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A Word of Wisdom
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you might be surprised by what I'm about to share but it's crucial to stay silent and focused about what's coming your way I stand before you with a fire burning in my soul not of my own but of the Living God the holy spirit this is not a casual message this is a call to the chosen ones to those who are set apart I am here to set your heart Ablaze with truth to shake the very foundations of your understanding and to awaken the dormant Fire Within you I stand before you today with a message
that will either ignite your spirit or Leave You trembling with the weight of its implications this is not just a teaching it's a warning a Divine plea and a reminder that your soul your eternity is at stake there is a sin so grave so final that even the vast mercy of God will not reach it this sin spoken of by Jesus himself is blasphemy against the holy spirit this sin is unforgivable not because God's love is limited but because rejecting the holy spirit is rejecting the very Lifeline that leads to Salvation today we will go
deep deeper than you've ever gone before into understanding what it means to blaspheme the Holy Spirit and why the Bible warns us so sternly against it beloved today you will be conf conf fronted with truth and truth has the power to transform you or to leave you broken this message is not for the faint of heart it's for those who want to rise to their calling those who desire the fire of God's presence to consume every corner of their lives welcome to a Word of Wisdom if you're not already subscribed go ahead and subscribe like
the video and turn on notifications to keep up to dat with the word of God and so I tell you you every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven but blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven anyone who speaks a word against the son of man will be forgiven but anyone who speaks against the holy spirit will not be forgiven either in this age or in the age to come Matthew 12: 31-32 Jesus did not mince words when he spoke of blasphemy against the holy spirit this is not a parable or a metaphor
this is a direct statement from the mouth of God himself every sin no matter how Grievous no matter how far reaching its consequences can be forgiven except this one why what makes blasphemy against the holy spirit so severe that even the Limitless grace of God will not cover it to understand this we must first understand who the holy spirit is the holy spirit is not a Distant Force or an abstract idea the holy spirit is the very essence of God the third person of the Trinity who moves in the hearts of Believers convicts the world
of sin and leads us into all truth he is the one who regenerates our hearts making us New Creations in Christ to blaspheme the holy spirit is to reject his work to deny his presence and to attribute his Divine acts to evil it is a rejection of of the very means by which God draws us to himself blasphemy against the holy spirit is not just a careless word or a fleeting thought it is a deliberate hardened rejection of the spirit's work even when you know it is the truth it is seeing the hand of God
move and willfully choosing to attribute it to the enemy this is why it is unforgivable not because God cannot forgive it but because in committing this sin a person has cut themselves off from the very means of receiving forgiveness do you feel the gravity of this truth chosen one this is not a game this is not a light matter the weight of Eternity rests on your understanding and reverence for the Holy Spirit the Bible is filled with warnings about this sin it is not hidden nor is it vague God in his Mercy has given us
clear examples to understand the seriousness of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit let's dive into the scriptures and heed the lessons they teach us one of the most sobering warnings comes from the Pharisees in Mark 3: 22-30 we see Jesus performing Miracles casting out demons by the power of the Holy Spirit and yet the Pharisees blinded by their pride and jealousy accused him of casting out demons by the power of Satan this is the very essence of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit knowing the truth seeing the evidence of God's power and yet willfully choosing to reject
it and attributed to Evil Jesus responds with a warning that should echo in the hearts of every believer truly I tell you people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter but whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit will never be forgiven they are guilty of an eternal sin this is a line that must must never be crossed Chosen One the Pharisees had witnessed the undeniable power of God yet their hearts were so hardened that they rejected it let this be a warning to us all we must never allow Pride jealousy or Rebellion
to Blind us to the work of the Holy Spirit ananas and saf in acts 5:1-11 are another tragic example of disregarding the Holy Spirit they lied to the Apostles of about the money they received from selling land but Peter made it clear you have not lied just to human beings but to God they had lied to the Holy Spirit and their punishment was immediate death this story reminds us that the holy spirit is not to be mocked or taken lightly his presence is Holy and he demands our reverence why is blasphemy against the holy spirit
so different from other sins to answer this we need to understand the role of the holy spirit in the life of a Believer the holy spirit is the very Breath of God in us he convicts us of sin leads us into truth and empowers us to live a life that honors god without the Holy Spirit we cannot even come to Faith it is he who opens our eyes to the truth of the gospel and gives us the power to live it out John 16: 8-13 tells us when he the spirit of truth comes he will
guide you into all the truth he will not speak on his own he will speak only what he hears and he will tell you what is Yet to Come the holy spirit is our guide our counselor our comforter to blaspheme against him is to reject the very one who leads us to Christ imagine a person drowning in the ocean with a Lifeboat coming to rescue them blasphemy against the holy spirit is like seeing the Lifeboat knowing it is there to save you but choosing to push it away preferring to drown in your pride this is
why it is unforgivable because it is a rejection of the only means of Salvation the Holy Spirit doesn't just convict us of sin he empowers us to live in righteousness Acts 1:8 says but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my Witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the Earth without the Holy Spirit we are powerless he is the one who equips us for the work of the Kingdom to blaspheme him is to cut ourselves off from the power of God
what sets blasphemy against the Holy Spirit apart from other sins after all the Bible tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God Romans 3:23 and yet we are offered forgiveness through the blood of Jesus but blasphemy against the holy spirit is different it is not like a moment of anger or weakness where we speak carelessly and later repent no blasphemy against the holy spirit is far more dangerous it is a willful deliberate rejection of the truth it is seeing the light and choosing Darkness it is hearing the voice of
the Holy Spirit and deciding to to silence it this is not a sin committed in ignorance or weakness it is a sin committed in defiance with full knowledge of what is being rejected Hebrews 10: 26-27 warns us if we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth no sacrifice for sins is left but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God blasphemy against the holy spirit is a deliberate ongoing rejection of the very truth that can save us this sin differs from
others in its finality when we lie cheat or steal there is still room for repentance when we gossip or Harbor bitterness the Holy Spirit convicts us and we have the opportunity to turn back to God but when we blaspheme the Holy Spirit we are cutting ourselves off off from the very source of conviction the very one who leads us to repentance there is no turning back because we have rejected the very means of Salvation we live in a world filled with lies and deception every day the enemy Whispers into the hearts of men and women
sowing seeds of Doubt confusion and Rebellion but in the midst of this Darkness the Holy Spirit stands as the spirit of Truth John chap 16:3 calls him the spirit of Truth who guides us into all truth honoring the holy spirit means clinging to truth even when the world tells us otherwise it means being sensitive to his voice even when the noise of the world tries to drown him out it means standing firm in the word of God even when Society tells us to compromise 1 John 4:6 says we are from God and whoever knows God
listens to us but whoever is not from God does not listen to us this is how we recognize the spirit of truth and the spirit of falsehood the holy spirit is the only one who can lead us through the Maze of deception that surrounds us to reject him is to embrace the lies of the enemy to walk in darkness while rejecting the light Beloved the world is filled with deception and the enemy will do everything in his power to lead you away from the truth but the Holy Spirit the spirit of Truth is your guide
he is your anchor in a world of chaos honor him listen to him do not grieve him and certainly do not reject him there is a difference between grieving the Holy Spirit and blaspheming him Ephesians 4:30 says and do not grieve the holy spirit of God with whom you were sealed for the day of Redemption grieving the Holy Spirit happens when we sin when we act in ways that are contrary to the will of God it is possible to grieve the spirit but this does not mean we are Beyond hope when we grieve the Holy
Spirit it is a sign that he is still working in us it is a sign that we are still sensitive to his conviction the very fact that we feel the weight of our sin is evidence that the Holy Spirit has not abandoned us in these moments repentance is the key when we grieve the Holy Spirit we must run back to him with a heart of repentance knowing that he is faithful to forgive us blaspheming the Holy Spirit however is far more dangerous it is not merely sinning or falling short it is a willful rejection of
the spirit's work in our lives it is knowing the truth and choosing to reject it it is hardening our hearts to the point where we no longer feel conviction no longer desire repentance and no longer acknowledge the work of the spirit beloved if you are feeling convicted by the Holy Spirit do not Harden your heart do not ignore his voice run to him not away from him repent and let the fire of the Holy Spirit cleanse you but if you sense your heart growing cold if you feel yourself drifting away from the truth cry out
before it's to too late do not allow the enemy to deceive you into thinking that rejecting the spirit's conviction is a light matter so how do we honor the Holy Spirit how do we ensure that we never even come close to blaspheming him it begins with cultivating a heart of reverence and humility the holy spirit is not just a Distant Force he is the very presence of God dwelling within us 1 Corinthians 6:9 19 reminds us do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have
received from God you are not your own when you understand that your very body is a temple for the Holy Spirit you begin to treat him with the reverence he deserves here are some practical steps to cultivate a heart that honors the Holy Spirit one every day Surrender Your Heart your will and your desires to the ho holy spirit let him guide your steps convict your heart and lead you into truth surrender is not a onetime act it is a daily posture of the heart two be quick to repent when you feel the conviction of
the Holy Spirit do not delay in repenting do not let Pride or stubbornness keep you from turning back to God repentance is a gift and the Holy Spirit is the one who leads us to it three honor his presence speak of the holy spirit with awe and reverence his work in your life is Holy and it is not to be taken lightly when you speak of him let it be with the honor he deserves four pursue Holiness the holy spirit is Holy and he desires to make you holy pursue a life that reflects his character
let go of sin Embrace righteousness and allow the Holy Spirit to trans form you from the inside out five listen to his voice the holy spirit is always speaking but we must be willing to listen quiet the noise of the world and tune your heart to his voice when he speaks obey without hesitation Beloved the holy spirit is not just a helper he is the very presence of God within you honor him reverence him let your life be a temple that reflects his holiness chosen one this is your call to action the fire of the
holy spirit is burning within you but it is your responsibility to keep it burning bright do not grieve the Holy Spirit do not Harden your heart against his conviction and above all never ever cross the line into blasphemy the weight of Eternity rests on this truth the spirit of God is upon you he is calling you to a higher standard to a deeper walk to a life that honors his presence in every moment Let the Fire of the Holy Spirit consume you refine you and lead you into all truth and as you walk this path
may you never lose sight of the Holiness of his presence let's pray this prayer of faith together as one family heavenly father in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I come before you standing in awe of your majesty your Holiness and your power you are the king of kings the Lord of lords and there is none like you father I lift up this message before your throne and I pray that it will go forth like a fire that cannot be quenched let your Holy Spirit move mightily through every word spoken breaking Every Chain tearing down
every stronghold and setting Hearts Ablaze For Your Glory father I pray for every soul under the sound of this message let the this prayer hit their hearts like a hammer breaking the hardness of sin rebellion and pride in the name of Jesus I rebuke every Spirit of deception Every Lie of the enemy that has taken root in their minds I declare that by the power of the Holy Spirit the chains of sin are falling off every person who hears this message Father let their heart be convicted by the fire of your spirit open their eyes
to see your truth truth open their ears to hear your voice Holy Spirit sweep through their lives like a rushing wind burn away every impurity every distraction every false belief that has taken them away from your presence draw them back to you father let them feel the weight of your glory the fire of your conviction and the power of your presence in a way they have never experienced before shake their Spirits Lord let them encounter you in a deep and profound way that leaves them forever changed Lord I lift up those who have shared this
message who have taken the Bold step to spread the truth of your word bless them Father for their faithfulness let your favor surround them like a shield as they share Lord let the fire of this message touch the hearts of everyone they reach multiply the impact Lord let this message go beyond boundaries Beyond walls and Beyond limitations let it be like a wildfire spreading across Nations igniting Revival and bringing salvation to the Lost father for those who have subscribed liked commented and responded Amen to this message I pray a special blessing over them let their
faith be strengthened and let their lives be transformed by your power honor their response to your word and pour out your spirit upon them in Greater measure meet them in their place of need father fill them with your love peace and boldness let them be carriers of your fire spreading your light wherever they go I declare in the mighty name of Jesus that no weapon formed against this message all those who hear it shall prosper every attack of the enemy is broken by the blood of Jesus Every Chain of bondage is shattered Every Lie is
exposed every Spirit of rebellion is cast out father let the power of your Holy Spirit move in undeniable ways bringing transformation healing and restoration Let Your Fire Fall Lord let it fall upon every listener upon every heart baptize them aresh in your holy spirit let them feel the weight of your presence the fire of your truth and the Holiness of Your Love let them walk in reverence and honor to your spirit never grieving or rejecting you but living in constant surrender and obedience we give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise
may your name be exalted through this message and may your kingdom come your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven in the mighty matchless and Powerful name of Jesus Christ we pray amen if this message has touched your heart and you'd like to support our mission of spreading God's word there's a link pinned in the comments below no gift is too small your generosity even just a penny can bring hope and joy to someone's life thank you for partnering with God in this important work
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