The CRAZIEST Near-Death Experience You'll EVER Hear! | Deep Believer

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Deep Believer
The CRAZIEST Near-Death Experience You'll EVER Hear! Karl Falken shares The CRAZIEST Near-Death Exp...
Video Transcript:
[Music] hi everyone this is Jennifer Bashi with deep believer today's interview will knock your socks off it has to be the wildest near-death experience probably many of you have ever heard in your life it is a story that goes from inch to mile to I don't know how far I mean to another dimension it is amazing you will not be disappointed Carl Falcon thank you so much for being with us today thank you I really appreciate the uh invitation Jennifer and the opportunity to speak to your audience so Carl I want to get started before
we get into what happened to you which is wild how was your life growing up were you a Believer what did your life look like because I mean now you are a believer but what did your life look like before then I was raised in a upper middle class family my father was a scientist he worked for Bill labories Optical physicist and my mother was a teacher uh she specialized in English both of them were Ivy leak educated we um we weren't wealthy uh but we didn't really lack anything uh I think it was it
was a very good upbringing the one thing that we really lacked was the Christian faith uh both of my parents had been raised in Christian Science uh which has a lot of issues um they both left it before I was born and my father uh for various reasons had decided that science was going to be his religion after that uh they did experiment a little bit we went to the local Presbyterian church and uh later in life after my parents divorced um my mother took us on a tour of some of the more interesting uh
churches too won't name any culprits here but it wasn't quite right and it was when I was a teenager senior in high school that I really was first introduced to the gospel and how were you introduced that was interesting it was um Christmas Eve of 1978 and um there was a show on the TV called show my people and I was just channel surfing and this fellow came on um Bob Jones he's the president of the University and he was telling the gospel very plainly it was the first time I ever heard it just said
it so simply so directly so easy to understand and one of the things he said really grabbed me he said um if you don't have Christ in your heart there's an emptiness in your life that only he can fill and if you want to learn more about this uh please write to us and he gave us the address and I grabbed a pen and a scrap of paper and I wrote it down because I wanted the answer to that but I was also intrigued that a university president would write back to me and he did
and he um he discipled me for uh several months until he finally introduced me to one of their graduates uh Reverend Charles P gross who the bra Bible Chapel who then uh came to my home and uh explained the gospel and my need for salvation and led me to Salvation from there what really solidified you because yes you were being discipled but what really kept you going I think that kind of goes through my Prussian background the German people are very systematic very thorough very dedicated people in general there are of course exceptions but um
you know once I I realized this was the truth and that uh that was the way I just you know kind of latched on to it and said this is what I'm committing myself to and I'm going to give it my all and that's kind of how we were uh I'm bit of a Storyteller so I'm going to rewind back a little bit um to my initial College days as a Christian and that's when I was introduced to Christian literature um I got involved with the deputation club and the intervarsity Christian fellowship and there were
some really fine young Christians there and they introduced me to some of their favorite Christian authors and you know among them was like CS Lewis I just loved I'd already read the Narnia Tales before I was a Christian uh the tales of n but um I also really enjoyed you know Mere Christianity and things like that but they also gave me a book um by Dr Richard eie called caught up into Paradise that was one of the first near-death experiences I read and in that book Dr eie uh came before God the father and God
offered to answer any question that Dr eie had and I was thrilled at this uh it was amazing thing that go God would answer man's questions but the questions that he asked I felt were very ordinary ones that you could have answered yourself just from scripture or church history or just plain old logic and I thought what I missed opportunity I thought I could have done better than that and so I sat down and I wrote out my list of questions that if I ever got a chance to ask God I would ask him and
you know over the years I developed that list a little better and that was um something I already had in hand basically uh on the night that I had the accident so let me now catch up to Winter of 1995 I think it's in February and I had uh been working as a contract engineer I was laid off um I was getting by on on employment benefits which were not really adequate for a family of four and um our our the furnace that was in our house was an old uh probably 19 uh 40s 50s
model but didn't have proper safety features on it and the problem was that the pilot light would go out which in ordinary modern uh heaters is not such a great problem you simply get cold but in this case it had no safety feature to shut off the flow of gas to the burners if the pilot light was out so if the pilot light went out the furnace would think oh I need to pump more fuel into the burners so that the house will warm up and that actually didn't work very well except it did fill
the house up rather efficiently with uh raw natural gas which is highly flammable and and certain concentrations can be very explosive and that was a dangerous situation but I didn't have any money for a repair man I didn't even have a money for spare parts so I did my best to repair it and my routine was if I it got cold or it smelled gas I would go and shut the gas off I would ventilate the whole house very thoroughly and then I would relight the pilot light and then I would um turn on the
gas and make sure the burner was cycling properly and after a while I would shut everything up and go back to whatever I was doing and then um It Happened One Night that this cycle went on I don't know how many times I lost count but it was probably about 3: or 4 in the morning when um I'd had enough of that and I smelled gas it was cold I got up it was dark and I didn't bother to turn on any lights because um I wanted to go right back to bed and get some
sleep and if you turn on the lights of course you start your waking cycle in your brain and that's just spoils the rest of your night anyway I I I went there I got my box of matches opened up the furnace um and I had a bad thought and the thought was you know if I just light a match and toss it in there the burners will probably just ignite and I'll be able to go back to bed without all these riger roll and another part of my mind said car that's a very bad idea
you could get hurt or killed and blow the whole house up and you know take your family out maybe your neighbors too uh but I was tired and cranky and I wasn't thinking clearly probably because of lack of sleep and gas and lack of whatever else I needed and I think as I'll explain later I think it was demonic um influence as well and so contrary to logic and sense I took a box of strike anywhere matches and I took that wooden match and I struck it on the box and I threw it right into
the burner section of the open furnace and there was a big flash of light and a loud woof and I felt like someone took a hot mattress and just slammed it right into me and basically knocked me into the hallway wall right behind me and then it was dark again now did you think that there would be an explosion because there was gas I mean you smelled gas right so I mean did you think hey maybe it's not true maybe I won't blow up if you know if I light a match because that's science well
yes and I wasn't thinking that's what I was trying to explain um the uh the issue was that I had as a child i' played a lot with fire and I'd always gotten the way with it um the worst I'd ever had was maybe a singed eyebrow or two and I figured well you know what's the what's what's an eyebrow cost these days so it was I wasn't expecting uh anything really serious uh and I like I said I was sleepy and I may have been dizzy from the gas fumes and I would think there
was also something going on in the the spirit realm that was muddling my thoughts and so that was it bad decision I admit that now and I can say that I wouldn't do it again all right so you lit a match and you're blown to the wall like you said it felt like a hot mattress just smacked you in the face what happened after that so I didn't feel any pain initially so I thought I'd gotten away with it like usual and so I I decided I'd go to the bathroom and and see what the
damage was and the bathroom was just down the hall from there and I went in the bathroom and I turned on the light and as soon as I saw my face in the mirror the pain hit me and both the sight and the pain were terrible um my whole face was red second degree burns uh eyebrows were completely gone and the hair um around the front of my face was all burned off and singed and my hand was even worse um I had second degree burns pretty much up to where the pajamas had shielded my
uh skin and the um uh top of my thumb and the uh knuckle around my index finger were had third degree burns on it and um the other two fingers also had pretty bad burns on it as well the picky got away it was okay but uh no the pain was horrible I turned on the cold water put my hand on there there didn't do a thing and I said oh this is going to be bad and what I didn't know at the moment but I ascertained later was that the explosion had also blasted rust
particles into my eyes which caused in the next few days an infection to develop and the Flames had gone up my nostrils and in my mouth because apparently opened my mouth and shock when the explosion happened and the and the hot gases went down through my trachea into my lungs and actually uh damaged my lungs did you pray for healing because I mean you were going through all this one did you pray for healing and two did you go to the hospital um well one I didn't go to the hospital because I had no money
and had no insurance and I thought well I'll just tough this out and at home until I'm well enough and I didn't have to go to work because I wasn't working and so that was bad decision number two so I yeah I prayed for healing and I even read um during my attempted attempted convalescence I read quite a bit of material on healing and prayer are both trying to find a solution to this because the pain was horrific so you're in excruciating pain now you're afraid to go to the hospital you're praying for healing and
what's happening to you I mean does your wife wake up does your kids what happens like what does your house look like or is everyone still sound asleep um so this is a single family house um all Ranch House on one level and everybody was asleep at the time and the EXP ion did not wake them up and I didn't bother to wake them up at the time I explained everything in the morning um they weren't happy about it but nobody thought this was very serious because you know I wasn't second degree burns most of
the places and and only little portions of the hand were third degree burns and I was treating them myself with what I had in the uh first aid kit so we just carried on the routine as usual kids went to school and the wife went about to you know or housework so it was we didn't think anything very serious was going on what happened after that well that went on for about two or three days and um uh because of the pain I really couldn't sleep and my throat got infected and I I couldn't swallow
so I I couldn't uh really eat I couldn't eat at all I could barely drink uh the eyes got infected and they were starting to get puss on them and I was think I was starting to think maybe I should go and see a doctor even though I had no way to pay them um but I didn't want to run up big medical bills either so I was it was a quandry I didn't I wasn't thinking clearly I just don't know I I'm usually a very good thinker but in that situation it wasn't working um
the way it should and uh the third day I was hungry I was dehydrated I was desperate for sleep and because of the pain and the fact that I couldn't sleep I would thrash around in our bed and that would disturb the wife so I moved uh that evening to the couch in the uh living room in fact I've been staying out there uh the second and third nights after the explosion and the the couch was not a great place to sleep uh I'm about 6' three and even probably closer to 6'4 when I stand
up straight the the couch is a lot shorter than that so it's more like sitting sideways on the couch so that the armr of the couch was in the small of my back and I was propped up in a sitting position trying to sleep and that was not working what I didn't realize was that that Arrangement actually was prolonging my life because I developed pneumonia and fluid was building up in my lungs but because I was always in the upright position it always stayed in the bottom of my lungs and that was actually a good
thing but even though it was uncomfortable but I got tired of that I thought I was so desperate for sleep I said I got to lie down we did have a guest bed or anything like that and so what I decided to do was pull the C cushions off the couch lay them on the living room floor and try to sleep on the cushions okay seemed like a good idea and um to and also one of thing I want mentioned here is that I had a bowl of ice water and I would put my hand
in the bowl of ice water to help alleviate the pain and U after I lay down there I realized I'd forgotten my bowl of ice water so I tried to get up to go get my ice water and I found I couldn't move and the next thing I realized was I couldn't breathe and when I realized I couldn't breathe I thought oh this is a serious problem I need to call for help and then I found I couldn't speak and the reason was that all that fluid that had built up in the bottom of my
lungs had now sloshed up into the upper part of my lungs and they just wouldn't work anymore so I couldn't even inhale and um you know I I likeed swimming and one of my uh claims to fame here is that in a drown proofing course I took at Georgia Tech I could swim both I could swim the length of an Olympic pool twice underwater uh without taking a breath and so I could I know I had about four minutes maybe five until unconsciousness and so um I began to assess my situation and try to figure
out a solution all right so you're dying do you realize you're dying I mean you know I mean do you know that you're experiencing pneumonia at the time yeah at that point I knew what was going on yes okay so you can't speak you can't swallow are you beginning to panic what's happening no I I'm not the kind of person that panics but the um I was thinking through the situation here trying to figure out what to do uh my first thought was call for help couldn't do that second thing was get up and get
help couldn't do that and that left me one option um can you guess what that was pray that's exactly right so that's what I was doing I was praying and you know I taught prayer i' read books on prayer I proposed my own prayers pretty s pretty good ones too and so I was praying and I you know I can make some pretty nice prayers long elaborate um scripturally based and you know what none of them worked and um as the minutes wore on uh my Consciousness began to start to fade and I realized that
I was um approaching death one of the things that I I learned from underwater swimming is that you oxygen deprivation causes a ringing in the ears uh when you're just about to black out and that's the time when I go up and get a breath and so I started hearing that ringing I said oh I've got just seconds left here and so I um thought I better come up with a good prayer because nothing was working and so uh you know first I could pray a paragraph and then a sentence and then a phrase and
then a word or two and finally was down to one word and this was the last one I was going to be able to pick so if you could pick one word to make a prayer to God and it's the last chance you got what what word would you pick help exactly that's what I did and I put behind it the um sense that I would accept help from God on any terms that he had to offer and it seemed to work because in a moment all the pain was gone and I I stood up
and what really got to me was the room which all the lights have been turned off this is like about midnight and it was totally dark utterly quiet and the room was brightly lit but it was strange because there were no Shadows and all the lights were off and I looked around I thought this is really amazing I thought I'm Healed and I'm not only healed God has done something Supernatural to my senses that I can see in the dark and I was pretty excited about that and I I I looked around the room and
I found out that my my vision had become amazing you see I wear glasses that's for stigmatism and nearsightedness and without them um everything gets kind kind of blurry well I wasn't wearing my glasses and I could see absolutely crystal clear in fact um as I looked around the room I could see the threads in the fabric on the couch covering and I thought wow I wonder if I can see through the window and I looked through the window and I could see in the dark across the street to my neighbor's yard I could see
the individual Blades of grass I could look between them and see the grains of dirt in his lawn I thought oh I got telescopic Vision this is amazing let's see if I got microscopic Vision so I look Drew my vision back and I looked at the screen in the window I could see the little aluminum wires that made up the screen and I focused on the wires and I could see the little flakes of corrosion aluminum oxide that forms on those wires and I thought I can see microscopic things is officially open our grand
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Friday to Cyber Monday and then my hearing I I realized my hearing was amazing and I listened and I heard trucks I thought trucks well my neighborhood is is off limits to trucks the neighborhood I lived in at the time and the only street that was the nearest street that allowed trucks was five blocks away and I could hear them like they were driving right down my street I thought wow I've got Super H hearing and then I listened more and I heard this little scritching noise and I realized oh I've got insects in the
walls of my house not good I will get an exterminator when this is over and so the hearing was amazing and the sense of smell was fabulous I smelled smells I never knew I I had never smelled before I when I was in college I got a very bad case of the flu and it it caused my sinuses to really swell up and that caused the um little nerve endings that are you use in your nose for for more exle smells to actually detach so my sense of smell in the physical terms is actually rather
poor these smells were amazing like and I could tell what they were even though I never smelled them before I smelled the paper in the books on the Shelf I could smell the furniture polish on the piano I could smell the paint on the wall and I knew what they were and I was like how do I know what these smells are I've never smelled them before but I knew exactly what they were and I was thinking wow what an answer to prayer and then as I was looking around so more I got a shock
number one and that was what I saw my body lying on the couch cushions and I thought oh I'm not healed I'm dead and then I realized well dead isn't so bad I've got my Consciousness I feel great Never Felt This Good before um but this is a problem and I don't like it so um my first thought was how do I get back into my body and and stop this nonsense um and I tried and it didn't work I have some questions for you because this is wild okay this is just the start this
is just the start of it now when you died I know that you didn't know you were dead but was there is there a way can bring your mind to think if there was a transition period where you left your body because I know you just thought that you were just roaming around and you know but you were roaming around hearing things and um experiencing things that you would have never in the physical but was there a transition period that you can recall between you being on that sofa or on the floor sick and losing
your hearing about to die to when you were actually out of your body no and what's interesting is um I hope you don't get the wrong impression of me but I have actually done what's called astral projection uh well before this incident so I have left my body and come back uh at will and that is a process which I am familiar with and that was not it was not like this this was instantaneous and I wasn't even aware of the transition okay so you were into astral projection before so you were into New Age
so is this prior to you getting born again or when was this this is prior to my becoming a Christian okay now you just went down a rabbit hole okay so so what did you get involved with before so you were into new age right or so as I told you I I first heard the gospel plainly when I was about um 16 it was about 13 um paranormal things started happening to me uh I I was able to Asal project to leave my body um I had uh premonitions and um you know uh sort
of dreams of things before they happen so this just happened all kind of by its uh on on its own when I turned about 13 all right so what was the difference between you experiencing leaving your body when used to astral project as opposed to you now being dead and you're out of your body before you could actually feel when you left your body when you astral projected so when I would astral project it was actually a very um intense process where I would have to will my spirit to leave my body and I could
I would have to do it um piece by piece you know joint by joint from toes to fingers to hands to ankles to legs to the chest and then uh exit out through um my head or chest and I could feel as my spirit would leave portions of my body um it was distinct uh Sensations and I could um I was conscious of the whole process at the time and I knew when I was in my body and when I was out of my body and when I was out of the body um I had
a distinctly different senses um than when I was dead I didn't have the U extraordinary uh ability to see and hear and smell like I did when I was dead so you said the room went bright why do you think the room went bright well I think that the spirit a man uh you know we're tripart being Body Soul and Spirit the soul and the spirit um have their own s senses which are analogist to the human senses but uh they are much um how to say it much more sensitive and much more developed and
much more capable than our physical senses so our spiritual bodies have um not only the five senses they've got other senses that aren't as well for example in that state I had a sense that's very similar to radar um now some people of near-death experiences they say that they can see 360 Degrees around them uh I didn't have that I definitely had a defined visual field it was a little bit wider and and higher and better than the natural one but I couldn't see behind me but I could sense what was behind me I was
aware of the walls behind me and the furniture and I I could have told I could have pointed right to anything in the room without even seeing it all right so you basically had Superman Superman uh benefits now was it weird for you because or you just thought it was an answer to prayer at the time right because you prayed for God to heal you and now you're healed now everything is just like Supernatural so were you just thinking God just extra healed me and I'm just right because my first sensation was that the pain
was gone and so I assumed that the pain was gone because I been healed and I felt really good um very vital I mean I was 33 at the time and in decent shape so I felt pretty good there but I was born with scoliosis so I I've spent my entire life suffering from low-grade chronic back pain and as I mentioned I have my I've been diagnosed with a stigmatism so that without the without the back pain and without the uh eyesight problems um I was pretty good shape I thought until I realized I didn't
have a body so You' realized you're dead why was your rational mind okay with being dead I know was you know you can do all these things see all these things but why was your rational mind okay with being dead at the moment well because as a Christian I know that this body is not me um me is the spirit man the soul and the spirit combination in me and in that state my um personality was completely intact I had all of my memories of my life here so who I was uh was unaffected by
this but the body which I consider just to be an interface to the physical world that was a problem but that's something we're going to discard someday anyway all right so now you're dead but now you are a very um I guess I do you put put it um you're a very rational person and you're thinking okay I am going to try to wake everybody up to make me Undead to resurrect me somehow take us there so um the nearest bedroom to the living room was my daughter Alexandra's bedroom and so I decided you know
time being of the essence I'll go there first and try to wake her up and so you know in in my ordinary habits I walked out of the living room down the hallway went to her door and then I tried to turn the doorknob to open the door well that didn't work because my hand went right through the door knob door handle actually and I realized I can't turn the door knob so I can't open the door but you know what not a problem I realized if my hand can go through the handle on the
door knob I can go through the door and I did that I walked right through it actually was kind of fun um so and was interesting sensation I never walked through anything before like that and as I passed through the door as soon as my eyes entered the door itself uh my vision blacked out I couldn't see anything inside the door and I could feel the door around me as I passed through it and it was a nice sensation it it was cool and I it it had like pressure but it felt as if I
was walking through a curtain of some kind of dense liquid falling denser than water it like maybe a curtain of sand or even like fine grains of lead and I passed through it and I got through the door and when I got into a room of course all the lights were off but as it as I was in the living room everything was plain to see it was like it was perfectly lit but again no shadows and the colors were a little different it was as if it had been instead of being painted with oil
paints it was painted with pastels um same colors but just more pastel looking than uh regular um primary colors and I saw my daughter asleep in her bed and I went over to her and I said to Alex wake up there's an emergency and she didn't respond and so I took my hand and I put it on her shoulder to try to shake her shoulder and it went right through her shoulder and still she didn't respond I tried that a couple more times without any effect and I realized um this is not working so I'm
going to go and try to wake my son who his his bedroom um was just down the hall for hers and um they shared a common wall it was basically the the closets uh in each bedroom were side by side and if you went through the one closet you would end up in the other bedroom and I thought I walked through a door I could walk through a closet and the closet of course is full of clothes and it's got a solid wall between the bedrooms and I just walked right through the closet went right
through the clothes went right through the wall and same feeling sensation as when I walked through the door and I was in my son's room I went through the same um same procedure with my son I went through the the daughter with no response so couldn't wake him up I realized time is running out I better not waste any time trying to wake uh the mother of my children and so I walked through his door down the hallway back to the living room and I was just then um examining my body trying to figure out
a way to reanimate it so I I went back and figured that this is up to me and I've got to figure this out and I've only got a few minutes left to do it when you said you went through the door your mind took me to the movie Ghost I'm sure you've probably seen this movie with no okay with patricky no I don't watch um movies like that so basically it was about a man who passed away and he remained on the earth for a little bit until he was Vindicated but my question is
this do you believe that movies people who make movies have certain experiences and then they put it into I guess film because what you're describing is a lot like what they've put in the movies so do you think that sometimes people have these experiences and they put it to film well I don't know of a specific example like that but I do know I'm a writer and I'm a Storyteller and I think my best stories are the ones that I I'd write from my own experience and so um I would say that if it's a
good if it's a well-written script A well-written book um the author has put something of themselves in there uh if if not they have um also uh have somebody else's story that they're relating to because the like I said the best stories are ones that draw on real experiences okay so you know that you have about four to five minutes to get back into your body all right so now are you beginning to panic I know you say you're not a panicking person but how was the time crunch feeling inside of you no like I
said I don't panic um that's just not in my character to do that and I know rationally that if I do uh allow my emotions to uh take charge of the situation it's just going to make things worse so I'm focused on solving the problem and that's I'm an engineer by profession and that's how I think I'm a Problem Solver you know what that makes sense now that you say that so your whole method was fix it get the solution so you're set on getting the solution to get yourself back into your body so you're
alive what happens after that totally focused on that well as I was kneeling down by my body I was I was actually putting my hands into the chest trying to feel around to get some information about what the situation was I was dealing with and it was that point when um I felt this really eerie sensation um I could feel something evil approaching me and I could tell it was at a certain distance and it was coming nearer and nearer but I couldn't see anything at that point because I could see through windows I could
see through air but I couldn't see through physical objects and uh this was coming at me from the um Southeast corner of my living room and as it approached I could tell it was hatred it was and it was hunger and it was something very bad and if you've I don't watch horror movies as a rule but I in my younger years I did watch a few and you know when the the music Tempo shifts into the um certain beat that they try to create an atmosphere of fear that something really bad is just about
to happen well that's exactly the um s feeling that I was getting is something really bad is about to happen here and that was when two creatures walked right through the wall of my living room and um they were not people but they resembled people uh they were about man's size I would say roughly about 6' tall uh they were not clothed but they were covered in a short black fur um they were humanoid in uh in in general appearance and that they had two legs and two arms and a head um and and and
a face but there were that that's where the resemblance ended their ears were pointed Their Eyes Were bright yellow with no pupil and the when their mouths were opening um I could see they had a fangs uh and they were very white uh their teeth were white and they were sharp uh fangs and they had a very bright red tongue on their hands and feet instead of nails they had Talons and um since they were not wearing clothes I could tell that they had no genitalia and um and they looked they looked like uh you'd
expect someone to look like who had been worked very hard and and underfed so even though they were they had some some definite muscle finition I could see their ribs and uh other they were kind of bony looking and that's uh and they were both carrying each one carried a set of manacles in their hands were made of some kind of a gray material like uh steel so would you say these were demons they did not tell me what they were I presume they were demons um but that that just never was explained to me
but I I would say that's a very good guess now what's going through your mind because now you see your dead body on the ground you're still you're still attempting to get back into your body and now these two demons appear to you now what what's your problem solving method right now I was getting concerning uh so yes I have a new problem um something is coming at me and as they came at me uh they communicated with me they weren't speaking uh I I have used telepathy before so I recognized that this was telepathy
and uh they were projecting thoughts to me and it was it was a whole jumble of all kinds of different things it would take quite a long time to explain you know all the details there but the the general sense of it was um they were coming to take me to Hell uh they let me know that they considered me not as a person but simply as prey I was food and fuel for their purposes and um they also began to project to me images of what that it was like going to be like for
me in Hell which was just mind-blowingly horrific the the worst possible situation you could imagine on Earth is not even in the same order of magnitude as the least problem in hell and it was chaotic it was horrible there was going to be endless intense pain there was Hunger there was thirst there was incredible exhaust feelings of exhaustion and absolutely no relief and they were going to be able to do whatever they wanted to me and they really really really really really really really hated me you said that they didn't speak to you but they
spoke to you mind to mind yes okay now how do you know all these things about hell did you see it were you told about it I didn't go to hell but they were projecting images of hell they were giving me a preview of Coming Attractions as it were okay so you were to see so you you were having visions of hell and they were basically telling you what you would experience when you're there this is here so what did you see well um they showed me people who were utterly helpless and these demons were
just in uh euphoric State just in these people in Indescribable ways after they would do this the body would regenerate and they could do it all over again endlessly um and the the people were you know they they it was like they couldn't stop screaming I don't know how they they didn't even breathe they just screamed and they didn't even inhale to you know scream some more it just constant screaming and and there was thirst you know there's absolutely mind-blowing bad thir you there wasn't a drop to drink and they were so tired so exhausted
and yet there was no relief there was no moment not even a moment to rest they were desperately hungry and there was not a bite to eat for anything and and and that was just the beginning and from there it would continue to get worse at infinite him as it were so now were you beginning to fear a bit no I don't allow myself to to go into fear because that's going to cloud my mind and that's going to um you know stop my thinking processes and I went from having a major problem to solve
to having a extremely major problem to solve and I knew I had to keep all of my faculties uh working in top order here okay so what would you say to people who wishes hell on people who say go to hell or what would you say to those people who just talks like that or thinks like that thinks is no big deal don't do that don't do that absolutely don't do that because the the scriptures one of The Commandments is uh do unto others as you'd have them do unto you and if you're wish ing
some hell on somebody else um you are in fact wishing it on your own self and I you know I'm a Prussian we have historically known for having some pretty Fierce tempers I could not hate a person enough to wish them to go to hell and I have a great capacity for hate I'll tell you that I have a great capacity for love but I have a great capacity for hate too and it is totally inadequate for wishing any to go to hell wow I'm glad you mentioned that because a lot of people do need
to hear that all right so they're projecting Visions into you of hell and what they want to do to you all right so now you said you have an extreme problem now what happens well you know I did what a rational person would say and said like well I'm a Christian and I'm baptized I've confessed Christ as my savior I've been to church uh you know I tithe and I read my Bible and pray every day and I I I went through the little checklist that the church had taught me was the measure of Salvation
they laughed they thought that was hilarious and then they rehearsed to me a list of sins that I had never properly dealt with and I was floored because um I remembered all of these you see in that state I could remember every detail of my life and the list that they gave me was absolutely true absolutely accurate they didn't miss a beat they knew everything I had done from you know stealing a pencil from a classmate in elementary school to um you know fudging my time sheets at work or I even you know cheet on
a paper in college and you know things like I had uh contracts that I hadn't lived up to um and things that the church hadn't taught me were sins for example um just being cross with say a cashier in the store who's maybe going a little slower than you'd like or make some mistake and you get on their case for that and it's like no that's not love and then um other things uh you know if you done any material harm to somebody uh you need to make it up the the church taught me that
if you just ask God to forgive you well he'll forgive you and you don't have to go and pay that person back don't worry about it no that's not true the the law in the mo Moses law says you have toay pay a person back 100% and add a fifth to it and that's that's the real thing that's that's Divine Law you can't break that um so that and I've never been taught about restitution in church and here they were my eternal Destiny uh was on the line and I was not in good shape so
I I thought wow I'm not saved and the answer was a firm no wow we're going to keep gone over this now are you starting to panic because now you realize still no so now you realize you're not saved you have these Unforgiven sins that you haven't repented of so all this stuff is happening you are a well put together man when it comes to mentality okay all right so you realized you're not saved now what well I've got another problem to solve but I'm going to have to put that off until I solve this
one so the um you thing I had to work with was my mind and I decided I don't want to go to hell this is not going this I'm not going to let this happen I'm going to put up a fight here and that's that's kind of my character I learned that in elementary school with a lot of bullies there but that's another story so um I began to review of my entire life history looking for any clue which would tell me um how to fix the problem and you know at that point I've been
a chrisan CHR for about 17 years so if you do the math um that's over I've sat through over I did not miss a single Sunday I went to church very rigorously and I also went to uh Bible classes often it was offer and and so forth and I read a lot of books and in not one sermon in not one Bible class did anyone ever tell me what to do when I was confronted by a demon and I had been under some of the some of the preachers I had sat under you know National
names household names and they're very famous and no one told me what to do if you ever met a demon except one person his name was David gini and he was not a pastor he was not even a Bible teacher he and I attended the Plainsboro gospel Fellowship in Plainsboro New Jersey together when I was uh home on summer vacation from school and David was what someone I call a Jesus person and I was not a Jesus person so we didn't quite match but I like David because he took a very personal interest in me
and he was always talking about the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit and angels and demons and when we would meet at the church he would give me books about these things and uh one of his favorite authors was John G Lake who's might be familiar with him he's a Pentecostal Minister who was a Pioneer at Healing Ministry and I would read his books you know some gives me a free book I appreciate that so I would read his books I would listen to him but I didn't know how to apply what he
was telling me because it was just way outside of my experience in life and what I had been taught uh previously in church but one thing that David said to me made all the difference and that's why I'm here to talk about this he said if you ever meet a demon rebuke it in the name of Jesus Christ okay at that point I'm ready to try just about anything and that's exactly what they were almost on me they had their manical I we were like nose to nose almost and I said I rebuke you in
the name of Jesus Christ it was like a wrecking ball hit them and they were knocked clean out of the room and I was back to my first problem okay getting my body back and I said now I'm very motivated really motivated to get my in back in my body because one um I'm not saved and even if I managed to evade these demons until Judgment Day Judgment Day is coming lady and that's not going to be good for me then I'm really going to go to hell and it'll be the angels of God that
throw me in there and I I don't have a solution to that so uh I got back down on my knees and was looking at my body saying Carl you've got about two minutes to fix this so all this happened within three minutes well you know in the spirit time is uh time does but I'm talking about what it felt like you know what it I'm I'm in terms of the things that had happened and the normal time it takes for that to happen I had estimated I'm now at about the three to four minute
Mark here and I've just got like a minute or two to get this done you know I have a question for you I GNA go back a little bit so you mentioned that these demons when they were before you you said that they knew and remember what you did in your youth uh all the other why do they know these things and how do they know these things well one of the things that they communicated to me was they had been basically accompanying me throughout my entire life probably even from the moment of conception with
the singular aim of harvesting my soul because they are predators we are the prey at least that's how they look at it and um their goal was to uh cause me to fail in my purpose for God uh not achieve salvation instead be lost so that they could take my soul because um they are spiritual entities that were originally created by God but all Spirit beings um must have some kind of sustenance and when you're an angel or whatever else God creates in the spirit you draw your sustenance from God well since they're now uh
aligned with the devil they're agents of Satan Satan and his whole crew have been cut off from all of that so they the only way that they can um survive is to pray on living things and it's not just people they also pray on other things too but we are the prime resource a human being is worth like thousands of any other creatures okay you just opened Pandora's Box so you said that they don't just pray on people who else would you say they pray on or what else would you say they pray on any
living thing so animals animals plants yeah and how would they pray on them what would be an example if they're not protected uh by being um you know God talks in the Book of Job about Job having a hedge of protection around him if they're not protected by God uh they're lawful prey I mean they can they can do it um they draw energy from people and plants and animals and that's what often makes things sick and stunted and um diseasel looking so they can even while even before you're dead they can they can they
actually parasitize you so they can do a lot of damage even before you know death and afterwards when they've got your soul man that's like that's like nuclear fuel for a reactor to them okay so when you rebuke them in the name of Jesus how did you do it did you just say I rebuke you in the name of Jesus or did you use Authority I just said I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ just like that just like that so when you said it you believed it as well yeah totally okay so
it wasn't just words no the reason why I asked oh my my eternal Destiny was on the line I had 100% you know that was that was I said that with absolutely 100% intention behind it yeah you rebuke these demons in the name of Jesus and you believed that it would be effective and it was effective they're gone and now you're back at problem number one revive Dead Guy now what yep so I was doing that for just a moment or two when suddenly I began to feel another Sensation that was um like the first
one the evil one only this one was the exact opposite this was love and goodness something very very good was approaching this time from the um Southeast corner of my house and um that got my attention and I kind of dropped what I was doing because I knew that something was about to enter the room just like the uh demons had come and and then through my front door uh walked Jesus Christ and he came in there and um when I first saw him he looked exactly like I'd seen in some illust illustrated by bies
he was a man of about average height he had um shoulder length uh dark brown hair he had a uh a beard that went down to about here and mustache he um was dressed in a white tunic and he had a a blue robe that had been kind of rolled up and thrown over his shoulder and cinched at the waist with a leather belt he was wearing leather sandals no socks and um he wasn't carrying anything in his hands and uh as he walked in I could just feel love just unconditional love just emanating from
him intangible I I I'm feeling that again right now as a matter of fact amen um as he came in through the door and immediately he began to project his thoughts to me he didn't open his mouth to speak but he projected his thoughts to me and the first thing he uh he let me know was that he knew all about me knew all the sins that the that the um demons had rehearsed to me and even though they weren't forgiven he still accept he he he loved me exactly as I was unconditionally and that
was exactly what I needed to hear or to know the next thing he told me was that uh this was not his true appearance okay so he let me know that he could appear to a person in any form he wants and he was taking this form so that I would recognize him which really was unnecessary because you know when you're in the presence of Jesus especially in the spiritual realm you know that you know that you know who he is I mean there's no mistaking who he is you just know who he is and
I could go on and on and on about the incredible Sublime qualities about his person but yeah I knew it was Jesus I'm sure many people are watching right now and wondering so what is this true appearance because I've had guests on before who have said that Jesus could appear any way he wants to he's God and this is why when I guess he's in a distinct or if he's in a crowd and he Blends in say if he's in Asia you know he appears as an Asian man if he's in Africa he's appear as
an African man if he's in Europe he's appears as a European but so now begs the question what does Jus really look like which is really interesting I couldn't tell you because I never saw him like that yeah you just saw him how um oh I don't have it handy but uh there's a there's a young lady an artist and I'm I'm not gonna say her name because I'll probably mispronounce it because she's a foreigner aana aan something that's her yeah so um other people who have seen his true appearance say that she has a
very good handle on his representation so that's that's what I would point you to but I can't tell you myself okay okay all right all right so Jesus is before you and you are feeling the true raw love of God and he's loving you unconditionally and you're saying okay this is is exactly what I needed to hear now what and then he goes on to let me know that he's very disappointed I have because I invoked his name um he has to keep his word he is the word of God and he can't deny himself
and one of the things that says in scripture is that all who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved because I had done that um my status had just changed from being lost to saved however because of the way I had lived um I was going I was if I went to heaven I was going to go there with nothing of any Eternal matter accomplished in my life no rank no reward I would be the one of the lowest in heaven and even though I would have eternal life um and it would
be a Wonderful Life compared to even here it wasn't anywhere near what my potential should have been because um even though I had been very diligent about church attendance and Bible reading and prayer and all that it didn't count so you would basically go into heaven if you were had died you would have gone to heaven as a person who would have just basically received Jesus you wouldn't get a robe but you would get a gown and yeah you know you'd get the the white robe and you'd get the little stone with your name on
it and you'd be along you'd be in you know a very large company by the way um but no you wouldn't the the real goal here is to become Christlike and uh get Rank and reward so that you can get closer and closer to actual uh Throne of God and I was going to be on I was going to be in the you know the the hinder lands of Heaven not even in the Royal City was it was um it was much better than uh the prospect than I had been facing moments before but I
was very disappointed and he was disappointed me not because I had done things wrong uh but I hadn't done them for the right motives and most importantly I hadn't done them in partnership with holy spirit because uh holy spirit is what empowers um our true uh Divine Destiny here on Earth uh and we have to partner with him to accomplish anything that really matters for heaven because if we do it in our own strength and our own intellect um we don't get any credit for that because we did it on ourselves and that's um that's
not what God is looking for for that's deep really deep Carl the reason why I say that is because we have a lot of Christians and I'm sure you know who go to church or who are missionaries and who've been Christians for 50 60 years and they do a lot of good works but you mentioned something really important you said that your motives weren't right so could you give an example of say a motive not being right because a lot of Christians and people do things and they feel like okay I'm doing this is going
to be my reward because I'm doing something good but why do you say your motives weren't right at times so when I was when do when Pastor gross uh initially told me about the gospel he told me that you know it was basically choice between heaven and hell and I certainly didn't want to go to hell I didn't know much about heaven but I definitely knew I didn't want to go to hell and so um my main motive for becoming a Christian was to not go to hell it wasn't to go to heaven because frankly
when I asked Pastor gross what could he tell me about heaven he really couldn't tell me much because there wasn't a whole lot to say about it except that you know you're not going to hell which um was disappointing but you know that's all he was being honest with me the Bible doesn't really tell us a great detail about heaven except you know there's a Celestial City there it's a New Jerusalem there's the Throne of God there's lots of angels and there's no suffering and so forth um but I kind of like it here and
it um you know Heaven the the the the images of Heaven that I was given in a church was where we stand around the Throne of God and worship him a day and night and you know make it look boring yeah that didn't appeal to me at the time of course I've changed my thinking on that quite a bit since then but at the time you know I was just my motive was not to go to hell and that's what it was really about and that's just not good to go anywhere with God it doesn't
and the as I'll get into later um everything in our lives should point to God that's 1 Corinthians 10:31 says whatever you do do it all for the glory of God and I wasn't doing anything for the glory of God so you were seeking your own Glory I was not even trying to do that but I was just trying to be sure I was saved not go to hell so basically your view is just don't go to hell that's that was my main motive yeah so not heing about heaven just not going to hell well
I heard about heaven but I didn't like it and this is when you were saved or when you believed you were saved okay yes I like your honesty yeah well that's the truth that's how I am okay all right so you've realized that if you were to die now you would go to heaven but you would just get in by the skim of your teeth and you would have been with those who have just probably just didn't live their life for Jesus and gave their life to Jesus on their death bed now what so I
was very disappointed but I was also very relieved um and then Jesus told me I had another option he said that if I did not go if I went to heaven now and was not here to raise my children uh they would not be raised right and they would go to Hell Without a question and that was just not good um I didn't like that because I love my children um in fact that was kind of the focus of my life is focused on my still is the focus of my life and um so he
G he told me that if I would come back to this life he would show me how to heal my body and resurrect it and that I would be able to continue as their father and raise them properly but he warned me that if I did choose to go back I could not do what I had just done and invoke his name and be saved that wasn't going to work he he told me I had to get it right this time or I could still go to hell so um I had a choice between going
to heaven and being absolutely certain of eternal life but my children would definitely go to hell or come back here with the opportunity to raise them right and see that they came to Salvation with no guarantee that they would and no guarantee that I would be saved unless I got things perfect letter perfect okay so you're like Okay so this was your your Breaking Point you're like okay so I don't want to stay in heaven or I don't want to go to heaven I want to fix this so my kids will make it to heaven
now what for me there was no choice I mean um you know I uh I I know how to do risk assessment and I did a risk assessment right then and there and I decided that um I could not spend eternity in heaven knowing that I had sacrificed my children to be there and so I determined that if I had a chance I was going to come back and do my best to raise them right and get my life right too because I also wanted to have some Rank and reward in heaven and I knew
that what I I had a Divine Destiny you know God gives each of us a Divine Destiny a purpose in this life and I had not done it I had not pleased God and that was kind of a a wated moment for me to realize that I had a responsibility to please God and it wasn't all about me in fact it wasn't about me at all really okay and it wasn't about you so now what happens what does Jesus do well I agree to that I agreed to his terms and as soon as I did
that the entire scene absolutely changed I was no longer in uh my living room I was standing with Jesus on the bank of a very wide slow moving uh turgid River and um as I looked around I noticed that there were uh Papyrus Reeds growing on the banks of this River and I know that Papyrus naturally grows only in Africa North Africa and so um immediately I I understood that I was on the banks of the Nile River and I looked around some more I saw some fields and there was a woman working uh with
a hoe in the field and she was short and dark skinned with straight black hair and she was wearing a very simple white um like a tunic much like the Egyptians are depicted in in the ancient illustrations and I thought oh this is not only Egypt this is ancient Egypt and I looked out on the river and there was a man in a re booat and he was cast casting a fishing net into the water and he was um naked from the waist up and wearing just a loine cloth actually one of those I don't
know what the proper term is for it but the cloth they wrap around their hips there and um so I I'm in ancient Egypt and I then I looked around some more and I saw that there was a pile of reeds that had already been cut and dried and there were some tools some rope a long pole and some other Hardware there and immediately Jesus told me um I want you to take those materials and tools and build me a re booat like the one you just saw there on the on the river okay I'm
not going to argue with Jesus and um so I went to work and in very short order you know I built this Reed boat it was actually pretty nice one and uh he told me to put it down in the river and when I did Jesus stepped into the boat and sat down and he told me to get in and push off with the pole and so I did that and we started to go down river with the current and I was polling out into the center of the current of the river and he pointed
ahead to us to a long low Island that was right in the middle of the river um it was just a like almost a sandb bar and it was nothing really remarkable about in the sense that just had some small little bushes and scrubby trees on it and some rocks and he told me to head towards that island but was really different about this was that on that island was lying the image of My Dead Body and I don't know if you've seen this ever seen the Invisible Man model have you seen one of those
I have yeah they got like the clear plastic skin and then you got the organs inside and you paint the skin and the veins and the and the organs inside and well this is what that looked like only everything was transparent except for the damaged organs um my eyes were like s colored balls in the sockets uh my throat looked like a red pipe going down um to my stomach which was transparent the lungs were kind of a modeled green gray and where my um Burns were they were different colors depending on severity of the
burn the second degree burns were red the um third degree burns were kind of a dark brown and the charred areas were kind of a white color why do you think your body was on this island because this is you time travel too this if you time travel like you said to ancient Egypt and your body is on this random Island you know I've had people propose some interpretations of that I've asked you know God do give me an interpretation of that I don't really have a good explanation except perhaps this is um a way
of looking at it that uh I was in the world okay I was still in the world and that's what Egypt represents Egypt represents the world uh Israel represents the Kingdom so uh I was still in the world and so we were in the world um and my body was dead in the world and we were going to do we had some work to do there okay all right so you see your body laying there now what the um the body is um transparent except for the damaged organ so I could see clearly where the
damage was and what's interesting to me is that you know I was born with some issues I mentioned the scoliosis and the astigmatism uh but they were those parts of my body were transparent even though they weren't I would call them defective but they weren't injured so only the injured portions were colored and as we approach the island from the headend Jesus told me to reach out and touch the damaged organs and I was like this thing is huge this it's like hundreds of feet long and tens of feet high and I'm in this boat
with a pole and I'm not even close enough to touch it with my hand or even reach it with the pole and I'm like how am I supposed to Reach Out And Touch This thing it's like 30 feet away and the eyes are you know uh they're like the eyes were like relatively about this big around and they're Way Way Beyond where I could reach and I'm kind of wondering what does he mean by that what am I supposed to do this do we go over to the land on the island and get disembark and
I have to climb up there and while I'm kind of puzzling all these things out in my head the current is taking us past the body and um we go past the eyes and I oh I I've I passed the eyes this is not good I you when Jesus tells you something you really just got to do it and so I realized at this point I just got to do something and so I take my right arm poles in the left hand right arm and I just reach out and I don't know really how it
worked because you know in the physical if this had been a physical situation it just wouldn't have happened but my hand either my hand elongated and reached out and touched the throat or the throat came to me or something in between but the diff somehow the distance between them was closed I touched the throat and as soon as I touched the throat it turned transparent I said oh that's how this works okay and then we passed the lungs and I reached out and touched the lungs and they turned transparent and we reached down we the
hand was lying on the side of the body there and I reached out touched the hand and turned transparent I'm thinking I like this it's working oh I'm going to be healed and we got the current took us down to the foot of the island which is also the foot of the body and I realized oh I've got to go back up to the uh to the head and finish the job here because I didn't get the eyes did you not saying anything during all of this but I'm kind of understanding now figuring out what
I need to do and I start pulling the um the the the the freed boat around the feet and we start going back Upstream on the other side of the island and the other side of the body and just when I'm doing that the um this I don't call it a dream because I I know my dream states fairly well this was not a dream state this was a vision so I call it a vision and as soon as we started heading Upstream I was back in the living room and I'm standing there by my
body Jesus to to my right or to my left and um as soon as we were back in the room the demons return and they come through the same um Southeast corner of living room that they came through theot previous time could you just repeat real quickly I just want to make sure I have this right what did the organs look like that were dead or failing because you said once you touch the ones that were failing they became transparent so what did it look like when it wasn't so they they were off colors as
I mentioned before the eyes uh just looked like kind of a charcoal ball in the socker of the skull um the throat was a tube and it was red kind of a um I don't know about this color here of the tape thing and then this the lungs were kind of a gray green color and as I mentioned the uh Char the burns on the hand were different colors depending on the severity of the burn second degree burns were red um third degree burns were kind of a a a dark brown BR color almost black
and then the charred areas that had actually been turned into Ash they were um they were white and then so you weren't able to touch the eyes yet you said correct well I didn't try because I didn't know how that worked and so yeah then then I the next the next step was to go back up to the head of the island and and and finish healing the eyes but you didn't because you ended up back in your living room right so the the got interrupted and the the next thing I know the demons are
coming at me again and they' both got their manacles and they're coming straight for me and I my first thought was I've got Jesus Christ at my left here he's just gonna take you guys out and I'm not going to have to do anything I'm just but he didn't make a move he didn't say a word and I'm like Jesus is there something I should know about this and the demons weren't doing the theatrics this time there was no drama involved they were just charging right at me as fast as they could and they wanted
to get those manacles on me as without any delays and you know in that um State your my mind was working very very fast it's not like you know here and now in the body where clots just kind of churn through the head they were just you thought something happened instantly and I realized Jesus was not going to do anything about this it was up to me and I just had you know subjectively split seconds to decide what to do the only thing I could think of in that moment was to do exactly what I
had done before and that was rebuke him in the name of Jesus Christ and that's what I did I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ bam they were knocked clear out of the room and it was just me and Jesus and as soon as I did that the um we're back in the vision but before we go there I want to explain that I I it took me decades to really understand what was going on there but I finally figured out what was happening right then and there okay so explain to everybody why
Jesus didn't respond because it wasn't his job why because when he gave the Great Commission to his church he gave us seven missions heal the sick raise the Dead cast out demons cleanse lepers preach the gospel baptize in the name of the father Son and the Holy Spirit and baptized in the holy spirit with fire that was my job my job it was my job to deal with the demons not his he could do it he did it before he could do it now he could do it you know anything but you know what he's
God and I'm not and he gave me roles and responsibilities I need to know what they are I call those The Rules of Engagement I did not know them because the church didn't teach me to them Jesus knew him the demons knew him I didn't know him I had to figure it out right then and there and thankfully I did and I Think Jesus was probably doing something in the background to help me there but he wasn't going to tell me explicitly because he expected you know it's a commandment to study the scriptures we need
to know it and God says my people perish for lack of knowledge so what's the penalty for not knowing the Rules of Engagement you perish I'm not into perishing okay that is good and that's good for a lot of people to realize because a lot of Christians I know Western Christians don't even realize that they don't know that that God has given us the authority to do it through him so it said it took you decades to understand why but now you know why and now you're explaining it to everyone watching right now yes you
don't have to go through the process I went through just trust me that's how it works okay so what happens next so we're back in the vision again and I pull the boat back up to the head Reach Out touch the eyes poof um they're clear again and that's when the vision ends and I'm again back in my living room standing by my body and Jesus said okay your body's healed it's time to resurrect you and that's when I remember my list okay all right what's your list again oh I remembered my list and I
thought I want to ask my list before I go back because Here I Am With Jesus he's got all the answers but then I thought oh well he just saved me from hell just show me me how to heal my body he's about to rescue me resurrect me I don't owe him anything and he did not offer to answer my list of questions like God offered um Dr eie and so I just resigned myself it's like I do not want to mess this up okay if I start asking for anything special it might you know
offend him or you know complicate things and at that point we're good I'm going back and I'm going to have a chance at you know getting this thing right this time I didn't want to mess it up but I forgot one very important thing what was that just can read minds what were you thinking I was thinking about my list I really really really wanted to have that list answered and but I didn't also didn't want to mess up this opportunity I had to you know live my life so I I just said all right
uh the list is not as important as my eternal Destiny I'm just going to give up on it and let I'll go back and you know figure it out later but Jesus read my mind he read my thoughts and although his face did not change the the I could almost like feel him smiling and he was like Carl he said this to me he said Carl would you like to know the answers to my list of questions wow well I had no idea what his list of questions were but after I thought about it for
a fraction of a moment I thought I don't know what his list of questions are but it's got to be better than mine so I said yes and he said well Carl your my list of questions is all questions and your mind is too small to comprehend that so in order for you to understand this you will have to share my mind are you willing to do that well I have read the Bible several times in multiple translations I've read lots of at that point I've read lots of near-death experiences and church history and so
forth there was no precedent for this I did not know one example of anybody being one with Christ and sharing his mind I had no idea what this really meant and it was kind of scary because before I became a Christian I did a comparative study of religions and there are some religions that teach that while our goal is to unite with god um it also means losing one's personality in God you cease to exist as an individual and that's scary I like me I wasn't really interested in losing me but on the other hand
I also realized that Jesus loved me he had a plan for me and it was a good plan and he wouldn't do anything bad to me so this had to be something good and I decided I wanted that so I agreed to that and as soon as I did I felt my myself just sucked right into him and we left the whole scene there behind and the next thing I know I am in heaven and I'm not only one with Jesus Christ but the father is one with us as well but in that state I
was me I was totally conscious of my own personality had all my memories I had complete independent thinking but at the same time I knew his thoughts I felt his feelings I knew all the information he knew and I saw what he was seeing and it was amazing so what was he thinking how did he see things because you can't just say you saw what Jesus saw and not elaborate so what was how did he see life and well again it's just I was one with not only Jesus but the father as well uh because
in heaven they are both there and they are one but the Holy Spirit wasn't part of this because as I figured out much later he's here so um that's that's another subject but the um I got a glimpse of everything that God was involved in and you have to understand of course that God is infinite and he's involved in an infinite um number of I'll call him projects because I'm an engineer but he would probably use a different term but I saw all he was doing and God is very active he's got you know he's
got the whole universe and that's just you know one small part of what God is involved in you know there's heaven and Heaven is not um just a little Celestial City sitting in some Cloud somewhere it is a vast domain and there's uncountable number of entities you know human beings are a great part of it but there's all kinds of other things going on there there's cities with buildings there's planets that are inhabited then that's just the Physical Realm and then Heavens there's so much going on very Dynamic and then there are levels of all
that just levels which go up orders of magnitude from one level to the other and each level is it mirrors the previous level but it has so much more on each level than it had before and all this is going on all at once and then as soon as I got a glimpse of that um this kind of mental wall just came around and it shut down everything uh except for the one subject that he wanted to talk about and that was human history and as regards our inhabitation on planet Earth so you mentioned that
there are levels in heaven I've heard that before could you describe what those levels look like so and what do you mean by levels so each level is basically a copy of the level below it but it it's at a higher level of power and the reason for that is that all of God is at the very highest level I don't know how many levels there are uh I think it's a finite number but I don't remember exactly how many levels but the power the presence of God increases from level to level and that's for
our own safety because if we were to go you know we have to go through a process of spiritual maturity in which we are able to handle increased levels of power and presence of God and at the higher levels it would just annihilate us so um we are kept from going to the we are allowed to progress to the high very highest levels if we want to but we don't have to but if we want to we have to develop um basically become more Christlike uh and as we do that we're able to handle more
power and more presence of God and and go to higher levels and it's a cyclical thing see in heaven um time is not linear like it is here where you go from past to present but in heaven you go from go through Cycles from level to level so you have to go through certain Cycles to go progress from one level to the other one and I don't really have a systematic grasp of that to explain it so could you tell us what heaven looked like um well again I had only Glimpse I did get to
see the celestial City it was a very Broad City um and it had streets and buildings laid out in a a gridlike pattern uh the buildings were almost all the same color white uh with gold trim um the streets of course were gold and transparent like do the prophet say and there was just all kinds of activity going on the streets were full full of people the houses were full of people and animals um there were plants growing trees and Lawns and parks and things like that it's kind of like an ideal Earth only it's
just vast very very huge so would you say heaven looked or paralleled to what we've been taught or shown on planet Earth or what I guess churches depict Heaven as being just us um everything in scriptures are true um but Earth is just a um just a I call a junkyard a scrapyard compared to Heaven I mean it has its beauty here I just definitely enjoy it and appreciate it but compared to Heaven is just um pretty ugly actually I hear the same thing so what you're saying is that heaven is not depicted on earth
like it is in heaven um you know you can make paintings or uh you can you know build things that are patterned after it I mean the Tabernacle and the temple were both patterned after uh similar structures in heaven but they're so much more perfect there's so much grander so much uh nicer looking than what we do here I mean the human ability for Creative the creative arts and beauty is still amazing and wonderful and I enjoy and appreciate it but it is um just a crude copy of what's available in heaven when you're experiencing
all of this did any of this feel surreal or did it feel like a dream or did it feel like this is just me Carl and I'm here and I'm there what I what I really struck me initially about that was this feels perfectly normal in fact I although I had absolutely no previous memories of being in heaven it felt like I had been here before this was normal this is really where I belonged this is my true environment okay so it felt normal it didn't feel like a dream because a lot of people truly
believe that when they die it's just a dream because they can't imagine it so they feel like it's not real this was so real it was more real than what we're experiencing right now this was this was reality with capital letters wow okay so you are in reality this is not surreal this is absolutely totally real you have all your senses and then some you're seeing things that you've never known existed Jesus is revealing to you what he's seeing how he thinks now what and the father now what so um that's what once we narrow
things down to um the topic that was at hand which was answering all questions about human history um Jesus began an exercise and one of the things to understand here is that in that state the um uh the mind is not only infinite but it's able to process many things simultaneously so there's a lot going on all at the same time and I'm comprehending it absolutely flawlessly perfectly with effortlessly and so Jesus tolds me we're going to start an exercise and it went like this it was kind of like looking down into a theater that
starts out dark and the stage is dark and then one Spotlight comes on and you see a person standing there and we look at this person's life from from basically conception that's when life begins until they die and um we watch as they once they get to the age of accountability which is when they're able to make uh independent decisions we watched how those decisions affected their course of their lives you know in early childhood other people's decisions affect your life and you have no control over that you're not responsible that but once you start
making your own decisions then you become responsible for the outcomes and I watched that when God God literally wrote a script for every life in fact he wrote a script for all of history it's a little different from the play a script for a play or a television or a movie show the um because it it's like these they have these interesting chapter books where you get to the end of a chapter and the the character has a decision to make depending on what decision they make you go to a different chapter well that's the
way God wrote Our books we get to a decision point we make a decision and then that decision goes to the next part of our story and we make a decision we go to one one outcome we make another decision we go to a totally different outcome and most of those decisions are rather innocuous they don't make a big difference in our lives they're things like you know do I wear a blue shirt or a white shirt today or uh do I go to the supermarket first or do I go to the post office first
doesn't really matter um the consequences are not going to be Eternal and but there are decisions that do have eternal consequences and those are really important ones and what I learned about this and this is where my engineering training comes in is that these are bounded we can only go so far good and so far evil we um there's a limit to where we go and that's that's a carefully designed so that no one person no group of people not the whole human population ever could collaborate in such a way that they could gain enough
power and intellect and whatever other resources they're thinking of where they could be a challenge to God so in no time could any of this ever get out of God's control he's always can say nope shutting this down not doing that or he can also say hey you're done come to heaven so um it's bounded and that's that's very that's a very healthy thing actually so even Satan can't get out of control um he gives us Dominion which means we are largely in control but if we lose control you know it's not going to go
anywhere that God can't match and he has a solution to every problem every problem that that could Poss he's anticipated everything beforehand before it before he even formed the Earth he knew the whole of human history everything that could happen uh nothing is a surprise to him except how little we appreciate him that was a surprise but that's another story altogether wow so um yeah he was really actually surprised at that so the um we watched this and we watched how the the all the different decisions that one person could have made in their life
and that was an infinite number of possibilities and we were just went through it like that and then we watched how two people interact so you had an infinite number of permutations times an infinite number of premutation so it's an infinity times infinity just like that and then we looked at how a family interacted and then a community and then a larger group so so we went from like a neighborhood to a county to a state to a nation to Empire and we watched the whole of human history from beginning to end while this was
going on there was another thing going on as I mentioned simultaneous I'm looking at a timeline and it it looks like the what's on the cover of the book I wrote about this the ultimate question and so if you see this timeline here it's it's uh different colors there's white and brown and black and red and gold in the timeline and each person's life is represented by a thread and so the um as the person lives through their course of their life the the thread changes color and this is important to understanding the the lesson
here when they're doing good doing well uh it's white that's righteous and as they sin it gets darker it starts out beige gets tan and then Brown and then dark black when they're just all out evil and when they die the threads change color uh if they go to heaven they're gold and if they go to hell they're red and I noticed something really important um I've worked as a machinist so I've learned how to measure things visually quite accurately I'd say easily to a part one part in a thousand so when I looked at
this I realized the percentages who went to heaven and what percentage that went to hell and it was 2.5% went to heaven that's plus or minus a tenth of a percent and the Very remainder went to hell and I was shocked I'd always thought you know Christians go to heaven right no not all Christians go to heaven you know if you if you do the math we have 31.6% of of the general population are professing Christians if 2.5% of them 2.5% of the general population go to heaven well it's only 7.95% of professing Christians that
go to heaven that means 92% of professing Christians still go to hell and at that point Jesus interrupted the exercise and he interjected something very profound he said I am profoundly disappointed in my church because I gave them everything they needed to win the entire world to Christ to Salvation in any generation from the time of the Apostles until now and I could I could sense his emotions you know I'm sharing his emotions he is disappointed he is frustrated he is very angry and that anger terrified me and I realized you know ministers they're judged
on a higher standard than ordinary people and I don't know the numbers but I'd say far fewer of them make it to Heaven than the rank and file Christians the Believers and that was a real eye opener and you know later on I met other people who had ndes like um Dr Kevin zi and uh trying to remember the name right now here it'll come to me they both got the same number 2.5% oh is it Howard storm yeah okay is a storm no not Howard storm um he wrote the uh book Placebo and anyway
the mine the name doesn't come to mind I actually met him and we we compar notes and while we had very different experiences we exactly the same number so uh going on from that U we got to the end of the exercise and I was like I'd just been on the ultimate roller coaster ride and I was thrilled I was amazed I was really enjoying this and especially because as an engineer I love information and I had just absorbed an infinite amount of information about human history I saw the whole thing from start to finish
uh past present and future and I not only saw the timeline that we're in but I saw every potential timeline not only people who have lived but people who might have lived and when it was all done there was a pause and Jesus was like waiting for a reaction from me and while I was just fizzing over with all this extreme experience it wasn't what he was looking for and so in his quiet way he said Carl let's do this again and we repeated the entire exercise only we started with a different person from a
different perspective and we saw everything kind of from a different point of view and one of the things I I I I got out of that was I could see Earth human history from God's perspective and down here everything looks kind of chaotic and meaningless and and some things just don't make any sense from God's perspective everything is following a perfect plan and it's all to show his goodness and his mercy and his greatness of those things and to utterly vindicate him and show what a how sinful sin is and how really what a what
an eternal loser Satan is but that's that's again another story but everything made sense it followed a pattern there was order There Was You Know meaning and purpose to everything even the littlest details in our life is has meaning to it and purpose and I was really glad to see that because I that was the first time I really appreciated it and um we got to the end of the second exercise and there was another kind of pause and like Jesus was waiting for my reaction and I was just like this is really cool and
that wasn't what this is all about and so Jesus says all right Carl let's do this a third time and there was something in his voice you know we're not talking like you and I are talking but there's something in the way he communicated let me know that this was going to be the last chance for me to get something very important and that woke me up I said okay I've got to focus on this there's something I didn't get the last two times that I have to get this time and if not what is
really a unique and historic opportunity is going to be wasted and I am going to be like shamed really really badly so I I I stopped enjoying the experience and started focusing on it so look for what it is that he wants me to do and when I saw this pattern that when some made a good decision their thread turned white and when they made a bad decision it would get darker and I realized that there was a certain criteria they were using when they made those decisions a good decision was bed made based on
Selfless Love bad decisions were made on anything else typically selfishness cowardness laziness just plain meanness and I realized that there is only one question that really matters and that's is the answer to how we make our decisions to make the right decisions in life we have to ask ourselves this question and we have to answer it correctly and that is what does this have to do with Selfless Love and that's that's not going to make a DEC that's not going to make the difference between going to the supermarket or the post office but it will
make the difference in how you treat people treating people is what it's really all about because when God makes us he makes us from a piece of himself okay we're called children of God for a good reason so uh when we do something good it's as if we do it to God when we do something evil it's as if we did it to God too and he takes this very personally he does now you know there's some awful people out there but if you do something nice to them it's not just good for them God
takes it personally you did that to him even though they're bad people they're still children of God and um being a child of God doesn't mean you're perfect or you're even good but it does mean that you're made in God's image even literally out of him himself it's like a hologram you take a you take a photograph you cut it up you get a puzzle you take a hologram you cut it up you get little Holograms they're different resolutions you know than the than the main hologram and that's like with God when he takes a
piece of himself it's like a piece of a hologram it's His Image it's a lower resolution than the original but it's still him overall what did you take away from what Jesus and the father taught you about human history well first of all it's uh designed everything is designed this is a intentionally created World follows the Divine principles and it's for a Divine Purpose so we all have principles and purposes every person counts um you know every time a person is ConEd they already have a whole um destiny ahead of them and they have a
purpose down here and we need them okay um there isn't a person that is not needed it doesn't count it's weight can be Expendable no and um it's a real problem when they don't live out their Destinies and even if they do live their lives if they don't live them for God they don't accomplish his purposes and the purpose is really about giving glory to God and so if we live our lives after our own intents and to our own agendas we're robbing God of his glory he doesn't like that and it's not good for
us either and you know our Salvation was paid for by Christ if we choose not we don't choose salvation he's not getting what he paid for and he paid for a very high price and he's not happy about that either not just because of course he doesn't get what he paid for but because he loves us and he wants us to live out our destiny and to enjoy life and have it fully and so and when people when people are doing right when other people interfere with that that's even worse and you mentioned something earlier
and I'm sure a lot of people are wondering this as well you said one of your questions was basically what is the age of accountability you kind of touched on it but did Jesus give you an approximate age or was it just based off of if you're able to make certain decisions adequately so it's not a number um it's a criteria and it's ability to discern between good and evil and make decisions you know I've I've talked with six-year-olds that are better than theology professors so um and some people you know who by for whatever
reason are mentally deficient they never get there and they get a pass you know if you don't have if you never develop the capability you're not held accountable to it so basically it's not an age of accountability but a point of accountability yeah it's the it's it's a it's a stage in life where you are able to discern between good and evil and make independent decisions and you're right there are some younger people like you said who are very intelligent and who can reason and rationalize things so yeah I definitely see what you're saying all
right so did you say that 2.5% of Christians or 2.5% of people overall go to heaven 2.5% of people overall which means about 8% of Christians wow so which means 97% 97.5% of people end up in hell but 100% of them could go to heaven if they just did it right and that's a good that is a gospel right there that's the gospel that 100% of people can all right so why do you think that well you said something interesting as well too because a lot of people truly do believe that because they have a
title of being a missionary or a minister or a pastor or whatever have you that they are set in stone for but you said that those are basically the ones who actually have maybe a harder time than other believers why because they're held to a they get a double they get a double reward but they're also held to a higher standard and if they fail that standard they fail like anybody else and one of the um you know there's there's a terrible lie out there it says one saved always saved I about to ask absolutely
not true um because there are I've identified 12 criteria you must meet to be saved and um I don't want to try to rehearse all that now it's it's available on my website as a free download but one of those criteria is you endure to the end you may be saved at one point in your life but if you renounce Christ it's like you never had it and do you believe that that's why say in other countries that are War torn and who's against Christianity we can think right now at the top of our head
they try everything they can before I guess a person if they're a Christian to renounce Christianity because they there are terrorists out there of a certain religious persuasion that will torture a person to get them to renounce Christianity and even adopt their religion and then immediately kill them that's what happens that they're going to go to send them to hell so in that aspect they wouldn't go to heaven they would more than likely go to hell because they renounced it that's my my judgment call you know God is Sovereign and he can take circumstances into
effect but I would say if you're in a situation like that you hold out to The Bitter End all right so you are like I said this is the wildest near-death experience because you've learned so much through it it's not just you're in one spot one place you learn one thing two things no you're learning a handful you're learning an encyclopedia so now what Jesus has shown you all this the father as soon as I understood the ultimate qu answer that the the the ultimate question was we didn't even finish the third exercise Jesus said
you have what you need it's time for you to go back and that's when we began to sep I began to separate from uh the father and the son and as we did my mind began to shrink back down to its current uh level and as we did it had absorbed an infinite amount of information and this is all perfectly accurate very well organized information and I had the ability to analyze it so I knew that this was powerful valuable stuff and it was just flooding out of me and I'm like oh not good I
want to keep this and it was like you know in the spirit you have arms and it's like I put my arms over my head to try to stop this leakage and it didn't do a thing and Jesus was like Carl that's not for you to keep and we it just we in in a moment or two later we were back in my living room and I was standing there next to the body and immediately I had these questions in my mind said oh how do I raise my children how do I get my you
know my system of theology right and and there were so many things I wanted to answer and Jesus was just like and I was back in my body and oh the pain hit me and it was heavy and it didn't feel good but I was alive in my body again and it was dark but the pain was gone which was very well welcome and so uh I rolled off the couch cushions on got on my hands and knees on the floor and I stood up and it was dark and so I felt my way to
the bathroom and I turned on the light I looked at myself in the mirror and all the redness was gone from my face the eyebrows were still gone the hair was still singed but the hand was healed um except for one little spot and I I don't know why I got a souvenir here but I don't know if you can make that out on the camera or not there's a just a little little little discolored spot and that was that was still fairly raw at the time and it healed up over several weeks after that
just a little souvenir of my trip and um I found that I could swallow and if I said I can swallow I can drink I can eat and I I watched the puss out of my eyes and it didn't come back and so the next thing I did was I said I'm going to have breakfast I I left the bathroom and I went straight to the kitchen and the first thing I did when I got to the kitchen I looked up at the kitchen clock and it was 6 minutes after midnight and you know I
didn't waste any time so I figured I died at midnight I got to the bathroom uh about a minute ago and so I I spent about a minute in the bathroom so this whole experience was five minutes or less and that's you said how long it takes for the body to actually die infinitely yeah and for bra for permanent brain damage to set in so however the Lord worked it out it was less time than it takes for the permanent brain brain damage to happen and so all of that and that was you know the
the one when I was one with God that was the equivalent of an infinite number of lifetimes experience and so the the time in heaven has no bearing on time spent here then I went down and I I I breakfast I I scrambled eggs I cooked bacon I made toast I poured orange juice made myself a big breakfast and here is a little after midnight I'm eating breakfast because I was so hungry and thirsty both and then um Yanina mother of my children pokes her head into the kitchen and she's kind of shielding her eyes
from the light and she says Carl what are you doing and I said I'm having breakfast and she says why it's midnight and I'm like oh I got to tell you about this Yanina um I died and I had the most incredible experience and then God healed my body and resurrected me and because I'm Healed I can eat again and she was just kind of staring at me blankly like she's trying to process all this and she can't and she finally says well stop making so much noise I can't sleep and she went back to
bed so did she believe you or was she just too tired to even think about it I don't know what she was thinking but that was her reaction wow how did that food taste because you had died I always hear that when a person dies and come back they're hungry yeah I was very hungry I hadn't eaten three days so yeah I was very hungry and that was that was a great breakfast I'm a good cook I like my cooking you're not going to see me from the from my waist area because it shows but
I I love cooking and I it was a good breakfast and I ate every scrap of it that is awesome okay so you still so did you ever end up going to the doctor or no because you didn't have insurance I didn't need to yeah I didn't have any money or insurance so there's no point in it I I put a bandage on the finger and you know within a week or so it was pretty good that's wild okay so that last question because I know a lot of parents are watching right now and grandparents
the last question you seem to have never gotten answered or maybe did you how you asked Jesus well how do I raise my kids and then you said the door slammed on you well um I thought that you know at that point oh I'll just you know be a good Christian dad take my kids to church and read Bible and pray with them every day and and uh you know raise them like I'd been taught and it was was a lot better than I was raised um I thought that that was sufficient but it wasn't
okay because if you look at the statistics uh for the percentages of Christian of children raised in Christian households who actually stay in the faith is actually quite low um it's like less less than about about 10% or so of children raised in Christian homes actually keep the faith when they become an adult and um the the numbers for the people whose children stay with the Christian faith are actually close to 90% for uh parents who are Evangelical in their Outlook that actually go out and do Soul wining not necessarily through the church but even
on their own and so that was something I neglected uh I do Soul winning um I have always di didn't even before I was married short it was that I didn't engage the children in Soul winning which is a commandment actually it's part of the Great Commission we're required to do that and that was one of my failures and the other major failure was I told you before the demons had told me they had been with me my entire life well the children had demons as well and it was rather late in the process um
about at least four or five years later before I even roduced them to Deliverance Ministry and that was really much later than I should have done that it actually took me uh close to 20 years to find a effective method of Deliverance Ministry and by then the children were grown and out of the house and the damage was done okay so what are you are you saying that basically train a child in the way he should go as opposed to just telling a child the way they should go because a lot of Christian families like
you said they take the kids to church and they tell them that this this and this and that but it usually works by a demonstration a training oh not only demonstration you don't just train them you engage them in um the full uh Hands-On commission you we're commissioned we're ministers the children there are there are seven missions in the Great Commission and that is for believers that's not just for ministers we're supposed to do all of it every believer and if you're not demonstrating all five of those you're lacking something as a Christian and like
I said that's not for ministers that's for believers all right so what have you learned oh my gosh I can't believe I'm asking this question if you were to sum up everything that you experienced and this is when the N this was in the 90s mid 90s early 90s so uh the I the near-death experience was in 1995 okay all right roughly February sometime so if you were to sum up this whole experience what would you say well first of all I'd say that God is real the Bible is his Revelation and it's true literally
true and that um we have a responsibility to live the Christ Christ model like like Christ told us to and keep his Commandments not only the Ten Commandments but we have four prohibitions in Acts and as he was departing Christ gave us a new commandment and that's to love others as he loved them and um everything else can be derived from that although that's not that's easier said than done wow okay and if anybody wanted to reach out to you Carl Falcon how could they do because I know you wrote a book and I do
want you to touch on that too you know you're booking your website so people can reach out to you and learn more if they like to so um uh my name is spelled Carl k a r l Falon f a l Ken I have a Facebook profile um you can message me there and I have a website it's called Uh houseof yeth is spelled ye f t so it's House of and um it gives you an email and even a postal address to contact me I love getting postcards by the way and I
will respond to those and on the website you can um download for free uh PDF copies of my writings and if you want to purchase the book itself I have um two versions I'm proud to say that I have now got the second edition in I have both the uh regular print and I have the large print I don't know why people like the large print but they do even though it costs four times as much and um anyway I I sell them at cost I don't make money on this and uh I will respond
um I get a lot of you know inquiries so I may not respond immediately um but I do eventually work my way through the stack and and get back to people I also Minister healing uh once a week the schedules on the website and once a quarter I host a free online Deliverance session as well which I think is very important and I also host a weekly Fellowship that's also online and there I use the materials from Dr Kevin zi Warrior notes Ministry okay and you know what I want to touch on something really quick
before we get into prayer Jesus showed you how to heal your body what would you say to people who would like to do the same so Healing Ministry itself is eminently simple um we just Minister healing and in my experience that is the power of God comes on us we release it people get healed so uh there's excellent teaching on that in curry Blake's Divine Healing technician training on the John G Lake Ministry website so I don't need to duplicate that and uh that's and to to actually Minister healing one thing I learned is that
when God creates the human Spirit he automatically puts in the gift of healing as standard uh equipment it's not an option it is standard equipment on every making model but to do that you have to have it activated somebody who already ministers healing and in my case that was Jesus Christ himself activates the gift of healing and then you are trained in how to use it um the one of the interesting things about Perry Blake's um model is that he takes a three weekend to teach how to do it only about 15 minutes of the
training is about how to do it the rest of the weekend is how not to do it because there's infinitely more ways to do it wrong and don't work than there are to do it right and it's so simple when you do it right and just incredibly frustrating if you're trying to do it your way instead of God way all right so take him on people all right so Carl Falcon I want to thank you and could you just in us out in prayer because you pray for every everyone watching right now I've got a
100 page manual on how to pray so we could go at Great length here but really it boils down to um three things okay if we want to have a right relationship with God he gives us two requirements to love and Obey him and then he promises that he will dwell with us so and um the key to pleasing God is to let him have his way so my prayer is going to be very simple I'm going to tell God that we love him and we obey him of course we want help with that and
that we want him to have his way in our life and that's really all it's about and the ultimate thing is we want to build the Kingdom of Heaven bring souls to Salvation edify the Saints um give glory to God and make sure Christ has everything he paid for so that's going to be the core of my prayer tonight sound good sounds good all right so Heavenly Father we just thank you for the awesome privilege of coming to you petitioning you to the very Throne of heaven and that You' prepared an answer to our prayers
even before we ask so Lord we love you we obey you help us to obey you perfectly have your way in our life that your will will be done on Earth as it is in heaven so that the Kingdom of Heaven would be built up so that the works of the devil would be destroyed that All Souls would be saved that the Saints would be edified that Christ may have all that he paid for and you may have all the glory you so richly deserve we ask this in the precious name of Jesus Christ amen
amen and amen Carl Falcon I just want to thank you for sharing the most one of the most detailed W this amazing near-death experience probably most of us have ever heard was my pleasure and privilege thank you for the opportunity Jennifer if you'd like to be born again and give your life to Jesus Christ today pray this prayer with me dear Jesus I admit that I'm a sinner and I'm lost without you I'm convinced that you're my only saving grace and my only hope no longer do I want to do life without you I believe
that you came to Earth to die on the cross for my sins rose from the dead 3 days later and are coming back for me one day soon please come into my heart and be my Lord Savior and friend in Jesus's name amen if you've prayed that prayer get yourself a Bible and read it daily and ask God to interpret every word for you then surround yourself with like-minded Believers in Jesus Christ congratulations and welcome to the family [Music]
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The near death experience of Nancy Rynes
The near death experience of Nancy Rynes
Anthony Chene production
The near death experience of Dr. Mary Helen Hensley
The near death experience of Dr. Mary Hele...
Anthony Chene production
Beyond Our Sight (Documentary)
Beyond Our Sight (Documentary)
Anthony Chene production
Man Dies on Operating Table and is Shown City of Heaven (NDE)
Man Dies on Operating Table and is Shown C...
Coming Home
Joe Rogan Experience #2252 - Wesley Huff
Joe Rogan Experience #2252 - Wesley Huff
IANDS Doctor INVESTIGATES NDEā€™s For 30 Years; Her DISCOVERIES Change EVERYTHING! | Dr. Janice Holden
IANDS Doctor INVESTIGATES NDEā€™s For 30 Yea...
Next Level Soul Podcast
PronouncedĀ Dead for 20 Minutes - What He Saw and How it Changed His Life Forever
PronouncedĀ Dead for 20 Minutes - What He S...
Prioritize Your Life
WE FOUND OUT WHAT THE DRONES ARE!! ft. Dr. Steven Greer | Superfly with Dana Carvey and David Spade
Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade
The near death experience of Rob Gentile
The near death experience of Rob Gentile
Anthony Chene production
Paramedic Dies at Trade Show : Meets 3 Guardian Angels (NDE)
Paramedic Dies at Trade Show : Meets 3 Gua...
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