there's a young man who who was like me they brought him to me and he was dedicated when he was a boy and then he went into the ult then he was one he was buried in the grave for many days you know he had done all kind of things so if they brought him to me and I prayed with him he was not delivered H I prayed a second time he was not delivered the Lord said to me you know what pray with with him every day at 3:00 a. m. wow with him wake up every day call him he will staying in church wake up pray with him at 3:00 a.
m. and every time we begin to pray he goes into a deep sleep like a comma sleep like that is sleep that you cannot wake him up like he leaves and so I'm disappointed but the Lord tells me keep doing it if you don't understand the watches and accessing spiritual Gates it will be impossible for you to pray without ceasing there are moments that the spiritual realm is accessible to everybody the Heavenly Realms is accessible for the Believers only but the spiritual realm is accessible to everyone this is why the kings of Egypt could dream and it was God speaking to them the pharaoh of Egypt had a dream and he woke up he said I need somebody to interpret this Joseph comes tells him the Lord was warning the king of what was going to happen you you are believer you don't even know if it's a Dram from God or for the devil and by the way there are no dreams from the devil if you understand scripture there's no dreams from the devil all Drams Come From God when Joseph stood before pH says even Daniel used the same statement do not all Drams Come From God a nightmare is not a dream have you ever just suddenly woke up during the night without warning or any reason feeling like someone wanted you awake and woke you up for a reason but you just can't put your finger on it you then try going back to sleep and cover yourself with a blanket twisting and turning for a while trying to go back to sleep this also isn't the first time that this has happened you also can't help but notice that you have this unsettling moment of spiritual awareness at 3:00 a. m.
like your spirit is trying to tell you something the thought of waking up and praying crosses your mind but for whatever reason you simply ignore this urge and eventually go back to sleep tragically this is the same mistake that Millions if not billions of people make almost every night instead of listening to the Holy Spirit they force themselves back to sleep unaware of the current spiritual battle that is ongoing while they Slumber the question I have for you today is are you spiritually awake when it matters the most when God wa wakes you up at 3:00 a. m. to be honest many of us including myself have previously ignored this sign from God when we wake up around this time thinking it was just a coincidence and however in Ephesians 5:14 it says clearly that God is the one who gives us breath and wakes us up from our sleep so it's not just a coincidence if you're ready to dive deeper into today's teaching and please give this video a like so I know you are listening this simple Revelation can end up saving you from multiple spiritual strongholds in your life teaching you how to break them and can help you save your destiny in Psalms 3:5 it says I sleep and wake up refreshed because you Lord protect me this scripture clearly states that we sleep and wake up refreshed because of the Lord and no one else we do not wake up because of an alarm or a loved one waking us up in the morning notice how even without those things we would still wake up it is because the Lord allows us to wake up every morning many people take being woken up early in the morning for GR especially once they start noticing a pattern of waking up early at around 3:00 a.
m. they unfortunately instead of searching for the real reason to why they often wake up at around this time just force themselves to go back to sleep or even scroll through Tik Tok or Instagram on their phones finding meaningless distractions to eventually get lost in their thoughts however unbeknownst to them this moment holds a far deeper significance than you may realize how many times due to ignorance have you allowed witches and spiritual forces to dictate your life in your sleep stealing your destiny stars and blessings while you sleep as the devil only comes to steal kill and destroy John 10:10 one mistake that many Believers have made is that when God wakes you up at around this time you don't take action this seemingly small mistake can be devastating to our Spirits as witches and dark entities operate around this time in job 33:15 we read that God often speaks to us in dreams every dream has a meaning and is not meaningless they can carry valuable messages from God and warnings of what is to come Prophet ly will now elaborate more on this topic listen closely so why is the Bible say pray without ceasing how can you pray without ceasing if you don't understand the watches and accessing spiritual Gates it will be impossible for you to pray without ceasing but you'll not be able to pray without ceasing now I know a lot of people are hearing me say watches of the Day Watches watches watches you will understand in a second there are moments that the spiritual realm is accessible to everybody the Heavenly Realms is accessible for the Believers only but the spiritual realm is accessible to everyone this is why the kings of Egypt could dream and it was God speaking to them the pharaoh of Egypt had a dream and he woke up he said I need somebody to interpret this Joseph comes tells him the Lord was warning the king of what was going to happen you you are believer you don't even know if it's a Dram from God or for the devil and by the way there are no dreams from the devil if you understand scripture there's no dreams from the devil all Drams Come From God that's why the Bible says this it says when when Joseph stood before pH says even Daniel used the same statement do not all Drams Come From God a nightmare is not a dream a nightmare is your spirit left your body and you got attacked that's not a dream no dream is from the devil but we'll talk about that another time is people don't understand dream interpretation now watch this I want you to go to Genesis chapter one yeah verse one in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth mhm and the Earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters uhhuh and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light and that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness and God called the light day in the darkness he called night mhm in the evening and the morning were the first day notice this doesn't even make sense if you're not spiritual you will not understand what is happening here God said let there be light he created light mhm now Darkness did not exist because Darkness was not created either so God did not say let there be light because there was darkness is this making sense it's not like God made and there were no lights so he said o I forgot to put lights no that's not it because the Bible tells you light and darkness they all the same to thee you see all so God is Not confined by anything that he has created I don't know if somebody is catching Meen yes but notice this God says let there be light and he divides the light from the darkness meaning darkness is also light because if I'm going to separate two things it means they're Inseparable they are the same thing yeah this is why people use like infrared goggles and things like that and then the night becomes just like Day meaning it is our capacity to convert that light that we don't have for us to see through it wow it's not that it's not light it's just a different form of light mhm and we when we are talking about Darkness here we are not talking about darkness in the context of the devil no evil or evil thank you or evil but what I'm trying to explain to you is this the measure of a day or what God calls a day is not really talking about a day he may be referring to a season he did something that is why it's funny the Bible says a day is like a thousand years unto God so your 24 hours can be like a thousand years to him so if you pray for 24 hours in the spirit it's like you have spent thousand years that is just a measurement to tell you that 24 hours converts to a lot spiritually not because somebody spent a thousand years before God in that sense MH it is like it's a measure so catch this so catch this children catch this everything that God is doing is confining it to a day and evening and the morning evening and the morning evening and the morning let me tell you the truth haven't you ever asked yourself a question why do witches operate at night and just not when the sun has gone down they have a certain hour they have a certain time time that they do most to Juju than any time not because in the day they can't perform Juju it's not because in the day they don't perform Juju no they understand the hours that those gates are available in the spiritual realm a day is like a day is released from the spiritual realm into the Physical Realm you see how we say the Bible says that this is the day that the Lord has made mhm do you know what it really means when you understand this message you understand what it means of course every day is made by God but notice how the psalmist is saying it this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it he's not just saying that every day is the day that the Lord has made there is something special about this day I'll be glad and rejoice in it why is he saying that because in the spiritual realm let me show you an example okay this is the day it has not been released from Heaven yet this is the day that has not been released from Heaven yet mhm when a certain G when a certain time comes that day is released into the spiritual atmosphere that everybody has access to then another hour comes where the day now is released into the natural realm at that opening of that hour is very critical because whoever will possess that day whatever they do before it's released in the material world can have influence to manipulate the day the way they want so witches and wizards they know this secret they are active at night at a certain hour and we will go to specific times of operations the reason why they do that is because they try to influence the day with accidents with calamities with spells so that the people of God can be destroyed that's why the Bible says the moon shall not harm you the moon shall the the sun shall not harm you by by day know the Moon by Night how can the Sun and the Moon harm you meaning somebody is taking control and perverting what the son is supposed to do using it as a weapon against the children of God the Bible says the enemy prepareth a a snare for you in the night so that in the day you fall in it you're destroyed but these are spiritual things that Christians read the Psalms they think they're just beautiful sayings but they don't understand this is actually spiritual warfare right wow anyone that does not understand the watches of the day cannot perform spiritual warfare and if they overcome it simply by the grace of God not because they know what they're doing wow that was so enlightening the fact that Genesis has the principles of spiritual warfare is astounding and proves that God is always a step ahead in Deuteronomy 318 it says the Lord is the one who goes ahead of you he will be with you he will not fail you or forsake you do not fear or be dismayed make sure you stick around till the end as we continue to explore this profound teaching and uncover more Revelations if you've made it this far in the video please let me know by typing what a powerful message in the comments section below I read and reply to every single comment before we dive into Pastor James calia's teaching in a moment I would like to highlight something that is important when you close your eyes and sleep the devil and his companions know that God will speak to you through your dreams this is one of the reasons you may have nightmares which are not the same as dreams as Prophet loie mentioned a spirit of discernment is required to truly recognize where the origin of a dream lies and the only way we can achieve that is through the Holy Spirit and daily prayer I recommend writing down your dreams in the morning and praying in tongues regularly this will help you develop a deeper connection with God ask God to help you interpret your dreams and he will reveal all the meanings of your dreams and Visions the devil operates on confusion and will try to deceive you into thinking that a dream from God is really from him and if you end up ignoring it or rebuking it without truly understanding its origin you will fall for his trap this is why prayer at around this hour is so important to help us build up our spirit of discernment within the holy spirit that will end up guiding us to discern the messages we receive whether they are from God or sent to deceive us from the enemy as Hosea 4:6 says my people perish due to lack of knowledge I urge you to never take waking up at 3:00 a. m.
lightly again that you always wake up and pray if you don't know how or what to pray about I recommend Psalm 91 as a good starting point to help guide you on your journey now let's dive into Pastor James calia's teaching and learn why praying at 3:00 a. m. is so powerful you must create a pattern there's no one to help you but you can say Okay father no one will help me as I'm setting 1 hour every day for the next 7 days I'll do it every day I'll be consistent I'm raising my altar I don't know what to do but I need Liberty why people are not compl delivered because they don't have a pattern they have not created a cycle they want to pray today tomorrow they pray they are complaining but it's say okay it's not working out I don't even see what's so but I'll always worship God at this time for 1 hour the next 45 days it becomes an altar so you raise an altar for yourself and I always say okay if there's no one to help you raise the altar raise your altar pray in tongues worship the same time for a period of time create a pattern in your life the pattern you're creating is going to interfere with the patterns the enemy had put in your life come on that's good cuz it's it's about cutting the breaking the cycle so your altar overrides whatever alter is here is the principle in Deliverance break the cycle that's the principle break in healing in Deliverance there has been a cycle there's been a pattern now you break that with your cycle the superior one if I decide to pray at midnight mm for 1 hour every day mhm for for 7 days M there are many cycles I've interfered with in my life so this one cycle I'm creating is is breaking patterns and cycles that the enemy could use as gates to oppress me or blind me so when I create a cycle of prayer it's an it's it's a it's a consecration because I'm saying Lord this one hour is for you this one minute is for you and I'm going to be faithful on my altar I'm going to be faithful there's a young man who who was like me they brought him to me and he was dedicated when he was a boy and then he went into the ult then he was one he was buried in the grave for many days you know he had done all kind of things if they brought him to me and I prayed with him he was not delivered I prayed a second time he was not delivered the Lord said to me you know what pray with him every day at 3:00 a.
m. wow with him wake up every day call him he was staying in church wake up pray with him at 3:00 a. m.
and every time we begin to pray he goes into a deep sleep like a comma sleep like that is sleep that you cannot wake him up like he lives and so I'm disappointed but the Lord tells me keep doing it because you are breaking a pattern I realized that was the time they could always come for him and take him for rituals when he's sleeping so there was a pattern in his life that every time at 3:00 a. m. he goes into a demonic sleep and this he leaves the body so they go and use him so the so I again praying and I didn't know what to pray I first repented and the Lord said no working so he said pray in tongues so I could pray from 3 a.