so he said he was going to his friend's house to play he I don't know the exact time this woman is in the midst of lying to police just hours ago she brutally murdered her son genon hid his body in the basement and called 911 to report him missing officers at the scene have no idea what they walked into and they will quickly find themselves entangled in this Killer's Twisted lies is there anybody down here no no one okay so then when I get downstairs he had one of the GS I was terrified he asked me to give him a suitcase he scon in a dumpster no you didn't hurt Ganon did you kill G no but this was just the beginning of her lies why would I hurt our child at everything in the world have no motive so tell me where he is and let me help you I don't know where he is all I can tell you is I do not have [Music] any in the early hours of January 27th Leticia texts her supervisors at Widefield School District 3 stating that she cannot come to work allegedly her stepfather was killed in a hit and run and she has to tend to his passing nearly 6 hours later at 9:56 a. m. Laticia sends another text to her employers this time she states that Ganon is sick and she needs to stay home however just 20 minutes later at 10:16 a.
m. a neighbor's surveillance camera captures Laticia and Ganon entering their red Nissan Frontier and driving away during this time Leticia would visit a Petco on Nevada Avenue instead of visiting a doctor to treat her allegedly sick son by 2:00 p. m.
both genon and Leticia returned home but something was off not only did Leticia purchase cleaning supplies moments after their return but backed all the way into her driveway according to family and friends Leticia never backed up all the way into the driveway but for now only one credible conclusion can be made the only person last in contact with genon was his own stepmother and oddly enough she would report him to be missing 5 hours later at 700 p. m. my son was going to be home at 6:00 and it's almost 7 and we went to like all his friend's house he said he was going to be at his friend's house and said he wasn't there and the other one said he never came there so I don't I don't know any other people to call and ask and I talk to my husband I told know how to call you guys as fast as I could because I don't I don't know anyone else here that he could he's only 11 with this call officers rush to leticia's home in an attempt to gather as much information as possible because every single second ganon's Trail gets colder did he take his bike no okay so okay cuz somebody saw a little kid on a bike they posted it but I didn't know if he brought it well he unless he took it sooner and brought it back because Lena ends up getting the bike for dinner there's one picture someone said he was on and he was holding he was making a switch for someone who just realized their son is missing Leticia is strangely calm not only that she states with her initial Alibi that Ganon was visiting her friend which is clearly a lie as Ganon never left the home after his return undoubtedly something is very wrong here but for these officers Leticia is nothing more than a concerned mother as they continue to search her home okay cuz you weren't in here you weren't in here in the beginning right I thought I had I didn't know if I had that box cutter and all that stuff in there cuz I told him about he dropped the candle last night oh okay and I was I thought I must have picked it up I was just making sure I didn't want you be like oh just a box cars but yeah I had to cut this and I told them I wasn't even going to tell that and I was going to figure out a way to put this in there from the situation but Le you got a right I just took it and like covered up with the carpet and stuff like that but does does he have any friends around here um there is a let me look on this thing he did have this one like book thing that's where you're supposed to be at down the road did they check that already they went over there and talk and they're like no we had seen him at all okay he did have this like a and you talk to parents right didn't talk to yeah Connor's mom came over who is a friend he goes hangs out with all the time um so they come over the people here that the friends they were just the ones that were the door with the bike they came over bunch of people came over keep in mind that officers have not yet completed their house search they have only gone through the home superficially yet oddly Laticia is trying her best to keep them restrained to two sections of the house the living room where there is a burnt piece of carpet and ganon's room this strange Behavior would only worsen as Laticia is committed to keeping the officers where they are he forgets to like bring this or bring that or bring this or bring that you know yeah yeah yeah yeah so no no clothes are missing or nothing no we actually lay out all the clothes all the time like for you know like every day at school we lay out clothes we do whatever is his jacket gone he had on we he has several jackets like he might it depends on I'm I'm very like fashioned so like it just depends on jackets like he might have this black one with this or there's a blue one with this see he had a jacket oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay silver jacket it's like you see the kid has you know like tons and tons of clothes and he just you know okay he has all that stuff so there was a weird text that Dad got about something about B Sals and hey if you if I get basss do we have any basss and my friend will let me play Sonic or something at their house yeah I got it and then uh mom goes through everything finds a like a like a this partner yeah this is the exact moment that officers realized that Leticia was hiding something from them it's strange that she randomly closes the door here as if there was something in the basement that she didn't want the cops to see and her behavior words and strategies to deflect the cops from certain areas of the house house did not go unnoticed consequently her devices were subjected to a forensic analysis where officers would come across a disturbing video recorded on Sunday January 26th a day before Ganon supposedly went missing Canon I promise this the last time I'm going to ask you I'm just freaked out okay are you sure you didn't do it on purpose he did it okay he promise he promise on purpose Pinky Promise pinky okay all right so listen we're going to have to sell stuff to fix it so we figure out what we got to sell we can sell the sofa cuz we got to get it fixed so lady don't be mad at us and kick us out the house okay this video was recorded by Laticia when Ganon supposedly dropped a candle on the carpet leaving a burn mark what the video doesn't show is that Ganon sustained burn injuries on his arms from the candle and rather than treating his Burns Leticia is Hur scolding him instead a dis Al during the phone analysis officers discovered a phone call that Leticia had made to her husband Albert stouch informing him of the situation he told me it was just his arms so I didn't see anything that would have thrown a flag that I had to be like oh my God emergency or anything like that but if his arms was bubbling that's not an emergency well it hadn't broke SC like it was just like underneath in my mind I'm like let's evaluate the situation tomorrow and see or whatever it wasn't burn burn Mar it was L I didn't see it as a bad thing I just knew he was like it's not hurting we put aloe on it and I assumed okay as heartbreaking as this call is the burns described our likely second degree because of both the freezing feeling that genon described and the presence of blisters things aren't adding up and The Story So Far paints a really bad light on Leticia however officers need to verify what really happened as it was after this incident that Ganon disappeared that's why on January 30th 3 days after ganon's disappearance Laticia was called in for an interview so detectives could understand the circumstances surrounding the situation so gayan had started a candle again normal they he's very like responsible in terms of like uh if you give him something and say do this do this this this like a list and prepare he's fine so we let him you know do things like that so I didn't see a problem with him know light a candle whatever whatever whatever and Lena asked me could she stay up and still watch um the rest of her iPad or whatever it was just her birthday and was trying to give her a little extra because we went all out for G's birthday like we took him to a Rockies game he we took friends with him it is already strange that Leticia is going on several tangents and prefacing this entire conversation with the loving relationship she had with her children especially with her daughter Harley hunt whom she would refer to as Lena almost as if she wants to say that whatever happened with the candle was not intentional so it starts beeping like a beep beep beep beep and I thought that someone was coming in the house I didn't see anything going on then it started saying fire fire fire fire so there was smoke coming up through the basement so then I ran back downstairs to get ganner and then the fire was on the floor over here then on the sofa so I'm pretending this is the sofa and this is our floor so it was right here and right here and I had saw the candle that was over here so there was covers everywhere cuz the kids always get on about they leave a lot of covers laying around all the time I take a whole bunch of them and I go and like like like basically Smash down on the sofa and the um fire to put it out so I got a burn and then I was like get up again and started running at that point CU it wakes him up he's alert he's realizing that the covers and everything's on fire the carpet's on fire and we all outside essentially what occurred was a freak accident from genon due to him accidentally knocking over a candle a small fire had somehow ignited on the carpet in the basement this was the same cutup section of the carpet that Leticia had previously shown officers but this was odd second degree burns by just a knocked over candle especially on both arms is unlikely if not impossible Ganon would have also had enough common sense to run away from Flames after all it was a slow moving fire caused by a candle if this wasn't strange enough enough Laticia begins to recount the injuries gon suffered but this time they would be different from what she told Albert I was scared because my thought process was Albert is going to kill me like because I made a mistake as a parent and forgot to like really check him down and he really got a little bit more burn should so I was freaking out because it's like he's going to kill me and G was like it's okay and like there was blood and like he had on his arms and as it was peeling and I should have called I I should have called the hospital and just asked you know I don't know enough a bot burs but I should have called the hospital and just asked like I made a mistake to quote Leticia just said more than he should have and secondly implied that genon was somehow bleeding because of burns an apparent contradiction to what she told Albert more importantly this was a massive slip up by latia and detective suspects that this fire wasn't a simple mistake however there is no way to confirm this situation as of now but there is one conclusion that officers can make Laticia is lying when a suspect is guilty they often make major changes to aliis as opposed to someone who is innocent and has little variation in their story in leticia's case she changes major details about the candle incident especially her response which was recorded on her phone which sets off a series of red flags for the detectives as they now believe that she might go as far as changing her original Alibi about ganon's disappearance too and begin to question her about it if this assumption turns out to be true there is a high likelihood that Leticia is withholding even more crucial information he goes in through the garage I go in I'm getting ready to put up things stuff like that as we got inside I heard something but I didn't think anything about it because I thought you know maybe maybe Gana was like doing something maybe we like doing whatever MH and the guy was in there and I gave him the coat the guy from the yeah it's all my fault cuz I gave in my code to fix the carpet okay and I should and when I walk downstairs I hear something again well at that point in time G was on the sofa and I saw him and I heard something again and I walked on around and he was standing in there had on Glo in the storage clet yes okay he had one of the guns I was terrify so terrified and then he just knocked me down and like towards gon's room and he was like hitting on me was like already like on the ground he was trying to like me exactly as predicted Leticia Alibi has changed from genon visiting a friend's house to having an intruder break into her home but this would only be the start of her outrageous lies as according to her confrontation with this stranger escalates and I'm like pleading and like talking and like all these things going on like just back and forth with him and why are you doing this why why did you hurt us why are you doing these things and then he was like on top of me again and then I kind of bed out again cuz he just hid my head again and then yes and then he was like he asked me to give him a a suitcase and I gave him a brown suitcase and then he hit me on the head again like right here he just kept like hitting me right there like that okay and so then he did that and then I blacked out again I was having a pay to attest and then I don't know what happened from there I really don't I don't know I just know that I did lie I did when they came I did say get and left whatever you know that but he never did he never left to go play I just didn't know what to do and I panick the moment that I didn't want Albert to be like trying to hurt us cuz we kind of get a lot of fights just yeah and I just want you know that's the only reason that that I made it the life a simple way to check whether she has been assaulted is using a sexual assault nurse examiner at a local hospital these are registered nurses who receive special training to collect forensic evidence from assault survivors conveniently Leticia rejected this examination when off officers offered it to her not only that but even CCTV footage confirms the fact that no one entered or left the stouch residence after Leticia and Ganon came home she likely thought that this poorly planned story would absolve her of any crimes fortunately quite the opposite happened noticing these contradictions police officers handed this case over to the FBI who gathered CCTV footage from Neighbors and came to a harrowing realization the morning after ganon's disappearance Leticia rented a Kio for 24 hours and left the house at approximately 8:30 a.
m. on the 28th of January when the car was returned the following day at 8:00 a. m.
on the 29th of January it had clocked in 955 mil in the span of 1 day this could mean only one thing Laticia had likely murdered genon after their return at 2:00 p. m. and on the morning of January 28th left to dump his body while this much is easy to figure out the exact details surrounding the murder are still not known this is why 1 month after ganon's disappearance on March 2nd Federal investigators called Leticia in for yet another interview to piece together this confusing puzzle of ganon's disappearance and possibly his murder because of the nature of the warrant it being a murder warrant we need to know the real story because you put out quite a different quite a few different stories to who you well we heard a lot of the stories to Al to Albert mhm the reason I already knew someone was listening to him but because of him not ever like being like supportive and I tried originally to talk to him when he first got there that was the only reason I said those things to him was just because I was out of anger and out of like Hur and not being able to have like support it was nothing to do with like me saying those things to him was just being just what what is the word you want to call it selfish or or whatever you want to call it I did have like originally initial different thoughts on certain things and that was me trying to like basically read him and try to figure the situations out so I understand that you may have heard those or whatever you may have heard and that's okay because that totally was not what Leticia is referring to hearing are rumors about the friction between her and Albert since he was a National Guard Albert was rarely home and Laticia felt he gave little attention to her this had resulted in instability in their relationship which Leticia initially denies as being small apprehensions she felt about him however when the officer confronts her about odd searches on her phone she goes into a state of absolute Panic do you know in here I even have what you entered in your phone the stuff that you've entered and deleted like um blood is spurting from an arterial bleed direct pressure not controlling do what I didn't look this up it's from your phone blood is what spurting from an arterial bleed no somebody did from your phone I don't like my steps sign no I don't like my stepson should I get a divorce I'll stalk cheating I'll stalk Instagram I'll St cheating in Colorado Springs how to get blood out of sheets out of sheets mm I want immun Oh The Blood Out the blood out of sheets was because we always had like every always nose bleeds if I ever looked the blood out of sheets with nose S I didn't never look up anything about an artery or something unless it went from something else it's on your phone and I never looked up anything about my sip center with someone else today the searches that the investigator just named would only be a few of the 34 searches that Leticia made between the 25th and the 28th of January which is the exact time frame that genon went missing conveniently she would have an excuse for every single one of them the the reason I brought up games says you you uh looked up I want immunity because it was Gang Related and this sounds like me find me a new husband find me a rich guy who helps to take care of his kids the the new husband is because Albert already knew that was about the lady Debbie Cheryl who had a who wanted to find a new husband at the 35 or something he picked to me about Amazon like a lot of these can have nothing to do with this he doesn't I get it I'm doing all the work for my step kids and their mom doesn't help oh that bother me yeah yeah I don't blame oh yes cuz I wanted them to be mine like one day some people will wish they treated you differently which I get that parenting should be four people not one qual person might say I mean these make me very sad when I read them because I can see you're doing all the work at home by yourself which I wanted to be there like I wanted to totally had the kids as my children that's the point you're not getting like I wanted those kids to be saying to me that I'm their mom like I'm the person who does cares for them loves them everything if these were not incriminating enough investigators also found 12 deleted Search terms in leticia's iPhone all of which pertaining to her wanting to find a new husband and being sick of being with Albert what about what are you do if you suspect a person swallow poison did somebody actually swallow poison poison I don't know I always click things and read them no one SW somebody swallow it no one swallowed any poison you will never forgive me and treat me like a princess you'll never know when it's too late oh yeah I mean I always search for things when Albert's gone what is an Alfred plea did you figure out what an Alfred plea was Alfred plea yeah I think somebody asked me that and I probably searched it do you know what it is yeah you remember what did you remember of I don't remember I just remember something because someone was writing that on line so I if anyone wrote something online I looked it up just like the other day someone wrote something about FBI come in or something and I if I see something on line I always Google usually when a suspect undergos a criminal trial and is found guilty of a crime they are given a maximum sentence however there is a legal loophole to avoid this if a suspect pleads guilty yet remains adamant that they are innocent and they are not given a maximum punishment instead they are given a known punishment for a crime this is known as the Alfred plea but as always Leticia has a convenient story for a search as incriminating as this and continues deflecting any and all evidence because of this cathartic Behavior the detective decides to reroute the conversation elsewhere a preliminary investigation of the house found blood splotches covering the rear of the truck gon's living space and even the cut up carpet I've seen the markers from the spray the spray went from the bed all the way up here well you had to clean it up I don't I don't I don't know anything about that it comes from aspirated blood do you know what that means no it means that he didn't accidentally do it okay I understand so that's what we were waiting on for the warrants because somebody struck gon in the bed if someone if someone struck gon in the bed God we we were all drugg then if that's what if that's what you're saying happen well then can you tell me how that blood got on the wall That's ganon's blood okay well I guess there if you think you have all the answers then you're making me guess I'm not you got the answers I'm not making you guess it doesn't look like it does on TV have you ever watched Criminal Minds or profilers I don't watch any of that stuff cuz I don't do bad things to people you know good people watch those shows I don't but I don't do any of that I don't do bad things to people right now you're the last person in Canon I don't do bad things to people I don't I don't think you do bad things to people I don't do bad things to anyone and I didn't do anything bad to gon I think something bad happened to gon and I don't know of a way to get you to tell me about when Ganon returned home on the 27th of January a doorbell camera had captured audio of neighborhood dogs being sent into a frenzy by what appeared to be genon screaming by 5:00 p.
m. 3 hours after these screens Laticia had ordered her daughter Harley hunt to buy cleaning supplies from a nearby Dollar Tree at 5:00 p. m.