Artur Valadares ❤️O EVANGELHO REDIVIVO E O ADVENTO DO CONSOLADOR #mensagensdobem #arturvaladares

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#mensagensdobem #omensageirodapaz #olivrodosespiritos @MensagensDoBem 〰〰〰〰〰〰 🥰 Inscreva-se no Ca...
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dear friends, a good night to all of us, may Jesus our master, our friend at all times, bless us all, those of us here incarnated and disincarnated , may we all feel embraced by the great embrace of love from the divine friend of humanity I would like, before starting the reflection of being grateful for the invitation given to us for the opportunity to be here once again in Paraná for the first time here at the conference, thanking in advance for all the affection received, which we hope to be able to reciprocate with reflections that are useful to the hearts of each one of you with the seeds of the Gospel in the light of the Comforter, praying , yearning so that they can be a Garden of the heart of each one of you, fruits, a divine tree with many flowers and many fruits in the Harvest of God and this event as well as this year are special for us spiritualists because we remember this work Magna Luminosa 160 years of The Gospel According to Spiritism, analyzing it more deeply, however, we will understand that the history of this work is much older. Let's say that The Gospel According to Spiritism is the fruit and the result of a process of an effort of work that goes back centuries and centuries and that came to achieve this end collimated in this luminous fruit that was offered by Christ and the spirituality that represents him to all of us humanity and that is what we will seek to reflect on in this night going through the history of Christianity in order to inspire or inspire us in everything that came before us in all those who came Before us in the examples in the testimonies in the immense effort of countless hearts that worked so hard so that the Immortal message of the Good News could give us could benefit our hearts because using a very common metaphor that we often use to talk about the behind-the-scenes of life, that which is not generally seen but where the greatest value of a work by a life of a story of an event let's remember here for example that metaphor of an iceberg that above the sea line presents a tiny portion of its volume, a large part of which is hidden and it is this hidden part that interests us today that we need to bring to light that the light needs to come to light to understand the real magnitude of this work as well as the work behind it it has already been said that listening is hearing what was not said when we talk to someone one thing is what is said what we hear is something else that is perceived by the Soul's hearing through the finer perception of the intuition of sensitivity in the same way one thing is what we see in history is what reaches our senses more immediately now another thing is that which is beyond what our poor eyes can Reach that which can only be seen with the eyes of the heart of sensitivity where lies the richness of life the effective richness of the gestures of acts and events and on this journey of ours therefore in search of all this story of all the behind the scenes of this work, let's go back in time using a splendid work entitled the exceptional stone corner, a work by the great continuer of de caibar schutel there in the City of Matão de Araraquara Wesley, who would continue the work of this great herald of spiritualism and who writes to us So this book that brings us a very beautiful perspective on early Christianity, especially at this moment of Christianity there in the Cappadocia region of Turkey Around the third century when it brings us the story of some heroic Christians who There they did so much for the cause of the Gospel for the cause of Jesus, so he will bring us this work and what catches our attention is its ending when he tells us a dialogue between one of the main characters of the book and a young man who was passing by. with his family towards a certain place this character asks this young man Where they were going and this young man will then tell him we are all going to Nicaea in Bithynia the Christian bishops will meet there in a Council you won't go once reference, therefore, this young man to the Council of Nicaea that would take place there in the first quarter of the 4th century of our era, then he asks that young woman who was there, will you not go And she says no, however, she adds, you will be able to witness a very important event, you will see the fall, you will see Christianity go into a process of decline, the doctrine of Jesus will be replaced by another and everything he bequeathed to us will end up being lost in time, however she adds but one day he will rise from the ashes one day the message of Jesus will rise from the ashes and then that young man curious about these words asks when and the young woman from this masterful work responds I just don't know maybe it will take a lot of time and in fact we Let us realize that these were the prophetic words that closed this book, the corner of stone that tells the story of the 40 Martyrs of the 12th Legion that was located there, Martyrs who, because they refused to deny Christ and Christianity, gave their lives for this cause, prophetic words which take us to the master's own Gospel in other prophetic words that we will find there when in what became known as Jesus' Prophetic Sermon in Chapter 24 of Matthew we will find the master with his Divine vision revealing to us the horizons to come of transformation of humanity The Discourse is extensive symbolic language but extremely profound But we are going to dwell here on a certain excerpt that we wish to make of this Prophetic Sermon in order to later go on this journey in this panoramic tour that we propose to take along the trajectory of the Gospel of message of Jesus from those times to the present day so that we can understand the meaning of those prophetic words of Liv the corner of stone and thus also glimpse How divine mercy operates over the centuries despite the Shadows despite the deviations of human mistakes in the Verses from numbers 29 to 31 of this Chapter 24 of Matthew we will find some references some very interesting lines from Jesus says the master after the affliction of those days the sun will darken the moon will no longer give its light the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of heaven will be shaken And then a sign of the son of man will appear in heaven and later in Verse 31 the master will say and the Lord will send his angels with a great cry of trumpets, which will gather the chosen ones from the four winds, gathering them from one end of the heavens to the other.
words, to say the least, thought-provoking, intriguing words from Jesus, we are left wondering how to understand them, is the master talking to us about cosmic astronomical phenomena unknown to those of our current astronomy, our astrophysics, is he talking about processes or phenomena that in some way derogate from the laws that we know up until now or will it be as it often happened that the Master here resorted to metaphors and parables aware that in the course of time and especially with the keys of the Comforter we would have adequate elements for the proper understanding of what He told us there because in the Sermon Prophetic How We Learned are the realities that we now live in, all the struggles and challenging pains that humanity has been through since then . in the form of principles of key concepts but which, when unfolded, present us with the pictures of the modern world, he also talks about the deviations of false prophets, even in relation to their message, but also there he leaves us an invitation to cultivate Hope, more than that certainty regarding hope in the gospel he who hopes in Christ Does not doubt he who waits in Christ remains serene although the horizons are sometimes still as null as dark as we see them that is why he concludes this sermon inducing us to this confidence by calling- us to love saying that iniquity abounded and therefore the charity of many would grow cold but that we did not allow it to be like that in our hearts because saying that even with all the pains, the cries of war, struggles and human falls it would still not be the end only when If his gospel were Preached throughout the world when the light of the Good News was shining and, let's say, consolidated in each heart, then we would in fact be seeing the end of a time for the opening of another in the infinite journey of ascension that will lead us to God In summary in general terms This is the Prophetic Sermon, but within this larger sermon , how do these apparently incomprehensible words of Jesus fit in? in other corners of the universe, but Jesus spoke of something, let's say, closer to this transition process.
So how do we understand, and that's where the beautiful Spiritist work, Spiritist literature in general, comes to our aid because we begin to realize the care of the Spirits to bring us the keys the clues at the right times At the right times with subtlety so that in the effort of study and understanding we could little by little decode What you left there for us It is certain that the most important thing about your message has always been Of course there is no doubt about the forgive 70 x 7 There is no doubt about loving one another as I have loved you, but in other aspects Jesus was more subtle, for example around reincarnation in the beautiful dialogue with Nicodemus, right, and a series of other issues, and so on about this future of humanity Jesus gave us the foundation knowing that later spirituality will provide us with the necessary lenses so that we could analyze these texts from a new perspective on a new Prism and so that we will find, for example, one of those works that is so dear to us the heart so touching in the depth of the stories that the dear benefactor Emmanuel there brings us stories of himself, which he lived, opening his heart and telling us his pains, his bitterness, his defections, I refer to the book 2000 years ago when on Friday or rather in the second part in Chapter number if entitled Dawns of the Lord's kingdom we will find a new version of the Prophetic Sermon with some explanations, let's say some developments and in fact this is a speech that was given by the master himself, but now in the world spiritual when of the death of Lívia, his beloved wife martyred in the Roman circus there. Around the year 58 after Christ, we are told in the work that Lívia, as well as the other Martyrs who were there, were received from the spiritual world by the master himself, first heaven was fiends and Wonders so indescribable could they, the Martyrs, witness angelic choirs, hosannas, lights, blessings so countless, when suddenly the master himself appears and speaks to those hearts of the first to soften for the love of him and his Gospel, encouraging not only their hope for the long work centuries aa but also for over 2000 years that would come later encouraging hope and strength in the hearts of all of us And then he begins to have a speech very similar to what we find in the Prophetic Sermon with other terms with other expressions but soon we begin to identify the correlations and realize that in fact the master is there as if already explaining some things about what would happen and one of the points caught our attention which is here directly associated with those verses that we cut out from the Prophetic Sermon of Jesus, because we keep thinking, going back to the symbols, what could that sun and moon represent there if we don't understand them so literally, what would be the symbolic meaning in which we could go and the sun is that light, that force, that power that nourishes and maintains the physical life in the entire orb making a parallel from the spiritual point of view what would this being be the sun of the first magnitude sun of love and mercy that has been projecting its rays upon us for countless centuries who could this being be or what could this sun be otherwise the message of this being, the message he bequeathed to us is what Emanuel himself would later tell us the Gospel is the sun of immortality Or in the book Av Cristo we will see the benefactor Cláudio adding Christ is the spiritual sun of our destinies Before him, we were in the shadows, after him, as the prophecy said, the light dawned , the sun shone, enchanting, fascinating and marking in an indelible way the history of humanity. What is the role of us Christians if not to reflect the light of the sun?
What is the role of us, its followers? Or at least it should be if not to reflect it to the world for terrestrial humanity now where does the moon's light come from if not from the Sun that it reflects but there is a phenomenon there is a process there astron if From time to time not with very frequently in which sometimes the sun's light goes out or is turned off precisely by that element that should reflect it towards the earth, this phenomenon goes by the name of eclipse, in this case the solar eclipse is not what happens recently, we even had one The moon is placed between the sun and the earth and instead of reflecting the sun's light or allowing it to reach us, it ends up not having its light reflected, it ends up not giving its light and it also ends up momentarily obscuring the sun for us and if we then start to think in these terms Would they be daydreams of interpretation or would spirituality lead us in that direction thinking that this sun that will darken this moon that will no longer give its light could, for example, be interpreted as that which in fact with Christianity the moon here in symbolism the Christians or the church that inherit this heritage whose role would be to reflect the light what we ended up doing we speak as if we are aware that we were involved in these processes there, we all often overlap with the S We want to be or wanted to be ahead of the master himself, we put our interests and our whims ahead of his doctrine of his exemplification and instead of reflecting his light, we actually end up obscuring the light of Christ because we present a completely different Christ, a gospel, a message completely different from that beautiful sun, so grand that he presented to us and in the same way we do not reflect any light because our light depended on the sun, it was not in fact what happened remembering the scene in the book the stone corner that mentions the Council of Nicea and the character who says one thing will see an important fact the decline of Christianity its doctrine will be constituted by another but one day it will rise from the ashes one day the sun will shine again, well going back to Jesus' speech to the Martyrs in the book ago 2000 years the master turns to those hearts and says when this Eclipse of my teachings of the world occurs, I will not stop loving intensely the flock of my sheep, three malalas from the fold, we are left wondering Is the word Eclipse here really is it a chance or do we not have here a key to understanding understanding if it were only once that the doubt appeared to us perhaps it would still be possible we will also turn to brother the eclipse of the Gospel occurs in external worship the eclipse of the Gospel in external worship we create countless countless ritual vestments additional elements to the pure simple doctrine of the divine master eclipsing this simplicity and purity in our additions burying that simple beauty and therefore enchanting for everything what we have been putting on top, adding fruits, most of the time, of our Caprices of our interests, then the Gospel is eclipsed in external worship, as we will also see in chapter 5 of the book Doctrine School in a message in which Brother X Humber de Campos tells us about Allan Kardec remembering the task, the Sublime mission of this Apostle of Jesus, there he will also use this little word, the gospel of love eclipsed in the game of the world's ambitions, so from these subtle clues that spirituality brings us, we are going to Building a New Vision on the board is not the sir, speaking of the home of the physical Sun of our moon, our satellite will be there fulfilling its function, which is the function of illuminating the nights, and even makes a very beautiful comparison in the book Consolador, saying that if the sun can be understood as faith, The moon will be hope for us all, the one destined to shine especially in the darkest and darkest nights, so our sun Aicar, there for billions of years, Jesus is still telling us about what would happen with his message, a sun that was eclipsed in the game of human interests, we are called to reflect it, overlapping it, preventing its light from reaching or reaching other hearts alive, never D the Lord has made the rays of that sun shine in the world on the paths of the world, even in the dark night of the Middle Ages, some tiny suns, some shooting stars passed by, as if we didn't remember the great star of the sun of such magnitude that it was Francis of Assisi who remembered the heat of that sun that had once shone in Galilee, the welcoming rays of its simplicity, its lovingness, its indulgence, Francis knew how to reflect, representing a true brightness in dark times in the history of Christianity, marked by the crusades, the inquisition, contemporaries there with Francis of Assisi, then we realized that in at all times Jesus, as well as his phalanges, worked to rescue his message, but a longer- term project was established so that this light could once again breathe in all its strength, humanity, several names could be mentioned throughout the centuries that had this task that came and passed here like rays from these suns, but we are going to think of one of these hearts that will be strictly associated with us spiritists, the one that later, as we know, brother x, informs us in the message already mentioned, Chapter 5 of Liv doctrine school the one who would later be Allan Kardec but who was one day Yan re we have been meditating lately, studying Anuz's letters, something from his biography and we have been impressed by the greatness of this spirit with the project he embraced prior to his Incarnation with Allan Kardec, who deep down was nothing more than the project of rescuing for humanity this Sublime light, this Divine sun, beginning there a few centuries before the Advent of the Consoler, because that is how he works upward Subtly, gradually what seems to us in such long periods of time upwards is nothing more than a flash in the history of humanity and the rescue project of the gospel was already underway long before we arrived at this Magna work that today we see here as an old man, I follow spiritualism because way back when Ian R Following in the footsteps of wff and others he began to investigate some of these deviations precisely from those who had the role of reflecting the Sublime light of Jesus, he began to inquire and naturally encountered challenges, persecutions, struggles and he remained at all times Faithful to what he defended, he wanted nothing more than to return to us back to that simplicity freed the movement of the Gospel, the Christian movement, from the contradictions of the excesses to which we had given ourselves, forgetting that primeval message, and thus remained Firm in its ideals, it was called to the Council of Constance, once again a Council on the path Theoretically with safe conduct, but there he was arrested, interrogated several times, humiliated in every way, but he remained firm in his ideals in the defenses he made around the Gospel and especially about the Truth. His biographical historians will be almost unanimous in saying that what moved him most was this commitment to the truth that we will later see so clearly, so clearly, in Allan Kardec in the service of the spirit of truth, this is how, on the eve of being led to the bonfire where he was burned alive, Yan Rus receives a paper crown on his head in the sense of irony mockingly, on this painted paper crown, some demons were making reference to the movement of pulling his soul as if to say that his soul belonged to them, therefore trying to humiliate him and he then just says our Lord Jesus Christ received a much heavier crown and much more poignant for us unfortunate sinners I will therefore very humbly accept this lighter though diamond crown for the love of his name and for the love of the truth this is Ian rus being led to the fire and already being there tied to the stake with the wood being placed in the around his body they still give him a chance and say abjure now and you will be saved And this great soul in his Fidelity to the Master would come to say God is witness that the falsehoods that have been said about me I never taught or preached my intention was not if not in everything I did in every writing in every act, if not to move away from the misunderstandings surrounding the Gospel, but for the love of this truth of the gospel that I wrote, taught and preached, I am willing to die joyfully today and in this way the great one says goodbye to the world Mars, which would become the precursor of reform that would be the one that would open paths in the world for the rescue of Jesus' message that in those times was not accessed even in words, let alone in understanding because Jesus once told us John 663 the words he said to us are Spirit And they are life in three dimensions therefore my friends around the Gospel first written or spoken words that reached us the lessons that we can analyze that we can then compel the spirit of the Gospel the understanding the interpretation the feeling that gives and springs and finally the life transformed by the gospel the project of rescuing the gospel for the world revolved around these three points first we need to rescue the words of the gospel that are not accessible to everyone cloistered that were in Monasteries in seminaries in basilicas in sanctuaries first we need to rescue the word the text so that hearts can reach until he creates his relationship with these texts, he feels that Jesus talks to them through these texts, as one day Jesus said to Peter, distressed in the struggles of the house on the way, Peter, whenever you want to talk to me, remember that the gospel has my word and that was Luther's great merit of the reform must be recognized and Luther would exalt the greatness of Ian Rus as one of the main inspirers for his task, facing many struggles as well but bringing humanity back to the people, at least the word, at least the translated text for German, no longer the Latin that most people did not know, now in each person's language it is necessary for the gospel to be known, for Jesus to be read so that it can be understood as Vincent de Paul asks us in the gospel according to spiritualism, a good part of the your evils and your pain arises from the voluntary abandonment to which this Sublime code of divine laws votes, I would like you to dedicate more time to evangelical readings, meditation on the words of Jesus, so first rescue the word and then we can rescue the spirit, understanding, interpretation aiming at the lives transformed by the gospel because that is what will define the new time, the new era, as Kardec himself will comment later in the book Genesis, Chapter 17, when he comments on the Prophetic Sermon in item 56 of this Chapter, Kardec will say, in addition to all the symbolism of the metaphors and everything else in the master's Prophetic Sermon we can see the description of three stages of three moments on the one hand the pains of the struggles the difficulties then the rescue of the restored Gospel so that we then reach the time of the Gospel applied and lived by all people on earth, then the end will come, the end of a time for the effective arrival of another time is what Kardec writes to us there, then, rescued, the word was a prison, now, to rescue the spirit of the letter, understanding, understanding, it was necessary to make this shine again for humanity.
sun so that it could be that sun to illuminate us in the new times that call us on new paths, the new paths that we need to travel and it is then that that heroic spirit Dean rus returns in the person of Allan Kardec, continuing the prophetic words of Jesus Remembering that he I had said the sun will darken the moon will no longer give its light but then what will happen the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the sky will be shaken now my friends how is the opening placed for us the preface of The Gospel According to Spiritism the spirits of the Lord like immense ex which are the virtues the powers of heaven the word in Greek is dinamis which can be translated as virtues powers forces the spirits of the Lord which are the virtues of heaven like an immense army that moves under his command which shooting stars spread throughout the earth, coming to illuminate the blind and open the eyes of the blind, remove the scales, remove the veil that prevented us from contemplating the sublimity of this sun of love that is Jesus, in the absence of the sun, in the absence of the moon, the stars fell The Spirits the voices of the Immortals who came abundantly to announce, as the spirit of truth says in this preface, are the times in which All Things will be reestablished, let us remember the prophetic words of the book the corner of stone but one day he will rise from the ashes Like Jesus had told respect of the Comforter will remember what he told you and will guide you in the interpretation in the understanding of all things the time has come when All Things will be reestablished to confuse the proud glorify the righteous and also adds the trumpets of the angels resound the concerts the choirs of Angels are associated with them, we invite you men to the Divine repair, take your lyres, make your voices in unison and that in the sacred hymn they reverberate and extend from one end of the universe to the other, we remember the prophetic words, the sun will darken the moon the stars will not give their light then the powers will fall from the sky the powers of the sky will be shaken in the sky a sign of the son of man and the angels sent the messengers from above in a The cry of Trumpets calling the chosen ones those who choose from every corner of all those of the Four Winds so that from one end of this planet to the other we can sing this hymn, this song of glorification of Jesus, that is why we will see in the book or rather in the Spiritist Magazine of December 1868 a very interesting message from the Spirit D pur he who had been Bishop of Algiers whose title is exactly the stars will fall from the sky in which he will tell us thus the splendid dawn of a new day spiritualism comes to illuminate the paths the strongest flashes already appear on the horizon and further on he adds the The stars of the sky are already shaken and the stars are already falling from their vault but transformed into pure spirits that come, as the scripture announces in figurative language, to proclaim over the ruins of the Old World the advent of the son of man, to proclaim over the ruins of an old world of our old models of society based on selfishness in materialism in the illusion on the ruins of this world that is sore the voice of the Immortals came to present us once again Now In an even more beautiful and more powerful clarity the image of Christ the image of his gospel as a lighthouse in fact that will guide us in these new times and that was the task that Yan R, before returning with Allan Kardec, received this courageous soul, faithful disciple of the Truth committed to it at all costs, as he would later hear from Erastus when preparing the gospel according to spiritualism in his Retreat in San Andrés then in Vila segir Kardec receives some guidance from the spirit of Erastus who at a certain moment tells him thus, count on us and count above all on the great soul of the master of us all who protects you in a very particular further on, Erasto, a disciple of the apostle Paul, would say to Kardec, that faithful servant of the incarnated Christ of God, dear companion from long ago, that is, from other times, a faithful disciple of the Truth, who continues in life the work that one day the two of us will undertake before the one who loves you and to whom I venerate on our knees we swear to consecrate our strength and our existence until he finds himself with Erastus, this is what Kardec refers to. Goodbye, dear companion of long ago, faithful disciple of the Truth, tested in the Flames of Constance and in others. So many struggles continue in life, the work to be done that the two of us, one day, on our knees before the one who loves you and whom I venerate, we swear to consecrate our strength and our existence until it is completed.
Look what work this spirit has been working on for centuries if not to bring us to providing back the gospel of the Vivo network of Jesus and Humberto de Campos brings us the backstage of this in telling us as recorded in the book already mentioned doctrine school Chapter number C he tells us a dialogue that took place between Jesus and João Ruz future Allan Kardec in the spiritual world prior to his Incarnation Jesus guided the various missionaries there who would incarnate on earth in the period of luminism, preparing great bursts of progress in the scope of the Science of philosophy and there was that entire court, that assembly in the presence of the divine conductor of our destinations suddenly he returns in particular to João R he says you will not be the bearer of new inventions you will not dwell on the problem of material comfort to civilization nor will you receive the stewardship of money or temporal authority but I put it in the hands of raising hearts and consciences that is the task has been the Sublime task of the gospel in at all times, my friends and all those who have been prepared by him without measuring efforts or sacrifices at all costs. For the Love of Jesus, raising hearts and consciences to the greatness of their destinies is what began way back in the glorious times of the Martyrs, here we remember the figure of Lívia who can hear from the master himself in the spiritual world these prognoses regarding the future Because there he had said when this Eclipse of my teachings takes place, I will not stop loving intensely my flock of TR spotted sheep and for the Light for the wisdom in the gentle revelations of the Comforter my word will manifest itself again over the world when the shadows become thicker shadows of the materialism of skepticism generating so many other forms of shadow nourishing selfishness at its root when it descends like this says Jesus in this sermon remembering the prophecy of Joel I will shed my light on all flesh and through the gentle revelations of the Comforter I will walk again with my wards through the world but until then he also says to the Martyrs who returned there in glory to the spiritual world, many of my followers will fall helplessly in this fight but they will take part of the apostolic caravan that will never dissolve, a caravan that has only been growing, that has only been growing over time, Lívia entered first, perhaps she didn't know that later her husband, at that time, still reluctant, would be one of the most active collaborators for this Rescue, our dear Emmanuel, who has so much done for the gospel in the world over the centuries, especially in the lands of Cruzeiro This is the Apostolic caravan, many, many hearts traveling these paths, giving their blood, their sweat and their tears so that these words could reach the texts to us But for that later the spirit could reach us so that the life of the Gospel Soon or Later could also be resected in each one of us This has been the task of the faithful servants of Jesus in all times No matter how dark the horizons are on a chord let us lift our hearts let us raise hope because once the fight was with the boiling cauldrons the incandescent chairs against and the circuses today the fight is above all within us to transform ourselves and therefore not light that light of hope if those who came before did so much and so insert us So this is what Jesus says to João Ruz and continues further I entrust the Sublime task of rekindling the lamps of Hope in the heart of humanity the Sublime task of rekindling the lamps of Hope in the heart of humanity The Gospel of love remains eclipsed by new the word the eclipse in the game of excessive ambitions of vicious men go my friend go my friend you will open new paths to the Sacred aspiration of Souls unveiling the heavy curtain of shadows that has been absorbing the human mind unveiling the heavy curtain of shadows that has veiled us Sublime light of this sun in the Restoration of Truth, however, do not expect the laurels of the world nor the understanding of your contemporaries, my envoys are not born on earth to be served, but because they meet the needs of creatures, they do not receive Palms and tributes, earthly facilities and advantages, however, My Peace strengthens them and lifts them up every day. Many times they know nothing but difficulty, obstacle, Misfortune and they find no other refuge other than the desert, but it is necessary to erect the sanctuary of faith and walk without rest despite persecution, stones, crosses and tears and so on.
He became a faithful disciple of the Truth, he incarnated himself among us, he had a whole life focused on education in a process of preparation, as if in a desert similar to the desert of John the Baptist, in fact, it reminds me of an also very interesting text by brother x Humberto de Campos in book Chronicles from Beyond the Grave chapter 21 in which he makes a very interesting parallel comparison between Kardec and John the Baptist, Elijah who was to come saying that once in the times of the Gospel preceding the Sublime exemplification of Jesus we had the sacrifice of the Baptist who embraced immense struggles that sacrificed to open paths for Jesus now in the times of the Comforter of the Gospel Rede Vivo we had another precursor Allan Kardec preparing the new coming of Jesus through the Gospel Rede Vivo with humanity both had their desert their retreats in Kardec's case, not the wild and harsh land of Judea as in the case of Batista, but now the desert of feelings of the crowded cities, now in the hustle and bustle of men's activities in the tumult of their struggles, he often felt in his soul the loneliness, the difficulty, the Faith of the nickname of ingratitude was Kardec in his desert, he was also taken by the spirits to the Retreat in S so that there he could be fully focused on the work that would be a Milestone for the history of humanity for the history of the Gospel in this world would reach say in the letter that you send from Paris now Do you understand why you completely ignore us? Not this work you work on because a work like this calls for sacred isolation because a work like this is not just 160 years old, a work like this is centuries old and centuries since the advent of the Gospel of the Lord so that a work like this could come to light in the world, rescuing not only the word of the gospel but the spirit of the letter, offering all the resources so that the gospel is now life in us so that a work this could become how many sweated how many fought how many suffered how many moved so that the gospel could once again shine on the horizons of the world on the conscientious horizons of the world Kardec himself the spirit himself had to light the fire at least twice that we have news of once in Constância burned alive there before being able to produce this work The autto de fé of Barcelona in 1861 once again the bonfire on his paths once again the bonfire on the paths of the legitimate message of Jesus but not only him but also many others walked before so that this work could reach us so that the gospel explained by the Moral laws that spiritualism reveals to us could reach us Paul once had to walk more than 15,000 km five times receiving 39 lashes three times flogged with rods shipwrecks stoned apodos persecutions nudity hunger cold for the love of the gospel and the clarification of consciences in the people so that this work could reach us Peter worked tirelessly, overcoming himself day by day in the house on the way to hand over his life to the master upside down like someone contemplating the heavens in gratitude to Jesus for this work to reach us Ignatius of Antioquia Irineu de Lon the Martyrs of Sebasti the Martyrs of Av Cristo all these hearts like a great river a flow of light and love came propelling humanity and Kardec was an instrument the floodgate that allowed this flow to finally reach us, it was he who tore the veils of the temple once again, as happened when Jesus died, so that we could finally see who the master really is, we love who the masters really are. our destinies what we really aspire to deep down this is the story behind the Gospel According to spiritualism the work is the product the work is what we see but behind the scenes There is all this there is a lot of love there is a lot of struggle there is a lot of sacrifice There is a lot fidelity and that is what is asked of us, my friends, to be truly committed to the gospel of Our Lord, which is why one of the scenes, at least for us, most emblematic with regard to the elaboration of this work is recorded in the Spiritist Magazine of 1904 and was later inserted in the book posthumous works by the Brazilian spiritist federation a case of second sight when Kardec reports an event that occurred after he returned from his Retreat in San Andrés where he was there dedicated to working on the Gospel According to Spiritism he retreats to Vila Segur so that he could work there with more tranquility and a lady from Lyon says Kardec, a medium with great second sight possibilities, she visits him in Paris and doesn't find him, he only finds Meli and there They talk and so on about the impossibility of finding her, she would need to leave and he gives her a good idea since you have this mediumistic faculty Why don't you go there in spirit and see what He works on.
At this point, not even Meli knew what Kardec was working on, only him, which for him was an even more reassuring reason because Not even the medium who sent Aaron's message knew what he was working on and the message made perfect sense, so the medium accepts the suggestion and goes on an unfolding journey to the Village, following the description of the house, the rooms she wants, had never been there, aeli confirms everything Kardec then also confirms where he was working and she then says I see him surrounded by a multitude of spirits who watch over his good health, there are some there who seem very high superiors but there is one in particular who receives the deference from everyone else there is one in particular who receives deference from everyone else and Then he asks me what He works on. The medium then says I see a spirit approaching, he brings with him a book of large non-physical proportions people gigantic proportions in his value because there is nothing in the world more valuable and great than the gospel of Jesus the more explained by the Comforter Brings this spirit a book of great proportions abreo and Law written just one word gospel was the gospel the light of the Gospel the sun Sublime of love that would once again shine again for terrestrial humanity, extricated from the shadows of the dogmatisms of Illusions and interests.
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