Husband Got Nuclear Revenge When He Caught His Cheating Wife in Their Bedroom w/ HIM. Audio Story

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[Music] before they spotted me I managed to snap seven photos suddenly David leaped off the bed and shouted give me that camera in response I reached behind me pulled out the tool tucked in my pants he paused sneered and challenged you don't have the guts next second he collapsed to the floor screaming my God my father exclaimed you did that to your own brother I replied coldly the only reason you're staying here is that I'd rather let Mom have the Joy of taking care of you herself Sonia my wife of 9 years was crying don't
end me please I'm begging I ignored her and told my father I don't know what makes me angrier you cheating with my wife or you doing things with her that she would never let me do anyway I'm resigning you'll need to change the sign on the building from Dawson and Suns to Dawson and Son actually maybe just Dawson's if that a-hole passes away I don't see anyone rushing to call emergency to help him as I turned to leave he asked where I was headed I'm going to your place to show Mom the pictures hold on
we need to talk you might need to talk but I don't want to hear it as I headed out the door he shouted Bobby don't walk away talk to me I ignored him as I walked to my car I punctured the front and rear tires on the right side of his car I didn't want him speeding off to get to Mom before me I drove two blocks then pulled over and called my mom I'd have preferred to give her the pictures in person but with emergency being called for David the the police would likely come
to my parents house when she picked up I told her I was sending her some photos she needed to see before Dad came home she had questions but I said I'd call her back later I glanced at my watch and realized I had about an hour before the Bank closed as I drove there I thought about what it just happened I'd come back a day early from a business trip and saw my dad's car in my driveway I didn't think much of it at first since I'd always asked him to check in on Sonia when
I was away to make sure she was okay and if she needed anything of course when I said she might need something I didn't mean anything like this anyway as soon as I walked in the front door the noise coming from the bedroom made it clear what was going on I went to the den grabbed the lock boox from the bottom drawer of my desk unlocked it took out the colt and tucked it into my belt just in case I pulled out my phone turned on the camera and headed to the bedroom there was Sonia
on her knees with David while my father was standing from behind that was when I realized why I was always the one sent out of town while David stayed home after I got to the bank I emptied all our accounts and cashed out the six certificates of deposit from the safe deposit box by the time I left I had just over $118,000 I then drove to the bank where the company's accounts were held and withdrew $155,000 I considered it severance pay though some might call it embezzlement but honestly I wasn't worried about embezzlement when I
was probably already wanted for assault with a tool before leaving town my last call was to David's wife Cindy I reached her just as she was about to head to the hospital to visit David as soon as she recognized my voice she said Bob what's going on your dad just called and said what you've done to Dave I explained I got back from a business trip and caught him in bed with Sonia I took some photos and when he tried to grab the camera from me I got him in the leg I'm sending the photos
to your email I'm sorry you had to find out this way but I thought you should know take care Cindy bye after hanging up I drove past the city limit sign and headed west about 5 miles out I pulled over and parked to avoid tracking I removed the battery from my phone I thought about throwing the phone away but decided to keep it to preserve the photos I planned to get a disposable phone later I then continued driving trying to put as much distance between me and Michigan as possible after 2 days of driving I
reached Colorado I checked into a motel just outside Denver and decided to call home using the track phone I had picked up at a Walmart in Kansas since it was 4 in the afternoon my dad assuming he was still alive would be at work my mom answered after three rings hello hey Mom Bob where are you since the police were probably searching for me I thought it best to be a bit evasive so I said on my way to New York why on Earth are you heading to New York I'm just trying to put as
much distance as possible between myself Sonia David and dad did you really have to do that David he's never going to walk properly again he's lucky I didn't end him I thought Cindy deserved that satisfaction she didn't end him but she did throw him out of their house sending those pictures was harsh it wasn't harsh I thought she should know what kind of man she was married to I sent them to you for the same reason that was a waste of time for you I already knew he was a jerk I knew he cheated sometimes
but I put up with it to keep the family together but Sonia I couldn't ignore that I kicked him out and met with a lawyer the next day to start the divorce process you need to come back I'm going to end up with the business and I'll need your help to run it why do you think that the business was set up with money I inherited from my father my lawyer says I'll get 60 to 65% which will give me control I'm going to need your help are you planning to keep the business as Dawson
and Sons or change it to Dawson and son with me as the sun don't be like that Bob Dave is my son just like you are if he's around I won't be I can't be near him without wanting to hurt him you should call Sonia she needs to talk to you I don't want to talk to her so I'll skip it you might as well get used to the idea divorce usually comes with counseling and you'll have to talk to her then what divorce I just left her I'm not spending money on a lawyer eventually
she'll want to be single again so she can handle the divorce and pay for it herself Bob do you really need to insult her like that why not that's what she is what do you call a married woman who's having closeness with two men on the bed her husband bought 403 is actually pretty tame I just called to let you know I'm all right and I'll try to check in once a week talk to you later love you bye I didn't hear anything about the $115,000 I withdrew from the company account so I figured they
hadn't noticed it yet I spent a week in Denver getting to know the area it was nice and I did feel a bit drawn to the mountains but I decided it was too early to settle down I needed to keep moving to make it harder for them to find me I stopped in Castle and had lunch at a place called trochi while I was there I tried calling mom to let her know I was okay but there was no answer on a whim I decided to call the business good morning thanks for calling Dawson and
Suns how can I help you morning Glenda is my mom around Bobby where are you things are falling apart here you need to come back not going to happen is Mom there I'll transfer you Bob morning Mom how's New York New York's behind me I didn't like it much I'm in Georgia now in a town called Dawson I'm having breakfast at a cozy place called Town and Country I'm seriously thinking of settling here you need to come back home I don't think so I need time to get over what happened if I came back now
I might end up hurting dad and Dave if I had to be around them I need some time before I even think about coming back could you at least call Sonia and talk to her I'm really worried about her she's a mess right now she made this mess herself she can deal with it on her own I'm serious Bob I'm afraid she might do something to hurt herself like what self- ending I wouldn't rule it out from my perspective it might be quicker and cheaper than a divorce that's really harsh harsh try coming home from
a business trip and finding your wife in bed with two men doing things with them that she'd never do with you she's lucky I didn't end her after I did what I did to David she's dead to me and I'd appreciate it if you never bring her up again I didn't raise mom have you forgotten who those two men were I'll call you later I hung up and nearly threw my phone against the wall I couldn't believe she was still pushing me to deal with Sonia given everything that had happened I drove out of Castle
Rock and headed south on I25 I didn't have a clear destination in mind but I figured just driving was fine for now around 2 p.m. I pulled into a truck stop to get some gas and grab a bite to eat after filling up I parked toward the back of the lot just as I was about to get out of the car I heard a taptap on my window I looked over and saw young woman standing there I rolled down the window and asked what's up she glanced around nervously and wouldn't meet my eyes it seemed
like she was struggling to find the courage to speak as I looked her over I noticed she was quite attractive probably in her early 20s finally she found her words and said this is really hard for me but I'm starving I haven't eaten in 2 days and I'm in pain I'll give you a BJ for 20 bucks so I can get some food it was clear she wasn't a professional since she only asked for $20 I started to roll up the window seeing the disappointment on her face but then I got out of the car
and invited her inside for something to eat her name was Maggie tomman we didn't talk much until we were seated in a booth I asked her why she was trying to get a meal before she could answer the waitress came over and Maggie ordered a burger and fries I suggested we both get the 8 O sirloin dinner instead knowing it would be more filling Maggie reluctantly shared her story she was escaping from an abusive stepfather and an alcoholic mother her stepfather had threatened her and her mother was too drunk or high to care one night
she took all the cash from their wallets and ran away she planned to go to Houston where her sister lived but fell asleep on the bus to Denver when she woke up her purse was gone leaving her stranded she explained that her stepfather didn't act on his threats to avoid being arrested for having that with a minor Maggie had just turned 18 the day she left she had threatened to call the police but her stepfather laughed saying it would be a he said she said situation and her mother would side with him to keep getting
pills she didn't want to risk it our food arrived and we ate quietly Maggie skipped dessert ready to get back to hitchhiking I decided to help her as I was aimlessly driving to escape my own problems after paying we got in the car she nervously admitted she'd never done this before I reassured her I wouldn't take advantage and offered her a ride to Houston we drove until 8 then stopped for gas and food while waiting I asked if her sister knew she was coming Maggie's phone was stolen with her purse so she hadn't contacted her
I gave her my phone to call her sister and gave her privacy when I returned our food had arrived Maggie said her sister was eager to see her and mentioned their mom had called sounding sober asking about Maggie I suggested she call her mom but Maggie said she wasn't ready yet maybe in a few days once we were back on the road Maggie asked you've heard my story what about yours I filled her in your dad and your brother and you didn't do anything to them what did your wife say about it I didn't ask
her I just left maybe she was being forced or blackmailed she wasn't forced I could tell from her reactions while I was taking the pictures if she was being blackmailed she could have told me and we could have figured something out I still think you should find out why maybe someday but I'm not ready for that right now we stopped at a day in and I booked a room with two beds but Maggie didn't want to stay alone after her shower she climbed into bed with me she touched me and her hand began to move
down my body I grabbed her wrist and said no but I want to I owe you no you don't owe me anything I'm not going to take advantage of you you were in a tough spot and desperate when you made that offer I was just glad to help I'm not doing this to pay you back I want to do it because I want to is that okay I'm no saint and Maggie was definitely attractive Since I no longer felt tied to Sonia I let go of Maggie's wrist she saw that as a yes and we
both enjoyed it we got a quick bite to eat and continued our Drive since we would reach Houston after midnight I decided to stop for the night around 9:00 instead of arriving at her sister's place at 2:00 in the morning when I didn't get out of the car she asked if I was coming in I liked her but didn't see a future for us I said I'd like to but I can't I'm behind schedule and need to keep moving she looked disappointed but kissed me goodbye thanked me before getting out I watched her go inside
I checked into a motel and had a meal at IHOP thinking about what to do next I decided to visit the Alamo in San Antonio which was about 3 hours from Houston half an hour outside Columbus I saw a car pulled over with a man and woman hitchhiking I stopped to help the Man Ray got in the front seat and the woman Sarah in the back after a short distance Ray pulled a switchblade on me demanding my cash and car I reached for the point 45 in the door pocket and said I don't think so
before I could use it Sarah choked Ry with her purse straps he dropped the knife and struggled but it was too tight I put the cult back turned onto a dirt road and pulled over I took the knife got out and opened the passenger door I told Sarah to let him go and she retrieved her purse Ry now unconscious slumped forward I dragged him out and left him on the ground I checked Ray's pulse and saw that he was still alive I undressed him rolled him into the ditch beside the road and tossed his clothes
into the car's trunk I then asked Sarah if she wanted to sit in the front seat you're not going to leave me here she asked asked why would I do that I'm not sure maybe because I was with him even if you were you helped me so why would I abandon you she Shrugged and moved up front with me I made a u-turn turned left at the corner and we headed toward San Antonio once we were driving I asked so you weren't involved with him I'd only known him for about an hour my car broke
down and he stopped to offer me a ride he turned out to be a real jerk and thought I should pay him back with closeness I was planning to go along with him until he stopped for food or gas and then I'd leave him when he started threatening me I knew I had to act which is why I used the purse straps an hour ago why didn't he drop you off in Waverly so you could arrange a toe and repair for your car it wasn't my car and I didn't care what happened to it I
raised an eyebrow at that and she explained it's my husband's company car I'm sure he's either reported it stolen or will soon my plan was to leave it at the San Antonio Airport and fly to San Diego seeing my reaction she added I should probably tell the whole story I caught my husband cheating on me to get back at him I slept with his brother and told him about it I said we were even and he could either stop cheating or I'd continue hooking up with guys every time he did he called me a 403
and said it was fine for men to cheat but not for married women did he actually say that he said men are programmed to reproduce and women are programmed to stay home and care for the family he used the term nature then he said he was leaving me because he wouldn't live with a 43 that night after he fell asleep I took the car keys and left I spent the night in a motel went to the bank when it opened and emptied the accounts after that I drove until the car broke down and here I
am I laughed out loud what's so funny I'm just laughing at The Coincidence it's almost like we're in the same situation how do you figure I told her my story of how I ended up on the road and picked her up oh my gosh what are the chances I guess you won't be reconciling with her not a chance she mentioned her family in San Diego and her plans to stay with them until she got back on her feet when I asked if she was in a hurry to get there she said just getting there mattered
I shared my plan to visit the Alamo in San Antonio and suggested we drive to San Diego together since I'd never been there she agreed appreciating the savings on flights in San Antonio we visited the Alamo and the Riverwalk then bought a road atlas to plan our route to San Diego the drive would take about 2 and 1/2 days we decided to leave the next morning and looked for a motel for the night I asked if she preferred separate rooms or one with twin beds she playfully suggested one room with one bed wanting to get
even with her soon toe ex I agreed with a smile it took us 6 days to drive the 1500 miles to San Diego we arrived at 6:00 p.m. on a Saturday and I asked for her address not tonight she said I want to spend one more night with you before you leave I'll call my mom and tell her we'll arrive tomorrow she looked at me and asked have you ever had had a woman from behind I have I've never tried it my husband Bert always wanted to but I thought it was too gross I want
to try it now why now what made you change your mind I want to give you something I never gave Bert and I'm sure I'll tell him someday how much I enjoyed it have you thought about the possibility that you might not like it maybe I won't but that's not what I'll tell him it turned out she did enjoy it and wanted to do it repeatedly it was 6:00 when we arrived at her mother's house she looked at me with a sad expression and said I'd like to invite you in but it would be too
awkward right now when I called Mom she told me berd is here apparently he's trying to convince me to take him back are you going to I'm not sure I do love him I've loved him since seventh grade I left because he said he couldn't live with a 403 and that he was divorcing me if you want me to stay in the car I can honestly it's tempting but what happened to me is still too fresh for me to make that kind of decision she gave me a piece of paper with her number on it
in case you want to call me she kissed me passionately then got out of the car I was really tempted to call her back but I decided against it and drove away I checked into a motel and went next door to a Village Inn for a meal after eating I returned to the motel room and decided to call mom to let her know I was okay it rang four times before someone picked up hello it was my father's voice so I hung up I was confused and wondered what was happening mom had said she kicked
him out I decided to call Cindy on a whim hello hi Cindy it's Bob Bob where are you I'm in Dawson Georgia I'm calling to get an update on what's going on back home I tried to call Mom but my dad answered last I heard she had kicked him out she did your dad wanted to collect his things from the house and garage so Mom gave him the weekend to do it she's staying with your Aunt Mildred for now how are things going for you I hired a lawyer and filed for divorce Dave said he's
going to fight it but I told him to go ahead and waste his money I told him he might delay it but he couldn't stop it did you know he and your dad moved in with Sonia after your mom and I kicked them out I didn't know but I don't care either they're all trash and deserve each other exactly when are you coming back I'm not I don't think I'd like being in jail why do you say that I'm sure it's a legal to shoot someone even if it doesn't end them why do you think
that because I did it to David no you didn't yes I did your dad and Dave told the police it was an accident they said Dave accidentally shot himself while trying to show Sonia how to use the 380 llama you bought her for protection while you were away how did they manage to get away with that your dad took the tool outside fired into the ground then brought it and the spent shell back inside and dropped them next to where Dave fell and the police believed that yes they did what about the tires I damaged
my dad's car I don't think the police ever knew about about that why would they do something like that your dad said the business couldn't handle the Scandal Dave wasn't happy about it and wanted to blame you but your dad wouldn't let him I'm still not coming back at least not for a while if I did I'd probably run into my dad and David and I'd want to hurt them badly you still need to come back your mom needs you Rob she needs help with the business she doesn't need me she's got David David is
useless now that your dad isn't around to cover for him it's clear he can't do anything but I bet you already knew that she was right I knew David was useless but he was family and it was my dad's company if my dad didn't care why should I I asked herow are you doing everything okay she answered that's a silly question you know how I am you're probably dealing with the same stuff I am I said I'm sorry for dumping all this on you I'm actually glad you did we were talking about having a baby
if I had a child and then found out what Dave was doing I'd end up as a single mother you saved me from that I told her I'd stay in touch and after hanging up I thought about what she said it didn't match what I heard from my mom mom said Sonia was desperate to talk to me and nearly end her life Cindy's version was different how could she be desperate to reach me but still let those two losers move in with her I shook my head unbelievable the next morning shouting outside woke me up
I saw a man shove a woman to the ground before speeding away I went outside to help her and she explained she had nowhere to go as they had already checked out and she only had $40 left I offered her to wait in my room but she said she was in big trouble with no way to get home to St Paul Minnesota realizing I could help I told her I was heading to Minneapolis and offered her a ride she was initially skeptical questioning my intentions I reassured her by suggesting she take down my driver's license
and license plate information to give to someone for safety she asked if I planned to make any moves on her and I promised I wouldn't pursue her but wouldn't resist if she made a move she agreed and pinky swore on it as we prepared to leave she said her name was Mary she was 31 married with no children and worked as an office manager for a legal firm in St Paul was that your husband who left you yes it was before we head out are you sure he won't come back for you his last words
to me were screw you witch even if he did come back I'm glad to be leaving one of the perks of working at the law firm is a discount on Legal Services I'll be talking to them about a divorce as soon as I get back I was curious but I decided not to pry I figured I'd learn all about it during the long drive the map said it was about 2,000 miles then of course she wanted to hear my story and I told her interestingly her reaction was just like Saras your father and your brother
and you didn't end them I didn't think it was worth going to prison or getting the death penalty for that makes sense you're going to divorce her right I haven't decided yet Are you seriously considering getting back with her oh no definitely not I can't decide between getting a divorce or just walking away eventually she'll want a divorce so I might as well let her deal with it in the meantime I won't be paying alimony or splitting anything with her by then we had finished eating I paid the bill and we hit the road once
we were on the interstate I asked if she was in a hurry to get home why do you ask it could affect how I drive I usually Drive about 700 m a day at an average speed of 70 mph that means about 10 hours of driving each day since it's almost 2,000 Mi it would take us about 3 days if you need to be home sooner I'll need to drive faster she thought for a moment and said three days works for me four or five wouldn't be a problem either Mary pulled out a book and
started reading while I hummed along to the oldies on the radio thinking about what I'd need to do when I finally went home after 2 hours she put her book down and started sharing her story she explained that during a trip to Mexico she got very drunk and saw her husband and Jake having closeness with Nancy unsure if it was real or a drunken dream she kept quiet until the morning they were leaving when she confronted Jake he got defensive blaming her for his infidelity and implying Nancy wasn't the first when she mentioned Consulting a
lawyer Jake left her at the motel we stopped for the night and I asked if she wanted separate rooms she said no she trusted me the room had twin beds after her shower I was already in bed and quickly fell asleep after saying good night the next morning we had breakfast and hit the road during stops we discussed our plans regarding our spouses she was set on divorce I was still unsure that night I got another room with twin beds as before I was in bed when she came out of the bathroom she asked if
she could sleep with me just to be held and cuddled I hesitated but agreed she climbed in and although she felt my hard tool she didn't move away I managed to stay disciplined the next morning she expressed surprise at my restraint and I admitted I didn't think I could do it either we arrived in St Paul at 5:30 that afternoon she directed me to a Best Western explaining she wanted what she didn't get the night before she was surprised I hadn't made a move when she got into bed without clothes but now she was coming
on to me and I assured her I wouldn't run away I still didn't understand why her husband cheated on her but it certainly wasn't because she wasn't good in bed when I asked if she wanted to go home she said no I'm going to sleep next to you tonight and in the morning I'm going to try for one more she cuddled up to me and we went to sleep she reached for the door and said come on in I don't think I should why not I'm not good with confrontations confrontations with your husband oh no
this is my sister's house Jake won't be here my sister can't stand him and he knows it I went inside with Mary and met her sister Julia Julia's daughter and her daughter's boyfriend Mary recounted what happened in Mexico in San Diego and Julia remarked on her dislike for Jake when the conversation turned to me Mary encouraged me to share my story they were sympathetic and Julia asked if I was heading back to Michigan I said I hadn't decided yet Julia mentioned her daughter Jess and her boyfriend Mike were going to the University of Michigan and
that I could save them airfare by giving them a ride I decided to help and ask Jess when they plan to leave Mary and I stayed for another hour then left in the car Mary suggested I get a motel room and promised I wouldn't be alone I checked into a nearby Motel got two keys gave one to Mary and then drove her home later that evening there was a knock on the door I opened it to find Julia can I come in she asked I let her in and she said Mary told me everything about
your trip and I mean everything I was curious about what she meant and as I thought about it she began to explain my husband died 9 months ago and I've been really struggling because I need closeness badly I've had to act like I'm still in mourning because people expect me to be sad for at least a year but you're a stranger here no one knows you and you'll be gone the day after tomorrow if Mary is right about you I thought you might be able to help me out she was at least 15 years older
than me but she was still attractive since I didn't owe Sonia any loyalty I went for Julia I pulled her close kissed her and we started taking off each other's clothes about 20 minutes later I heard someone unlock the door and Mary walked in Julia said she'd leave enough for me did she with a little help I'm sure I can rise to the occasion don't worry Mary knows exactly what to do and she did I need to start working on my divorce if I join you in the shower I might end up staying in this
room all day as she got dressed she asked what my plans were for the day I told her I'd probably stay in the room relax and read a book I had with me but hadn't started she must have told Julia because I was only partway through the first chapter when someone knocked on the door I opened it to find a smiling Julia can I come in I stepped aside and she walked in immediately starting to undress I know I'm taking advantage of you but you'll be leaving tomorrow so I need to make the most of
it Mary said she wouldn't mind if I joined in you don't mind do you looking at her attractive body I realized I didn't mind at all we had a great morning together and around noon she said she needed to leave I promised Mary I wouldn't use it all up before she left we made plans for me to pick up the kids the next day as she kissed me goodbye she said I wouldn't be upset if you decided to come back here to live in a couple of months I'll feel ready to start dating who knows
I haven't figured out what I'm doing with my life yet I might come back it was nearly 4: when Mary arrived and she asked the same question as before did she leave enough for me she had but just barely in the morning after a wakeup that I would never forget Mary gave me a hug and said I'm glad you're leaving today but not in a bad way after Jake is served I need to stay completely above board so he can't use anything against me if you were here I'd be too too tempted she kissed me
goodbye and left I checked my watch and realized I had enough time to call home before picking up the kids at Julia's good morning and thank you for calling Dawson and Suns how can I help you morning Glenda is my mom around Bobby even if she wasn't I'm instructed to put you through to her immediately if you call please say you're coming home I might be but it's not definite yet I'll get your mom two rings later mom answered Bobby where are you St Paul where St Paul Minnesota what are you doing there getting ready
to head back home thank goodness I need you here to help me keep this place running I said I'm coming back but that doesn't necessarily mean I'll be coming back to work damn it Robert I need you here how are you going to keep me and David apart if I end up in the same room as him I won't be able to stop myself from confronting him you don't have to worry about that I caught him stealing from the company and even though he's my son I had to fire him I didn't know how to
respond and there was a brief silence as I thought about what to say next that's true for me too I took $115,000 from the company before I left I didn't see it as stealing though I saw it as severance pay that my father forced on me how's that miserable piece of work anyway since you're talking to me on the phone I assume you aren't in jail for ending him I don't know where he is and I don't care enough to find out Sonia kicked him and your brother out you knew they moved in with her
right Cindy told me about it when I spoke with her last I don't know why she kicked them out but honestly I don't care as for the money you took we can sort that out later for now we're treating it as an advance on your wages when you return you might have to pay back some of it I wasn't worried about that since I hadn't spent much of the money I was still using what I took from our bank account before leaving I told Mom I'd see her in a few days then drove to Julia's
to pick up my passengers for the trip to Ann Arbor Julia greed me warmly with a hug then hugged and kissed Jessica advising her to behave and get good grades I helped carry Jessica's bags to the car and asked when Mike would arrive or if we were picking him up Mike isn't coming we broke up last night when I found out he was seeing Abby Fisk I'm not usually insensitive but considering my recent experiences my first thought upon learning I'd be alone with this attractive 19-year-old was great another chance for me but by the time
we were on I94 I had pushed that thought aside as we drove down the highway we chatted and I learned she was going to the University of Michigan on scholarships studying pre-law with plans to attend law school I asked her to pick a radio station but she preferred to read so she took a book from her bag I found a station playing country and blueg grass and hummed along with the music even singing along with some songs we had been driving for about 4 hours when she asked where we would stop for the night there's
no need to stop it's only 600 miles we should get there by around 8 but I want to stop stop I don't need to check into the dorms until the day after tomorrow plus you have to check in before 6:00 and you said we won't arrive until 8:00 so I'd need somewhere to stay overnight anyway a few minutes later she added also I want to see for myself see what I overheard Mom and Aunt Mary talking and I want to find out if what they said is true what did they say that you're amazing in
bed and really good at pleasing women you can't be serious I am my only experience is were with guys my age who didn't really know what they were doing and they didn't have the skills Mom and Aunt Mary talked about do you have any unusual interests what ever fantasized about something wild like being with a mother and daughter or all the women in a family now it's just my mom Aunt Mary and me left you seem to have an Inky side I observed what makes you think that because you're interested in a man who's been
with your mother and Aunt she smiled you caught on I'm not sure I can handle the pressure I confessed you seem to expect a superstar and I'm not sure I meet that my mom was raving about you to Aunt Mary and that's good enough for me besides with your experience you have to be a whole lot better than the three I've been with my first time was horrible after the senior prom which was a week after my 18th birthday I let my prom date talk me into it he climbed on did it in about minute
and a half and then got off me and said wasn't it great I hurt like heck and wanted to end him you have to be better than that that I sure hope so once in the room I undressed and then slowly undressed her I pulled out and she turned around fell onto the bed looked up at me and said thanks I'm glad you convinced me to do that can we do it again we could and we did we stayed in that room only going out to eat until an hour before her dorm check-in deadline I
helped her carry her bags inside she gave me her cell phone number kissed me and told me not to be a stranger I'm going to need you you've spoiled me boys my age will never measure up after you after one last passionate kiss I left the dorm feeling on top of the world with you've spoiled me echoing in my head take that Sonia it was a short drive from Ann Arbor to ipsilanti I checked into a motel and set up a wakeup call for the morning I stopped for breakfast and arrived at Dawson and Suns
right when the doors opened at 8 I still had keys and could have let myself in but it didn't feel right I could have knocked until someone came but honestly I wasn't eager to face whatever awaited me when George the security guard opened the door at 8 he greeted me with welcome back at the reception desk Glenda jumped up ran over and hugged me she kissed me on the cheek and said thank God you're back maybe now we can get things sorted out is Mom here in her office when I walked into Mom's office she
looked up and said it's about time you showed up there's a huge stack of stuff on your desk that needs your attention right away I haven't decided if I'm staying yet nonsense you need to be here you can't solve your problems by running away You're needed here so this is where you should be now get to work we can talk at lunch she was right so I decided not to fight it it wasn't actually a foot high but it was a big stack so I started working through it around 12:30 mom came by and said
it was time for lunch we went to Pegasus and after we'd ordered mom asked if I'd been home yet I told her no I stayed at a motel last night why didn't you just go home because Sonia is there you're going to have to face her eventually so why not do it now why are you so eager for me to deal with her given what she did with your husband you should want her to suffer but here you are worried about her hurting herself and pushing me to be involved with someone I'd like to strangle
it might not make sense to you but I want my Robbie back and that won't happen until you sort out this mess to do that you need answers to your questions to get closure what questions like why did she do it what might I have done to cause it how long did it go on were your father and brother the only ones there might be more questions but you need to resolve them to move on I knew she was right but even though I had questions did I really want to know the answers was it
because I wasn't satisfying Sonia in bed my experiences with Maggie Mary Julia and Jess made me think I was pretty good but was I with Sonia and why of all people my father and brother I went back to work and made a lot of progress on the stack of papers at 5 30 I left work and got into my car as I approached the exit and stopped to check if it was clear I asked myself head to the motel or go home I took a deep breath and turned left Sonia's car was in the garage
so I knew she was home I sat in my car staring at the house trying to gather the courage to go inside finally I said to myself just do it Bob and I got out and walked up to the front steps as I reached for the door handle the door swung open and Sonia was standing there she immediately threw herself at me crying you're okay thank God you're okay while hugging me tightly I was so taken aback by her reaction that I just stood there for a moment but then I shook it off and pushed
her away as I moved her aside I walked past her into the house she followed me crying why did you push me away I love you I turned to face her you love me but you slept with my father and brother I can't imagine what you do if you hated me you don't understand I had to do it you had to do it I need to hear this go at the kitchen table while I pour myself a strong drink I'll need it to handle whatever nonsense you're about to give me with the jack on the
rocks in hand I joined her at the table I sat down and said I didn't really want to be here but Mom convinced me I had to face you I took a sip of my drink and said go ahead Sonia tell me do you remember Karen's birthday party the one you missed because you were out of town I remember you told me to go even if you couldn't so I went Cindy was at her sick Mother's so Dave was there alone when he saw I was by myself he started following me around he decided to
be my Watchdog for the night he wasn't very good at it someone there probably Dave noticed I was alone and spiked one of my drinks with some kind of dat ape pills my Watchdog didn't see what happened but he noticed I was disoriented and figured something was wrong Dave thought it was Kyle Barger because he saw Kyle hanging around me a lot Dave got me out of there and took me home I can't be sure if that's exactly how it went because by then I was pretty out of it I only know what Dave told
me the next day once he got me home he took off my clothes and put me to bed then he undressed and climbed in with me he said he couldn't resist he had always wanted me and saw a chance to do it without me knowing I'd wake up the next morning with some idea that something had happened but no clear memory of how or who did it I later learned that day8 pills affect your body differently from your mind even if your brain is out of it your body's senses are still active as you come
out of the pills effects you're already deep into the act and feeling everything intensely just like you would with regular act you know how I become completely uninhibited when I'm close to or reaching a peak that's where I was when I started coming back to my senses I was lying there begging for more intensity and speed not even realizing it was David that's when your dad showed up he was doing his usual check-in on me while you were away he walked in saw what was happening and started taking pictures with his phone I didn't even
know he was there at the time he took several pictures and got in bed with me when Dave finished and got off your dad took his place after your dad finished Dave was ready again and took over it was during Dave's second turn that I started realizing who was with me but by then I was so out of it that it didn't matter who it was as long as I was getting off I don't know how many times they had closeness with me before they got dressed and left but it left me exhausted and I
fell asleep that afternoon Dave came over and begged me not to tell you or Cindy about what he had done while he was there your dad showed up and said he was back for more when I told him to leave he laughed and showed me the pictures he had taken he said if I treated him well you would never see those photos I couldn't let you see them because they didn't show someone being forced they showed a woman who looked like she loved closeness I later realized I should have told both of them to leave
and trusted you to believe me but that's easy to say in hindsight how many times did this happen every time you went on a trip I stared at her for a few seconds before saying Karen's birthday party was 7 months ago and I've been away on a dozen trips since then I counted in my head and said more than half a dozen I've been away on nine trips including the one during Karen's birthday she looked away and suddenly I knew I'm not sure how but I knew that's nonsense Sonia you kept doing it because you
enjoyed it you wouldn't let me do it because you thought it was disgusting but you liked it and didn't want it to end that's why you didn't come to me and tell me what happened hoping I would believe you she looked at me with an expression I had never seen before and said no I didn't just like it I loved it I wanted even more than I was getting but I couldn't risk it while you were around I honestly thought if I only did it when you were away you'd never find out I enjoyed it
a lot but I love you and didn't want to lose you were David and my dad the only ones no your dad brought three other guys with him three times wow this just keeps getting worse you were involved in group act you slept with nine different guys and I bet you enjoyed that too I did and it wasn't nine different guys it was the same three each time do I know any of them are they people I see regularly who might be secretly laughing at me no I think they were just customers your dad was
entertaining I don't understand Sonia you say you love me but you did this to me for 7 months my father and brother were laughing behind my back every time they saw me they were making a fool of me leaving me with the aftermath I know all our customers that means three men I work with are probably smirking inside while shaking my hand you love me and you could still do this you could have told me I wasn't satisfying you in bed and I could have tried to improve there's nothing wrong with you you always make
me feel good it's about how often we can do it not how well you finish and need a break but I can keep going for a long time think of it this way put five guys and one girl in one room and five girls in one guy in another room after 20 minutes you'd find in the first room one guy having act one guy waiting for his turn and three others is ready to go in the second room you'd see five women waiting for the guy to get hard again it's just how we're made there
was no love or affection involved I don't even like your dad and brother anymore I think they're both jerks they are jerks but you let them live with you they didn't have anywhere else to go and I felt partly responsible for their situation I could have ended it after the first time but I didn't I let it continue and that's how we got caught I told them there would be no this when they moved in I didn't know if I could get you back back but I knew I definitely wouldn't have a chance if I
kept going with them one night they tried to get me drunk so they could take advantage of me but I figured out their plan and made them leave it took me pointing a CT at your dad to get them to go you really thought I'd want to come back after seeing what was happening and knowing the truth I still had hope I know we see things differently but aside from the shock of finding out did it really hurt you you got all the love and affection you wanted I never said no to you and most
of the time I was the one chasing you that's not true true you've turned me down plenty of times when did I do that every time I wanted to try from behind you said no but my father had no problem with it I didn't give it to him he and Dave took it that night when I was drugged and I found out I actually liked it you never got it because you never asked for it after I discovered I liked it I thought about suggesting it but I decided against it since I'd previously refused so
often I didn't want you to think I was just curious or suspicious I I figured I'd wait until you asked again and then agree to try it but you never asked she paused for a moment and then said since we're talking about it maybe it could be a great welcome home gift maybe if I were coming home but that's not likely her face fell as she asked why not why would I stay with someone I know I can't satisfy why would I stay with someone who always wants or needs multiple partners I never said that
you've always satisfied me always I don't need more than what you can give me yes I discovered I liked more but I don't need it what I need is you even if you want to get back at me go find someone else but please come back to me I thought about my travels and decided to stay quiet I admit I was tempted by her offer but I never acted on it just then the front door slammed open and my brother David limped into the room using a cane he had a Colt in his other hand
I've been waiting for you to come back you jerk I'm going to take out both your knees and see how you like it I'm your blood for crying out loud how could you do this to me what did you think you'd get a medal for sleeping with my wife I should have just ended you forget you he said aiming the tool at my knees no Sonia screamed throwing herself between me and David just as he fired I'm not sure who was more shocked David or me but I reacted first I tackled him he dropped the
tool and I hit him three times in the face knocking him to the floor I grabbed the colt and hit him in the head with it then turned to Sonia who was on the floor bleeding I called emergency and ran into the kitchen for a towel I knelt beside her trying to stop the bleeding she looked up at me and whispered don't leave me don't leave me please don't leave me the EMTs and police arrived and they called for another ambulance for David I guess I'd been a bit too rough David kept waking up while
I was trying to help Sonia so I had to hit him again with the tool to keep him down I think I hit him six times it was a close call a wife bleeding on the floor a messed up brother and me standing there unharmed I spent an hour talking to the police but they accepted my version of events it helped that I had recorded everything on my phone as I approached the front steps they had just left when I got the call Sonia had died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital I
was devastated Sonia's actions showed me how much she really cared for me if she had survived I probably no almost certainly would have given our marriage another chance the whole incident made the news and about a week later I came home from work to find Jess waiting for me on the front porch steps she stood up and greeted me with a hug how are you holding up just barely what brings you here I saw what mom went through after losing Dad she needed something to hold on to I thought you might need someone now too
we had something really special so I thought I could step in and help it lasted 5 months before she told me it was over she had met someone new felt a strong connection and decided she had to move on David's trial didn't start until nearly 8 months later he tried to argue it was an accident and he never meant to hurt anyone but no one bought it and he was sentenced to 20 years to life on the day he was sentenced Cindy called me and asked for a favor she wanted me to sleep with her
so she could tell David Cindy was attractive and I saw no reason not to help her she wore me out and the next day she went to see David during visiting hours and told him what she had done she didn't get the reaction she expected instead of getting angry and shouting at her he just sat there and cried a week later she came to see me again I could use a friend with benefits do you know anyone who might be interested we were involved for another 4 months but then she got a promotion at work
and moved to Dallas I was really sorry to see her go I thought about going with her but she talked me out of it I like you Rob I like you a lot but I don't love you I need to find someone I love and who loves me I'm starting a new life in Dallas and hope to find what I need there my father tried several times to reach out but I refused to talk to him when he died of a stroke I went to his funeral and made a scene in front of about 15
people I urinated into his grave as they lowered the coffin talking to my mom I found out the names of three customers who were very close to my father they might not have been the same ones he took to see Sonia and I might never be sure but I decided they were the ones and made them pay in my own way I didn't hurt them physically but I messed with them they were still customers so I targeted them through the business they ended up paying 2 to 4 cents more per unit than other customers and
they never got the same quantity disc discounts it wasn't much of a Revenge but mentally I needed to do something I know it was unfair to Target them without being absolutely sure they were involved it might have just been my imagination but sometimes I thought I saw a smirk on their faces still I'm human and like most people I felt a strong urge to get even even if I was wrong my mental state was better for having done something rather than nothing let Karma handle the rest there was one unexpected outcome from all this 10
months after returning home I was sitting at home reading the financial section of the New York Times when my cell phone rang hello Rob it's Maggie do you remember me I do my sister saved your number from when I used your phone to call her I remember well my sister insisted that I call you believe me I didn't really want to but she thinks you have a right to know know what you're a father you have twin sons are you serious yes I'm serious you're the only man I've ever been with there was a brief
pause and then she said I'm not asking for anything I only called because Chris insisted it was the right thing to do 36 hours later I was knocking on the door of a house in Houston ready to start a new chapter in my life [Music]
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