Remaking My First Game! | Devlog #1

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Mythic Legion
I challenge myself to remake my first game ➤Click This to Subscribe Accidentally on Purpose - http...
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there i was newly budding youtuber and indie game developer this was it the beginning of my journey and then it hit me i would go back to my roots the year was 2015-ish i've been pondering how video games are actually made and if it just might be possible to make my own game when one google search later i discovered unity a free game engine with limitless potential for creativity i followed the first the torah i saw immediately and only two hours i mean days later i had my hands on my very own rollerball game but
that wasn't enough for me [Music] become a magic ball [Music] whose purpose in life is to collect magic cubes [Music] and fight anti-magic weapons with epic magic attacks there's even a magic tag [Music] i was doing it i was creating my very own mildly entertaining game there was a problem you see the laptop i was using was from 2005. the poor thing could barely run minecraft on the low settings and all those magical particle effects were starting to take a toll [Music] how was i going to develop my aaa title on this level of hardware
not to mention i still had absolutely no idea what i was doing and i fell deep into the tutorial purgatory of this oh yeah around this time i also got into 3d modeling and would wait literal days for a single image to render but i digress so i guess the first thing i need to do is make the base game again well that was easy but let's see if we can get things to look a little nicer alright that definitely didn't take two days to get working anyways it's finally time we've all been waiting for
let's try this game out and see how awesome and epically nostalgic it is one two three four five six seven eight you win that was amazing now about following any tutorials because i don't want to repeat what happened last time i'm going to try my hand at making something i couldn't figure out the first time around a controllable third-person camera and after only a few minutes it's already working pretty well i guess all that time i spent actually learning some basic coding is hang on [Music] don't worry i i can fix this let's see it
goes between positive and negative angles so let's clamp the rotation between 80 and negative 80 which is working when i move the camera up so now let's move it down why am i still here because quaternions [Music] with every google i can feel my brain and the answer i found it but the time i've lost the sanity i've lost and won't stop losing okay i may have taken two days to figure out but now that i can visualize the fourth dimension and understand quaternions a bit i have a camera that can freely move around the
player and aside from it being able to go through the floor it works perfectly and it doesn't work if the ball actually rolls okay instead of spending any more time working on the camera i'm going to lock the ball's rotation in place and make another ball roll for it and after some more quaternion nonsense it's working so well i can't even tell i did anything what's that you say now past mythic was a complete fool because it could have just unparented the camera pivot from the ball and updated transform position every frame to achieve the
exact same effect well yes but actually no because now i can adjust how fast the ball spins no matter what speed the ball is actually going which means i can do it and by that i mean but i guess since now the ball doesn't actually roll the game is technically push a slippery sphere collider moving on it was at this point in the project i couldn't help but feel this emptiness inside like something integral to this game's identity was missing magic i've got it custom pickups you know i think it was more along the lines
of magic dash magic shield [Music] magic laser portal gun [Music] magic grill down magic machine gun magic almighty push magic the world though [Music] and yes there's even a magic tank [Music] you uh you want to know how i made all those things yes i mean of course you do for shooting i wanted a little more than my old game where i yidded racing guns as fast as you could click so i modeled a gun that any fashionable ball would use in the gift that is blender gave it a cool shader that definitely didn't take
another two days to make and set it up so that it could rotate around the player or to what i'm aiming at next i made it fire raycasts which are basically invisible information lasers that give me info about things like what they hit and where which i can then use to spawn and hit sparks lasers portals and add force to the things they hit this is basically how the laser portal guns and railgun work with the railgun having a single shot short fire delay and relying 99 on effects to be interesting as for the portals
that lead to the dark abyss i'll get back to them in just a moment but first let me break down one of the biggest initial problems i had to solve projectile shooting now on the surface projectile shooting seems simple enough just spawn a bullet and make it go forward really fast but the difficulty comes with collision because uh how do i explain this so a high-speed camera can see a bullet impacting object because it takes a ridiculous number of frames per second while a normal camera might not capture the moment of impact because they run
at a much lower fps but the bullet hits the object whether the camera captures the exact moment of impact or not game engines are a bit different because if it doesn't capture a collision during a physics update it's like it never even happened this usually isn't an issue for larger or slower objects but for fast small moving objects it certainly is the magical way around this problem however is to draw a raycast between where the bullet was and where it is now to check for collisions instead using a sphere cast for bullets that are especially
thick gets you extra scooby snacks you better believe it was big brain time when i figured this stuff out and as a result i got a pretty neat machine gun like weapon complete with an attempt at a muzzle flash and a few temporary placeholder sounds from halo because apparently creating your own good sound design is a bit more complex than i'd anticipated around this point in the project i was feeling kind of bad about beating up hornets and cubes so i slapped together a turret and blender the beat up instead it's not very smart right
now though it just slowly looks at the player and happens to be shooting when it does but it works for now moving on to the magic dash this works by using an empty object to match the input direction the ball is receiving turns the ball invisible spawns the flashy particle effects and then just moves the player a certain distance from where the input was pointing it also uses a sphere cast to check if things are in the way so i don't do things like teleport to a wall and fall to my doom which is dandy
the dash is also really fun because it changes your direction every time you use it and the player doesn't actually have max speed yet that seems reasonable for the almighty push i originally spawned a sphere that grew really fast but in practice that would always just eat the player into outer space so i tried using my good friend mr spherecast which did give me a pretty cool skyrim close rod but i wanted a radial explosion the almighty puss but after hours of digging through unity's documentation with no luck my will to not google solutions to
all my problems finally came wait there's such a thing as fair overlap [Applause] [Music] always has been so yeah the sphere overlap method works by creating a sphere checking for anything inside or touching the sphere and then applies an explosion force to everything except for me which is also dandy the shield works by using a trigger collider which basically means it allows normal objects to pass through but not bullets and lasers aka raycasts the real interesting thing about this shield though is the fancy pants shader it uses the shader is split into three parts an
outline glow an intersection glow and a neat distortion that works by letting the camera x-ray vision through the object and paste whatever it sees on top which can then be distorted now because i don't really know how to code code shaders there were two whole days when i could only get these effects to work separately when suddenly now don't tell anyone i did this or i'll lose my reputation as a very serious game developer who never uses hacky solutions that will come back to bite them in the future out of all the things i made
so far the portals are definitely one of the most fun to use like the shield they also have a trigger collider but as soon as any object that can move touches this one the object's position immediately changes to the other portal along with the speed it had thus teleportation the reason they look like they lead to the dark abyss instead of what you see through the other portal right now is because again i don't really know how to code shaders yet they're also a bit janky because i apply an offset so you don't get mercilessly
teleported back and forth and even that's just a work around a workaround because i haven't set up a fancy system that cuts holes and colliders by generating temporary ones around the portals but despite their flaws and jankiness it's super fun to teleport around launch cubes out of the map test test test and also use them to gain speed and time new record to make time stop i made a script called where i call co routine called to be continued that sets a variable called continue time from one to zero which everything except the player uses
with its time value and once until next episode duration is over i set continue time back to one as a result everything becomes false except for me genius now despite my excellent variable naming skills this is probably a terrible way to go about stopping time because there are a whole lot more things i want to pause the not pause and manually setting up the ability to be paused for everything but the player is a bit tedious plus i don't really know how to pause things like falling cubes with this method i'll definitely be working on
a new approach for this for the future finally for the tank i literally just used the player scaled up and gave it a modified turret skin okay maybe it was slightly more complicated this setup than that but i mean that's kind of how it turned out the power of reskins must be stupid strong though because dirt tank is actually really fun to drive around and i have a great desire to mow down a bunch of enemies with it speaking of enemies have you seen armond kristoff i'll be trying my hand at making some advanced ai
next so if you're interested subscribe so you don't miss the next episode when it comes out until then thanks for watching me make a game where a metal soccer ball uses halo energy swords to shoot at the drone from oblivion along with a few other things i find neat thrown in [Music]
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