Science Finds the 'Mind of God'—Atheists Can't Explain This!

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This video might just be an atheist's worst nightmare. Scientists have uncovered what seems like the...
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this video might just be an atheists worst nightmare scientists have uncovered what seems like the mind of God and the evidence presented is almost undeniable you're about to witness how the invisible intertwines with the visible the concept of As Above So Below will gain profound Clarity after watching this all I ask is for your patience and to stay with us until the end as everything will gradually come together and make complete sense however I must warn you this video May transform you into a believer in God so if you're not open to changing your beliefs
you might want to stop watching now and just kidding let's get started what if there were a code in embedded in numbers numbers like 1 2 3 4 what if there was a secret code embedded in them that we finally got around to discovering what would that imply what if there was a message inside numbers what would that imply it would tell us something about the intelligence of the person who made numbers and as a matter of fact there is a secret code code built into numbers that was discovered in the 1980s it's been there
since creation but it wasn't until the 1980s we got smart enough to finally decipher it and it is mindblowing there is no secular or atheistic explanation for what I'm going to share with you first before we dive into the secret code that Dr Jason Lyle speaks of it's essential to comprehend how mathematics led us to this discovery I'll aim to keep this brief to ensure we all stay on the same page but bear with me this journey through mathematics could profoundly change your understanding and might even make you believe in God especially for those still
in doubt so please bear with me in this journey of understanding let's dive into the mandal broad set a discovery that not only changed how we see mathematics but also offers a glimpse into the profound complexity of the universe in the late 1970s benoa Mandel BR a mathematician with a vision stumbled upon something remarkable he wasn't just crunching numbers he was exploring how simple mathematical rules could unfold into complex stunning patterns his work led to the discovery of the mandal broad set a unique set of numbers that revealed a hidden order within what seemed like
chaos to appreciate the mandal broad set think about how numbers can belong to certain groups based on rules like being even or odd the mandal broad set is a group too but it's special because it involves complex numbers these aren't your everyday numbers they're made up of two parts one real and one imaginary like a blend of the tangible and the Fantastical the mandal BR set is defined using a special number c and a process that involves another number Z or Zed which starts at zero the formula used is ZN + 1 is equal to
ZN ^ 2 + C this means you take your current value of Z ZN Square it add C and this becomes your new Z ZN + one the key question is whether Z remains small or becomes very very large if Z stays within certain limits and doesn't increase indefinitely then C is a part of the mandal broad set if Z keeps growing bigger and bigger then C is not a part of the set for example if we choose c as one the formula becomes ZN + 1 is equal to ZN ^ of 2 + 1
starting from Z is equal to Z we see that Z rapidly increases in size indicating that one is not a part of the mandal brought set however if we choose C as1 we find a pattern where Z fluctuates but remains small indicating that1 is a part of the mandle BR set the mandal BR set includes not only real numbers but also complex and imaginary numbers imaginary numbers results in a negative number when squared symbolized by I we plot these numbers on a plane with the x-axis representing the real part and the y- AIS the imaginary
part I've kept this explanation as brief as possible but now let's turn our attention back to Dr Jason Lyle who will guide us further into the pattern of this formula it's an exploration of intelligence itself and so what we can do is we can have the computer check all these different points and we'll see if there's a pattern to the Mel BR set and so we'll take the points that belong to the Mandel BR set and we'll color those black that's arbitrary that's the way Beno Mandel BR did it and we follow his example so
and and you have the computer check more points and you find that all those points right there belong to the m BR set when you run it through that formula Z stays small and then the points that do not belong will color those red or some other color it doesn't really matter and so we already checked the point one we found that the number one does not belong to the m of Bret so it gets colored red and had we checked these other points we would find that they do not belong and so you see
as you plot more and more of these points a pattern starts to emerge what's it going to look like well you have the computer run through thousands and thousands point you have the computer check each one of those numbers and a pattern emerges and the pattern looks like this it's really interesting and and unexpected nobody was expecting that when you made a map of the ble BR set it would look like that awesome right this is just the beginning in a minute it will all start making sense and if you stay with me till the
end I promise you you'll begin to see God in everything so let's move forward and let Dr Jason Lyall show us just how deep this pattern can go you're going to be amazed the main shape that looks kind of like a heart that's called a cardioid and a cardioid is what happens when you take a circle and you take U your pencil on it and roll it around another circle of equal size the shape you'll get is a cardioid and then on the uh on the left side over there you got this kind of Spike
that goes out and you see there's this little bump on the end of the spike so let's take a look and see what that looks like so we'll zoom in on it and that little bump turns out out it looks like the entire mandle brat set it's a it's a mini mandal brat set and it's almost identical to the parent except it's got extra spikes growing off of it but the basic shape's the same it's got the cardioid and the circles and oh it has a little Spike growing off of it too with a little
bump what could that be well let's zoom in on that and oh interesting absolutely F and it's got extra spikes growing off of it and that's got a little but how about that now of course you could do that l Lally forever and it it there's an infinite number of baby versions built into the mandal brat set on smaller and smaller scales fascinating absolutely fascinating and take a look at how small this is compared to the original when we Zoom back out here look at how tiny it is is that remarkable who would have expected
that that little formula z^2 + C when you run numbers through it and you find out which ones belong you get that a pattern that keeps repeating itself in smaller and smaller forms is known as a fractal the mandal BR set is a famous example of such a fractal but it's not the only one within the mandal BR set itself there are numerous fractal patterns imagine zooming into one of the set's delicate tendril likee features you might expect that eventually the pattern will simplify or stop but it doesn't it keeps winding and curving infinitely intricate
this endless complexity can be quite mesmerizing to observe offering a glimpse into what seems like an infinite process the mtle broad set provides a window into understanding Infinity hinting at the vastness of God's mind unlike us who can only process a limited amount of information at a time the concept of the mandal Brad set suggests a mind that is truly infinite capable of infinite complexity and thought this dive into the mandal BR sets fractals is more than just a visual experience it's a journey through a universe of mathematical Wonder a glimpse into the mind of
God the deeper we go the more the fractals reveal unfolding like layers of an endless puzzle each Zoom brings us closer to the heart of mathematical Infinity showcasing the breathtaking Beauty and boundless creativity inherent in God's Design This exploration is not just about observing patterns it's about witnessing the dance of mathematics as a reflection of the mind of God all that just a map a map of what numbers belong to that little formula when you run them through that now algorithm isn't that fascinating so then it occurred to me well is there something special about
that formula I mean did we just happen to stumble up onto the that you know to an amazing formula what happens if we change it what happens if we go z cubed plus C well I ran ran the computer code through that and turns out you get a different shape and uh very similar in some respects but different in others the shape here the main shape is called a nephroid and nephroid is what happens when you take a circle half the size of another and you roll it around then you get that shape and you
can see it's a perfect nephroid really amazing you can also plot the intermediate Powers if you want to you know what Z to the 2.1 Z to the 2.2 and so on and when you do that you can see how how the shape gradually changes from one into the other which is kind of interesting and so you can kind of see you can kind of compare uh the two shapes what does the beauty and complexity in fractals signify fractals are undeniably beautiful and intricate but what is the source of this Beauty an intriguing aspect of
fractals is that their complexity increases as you zoom in rather than decreasing presenting ever smaller versions of the hole is the beauty of fractals due to the color schemes chosen by humans while the colors which are arbitrary except for black typically assigned to the fractal itself do enhance their appearance even in Grays scale fractals maintain the repeal the beauty lies not in the colors but in the shapes themselves colors might enhance the fractals like salt and ances food flavor but they don't create the beauty the inherent shapes and fractals independent of human Choice hold a
natural Attraction did computers create this beauty while computers have made it easier to plot and visualize fractals they are not the creators of this beauty the first points of fractal can be plotted manually although it's a tedious process computers have simply made it quicker to reveal what has always been there the beauty existed before technology made it visible did Beno mandal BR the individual who formulated the mathematical equation for the mandal BR set create its beauty and complexity not quite he like everyone else was surprised by the intricate patterns that emerged the discovery of the
mandal Brad set contradicted the initial assumption that it might be a computational artifact it was a real mathematical discovery not a human invention humans are capable of uncovering complex patterns but creating something infinitely complex is beyond human capacity the beauty in fractals is inherent in mathematics it's an element that has always been present but it was only with the technological advancements of the 1980s that humans could fully appreciate it mathematics is the study of relationships between numbers and the rules governing how they interact numbers themselves are abstract Concepts representing quantity for instance the number three
doesn't exist physically it's a concept representing a quantity separate from any physical objects it might be counting numbers are abstract and exist in the mind not in the physical world you can't touch or see a number in a literal sense for example the numeral three is just a symbol representing the concept of three not the number itself if you erase it you haven't destroyed the number three you've simply removed the representation of it numerals are to numbers what words are to ideas representations not the things themselves so where do the laws of mathem atics come
from this question leads back to the origins of these Concepts secular explanations like Evolution don't apply the mathematical laws numbers and mathematical truths are constant they don't evolve the idea that humans created these laws is also implausible because if that were true we could arbitrarily decide that 2 + 2 equal 5 however such a notion conflicts with reality mathematical laws were discovered not created for instance the Pythagorean the the was true long before Pythagoras discovered it similarly the planets obeyed mathematical laws in their orbits before humans observed and named those laws now this is the
moment when everything will start making sense and everything will come together well you're about to hear might just change your perspective forever and the images that follow are set to show you God in everything laws of mathematics are the way God thinks about numbers and that makes sense of the laws of math and their proper properties because laws of math are conceptual they exist in a mind they are universal meaning they apply everywhere they're invariant meaning they don't change with time and they're exceptionless it's not like 2 plus 2 equals 4 most of the time
every now then it equals seven they're exceptionless right and if you think about it all those characteristics make sense in the Christian world view where mathematics is a reflection of the way God thinks about numbers laws of mathematics would have to be conceptual because God's thoughts are conceptual that makes sense uh laws of mathematics are Universal they apply everywhere because God is omnipresent right uh laws of mathematics are invariant because God doesn't change with time God's Beyond Time and made time laws of mathematics are exceptionless because God is Sovereign there's no aspect of creation that
is out of his control but if you think about it none of those properties of laws of mathematics would make sense in a secular or naturalistic worldview or how could you even know I mean somebody might suppose well I think laws of math are Universal but how could you possibly know that everybody assumes it I I guarantee you astronomer all astronomers that at least all the ones I've ever met in my career all believe that mathematics works the same way in the Andromeda galaxy as it works here on Earth and you couldn't know anything about
Andromeda galaxy if you didn't assume that you assume the laws of physics are the same you assume the laws of mathematics are the same there how do they know that have they been there of course not it's in the Christian worldview that we would say hey God Sovereign over the entire universe he's omnipresent of course they're going to work the same way there as they work here all all mathematicians assume that laws of mathematics are the same tomorrow as they were yesterday that makes sense in the Christian worldview and yet it makes no sense in
a secular worldview why there should even be laws of mathematics let alone why they do not change with time or how could you possibly know that how could can you know anything about a future you've never experienced from a secular worldview they'll try and turn it back well how do you know the future because I know God and God is beyond time he's told me some things about the future so you see all of the characteristics of laws of mathematics makes sense in light of the fact that mathematics stems from the mind of God the
naturalist has a dilemma however because laws of mathematics are conceptual they exist in the mind we know that something's a concept that exists in the mind and so 2 plus equal 4 that's a concept and there are other mathematical truths you could think of they exist in the mind but they also existed before people right because again the planets orbited before people and they obeyed mathematical laws it's not like the planets were just chaotic before human beings right came around and created math so that you see the naturalist has a dilemma because on the one
hand he knows that mathematics requires a mind but on the other hand he know he he knows that mathematics exists before human minds but the naturalist doesn't have Minds before human Minds you see I mean animals don't really they can't really do math so he's got a problem but the Christian can make sense of this because we have a mind before human minds and that is the mind of God and the mind of God not only makes sense of laws of mathematics but their properties as well their Universal invariant nature now let's take a look
at those images I mentioned earlier here you can witness how the invisible becomes visible this is where the concept of As Above So Below truly comes into play this is the mind of God um so perfect fractal repeat infinitely and are only found in the conceptual world of mathematics nonetheless the physical world contains approximate fractals things that they go so many steps and then eventually they they break down into atoms and atoms are not fractal so here's my question then why do fractals occur both in math which exists in the mind it's conceptual and in
the physical world which is made up of atoms and does not exist in your mind right I mean you have this shape that's a multi BR that exists only in the conceptual world of mathematics we can plot it but you can never touch that thing because it's not physical it's not made up of atoms but that one is and they look remarkably similar this particular shape here it's part of the mandal BR set looks like a bolt of lightning but it's not made of atoms this one is how is it that conceptual things that exist
only in the mind also occur in the physical Universe this particular shape that might look like a plant that's actually a mathematical graph called a barnesley fern and a barnesley fern is such that each leaflet is the entire shape let me show you isn't that interesting let's do it again just cuz it's cool see the entire shape each leaflet is the entire shape fascinating it doesn't you can't touch that though it doesn't exist in the physical world but that does looks very similar uh this stuff right here that's a mathematical graph that doesn't exist in
the physical world but that grows on your windows this particular mathematical shape cones on cones it does not exist in the physical world whereas this unfortunately does this particular shape that's part of the MBR set it's a double spiral you can't see that in a telescope because it's not made of atoms it doesn't exist physically in the universe but that one you can look you can see it in a small telescope scope the rpol Galaxy not too far off from the Big Dipper so how is it that math which is conceptual you find these shapes
and then in nature which is physical you find the same kinds of shapes why is that now one answer to this and a skeptic might say this he well the the physical Universal based mathematical laws so it stands to reason if something can occur in math it can occur in the physical world because the physical world are bed math okay I'll grant that but then I'm going to have to ask why does the physical Universe of bay mathematical laws and that is a stumper if you're not a Christian if you're not a Christian in the
Christian worldview I can make sense of why the physical Universe obeys math because the universe the physical universe is upheld by the mind of God and God thinks mathematically so it stands the reason the physical universe will obbey mathematical laws cuz God upholds all things by the word of his power the Bible says and in him all things consist are hold together God thinks mathematically and therefore the way he upholds the universe will be mathematical it's inevitable so at the end of his presentation Dr Jason Lyall discusses a fundamental question why does our physical Universe
follow the rules of mathematics a concept that exists in the mind this question challenges the secular worldview which struggles to explain why mathematics being abstract and conceptual applies so perfectly to the physical tangible world Dr Eugene wigner a Nobel prizewinning physicist delves into this puzzle in his article the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the Natural Sciences he finds it perplexing and almost miraculous that our universe con form so neatly to mathematical laws and that humans have the ability to uncover these laws from a secular perspective there's no clear answer as to why the universe adheres
to these mathematical rules in contrast the Christian worldview offers a different explanation it suggests that the beauty and complexity inherent in numbers abstract concepts of quantity reflect God's thinking these numbers existed before humans implying that a conscious mind was present before Humanity this aligns with the Christian belief in an omnipresent unchanging God the source of all abstract thought the physical world including its approximate fractals and the universe's obedience to mathematical laws are seen as being controlled by God's mind this perspective believes that human capacity for Science and understanding the intricate patterns of creation comes from
God sharing some of his thoughts with us this divine revelation is most explicitly communicated in God's word and is also reflected in the moral laws written in human hearts in conclusion I want to Express gratitude to Dr Jason Lyle for bringing our attention to the profound connection between the universe's adherence to mathematical laws and the existence of a high power his insights encourage us to ponder deeply about the world we live in and the principles that govern it by illustrating how mathematics an abstract and conceptual realm align so seamlessly with the physical Universe Dr Lyle
opens a window to a perspective where science and Faith intersect this presentation may serve as a bridge for many offering a mathematical approach to understanding the Divine it suggests a universe where God is omnipresent omniscient and intricately involved in the the fabric of creation the harmony between abstract mathematical Concepts and the physical world could be seen as evidence of a grand design a thoughtful orchestration that transcends mere coincidence it's a perspective that doesn't just appeal to emotion or belief but also engages the intellect and invites contemplation I hope this video has brought you closer to
a sense of awe and possibly closer to God presenting a unique Viewpoint where the Precision of mathematics reflects the ipresent and omniscient nature of a higher being it's a journey that intertwines the rigor of scientific understanding with the depth of spiritual Insight whether this leads you to A Renewed belief in God or simply offers a new way to appreciate the complexity of our universe the intersection of mathematics and Divinity presented here is undoubtedly [Music] thought-provoking
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