Michael Singer - The Art of Letting Go

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Seats of Contemplation
Michael Singer's work has changed my life. I hope you find his talks helpful. My channel includes ...
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g g Masters people used to tell me that I don't teach techniques everybody wants to teach techniques they all come up with aveng Gard new techniques with new machinery and brain waves and ancient techniques etc etc etc the truth of the matter is there's only one technique it's kind of like when Christ said I am the way the truth and the life and no man cometh under the father but by me it is the truth there's a seat of transcendent Consciousness witness is the beginning of it and unless you pass through that through the Consciousness
the seat of conscious itself you're not going higher that was what Christ Consciousness means he was in that seat it's true that no one can go past that come unto the father but by me it's the same thing with techniques every technique is really doing the same thing when you get to the root there's a bottom roote behind all of this it's as follows I'm going to call it letting go just because that's what I've always called it but I don't call it a technique it's an art there a technique a technique is something you
do art is something that naturally happens real art is natural it's not an effort it's not for sale it's the expression the natural expression of beauty and creativity so let's talk about the Art of Letting Go first of all the first misunderstanding when we teach letting go is that you're letting go of the world renunciation let go of what you like let go of things that's not letting go that's Child's Play That's a form of suppression if you want something and you deny yourself that you want it that's called denial it's a psychological problem if
you want something and you suppress it so that you don't have to deal with it it's a psychological problem it's psychology it's not yoga renunciation is not yoga if you're not doing that inside but you do it outside I can't handle such and such this person this people with money people talk like this people do this people do that different expressions of of Love etc etc I can't handle those things so I have to keep them away from me I don't want to be involved in them believe it or not there's a form of suppression
you're just suppressing it outside before it gets inside causing the trouble it causes when then you have to suppress that so pushing it away outside or denying it outside or announcing it outside is making sure it doesn't cause its trouble inside if it was causing its trouble inside you would have trouble with it and therefore you suppress it you fight with it you push it away you deny it so that's an outward form of suppression now there are times for example if something you're doing is very unhealthy and it has to stop you're better off
fighting struggling to not do it you know stop drinking stop doing drugs and so on but that's a temporary State you have to reach a state inside where things don't bother you nothing from outside should bother you in the ultimate State great Masters nothing from outside can bother you why it's outside you're not outside you're inside you live inside the outside cannot bother you the outside can bother the inside right somebody says something it makes you feel weird somebody leaves you that you love you feel terrible somebody insults you the outside can absolutely disturb the
inside the answer is not to push it away manipulate the outside so that it doesn't disturb the inside that's as shallow as it gets that's not spiritual growth that's not spiritual growth the answer is is what can you do inside so that the outside's free to be what it is you can still deal with it but not deal with it by pushing it away or grabbing it not deal with it by saying it has to be a certain way for me to be okay you have to behave a certain way you can't do this you
better not do that why because if you do it it disturbs me therefore don't do it that's not spiritual that's manipulation that's suppression you're using the outside so you don't have to deal with the inside that's what you're doing it's fine things you will do outside you need to do right if you feel like you want to go and kill somebody suppress it or or go away move whatever you need to do to not do that but ultimately I'm talking deep spirituality and that is not deep spirituality that is avoidance that's basically saying I can't
handle it inside so I have to make sure it doesn't happen outside I can't handle it inside I can't I can't handle it therefore I have to make sure it doesn't happen outside you just devoted your life to avoiding your growth because the very fact that you can't handle it inside is a psychospiritual problem all right due to psychology you can't handle it but basically your work is inside your work is not outside if you're doing it outside temporarily is fine you're going to have to do things but understand your work is inside your work
is I used to not be able to handle that you said this now I understand you're having a problem sometimes you behave like that I can handle it's fine that's really nice isn't it you just grew spiritually okay my boss criticized criticized my work I used to quit I'm quitting I'm getting out of here all right I don't need anybody criticizing my work nothing wrong with my work right now somebody criticize my work guess what I do I listen I listen to try to see if there's something I can learn from the criticism which one's
higher so one is spiritual growth you're working on yourself inside and the other is avoidance of growth by manipulating the outside and and that's why Christ said sooner a camel should pass to the eye of a needle than a rich man go to heaven that's not true I'm sorry Jesus if the rich man is giving all his money and helping everybody and doing charitable works that's wonderful but that's not what he meant when he said of a rich man he's saying a person who has power your political power your looks power your muscle power whatever
it is your your money power I can buy off anything I want you'll all behave the I want you to you ain't going to heaven because you did what I just told you you're avoiding what's keeping you from Heaven Inside by manipulating the outside so to say you're doing fine you're doing fine as long as you can manipulate the outside the moment you can't manipulate the outside you're doing so well so that concept of if if I have power and I can manipulate and control and make things be the way I think they should be
that is not spiritual it's basically I'm going to avoid the I came to Earth to grow Earth is a place that souls are sent to evolve your drop down here you got issues you're supposed to getting rid of your issues right you the bottom line is some people say what's the purpose of my life I'll give you the lowest level of the purpose of your life here's the bottom line you go back up with less than you came down with you go back up on your deathbed with less garbage inside of you that's scaring you
freaking you out that you need all this junk that's inside you're Freer when you go back up then when you came down most people are not why because they didn't do the work what they did is attempt to manipulate people places and things so that they didn't feel bad so they got what they wanted if I get what I want I'm okay that's not okay that's like if my child's throwing a tantrum at 3 years old in a department store and basically I said oh no no he's fine if I give him what he wants
he'll be fine I don't think you should do that I don't think that ever worked out very good at all but basically you come down to understand it's about change spiritual growth growth means change there's no growth without change and the change is not I'm going to manipulate people plac and things so I don't have to grow so I don't have to change inside it's about interchange so that is one level that people try to be okay but it's not spiritually okay it means nothing if you're okay because you got what you wanted that's the
most meaningless thing that that's like heroin addict saying I'm doing fine I just got my heroin I'm being tough tonight but you do understand that it means nothing that you're okay because you got what you wanted you're okay because you didn't have to go through what you didn't want to go through it merely means you're not growing you didn't change you didn't change one iota you made everything else change so you didn't have to change fair enough that's fine all right so that's what happens outside so the first thing you have to do is let
go of that but it's not renouncing you're not renouncing what you want you're questioning why did I think I need it to be that way why can't I handle the way it is and so you you let go you let go of that's your bottom line is you try to Cease the behavior manipulating the world to make it be the only way you can handle it and we've discussed it before it's a no- win situation you can't possibly control every moment that's going to pass in front of you can you there's no way in the
world all right there are so many variables that make that moment be the way it is somebody had a bad day at work somebody got a phone call about a de somebody had a wonderful day where you would know nothing in the just one person what about all the people what about all the cars what about everything there's no way you're in charge of the moment that unfolds in front of you so if you sit there and say the moments have to be the way I want them to be and better not be the way
I don't want to be good luck and you wonder where stress and anxiety and worry and all that stuff comes from now you understand right what are you worried about that something might happen in front of me that I don't want what else do you worry about that something might not happen in front of me that I do want I've just covered all your worries so that's when a person wakes up spiritually where there's nothing wrong with anything you're wrong you shouldn't have done that nothing wrong it just doesn't work it doesn't work all right
there's no way you're going to manipulate every moment that passes before you so that you be okay no one ever has no one ever will so therefore waking up means there's got to be a deeper way to be okay as opposed to conditionally okay I'm okay as long as I get what I want I'm okay okay as long as I avoid what I don't want so now we've got past that but to do that you have to let go you have to let go of doing that take another example if you have problems inside you're
not okay and you get rid of them by drinking drugs running around like a maniac trying to stay busy because you can't handle yourself you vacations all the time right you're doing the same thing you're basically saying I'm not okay inside but I can create situations outside that make me feel better what happens when the situation stops I don't feel well I have to do another one all right that's why you get addicted that's why that happens so that whole act outside and going to take it as though you've gone past that at least to
a degree to where you realize is not going to happen by manipulating the outside or by drugging yourself all right so now what now the terrible thing has happened now I have to sit there and say wait a minute I have problems inside how do you know I think you know you know how you know your problems inside because you have to have the outside be a certain way to be okay that means you have problems a person who's clear inside does not have any way the outside has to be doesn't mean they don't work
with it doesn't mean they don't serve it doesn't mean they don't help it doesn't mean they don't have compassion for it you understand that but they're not doing that in order to be okay for themselves they're already okay so I want to jump skip a few steps let you understand there is a state in which you are totally okay inside every single one of you when all the time no all the time all the time all the time all the time no matter what what happens you're capable of reaching a state inside that there's this
beautiful shuy beautiful energy pouring inside of you the Bible calls it the rush of holy Waters okay except it's not just a rush it's permanent every one of you capable of that doesn't make any difference what you ever did doesn't matter who you are do how old you are whether you're rich whether you're poor whether you're male whether you're female nothing makes any difference that is going on inside of every single human being so that's the first thing to understand you can be okay inside I don't want you to think that I'm saying you don't
interact with the outside you don't interact with the outside because you're not okay inside and guess what everyone else is doing they're interacting with the outside not okay inside right or wrong okay and then what happens is I have a way I want it to be to be okay you have a way you want it to be okay all of you have a way and they don't agree let's go to war let's fight let's let's do something cuz it's not going to work that's why it's such a mess I've just explained why the entire thing
why you reading the newspapers what you read by people do what they do how could he do that that's how everybody anything don't you dare say how could he do that cuz if you went through and had gone on side of you with that person has inside of them you'd probably do the same thing yog used to say but by God's grace there goes myself so you get to the point where you understand why things are the way they are and you decide do you want to participate do you want to be a polluter do
you want to continue throwing your garbage outside trying to manipulate and control everything so that she can breathe or do you want to find out why you're not okay inside why do you have to do that why do things have to be a certain way the world's been here for 4.5 billion years how long you been here it's going to be the way it is it's got a lot of history behind it doesn't it a lot of Heritage you ever heard the law cause an effect causes cause an effect every action is an equilab reaction
etc etc etc the moment in front of you has millions and millions of causes that from the beginning of time spread forward and made the moment be the way it is and you need it to be a certain way good luck and that's silly that's if you look at it honestly that's a pretty silly thing that you've decided the moment it's supposed to be not only do you need to be you say it's supposed to be every one of you if it's not the way you want you say it's wrong you shouldn't have said that
what do you want to bet they said exactly what they would have said if every force that ever was that influenced them standing that moment made them be that way all right so now that's the outside now we come inside and we talk about letting go so we let go outside that's not that hard that's not that hard to practice some discipline to not have to have the outside be a certain way I can't stand when you talk to me that way I told you not to talk to me that way my mother talked to
me that way don't talk to me that way how does that help you how does that help you with the stuff you stored about your mother how does that help you with anything for the rest of your life in other words don't hit my soft stuff because it makes me feel bad well how about instead of saying that we sit there and say let me work on my soft stuff so that you can say whatever you want all right I don't have to dump my stuff on you're dumping your stuff on people okay all right
now we're starting to talk about spiritual growth so you let go outside meaning you don't do outside to that's your ability you don't do outside that which you need because you're not okay inside that's a form of Letting Go most people can't even do that but if you're here you probably can do that you probably caught on a little bit that you better be doing that otherwise you're neurotic okay then what happens just what I thought would happen if I don't stop you from saying what bothers me you're going to bother me not on purpose
but just the way you are reminds me of my sister and I didn't like my sister or my whatever I I had trouble with the church something happened when I was younger right now every time I drive by a church it bothers me get rid of the churches where can I go to not have churches there you are so if I don't do that if I practice the discipline of not manipulating the world so it doesn't bother me I'm going to be bothered I'm not going to lie to you I'm going to be bothered by
definition okay now what do I do oh now now you're in my territory all right I'm not going to call a technique it's an art it's a natural art you notice this bothers me do I want it to bother me do you want to be bothered right but but it would bother anybody so what let's not play around do you want to be bothered and the answer is no I don't want to be bothered okay then you have to work on the fact that that bothered you because you're not going to be able to get
rid of all the churches or get rid everybody might talk to a certain way so at some point you have to face it and say I got some work to do in here a lot of people drive by churches and like them a lot okay so you start owning the problem is you it doesn't look like that it looks like the problem is something outside bothered me in a shouldn't have it's never that never the outside is what it is you know what the outside is called reality that's a big word reality it means the
forces that created the outside are the force that created the outside I told you the new book living on Tether I have the story and I won't ever tell it publicly because I want you to read the book I like the story I just get the punchline if you're great great great great grandmother did not meet your great great great great grandfather you're not here that's true everything if everything didn't happen the way it was the way it happened this wouldn't be here the way it is and you want to manipulate it good luck all
right so basically the outside you do your best to let go it's going to bother you you have to own that but you stop saying it's bothering me and you start saying I'm bothering me the moment in front of you is not bothering you you're bothering yourself about the moment in front of you the driver in front of you is not bothering you you you're bothering yourself about the driver in front of you the fact that you're catching all the red lights into town is not bothering you you're bothering yourself about the red lights the
fact that it's raining out is not bothering you the fact that it's windy and you just had your air done it's humid it's not bothering you you're bothering yourself about it okay so you come inside and now you're starting to do the work that says why am I bothering myself so much I'm bothering myself about what you said because you smirked a little bit like my grandmother used to do or something like that and you don't mean the same thing that she did you're a totally different person okay your hair looks like somebody that the
first girlfriend that broke up with me when I was 12 I don't like you you do it all the time and so you come inside and you start using the Letting Go technique is used outside if you don't let go outside you're not going to get inside you're going to keep manipulating outside so you kind of let go of doing that inside it's going to be disturbed you're going to get hit right you have to learn how to get past that how to deal with that how do you deal with it the highest way to
deal with the fact that something bothers you is one remember it's you it's not the thing somebody else is not bothered by the exact same thing that happened to you and you just realize okay I did this I want you to own it you have to own your stuff otherwise what will you do defend yourself next time you defend yourself and you do it all the time I want you to ask yourself what am I defending and do I really want to keep that part of me you said something that wasn't comfortable to me do
I want to make sure you don't ever say that again I defend myself what everybody else that could say it or do I want to look inside and say fine somebody said something I told you where I live I don't know about you but I sit on a planet that 1.3 million of that planet fit inside the Sun and I'm bothered by what you said there's 8 billion people on the planet it and somebody said something everybody's saying something and I'm being bothered by what somebody said no I don't think so no that's unacceptable why
cuz I'm going to be bothered I'll be bothered all the time right I'm going to worry about whether you like me I worry about what you said worry what you meant by what you said worry about really what's going on in right do I want to live like that no I don't do you wouldn't it be nice to wake up in the morning just have fun go to work and deal with your family and have breakfast and get a shower and waterf and you and just have fun with it all until you die and then
find out what happens after you die that'll be fun too why not have fun you're a stupid little planet the middle of nowhere black all everywhere and you're driving yourself crazy and you're blaming on everybody else it's hilarious okay neither you nor I can read the newspaper and be okay well that's ridiculous it's a piece of paper with some words on it okay you reach the point that you realize what am I doing what you're doing is you're defending yourself you're protecting you're fighting and you start realizing I don't want to defend myself I don't
want to keep the part I'm defending and so you start to work on yourself and you realize there's the main part of working on yourself the outside the main part was I don't want the outside to screw up my inside I don't want to have to manipulate everything so it doesn't I just don't want it to wouldn't that be fun like I said you could still deal with the outside out of love out of caring out of compassion out of giving not I can't handle you so now I'm going to manipulate you so you be
the way I need you to be so I'm okay see the difference one's taking the other is giving so don't never forget I'm not saying you don't interact with the outside you do not interact with the outside because you can't handle it inside first learn to handle it then you can serve you can do good you can raise it so now we're inside and I can't handle it there we go it comes it happens it hits my stuff what do I do you're tendency is to defend yourself your tendency is to run away fight or
flight that is a natural tendency somebody says something bothers you you either attack or you run I don't have to put up with this run away don't you dare talk to me that way there you go is that sweet okay you make a mess cuz somebody said something so you decide I don't want to be like that I am like that I'm not going to lie I'm not going to deny the truth it is like that in here but it's a mess in here and I don't want it to be I want to be able
to help people not manipulate them I want to be able to handle reality not say it's wrong because it's not the way I want it to be okay so how do you do that you do this process called letting go now we're not letting go the outside now we're letting go the inside see a difference what does it feel like with somebody hits your stuff it just yicky feeling happens inside and it anywhere from just uncomfortable to ah freaky freaky yes or no and everyone knows what I'm talking about we're all in there okay yes
it can be like that in there so the first question is do I want it like that in there or do I want to work on it not being that way you can't work on it not being that way if you can't handle the way it is if I'm afraid of blood and I can't stand the side of blood I am of no use at the car accident I can't do any good I run if I can't handle that the disturbance happened inside of me you're not going to fix it you can't handle it you're
going to either suppress it inside or you're going to suppress it outside either stop don't you dare do that all right or you'll suppress it inside so people are doing it I can't handle it those words I can't handle this what does it mean I can't handle it what does that mean what are you going to do if you can't handle it it happened there's not a single thing you can't handle it didn't happen that's why you can't handle it because it happened you can't make it not happen so you better learn to handle it
do you think you can learn to handle it of course you can learn to handle it you just haven't bothered you haven't done this work inside yourself no one told you you could they taught you how to win friends and influence people how to be powerful and manipulate the world so it be the way you want it to be okay it's all you're taught you're not taught hey if you have a problem inside you need to fix that first otherwise you're polluting the world with your problem that's inside okay so now it has happened my
motive it's all about motive motive is the most important technique you want a technique motive if my intention and my motive is to learn to handle these disturbances inside so I don't push them back outside and I don't push them down suppressing them that is the highest intention you're not going to be perfect at it but if it's your intention in the end you will end up where you want to be period why because you're working on yourself so now what do I do what do I do if something happens and it starts hitting the
first thing I teach is when you go to play the piano you don't start with Beethoven or Mozart you start with the scales it's the same thing here I don't know why we don't understand if you put your tennis racket up and you can't play tennis do you say I can't play and throw it down can't play the piano I I've never touched I don't know how to play and leave no you say I want to learn learn is a key word in spirituality I want to learn it's true I don't know how to do
it how's that I don't know how to let go when something bothers me especially big things right let's be honest okay I have trouble with that and most people have trouble with small things I don't know how to handle the driver in front of me when they're driving slower than I want to go it disturbs me so you be honest but then there's this word called learn and I don't understand why you're willing to learn the piano you want to learn the sport you want to learn all kinds of things you like doing it it's
fun it's exciting you get better you feel good at it why don't you learn this this is the most important thing you can learn in your entire life how to what handle life and that's how you end up going back up with less thing you came down with you work on it my suggestion is that you don't work on the big things first yes I understand there's problems in there I understand there's sensitivities that are very big but there's also little things like a scales on the piano or the the ball thrower in tennis all
right the driver in front of you the fact that it's raining when you have to get out of the car the fact that it's hot out you start with the littlest things that it's silly that you're bothering yourself about them the only reason they bother you is because you said they do I want you to take those where from a business point of view there's a cost benefit analysis the cost is 100% the benefit is zero what's the benefit of complaining about the heat when you have to walk from your car 50 ft to your
house all right the fact that it's raining out when you have to get out deliver something or the fact that the driver in front of you didn't use his blinker or somebody cut you off a little bit what's the purpose it didn't change anything you just bothered yourself those are the ones I want you to work on the easy ones why because you don't even know how to do those really I'm begging you do not think these small things are irrelevant they are the beginning of serious spiritual growth and so you sit there and say
if I can learn to handle these simple things and not bother myself I've just learned to let go I told you what can you do when it's hot out instead of complaining and carry it on tell it was so high you tell every every all day oh my God you so high did that make it cooler did it help at all fact you carried that through your whole day no so there are things you can do I can share with you the things I started doing when I was in my early 20s I'm probably 23
years old 24 years old it's hot I had no air conditioning my VW van I was a hippie and my house had no airity plus I lived in my van for a while so basically it was hot that's all there was to it I'm not as hot as now okay but it was hot plenty hot Florida you got in the 90s in Florida right so at some point I watched him complaining cuz that's what he does all right watching complaining and I just said all right slow down sh just I'm going go fight with you
just slow down for a minute so I talked to him yeah be a to talk to that little mess in there okay right I said why is it hot is it's hot why is it hot because the sun is out there hot shining in the summer Army it's hot in the summer that's why Sun's doing and i' ask him oh the sun I see how far away is the sun he knows he likes astronomy cosmology 93 million miles oh that's a big number 93 million miles how far is way Miami 350 right how big would
a fire have to be in Miami if you feel the heat here it ain't going to happen I don't care if the whole city and every building in it caught fire you would not feel it up here that thing's 93 million miles away and it's so hot you're complaining that is unbelievable isn't that that's awesome and then he'd get quiet for a minute and then I'd say by the way it's not the sun it's a star just like all little stars you see twinkle twinkle twinkle out there this is one of them you're so close
to a star that you feel its heat did you know that it's pretty far out is it that's what's going on you're so close to a star there's 300 billion of them in your Galaxy but you're so close to this one 93 million miles away it must be so hot told you how hot it is 1.3 million Earths are inside the Sun I'm going to repeat that 1.3 million Earth fit inside that star That's how little you are and it's is sitting there shining all the time and you're going to complain that shut you up
right and and what started happening is every time I felt the heat I transcended being on the planet Earth I'm feeling the cosmos I'm feeling God okay I told you you don't get sunburned you get starb bured Now isn't that a lot more fun hey man I got starburn today you see that's called positive thinking that's called creative thinking that's called working with yourself in instead of letting this lower junk that's inside run your life all of a sudden it's fun I don't mind the heat every time I feel the heat I look at the
Sun and I say thank you this a not but not to mention you know it kind of makes the food and keeps everything warm and it's a really nice thing that's that star okay it's a very special star you stop complaining about it so basically you can do that with everything all these little things these little things if you stop ever get stop by every single traffic light driving into town you start thinking well what I do wrong it's not personal I assure you the traffic lights don't know who you are and so you or
stop by a train big long train count the cars like you do when you were little don't sit there and complain have fun wait for the Caboose sometimes I have cabooses learn to change your attitude about the reality you're experiencing and next thing you'll know if you can do it with the Sun if you can do it with the train if you can do it with whatever it is you'll find out you just learned how to let go little now you can let go little things how did you learn how to let go you wanted
to the most important part is intention my intention was to change what I'm doing in here when something little happens I don't like and you succeeded didn't you you can suce to that can't you all right you work on it you keep letting go and I'm telling you the next thing you know something big is going going to happen something bigger is going to happen not giant just a little bit bigger and you're going to realize that didn't bother me so not as much as you used to that's amazing I had to me the growth
is when somebody says to me I was at work and this happened blah blah I was driving home and I realized wow something happened at work that would have bothered the heck out of me I didn't even think to be bothered that's because you learn to let go it's a natural process what's the opposite the antithesis of Letting Go resisting maybe that helps you understand letting go do you resist resistance push it away control it manipulate it protect yourself from it right you're in there with hands aren't you you push it you resist it the
alternative is to relax instead of pushing and fighting you in there relax don't make it relax teaching you deep stuff now don't make the fact that the disturbance is there being disturbance it's about you being comfortable with the disturbance not making it not be disturbed if you have to make it not be disturbed that is almost equivalent to manipulating the outside to make sure it didn't happen you have to learn to sit there and say I can handle this there that's the opposite of resistance not I can put up with this I can't handle this
you can't do that right it more of a I can handle anything I can handle it I can handle this right you had a bad day you came home you didn't say hello you're ran into your room slam the door okay it's not personal I wasn't there with you all day I didn't do it okay and when you come out of that room after you quiet it down I don't have to say well how could you treat me that way what wrong why you stay in the door I didn't do anything there you go that's
a good way to mess everything up completely isn't it what's wrong with woo had a bad day and it passes through so you're not trying to change the disturbance you're trying to change your relationship with the disturbance you you're in there experiencing disturbance I'm not denying that it's not avoidance it's accepting this Disturbed me but it didn't need to and I can be okay with the fact that for a moment I felt weird I felt jealous I felt insecure as I did he walked in slammed the door oh I doesn't love me anymore what are
you kidding had a bad day at work has nothing to do with he loves you has nothing to do with you at all 99% of the stuff you take personal has nothing to do with you but you can't handle that therefore has something to do with you so basically what if you can let it go they can handle it so notice I'm not saying it didn't cause a disturbance I don't want it not to cause a disturbance that's like saying I'm going to get a tennis coach and I'm good at forand just hit the forehands
because I'm good at them no hit the backhands because I'm not good at them so if something comes in and cause a disturbance good it's backhand time it's time to learn something I haven't learned to do yet how to handle this particular vibration that is happening inside of me some people say I'm trying to let go I'm afraid that I'm resisting my suppressing you're sincere you're trying to do this that's beautiful okay what you're going to find out is that you can't handle you well you can but you don't want to handle the disturbance you
don't like the disturbance why would I why I like being disturbed who wants to be disturbed okay if you can handle the disturbance it comes in God if you can't handle it you resist it and if you resist it I guarantee you it stays remember the time you came in here two years ago and slam the door that bothered me two years later we didn't say anything yeah I I I don't want to say anything it bother me too much that what you want to be like carry the thing inside of you for two years
ruin your relationship cuz some had a bad day don't you blame them you're doing it all you had to do is handle the fact that I had a bad day they came and slam the door so what but you can't can you and I'm telling you of course you can but you have to learn how to let go like I said so first you try to make sure it doesn't happen because you can't handle it second you try to push it away because you can't handle it suppression and now we're at the point where we
sit there and say I want to be able to handle it I want to be able to handle it so that I'm not Disturbed all the time or afraid of being disturbed or suppressing and holding on to things that Disturbed me before I don't want to do that anymore I want to stop messing myself up I'll be healthy just like you eat most you guys eat decently how you bother being vegan or vegetarian or whatever you do organic I don't care but you got to respect the body well why don't you respect your psyche you
keep shoving drunk that bothers you inside your psyche it's going to be bothered and don't blame it on what bothered you blame it on that you couldn't handle what bothered you so now I own it there my responsibility and I'm going to little by little start with small things and I'm going to practice this thing called Letting Go ultimately what I have found is the highest technique of letting go is relaxation just like yoga get into yoga ASAS with yoga teachers teaching you and said oh it's getting tight what do they say relax don't they
relax into it just and it works doesn't it you relax oh oh it goes a little deep right the muscle goes and oh it starts to feel good you shy there are this is inner yoga these are inner aenas you do the exact same thing you relax not it relax when you're in the yoga as and you're stretching you can't make the muscle not be tight you relax behind it and then it relaxes so just like massage if somebody's massaging you and they hit a spot that's really sensitive do you get up and punch them
in the mouth you know what you do you say oh right there oh my god there right there don't you I want you to do that inside I want you doing inside you sit there and say whoa say it'sit something in there I really caused a little Ruckus going on in there in the mind and the emotion is it funny it's funny that could happen in there all right that's your spiritual growth I'm talking about spiritual growth why did that happen because it hits something that was in there 99% of everything happens in your life
goes right through the clouds the sky the weather the trees the cart white lines on the road things you hear 99% of every single experience you have that comes in through your senses every single day goes right through doesn't seem like it because the 1% hits your stuff and all of a sudden it's flying around in there and you just realize no the world's bothering me not most of the world's not bothering you okay I gave you that talk I can't do it all it takes too much time gave you that talk yesterday how many
things are going on right now in Gainesville how many things are going on everything that's everyone's talking everyone's the thing in the house billions and billions and billions of things but I'm in Florida what in the whole planet Earth what about on all the planets what about in the whole 300 billion stars what about in the 2 trillion galaxies you handle it all just fine a single problem with it what's going on in the rings of Saturn right now you couldn't care less why it doesn't bother you so I'm telling you 99.999999% of the universe
does not bother you but that 001's a isn't it it's like but what is that 01 it don't bother her what bothers you didn't bother you yesterday what bothers you today it may not bother you tomorrow what bother you today right or wrong okay it's you it's not the thing it's you and you have to own that and then you have to realize wouldn't life be a lot nicer if all of it passed through and then I can come and express myself and deal with it and help and serve and create and be inspired by
things as opposed to no I really enjoyed my job before but now this other guy get the raise I don't like it anymore I don't work you do not have to be like that so basically now we're learning to work inside that's what Letting Go means it means can you handle not can you handle the world can you handle the reaction that happened inside of you because of the world and then you'll get quieter and you start practicing you start realizing why is there a mess in here anyways why am I so sensitive and you
realize and I really I'm telling you a secret it's because you stored stuff from the past inside of you that the present bothers you stuff you didn't store like the rings of Saturn or the cars that drive by hear me stuff that you didn't store stuff about inside can't bother you but if you suppress stuff in the past that stuff is sensitive and anybody who touches it even on the edges it comes flying back up yes or no now you understand the relation psychology and spirituality but spirituality says if you will let go of the
stuff you're not going to have any problems there is nothing in there except your will resisting that's why stuff stays inside well if you're doing it you cannot do it that's a yoga says you hear me I don't care what it is how big it is you don't understand yeah I do understand doesn't mean I have compassion but you don't really want me to feel sorry for you that does not help you when ioda does every understand that temporarily says oh he understands me I feel better you still got your stuff somebody else walks up
doesn't appreciate what you said and you all full of junk so if you don't want to keep it you have to want to let it go so basically now what we're looking at is start with the small stuff have relax your way through it have fun with it have fun with it it's a video game you have it built in video game you do all right Pac-Man's going to eat you and so you just keep relaxing you keep relaxing and then something bigger is going to happen and you're going to notice that it's easier to
let go why because you practiced you see you learned you learned how to let go instead of fight everything and resist everything and then something bigger will happen and what's going to happen at some point is you're realize as you let go this stuff you stored inside from the P like people are me I I'm fine I'm Letting Go everything but I can't handle my family if I go with my mother my sisters I just that's because you have all this garbage that you stored in there from the past your mother and your sister are
no different than the other 8 billion people on the planet Earth there are people that came down on planet Earth they're here and they're going to leave I said once you know your parents are people that if you go into their house they don't call the police most of the time you heard me there's people on the planet Earth stop it okay but you got serious stuff about them don't you and same thing with your sister or your brother your uncle whatever the heck it is okay the reason you have trouble is because you stored
all this stuff from the past that you didn't like or that you did like who knows whatever it is it shouldn't be in there it should not be in there it doesn't mean you don't have memory you can bring your memory back but this isn't memory this are some scars that's what the yoga work for is there're patterns that you couldn't handle and you suppressed them inside of you so they're still there the computer has memory but if it's a decent computer it doesn't come up by itself it comes up when you ask it to
these things come up by themselves don't they all right so so you just get to a point you realize I don't want to store this stuff inside of me but then don't I don't want to have this stuff inside then let it go well how do I know what to let go of don't worry you'll know how do I know which one I should do now the one that's bothering you now it's a natural process that's called purification you your mind does not want that truck stuck in there and your heart does not want that
stuff stuff in there it will push it out that's why you have disturbance all the time it's pushing the junk out but you will let it you don't going to push it back down you have to start welcoming it now we're going to graduate school first you tried to stop it from happening by the outside then you Tred to stop it from happening bothering you by pushing it down inside then you start to say okay I'm going to work with this when you work with it it works and you start to get more centered what
does that mean there's less stuff is pulling you out of your seat of Consciousness less stuff is disturbing you therefore you're able to stay centered naturally centered is not a state you make yourself be Center is a state that you are when you're not Disturbed when you're not pulled out of your Center which is what's happening all the time things is distracting you all this garbage inside distracts you from your Center and you're busy down here working with it or avoiding it or doing something when it's not doing that your Center is totally natural until
you reach the point well you will never ever get pulled out of your Center you become established in the seat of self not by fighting not by techniques but by letting go of what's pulling you out your natural seat is your Consciousness you know that you're conscious of things but you can't because you're too busy fighting with objects of Consciousness so as you let go you naturally drift back and as you drift back you start to get happier why because that's what it's like back there in yoga in the ancient tradition there's a word for
the self it's Happ the same word for God it's called sa Eternal conscious ecstasy satand Eternal conscious ecstasy that is who's back there I assure you I told you that to start with you're the highest thing of walk the face of the Earth what is back there watching your garbage is ecstasy well why don't I feel it because you're too absorbed in your garbage if I stare at that picture that's all I see if a one pointed Total Focus stare at that picture then that that's my whole life if you stare at your stuff then
that's all you see the fact that you're in ecstasy you'll never see that cuz you're leaving the Ecstasy to be absorbed in the garbage you're staring at is it possible that someone who's hooked on Heroin cannot be hooked on Heroin and can learn to live a beautiful life they don't know that they're so disturbed by the need for the drug that they don't feel that well that's what's happening in there your being your Consciousness is of God is man has created an image of God you're are very very great you're literally a great being staring
at something that's not so great all right and so as you let it go you naturally feel more of the natureal self you feel shocky you feel Spirit you feel that happening naturally again not a technique see what I'm saying I don't call techniques it's the Art of Letting Go and when you start feeling that Joy it's very beautiful it's very nice and at some point you say I don't want to give this up you said something very insulting for me to be insulted I have to give up my ecstasy it doesn't sound like a
good trade right sounds like you give me a penny I'll give you $1,000 no I ain't doing that I know better than that you hear me and now you let go now you sit there and say you L the patterns trying to pull you down you don't stop it you never fight with your stuff you relax behind it you let go I don't okay yes I understand there's disturbance but it's not me I'm the one who SE the disturbance so you relax you just keep letting go and as you let go more and more you
go higher and higher that goes deeper and deeper so it's not a technique it's returning to the state of your natural being you're now being drawn away from your natural being by this garbage you stored inside of you and the world is hitting it it's coming up and you can't handle it so can you handle it if you practice you keep practicing and practicing little by little you'll find out that you're okay how would it be if you wake up in the morning realize nothing can go wrong today nothing nothing I am a little tiny
planet spin of nowhere it's been spinning around that star for 4.5 billion years I think it can handle one more day and I'm riding on the planet but what if something goes wrong who defined it as wrong nobody else thinks it's wrong but but she talked to somebody for more than in 3 minutes and and I was jealous okay nobody else was I wonder cause that you did well well if I if I don't fight when she first talks to him something could happen and well maybe we should wait and accept and honor and respect
and if something happens we'll deal with it instead of worrying about it instead of giving theti girl a hard time for talking to somebody for 3 minutes that'll help your relationship a lot you understand that you're making the mess aren't you you're making the mess cuz you can't handle yourself not that you can't handle the world you can't handle yourself you can't hand yourself in reality work with it work with it let go relax let go relax and you're going to feel ecstasy at some point inside of you fall back into it fall back into
it but what about the world and my family you will find that where you come from from the deeper place is the greatest gift you can ever give to the family you can ever give to your children you can ever give to your parents you can ever give to your employer it's like you're giving this beautiful being who's inspired and doesn't need is just ready to serve there nothing higher than that okay so we had a little talk about letting go people always ask me what does it really mean do you understand now understand what
it means to sit in there and learn to handle yourself by relaxing through it be kind the gate has a beautiful line the ke is very deep it says one should raise the self with self not trample down the self for self which is self friend can become self's foe it's talking about uppercase Atman the witness God the indwelling Consciousness and the lower being the lower self all this garbage psychology one should raise the self with self not trample down the self ultimately with compassion you look at that garbage and realize I did that to
you you're not doing it to me I shoved all that stuff in there that I couldn't handle throughout my entire life now it's coming back up and I'm blaming everything and blaming you right you did it you built your own ego ego is not a thing God put in there you built an ego you built a self-concept and then you wanted everything to agree with you and you just you built all that thing all right so look down at that part of you with compassion with love with understanding like you were a child and say
I can help you I can help you I'm up here I can lift you up that's how you grow all right I hope you understand these things drer
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