Lunar Eclipse SuperMoon in Pisces September 17-18th 2024

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Pam Gregory
Pam talks about the second half of September and the Lunar Eclipse SuperMoon in Pisces. What does th...
Video Transcript:
[Music] hi everyone I'm going to be speaking to you today about second half of September and also the lunar eclipse that we have coming up in Pisces on the 17th or 18th of September depending on where in the world you live and we're already well within Eclipse energies I'm sure you know it really begins about about a month before the eclipse and the consequences of the eclipses often last for up to 6 months after the exact date so going to be talking much more about that but just before we get to that and mid Monon we have a very positive aspect actually on the 14th and 15th of the month we have Venus try to Jupiter this is the one of the one of the most favorable aspects in astrology um Venus is in its own sign it's 20° of Libra Gemini is at 20 Dees of uh Jupiter's at 20 degrees of Gemini and see where these points fall in your chart and if you don't know what I'm talking about you can download a free birth chart from my website go to the link below get the two-part video series and you can watch that hundreds of times literally um with every update I do you can easily and quickly it takes you from zero um in your understanding and um you can find these points in your chart and start to to understand at a deeper level what these updates mean for you but usually see where Venus Falls 20 of Libra see where Jupiter Falls at 20 of Gemini and at either end of that you could experience either just a really lovely social time see which houses they're falling in or it could be some success or recognition or even abundance actually uh where Jupiter's falling so see how that works but it's very positive and very often about positive times in relationship as well of all kinds so now we move on to the lunar eclipse now the lunar eclipse is happening on the 17th at uh 734 p. m. Pacific and it's happening on the 18th at 3:34 on the clock uh UK time on the the next day the 18th it's a 25 Dees 40 minutes of Pisces so again see where that falls in your chart now this isn't a total a total lunar eclipse the only total eclipse we going to have this year was back in April on the 8th of April as you might remember that the total solar eclipse so this is partial but it's a super moon and what a super moon means is that the Moon is much closer to the Earth in its orbit now always with eclipses we have stronger seismic potential but um even more so when it's a super moon so this is going to be very strong and um eclipses are always pivot Points really they bring about permanent changes I mean full moons are the key time in the month is the peak of the moon cycle and a lunar eclipse is a really big full moon there are the times when we can um release things let things go that aren't for our highest good it's that kind of a feeling shed things from the past but that is much bigger with a lunar eclipse so it really is a time of endings before you start the New Beginnings so see where 2540 or Pisces Falls as I say which house is that in what's ending what's closing for you there's a sense of fadness or destiny with eclipses very often permanent changes so um the last time we had any eclipses in Pisces or Virgo because remember for the last 18 months or so we've been in an Aries Libra Eclipse period the last time we had any eclipes in Virgo or Pisces was between March 2016 and February 2017 so if you look back to that 11 months and see um which houses those eclipses were activating for you then actually the the North Node was in Virgo um now it's still in Aries but in January about to move into Pisces so the nodes were the other way around but nevertheless with with the eclipses you always get two opposing um houses a pair of houses that um are highlight Ed activated at the time of um the eclipses so is it your fourth and 10th house is it your home and career your first and seventh house is it very much about you know me versus we relationship access so it's very very helpful to know whe This falls in your own chart and looking back to March 2016 to February 2017 if you can remember that that will give you some indication of how this might work this time around always with astrology we are vortexing upwards we are spiraling upwards um it won't be exactly the same as last time because our Consciousness is Shifting in fact shifting so incredibly quickly at this time now as you will see in a moment I'll show the chart but because this is in the Pisces Virgo axis um with the sun in Virgo the moon in Pisces this AIS as I've spoken about in the past is very much related to health that's one of the big themes about this the moon as you will see in a moment is conjunct uh Neptune which strengthens because Neptune is the ruler of Pisces it strengthens this pisan element even more both Neptune and Pisces are to do with the immune system the blood the lymph Virgo is to do with purifying detoxifying it's got a lot to do with the gut and the microbiome um Neptune and Pisces are very linked to toxicity either in ourselves or toxicity and pollution in the Seas the oceans our water a lot could come up at this time about the water it could be a very um peak time for flooding because it's a super Moon the Moon you know got a much greater gravitational pull on the earth and the time es and just the fact it's very linked to Neptune and and Pisces can highlight things around flooding water as I say pollution toxicity of water our drinking water could be all around that kind of thing Pisces and Neptune are also related as I've spoken about recently to the media any illusion any deceptions any lies that kind of thing um and because the the super moon is so so close this lunar eclipse super moon is so close to the Earth it will appear bigger and brighter it will shine a very bright light on all of those things I've just talked about but it is also very related to Healing healing and very much using your gut your microbiome to heal as well it's related beautifully to creativity to meditation to music to dance um there's a heightened spirituality with this potentially and try and see everything in a spiritual context as we go well from now on actually not just at this lunar eclipse but instead of seeing yourself as a human being see yourself as a spiritual being tune in more to your dreams very related to Neptune and and Pisces if you don't do that already keep a dream diary next to your bed and when you wake up don't don't open your eyes don't move recall the dream first before you move or you open your eyes and then it's easier to remember and you can write it down otherwise as soon you open your ey you know or you move it's gone they're very etheral so but it's also related to a sense of connection to source to Oneness um actually to Bliss to me it's connected to Bliss I can can drop into Bliss very easily in nature so Bliss being in a bliss bubble um this sense of your unique essence you know shedding the personality and just getting back to your your unique Essence which is ethereal it's a spiritual thing it's a soul-based thing it's that kind of a feeling the more you can drop into bliss into Stillness into silence in your day in all of these energies are are really beautiful for that um so let's now look at the at the chart for this lunar eclipse Super Moon hopefully you can see this so I've set this chart for um England this is where I live so it's happening very early hours it will actually be on the clock because we're still in British summertime 3:34 um a.
m. on the 18th of SE September so as well as the all the things I've talked about yes we can see that the sun is in Virgo here opposing the moon in Pisces 2540 but the Moon is conjunct Neptune and the Sun is opposing Neptune so all of those things I just talked about are relevant to that um that opposition but in addition thinking of watery themes we have dwarf planet cassia at 10 um 47 of Aries so it's quite tightly conjunct this North Node here at seven of Aries now gradually they are separating because the north the the nodal axis moves retrograde as you know so it will start to move into Pisces in January but cassia as you will have heard me talk many times is the dwarf planets that's related to the the shimmering sunlight and Moonlight on the sea I believe it's it's very related to photonic light um and this quality of light that we are increasingly embodying as we move as we shed density and move towards the light body but also I believe because cassia and um cassia is actually and the North Node are in a cardinal brand cross so follow me through with this this lassia is conjunct the North Node here North Node is always always opposite the South node it's an axis I've drawn in the South node here at seven of Libra this is a very tight Cardinal Grand Cross because they are the nodal axis is square and salassi is square to Mars in cancer I'm going to talk a lot about that in a moment at seven of cancer Mars is opposing series at eight of Capricorn so this is forming a big square a c Cal Grand Cross a big Square now I've talked recently how series is um related to our grains our Harvest our food production our Agriculture and in many areas of the world that is for various reasons extreme weather situations that is quite stressed at the moment and that's being highlighted in this um in series being um Square to the nodal axis you know it's coming up in our colle of Consciousness strongly and there may even be some anger around this Mars's anger you know assertiveness particularly because it's in cancer cancer is literally feeding people it comes up in the charts of chefs quite a lot you know they are nurturing people by literally feeding them so it's related to an emotional nurturing um and a feeling of emotional security but it's also related to literal feeding so we have issues around uh food agriculture food production coming up at this time that you know there is light at the end of the tunnel because literally sort of thing because salacia being light um in this Grand Cross I believe is related to our greater understanding of of different qualities of light different colors of light that create Optimum plant growth and long time ago I referred to how some Growers are using different light colors different LED lights because they've determined that that some vegetables and plants like different colors you know they like blue as opposed to green or red or whatever they've determined the optimum lighting color for that plant to grow well and I I think we're going to discover a whole ton more about that and on the importance of light the importance of sunlight but the importance also of light in general and how we can boost our food growth and this may thinking of salacia because it's mermaid energy wife of Neptune in myth this may be related to something connected to the Deep oceans the deep seas this is this Luna Eclipse and Pisces I feel profoundly that our our really nutritious food sources in future a lot of them may come from the deep oceans that we've barely discovered yet you know forms of algae new species because they're in such deep water um they're highly nutritious and and clean unpolluted and you know I was happened to be talking to a nutritionist yesterday and he was saying one of the most unpure forms or unpolluted forms of fish is a fish called the Arctic char because it comes from so deep in the ocean um so I just think there's a whole bunch of stuff around this that can help us understand highly nutritious concentrated food that we don't necessarily have to eat a lot of but provides us with everything we need anyway so that's a whole other theme that we'll be exploring more in future but I want to talk now about Mars and cancer so I've got you know a lot to say about this um Mars enters cancer Mars normally it's got about a 2-year orbit normally stays in a sign for six to seven weeks in this case Mars is going to be in caner and up to 6° of Leo if we include that little bit in first 6° for almost 8 months that's incredible that's a very long time compared to its normal orbit so I'd like you to look in your chart see where the signs of the sign of cancer is and also up to six degrees of Leo that will probably straddle two houses for you houses are areas of life in your birth chart those houses or if it's one you know big house going to be very activated in the next eight months so let me describe the movements of Mars and then I'll talk about what Mars means in those areas Mars has moved into cancer on the 4th of September on the 4th of November it will tip into Leo and start to move into Leo and actually move up to um six degrees of Leo however it moves retrograde on the 6th of December which means it will start to go backwards in relation to what we're looking at from the earth I understand by the way that is close to when the US election is certified I think that could be incredibly interesting if we have a US election there could be some backtracking either on the the vote itself that could be contested or um some unraveling of the person who is elected if there is an election you know this gets very messy but I just think it's very interesting that Mars starts to move retrograde on the 6th of December which as I understand it from my humble perspective in the UK is round about the time that us election is certified it then starts to move direct again on the 24th of February but it doesn't and and reenter cancer and it doesn't move out of cancer until the 18th of April 2025 I mean that's just incredible so let me talk about what Mars and cancer means very often natally if people have Mars in cancer there has been some in early childhood some aggression or hostility in the early home and as a child if you have Mars and cancer Nataly you are hyper aware you know highly tuned to any hostility or or aggression coming at you or your loved ones so it's a question of almost you you strike before your struck if I can say that it's a highly protective Instinct for you and also for your family your loved ones and even your Homeland this comes up actually quite often with people who go into the military because they want to protect the homeand and so it's a highly attuned hyperaware protective Instinct but it may work against you in a way because you strike before you're struck you know you kind of over imagined the the hostility or or the any aggression coming towards you so you have to kind of take a breath first because Mars can be a bit impulsive to protect hope I'm being clear here because it's very important so wherever it's falling in your chart there's this sense of activation a lot happening in that chart but a very strong protective Instinct coming in when it's briefly in Leo which it will only be um I think from the it enters on the 4th of November and then let me just check actually me just check to be absolutely sure it enters um on the 4th of November yeah and it reenters it goes into Leo on the 4th of November it re-enters cancer on the 6th of January but stays in cancer then until the 18th of April quite remarkable so really really look at um what's being activated there by the way if you are born with Mars being retrograde in your chart this is often a really productive time when it's retrograde you know it's interesting there's so much on social media about Mercury retrograde I was born with Mercury retrograde and it doesn't help me but so far in terms of communication um but I tend to get very productive during those periods so you know just see them as they are and particularly with Mercury retrograde I'd reduce the amount of hype because it's very often you thinking the printer will jam and the car will break down that makes those things happen because that's your belief filter as it will okay so other things I want to point out here um Mercury's conjunct the dwarf planet orcus I've talked about orcus and the past um this is the at trustan god of the underworld who punishes those who break their um sacred Oaths the sacred um law and that may be related to health here because it's in Virgo and um punishes them takes them down to the underworld it's very interesting here very interesting indeed this is such a complex chart that mercury is being opposed here tightly by Saturn now Mercury is where we want to in Virgo get the facts exact get them right get them precise you know nail it down what's the truth what's the exact correct thing but there is some obstacle perhaps um you know Pisces can create a fog over things or what's true what's not or a squishing a squishing of that Clarity that that we could get in Virgo and that's particularly true because Saturn is in this semis Square to Pluto which is going to run for some time because they're both quite slow moving it becomes tighter at the Libra Libra Equinox which I'll talk about in another separate video but Mercury is also cesy quadrate 135 Dees Pluto so we have this the two planets Saturn and Pluto that are linked to power and control are hitting mercury in Virgo who is endeavoring to get the facts right so this is very interesting there seems to be some you know squishing or obstacle so there's going to be me you know and because Neptune's in Pisces close to that anoretic degree they going to be so many layers of what's true what's not but as I mentioned in a in recent video we had that incredibly powerful conjunction between Saturn and Pluto 12th of January 2020 which set off the whole pandemic and this was all around top- down power and this is the first time we have had any hard aspect between Saturn and Pluto since that time since January 2020 so you know how far have we got in those those efforts um that were introduced you know that you know those po top down structures in January 2020 and it's another kind of reality checkin and are we getting some echo of that you know it's it's going to be very very interesting because we're in a different place now with our Consciousness I hope hope I am making sense here but that's a very interesting aspect here because it's also um enlarged if you like literally really by Saturn being Square to Jupiter now this Saturn Square to Jupiter is really running up until June 2025 it was exact at the new moon in Virgo it's exact again on the 24th of December it's exact again on the 15th of June next year but nevertheless it's operational through this whole period until June next year so I've got a whole video on how that might affect you personally I put I'll put the link for that video again below so you can study that I don't want to repeat all of that because it was quite a long video but as I've mentioned this is about um you know legality legitimacy of of you know top- down structures it could be around some legal issue because Jupiter's always connected to the law um Jupiter's connected to truth um and truth that may be coming out on social media Gemini but again again there could be some in the Square to Saturn rules or regulations or you know limitations around that um and you know I think we're going to see some big big big themes around um freedom of speech um human rights civil rights that kind of thing and that is really going to be massively enlarged once Pluto moves back into Aquarius for 20 years pretty much on November the 19th and the reason I say that is historically when I've looked back and done a lot of research about this there has been um you know some suppression of or Freedom while Pluto has been in Capricorn particularly the last few degrees if I look back to Big history deep history um you know in 1525 when Pluto was in qu Capricorn then that was the first time that African slaves were introduced to the US I mean it's just Unthinkable this isn't it you know slavery because it continued until the late 1700s which I'll talk about in a moment but you know this whole thing was Unthinkable but anyway it began if we're looking at repeating Cycles while Pluto was in Capricorn then Pluto in its last move into a Aquarius historically was from 1777 until 1798 in 1778 one year after it had entered in its last cycle Virginia in the US was the first state to ban slavery in 1792 Pluto was still in Aquarius then Denmark was the first country to ban slavery so while Pluto was in Aquarius there was some unraveling of you know this most extreme most extreme you can imagine loss of of Freedom um and human rights so those are going to be big themes I think going forwards I'm thinking of big picture stuff at this point but going back to Jupiter Saturn this is about the future expanding to the Future this is about pulling back to the past um this is about youth because Gemini is very linked to youth Saturn is is linked to Kronos Lord of time linked to old age that's young versus old and I think we could see some interesting themes um Coming forth about that um but interestingly as well so I should say in this chart Jupiter is actually forming a t-square to this lunar eclipse so the moon at 25 Pisces Sun at 25 Virgo both squaring Jupiter at 20 or Gemini that's an operational tsquare so there is going to be a desire for people to speak out Jupiter wants to enlarge magnify in all kinds of areas of life but particularly social media I'd suggest because that's very linked to Gemini and speak out confidently maybe even overconfidently and extravagantly on social media so again I would just ask you to be um clear you know be sure with these layers of smoke and mirror that you're you know you're sure of what you're saying um and just be measured um don't try and step back from judgment Jupiter opinionation very linked to Jupiter because that leads to polarization and Division and separation and the I'm right you're wrong try and be objective measured you know just peaceful do it from a kind of Eagles Perch Observer point of view and as I so often say that is a great place to be as we go through these very eventful few months um which are going to be extremely extremely colorful so um something else I'd like to highlight here which is very favorable actually is we've actually got a grand Earth Trine between Uranus 27 of Taurus Sun at 25 of Virgo and Pluto at 29 of Capricorn and this will become a little bit tighter in a few days time at the um at the Libra Equinox so I'll talk about that in the next video but but I see this as as actually being really quite favorable because it's a grand Trine related to Earth so this is related to um making things real I think it's very related again to innovation in agriculture food production Etc because that's very linked to um Uranus in Taurus and also I think there could be new developments in digital currencies doesn't need an astrology to tell you that but these new developments could accelerate at the at this time um and and I do feel that the direction of travel will be decentralized because that's linked to Aquarian energy which we're going to have for about 20 years as I say from November onwards because this acceleration in in the development of digital currencies we may even end up with micro currencies really in my view astrologically have to take place while Uranus is in in Taurus and Uranus is only in Taurus for another couple of years it moves fully out of Taurus because Taurus is related to currencies you know money um it moves fully out of Taurus in 2026 so that's why I think we'll have a lot of change around um around that area so just you know be careful with in your currency choices as we move through these times the other thing that accentuates um accent currencies is it is that Venus in its own sign of um Libra so it's strong is square to Pluto that square becomes tighter again at the Libra Equinox which I'll talk about next time but this could be some you know fundamental change with our currencies our wealth our money in some way um so I think those are the main themes that I wanted to bring up at this time there's you know such a lot happening here um personally if you have any planets particularly from about 24 to the end of Pisces 24 degrees to the end of Pisces 24 to the end or Virgo any planets or angles you're going to feel this lunar eclipse most strongly and and personally um other things I want to just highlight here as well I'm going to stop sharing here if I look at the um the chart for the astrocartography for this lunar eclipse interestingly it's running straight down North South through Australia and papia papia New guine now today I'm filming this on the 2nd of September just a few hours ago we had a very strong earthquake of 6.
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