Before You Quit Your Job, Watch This.

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Vincent Chan
The Great Resignation is here and everyone is quitting their jobs. But before you quit your job, wat...
Video Transcript:
so you want to quit your job well lucky for you i'm a professional quitter hey friends vincent here and i want hey friends vincent here and today hey friends vincent here and hey friends vincent here and today i want to talk about um hey friends vincent here and i felt like it would be irresponsible of me to not make this video after i made this one where i explained why i quit my job it recently started getting a ton of views because well i guess y'all a bunch of quitters but don't worry i still love
all you hashtag quitters for life i did get a little bit worried though from comments like these because the last thing i want to do is lead you guys down the wrong path or imply that everyone should quit on a whim in the video i mentioned that i've been working for several years already and during that time period i did some very key strategic things that allowed me to quit so let's talk about the two signs that could mean that it might be time for you to quit your job and the strategic things that i
did and that you should do before you even think about quitting there's a huge problem in today's entrepreneurial society and it's about what entrepreneurs don't like to talk about they like talking about taking life-threatening risk starting a company making two million dollars but chances are that's not the whole story they don't like to talk about one of the most important things which is risk management and risk management is all about learning the right skills and being patient for the right opportunity let's expose their secret i don't know why i took off my glasses it was
for dramatic effect but i can't really see without them first i want to clarify my situation and the advantages that i had just so we're clear i'm young i was 25 years old when i quit last year i don't have any children or dependents not that i know of huh i'm just kidding this means that if i lost everything i would still have time i would still have enough time to rebuild and i could afford to take the risk now i've been working since high school and i've always been super frugal super financially savvy so
i saved most of the money i earned and i've only recently only recently let myself buy anything other than the dollar menu off of mcdonald's i started investing the money that i earned from working since i was a teenager so my money and my savings grew over time i have a college degree i have good work experience so i knew in the back of my mind that even if i failed at entrepreneurship i would be able to get another job i put myself through college by working and getting scholarships never received allowance or inheritance from
my parents and although my parents didn't have a lot of money i was raised in a very supportive environment and me sharing my privileges is with the purest intentions i acknowledge my privilege and i understand that not everyone has the same opportunities but i also want to say that some of the things that i did you can learn too such as being frugal saving your money investing being financially savvy it's never too late to pick up these skills and these are also the things that i talk about on this channel and don't worry i don't
sell any courses or anything everything is 100 free my goal with this channel is to make personal finance accessible so you can reach financial freedom now let's get into the two telling signs where you should probably quit your job and the first one i like to call the comparison mantra and this is where you justify your job by contrasting it to pure survival if you ever think to yourself hey at least i have this job it could be a lot worse lots of people would kill to have this opportunity hey what how do you know
what i'm thinking who are you get on my head i'm afraid that you already fell into the trap we were all raised with this mentality throughout our lives which is essentially the mantra of be happy with what you have because it could always be worse and really this mantra can be used to justify anything in the world but it's a really really bad way to justify your career because of this one reason because with this mentality you're not comparing your job to another job you're comparing your job to starvation or the worst case scenario but
is this really what we want as humans what we want to strive for it's pretty much like saying you shouldn't feel bad because someone else has it worse or you can't feel happy because someone out there has it better out of the 7 billion people living on this world you wouldn't say that only one person has a right to feel bad or vice versa it's also a really really poor mindset to have to derive some sort of comfort from the notion that someone else is having a worse time than you and yes i acknowledge that
this is coming from a position a privilege and only applies after we have our most basic needs met such as food water safety and security i'm personally also a huge believer in change and improvement ask yourself why should you settle for good enough when you can strive for something more something greater like if you're at mcdonald's right and you have the option between a plain hamburger or a cheeseburger you would always get the cheeseburger right i mean i'm lactose intolerant and even i get the cheeseburger because it tastes better i think a better mentality to
have is to change your thoughts from it could always be worse to it could always be better so that way your mind is always looking for opportunities and growth out there your job should involve something that you actually care about something that you get excited for so when you make this comparison it's a telling sign because you as a person with such complex experiences conditions and thoughts you deserve more than just a job where your justification is about survival the next sign i call toxic impact i don't mean toxic like a co-worker whose name starts
with the letter k who always farts after who orders taco bell every single wednesday even though he knows damn well that he's taking out the place and there's already really poor ventilation in the office by toxic i mean more like your mental health and not just the standard work stress i started to realize that my workplace was toxic when my behaviors changed drastically outside of work and honestly i didn't even notice these changes it was my friends and my family who actually told me about it so i want you to make sure that you're paying
attention to see if you're also doing these same things too i'd say i'm normally a very calm mental person but i always became very short-tempered without fail after work once i leave the office i have no energy left because i get so drained every single day i become easily irritable and just i just want to be left alone i started picking up this really really bad habit really making those really deep heavy size you know the ones that i'm talking about and then you expel it you expel it [Music] and i started to do these
very deep heavy size more and more frequently to the point where one of my friends who i only recently became friends with said that he always thought man this guy is super depressed because he constantly heard my really deep heavy side i also realized that i hated talking or listening to conversations about work outside of work if someone asked me how work was going outside work i would just say fine and try to change the topic and i think it's because i cherished what little time and freedom that i had outside the office and those
few hours that i had i didn't want to ruin it by making my mind think about work it was a desperate attempt to i don't know maybe balance my work-life balance even though it was already non-existent and there's a bunch more signs that i experienced but i don't think you'd be interested in watching a six-hour long video now i do want to say that i didn't hate my co-workers i didn't hate my employers i did have a good job i got paid well i had decent benefits but that was pretty much it it was all
superficial surface level stuff some people can get through grind because the end goal is worth it for them such as getting promoted getting a bonus getting some recognition employee of the month or something but honestly i couldn't care less about those things i had no desire to climb the ranks or join the corporate ladder and i didn't really care if i didn't make a ton of money i don't want a fancy car i don't want a big house i can get by with just enough i just want to be able to do meaningful work and
have the time to live my life to spend time with my friends hang out with my parents who are getting older every single day i want to be able to wake up excited about what i can accomplish that day and not wake up with dread looking at emails that came in the night before and stressing about what is going to be in the office when i get there if this resonates with you then i'm glad but before you even continue before you even continue thinking about quitting make sure you listen to the strategic moves that
i made that you should also do and remember just because i quitted i quit i quit it i quit doesn't mean that you should do it too just like your mom used to say if your best friend jumped off a cliff would you jump too not that i'm saying i'm your best friend well unless you want to be then we can make it work out but i also appreciate if you turn that like button into a beautiful blue also leave a comment down below what's the reasons that you want to quit your job the first
strategic thing i did was ask myself am i running away from something or towards something for me i've been building businesses all the way since middle school and it's surprising because i've always been this nervous shy kid with big glasses a terrible haircut and a lot of acne and despite all these nerdy personality features and traits which are all beautiful by the way i was still a terrible student but in high school i started to get more confident i started working harder started studying more and high school was also the time when i started one
of my first most successful businesses a clothing business where i made really funny designs i printed them on clothes and i sold them to people in my school since then the entrepreneurial mindset stuck in me and since then i started expanding into working on more digital projects the reason i share this is because i quit my job because i was running towards something to continue working on my projects and all my dreams and here we are this is this is it this is the youtube channel and these four in this box but for you it
doesn't have to be about starting a business you could be running towards another job but i do want to stress this distinction between running from versus running towards because it's proper risk management to be able to have a goal in mind your next step because quitting isn't just about running away it's about moving forward it's about moving forward to something it's a path that opens opportunities so focus your attention on the future don't waste time and energy pushing the job you don't want to weigh instead use your time and energy to pull the job you
do want towards you the second thing i ask myself is can i financially afford to quit and quite frankly this is going to be one of the most important aspects and also one of the biggest reasons that prevents people from quitting one of my life mottos is hope for the best but prepare for the worst if your plan to quit your next steps it doesn't work out you need to have a good enough safety cushion or an emergency fund that can catch you when you fall it's a smart thing to have and this is risk
management 101 the higher the cliff you jump off of the greater chance you will die when you land i personally recommend everyone to have at least 12 months worth of living expenses saved up and it doesn't have to be all in cash it could be in liquid accounts such as cds brokerage accounts just something that you can access if the worst case knock on wood happens but also it isn't just a matter of saving money you also want to be open to changing your lifestyle to reduce your expenses so you can have a higher margin
of safety consider incremental changes a cheaper apartment a less expensive car eat out for fewer meals and basically the more things that you can cut out the further your savings will go where the same amount of money that you required for 12 months can maybe now last perhaps twice as long and it can give you more breathing room and will ultimately allow you to get more orders of cheeseburgers instead of regular hamburgers one really big thing that i found helpful is to make sure that you're not doing this alone you should also chat with other
people who are going through similar situations so that you can have some sort of support network no matter how prepared you think you are there's always going to be some events or some instances that you didn't consider and that's where having someone or talking to someone who has experienced similar things come in handy and if you want to just chat you can feel free to message me on instagram i'm happy to help out as much as i can last but not least it would also be ideal if you had more than one stream of income
already established which would make quitting a job a lot easier to handle and this could come in the form of a side hustle like driving for uber driving for doordash or investment income because then your safety net can again be stretched until you have a greater mainstream of income if you do want to see some of my income sources that i've been building for years before i quit my job this video right here is going to teach you that as well as give you some two tips and words of advice that i learned along the
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