
escape her Millennia of imprisonment she destroys mjolnir blasts the two brothers into space and takes over Asgard Thor winds up on sakhar where he recruits Hulk and Valkyrie for a mission to overthrow hella which goes about as well as it can for a plan that ends with the complete destruction of Asgard via fire Giant in wakanda t'challa's rule is challenged by his cousin Eric kilmonger who teams up with evil arms dealer Ulysses claw and then betrays him in order to gain favor with wakandans who know claw as a vibranium Smuggler Eric nearly kills t'challa usurps
his position as the Black Panther and destroys all of wakanda's heart-shaped herbs to secure his power base after being presumed dead t'challa returns and aided by Nakia Okoye and shuri regains control of his country later he secretly fathers a son with Nakia who decides to raise her child in Haiti away from The Black Panther's enemies after six years of waiting around Thanos decides to personally seek out the Infinity Stones and the results are devastating he kills Loki sacrifices his daughter Gamora to get the Soul Stone and nearly obliterates the last surviving asgardians as he goes
after the remaining Stones things get so desperate that the whole Avengers crew need to get back together to sort it out except Hawkeye and Ant-Man who are under house arrest for violating the sokovia Accords they don't do so well despite fighting on two fronts with one small team in space and a massive force on Earth Thanos gathers the stones snaps his fingers and kills half the life forms in the universe dissolving them into dust before he dissolves Nick Fury uses the space pager to alert Captain Marvel that earth needs her help a month later Captain
Marvel and the surviving Avengers track Thanos down in space only to find out that he's destroyed the stones and with them any chance of bringing back the dead half of the universe Thor beheads Thanos and the Avengers return home Ant-Man and his friends miss all of these events due to their involvement in a relatively self-contained Heist movie alongside Scott Lang in the new wasp Pope Van Dyne Hank Pym suits up and explores the quantum realm in order to save the original wasp Janet meanwhile the team fends off repeated attacks from a mysterious super-powered being known
as ghost later Lang explores the quantum realm just as thanos's snap turns Hank Pym and both Van Dyne women into dust trapping Ant-Man in the subatomic realm while he's there five years go by during which the heroes deal with the horrific trauma in various ways notably Tony Stark and Pepper Potts have a daughter named Morgan Banner merges his brain with the Hulk and Thor becomes an overweight gamer after helping to found new Asgard in Norway Hawkeye loses his entire family in the snap causing him to go Rogue he adopts a new hairstyle and anti-hero identity
as the merciless Ronin who hunts down and ruthlessly kills criminals around the world one of these criminals is William Lopez the father of fighting Prodigy Maya after seeing her dad die Maya swears Vengeance on Ronin not knowing that her dad's boss Kingpin wanted William dead after Ant-Man returns from the quantum realm where for him only a few hours have passed the heroes realize that the solution to the problem is of course time travel with the help of Iron Man rocket a reformed nebula and the now smart Hulk the heroes travel back to various key points
in the timeline including 1970 2012 and 2014 to gather up the Infinity Stones of those eras along with Monier Circa 2013. unfortunately the Avengers also inadvertently bring the Thanos of 2014 forward to 2023 along with all of his minions this includes an alternate Gamora with no memory of her time with the Guardians fortunately the Hulk uses a rebuilt Infinity Gauntlet to wish everyone back to life and virtually every hero in the entire MCU takes Thanos on at once the final blow is dealt by Iron Man who dies on the battlefield after gathering for a funeral
Steve Rogers hops into the time stream to return everything to where it should be returning after living a full life with Peggy Carter in an alternate pass to bequeath his shield to Sam Wilson naming him the new Captain America outside of the mainstream MCU the version of Loki that the Avengers freed from an alternate 2012 in Avengers end game ends up in the Gobi desert where he immediately begins fulfilling his glorious purpose by trying to conquer the world again instead he gets picked up by the time variance Authority or TVA a Time police force tasked
with hunting down Rogue variants like Loki and destroying alternate timelines before they can Branch out too far from their sacred timeline Loki gets paired with Mobius a sympathetic TVA agent who recruits the trickster God into the agency to help find their latest Target another Loki variant this isn't about you this variant turns out to be a female version of Loki called Sylvie who restarts the Multiverse allowing a bunch of Rogue timelines to emerge from history Loki teams up with selfie and discovers the TVA is made up of variance forcibly recruited into the organization to prune
Rogue timelines and prevent really evil versions of the tva's mysterious leader another variant of Kang from destroying everything while offered a chance to let this deception persist Sylvie instead murders The Mastermind letting the Multiverse run wild while this may lead to the destruction of reality it makes one Cosmic being's life more interesting the Godlike voyeur The Watcher observes realities in which Peggy Carter receives the super soldier syrup Dr Strange destroys his universe and Thor becomes a party animal ultimately The Watcher is forced to evolve from Observer to doer when a variant Ultron threatens to destroy
all sentient life in the Multiverse assembling his own Guardians of the Multiverse team The Watcher manipulates events so the alternate realities can continue to co-exist sometime after the Multiverse was recreated a young girl named America Chavez develops the ability to travel through alternate realities unable to control her power she accidentally sends her parents to an unknown world before slipping through multiple parallel universes herself along the way she makes friends usually with variants of Doctor Strange in the mainstream MCU the effects of Hulk's reverse snap are being felt on both the cosmic and street level people
like Elena Bulova and Monica Rambo snap back to existence only to discover the five years have passed and their loved ones are now gone re-establishing their lives proves difficult since different people live in their homes and billions are still legally dead while support networks form entire nations are also forcing out recent immigrants due to the sudden rise in population believing life was better during the blip when half of all life was gone some people react to these changes violently Anarchist Carly Morgan though forms a terrorist group the flag Smashers to attack governments threatening her One
World Vision And even augments her team with a new version of the super soldier serum this puts her in the sights of Sam Wilson who rejects Steve Rogers request that he become the new Captain America after working with Bucky Barnes and seeing how Steve's Legacy can be tarnished by unworthy successors like the dangerous unhinged John Walker Sam takes on the mantle of Captain America and stops the flag Smashers taking advantage of the global chaos and recent superpowered debuts a mysterious woman named Valentina Allegra de Fontaine begins recruiting enhanced individuals including Elena biloba and John Walker
for an unknown project meanwhile Peggy Carter's niece Sharon a former Shield agent goes Rogue and begins selling U.S government weapons to terrorists as the power broker of the island nation of madrapore Sam also meets an elderly Isaiah Bradley and learns his history although Isaiah is skeptical about the idea of a black Captain America Sam arranges for an exhibit of Isaiah's service to be displayed at the Smithsonian so everyone will know about the United States's first African-American super soldier the sudden rise in sentient life on Earth also jump starts the emergence which threatens to destroy the
entire planet when a new Celestial is born alerted by the cosmic event and a few remaining deviants the eternals reunite where before they have always stood by and allowed planets to be destroyed a few now have enough love for Humanity to try and save the Earth Cersei draws enough power from her teammates to Halt the birth of the celestial Tiamat and the celestial erisham uses the eternal's memories to determine if Earth should be spared in Europe Peter Parker attempts to have a vacation free of Spider-Man unfortunately this becomes impossible when Nick Fury actually the shape-shifting
scroll Talos who is covering for Fury while he's on vacation in space recruits Spider-Man to help Mysterio a man claiming to be from an alternate universe to save the world from dangerous Elemental beings except it's all a lie Mysterio is just Quentin Beck a disgruntled ex-stark employee who uses Peter to get his hands on a pair of Stark Tech sunglasses that can control an army of weaponized drones Spider-Man gets the drop on Mysterio's Illusions to keep him from killing thousands of people but in a final Act of spite Mysterio exposes Peter's secret identity to the
world meanwhile former assassin turned car valet Xiang Chi currently going by Sean learns his father is gunning for him when 10 Rings agents steal the Jade pendant his mother left him teaming up with his sister Xiang Chi finally addresses his issues with his father by traveling to talo and stopping winwoo from unleashing the soul-sucking monster known as the dweller in darkness on the world before dying to save his son when Wu grants Xiang Chi the 10 Rings which begins sending signals out into the universe while all this is going on one Rogue Avenger is unknowingly
creating her own brand of Chaos in the small town of West View New Jersey unable to cope with the loss of vision who Thanos kills by ripping the Mind Stone out of his head Wanda maximoff manifests powerful reality warping abilities drawing from her childhood love of American sitcoms Wanda warps Westview into an idyllic town where she lives a Suburban life with a new version of vision she even gives birth to twin boys who quickly mature in a single episode to maintain this illusion Wanda inadvertently mind controls the real-life citizens of Westview into becoming her personal
puppets her activities attract the attention of the new intelligence agency soared and Agatha Harkness while Wanda eventually comes to her senses and tries to free Westview Agatha goads Wanda into a battle Wanda comes out on top however and although she has to sacrifice her happy life with her husband and children she Embraces her new role as the Scarlet witch she also takes Agatha's darkhold and starts dreaming of alternate realities where her sons are still alive Wanda's reality warfing abilities also permanently alter One Woman sword agent Captain Monica Rambo the adult daughter of Carol Danvers best
friend Maria Monica attempts to help Wanda with her grief and is exposed multiple times to Wanda's hex energies this rewrites Monica's cells giving her the power to absorb energy and become intangible after hearing of her performance in Westview Nick Fury sends a scroll to ask Monica to join him on a mission in outer space with his secret identity now exposed Peter turns to Doctor Strange hoping the sorcerer can snap his fingers and wish his problems away instead strange offers to cast a spell to make the world forget Peter Parker is Spider-Man it seems like an
ideal solution until Peter keeps asking strange to rewrite the Spell creating multiple fractures in the Multiverse and drawing in people who know Peter Parker is Spider-Man soon Spider-Man villains from different cinematic universes including Dr Octopus Sandman the lizard and Electro begin slipping into the MCU however the worst new arrival is the Green Goblin who kills Peter's Aunt May distraught Peter receives help from an unexpected Source two Multiverse Peter Parkers who look a lot like Andrew Garfield and Toby Maguire together the Spider-Man concoct some creative cures for their enemies and de-power their shared Rogues Gallery but
just as things seem to be looking up the Multiverse begins to fracture Peter does the responsible Thing by asking strange to make the whole world forget Peter Parker and prevent the villains from coming through this essentially makes Peter a non-entity in the MCU Cuts him off from his support network of Heroes and friends and sets him up for a brand new Trilogy of solo Spider-Man films oh and Strange's spell also strands the vulture in Sony's Universe while Sony's Venom briefly pops up in the MCU as instead of fighting Spider-Man he spends his entire visit getting
drunk in a Mexican bar and accidentally gives birth to a new symbiote whom he unknowingly abandons in the MCU however not all heroes need to be alone for the holidays after a now 22 year old Kate Bishop crashes an underground New York auction and steals Clint Barton's former Ronin outfit she draws a lot of unwanted and potentially lethal attention to herself from the tracksuit Mafia and Kingpin fortunately Hawkeye is in town with his family to see the embarrassingly catchy Rogers the musical initially hoping to retrieve his Ronin suit and keep Kate out of trouble Clint
ends up mentoring Kate as they go up against Maya Lopez AKA Echo Elena bilova and Kingpin after bonding with Clans over their shared trauma and showing she's really good at shooting people with trick arrows Kate looks like she'll be taking over the mantle of Hawkeye and joining the mcu's ever-expanding roster of new superheroes a now teenaged America Chavez is pursued by demonic agents to kill a variant Doctor Strange America and Strange's corpse accidentally slip into the mainstream Marvel Universe our doctor strange discovers that Wanda maximoff now corrupted by the darkhold wants to steal America's Multiverse
traveling Powers so she can live in a world where her twin sons are alive when strange and the Sorcerers of kamertage stand in her way Wanda murders the sorcerers forcing America and strange to flee to Earth 838 there strange is arrested by this universe's Illuminati a secret society that includes alternate versions of Baron Marto Black Bolt Captain Carter Captain Marvel professor Charles Xavier and Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four believing strange to be the real threat to the Multiverse the Illuminati failed to heed Strange's warnings of the Scarlet Witch this becomes their undoing when Wanda
travels to Earth 838 by possessing the body of her alternate self and Slaughters the Illuminati she then banishes strange to another alternate world where strange learns his variant is an arrogant shirt who brought about the end of his Universe using this world's darkhold strange possesses the body of the dead Doctor Strange variant on his Homeworld and battles Wanda fortunately America is able to get Wanda to see the error of her ways by taking her back to Earth 838 where her sons are horrified by how evil she's become filled with remorse Wanda collapses the structure on
Mount wundergore and destroys the dark old and all realities before seemingly killing herself sometime later strange now sporting a third eye thanks to his use of the dark old encounters the dark dimensions sorceress Clea who tells him he started an incursion in her home reality strange and clear then leap into the dark dimension indicating that as the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to expand we won't be dealing with just one universe but several across the pond in London mild-mannered gift shop employee Steven Grant suffers from regular blackouts and discovers he's an alternate personality of Mark Spector
the Moon Knight after Mark suffers a breakdown following the death of his mother Steven takes over their body and gets a job at the National Art Gallery despite being mistreated by his co-workers Steven maintains his positive outlook and tries to live a peaceful life this life is thrown into chaos when Arthur Harrow a former Avatar of konshu resurfaces as the new Avatar of Ahmet the Egyptian goddess of divine retribution hoping to preemptively stop all evil by destroying everyone before they get a chance to perform a wicked act Harrow and his cult free Ahmet and send
people to their deaths before their time to stop him Stephen and Mark team up with Layla who acquires superpowers of her own by becoming the Avatar of the goddess tawaret and managed to imprison Amit in Hero's mortal form although Stephen manages to broker a deal with konshu to release Mark and him from the Moon Gods service he doesn't realize that Mark has a third personality the homicidal Jake lockley who's still killing people for konsho after months of adventuring with the Guardians of the Galaxy Thor has recovered from the crippling depression for failing to prevent thanos's
snap he learns the terrifying Gore the god butcher has been slaughtering Gods across the cosmos with his Ultra powerful necrosort with the help of King Valkyrie and a new female Thor revealed to be Thor's ex-girlfriend Jane Foster Thor defeats Gore but not without cost Foster dies and travels to the Norse afterlife of Valhalla following her wishes Thor takes in Gore's super powered daughter who goes by the name love Thor's actions have earned him new mortal enemies in the Greek God Zeus and his son Hercules who vow revenge on Thor and the rest of Earth's heroes
in New Jersey a Young Avengers super fan named Kamala Khan finds herself in a generation's old feud between an organization of Pakistani protectors known as the order of the red daggers and a group of interdimensional Invaders known as the clandestines Kamala discovers that she is a descendant of the clandestines and therefore a super-powered mutant hybrid with help of her friends and through a series of trials that allow her to master her Newfound Powers Kamala expels the invading clandestines and saves Earth in the process settling on the moniker Miss Marvel meanwhile the superhero Community continues to
grow after a car accident causes Attorney Jennifer Walters to absorb the gamma-irradiated blood of her cousin Bruce Banner she becomes a Hulk herself instead of fighting crime through vigilantism Walters elects to use her new Insider perspective to represent super beings in court who the hell are you Jennifer Walters and attorney at law working with the law firm of glknh in Los Angeles She-Hulk handles cases involving the Abomination Wong Titania and More in wakanda King t'challa contracts a mysterious disease and becomes terminally ill shuri attempts to save his life by constructing an artificial heart-shaped herb to
replace the ones Eric killmonger destroyed however she doesn't have enough time and t'challa dies over in Cambridge Massachusetts team Prodigy Riri Williams runs a private business doing her classmates homework for money she uses the cash to fund her own private projects including an Iron Man style armored suit one of her designs a vibranium detector she created for her Metallurgy class is appropriated by the CIA which uses it to seek out vibranium deposits on Earth unfortunately this allows them to uncover the underwater Kingdom of Telecom placing the United States in conflict with namor's people Namor approaches
Queen ramonda and shuri in wakanda and shows them the vibranium detector telling them he wants the scientist who built it concerned shuri and Okoye travel to MIT to warn Riri but both Riri and shuri are then taken prisoner by the telekinil Namor proposes an alliance between wakanda and telecon but when shuri and Riri Escape Namor attacks wakanda and queen raimonda is killed using a telecon plant to recreate the heart shaped herb shuri becomes the New Black Panther and leads wakanda against the attacking forces we cannot let it consume our people although she craves Vengeance she
chooses to show Neymar mercy and establish a peaceful alliance between their two nations in the aftermath shuri is able to let go of her guilt over her brother's death and is introduced to nakia's son Tucson or as the wakandans will come to know him Prince t'challa back on Earth Scott Lang attempts to retire from superheroics while promoting his Memoir look out for the little guy this upsets his daughter Cassie who feels the world still needs Heroes she invents a Quantum satellite which can send signals to the quantum realm and learn if people in the subatomic
World need help while testing it the signal gets hijacked and Scott Cassie Hank Janet and hope are sucked through a portal into the quantum realm in the quantum realm Janet comes face to face with her past when she learns Kang has turned the realm into his totalitarian Kingdom Scott and Cassie are captured by the ruler and reunite with Darren cross now Kang's delusional minion Modoc after Kang forces Anthony man to steal back his power core so he can exit the quantum realm Cassie escapes and teams up with a group of rebels to lead an uprising
against the evil Tyrant they're aided by Janet Hope Hank a reformed Modoc and Hank's team of hyper-evolved ants in the end hope helps Scott destroy both the power core and Kang before they return to Earth however this isn't the end of Kang as variants are now emerging from all over the Multiverse out in space Peter Quill is in a deep depression after losing Gamora and seeing her alternate variants depart for places unknown wanting to help her brother with his grief mantis teams up with Drax to travel to earth and get Peter a special Christmas gift
Footloose actor Kevin Bacon while Star-Lord is horrified by the kidnapping bacon chooses to celebrate Christmas with guardians after hearing how his films inspired Peter to save the universe by dancing mantis later tells Peter of their shared parentage reminding him that he still has family in the Stars things take a darker turn when the sovereign's New Creation Adam Warlock attacks nowhere and critically injures rocket after learning the high evolutionary installed a kill switch in Rockets cybernetic implants to stop anyone from treating him the team travels to the high evolutionaries Planet counter Earth to save their friend
in the process they reunite with Gamora who has joined the ravagers together the Guardians of the Galaxy save rocket and defeat the high evolutionary in the aftermath Peter returns to Earth to be with his grandfather Gamora goes back to the ravagers Mantis embarks on a voyage of self-discovery and Drax and nebula turn nowhere into a sanctuary for displaced people in races this leaves rocket now the captain of the Guardians to build a new team consisting of an adult Groot the ravager craiglinn cosmo the space dog High evolutionary experiment phyla and a reformed Adam Warlock thank
you [Music]
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