22 True Horror Stories Animated

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22 True Horror Stories Animated #horrorstories #facebook #truestory #animation #horror #ssg #scary ...
Video Transcript:
my name is Brandon white and I used to get food from the McDonald's restaurant close to my house every day a couple of months ago I walked in to get something and was attended by a new female employee named Mary she was middle-aged had short brown hair and was slightly overweight while I waited for my order she tried to get to know me making small talk I didn't mind at the time she seemed nice and there was nothing odd about our conversation after giving me my sandwich I left not knowing that visiting McDonald's that day
would lead to my biggest mistake ever the next few days after meeting her weren't that different from the first but as more days went by I began to notice something strange about Mary for starters Mary was always the one taking my orders this was unusual for McDonald's to make things worse the conversations she tried to have with me only became weirder and left me uncomfortable in most situations she would say strange things like how I looked so sexy and tasty and sometimes ask me questions that no employee should have been interested in everything about Mary's
Behavior was odd she looked almost 10 years older than me and didn't strike me as that sort of person in any way eventually I began visiting another McDonald's far away from my house deciding against reporting Mary and getting her fired a couple of weeks went by and one day I walked into the new McDonald's and saw Mary working at the counter I was shocked and expected her to tell me if she was filling in for someone but instead Mary acted as if she'd never left the old McDonald's and didn't address the situation at all she
resumed her usual attempts at small talk and disturbing remarks but I simply ignored everything she said got my order and left I decided not to go to McDonald's for a while and only had it when a few friends placed orders at their Apartments I didn't know if Mary still worked there but I wasn't eager to find out one afternoon while walking home after getting groceries someone suddenly bumped into me out of nowhere and most of my grocer failed I bent over to pick them up and the woman who had bumped into me began apologizing as
she joined me to pick up the groceries when I looked up to thank her I was shocked to see Mary standing in front of me I remained in silence as my mind raised was this woman stalking me or was this just a coincidence after standing there in silence Mary finally said well young man I'm in a hurry so sorry about that and left acting like she didn't know who I was I brushed it off again as a coincidence and walked home as I got home I realized my house keys weren't on me but I was
in a hurry and figured I had probably left without them so I quickly got my spare key from under the mat dropped my groceries inside and left to meet up with my colleagues my co-workers and I spent a couple of hours getting drunk and playing games on our day off I left and headed home but as I opened my door something about it felt different that feeling you get when when someone else has been in your home was everywhere but I was wasted and all I wanted to do was take a shower so I quickly
looked around and headed to the bathroom later that night I was alone in my living room watching HBO when my phone rang Bo when my phone rang I was curious about who could be calling me so late at night so I answered with a simple hello there wasn't a voice on the other end but I could hear someone Breathing heavily for about a minute before finally hearing a whispery voice say come upstairs I ended the call immediately assuming it was some kids playing a prank but something about it felt off and despite my efforts I
couldn't stop thinking about it and how I felt someone was in my home earlier that day about 3 minutes later my phone rang again and it was the same number I simply ignored it and tried to focus on something else that's when I heard a noise coming from upstairs I quickly switched off the TV and decided to listen more closely to make sure I wasn't hearing things sure enough I heard a loud noise from upstairs followed by another and soon enough I could tell they were footsteps and someone was actually in my home I quickly
grabbed my phone and called the police before heading to the kitchen and grabbing a knife the house was silent for the next few minutes so I began to walk up the stairs slowly to make sure there was actually an intruder as I checked each room one after the other I began to calm down and question if I heard anything at all eventually there was only one room left to check and as I opened the door to the guest room I was filled with a feeling of relief as all I could see was an empty room
and the sense of relief I had just gotten was quickly overcome with fear as out of the corner of my eye I could see a figure standing behind the door before I could say anything the person jumped on Me Knocking the knife out of my hand and settling on top of me pinning both my arms under her in that moment all I could feel was Terror as Mary looked at me dead in the eyes before proceeding to grab the knife I had dropped Mary slowly brought her head closer to me and began to sniff me
like she was taking in deep breaths my scin began to crawl and I began to struggle to get free but there was no use as Mary was a lot heavier than I was she eventually stopped sniffing me and proceeded to say oh I missed you so much baby but you've been avoiding me lately you looked so tasty today I had to see you and well now I have to take a little bide she smiled and continued now it'll hurt a little but I'm sure you don't mind darling Mary quickly brought down the knife on my
hand taking my pinky finger clean off the pain shot through my body and I couldn't help but let out a piercing scream blood began to spill everywhere and Mary couldn't hold back her laugh as she threw my finger in her mouth and chewed it down until nothing remained at that point I had begun to close my eyes as I slowly lost Consciousness from the pain that's when Mary said no baby don't do that I was just about to have one of your tastier Parts she then proceeded Ed to hold my eyelids open as she lowered
the knife slowly towards my eye before I could began to plead with her police sirens filled the air and I was immediately filled with relief Mary quickly got off me and pointed the knife at me saying no how did they find out baby you didn't call them did you one look at the woman in front of me and I could tell she was absolutely crazy she began pacing the room and was visibly worried so I decided it was better to play into her game than act out as I already knew how far she was willing
to go I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you waiting for me so I called them just let me go down there and send them away and I'll be right back Mary looked at me with what seemed to be relief and I could tell she truly believed what I had just said she replied all right honey be quick now and lowered the knife letting me leave I Bool it downstairs with one thing in mind get as far away from Mary as I could as I stepped out of the house I was met by a
group of officers they asked if anyone else was in the house before storming in and exiting with Mary in the next few minutes Mary was taken away in tears as she screamed at me for betraying her and not keeping my word confirming to the police that she was completely crazy in the last few days I've been informed by the authorities that Mary is wanted in several States for multiple counts of rape assault and suspicion of cannibalism I was lucky enough to be the only one of her victims to survive her ordeal that encounter still keeps
me up at night and I I haven't been able to stop thinking about the first time I met Mary and McDonald's I hope my story has helped you all realize that we really know nothing about the people who serve us and our families at McDonald's in my case I met a crazy serial killer who posed as a happy go-lucky woman but in your case it just might be the devil who hands you your happy meal with a smile on their face hello everyone we are thrilled that you have been enjoying our videos your support means
the world to us if you've liked what you've seen please consider liking and subscribing to our Channel we would love to hear which one of our videos is your favorite we're on a mission to reach 100,000 members in the SSG family and with your help we can achieve that goal thank you for being a part of our journey Christmas is usually one of the best holidays of the year the kids are always happy there's food parties and presents it's really that time of year when we can leave all our problems behind and concentrate on being
happy even if it's just for a day or two the story I'm about to tell you was just before Christmas in those days when we were getting ready for the holidays and it was all happy times what neither I nor my children expected was that those moments of Happiness would be interrupted because we had an appointment with the unknown something we didn't understand at the time and still don't today was stalking us and you know what it still is if you don't know what you're up against how can you defeat it it all started on
a snowy day during those days we decided to take a mini vacation and went to my parents' Country House my wife was hesitant to go since we had a lot of work to do when we got back but the kids were on vacation from school and insisted all year to go so we indulged them it was only a few days before Christmas we had already put up the Christmas tree and decorated our house in town but the cabin still lacked some Christmas spirit we brought some decorations to beautify the cabin a bit but to my
surprise my parents had left us something a human-sized Santa Claus it looked like an animatronic but it was very strange it was too thin normally Santa Clauses are similar to the real Santa fat with a huge smile but there was something weird about this one his look was T he looked like some Santa Claus out of some child's nightmares I was about to put it away but my kids saw it at the same time I did and for some reason they liked it kids really do have the weirdest tastes other than that the day continued
as normal we spent the evening watching movies and eating something as a family the kids say seemed very entertained and my wife and I were very happy about it nothing prepared us for what would happen the next day after spending the night sleeping comfortably a scream woke my wife and me at the same time it was the scream of one of our children as soon as we woke up we both looked out the window where the scream was coming from my two children were outside running through the snow running away from someone when I looked
back a little further I clearly saw their attacker no it couldn't be true it was the Santa Claus animatronics I had put up yesterday this didn't make any sense as I watched him run in the direction of my children I could see him walk very naturally this was not an animatronic or anything like that it moved like a human but it was so thin who could fit into that costume I told my wife to call the police as soon as possible while I went to get our children and protect them from their attacker at that
point I didn't care about bundling up or getting a gun I had to go as soon as possible as soon as I got out I did not go on the direction of my children but towards my attacker who for some reason was not running but only walking in the direction of my children I don't know what this being was or why it was attacking my children but I knew I had to do something to stop it with all my strength I threw myself at him I still thought that all this must have some explanation maybe
it was a person disguised as a Santa yes that must be it that was the only logical explanation a little confident from the lie I fed myself I tried to take him down but that's when Despair and desolation took over my whole body when I was just a few inches away from him about to knock him down I was overcome with a horrible feeling of fear and sadness that prevented me from moving forward defeated and crying I fell to the ground clutching my chest from the pain I felt this was not the pain of a
physical attack it was not the pain of an illness it was the pain one feels when one is very nervous or sad Santa simply ignored me and kept walking in the direction of my children whatever it was he was aware of what was happening to me possibly in some way he caused it since he didn't Flinch an inch from my attack knowing what was going to happen after a few seconds that felt like ours I gathered all my strength to get up and follow him the pain and sadness I felt at that moment was so
great that even though it faded as soon as Santa left it still haunted me for me I would have stayed on the ground surrounded by Ice crying but I couldn't afford the luxury that being was after my children and I wouldn't let them feel for a second what I felt at that moment or worse I get up and ran as fast as I could through the ice my children and Santa were already far away in the forest but the sound of their screams guided me on the right path with every centimeter I ran I could
feel that horrible feeling taking over my body again the pain in my chest was getting bigger and bigger I couldn't be far away the screams became closer than ever until crying against the tree I found my two children in front of them the strange figure walked slowly in their direction as soon as I saw this image I turned to Santa Claus you would think that nothing had changed from the last time I did it and ended up on the ice crying but for me everything had changed this time I was watching as the strange being
was about to attack my children and at that moment I didn't care about anything but protecting them I ignored the pain the fear the sadness the cold all I could see was this thing approaching my children with a war cry I lunged at it and knocked it to the ice blinded by rage I didn't realize what was really going on I was just hitting an empty Santa Claus dial all the feeling of fear and Desperation had vanished the moment I made contact with them now I was doing nothing more than hitting an inanimate object while
my children cried beside me when I realized this I stepped aside and went to hug my children while Santa stood destroyed next to us it was all over once we got back I threw all the parts of that Santa Claus in the trash and put a new one once we got home I'll be honest with you the new Santa Claus didn't last more than in 2 days maybe I was still a little paranoid but I could swear that every once in a while it felt like it wasn't in the same position I left it in
as if his head or limbs were moving when no one was watching also I couldn't shake this feeling this feeling of paranoia that when I was near him I was constantly being watched for their part my children didn't talk about it but I could see in their eyes that they were terrified at first my wife thought everything I told her was a joke but over time she began to believe us although part of her thinks it's a strange Collective paranoia I can't blame her and I can't blame you if you don't believe me not even
in my wildest nightmares could I think something like this could happen but I guess as a human there are things we can never understand and you know what it's okay I don't want to understand what happened that day I just don't want it to happen again I just want my family to be safe working at Burger King was an average job for a guy like me often the nights were quiet with only a handful of customers coming in for a quick dinner before closing but on that particular night the story I'm about to tell you
was anything but ordinary I was alone on the night shift as usual and the clock read 10 p.m. when it all started the night was cold and dark and the rain was pounding on the Windows of the restaurant creating a gloomy atmosphere I had finished cleaning the tables and was about to close when I saw a lone man standing outside in the pouring rain he wore a black jacket and a hat that hid half his face but something about his posture sent a shiver down my spine I still couldn't refuse entry to a customer so
I opened the door for him the man walked in without saying a word just staring at me with his cold dark eyes he ordered a hamburger and a soda and I prepared his order the atmosphere in the restaurant was strange as if silence and tension had taken over the place as I delivered his food I tried to make friendly conversation but the man didn't respond he just kept staring at me something in his gaze made me uneasy but I decided not to pay much attention to it the man sat in a corner of the restaurant
alone silent I continued with my usual tasks but I couldn't help but feel watched a few minutes passed and I noticed that the man didn't touch his food he just sat there looking at me I felt uncomfortable as if I were in a scene from a horror movie finally I decided to approach him and ask if everything was okay I walked up to his table and spoke to him is everything all right sir the man looked up but instead of answering he smiled in a disturbing way it was a smile that didn't reach his eyes
and his teeth looked sharp as knives at that moment I knew something wasn't right but I couldn't just let it go the man finally spoke and his voice was soft and creepy I like your restaurant it's a good place to be alone I didn't know what to answer so I just nodded and walked away from his table I walked back to the counter trying to ignore the uneasy feeling that came over me the night was slowly progressing and the man was still sitting in his Corner not touching his food I decided to call the manager
and tell him what was going on but the call was mysteriously cut off before I could say a word I felt like I was trapped in a silent nightmare I decided to take a break and headed for the bathroom I needed a moment to regain my composure while I was in the bathroom I heard footsteps outside as I came out I saw the man walking around the restaurant looking at everything as if he were in respecting every nook and cranny I didn't know what to do but I knew I couldn't stay hidden in the bathroom
forever when I returned to the counter the man approached and finally broke his silence you have an interesting place here I like it a lot his words were unsettling and his gaze kept boring a hole into me I didn't know how to respond so I simply said thank you trying to remain calm the Clock Struck midnight and the man still wouldn't touch his food at that moment I realized I couldn't let this continue I asked him if he needed anything else if he was satisfied with his dinner I need you to show me the kitchen
my heart began to pound I was not allowed to show customers the kitchen and something about the way he was asking made me even more uneasy I I politely explained that I couldn't do that that it was against restaurant policy but the man was unfazed he simply got up from his chair and started walking towards the kitchen I reacted as quickly as I could and started to press the panic button behind the counter but I didn't know if it was working the button didn't react and didn't make any sound who knows maybe it didn't work
months ago maybe it never worked terrified I made a really bad decision driven by pure fear combined with my survival Instinct I ran after him trying to stop him I begged him not to come in but he wouldn't listen when he reached the kitchen he stopped and started looking around as if he was looking for something I felt trapped between my duty to protect the restaurant and the fear that was gripping me the man walked over to one of the meat Cleavers we had in the kitchen and picked it up at that moment I knew
knew I had to do something I grabbed a frying pan and prepared to defend myself even though it was clear I was at a disadvantage do you know what silence is [Laughter] kid silence can be scary right the man Advanced towards me his blade held high I prepared to defend myself with a frying pan but it was useless like laughing he pulled the pan out of my hand as if I were a child playing with something dangerous like a cornered animal I fell to the ground crying excepting my fate aware that I couldn't do anything
to defend myself against this man in retrospect I could have tried to run I could have thrown myself at him anything would have been better than just giving up like that but you know it really is impossible to act logically in that situation all I could think of was that that a few hours earlier I was at home getting dressed for a boring work day thinking about what to eat when I get home suddenly it was all over now I was condemned to death by a man I didn't know his motives were totally unknown I
was just simply going to be the victim of a sick man who was going to kill me for fun as if knowing what I was thinking and how defeated I felt the man left the knife on the table and began to rub his hands AC cross my neck enjoying every second in which I couldn't defend myself at that moment I realized something even more terrible the knife was just to scare me more but he never intended to use it I mean he didn't need to he just wanted to torture me to make my death last
as long as possible I could see in his face and his sick and twisted eyes how he was going to enjoy what he was about to do to me slowly the man put his hands on my neck I could feel the veins in his hands getting more and more pronounced while very slowly his hands applied pressure to my neck little by little I began to Lose My Breath the force in his hands was getting stronger and stronger what would happen first would I die of Suffocation would my neck break all I could think about was
my family my girlfriend my pet what were they doing right now could they have imagined that I was about to die my vision started to get blurrier I was fainting but then suddenly the sound of police sirens became audible outside the man stopped and listened for a moment the tension in the kitchen vanished police lights flashed outside and we heard the officers enter the restaurant the officer approached the man and detained him apparently the emergency button worked and alerted my boss who saw in the cameras everything that was going on the man was arrested and
taken out of the restaurant in handcuffs he didn't say a word as he was led away but his cold stare and disturbing smile remained etched in my mind after he was taken away calm returned to the restaurant my manager arrived soon after concerned and relieved at the same time I explained what had happened and he thanked me for taking steps to protect the place he assured me that the man would not cause trouble again but I was no longer interested I would never set foot in that Burger King again although the man was arrested I
never knew who he was or why he'd come to the restaurant that night the experience left me with with a lingering sense of unease and fear the silence and the look of the psychopathic man stayed with me long after he was taken away that night of Terror at Burger King was an experience I'll never forget I learned that sometimes evil can lurk in the most unexpected places and that silence can be more terrifying than any scream since then I never looked at a hamburger the same way again and I always made sure the doors to
my house were locked at night because I couldn't help but feel that sooner or later that man would come back to my house to finish what he started the date was June 15th 2014 my team and I had decided to finally investigate the old Asylum that stood alone and abandoned in Williamsburg Virginia this particular abandoned Asylum had been the Talk of the Town for years prior with multiple stories and myths the most famous being about students who snuck in and were found Days Later completely silent and void of themselves according to the locals the government
followed up by launching an investigation sending officials to uncover what had happened but their findings were so grave they decided to sweep the case under the rug hiding all students parents and officials who entered the Asylum the case was eventually buried and the Asylum was completely sealed off as toxic and harmful the history of the Asylum while it was functioning was was still unknown and the details of the students who explored it after it was abandoned are also unknown my name is Jacob Benedict and these are the details of how my team and I uncovered
the terrifying secrets of the Williamsburg abandoned Asylum my team consisted of five individuals including me and at the time we'd only been paranormal investigators for about 3 years in these 3 years of working cases and seeing all sorts of things we had come to the conclusion that despite whatever stories were told they were just stories and there really was no such thing as ghosts creatures or Things That Go Bump at night in this particular case we heard first about it in March 2014 and finally decided to make the trip to the asylum in June we
got to the town late that day and didn't do much except Lodge in our hotel and brief on the case we were immediately struck by the inconsistencies and the lack of information about the Asylum which set this case apart from anything we had encountered in the past it piqued our curiosity and F our determination to uncover its Secrets the next day we headed into town and split up into two groups with three of my colleagues heading to the library to try to find out more about the history of the Asylum while Jessica another one of
my colleagues and I went around town asking locals for any information they had excuse me ma'am do you mind if we ask you a few questions I said as we approached a middle-aged lady in the street she replied with yes sure but I'm in a hurry and I don't have much time yeah no problem it'll be quick can you provide us with any information on your Town's old Asylum I said the expression on her face changed slightly before responding with well I can't tell you much if it has to do with that Asylum I know
just as much as you her response shocked me as I had assumed a local would have a lot more information than we did so I said oh I apologize I had assumed since you lived here you'd know a lot more than I do well well I can see how you'd think that but I'm sorry I don't know much and I don't think anyone you speak to would know much either ever since I moved here I've understood that the Asylum is something to stay far away from she paused for a minute before saying of course there
are still stories and ideas but I'll tell you this for Good Will nothing good comes from that Asylum it's best you leave it alone despite saying she knew nothing something about this lady's warning felt real to me I also noticed she mentioned she moved here so I decided to ask so before you leave do you know if maybe there's anyone who grew up here and maybe knows something that could help us she looked annoyed but sluggishly replied A lot of people grew up in this town but the only one I can think of to help
is Mary her family was involved somehow with the Asylum and she doesn't live that far after that the lady kindly gave us directions to Mary's house and in less than 10 minutes we were standing at our front door the house was extremely large and quiet but it was obviously old and I could tell just by looking at it that there hadn't been any repairs in years we knocked and in about 2 minutes an elderly lady opens the door slightly can I help you she said standing behind the door yes uh we're looking for Mary we
wanted to ask if questions about the abandoned Asylum I replied the woman remained silent for a while before reluctantly inviting us into the home The house's interior was just as run down as its exterior with the paint peeling off and its floors confirming to me that the house was extremely old Mary showed us a couch and informed us to wait for her here as she went to get what she needed she returned a few minutes later with a file completely covered in dust and told us everything there was to know about the abandoned Asylum was
in there after a while of talking we discovered Mary's grandfather was head of operations at the Asylum while it was running and he passed away shortly after it was closed she explained the fs put together by an employee at the Asylum during an investigation that eventually resulted in the closing of the Asylum the case was handled quietly and the family obtained the file after the Asylum was closed keeping it to avoid any scandals or leaks however when the kids went missing the police asked Mary's father for information and again the file was used quietly and
the government found its contents too problematic and swept the case under the rug Mary appeared emotional talking about this she proceeded to tell us she'd uncovered the contents of the file after her father's passing and had been burdened by the guilt of keeping it all hidden I wasn't going to help you at first but you seem like good people I think you will do the right thing with that file and bring light to the activities of what went down at that Asylum Mary seemed to have confused us for journalist or some sort So I responded
with Mary there seems to be a bit of confusion here while we do find everything you've told us intriguing we didn't come here to get the scoop on this we're here because people believe the building's haunted and and there are various myths revolving around the Asylum we'd hoped you'd know a little bit about its history thankfully you did but we still need to visit the Asylum and find out what's really going on maybe there's even some truth behind the myths Mary's expression had completely changed now and she looked almost pale as she said whatever you
do do not visit that place just take the file and release the truth she paused before grabbing Jessica's arm and saying that Asylum is no place for people like you the devil lives there now the devil and all his demons Jessica quickly pulled back her arm and got up before saying Jacob we should go I think we have enough Mary began to frantically look around saying don't go don't go I got up and thanked Mary before leaving with Jessica and heading to the Asylum little did I know that would be the biggest mistake we ever
made I think it was about an hour later and my entire group was standing at the gates of the Asylum we had met up earlier to discuss what we had all discovered the group that visited the library didn't find much but they'd managed to find the blueprints of the Asylum we told them about our discussion with Mary and proceeded to look at the contents of the file together the file contained all sorts of horrible tests and experiments that were done on the mental patients in the Asylum these experiments only led the patients to slowly lose
more of themselves until they were eventually void As Time passed patients began to die and the Asylum decided to bury the corpses on its grounds what really began to worry the doctor however was the living patients who had already been losing themselves suddenly began to have regular conversations with their dead colleagues they would be heard laughing hysterically and calling the names of the Dead in the middle of the night it didn't take long before the patients who hadn't been involved in the experiments began acting the same way and eventually the doctors it was as if
all those in the Asylum began slowly losing themselves until they were completely void and could no longer function mentally as we looked at the old Asylum from outside its Gates it became increasingly obvious nothing good would come from walking through its doors the Asylum was a three-story building and it covered around 50 hectares of land the building seemed way older than Mary's home however and his exterior had already begun deteriorating adding to its already Eerie look I continued looking at the building when I suddenly saw a man staring at us from a window upstairs that
when I said hey who the hell is that pointing towards the window everyone immediately turned their attention to where I was pointing but shockingly there was absolutely no one there haha very funny Mason said assuming I was playing a prank on them I was stunned and concerned because I could have sworn I had seen someone at the window everyone played it off as a joke and began walking into the Asylum I followed behind and tried to focus on the task at hand but all I really think about was Mary's warning I stepped into the Asylum
I immediately felt the temperature go down drastically the building was extremely cold and although I could tell by looking at it that no one had been there in years it didn't in any sense feel that way it actually felt like I had walked onto a stage and had a thousand eyes watching we continued walking deeper into the Asylum looking for anything that would explain the paranormal stories that surrounded the building the floor doors were still stained with blood and the rooms were filled with chairs and beds with straps for the patients the group had stayed
together exploring the building when suddenly I followed them into a room and I was alone at that point I'd assumed they were playing a prank on me guys very funny you've had your laugh now let's move on and get out of here I said expecting your response instead I was met with a deathly silence and the temperature got even colder I was completely scared and alone in the room when someone walked past I immediately walked out to follow the person but once again there was no one there at this point I decided it was better
to leave the Asylum and wait outside for the others I turned to leave but I was met with the sight of a young woman in a gown and Rotting Flesh standing in front of me my heart dropped at the sight of her and she was so close to me that I could feel her extremely cold breath on my face the lady only had one eye intact while the other was being eaten by maggots and releasing a rancid smell she slowly got closer and began to open her mouth I closed my eyes and prepared for whatever
was about to happen when I suddenly heard a scream from upstairs I opened my eyes to see she was gone and I immediately ran upstairs to see what had happened I looked around upstairs for about 10 minutes before eventually finding Jessica sitting alone on the floor with her head in her hands she appeared to be mumbling some words I couldn't understand so I slowly approached her and said hey Jess are you okay I don't know what's happening but we need to leave right now come on Jessica slowly raised her head and turned to me she
responded with but Jacob we can't leave we have to wait for the other so we can all go together Jessica had messed up her hair in a way that had her face covered and the room was so dark I could barely make out anything but a part of me agreed with her so I sat beside her and we waited we had had waited for almost 30 minutes in the dark and cold silence so I figured it would have been a better idea to go look for the others instead hey do you remember where you lost
the others maybe we can go find them and leave I asked however I didn't get a response from Jessica all I got was complete silence I assumed she was probably just stressed out and didn't hear me so I said Jess we need to leave soon this time Jessica replied once again lifting her head slowly to face me as she said don't you get it though we can't leave you have to stay with us now all of us together as she faced me her hair was out of her face and my heart dropped as I came
to the horrific realization that I hadn't found or been with Jessica at all the woman began to slowly chuckle before bursting out into full laughter her laugh felt like needles piercing through my ear and before I could react the room was full of other patients also partially decomposed they all joined in with her laughter and began walking towards me their stench filled the wom and no matter where I looked their faces would appear some more filled with maggots than others at this point I was completely lost and could barely hear my own thoughts my body
soon began to join in on their laughter I tried vigorously to fight and gather my thoughts but all my body could do was laugh and laugh and laugh until I realized I had lost myself sir are you all right I opened my eyes slowly in response to the voice I had just heard a part of me wondered if I was still in the Asylum hallucinating but as I regained Consciousness I looked around to see a bunch of paramedics attending to my group and me the police were also on the scene questioning Mary who had placed
a call to inform them we were in danger after we visited her home I stayed conscious for about 2 minutes more before blacking out and waking up to 2 days later in Eastern State Hospital Virginia somehow I had regained total Consciousness and was aware of my surroundings the rest of them however weren't so lucky they all appeared to be conscious but weren't in any way responsive to what happened around them the police informed me Mary had called them and by the time they arrived I was found laughing hysterically right behind the asylum's front door this
would mean I hadn't taken up to 11 steps in the Asylum and everything I I'd experienced was all a part of the trans the rest of my group however were found a long time later and had remained unresponsive it's been 9 years since my experience with the Asylum Jessica and the rest of my group were placed in a different Asylum I have since given up on exploring all things paranormal and I visit them regularly to remind myself what I experienced was real and not just a bad dream therapy has been helping but I still see
the patience in my nightmares and every day I wish I had just listened to Mary's warning I hope my experience has convinced you all that behind every myth there is some truth and it is only those who are suicidal that would doubt the existence of the Paranormal the following story I'm about to tell you may seem unbelievable I understand that it may pass as just another internet story I also understand that even though there were Witnesses not everyone believes me nor do my family or friends I admit that even though I question if what I
experienced is real but I know it is it is as real as the marks on my skin will attest it all happened at my old job I used to have a massage parlor in my garage and to tell you the truth I really liked it I always enjoyed being a masseuse and obviously I studied for it I'm not going to lie to you every once in a while I received some Indecent Proposal that honestly ruined my day but luckily it happened less and less and once they got to know me almost all my clients were
regulars everything was going more than fine until one day I got a surprise from one of the men who always came to me for massages it was an ordinary Tuesday afternoon nothing made that day special the weather was normal not too hot nor too cold nothing had happened to me the day before nor did I expect that day to be remarkable in any way I simply got up had breakfast and went to work on a day when my agenda was composed of clients I already knew the first few massages were normal and I was getting
ready for My next client and that's when the nightmare began Tim was always a normal man he was a married man and he never made any kind of proposition or innuendo to me Tim had a small build he was quite short and skinny but I could tell he went to the gym from time to time his personality was quite calm he was a very polite humble and shy person needless to say he also had a pretty low profile I was getting ready to have a quiet session with him but as soon as he walked in
the door I knew something was wrong Tim was really very nervous his face was red and his relaxed posture was all tense like like he was really nervous about something I greeted him politely and he just gave me back a shy and forced smile something was happening to him hey Tim sorry for the intrusion but are you all right hi Barbara yes of course I'm just a little tense oh I understand lie down I'll do my best to make you better tough week I'd appreciate it these last few days have been very tense once Tim
lay down with his shirt off I covered my mouth so I wouldn't scream from the shock of what I was seeing his whole body was different he had marks and cuts all over but these were not marks from a fight and he didn't look like he had been attacked the marks were key points of his body it was like his body had gotten bigger and his skin couldn't take it his skin was cut like a t-shirt that he had outgrown at some point it was all very strange but you know what it wasn't the worst
of it what struck me most about his back was his hair Tim was always a very neat person he was one of those people people who hated having hair on his body from facial hair to hair on his back to hair on his legs the only thing he was naturally accepting of were his eyebrows and the hair on his head that's why I was so shocked by seeing him the way I saw him his whole body his whole body was full of hair it was as if this man hadn't shaved for years when was the
last time I saw him last month this didn't make any sense had he taken any medication that caused him to have an allergic reaction is there something wrong with my body what's taking you so long oh I'm sorry Tim I was just looking for the cream I must admit that Tim's comment caught me totally off guard he would never have spoken to me like that somewhat uncomfortable I rubbed some cream on his back and started massaging him something was wrong with his back and I don't mean the cuts or the farting his back was moving
on its own I thought about telling him to stay still but quickly realized that would not be possible all these movements felt involuntary it was as if something was happening to his back as if it was changing changing no not now not again from one second to the next Tim gave a great scream and began to move violently terrified I just stepped back and dropped the cream his body began to change rapidly his muscles swelled and Tim stopped to scratch violently all over his body I didn't know how to react I was alone in my
house should I scream and alert the neighbors wouldn't that put me in even more danger in the middle of everything that was happening Tim looked at me with a lot of anger and walked slowly towards me always scratching and with unpredictable and uncomfortable movements nervously I grabbed a shovel and told him to back off in response he just pulled it out with one hand and threw it to the side with some resistance he grabbed my neck with his other hand and slowly began to squeeze me I can't describe to you what I felt at that
moment I tried to resist I tried to fight back but this person was not the same shy man who always came to me for massages nothing I did no struggle or attempt I made to escape seemed to have any effect on him make no mistake I couldn't breathe and I was choking but I felt that rather than drown I would surely break my neck I could feel my life slipping away from me as the man focused on trying to kill me and just as it started out of nowhere it ended instead of continuing to squeeze
me until I ran out of air or broke my neck he simply threw me violently against the wall Tim threw me with such force that it was a miracle I didn't hit my head against the wall because the D damage would have been irreversible trying to recover from the blow I looked up and saw my attacker more Furious than ever he wasn't even focused on me anymore he was just running all over the garage destroying everything in his path screaming desperately as if he was an animal that had totally lost his mind is he scream
I could see Tim's body move on its own to which the man only reacted by scratching but with such force that I thought he would pull his skin off it was easy to see that Tim while visibly Furious was also in a great deal of pain however none of this made me question what was happening no matter how much Tim was suffering I was the victim and he was the person attacking me in the midst of his fit of rage Tim concentrated on smashing the closet totally ignoring the fact that I was was standing next
to him I took advantage of this situation to slowly approach the huge garage door once there I moved it slowly to open it the door was very hard and I could only open it a few centimet which served to let some natural light into the garage unfortunately that light went right into the closet Tim was destroying which alerted him immediately before I could finish opening the door and Escape I felt Tim's Shadow behind me again as soon as I turned around and faced him once more he grabbed my face with both hands and without squeezing
gave a huge terrifying Battle Cry with his face almost pressed against mine that was the most terrifying moment I have ever experienced in my life even worse than when he had flown me a few minutes before his scream felt so loud so violent and so imposing that I felt it pierced my whole body and took away my will to continue trying to escape after that scream I fell to the ground sitting down crying with my eyes wide open Tim Was preparing to attack me once more but at the last moment salvation came the garage door
kept opening it wasn't opening by itself several people behind it were pushing it they were my neighbors they were trying to get me out of the house at that moment I realized that even though I had not screamed or warned them that I was in danger they all knew what I did for a living and that I was always receiving people in my garage Tim's loud and violent screams and all the noise generated by such destruction alerted my neighbors and almost all of came to see what was happening to me once they had managed to
open the garage door they dragged me out before the eyes of a Tim who instead of attacking them took the opportunity that the door was open to run out of the house in his underwear all my neighbors came to my rescue and immediately took me to the hospital I had been saved I must tell you that was the last day I saw Tim or at least I think it was from that day on he never showed up or posted anything on social media again his family never responded to my messages or tried to contact me
I never understood what happened to this man and how he went from having such a calm personality to whatever happened that afternoon I must admit that in spite of everything I always think about him and worry about him since that day all the neighbors report seeing some kind of animal running through the neighborhood at night I know this doesn't make sense but sometimes I wonder what if that monster is Tim my name is Charles and for years I have been the driver of the last bus my shift starts at midnight and ends at 4 in
the morning working the night shift has its share of loneliness of course but I've never experienced anything quite like what happened one Autumn night for the first few hours of my shift everything went smoothly a few passengers got on and off it was around 2:00 in the morning when I arrived at the last stop before turning around and returning to the depot the stop was located in a dark and desolate part of town right next to an old Cemetery there were a couple of dim street lights but most of the street lights were out as
usual no passengers were waiting at the stop as I waited for the scheduled time before departing I turned on the interior lights of the bus to check that everything was in order I was checking my rearview mirror when I saw a flash of movement in the darkness I turned to look out the rearview mirror and to my surprise saw a man running towards the bus it was not unusual for people to be late and trying to catch the last bus but the way this man was moving struck me as odd his movements were jerky and
erratic as if he was panicking when he finally reached the back of the bus panting and sweating I could see his face he was a middle-aged man with a wild desperate look in his eyes I decided to slow the bus down so that this man wouldn't miss it I was never really one of those drivers who enjoy passengers missing the bus to go home especially at times like that the man got on the bus and sat in the back of the bus his disturbing smile never disappeared from his face I looked through the rearview mirror
and noticed that there were no other passengers on the bus at that time the bus resumed its March and as we made our way through the empty streets the man began to hum a haunting song it was an ominous tune that I did not recognize and his voice had an eerie tone that sent chills down my spine as we moved on the man continued his strange Behavior he began mumbling incoherent words and laughed disturbingly I became increasingly uncomfortable and concerned for my safety the possibility that I was dealing with a dangerous person became increasingly real
finally the man stood up and pressed the button indicating that he was getting off this stop was completely deserted as usual when I opened the door for the man to get off he just stood there and kept smiling I asked him to get off but he did not respond instead he began to walk slowly towards the front of the bus I felt trapped in my seat watching with growing anxiety as the man Advanced toward me his smile widened even more revealing crooked yellow teeth I realized I did not know how to deal with this situation
and the thought of confronting him directly terrified me when the man was only a few steps away from me he finally spoke his voice was an eerie icy whisper that made me shiver do you know who I am driver I shook my head unable to answer I had no idea who this man was or what he wanted don't you remember I was one of your passengers many years ago one night just like this but you wouldn't let me off you had fun watching me miss the last bus didn't you I had no memory of that
incident but that didn't matter at the time I was too scared to think clearly the man moved even closer his face inches from mine I could feel his cold stinking breath on my face this is your last stop driver today it's your turn to stay behind before I could react the man pushed me back with enormous Force I fell to the ground stunned as he lunged at me I tried to scream but his cold skeletal hand closed over my throat stifling my words looking terrified I struggled desperately with the man who assaulted me his eyes
full of Fury and Madness were still fixed on mine as his grip grew Tighter and Tighter I felt my life slipping away and an overwhelming Panic overcame me in a last Act of survival I reached for a small flashlight I kept in my jacket pocket I wielded it with all my strength and hit the man's head with all my might the impact knocked him back releasing his hold on my throat coughing and gasping I took the opportunity to pull away from him as I set up I saw the man withering in pain on the ground
holding his head he looked Dazed and Confused without a second thought I ran to the driver's door and slammed the safety door of the bus shut making sure he couldn't reach me then frantically I reached for my cell phone and called 911 for help the emergency operator's voice calmed my nerves I explained the situation and the location of the bus I was promised that the police would be dispatched immediately as I waited I held the flashlight in one hand and the bus steering wheel in the other watching the man on the ground the man began
to come to his senses but instead of trying to open the front door or looking for a way out he just sat there and stared at me his haunting smile persisted and it was bigger than ever he didn't seem to be in pain or show any normal emotion when the police officers finally arrived the man was arrested without much resistance as they handcuffed the man he continued to whisper incomprehensible words and laugh which increased my discomfort in fear of him the officers assured me that an investigation would be conducted and that they would take steps
to ensure my safety after giving my statement to the police I made my way to the bus stop shaking and shocked by the experience I couldn't recall any similar incidents but the thought of having left someone behind on a night like that haunted me eventually the authorities discovered that the man suffered from severe mental illness and had been wandering the streets for years he was not one of my former passengers as he had claimed although that Revelation relieved me to some extent The Experience left me deeply scarred from that day on nights working on the
bus became even more lonely and terrifying for me every shadow in the darkness every haunting laugh reminded me of that Autumn night the story became an urban legend in the area my night bus known as the last bus gained an Infamous reputation though I tried to move on that Sinister smile in the man's icy Whispers never completely disappeared from my thoughts and my night life was changed forever it's undeniable that some people find it easier to find a job than others the job market is very wide for Young University students hungry for success for me
on the other hand it's very different my name is Alfred and I am 50 years old but this is not a story about how hard it was to find a job today I will tell you how the job I got with a lot of effort is almost the last job of my life because of life I was never able to study or finish school looking for a job at my age was really very difficult but I am the only bread winner in my family so I had to do it every job I went to they
told me different things some would tell me that they would call me after talking to other candidates but I could see in their eyes that they knew they wouldn't others were more direct and told me I was too old for any job even something as simple as a supermarket cashier I went from failure to failure but just as I was giving up I got an opportunity and started working right away the job was quite simple I was going to be the caretaker of a soccer field the team was pretty humble so the stadium was pretty
modest too I'm used to everyone at work pretending I'm not there and when they noticed my existence it was to ask me for things in a bad way or make fun of me but this place was different all the players and workers at the club were really warm and welcoming they all made me feel a part of a big family that started with the president and ended with me the people at this job were very nice and in the beginning I was very happy until I discovered something that changed everything although it felt like a
warm and friendly place during the day the locker room was pretty old when no one was in them they looked abandoned and very scary to tell you the truth I didn't feel scared or anything like that I was a grown-up person and I wasn't in the mood for superstitions or getting scared just because I was alone the players told ghost stories and said that the field was haunted they would tell me to be careful at night when I was alone but I could tell that they were all laughing and not taking themselves seriously my first
night's guarding the court were pretty quiet I came close to falling asleep several times I really had nothing to do but eventually I would get used to it and have a routine prepared like carrying a book that I would read after cleaning up I must admit that I heard several noises inside the locker room or in the facilities in general but none of them caught my attention wherever I go there will always be noises if I am scared by each one of them I would have to dedicate myself to something else the important thing was
that there were no people sneaking into the facility or rat problem I was pretty quiet all night and didn't let anything break my peace little did I know that this Tranquility would give me a false sense of confidence that would endanger my life that day my shift was just beginning I had just finished cleaning the players's locker room and I was leaving to clean a hallway but I heard a noise that caught my attention the noise was coming from inside the locker room and it was too loud to ignore surely no animal could have done
it it was like a thump as if someone had tried to destroy a Dugout but there was no one there as I had just exited through the only entrance to that locker room confused I took out my cell phone and went back into the locker room recording everything I saw I didn't realize it at the time but during the recording a terrifying shadow passed by the wall at an enormous speed even though I didn't see the shadow I felt like something in the locker room had changed in the 3 minutes I had left it may
have been the same locker room visually but now there was something about it that terrified me the place felt icy cold as if a huge windless jelled chill had taken over the whole place immediately I got a Goosebumps not because of the cold but because I felt that I was no longer alone before I could react the battery of my cell phone ran out and it turned off which made no sense because until a few minutes ago I had it at more than 80% charge without seeing anything but knowing that I was not alone I
ran out of the locker room as fast as I could but it was not going to be that easy halfway through I ran out of air and fell to the ground it was a horrible feeling I couldn't breathe and my lungs felt like they were going to burst I gathered all my strength to get up again but there was someone in front of me there was a man a local soccer player I didn't know why was he dressed as if he was going to play a match confused I get up as best I could and
at that moment I realized that something was wrong with this man his skin was whiter than that of a normal person it was too pale a white color unnatural as if he were dead his eyes were glassy and his body was full of bruises the moment our eyes met the man began to cry Tears of Blood running down his face at enormous speed whatever this was it was not human while still trying to catch my breath I tried to run past him but he grabbed me by the neck with one hand as I stood up
the man looked at me with a desperate and sad face and shouted you must help me who are you let me go please you have to help me I didn't ask for this I was desperate I'm married I have a 3-year-old son it can't end like this help me hey man I have a family too I don't know who you are but please don't hurt me I just want to see my family you don't understand the things they do to me I can't go back I don't want to go back I just want to have
another chance to hug my family I want to see them again I don't want to do this I was lost and no one would help me I beg you do something make no mistake I was terrified every fiber of my body was screaming that I was was in enormous danger but while he was saying these things to me while this man was screaming at me and squeezing me with his arm I felt that there was no evil in him there was desperation suddenly he let go of me and screamed for help again but this time
he wasn't looking at me he was looking behind me the temperature dropped even lower and even though the light was on the room got darker and darker with each passing second I looked behind me and saw a bunch of Shadows going from one place to another slowly approaching where we were they are here don't let them take me please in a matter of seconds the shadow surrounded the whole place and ignoring me they threw themselves against the terrified man the Shadows began to surround His entire body as he screamed louder and louder in despair he
dropped to the floor and began to spin as if on fire and in my presence something invisible began to drag him around the place until I lost sight of him I could not believe anything I had just seen my only reaction was to stay on the floor in the fetal position crying and praying that this was all a nightmare as soon as I got home I saw my family surprised that I had arrived early without saying a word to them I hugged them and started crying after I didn't answer them when they asked me what
was wrong they just hugged me the next day I went to present my resignation when I told the president of the club the whole story he was was shocked at first he thought it was a bad joke perpetuated by the players but when I told him about the man he believed me this man was a soccer player who had been with the club when it was founded being a small Club not many people know this but this man had taken his own life by hanging himself with a rope leaving his family alone the last thing
he told me was that normally he would not have believed me but the night before someone with the voice of the deceased player knocked on his office door asking for help but when he went to see there was no one there after accepting my resignation he told me that he only hoped that he was now in a better place and had found peace I was left thinking with some bitterness that by the looks of those Shadows that took him away I don't think that happened the 7th of November 2014 was a day that marked a
turning point in my life before that faithful day I was someone who enjoyed experiencing new and exciting things but after the horrors I witnessed at the valisa AE Murder House in valisa Iowa I hadn't had a good night's sleep since to fully understand my story I'll need to take you back to the 9th of June 1912 one of the most horrifying days the state of Iowa has ever seen it all began with a family called the Moors the head of the house was a man named Josiah B Moore and his wife was sarin Montgomery Moore
the couple had four children named Mary Herman Montgomery Arthur Boyd and Paul Vernon the Moors were a very well-known and affluent family in the community and they were liked by everyone that Sunday the couple's 10-year-old daughter Katherine invited two sisters over to spend the night at their home as they were her friends Katherine's friends were named Lena Gertrude and Ana M delinger Lena was 12 and AA was 8 after the visitors had settled in the entire Moore family in addition to Lena and AA went to the Presbyterian Church that evening the family visited the church
because they were participating in a children Children's Day program that Katherine's mother Sarah had coordinated the Children's Day event lasted until 9:30 p.m. that night and when it was finally over the family and their guests walked home they all arrived at the Moore's residence between 9:45 and 10: p.m. and that was the last time the family and their guests were seen alive on the 10th of June 1912 sometime around 7:00 a.m. that morning a woman named Miss Mary pekham started to get worried after she noticed that the Moore family had not come out to do
their morning chores Miss pekham was one of the Moore's neighbors and not seeing them out and about this early was odd she knocked on the door to see if everything was okay but nobody answered she knew that Eerie silence was strange so she tried opening the door but it was locked with no other options she called Josiah's brother Mr Ross Moore to help her check on them when Ross arrived he called out to his brother but no one answered so he and Miss Peckham decided to get into the house with Ross's spare key when they
finally got in they were met with a horrific sight the dis figured bodies of the Moore family and the stallinger sisters were found in their home by Ross Moore and Miss Mary pekham on the 10th of June 1912 the authorities were immediately called to the scene and an investigation revealed that the murders had taken place between midnight and 5: a.m. the killer who had been waiting in the attic for the family to fall asleep started the massacre from the master bedroom where Josiah and Sarah Moore slept the killer used an ax to repeatedly hack Josiah's
face the cuts to his face were so vicious that Josiah eyes were missing and his corpse was unrecognizable the authorities also noticed a gouge Mark in the ceiling of the master bedroom from where the killer had lifted the axe to murder him when Josiah was dead the killer set his sights on Sarah and he brought down the axe's blade on her head shattering her skull with his continuous blows as for the couple's children he used the blunt end of the axe on their heads as he crushed their skulls The Vicious killer had bludgeoned them all
to death in the same morbid manner as their parents after that he went downstairs to the guest bedroom and killed the stallinger sisters Josiah Moore was only 43 when he was killed and his wife Sarah was 39 as for their children Herman was 11 May Catherine was 10 Authur was seven and Paul was five the gruesome murders of the Moore family and the stallinger sisters shocked the entire town of Alisa a Manhunt was carried out to find the person responsible but the killer was never found and the crime still remains unsolved now I'm sure you're
wondering how this gruesome case has anything to do with my experience but just like the Moors and the stallinger sisters I too had a horrific experience in their family home located at 508 East 2 Street valisa just like most people in Iowa I've known about the murders for as long as I can remember I was born on the 13th of October 1978 nearly 66 years after the murders but even after all that time had passed this gruesome case was still being talked about the gruesome case was dubbed the valisa Axe Murders and it's often been
called the most mysterious case in the United States during my early teenage years I always wondered why the valisa axe murder case still maintained its longevity there were many other disturbing cases in the United States that have left the minds of the masses and I often asked myself why the valisa Axe Murders case was so different I looked into it a bit more when I Grew Older and I soon realized why this particular case was so different than the rest it's because while some people believe the Moors are long dead many others are convinced that
the Moore family and their killer still roam the halls of their family home in valisa the rumor started a little while after the gruesome murders as many people claimed to hear the screams of children coming from the house most of the valisa residents wrote these rumors off as jokes But as time passed by people who visited the house came back telling more unexplainable and bizarre stories a couple who visited the home said they could hear the Mo's children laughing as they ran around the home playing two young women also reported capturing strange fantasms and Apparition
on their cameras the stories got even crazier over the years and and in 1994 a woman named Miss maralin bought the house and restored it to its 1912 condition she stripped the more family home of electricity and plumbing and she turned it into a tourist attraction since then people from all over the world have come to the valisa axxe murder house to stay overnight and undergo paranormal experiences the valisa Axe Murder House has had a slew of visitors ranging from paranormal investigators to Ghost Hunters and was eventually named one of the most haunted places in
America the house grew to new heights of popularity from there and it seemed like everyone wanted to visit there well everyone except me even though I grew up in Iowa I always stayed clear of the place as I said earlier I was the kind of guy who enjoyed experiencing thrilling and exhilarating things there were very few things I would say no to as I was always down for anything however the only time I drew the line was whenever it was anything paranormal related it had been like that since I was little as I was always
against exploring the supernatural or paranormal world my grandmother was a strong believer in the Paranormal and while most people called her crazy I always felt there was some truth to her crazy stories I had sworn to never visit the valisa Axe Murder house but all that changed when my longtime friend Ron Lancaster visited me in Iowa I'd met Ron during my years in college and we'd been Brothers since just like me Ron enjoyed trying crazy new things but he didn't have the same issues with anything Supernatural or paranormal Ron thought both the Supernatural and paranormal
worlds were all Hocus Pocus and in a bit to convince me of the same begged me to go with him to the valisa Axe Murder House I told him no and nothing was going to change my mind Ron was persistent and he kept asking but it didn't work with no other options Ron told me that he was traveling abroad the very next month and that he really just wanted to go on a crazy adventure for Old Time sake as he wasn't sure when we'd see each other again I wasn't sure if he was trying to
guiltrip me into going or if he was serious but his visit was almost over so against my better judgment I agreed on the 7th of November 2014 my friend Ron and I made our way to the valisa Axe Murder House the tourist attraction cost $428 per night and I felt that was far too steep but Ron offered to pay for two nights once everything had been settled they showed us to the rooms I remember being really freaked out throughout the night but Ron kept cracking jokes and trying to lighten the mood we eventually went to
bed that night and I didn't hear anything out of the ordinary I actually had a pretty good night's sleep the very next day Ron couldn't stop saying I Told You So and even though I didn't want to admit it he was right I told myself that all the so-called paranormal experiences were a hoax and I was completely over my fears after the first night we both spent the second day making corny ghost jokes and laughing I was enjoying myself at the time and I was really glad I came with Ron but little did I know
that I'd grow to regret that decision in the following minutes Ron had gone up to his room to get his phoned around 12:25 a.m. but it had been about 10 minutes and he had come back down I wondered what was keeping him so I went upstairs to check when I entered the room I saw Ron sitting on the chair with a wide grin on his face I thought he was trying to pull a prank at first so I told him to cut it out but Ron didn't respond I was about to smack him across the
head when I noticed his eyes they were filled with pure fear and I could tell he was terrified in an instant the room went cold and I couldn't move a few seconds after that a foul smell of Rotting Flesh began to fill the room and that's when I saw it I've always been at a loss for words whenever I tried to explain what my eyes were seeing but it looked like some unseen figure was controlling Ron I couldn't make out its shape but I could tell something or someone was tugging at Ron's mouth and forcing
him to smile I also noticed Ron couldn't move by himself and this unseen presence was playing with his body like a puppet the scene looked like a puppet show from hell as it seemed like Ron's limbs were being controlled by strings I watched in horror as Ron's hand reached for the blunt scissors on the table I could see the terror in his eyes as he struggled to make sense of what was going on and we both tried to scream but our lips wouldn't move I then watched Ron take the blunt scissors and RAM them into
his right eye I felt like throwing up as I watched the blood gush down from his face I thought he was possessed at that point because even though he was bleeding profusely he still had a smile on his face Ron then stabed himself in the left eye before proceeding to repeatedly stab himself in the chest my brain couldn't really process what was going on or why this was happening and it was amidst all this chaos that I finally saw it the thing I had sensed behind Ron had finally taken shape it was a rotting corpse
that stood at 7 to 8 ft tall its facial features had been eaten Away by maggots so it didn't look human and its right hand was shaped like a large axe within seconds of its manifestation the standing corpse disappeared and I let out a scream before collapsing on the floor the staff rushed to our room to see me lying on the floor and Ron bleeding in the chair we were both rushed to a nearby hospital and luckily we were able to be saved I don't really remember what happened during the week after that experience but
according to the doctors I kept screaming until I lost my voice for 3 days straight it would take me 6 months and serious therapy before I was able to speak again and even after telling my story people found it hard to believe Ron who had lost both his eyes was the only person able to corroborate my story but he was put into an asylum as he kept muttering gibberish whenever he was asked to speak the news took the headlines by storm as the authorities struggled to explain what had happened that day it would take me
2 years of serious psychological care before I was able to acclimate back into society I've also been going to therapy every single day since then and I was ordered to move back in with my family as I still showed some traits of insanity and I wasn't allowed to be alone the therapy isn't really working as I can still see it every time I close my eyes I really go out and I have to be watched 24/7 even if it's been 9 years I can never forget the valuable lesson I learned from my visit to the
valisa Axe Murder House as every day I wake up I remind myself that the dead are not to be disturbed the story you just heard was Loosely based on the real case of Robert Steven lson Jr on the 7th of November 2014 37-year-old Robert Lawson from Rylander Wisconsin was found alone in the Northwest bedroom of the valisa a murder house with self-inflicted stab wounds in the chest after the investigation Montgomery County Sheriff Joe Samson stated that Robert arrived with a group of friends for a recreational paranormal investigation at the valisa Axe Murder House a few
minutes after entering the Northwest bedroom Robert called the rest of the party who were standing outside for help or their mobile two-way radios Samson told me his companions found him stabbed in the chest from a strike that was apparently self-inflicted they immediately called 911 and Robert was brought to a nearby hospital before being helicoptered to kryon University Medical Center in Omaha the police report also stated that the strange incident happened around 12:45 a.m. a time frame that mysteriously coincide with the approximate time that the brutal murders of the Moore family and the Sellinger sisters took
place luckily Robert Lawson was able to recover from his injuries but he declined to speak publicly about what occurred that day the owner of the valisa ax Murder House Miss maralin told the press that the incident was very upsetting and made a statement on the incident saying it's publicity but it's not exactly the kind of publicity you desire to have I don't want people thinking that when they come to the valisa ax murder house something's going to happen that is going to make them do something like that despite the strange and unexplainable incident with Mr
Robert Lawson the velisa ax Murder House remains open for tourist visits and overnight stays to this very day back in the day before technology and social media became such an important part of our daily lives making friends wasn't as easy as it is now most of the pretty women I saw on a day I would never see again mostly because I didn't have the balls to walk up to them and get to know them at the same time I was what you call a socially awkward person and I had to go through some other means
to get to know people but then suddenly came Facebook an app where people can make friends and find out almost everything they wanted to know about someone else all with a simple friend request but it wasn't what I thought it'd be as my experience with Facebook completely changed my life my name is Timothy Hansen and the year was 2007 Facebook had just launched 3 years prior and was blowing up in 2006 as people had started preferring it to mypace I had been quite skeptical about joining at first as I wasn't a huge fan of sharing
my information online but I eventually caved and decided to create a Facebook account if I remember correctly my first few suggestions were all people in New York and I spent a while just going through their profiles wondering if I should send a friend request in that's when I saw her Annabelle Tate she was simply the most beautiful woman I had seen but what intrigued me the most about her was her profile it was full of pictures of her and her friends at parties going on vacations and in general just living her best life I spent
a while thinking about what to do before eventually sending her a friend request she accepted in about 2 hours and texted Hi I'm Annabelle the conversation from that point flowed as Annabelle was a very easygoing person although now that I think about it I believe it was just the comfort of being behind a screen we talked for about a week online majority about me as she asked a lot of questions about my past and life in general I eventually decided to ask her meet in person do you want to meet up sometime she replied sure
where do you want to meet we could get dinner tomorrow night I'm not in the city right now but I get back tomorrow so maybe the day after sure I went out the next day to the restaurant we had agreed to meet she wasn't there yet so I decided to text her and ask her if everything was okay is everything all right I'm on my way just running a bit late I waited for about 10 more minutes and then I saw her the first thing I noticed was Annabelle was a lot skinnier than she looked
on her profile she also had bags under her eyes that she had tried to cover up with makeup she walked up to me and sat at the table before smiling and saying hey I smiled back and replied you look tired are you sure you're okay she laughed as she picked up the menu and called for the waiter Annabelle was just as relaxed and easygoing as she was online we talked about a lot that night but for the most of the night I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with Annabelle so I said listen
are you sure you're all right if you're not up for this we could hang out at my place where I could take you home she took a while to stare at her food before looking up and replying I like the idea of going back to yours so we got the check and left we kept talking as we walked to my apartment we walked in and I told Annabelle to make herself comfortable while I made her a drink I made her a genin and tonic and got back from the kitchen to see Annabelle standing playing with
her thumbs as if she was nervous so I said I know you said everything's all right but are you sure you're fine she shook her head and replied look Tim you're a really nice guy but if we're going to go any further in whatever this is there's something you need to know I walked closer to her as my mind raced as to what she was about to say you've probably already noticed I look different from my profile well that's because I've not been active for a while on that account and the reason I've not been
active on that account is that I've been really sick and life's been so [ __ ] lately I don't know how much longer I have or if I even have time at all she was crying now but all I could think about was how her profile managed to paint a completely fake picture of who she was she continued with my family's been telling me it isn't the end and I should still try to be me and that's why I accepted your friend request I just don't want you to get your hopes [Laughter] up so hard
having to follow them around or just taking one I don't know anything about with them crying and screaming the whole time I won't ever forget the feeling I got seeing the look of realization on Annabelle's face as I spoke the worry and fear were nothing like I had seen before she tried hitting me but there was no use as I dragged her and held her down on the couch and that's when she began screaming I grabbed her throat and pressed down so hard saying stop screaming Annabelle don't worry you won't have to bother about how
much longer you have to live her struggle continued but not for long I had my way with her as she passed out and died so there you have it officer Annabel Tate was my first time using Facebook and my what an experience she was you're a sick man Timothy I'll make sure you spend the rest of your days behind bars say what you will officer but if you ask me I didn't do anything wrong all I did was ask to be their friend and they agreed all I truly wanted were some friends you raped and
killed 19 women using Facebook and God knows how many before that and you say all you wanted were friends well you won't have to worry about that anymore you'll soon find out what happens to your kind in prison I'm sure a lot of people would like to be your friend I hope so people like you don't deserve compassion well if that's true officer I guess it's a good thing I found Facebook hi my name is Aiden and I have a question for you have you ever worked at a fast food place what's the weirdest thing
that ever happened to you I know a lot of people who have never really had anything happen to them other than drunken customers making a mess or family fights in the beginning I had never experienced anything like this and I didn't think it would really happen to me since I only worked in a humble neighborhood of popey's chicken I never knew that in just a few months I would have the worst night of my life the beginning of my night shift at popey's went along with the typical routine of a quiet night it was around
10:00 at night a time when we usually receed more customers and the atmosphere was chaotic with the intense murmur of conversation scattered among the tables but among all the people talking one person stood out a very tall thin man had entered his eyes were small but terrifying as they were wide open he sat in a corner away from the rest of the diners and what Disturbed me most was not simply his appearance but his fixed penetrating gaze he watched each individual with an intensity that sent chills down my spine as the night progressed more customers
joined the scene but this man remained static making no requests simply observing it was as if he was analyzing people studying their every move on the other hand no one noticed him he was like a ghost that only I could see suddenly the men walked towards a family having dinner as soon as he arrived he looked at them all and gave them a smile however there was something wrong with that smile it was rather forced as if he was practicing an emotion that did not come naturally to him as he engaged the family in conversation
I could sense the discomfort in them as if something was undoubtedly out of place the man who seemed to be a stranger to everyone approached the tables Uninvited as he walked his smile widened but his eyes remained wide open they never seemed to close it was as if the man never blinked each word he spoke seemed more intense than the last and families became increasingly terrified after meeting him some even grabbed their food and left at first all the families he spoke to tried to be polite and friendly But as time went on the the
atmosphere became more and more tense the man's gestures were disproportionate and his laughter was enormous I kept watching him from my position behind the counter attentive to what was happening some children were crying and parents were looking at me sideways as if looking for help to get rid of this man without having to fight him the man didn't seem willing to leave it was as if he was enjoying the discomfort he was generating in others I decided to approach trying to remain calm excuse me sir do you need anything I asked with a forced smile
trying to hide the uneasiness that is presence generated in me the man turned to Me Slowly his gaze was fixed on me it was penetrating and terrifying I must admit that I froze oh no I don't need anything at all I'm just enjoying the company isn't that the charm of a fast food restaurant his words chilled my blood there was nothing in what he said that could be considered threatening but something in his tone and look was Sinister as if he was toying with all of us after a defiant smile The Man simply walked out
of the restaurant as if nothing had happened I could hear people still talking about the strange man who had appeared in the restaurant but unlike before they were now telling it as if it were an anecdote and making jokes no longer afraid that the man would approach their table and do something to them shortly after the Clock Struck 11:00 at night and I decided to go out for a short break I walked out to the parking lot of the restaurant with a cigarette in my hand I was still quite nervous about my encounter with the
scary man but I feel I handled the situation really well even so I still felt a sense of discomfort it was as if something was still wrong as I walked out into the parking lot my eyes adjusted to the darkness I headed towards my car but in a moment a strange hunt made me pay more attention there in the shadows I made out the figure of the man he was standing near my vehicle watching it carefully hey what are you doing here the man slowly turned to me his smile widening eerily his face reflected an
unsettling calm as if he was enjoying my surprise and fear without a word he began to walk toward me with slow deliberate steps my heart began to pound I instinctively backed away trying to get back to the restaurant I didn't know how to handle the situation the man with his erratic gaze and unpredictable attitude kept getting closer each step he took intimidated me more than the other I was so scared that I could barely react you don't need to be afraid I'm just here to have a conversation with you the man continued to advance toward
me with a slowness that seemed intentional I tried to run away but suddenly something happened to me at the worst possible moment as soon as I started to run I felled to the ground dizzy it was hard to breathe and I felt like I was going to die I couldn't feel my arms my legs I couldn't feel almost anything in my body please please stop I'm having a panic attack please don't do anything to me hey what's wrong with you why is this happening to you are you afraid of me I just wanted to talk
I'm sorry I'm not feeling well I told you I need to talk suddenly his expression changed his head began to shake and his eyes got even bigger it looked like they were going out of place his scream was so loud that it made me cry out in fear still unable to escape don't you understand can't you see I've been nice all night why can't I have a normal conversation with anyone have you all gone crazy I want to talk I want to talk I want to talk as soon as he finished the last word the
man lifted me off the ground with his two hands and threw me away from him crying thinking I was going to have a heart attack I started to drag myself to the restaurant after mustering up some energy I got up from the ground and made a great effort to run but I stumbled I failed to the ground hitting the rough pavement with baited breath come on can't you even run hey come on you can do it just a little run if you can't even run some bad guy will hurt you with the help of the
psycho I got up crying and ran again I was limping crying humiliated the sounds of footsteps behind me stopped I dared to look back as the man just stood there waving at me with my heart pounding I arrived at the restaurant I tried to tell him everything that happened but I fell back to the floor I have had many panic attacks in my life but this was the worst I felt like I was going to die at any moment but I still tried to talk I needed the police to be called or the psycho would
hurt someone once I recovered I was able to tell the manager to call the police as there was a psychopath in the parking lot without hesitation the man went to the cast register and started pushing the panic button under the counter it didn't take long for the police to arrive but the man was gone although I never saw the strange individual again that night or any other night his presence continued to haunt me in every shadow every dark corner of the store as the restaurant closed my manager called me a cab as soon as the
car started I swear I could see a silhouette in the shadows looking at me I could see the silhouette raise a hand and with a Sinister smile wave at me from a distance that was the last time I saw that man again to be honest that was the last time I ever went near popey's nowadays every time I leave my house I do it with fear there is no way for that psycho to know where I live but I always feel that he is near me stalking to me ready to kill me hey guys my
name is Adam and I have a story to tell you on the outside I'm sure I look like a normal person someone who doesn't have much to say or just goes through much in this life what no one knows is that I lived a night that would change anyone's life and the consequences of what I lived are still haunting me it all started one night in December I was driving down a lonely road in the middle of the night I wasn't really going anywhere I just likeed to drive at this time I know many people
will disagree and tell me that it's Reckless and dangerous but those comments never bothered me the drive was going well it didn't seem to be a very special night and nothing unusual was happening but about halfway through one of the worst possible things that could happen to me the car started to fail and soon it came to a complete stop I had no cell phone signal and was far from anywhere inhabited I stood outside the car waiting for someone to come by but I knew this was very unlikely so so I left the car on
the road and decided to walk in search of help I walked for a while and found a house at the end of the road I approached it in the hope that some someone might be able to help me I knocked on the door thinking about how I could convince them that I wasn't a psychopath or someone dangerous but to my surprise I was greeted by a couple who didn't doubt me for a second they looked friendly invited me in offered me food and a place to stay for the night I admit I started to feel
a little uncomfortable but maybe it was because they were too nice at that moment I thought that we were so used to people being cruel or self-serving that when we really see people we get uncomfortable or think something's wrong as we were eating dinner I noticed that the food tasted strange but I didn't say anything for fear of offending my hosts they were both looking at me with huge grins from ear to ear they seemed to be obsessed with me eating after a few more bites I decided to retire to rest in the room they
offered me in the middle of the night I heard strange noises outside my room I carefully got up and tried to get out to see what was going on but I couldn't the door to the room was locked I tried not to panic not to scream and tried not to break the door down but while I was thinking about what to do I began to hear voices from the other side of the it seems our little guest didn't enjoy his dinner I know I'm sure it lacked enough spices he made me feel very bad he's
ungrateful but keep in mind he's not in his own house house it makes sense that he's a little uncomfortable I know darling thank you at that moment I relaxed a little maybe I was overreacting I considered going back to sleep and the next day to apologize for the way I left the table but suddenly I heard something else besides what does it matter if he enjoyed the dinner or not we're basically just feeding a piglet it's true honey you have to keep him well fed tomorrow I'll make him a big breakfast that way when we
open him up he'll taste better H I can't wait to taste it it sure is delicious I just don't understand how human flesh is so good hearing those Last Words My Blood froze and I was paralyzed with Terror in that instant I understood the true nature of this family they were cannibals I was in the house of a family of monsters that fed on human beings my heart was pounding I I didn't know what to do I was trapped in the middle of the night far from any help I tried to stay calm but fear
paralyzed me I activated the location on my cell phone and sent it to my brother telling him I needed help I quickly told him that I was kidnapped and that if he didn't act quickly I would be killed before I could do anything else I heard footsteps approaching I tried to hide but before I could the door was opening it was one of them with a cold and Sinister look he grabbed me tightly and dragged me into another room you know I knew you were listening to everything I was saying why do you think I
said it out loud do you think because we live on the road we don't have cameras please don't eat me let me out oh come on you think after all you heard I'd let you go I tried to resist but he was Stronger he drugged me down the hall and threw me into a room with extreme ease and as the wife arrived and joined her husband I saw something that left me in shock there were dismembered bodies human Ms everywhere I tried to escape struggling with all my might but they were determined to make me
their next victim grabbing me roughly the man sat me on a chair and grabbed both my arms so I couldn't run away meanwhile the woman slowly approached me she had a huge smile on her face and in her hands she had a lighted needle puncher which was slowly moving toward my head you know I was terrified like I'd never been in my life but a part of me had some hope one thing I had noticed since I saw the woman with the hole punch was a strange smell coming from them it was the smell of
wine at that moment I felt the man grabbing me somewhat unsteadily and the woman walking towards me in a very slow and meticulous way but at the same time erratic these people knew what they were doing they had killed before and had every intention of doing it again but this time they made a mistake they were completely drunk I decided to try and stay calm and loosen my body a little looking for an opportunity to attack when the woman was almost at my side I managed to kick her in the knee this caused the man
to be distracted for a moment which I took advantage of to get away from him and hit him as soon as I regained control of the situation I ran away without looking back with my heart beating so hard that I felt it would leave my body I ran and ran not knowing where I was going I was lost in the darkness of the night I heard their voices behind me chasing me no matter how much alcohol they had they were still very dangerous indeed and if they caught me they would not forgive me for running
away this was all a nightmare a nightmare that refused to end finally I saw lights in the distance I ran towards the direction they were coming from and then I identified the lights better I realized that I was on the road and that those lights were the police I came screaming for help and when they saw me one of them asked me if my name was Adam apparently these cops were surrounding the area looking for me I told the police everything and they called for reinforcements and went to the cannibals house but they didn't find
them in the house they were probably hiding in the woods from the moment they saw the police sirens on the other hand everything I told you proved to be true since they found the corpses of the previous victims and managed to identify the brutal Killers to be honest I don't know how the case ended after giving my testimony I to be honest I don't know how the case ended after giving my testimony I decided to stay away from The Trial altogether I know for sure they both received life sentences but I really didn't want to
know anything else about what happened I didn't want to remember remember at all what I experienced that night that was the last night ride I ever took it may have been a few years ago but I still dream of that horrible room when I wake up I see the eyes of both Psychopaths meeting mine it's as if they never left as if they live inside me refusing to let me go on with my life and mocking me because I ate human flesh that night since the lockdown there's been a drastic shift in the work culture
all around around the world people are opting to work from home or work from anywhere options rather than going into the office 5 days a week around that time a lot of new YouTubers popped up documenting their van life experiences and a community of van lifers was created luckily my wife Lisa was one of the first people to choose van living over traditional homes we rented our current house bought a spacious van and started our journey on the road to say we didn't the ins and outs of Van living would be an understatement we knew
nothing from the few initial YouTubers we learned the basics like showering storage cooking and laundry but beyond that we learned as we traveled we have no kids so that wasn't an issue and we could do our jobs completely remote so money wasn't a problem either usually we drove most of the day and around 400 in the evening we found ourselves a good parking spot to set up in Camp and called it a day we worked from our van and took turns driving it was like one long road trip but that doesn't mean we didn't face
challenges on our way today I'm about to share the scariest incident that happened to us in the dead of night I remember that day like it was yesterday it was bright and sunny and it was Lisa's turn to drive so I was sitting in the back doing my work we cooked a quick lunch and we were on our way around Sunset we found ourselves in a dense forest covered freeway although it was a freeway the road was narrow and hardly any Vehicles were passing us Lisa suggested that we find a good spot and park there
for the night I wasn't quite sure as we were in the middle of nowhere the sun was about to set and we had a strict no driving in the dark policy eventually we found a small building by the road and we parked there Lisa started preparing ing our dinner while I set up camp outside Although our van is more of a minib buus and is pretty self-sufficient we both prefer to spend some time Outdoors after we parked for the night as I was setting the camp the sun had already set and it was pretty dark
by then I had a small battery powered lamp and a head torch I began my work and by then I was pretty good at setting up camp then suddenly I heard some kind of rustling in the bushes by the tree line just a few yards away from me it's normal for wild animals to be in such places so I became cautious but continued my work I heard the rustling again after a few minutes and this time it was much closer at that point I went inside and told Lisa about the rustling noises and grabbed the
small video camera we used to document our travels I held it in one hand and continued setting up camp that's when I heard it for the first time the piercing scream of a woman coming from deep within the woods I freaked as never before had I heard a screech that disturbing I stilled and tried to search the area in front of me only to hear the rustling sound one more time followed by the loud scream of the woman once again and then there were loud footsteps coming from the woods in our Direction I left all
the camp gear behind hopped into the van shut the door and locked it behind me Lisa was a bit confused as she hadn't heard anything but as I was about to explain we saw someone peep into our van through the slits in the curtain I dropped to the floor and stayed there for a while we heard someone walk around our van a few times and then the culprit finally pounded on our front door Lisa was terrified and so was I we had come across some sketchy people throughout our road trips but nothing of this sort
yet we had a small all gun but it was unaccessible at that moment we just lay on the floor hoping whoever it was would go away but much to our disappointment we heard the alarm set below our van go off meaning this person or animal was below our van and was trying to get to the trap door which was below it the next thing we knew another alarm we had set for our safety had gone off by then we had no clue where the attacker was all we could hear was were the two loud beepings
of the alarms Lisa was clinging to my side trembling and terrified the alarms were still beeping and after some time everything became silent the alarms had stopped beeping we heard no screams rustling or footsteps I slowly stood up and looked outside through the window everything was Pitch Black and quiet outside I slowly opened the door gathered all the camping gear IID left outside and got back in then Lisa and I drove away from that campsite not caring for our rules anymore the GPS showed a small tow a few miles ahead and by midnight we arrived
there we parked our van in a local grocery store parking lot and decided to grab something to eat as we didn't get a chance to eat our dinner in the local Diner there was hardly anyone except us we sat there still for a few moments just looking at each other still recovering from The Incident That's when an old man dressed in a waiter's uniform walked up to us with a notepad in hand what are you city Folk doing here in our little town at this ungodly hour I was the first one to talk as Lisa
was still speechless I decided to act casual and place our order we were just passing by and decided to make a pit stop in your lovely town could we both get two cheeseburgers and fries please we'd also like a one chocolate milkshake with two straws but instead of noting our order the man kept on Staring at Lisa by any chance did your folks travel through the Western freeway yes we did but why do you ask your lady seems like she's seen a ghost did anything happen to you while traveling on that road the old man's
questions were little intrusive but I saw deep concern on his face so I finally told him everything we had experienced he listened to us patiently all while shooting worried glances at Lisa you did good son took your girl and left the damn place no people of this town drive on that road after Sunset as there's a legend associated with that Forest this is a story my grandma told me back in the day there lived a witch in that forest and with her magic she captured a villager and turned him into a child eating monster since
then whenever people traveled on that road at night the monster used to kill the traveling people and take the kids back to the witch by strapping them on his body as years pass the attacks reduced but people driving on that road at night experienced weird things and heard cries of women begging for the lives of their kids now I know your educated folks may think of this as nothing more than a nighttime story but sometimes it's better to believe in things than to play with fire I'll get your orders ready soon don't bother with the
cash it's on the house your kids have had enough already then and he walked away and we had our food and slept in our van the next day we drove out of that town and we came back home ending our road trip once and for all we valued our life more than the adventure and Thrill of the road but you know what the worst part was when we got home and I reviewed the footage from that night I saw an ugly fat face peeking from behind one of the trees that monster is still out there
my name is Timothy Malone and this is a story about how a fast food restaurant I barely went to nearly ended my life in just one visit one night about 4 months ago my girlfriend Monica and I had been out with some friends till around 11:00 p.m. on our drive we both talked about how we were extremely hungry and would like to find something to eat not long after we found a Wendy's close by and although I had only been to Wendy's a few times we parked and walked in to get some food now at
the time there was no one else in the restaurant except one single employee who was working that night the employee was a middle-aged man with a beard he looked extremely skinny for his age and his eyes were glassy and looked like he had been on some sort of drug after we walked in my girlfriend decided she was going to use the restro leaving me alone with the man to order as I ordered our meals something about the man seemed frightening to me he uncomfortably held eye contact and not once did he say a single word
I figured I was just being paranoid as strangers always seemed creepier to me at night about 15 minutes passed and I began to worry as my girlfriend still hadn't come back from the toilet so I decided to go check and see if she was okay I knocked on the door but there was no response from Monica I was about to go in when I noticed flashing lights coming from the crack under the door and not long after Monica walked out pale-faced with dead eyes hey what took you so long WR are you okay I said
Monica simply walked past me and back to where our food was I immediately followed her and stood in front of her to make sure she was fine Monica still didn't respond to me she simply looked over at the man and they both shared an irr estranged look as if they had an understanding of sorts that's when Monica suddenly grabbed a knife from across the counter and swung it at me cutting my chest I was completely shocked and in pain as I let out a loud scream Monica then began to swing the knife frantically at me
cutting me on my arm a couple of times I eventually managed to grab her arm and hit the knife out of her hand before hitting her on the head and saying what are you doing me hitting her seemed to snap her out of whatever trance she was in and before I could even began to contemplate what I just happened the Wendy's employee quickly ran to the back and out of the store after talking with Monica and explaining what had happened Monica informed me she couldn't remember even walking out of the toilet and decided to look
in the toilet we we walked in to check what was in there and I discovered the source of the flashing lights I had seen earlier was an old box TV that had a weird video on Loop the video displayed different random shapes colors and images we quickly called the police and in a few minutes they arrived the head officer in charge was shocked by our story he explained that in the first place that particular Wendy's was supposed to be closed throughout the week and the man we had described did not have any prior records that
might lead them to him he also explained some form of hypnosis had been used on Monica but until they took the time to look deeper into that there was nothing much he could do we drove back later that night paranoid and worried about the strange man following us ever since that day neither my girlfriend nor I have been to another Wendy's fast food restaurant and quite frankly we never will it may seem obvious to say but it's not easy to lose a loved one at that moment everyone thinks they understand you that they have the
right words to say to you or that you can just pretend that nothing happened to you I lost a loved one more than 5 years ago at first everyone was there for me and supported me but as time went by I started to get strange looks none of them told me directly but they all wondered how after all this time I still couldn't stop thinking about Angela my ex-girlfriend friend I understand why they think this 5 years is a long time what they don't know is that the reason I'm not over Angela is because she
visits me and to be honest with you her intentions are never good I'll be honest my relationship with Angela was never very good we had our first year of love as all couples do but it quickly evolved into what I considered a nightmare on the one hand I loved her she was my partner and I had this strength feeling that there would be no life after her as happens to everyone with their first partner on the other hand being with Angela was really very difficult she was very jealous and possessive even at the end of
the relationship she was very violent I never got angry with her because I knew she had depression and I did everything I could to get her to seek professional help but there was no case she was in total denial all this kept escalating until one day well let's say she decided not to be with us anymore I admit that I felt guilty for a long time I felt that I could have done something more and I felt that maybe I was to blame but with time and therapy I was able to solve it what I
couldn't resolve was what started to happen after that night that night I was at home alone during that time I was living in the house of my aunt and uncle who went to live in another country and therefore they left the house for me it was a very big house for one person although I enjoyed the space when it all started I was on Facebook that day was the anniversary of Angela's death and I couldn't think of her again I was meeting another girl 2 months ago so I decided it was time to get over
Angela I went on her Facebook profile and deleted her from my friends hello scared after answering the phone hey it's me I was thinking do you want to go see a movie tomorrow since you told me you're getting a little busy we can spend the night together oh yeah uh sure what's wrong are you all right yeah I'm I'm sorry I'm a little disconnected you're on her profile right hey you can't keep doing this to yourself I know so tomorrow tomorrow night yes make sure you're not late again I'll be near the cinema because I
have to take my sister to work I'll buy the popcorn while you're coming cool I love you love you too see you tomorrow once I ended the call I was ready to close Facebook but something caught my attention suddenly a chat window opened up when I saw the message it said the name Angela Thompson and it said she was online what this must be a mistake instantly the indicator that Angelo was typing popped up and her message froze me in my tracks why did you delete me I don't know how to explain what I felt
at that moment my body froze and a horrible feeling of sadness and confusion invaded my whole body this could not be real there was no way it could be real I closed the chat window but suddenly it opened up again with a new message who were you talking to was she the one who told you to delete me desperate I closed the chat and tried to close the Facebook window but I couldn't the computer wasn't responding the computer was not responding to me every time I pressed the X to close Google Chrome the screen became
more and more distorted each time this happened I could see Angela's face in her profile picture getting closer and closer to the screen as if it wanted wanted to get out of the profile picture box in desperation I unplugged the computer and that's when it was over the screen was black I'll be honest at that moment I was confused scared and terrified I didn't know what had just happened should I leave the house should I destroy the computer shut down Facebook all I knew was that I couldn't stay one more second in this huge dark
house I went to get a glass of water to Catch My Breath then I would call my girlfriend and tell her to spend the night with me I didn't know the parents yet but we could go to a hotel I drank a glass of water and got ready to leave the house I went to my room to get my cell phone but as soon as I walked in I couldn't believe what I was seeing the computer the computer was on again I looked for the computer cable and it was still disconnected but that wasn't the
scariest thing the scariest thing was that Facebook was open and on it Angela's profile picture only there was a slight change Angela was not in her profile picture it was her usual profile but without her I tried to leave but the door was closed at what point had I closed it the door usually makes a lot of noise when it closes how come I didn't hear it when I looked forward again my attention was no longer on Facebook but on what was next to the computer out of the darkness a dark silhouette with long hair
began to form I tried to turn on the lights but they didn't work the two lamps had broken at the same time the silhouette started to walk towards me and when it Advanced far enough I could recognize it it was Angela but her body was gray almost blue she had a horrible and intense mark on her neck I was terrified to understand what that Mark meant desperate I pounded with all my might on the door hoping it would magically open but I knew it wasn't going to happen I fell to the floor crying and surrendered
to whatever the spirit would do to me I froze as she put her hand on my neck and began to squeeze me violently the strength in her arm increased and increased I had no will to fight or resist I just cried hoping it would end as soon as possible I knew I was not to blame for what happened to Angela but I still couldn't stop feeling sorry for her before I lost Consciousness I heard Angela's voice whispering to me you are mine you always will be that was the last thing I heard before I passed
out when I woke up I was in my bed covered I had a mark on my neck very similar to Angela's I looked at myself in the mirror I looked in the mirror and besides the Mark I had a kiss on my forehead the kiss Mark hurt it wasn't n lipstick it was a bruise that day I tried to contact my girlfriend but she never answered every time I contacted her she cut me off and blocked me from all social networks once I passed her on the street and I talked to her but she just
kept walking I used to think she was angry because of something I didn't know but after I passed her on the street I understood everything she wasn't angry she was terrified after that evening I stopped trying to communicate with her I didn't want to drag her into whatever it was that was Haunting me it's been a while since that night I've never been in a relationship with anyone and I've slowly moved away from my friends whenever I am with someone I feel their presence I feel that Angela is close watching me sometimes I even see
her silhouette in the dark stalking me she doesn't want me to be with anyone only with her today she is still stalking me I don't really know what to do or how to get rid of her I just know that whatever I do I will have to do it alone have you ever had to close a food restaurant over the last shift my name is Alex and it happened to me while working at Taco Bell this Taco Bell was pretty special though since it was located in a fairy secluded Town I'd say it even operated
by its own set of rules unlike the city Taco Bell here we had fewer employees because truth be told we didn't need them I was the newest of the bunch and honestly I like the job I had a good group of people and everyone was very patient with me even though I was a little clumsy everything was going well I was learning the job very quickly until one night I was assigned to the night shift since the restaurant was so small only one person and stayed on the night shift to close it and since I
had already been working there for a few months they trusted me closing the place wasn't hard just giving everything a final cleaning putting up the chairs and locking up I didn't even have to worry about closing the cash register because that was done by a colleague before leaving the Only Rule we had to respect without exception was that we had to leave before 11:15 p.m. it was forbidden I mean AB absolutely forbidden to stay on the premises after midnight to tell the truth I thought it was something bureaucratic but I knew it was more to
it than that the manager used to be a very permissive and carefree person but regarding this issue he was categorical when I asked the rest of the employees what the reason was for this they seemed to know the answer but they didn't want to tell me they would always tell me that it was better to just obey him that someday say they would tell me I closed a few times on the night shift always obeying the one rule of not going over time so I was trusted with the night shift more and more everything was
going well until one fateful night when by trusting me and not understanding that the time limit was put in place to protect me I put my life at risk as I had never done before that night the restaurant was full there was so much work luckily my co-workers helped me they moved several of my tasks forward so I could leave on time when they left and the tables began to empty I must admit that I made a terrible mistake when cleaning the ice cream machine I accidentally broke it and the ice cream started pouring out
non-stop to make matters worse while trying to fix the ice cream machine I kicked the bucket flooding the entire restaurant I felt like the clumsiest person in the world I couldn't let this mess stay until tomorrow or I would surely get in trouble just for that night I decided to stay a little longer to tidy up and pretend nothing had happened my idea was to go over the deadline but still finish before midnight I hurried as fast as I could and finished cleaning up pretty quickly I went on and on and before I knew it
I was done there was just one little problem oh no it's it's 12:15 I wasn't going to tell anyone that this had happened to me but at the same time I couldn't stay in the restaurant for another minute I tried to run to my locker to grab my things but I tripped on the wet floor and fell to the ground I hurt my arm in the fall but that was no big deal it was just a fall the only problem was that it wasn't at all because when I raised my head something had changed suddenly
The Good Vibes in the restaurant disappeared giving way to an atmosphere of enormous discomfort and the feeling that something was wrong I don't know how to explain this it was as if the air had changed it was as if something was there with me and that something was very oppressive scared I raised my head and that's when I saw it a human figure or at least it looked like one but something was wrong its eyes were completely black absorbing all the light around it and its body its body seemed to be withered impossibly I blinked
several times thinking it was an illusion maybe there was a gas leak maybe I hurt my head without realizing it the only thing I knew was that no matter what or who was still there I should move away because what was in front of me looked very real and I didn't want to be a victim of that horrendous being before I could try to rationalize what was happening I could see that the shadow began to move slowly in my direction my heart was pounding so hard that I thought it would burst out of my chest
I tried to scream but the words wouldn't come out I backed away slowly Frozen with fear that figure was moving its legs but it had no reason to do so since it was floating little by little it began to get closer and closer something prevented me from running as if this twisted and horrifying being was doing something to me with a lot of effort I managed to get up from the ground and try to walk but things got even worse suddenly I began to feel a strange pressure on my knee the pressure became stronger and
stronger and unbearable and when I couldn't take the pain anymore in a single second my knee broke I felt I had no more salvation I started to crawl to the exit while crying in pain praying that I had enough strength to make it alive for someone to save me when I almost reached the exit door my body froze completely that being that was behind me got too close to me and now he was only a few centimeters away from me having me at its Mercy the monster made a hand movement and suddenly I began to
choke it was as if my throat had temporarily stopped no air was coming in or going out I felt like I was going to die that very day suddenly and to my rescue the entrance door next to me opened violently and without hesitation he grabbed me and dragged me out of the room seeing his face I realized it was someone I knew it was my manager I told you to get out before midnight wasn't I not clear enough what what was that we don't know what it is we only know that it arrives at midnight
and attacks whoever is in the place but how come no one knows how is this place still open this is a secret if you tell anyone we'll I'll be out of work understand but it's dangerous listen to me we give work here to a lot of people who need it most of your colleagues have a family we need this place and as long as we respect the rules nothing bad will happen my manager's logic may be strange but I must admit that I partly understood it the situation of my co-workers and the people in this
town is not the best so having a place like Taco Bell is very good besides I've been here for several months and to be honest nothing has ever happened to me before I kept working there but I learned to respect the rules every night at 11:15 p.m. I would leave everything ready to leave quickly when the time came it didn't matter if there was any work to be done I never encountered that entity again but the lesson was clear there are things in this world that we cannot understand and sometimes it is better not to
challenge the unknown since then my mental clock has been set to leave any place before midnight how many of you like horror I don't mean watching movies or playing horror video games I mean defying the Paranormal doing extreme things to look for fear like playing Ouija doing Urban Explorations and really taking risks in the face of the Paranormal which of you really likes horror I always considered myself a big horror fan but there was always something that bothered me what if it wasn't real so I dedicated myself to challenging the Paranormal to prove the existence
of something else not because I challenged the genre but because I trusted it because I knew I could have the ultimate horor or experience I asked for more than I could handle after spending a lifetime searching for things I wasn't supposed to see I never thought that the worst thing that could happen was to achieve my goal since by that very fact I would be faced with a situation that no living being should ever have to face it all happened on a Friday night my parents asked me to spend the weekend at their house to
take care of their dog while they were away I had moved a few years ago and since the place I was Runing was pretty small I liked the idea of being in a bigger house for a change but you know what the best thing about it was that I would finally have enough space to play darumasan also known as the bath game I won't bore you with the details and get right to the action unlike many other games darumasan it's really difficult to play Since not following the rules can make the game never happen or
even worse make it work but have darumasan attack you sooner than expected I turned off all the lights in the house and immediately started playing the first thing I did was fill the bathtub with water and lie down in it as the game says I began to wash my hair with my eyes closed completing the ritual with what I had to say duma's son fell down duma's son fell down Duma son fell down DaRuMa son fell down DaRuMa son fell down just as the game anticipated it would happen to me strange images began to gather
in my brain it was a woman coming out of the bathroom and slipping as I opened my eyes I thought for sure this was something out of my imagination if the game says that I would imagine a woman stumbling out of a bathtub it's obvious that I would imagine it with or without something paranormal in the middle as soon as I finished washing my hair it all started suddenly I felt like something was watching me I don't know how to explain it to you maybe even what I felt at that moment doesn't make sense but
what my body felt well that made a lot of sense I wanted to turn around I wanted to confirm that what was watching me behind me was real but I couldn't do it the rules of the game said that I couldn't turn around and that I couldn't open my eyes no matter what at that moment I had no choice but to hold my curiosity and keep playing after this question the terrifying atmosphere around me became denser than ever I was shivering at the thought of staying one more second in this bathtub luckily the game was
over at least for tonight without opening my eyes I got out of the bathtub without slipping didn't let the water seep in and went to sleep without turning on any lights after all I did the real game should start when I opened my eyes the next day I must admit that although the game had not yet fully begun that was the most traumatic night of my life I spent the whole night having nightmares about a woman who came looking for me that woman was missing an eye just like darumasan throughout the whole dream she didn't
want to actively catch me once I woke up I looked at myself in the mirror somewhat asleep as I gradually woke up I remembered what I had done the night before in case you don't know darumasan is not about inviting a spirit into your bathtub no dumaan consist of summoning a spirit that during the next day will do everything possible to kill you immediately after remembering this I began to feel the same thing I had felt the night before when I was in the bathtub it was as if something was behind me watching me looking
for the right moment to hurt me according to the game I was supposed to continue my normal routine that I would do any day but this wasn't just any day I was at my parents house on a weekend I had nothing to do and nowhere to go just staying at home taking care of the dog or going out to buy something I admit that part of me still thought this couldn't be real technically I hadn't seen anything out of the ordinary I had just felt things that might not be there I relaxed and decided to
go watch TV real or not I had nothing else to do I lay down on the couch attentive to everything that could be around me any Shadow seemed suspicious and I came to think if it was real the rumaan could be anywhere all the tension I was feeling soon began to fade as I saw no one within minutes I was distracted by a TV show and soon after I fell asleep I knew I had just woken up but the way I slept having so many nightmares a few extra hours of sleep wouldn't hurt I always
had very strong nightmares and I always woke up with some sleepiness but this I had seen even for a fraction of a second was real I looked around but darumasan was no longer there on the other hand something had changed the house felt different from the way it had an hour ago when I had fallen asleep although it was still sunny outside it was still very cold I felt a heavy oppressive atmosphere that wouldn't let me breathe it was as if the spirit was everywhere and nowhere at the same time somewhat confused I stood up
disoriented trying not to fall I immediately realized that I had to finish the game as soon as possible otherwise the Spirit would kill me I tried as hard as I could to remember the rules but everything was a blur I couldn't think was this a coincidence was it because I was nervous or maybe something was doing this to me think think think the rules she will always appear behind me if I turn around and get to see her all I have to do is say kitaa and she'll be gone I was very nervous regretting playing
this game and thinking that I might might die that night but somehow I managed to stay calm and use logic to survive I stood against the wall she couldn't attack me if I saw her the air was getting heavy again to my surprise darumasan appeared in front of me without any concealment at all her very presence chilled my blood she was very difficult to see and she was covered by a Mist that hid a large part of her body her hair was black and her skin was white and intense she looked dead and indeed she
was she approached slowly floating and disorienting with every centimeter she Advanced when I was about to say the word to win the game I realized I couldn't speak this was not nerves I felt something that did not allow me to speak as I touched my throat I could feel a lump minute I was choking as I struggled to breathe DaRuMa slowly approached me with every inch she took the atmosphere became heavier and I found it harder and harder to breathe my vision was getting blurry I was about to Fain maybe this was for the best
I would rather have lost Consciousness before darumasan caught me my eyes started to close until suddenly I heard something slowly and indifferently I could see darumasan turn her eyes to the dog she was about to look at me again but during that second I realized something I could breathe again Kita I had made it the rumaan was gone I won the game in shock I fell to the floor and began to cry from that day on I never again risk provoking the Paranormal I started watching horror movies and playing video games Sometimes some friends tell
me to go on Urban Explorations but I always say no I don't need to go looking for ghosts anymore I don't need to go looking for ghosts anymore I've seen more than I was willing to see in a lifetime everyone tells me that I should never get involved with the Deep Web they tell me that it is a a very dark place in that only bad things can come from it some people have even blamed me for the story I'm about to tell as if I had anything to do with what happened to those people
I always say the same thing do you know the worst thing about the Deep Web even if you don't do anything about it even if you don't know it exists you can get entangled in it you can be its victim and that is exactly what happened to me I will tell you how it happened My Story begins on a field trip with my buddies we were all Scouts and although we were an adult troop we were only 18-year-old boys accompanied by an instructor that day we were just going to untie knots make a campfire and
tell ghost stories and that's exactly how the day started we set up our tents around a circle where we were going to eat marshmallows later in the evening some of us were in charge of looking for wood others had to go exploring and one of us usually the most experienced would guide us with a map our camp was in a remote location far from civilization and any kind of cell phone signal this meant we were completely isolated which sounded exciting at the time but soon became our worst nightmare the campsite was near a small stream
surrounded by tall trees that blocked the view of the Starry Sky we pitched our tents when we all returned from our chores we got down to to work and began to prepare everything for the night a few hours later we had all the tents ready and a fire going so we started cooking our rations the night went on like any other camping trip with laughter and jokes among friends however as the darkness closed in on us we began to feel a strange uneasiness in the air that's when we heard the sound of rustling branches in
the distance we all became alert thinking it was a wild animal the inst instructor said to wait and went to investigate we all listened and within seconds someone was coming from his Direction but what emerged from the trees was not the instructor several men dressed in black wearing masks that hid their faces appeared out of nowhere one of them held a camera while the other carried some kind of rusty axe the rest were carrying guns and they were pointing them at us we were paralyzed with fear and surprise The Intruders slowly approached us staring at
us through their masks one of them spoke in a voice that sounded distorted and mechanical they ordered us to get up and walk toward the stream with no other choice we obeyed feeling like we were trapped in a never-ending nightmare as we walked toward the creek The Intruders made us form a circle they stared at us their eyes hidden behind masks then the man with the axe began to speak in a voice that chilled our blood he explained that we were a part of a maab live show being broadcast on the Deep Web we had
been randomly chosen to be the victims of his Twisted fun our hearts were pounding and anxiety gripped us the man with the camera began to record us pausing at each of our faces we knew we were being filmed for an unknown audience in some dark corner of the web tears began to gather in our eyes but we knew that crying would only make our situation worse the Deep Web psychopath explained to us the rules of the maab game we were about to play only one of us would make it out of that night alive and
the rest of us would disappear into the depths of the forest the man placed a bottle in the middle of the ground and began to spin it to determine who would be the first to Die the bottle finished spinning and pointed to one of my friends The Intruders grabbed him and dragged him into the dark Forest I still remember my friend's screams he was desperately calling for help shouting that if we all got together we could attack the men otherwise we were all going to end up dying you know I still think about his words
a lot to tell you the truth he was right if we had listened to him most of what happened that night could have been prevented but can you blame us for not acting we were only 18 years old we had never had any real problems in our lives and suddenly we were facing men from the Deep Web who wanted to play with us torture us and kill us we could do nothing to stop them we could only hear our friends screams in Terror fading in the distance I admit that we all stared at each other
some were thinking of attacking them others wanted to escape but in reality we were all Frozen with fear we were all convinced that there would surely be more people in the woods watching us waiting for one of us to attack or try to escape hesitantly we continued to listen to the sounds of our friends away which would haunt us for the rest of the night meanwhile the man with the axe looked at the rest of us and said that only one would escape the rest would suffer the same fate time passed slowly and panic set
in we didn't know whether to try to flee or stay in wait for our turn to come finally another bottle throw pointed to another one of my friends they led him into the woods and at this time we heard no screams just an eerie silence that left us even more terrified as the night progressed The Intruders continued to pick off our friends one by one each time one of them disappeared a sense of helplessness and despair grew in me I knew that the possibility of being next was increasing and my fear became unbearable at one
point in the night none of us thought about escaping the idea of being The Last One Alive started to become more and more attractive to all of us who were left it was going to be harder and harder to resist or Escape we could only play by their rules without realizing it we all became a herd of frightened sheep waiting to be slaughtered finally there were only two of us left my best friend Mark and me the man with the axe looked at us with a Sinister smile and informed us that it was now our
turn to play he gave us a choice we could fight each other to the death and the Survivor would be free or we could refuse and face an even worse fate Mark and I looked at each other with Terror in our eyes knowing we had no choice the fight was brutal and heartbreaking we were not Killers we were friends but the life had stake forced us to fight until one of us lay motionless on the ground blood mixed with mud and the sound of our blows echoed in the night neither of us was really fighting
we were just two teenagers punching each other and crying every punch I hit Mark with was like hitting myself and I could see in his eyes that the same thing was happening to him you know I've know Mark my whole life he was the first guy I talked to on my first day of high school and since then we've always been Inseparable friends Mark was like a brother a brother I was trying to beat to save my own life if either of us had really wanted to take the other one down we could have done
it very easily but all our blows were like content we both wanted to survive but neither of us could bring ourselves to drop everything and the Axeman knew it I could see in his face how he was getting impatient and when the man with a C spoke to him he only got angrier out of the corner of my eye I could see how the Axeman grimaced and prepared to come at us I knew what this meant the fight was boring him in that moment of desperation I stopped thinking about Mark and thought about my parents
I thought about how devastated they would be if anything happened to me I thought about my father who would blame himself for my death since he insisted that I come at that moment I closed my eyes and hit Mark as hard as I could while crying and closing my eyes Mark was instantly defeated and the man with the axe was surprised but began to laugh the man with the axe came up to me and congratulated me for surviving he told me that I could leave the man not only told me that I could tell the
story but he threatened that if I didn't tell the story terrible things would happen to me and my family so I was left to go alone and traumatized in the middle of the Dark Forest I ran without looking back aimlessly until I found a path that led me back to civilization I arrived at a police station and told them what had happened however the police could find no trace of the Deep Web Psychopaths or my missing friends the Deep Web is a dark and mysterious Place difficult to trace you know sometimes I feel like I
have to do something like look for them and get a revenge for what happened to Mark but inside I know they are just fantasies I have no choice but to live like a coward a coward whose family is alive and plans to keep them that way it was a bald wrinkled almost Blu head its eyes eyes were huge and white and as it looked at me it had a smile from ear to ear that chilled my blood have you ever done Urban Explorations you see I'm not a YouTuber I'm not interested in generating content from
this and I don't even want to become famous I just enjoy getting into places where other people wouldn't go to tell you the truth I never believed in the Paranormal and that's not what I was looking for in these Explorations and that's why I can tell you the story as I spent months thinking I had gone crazy it all started on a camping day I had planned to do an exploration of the forest nothing out of the ordinary I was just going to spend the night in the woods none of my friends could go but
I had no problem with that it wasn't my first exploration alone and it wasn't going to be my last one either or so I thought I spent the whole day going deep into the heart of the forest I didn't really know what I would find but I knew that there were no animals too dangerous or anything like that since I always investigated where I go when I got deep enough into the forest I noticed that it was starting to get dark so I made my camp and set up camping a part that I saw as
fairly open and free of trees I ate quickly and went to sleep when it was still quite early as the sun was Rising before 6:00 a.m. I wanted to get up early and with lots of energy I closed my eyes slowly and and before I knew it I was asleep when I opened my eyes I felt something was wrong I'm not a deep sleeper but I can sleep through the night if no one wakes me up and that night something woke me up the night seemed normal and quiet but something was wrong call it a
feeling experience or whatever but I knew someone was there looking out at the pasture in front of me I watched as something moved unnaturally the wind wasn't blowing and it didn't seem to be an animal someone was watching me it's not the first time I've been in danger but I've never encountered anything like this before a stalker whose face or intentions I did not yet know was watching me faced with this discovery I did the most logical thing I could think of I grabbed my flashlight a knife I had at my side and went into
the opposite direction to where the grass was moving in that camp I didn't have anything too expensive I could go look for it the next day if there was anything left in one swift move I took off at high speed towards the pasture and started running as fast as I could I didn't know exactly where we were but I had a good idea of it as I ran away I could hear someone behind me chasing me but the footsteps got lost little by little until they ended up disappearing I walked a little more looking for
a place to hide and that's when it hit me in front of me was an abandoned building under construction it was strange for all the things outside it looked like a hospital but what was a hospital doing in the middle of nowhere why was it abandoned whatever the reason it was a good hiding place from whoever was still walking near me so I decided to go in and hide until I was sure this person wasn't following me anymore or just that it would be daylight once inside I realized ized that the place was Fuller than
I thought why would they leave a place like this half built I explored the abanded Hospital trying to get as far into it as possible I wasn't really afraid of what might be inside the hospital but it was the man who was stalking me outside that really terrified me behind a closed double door there were lights how was this possible how did the energy get here why was it coming where was I I admit that Curiosity got the better of me and I walked to the door once I opened it I was met with a
new surprise behind the closed door there were no people there were no guards and they were not performing any experiments or anything I could expect it was just a hallway with light I walked a little inside this Corridor considering going into one of these doors to hide if that person who was stalking me saw this place he would surely think there were guards and would not want to enter I walked in with a big smile thinking that the worst had already happened and that surely this person could not do anything when something in front of
me made me stop in my tracks and fall to the floor with fright one of the doors to the LED Corridor was open behind that door there was no light just Gloom normally this would not be the Striking thing the whole Hospital except that room was dark what really surprised me was that behind that terrifying door someone was peeking out for a moment I thought it might have been a guard it could also be my stalker or a simple homeless person who was living at the hospital but no this was something much worse I'll never
forget how I felt when my eyes came face to face with with whatever that was it was a bald wrinkled almost blue head its eyes were huge and white and as it looked at me it had a smile from ear to ear that chilled my blood I didn't know what this was and it was the most terrifying thing I had ever seen in my life at that moment the first thing you think of is to run run as fast as you can and leave it behind would you believe me if I told you that I
didn't in that situation I was so scared that my body became totally paralyzed falling to the floor in panic and possibly victim to to whatever it was that was in front of me looking at me very calmly as if knowing that I could not move that being came out the door and walked slowly down the hallway towards me his body was tall gangly and skeletal his bones seemed to be disproportionate and senseless but he still walked towards me without any problems what struck me most was the way he walked I'm still terrified to think about
it this being the steps of this being were irregular and difficult as if it was suffering every step it took it was strange it was walking like any other person but something about that walk seemed forced it was if that thing that was coming towards me was trying to walk trying to be human trying to make me think that I could be calm because I had another human in front of me seeing something so horrible filled my body with energy and instead of using it to fight this being I used it to run I ran
and ran and ran I was so desperate that I didn't realize that I was still in an abandoned place since I entered my life never stopped being in danger not by ghosts Psychopaths or accusers but by myself as I was escaping from the being in that hallway I fell down the Escape hatches and ended up on the floor below low my body hurt a lot and it was impossible for me to get up but even so I made every effort humanly possible to get out of that area to keep going down the stairs and get
out of there as soon as possible but it was no use because of the blow I had at that moment it was impossible for me to keep my concentration enough to keep from fainting and so as I closed my eyes and saw something or someone crawling near me my eyes were were much heavier than before and when I closed my eyes I fainted when I woke up it was already daylight my body hurt a lot and I still had the wounds from falling off the ladder I went back to check the area that was lit
but now Not only was there no light coming from under the door but the door was locked with the chains to tell the truth it didn't bother me much either anyway I had no plans to set foot in that that area again when I managed to escape the first thing I did was to tell the police everything once I did they all told me that what happened to me in the hospital was probably a lie the results of my nerves being harassed it could even be the development of a mental illness that made me hallucinate
whatever it was I was sure that what I saw there was real what the police were able to discover was the information about the man who was following me apparently he was an ex-convict who had escaped from prison this man never planned to hurt me but he surely would have if necessary luckily the police caught him a few meters after he ran into me as he just kept running in a straight line I still wonder what happened that day honestly the older I got the blurrier the whole story became let this be a lesson to
remember there are things Beyond human understanding standing today I'm afraid to go camping or to hospital and I know that no one can judge me for it the only thing I hope is that no other Explorer ends up in that scary abandoned hospital again maybe I survived by being lucky but who knows what that thing might do to the next person who walks [Music] in my name is Jacob Lane and this is a detailed recollection of the horrifying events that went down on the 15th of August 2019 at Wendy's in Colorado 3 months earlier on
the 20th of May I applied for a job at my local Wendy's restaurant as I needed a little money to help me with school I got a job as a waiter and started working just 2 Days Later naturally most of my co-workers were in their 20s and it didn't take long for me to create a working bond with them as well as a good relationship a tradition I got introduced to at Wendy's was that as the newest employee it it was arranged for me to get the later shifts which meant I often had to lock
up late after everyone left in weeks when I had tests or exams however they would let me get the earlier shifts so I could study it also wasn't hard to arrange with someone else to take the late shifts if I wanted to go partying or hang out with other friends most of the time though I would end up working the late shifts and it became a running joke for the co-workers to try and frighten me before leaving me alone in the restaurant they would tell stories about how once in a while the Wendy's girl would
visit our restaurant in particular and stay for a while as here's the only place she felt at home they would say things like Jacob tonight might be the night huh maybe you'll get a visit from Little Wendy herself one day I decided to ask where this rumor even started from Alex one of my co-workers ended up telling me the origin of the story well none of us actually know if it's true I mean it obviously doesn't make any sense but Julia the manager told me when she first got here the former manager wouldn't shut up
about it told her the whole thing about Wendy coming here once in a while and to make sure to treat her right Julia was creeped out for a while but it's never actually happened so no need to worry I'm sure you'll be fine 2 days before I officially quit my job I was given the late shift once again I didn't have any problems however as I didn't have any plans for the night and there wasn't much I had to do for school that night was slow and barely anyone came in before 9:00 p.m. eventually at
around 9:30 a group of high schoolers came in all Rowdy and wasted their orders were a lot for me to handle and they were very impatient rude and annoying by the time they left it was already 11:15 and my mood had been completely ruined I began to clean up their dishes and once I was done with that I started tidying up the restaurant thinking about nothing but my home and bed eventually I began finishing up so I put my airpods in as I prepared to leave for the day I was standing at the counter and
out the corner of my eye I noticed the door open but I didn't see anyone come in I quickly took out my airpods as I was sure of what I'd seen and that's when I heard tapping coming from across the counter I looked over the counter and was met with the sight of a little girl standing alone in the restaurant the girl had tiny brown eyes freckles and bright Ginger hair that was held apart by Blue ribbons at first I didn't realize the obvious similarity she had with the Wendy's girl as despite her look not
being what you saw every day there wasn't anything particularly odd about the little girl's physical features now the way she was dressed however was a completely different story as that was what revealed to me her identical similarity to the Wendy's girl everything she wore was the colors blue and white from the dress to the socks to the shoes the girl stood silently looking directly at me and in that moment all I could think about was how tired I was and how that night wasn't the night for the guys to pull a prank on me I
walked to the other side of the counter to meet the child and said yeah kid this is a nice outfit and all but I'm not really in the mood for jokes you can go tell the guys to come out from wherever they're hiding I had expected a somewhat childlike reaction from the girl but she simply said nothing and proceeded to walk over to a table before taking a seat I was still in a very bad mood and the child's silence was only adding to my frustration so I walked out the door into the parking lot
and said very funny guys but now's not the time for this I waited for someone to come out but the parking lot remained completely silent and the only sounds I could hear were crickets I walked back in to find the child seated with a menu she looked up as I walked back in and finally spoke I want one of everything on this menu you can take your time at that point I was completely frustrated and annoyed but a part of me was confused as to how the little girl didn't act or sound her age in
any way at all nothing about her had the childish innocence all kids her age showed instead she gave off a mature and dark Vibe she was still a child however and I wasn't going to serve her anything so I said first of all young lady we closed 15 minutes ago and secondly I don't care what you want so please get up and go home the girl looked shocked and responded calmly with I am home the look in her eyes as she said that sent chills down my spine I couldn't entertain the situation anymore and I
didn't know what it was about her but I suddenly had goosebumps all over my body the child sat still as she stared into my eyes and at that moment I realized it wasn't a joke and I might lose my life if I didn't do what I was told the girl looked away and finally broke the silence saying you shouldn't be rude to me in my home you all need to learn to respect I walked away from her completely confused as to how a child could make me Frozen with fear my mind immediately began to ponder
the possibility of the jokes my co-workers told being true all I knew was there was something very wrong with that child and although I wasn't sure what it was I knew it wouldn't be smart to stick around and find out so I acted as if I was headed behind the counter but I quickly ly burst out the front door and began running to the apartment complex down the street as I ran away from Wendy's all I could think of was am I really running from a little girl those thoughts however were quickly Justified as I
heard a loud scream come from behind me followed by rapid footsteps I looked back to see Wendy running towards me at great speed with a large knife from our kitchen in hand I kept running but each time I looked back she seemed closer and closer until eventually I felt a sharp pain through my leg causing me to fall the girl frantically crawled on top of me stabbing my arm legs and shoulder grunting heavily in the process she eventually crawled up to face me her eyes remained still dead empty and my blood had covered most of
her freckles the girl gripped my neck before saying you shouldn't be rude to me in my home you all need to learn respect ECT she raised the knife to stab me again but the headlights of a car pulling out of the apartment complex lit up the road I was lying on and the driver screamed as soon as she saw what was happening before the driver could get out of the car to help Wendy got off me and ran straight into the darkness disappearing just as quickly as she had appeared the police and my boss arrived
with a paramedics later that night and after I told them my story they came up with two possible con conclusions the first being that I was high on drugs and got into a fight with someone and the second being that there was a crazy individual probably suffering from a type of dwarfism and skeletal dysplasia called s a bone growth disorder resulting in skeletal abnormalities that allowed her to pose as a child and carry out her crazy and Twisted Fantasy as the Wendy's girl the cops explained this had happened before in the case of Barbara scova
who posed as a 12-year-old girl named anakah in the Czech Republic the woman who stopped to help corroborated my story and confirmed she also saw the little girl who was attacking me before running away her statement and the drug test I was given led the police to decide it was probably the second theory and put out a search warrant for the woman I quit my job 2 days later and no matter how much I tried to convince myself the police theory was right I've always known deep down there was nothing normal about the eyes of
the Wendy's girl I saw that night over the years after hearing numerous horror cases and stories I've come to realize there is also nothing normal about everyone's favorite fast food restaurant Wendy's this case is Loosely based on the story of John stugart a Wendy's employee in the early 80s who claimed to have had an encounter with the popular Wendy's mascot herself the employee claimed that the child child visited him late at night while working alone and attacked him when he tried attending to her after further investigation however it was decided the employee was mentally unstable
and he was put in a psychiatric hospital just 3 months later most records of this case were quickly discarded which led many people including myself to ask the question was he really mad or was there something bigger going on what could have been the truth about the night stugart spent alone at Wendy's and what could be the secret our favorite restaurant Wendy doesn't want us finding out for the last year I've been a regular viewer of this Channel and let me tell you how happy I get when a new video pops up in my notification
I know a lot of you can relate to this being a truck driver most of the time I'm on the road these videos and music keep me entertained throughout my drives but today I'm going to share a true night driving Horror Story with you and I hope you enjoy it my name is stepan and for the past eight years I've been a truck driver I always enjoyed driving and being on the road so when I was approached by my uncle to work as a driver in his transportation company I jumped at the opportunity I'm also
a part of the truck driving community and we all share our good as well as bad or terrifying experiences with each other I too had seen my fair share of sketchy and illegal things on the road but what happened to me me that one time made me question everything the company that I work for transports electronic Goods furniture and other non-p perishable items most of the time there was one such delivery I had to do from South Carolina to North Dakota it was December so the atmosphere was already chilly and driving through snow covered roads
is not my favorite part however I was requested to make this delivery by my uncle as the other driver had taken sick leave I reluctantly accepted to drive the goods on one condition that I would drive slowly and take my time delivering them my uncle happily agreed as the company was soon to be closing for Christmas in my trucker Community I have a lot of drivers that had mentioned weird things happening on the way to North Dakota although I listened to all of them I never really believed in the Supernatural or the Paranormal I always
thought those things were a result of Your Mind Playing Tricks on you not to mention the road life can be extremely lonely at times on my third day of the drive there was a snowstorm warning I was just on the outskirts of North Dakota and had to call it a day I always avoid driving in rough weather better to be late than dead but this snowstorm was a hell of a lot worse than the ones i' dealt with before I'd plan to find truck parking and spend my time time there but the weather didn't permit
me to go any further than a couple of Miles finally defeated and tired of making my way through the snow covered roads I parked in a small clearing by the freeway there was no chance I was getting out of the truck also the sun was about to set so I knew it would be pitch black soon I did my regular drill checked the back doors of the trailer and make sure everything was locked up made sure all the tires weren't covered in snow and lock the drivers and P passenger side door boarded up the front
glass with a blackout curtain that I carry with me and I shut the windows I knew I had to keep the heating on in my truck if I wanted to sleep comfortably plus I had to make dinner by the time it was dark outside I had eaten my dinner a simple sandwich relieved myself and was ready to get some shut ey I lay in the makeshift bed behind the driver and passenger seat pulled a blanket over myself and got comfortable I knew it'd take a few minutes to fall asleep so I decided to watch some
of SSG animation scary videos on YouTube I'm not sure when I fell asleep but I jolted awake after hearing a sudden bang it was as if someone had hit something hard and big against the rear of my truck my phone was beside my bed and it was dark inside and out my first instinct was that maybe I'd had a dream so I decided to go back to sleep only to be woken up by another Bang a couple minutes later this time however I knew I wasn't dreaming someone or something was banging on my truck and
they were hitting hard against the steel I had a couple of incidents of homeless people or straight up thieves trying to steal stuff from my park truck but who would get here in the middle of the snowstorm with 2 or 3 ft of snow everywhere bang once again who the hell was it I knew knew it was intentional as no wild animal ever targets a big object repeatedly and never in a snowstorm but who would be daring enough to get out here in such a remote place and at that ungodly hour just to torment a
truck driver if it weren't snowing so much I'd step out and confront the person or people I always carried a small gun with me just in case so I wasn't afraid but this time something in my gut told me to to stay inside and not react however I was curious so I decided to film whatever was going on through my window with my phone camera I moved over from my bed to get closer to the window as soon as I pointed my camera towards the exterior of the truck saw weird yellow eyes staring straight at
me from the corner of my window I was so scared that I stumbled back into my bed I didn't make a single sound as the only thing keeping me safe from the creature outside was the truck door and some breakable glass I knew as soon as I saw the eye that this was no wolf or bear nor was this any human or any animal for that matter it was something else something we didn't know about I stayed tucked in my bed and kept recording as much as I could soon I spotted an ear of the
creature all while the bang continued this meant there was more than one of these creatures I knew I didn't stand a chance in front of one of these guys not even with my gun so the wise thing was to lay low and hope they'd leave me alone Also the battery of my phone was about to die so I stopped recording and curled myself back in bed now the creatures were moving to the front of the truck and I was terrified I knew the only one who could save my life from the terrifying creatures outside was
God so I started praying while I hid beneath my blanket the creatures banged on the doors and the hood of the truck they were trying to open the doors to get in but I had double locked them a locking technique I'd learned very early on in my Trucking career now without my phone I wasn't able to see anything outside all I could do was hear the noises made by these creatures this went on for at least an hour after which the creatures got bored of my truck and left that night I didn't sleep one bit
I was wide awake in case the creatures returned but they never did the next morning after Sunrise I scouted the surroundings from the inside of my truck and when I thought the coast was clear I jumped out of the truck I jumped straight into 4 ft of snow there were no footprints on the ground for me to figure out if it was a human or an animal however as I moved towards the back of the truck there were multiple dents in the steel which resembled a powerful punch not scratched from an animal's paw or horns
but a human punch who would be strong enough to put such deep dents into a steel truck I had no idea but I decided to get the hell out of that place as soon as I could finally I reached my destination by midday and fortunately the snow on the road had melted and the weather was pleasant the people unloading the stuff from my truck had asked if I'd gotten into an accident looking at all the dents on it I told them what had happened and they told me that no one dares to travel on that
part of the freeway after Sunset and the people living in that region believe that a half human half animal hybrid roams that area after Sundown and attacks anything and anyone who comes across it to date no one has been able to catch or even get a photo of this animal as it's as smart as a human and as strong as an animal then I showed the footage on my phone and perhaps that was the only time someone had captured those creatures on camera I don't know if I should consider myself lucky or extremely lucky what
do you think those things were werewolves humanoids or aliens I for one have no clue what they were and nor do I ever want to know I was alone in McDonald's one night as usual closing up shop after a long shift it was a cold rainy night and the atmosphere of the restaurant was Eerie my co-workers had already finished their work and left leaving me alone to take care of the final cleaning and closing tasks the place was silent with only the sounds of the rain pattering against the glass and the hum of the fluorescent
lights as I went about my chores I began to feel a strange sensation as if someone was watching me as I was cleaning the tables and picking up the trash I noticed that one of the chairs was slightly pushed out of its usual place I went over to adjust it thinking that someone might have moved it before leaving but I didn't see anyone in the restaurant as I finished picking up the trash in the table area something else strange caught my eye the cash register was open I remember closing it after the last customer paid
for his order I cautiously approached it and closed it again wondering if I had forgotten to do so the feeling of being watched continued to grow and now I felt more uncomfortable than ever as I headed towards the kitchen to finish cleaning the fryer I heard a noise coming from the bathroom area I walked over and saw that the men's room door was opening and closing on its own as if someone was inside I froze for a moment not knowing how to react could there be someone inside would there be anyone else in the restaurant
besides me with slow fearful steps I approached the bathroom door and carefully pushed it open to my surprise it was empty there was no one there the feeling that something strange was going on became more intense I decided to quickly finish the cleaning and close the McDonald's I headed to the kitchen and as I was tending to the fryer I felt an intense cold all around me I looked toward the window and saw a blurry figure standing next to the soda machine the figure was Fuzzy as if composed of Shadows I couldn't make out facial
features but I could feel its presence my heart was pounding as I faced this terrifying sight I decided to remain calm Cal and not let fear overpower me surely There Was an explanation for this wasn't there at that moment I thought that none of this could be real that day I was particularly tired I had slept very little and maybe I was still very suggestible from the horror movies I had seen the day before I told myself that what had happened with the chairs and the cash register was just coincidences and that surely the bathroom
door was just the wind all of that had been a suggestion and surely now it was just my head playing tricks on me in denial but absolutely terrified I finished cleaning the fryer but the figure was still there motionless the atmosphere was filled with negative and hostile energy I felt the air was tighter than ever and I began to breathe with more and more difficulty confused I looked back in the direction of the Shadow but something had changed she was no longer there at that moment my heart almost stopped when I realized that the reason
the shadow was no longer in that position was because it was next to me it had no face or features it was as if a shadow had taken on a corporeal state it said nothing but its mere presence communicated to me that I was not welcome I felt trapped and frightened not knowing what to do I backed slowly toward the fryer not taking my eyes off the figure it was then that the entity began to move approaching me slowly and intimidatingly every step I took filled me with Terror I tried to run away but in
a blink of an eye I was in front of the fryer before I could react my body began to move only towards the fryer which was suddenly on and even though I had pulled it out it was full of oil I struggled with all my might to avoid falling into it but my head was getting closer and closer by forcing myself I could stop it temporarily but still with each passing second I was closer to it I could feel the drops of oil jumping towards my face and the Heat of the oil began to irritate
my skin the pain was unbearable and I knew that if I gave in my life would be in danger I used all the strength I had in me and with one last effort managed to free myself from The Entity I fell to the ground my skin rened and burned by the heat of the fryer I crawled from the fryer feeling an intense pain on my skin The shadowy Entity was still there watching me my hands were shaking as I tried to get up but my body was weakened by the effort and fear once outside I
thought the cold rain and wind would make my face stop hurting but the opposite was true my face burnt so much it was as if the oil was still on it burning me more and more I walked away from the restaurant and sought refuge in my car where I felt a little safer I took a deep breath trying to calm down as I felt the burning of the burns on my face and hand at that moment I had the impression that if whatever the shadow was had wanted to kill me it would have simply done
it I couldn't help but feel tiny like I had encountered something far beyond my understanding that the only reason I survived was by a quirk of Fate I decided not to return to the restaurant that night instead I called the manager to explain what had happened and asked him to check the security cameras at first he thought it was a joke then he thought I was drunk as I started the car I looked into the restaurant through the windshield and saw that the entity was still there standing at the emergency door staring at me a
few minutes later the manager told me that the police had already gone to the area and found no one he himself was in charge of closing the restaurant with the police nearby and he didn't see anything either when he heard me panic he told me that the next day we should see the recordings and that today I would just rest the next day we both went to McDonald's and reviewed the security footage my manager found out that everything I had told him was true on the recording we could see how I was struggling against myself
to keep my head out of the oil while a shadow was standing in front of me there was no logical explanation for its origin or nature but the manager confessed to me that other employees had warned him that they had seen a strange figure during the night he naturally never believed the stories and thought it was an inside joke the night shift employees had on him at that moment he realized that everything he had been told was true the figure seemed to have appeared out of nowhere it simply appeared until in a moment out of
nowhere it disappeared Again The Entity had completely disappeared there was no sign of its presence no Footprints or traces it was as if it had never been there as I left the McDonald's the manager told me to get urgent treatment for what happened to my face because even after hours it was still burning and the few creams I had used at home had not worked that was my last day working at mcdonals and shortly after I found out that it was closed for a few months part of me was relieved relieved that something like that
wouldn't happen to anyone else but this didn't last long a few months later the restaurant reopened and life went on a few times I went with my friends to eat and sometimes I would see the same manager while walking the owls of the place every time the manager saw me at the tables he would just look away possibly it was an embarrassment as both he and I knew that another innocent employee would close the McDonald's on the night shift and was a potential victim of that entity and he would do nothing to stop it now
that Halloween is around the corner I thought about sharing an incident that happened in the coldest at Community where I live I'm Sabrina and this story is based on a true incident last June I married Ashton we met on a dating Gap and things quickly progressed from there when we got married Ashton moved us into a house he had purchased a few years ago the house was a pretty Cozy home something I had pictured myself living in it was the fourth house in a kodac of six homes in our area there was a community of
kodac homes it was a safe neighborhood and I was very pleased to live there within a few months of our marriage we became pregnant with our baby boy Max in one of the other five houses in our codac lived an old couple and then the rest of the other four homes were occupied by small families like us my favorite part of living in the kodac home was the little kids that played in our common circular driveway every time I tended to my front garden I used to see these kids play together slowly I became friends
with them and sometimes their parents used to ask me to keep an eye on kids while they worked at home or ran errands the oldest among them was Philip Martin 10 years old and then there was his little brother Andy Martin 8 years old then there was Jimma Chang 9-year-old Asian girl then there was Bob Anderson 8 who was in the same grade as Andy and lastly 9-year-old Jim flenderson all these kids were very close and also went to the same school as it was my first Halloween there and also because I was pregnant it
I could not decorate the house as I wish to the kids noticed the lack of decoration in our home and brought all the spare Halloween decorations they had and helped me decorate my house by then I felt like I was part of the cesac family unfortunately Ashton my husband had to fly out of state for work and so I was left alone in the house I had brought some candy from the store earlier for all the kids who came trick-or-treating I knew at some point these five little Devils would come to my home asking for
treats around 6:00 in the evening my doorbell started ringing with all the kids coming for their share of candy although it was a delight seeing kids dressed as different characters or things I was wondering who or what had my five little neighbors become for this Halloween as I remember they were hellbent on wearing coordinated outfits an hour or so later my bell rang and in front of my door were five kids dressed as a big bear a bird a rabbit a kid and a fox and they all looked scary as their costumes were definitely not
as cute as they were um what are you all supposed to be we are characters from a video game called Five Nights at Freddy's which we all love to play very much we are Freddy Bonnie Chica foxy and BB Andy replied to me who was dressed as the creepy Fox their costumes resembled animatronics you all look very scary I complimented them with a smile and handed each one of them their share of candy now after spending so much time with these kids I knew them pretty well their body language the way they spoke and interacted
with one another when I looked at all the kids again I could easily make out who was hidden under which costumes however when Jemma walked up to me to get her candy I noticed a slight difference in her Behavior I knew the girl was shy and talked only when spoken to she was also very polite as her dad had taught her good manners when I dropped the candy in her basket Jimma turned away and started walking behind the rest of the gang that's when I was confident something was wrong so I called after her hey
Gemma how you doing did you all go to all the houses in our area instead of replying immediately as the little girl always did to me she slowly turned around nodded her head and then ran behind the rest of the kids who had already reached the house of the old couple I stood there on my porch watching Jimma suddenly she appeared a little taller than usual but kids grow fast don't they but the thing that bothered me the most was the fact that she had not said Thank you to me when I gave her the
candy Jimma usually bowed and said thank you to anyone who gave her anything it was an Asian thing her father had taught to her also as she did not have a mother she had become pretty close to me as I was the closest thing to a mother the poor girl had as I kept on observing Jemma I noticed that she wasn't talking to her four best friends too the four boys were chatting joking but for some reason she wasn't part of the fun that night apart from me the four boys and their families were the
only people Gemma opened herself to after a few minutes the kids had collected candy from all the homes in our kodac and had walked to the other one that's when I looked at jma's house in which she lived with her dad there on the top floor in her dad's bedroom was a silhouette of a man who quickly got away from the window as soon as I spotted him he was at least 6 ft tall which meant it wasn't jma's dad who was around 5'4 totally forgetting that I was pregnant I went to Jemma's front porch
and rang the doorbell but no one opened the door Something Fishy was going on and I knew deep down that the kids were unsafe so I decided to call Mr Chang he picked up soon after the third ring I asked him where he was who was in her house and most importantly what was going on with Jimma he was a bit surprised by my line of questions and said that last night around 12:30 he had received a call that Jemma's grandma was Ill so he and Jimma drove to Wyoming to be with her grandma so
there was no one in the house and in fact Jemma was with him reading stories to her sick granny this shook me to my core and without thinking much I called 911 and told them what had happened but I knew the kids weren't safe so instead of calling their parents I ran towards them with my big pregnant belly and all I yelled out to the boys but none of them SL somehow after asking a few passerbys if they had seen five kids wearing weird animatronic costumes I found them in the local park which was pitch
dark so late in the evening I yelled out to the boys again but still no reply then I heard an earpiercing scream and ran in the direction there behind the big bush were all four boys the heads of their costumes lay at a distance and in front of them with a gun and a big knife in hand was a short man around around 49 in height he was dressed as a bird the character who I thought was Jimma he was holding the boys at gunpoint and had to cut Andy in his leg when he spotted
me he aimed the gun straight at my stomach hey please stop let the kids go I beg you he didn't say a word just laughed out loud and fired the gun into ear I and the kids instinctively covered our ears and the man kept laughing like a maniac while the man was fully focused on me and pointing the gun at my belly I saw Phillip the eldest get up and sneak behind the man with a large wooden plank he had found close by I kept talking to the kidnapper and distracted him while Philip swung the
plank on the man's head before the man could understand what was happening he was on the ground unconscious but the gun fired and the bullet hit me in the shoulder I still managed to walk to the unconscious man and pick up his gun the kids had all huddled around me by then gasping and crying looking at all the blood the cops soon got there after hearing two gunshots and they had already arrested The Tall Man in jima's home they arrested the unconscious kidnapper too what had happened was when Jimma and her father left early in
the morning these two thugs had seen them leave they broke into their home and found Jimma chick the bird costume they planned on a abducting the kids and then selling them to human traffickers however they did not expect me to stop in and save the kids I'm just glad that I was able to save the children but now that I think about it do I want to raise my little Sam in such an unsafe environment hello everyone we are thrilled that you have been enjoying our videos your support means the world to us if you've
liked what you've seen please consider liking and subscribing to our Channel we would love to hear which one of our videos is your favorite we're on a mission to reach 100,000 members in the SSG family and with your help we can achieve that goal thank you for being a part of our journey
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