Why Your Less-Experienced Colleagues Are Promoted Instead of You!

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Dr. Grace Lee
Did a co-worker beat you to a promotion recently despite you having better qualifications and more e...
Video Transcript:
Have you ever had this experience where you're really good at what you do, you're reliable, you're disciplined, and you're focused at it, and people can depend on you to do your work, but you have noticed that there are less experienced colleagues that are getting promoted ahead of you? Have you ever had that experience? Is it frustrating?
And it kind of seems unfair. What I wanna talk to you about today are three levels of value and exactly why there are colleagues who are less experienced, maybe even less educated, and they are getting ahead. Their career trajectory goes a lot farther and a lot faster.
Why is that occurring? I'm gonna share with you three levels of value to explain that, and also how you can implement it in your career path so that you can get ahead in your career path and take it to the next level and the executive levels and beyond, right? So when it comes to being good at what you do, being good at what you do, disciplined, reliable, focused, that is you as an implementer.
Now, implementation is the first level of value. Implementation. At the level of value called implementation you are the doer.
They hire you because of a skill set that you have. They hire you because you have technical knowledge and expertise. They hire you because they expect you to be diligent, focused, reliable, and be good at what you do.
So that is what you are doing. That's the level of implementation. Now, implementers are important.
We need them in society. We need them in this world because implementers move things forward, implementers get things done, and we require that. But the problem with implement implementation is a lot of times you can get stuck there at implementation.
Have you ever noticed that being stuck at that level, right? Being stuck before, being a manager, being stuck at doing, putting down your head and doing the work and not getting noticed, not being visible. You can get stuck there.
And the reason why that happens is because implementation is the lowest level of value in the marketplace. The marketplace values implementation the least, which is why if you're operating at the level of the doer, you're the one who does that thing. If you're at that level, this is why you also have the least influence at implementation.
You have the least impact, you have the least visibility, you have the least acknowledgement, recognition because it is the lowest level of value in the marketplace, marketplace value. So what happens is that you go to the next level of value. And before I talk about the next level of value, I invite you to subscribe to my channel, ring the notification bell as well, because every single week I release topics on this and so much more, right?
So let's talk about the second level of value. Remember, the first level of value is implementation. Now, what happens is that some people move to the next level of value in the marketplace and they move from implementation to unification.
Unification. The root word of unification is to unify. So what does that mean?
At the level of unification now you are no longer the one who's primarily hired to do that thing. Instead, you manage people, processes, and projects to do that thing. So now you are using your management skills.
This is the level of unification. It is a higher level of value in the marketplace, which is why if you're at the level of unification, oftentimes, generally you have the title of manager, you're managing those three P's, people, processes, and projects. Sometimes you also manage policies.
So now you're a management of those three or four P's. Now, at the level of management, you have a little bit more impact, and generally you do make a little bit more money. You do have a a higher, a higher income as well.
But the problem with unification is that there's this churn and burn. So here's what I mean by that. Oftentimes, as an executive coach, I see managers at this level of unification, and they still feel undervalued.
They still feel unappreciated. And what the they, they believe in this level, they, there's two lies that people believe the two biggest mistakes because of these lies that we have been programmed to believe, the first lie is that, well, maybe I need more education. And so what happens is a lot of people at the level of unification, they go back to school, they get their MBAs, their master's degree, they go back for certifications, pmp, they put a lot of letters after their name, and they get licenses, certification degrees, diplomas, believing that, well, maybe I need to be get, be more educated in order for people to notice me, in order for me to be more visible, in order for me to be able to do my job well.
So their mentality is still in implementation, even though they're at the level of unification and they feel even more burned out because an MBA is a lot of energy expenditure or it's assume more debt to take on diplomas degrees and certifications. They take on more debt only to come back to still feel unappreciated and undervalued. So there's a churn and burn.
Now, that's the first lie. The first lie is, I need more education. The second lie is the belief that, well, maybe I need to work harder to prove myself.
So then what I see a lot of of managers doing is they work harder, they work longer hours, they take on more projects. They can't say no, they say yes to things. And again, they're churn and burn.
They feel burned out, and they still feel undervalued, unappreciated still stuck at this level. How come I'm not moving up? How come opportunities aren't coming to me?
How come I can't be more competitive for these higher opportunities solving bigger and greater problems and challenges? Why am I still stuck here? And that's the churn and burn because of those two lies?
I need more education or I need to work harder to prove myself. And that is comes from programming, external programming that's telling us, well, you need an education. You need to be good at what you do.
You need to prove yourself. But have you ever noticed that that the harder you work, there's one guarantee is that you feel more tired, you feel more exhausted, right? There's this churn and burn, there's burnout.
But what if I told you that it's not about working harder to prove yourself? And it's definitely not about going back to school. It is about taking your career and your life and yourself, your person, to the highest level of value.
And so let's talk about what is the next level of value. Now, let's review what we talked about so far. We talked about the first two levels of value.
First level of value is implementation, which is lowest level. The next level from that is unification. That's the second level of value in the marketplace and the highest level of value, you go from implementation to unification.
And the highest level of value is communication. Communication. So what does that mean?
It means being a great communicator. It means communications between you and somebody else. Successful communications, effective communications, confident communications.
Communications as it pertains to leadership. So that's exactly why you see individuals in your industry. It doesn't matter what industry you belong to.
It doesn't matter what corporation you are work with. It could be a large corporation, it could be a startup, it could be a non-profit. You're gonna see this again and again and again, individuals who are less educated, individuals who don't even have as many years of experience as you individuals who do not have the technical knowledge as you.
Sometimes they need to come to you for help because they're not as good as you at what they do. You're good at what you do. They're not necessarily good at what they do.
But the thing about them is they can talk really well. They have confident communications, they can articulate their thoughts, express themselves very clearly, and individuals find their charisma, their leadership through their communications. Individuals who speak well simply because they can speak well, they get promoted, they get recognized, they are more visible.
They are the preferred choice. Opportunities flow to these individuals, and their career trajectory goes a lot farther and faster. And I get it, it hardly seems fair because we were taught, we were programmed by the education system and by society that you need to go to school and get good grades so that you can be good at what you do.
But the reason why this happens, and it does not seem fair, it doesn't feel fair, it feels so unfair. But the reason why that happens is because the marketplace values communication. Communication is the highest level of value in the marketplace, and this is the most, one of the most important principles to understand.
So if you are listening to this and you're nodding your head and you've experienced that, a coworker, a colleague, advancing faster, farther, even though they are less experienced, less educated. If you're noticing this and you understand it, and now you can see why, you can see behind the scenes of why this is happening and you understand the importance of great communications, then I invite you to work with me. Every single week I train on effective communications.
Communications as it pertains to leadership, how to position yourself in the marketplace. Positioning is all about communications. And more importantly, how you communicate effectively, communicate authentically, communicate powerfully how you achieve that skill set.
How do you manage your communication skills and become a great orator. If this is a skill that you are serious about developing because you see yourself advancing and you want to move to that next level of your career path, then click the link below. Below this video in the description, there is a link for you to apply for my executive coaching program, and this is where I will train you on all areas of communications.
So click the link below, just fill out a simple form. You're gonna talk to either myself or a member of my team. And I look forward, I'm excited for you in this journey.
Now, if you are wondering how do I get promoted to senior executive levels, I created another video to talk about exactly that. This is a video where I talked about how do you improve your communication skills so that you can be promoted to senior executive levels. That video is coming right up next.
So stay tuned and I'll see you there.
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