if you want to climb ranks in League of Legends then I'm here to tell you 8 carry is the literal worst role to do that with here's the twist though it's not for the reasons you think it's actually because every 80 carry makes the exact same mistakes that hold them back from climbing by the end of this guide you'll learn exactly what you've been doing wrong and how to fix it and how can I be so confident it will work well for one all the footage in this guide are actually from solo qu games I
played only using the strategies I'll be teaching you in them I give live commentary teaching you in real time how to adapt to terrible teammates and carry them they're actually live right now on our website in the companion course for this guide we also just released our brand new three chapter course teaching 80 carry along with new courses on macro Wave Control trading settings and hotkeys csing Vision mechanics the list goes on and you can try all of this out risk-free since if you don't rank up while actively using skillcapped you get your money back
no questions asked we offer this because our service really does work you can unlock all of this through the exclusive discount you can only access through the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted this season okay so here are the two problems with playing ad0 carry in solo queue first you have very little control over whether you'll win your lane this is mainly due to supports you're stuck last hitting as an 0 carry meaning the supports will be dictating the majority
of Trades so some Lanes you get a support who sits a mile back leaving you to 1v2 other times you get a support who just runs it down getting caught out and other times you get a good support who sets you up to win Lane basically we can't expect to consistently get ahead from laning and as ad carry to add to this problem is that every other role can always roam as an alternative option to snowball if they can't win their Lane ad carries can't really do that well unless you're twitch but he's unique this
is due to several reasons but a big one is that you're sharing experience with your support so you're behind in levels compared to everyone else this means you're hitting those higher levels where you have enough points in your abilities to wave clear fast to set up your RS much later this also includes getting access to your ultimate later too not to mention lower level means less base stats which means you're weaker and as a whole 80 Kat whole thing is that they need time to scale with items the second problem 80 carries face in Solo
que is how they're designed to carry through team fighting there's a simple way of understanding just how hard it is to carry through team fighting in Solo qu imagine you're in a one verse one let's say on paper you win that fight well that means you have 100% control on whether you'll win it all comes down to your own execution now expand that to a two versus two even if you win on paper you're now only 50% of your team then expand that to a 5v5 and yeah now you're only 20% you see for other
roles one of the best ways to carry games is actually by avoiding big team fights top laners can split push forcing small skirmishes junglers get a ton of movement around the map letting them pick and choose their fights midlaners can also head into side Lanes or just focus on making picks and yet when you think of carrying as an 80 carry you probably think of one thing good mechanics and positioning in team fights well this is exactly why so many 80 carry players get stuck trying to climb through the ranks you won't have control over
the early game to consistently get a lead and snowball since you're restricted based on the skill of your support and even if you get a lead you'll be trying to push that lead through grouping and team fighting with a high number of players giving you even less control over the outcome of the game this is why in this guide we'll be teaching you first the most important things you can do in the Leaning phase to increase your odds of generating leads regardless of your support skill level and second how you should actually macro in the
mid to late game as an 0 carry in solo queue regardless of whether you're ahead or behind all right so the first thing I see so many ad80 carries get wrong is fighting for level two check this out here both myself and the opponent leashed for our junglers and yet I get to Lane First Landing two extra Auto attacks I know this may seem ridiculous but this Misfortune pretty much just lost Lane before it even started 80 carries always leash way too long for their jungler if you're leashing never ever Auto attack the buff more
than three times in Solo qu the mistake ad carries are making is not realizing they're the ones that have the most control over who hits level two first in Lane due to their Auto attacks even once Misfortune gets to Lane you can see how the Yumi support I have is literally just sitting on me AFK and yet by simply Auto attacking the wave more than Misfortune did I Spike level two first immediately winning my lane and to be clear it's when the first three melee minions die on the second wave that bot laners will Spike
level two so make sure you memorize that timing this is also why ideally you just tell your jungler to start topside or at the Raptors for a leashless opening since if you don't have to leash and the enemy does well that's a guaranteed push Advantage for the level two Spike basically letting you win Lane without even having to do much and don't worry we killed the ver shortly after so it all worked out here's here's another quick example so the enemy Jinx is just hesitating to start her push and so we immediately get more Autos
in on the minions so when we Spike level two even with our support running away while Lon is ganking us we're not worried that's how big of an advantage level two is over a level one opponent I really can't overemphasize just how easy it can make your lane by simply spiking level two first like check this out both bot Lanes have to leash and get to Lane at the same time I default do spamming Auto attacks on the wave meanwhile Ash is more concerned about trying to harass and trade none of that free damage on
our thresh matters when you're level two while the enemy is still Level One and just luckily enough thresh lands a crazy hook on Ash mispositioning and again Lane winning trade all I did was Auto the wave more and I just passively get to win my Lane without anything else now I already know you're saying that only worked because threshes ranged and Leona is melee so Ash couldn't fight for the push with such a weak Level One support that's fine you can see here I leash while the enemy doesn't my support even blows flash immediately before
I even get to Lane in spots where you can't get the push lead you just stop damaging the wave you want to actually let them push as fast as possible so you minimize the amount of time they're level two while you're level one while also trying to get the wave closer to your Tower to keep you safer while you're down a level this will then let the wave crash into your Tower faster letting you equalize in levels faster and start being able to fight back now there's only one other level up timing that will consistently
win you your lane and surprisingly it's not spiking level three I rarely see that actually do much instead it's the level six timing the reason why this catches everyone off guard is that since you share XP in bot Lane when kills happen supports Ram Etc The Experience can end up fluctuating in unexpected ways where suddenly one person hits six much earlier in essence it's just hard to track that's why the tip here isn't about tracking the enemy's level six literally just track your own level six timing as so many 80 carries leave free kills on
the table not doing this here I'm level five to miss Fortune's level six obviously I don't want to engage down a level but I know that once The Siege minion dies I'll Spike six and knowing that kaisa Al can be a great counter to misfortune's Al I position aggressively to get ready to go in off that minion and you can see how Misfortune is completely caught off guard as she's moving forward as I Spike six just by tracking my level six timing I'm able to get myself a double kill this is the same game where
I got a level two timing on them like this entire laning phase was decided only by these two level up timings they're that powerful the next mistake you're making in Lane that you have to fix is trying to force any kind of trade as an 8 carry you really just want to be reacting to what supports are doing instead of trying to initiate things there's something called the triangle formation in bot Lane trading it's also known as parallel positioning you may have heard it before it essentially means you always want to be perpendicular to your
support where both of you can trade on one target together this basically forms a triangle hence the name it sounds complicated but in practice it's mainly just sitting back waiting for the enemy ad carry to mess this up for example here notice how Varys and Karma are together basically they have that triangle formation so I'm just playing safe then kmen suddenly runs off to Ward and Varys doesn't respect this and moves forward at the same time I notice my support is moving up great as long as I initiate a trade here with my support we
in Triangle formation and the enemy isn't you can even see how I'm backing out of this trade as my support essentially left me while their support is moving forward if we pause here this is all good enough with this simple concept we got a lane winning trade luckily for us Zyra lands a max range snare and so we're even able to turn it into a kill here's an incredibly stupid example but honestly once you know this concept your laning phases often look like this so here I'm laning with Yumi that makes the triangle formation pretty
simple since she's literally on top of me so I can just kind of chill wait for the enemy support to move away from their 80 carry and then when their ad carry Miss positions it's literally a free kill now I wanted to First teach this positioning mistake because it lets you exploit the next mistake so you know how in Lane you often have utterly useless supports who get caught out and die for free well here's how you can abuse this you see when all things are equal you rarely want to ever Focus the enemy Support
over the ad carry check this out I see my support moving up to go aggressive not exactly a good idea with a wave pushing into us so I wait near her to form a triangle formation and when the enemy bot Lane all ends I make sure to focus the enemy ad carry during this time this allows you to then trade your support's death for the enemy 80 car's death this is hugely advantageous for you since supports don't need to farm minions to be strong 80 carries do this is a mistake that loses 80 carries their
Lane all the time for example here laning as usual what do you know my support Senna gets caught out no worries just don't make the mistake of focusing the support Focus the ad80 carry and now all of a sudden we trade kills but I'm massively ahead since kgma will lose this huge wave while he's dead so those are the primary trading mistakes in Lane that if you fix will put you miles ahead of the opponent focus on those level two and level six allins be aware of the triangle formation mainly just trying to punish enemy
8 carries when they aren't in theirs and when allins happen try to focus the enemy ad carry this is especially powerful if the enemy allins your support now for Wave Control mistakes that adcs make there's really only two big ones you need to fix first when you have a range support pushing is the name of the game you really don't have to overthink it by pushing you make it incredibly easy for your range support to land harass while the enemy is trying to focus on last hitting and is pinned to the tower on the other
hand freezing is more of the exception you only do this when you're confident you can kill your opponent or win a trade if you fight them since freezing will force them to move up the lane and it sets up an engage for you for example here Misfortune made a variation of the mistake we covered earlier about focusing supports she's trading Health with a support So now that I have a big Advantage I just freeze the wave forcing her to move up to last it setting me up to run her down the lane for an easy
Allin this is also important to do if you're stronger than the opponent and have a melee support they need you to freeze the wave so they can actually engage on the enemy while they're outside the safety of their Tower and there you go those are the big mistakes apply everything we just taught you and you'll massively boost your odds of coming out of laning phase with a big lead and of course if you want to learn more about how you can stomp Lane as an ad carry then I highly recommend taking our new course on
our website as there's only so much I can cover in one guide you can check it out with the discount link below all right so now let's talk about our strategy once the Leaning phase ends the typical macro strategy in Pro play and High elow games involves the following right around the 13-minute mark you look to swap your Bot Lane with your mid lane this way you have two players on the center of the map at the same time the support has access to Wards at this point so can start getting Vision around the top
side of the map this is important because the rift Herald spawns at 14 minutes the next objective that can be taken this scenario will rarely happen in low to mid ELO solo que so we're going to be tossing that idea out the window instead our goal as an 80 carry is actually going to be to split push while really we'll just be pushing empty lanes but I'll get into that more later for now let me show you why we have to use this strategy as an 80 carry in solo queue so in this game I'm
playing Jinx it's 13 minutes into the game I recall and head to Mid just like the pros do also if you're confused yes that's a Draven jungle that's how you know this is solo que anyways my support is coming along and Mal fight heads bot wow this is starting to look like an actual Pro game minus the Draven jungle so let's see what happens with this optimal macro well our support gets caught out and dies we randomly get a free kill on the enemy support but overall not really much we're just farming waves doing a
whole lot of nothing your games probably look a lot like this not to mention it's not like our jungler is using the bot Lane swap to take the rift Herald so as soon as my Mal fight mid recalls well I'm off to the side lane to implement the strategy you're about to learn okay so here's why Sid laning as an 0 carry is so effective in Solo Q here are playing kaisa and I start pushing top I get two waves before I'm out of Tower and start to damage it the enemy ad carry arrives to
defend so we back off now check this out right after I push the next wave and oh where did Caitlyn go mid lane well that's another wave for us along with the tower this is part of why the strategy work so well on ad carry we're basically designed to destroy Towers fast we get another Minion wave after and then as we back out we steal a gromp now each minion wave past 15 minutes is worth 150 gold on average after Caitlyn left we got 1 2 three waves that's 450 gold we then got 700 gold
Yes you heard that right that's how much inner s Side Lane turrets are worth and a gromp that's 80 gold so we got 1,230 gold from this play that's the equivalent of four kills now I know what you're thinking yeah but when I try this my teammates just end up dying when I'm not there well that's fine you'll actually still come out ahead let me explain you can see how the enemy team killed our Diana Garen and Lux however and this is so important this gold is always going to be spread out amongst the team
in some way Caitlyn got one kill Cory got one kill and Ekko got one kill when you factor an assist that means each of them gained 450 gold each not to mention when you're group you're splitting the golden XP from minions with your teammates this is why this strategy works even if the worst case scenario happens and your whole team dies you'll still come out ahead because that golden XP is being split amongst the enemy team while you're funneling all that golden XP on yourself it's important that you understand that gold scales extremely well due
to how items synergize with each other and this is Amplified massively on the 80 carry roll an easier way of understanding this is just imagining one person with five completed items and Boots versus five players with boots and one completed item each that one player is going to be a raid boss and just wipe the entire enemy team and keep in mind we just covered the worst case scenario it's not like your entire team will die every time but when they do you'll still come out ahead let me show you a more realistic average scenario
so I leave base and head towards spot I take the kug camp along the way in the meantime my team's fighting mid in this case they win it I then get one wave bot I take the enemy gromp after in between waves my team randomly wins a fight top side and then take a second wave bot now we see two of our teammates die naturally and we get an inhibitor along with a third wave and then we run away so yeah obviously we just got insanely far ahead we're basically exploiting two things in Solo que
first is poor map awareness players tunnel vision way too much and will just leave Lanes undefended randomly throughout the game second is that players don't understand the gold value found in side Lanes compared to team fighting they mistakenly think that by grouping and getting that winning team fight it's actually better than if they had just defended but as we just taught you this is a misconception an empty Lane is always worth more now you're probably thinking okay yeah cool if no one defends it's all great but in my games people are going to defend my
push well when someone comes to defend your push that you can't simply kill you want to look for what's called a push into Rome since you pushed a wave that baited a Defender and that Defender is now pinned to the tower for a moment this means you can Roam and potentially get a number Advantage fight elsewhere like in this case picking up a free kill on brand pretty cool right you basically get to do what assassins and mages have been doing to you all these years here's a hilarious example of this I show up mid
to push the wave it just so happens two of my teammates are getting caught out in the enemy's jungle for literally no reason cool no need to team fight when we know that pushing down a lane for free will always be worth more meanwhile the entire enemy team is tunnel visioned on catching my teammates not aware I'm right beside them pushing mid it's so bad that the enemy Renekton running away from the fight literally runs into me not aware I'm pushing that's a free kill with two other enemies dying from the team fight well by
the time the rest recall it's too late and the game is literally over now don't get me wrong I'm not saying that every time you push a lane that you'll get massive payouts like this but it does happen enough throughout the game that it becomes an incredibly effective macro strategy as an ad carry now what should you do if you push and there's no RAM available well in that case be on the lookout to take jungle camps like here we push a wave anticipate a Defender and what do you know we literally steal the entire
enemy's bside jungle in between waves this is the power of 80 carries you just have so much insane DPS as you get items you can take camps faster and faster now you're probably asking what about if there's no Ram or camps to take well then you'll want to recall for example here I'm pushing a bot and I'm low on health with no alt while the enemy is sending Defenders so it's time to recall when you recall after your s Side Lane push you always want to default to grouping Mid First the reason for this is
that by pushing the Sid Lane first before you recall you'll often bait someone from the enemy team to come collect the wave often giving you number advantaged fights mid now don't get me wrong sometimes you won't get those number Advantage fights in mid lane for example here I come out of Base head to Mid but the enemy malahar already caught the way bot then immediately grouped mid my jungler is off the map and so aalii is forcing a 3v4 not good I then see Renekton rotating down and yeah this is not a number Advantage fight
for us it's actually a number Advantage fight for the enemy but that's no big deal you just want to head down to bot Lane to begin your push again basically the whole reason we group mid is that sometimes you'll get a free winning fight and if you don't you just head to the S Side Lane anyways all right now let's talk about fighting in that sideline you'll essentially have three outcomes when someone comes to defend and you decide to fight them first is when they're weaker than you but don't realize it and fight you anyways
for example here Cho teleports in to defend my push and naturally expecting me to be an underleveled under farmed 0 carry tries to 1 V1 me but with this strategy you're often the highest level in the game with the most gold an easy way to evaluate whether you should take fights against Defenders is just checking items and levels if you are ever equal or ahead in items and levels then I recommend you take the fight this is because because if you're ahead obviously you'll easily win like in the case with the Cho gath and these
kinds of free kills happen a lot in Solo Q now if you're even or even slightly behind the next outcome is the push into trade for example here I'm pushing you can see me hitting Tab and checking items and levels I spot the enemy Annie coming down to collapse on me so I'm one level behind Annie but I'm also one item ahead obviously the match up itself is going to be tough because birth Champions like Annie are kind of designed to counter squishy 80 carries especially at this point before I scale with a ton of
items in these spots I still recommend you fight mainly because you need to limit test and actually learn what matchups you'll win at what point and get a feel for your Champion strength but also because if you still trade one for one it's a super valuable play for you as you'll have pushed a wave to the tower the fact that the enemy that was sent to defend died means they'll bleed out all these minions as it rebounds back to you not only putting you ahead but if they then send someone else to pick up the
farm well that's two enemies off the map for your one death another win and this leads to our next income which is basically just inting but with good intentions so for example in this game the enemy cidan is fed and cidan is a pretty tough matchup for most ad carries and yet you're going to see me go into a sideline against him get baited into thinking he roam or recalled and quickly gray screen here's the thing notice how as I die my team gets a winning fight tops side the reason why inting like this can
work is that when someone is sent to defend you that is stronger well that almost always means that if you had group to team fight and they did too well they'll always have more of an impact in that fight so by dragging a Fed enemy into the S Side Lane it pulls them away from objectives and team fights giving your team a way back into the game at the same time you'll see once I respawn and head to push again cassid in groups mid to team fight instead cool that means we now get a ton
of free Farm in the sideline which then immediately forces cassid in back Bond preventing him from being able to do something after he won that team fight we recall and we're back into the sidel linee again pulling cassid in you can start to see how I'm starting to get strong enough to potentially win the fight and outplay him in this case I even pull lease in and Lux to this is really good it delays the game as the enemy isn't able to take much off the map with their lead as they're constantly being delayed by
having to go bot and deal with me and naturally once I respawn back bot we go putting down pressure cidan the most fed enemy matches us and again we nearly kill him we keep getting stronger meanwhile we lured cassid and Bot put him low so he has to recall and Jinx botside this not only again delays the game but gives our teammates a number advantage that actually results in two kills top side into then getting a pick on the cidan it's basically like an invisible passive buff you're going to give your teammates to increase the
odds of them winning fights by continuing to delay the game this way and get ourselves farmed it inevitably leads us into just being a terrifying threat in the sideline being able to Now kill pretty much any Defender and often what happens is that the enemy just gets so frustrated not knowing how to end the game they start forcing fights like this cident and one misstep in the late game means long death timers that means an end to the game I should mention the reason why delaying the game like this is so effective is due to
the concept of gold inflation in League having early gold leads are much more impactful because they represent a larger percentage of the total gold in the game for example if someone has 6K gold and you have three 3K gold for a 3K gold lead on you at 10 minutes that means they're 100% more powerful than you in terms of items but if that same person has a 3K gold Advantage at 25 minutes when you have 13k gold and they have 16k gold well now they're only around 16% more powerful than you and it goes without
saying when everyone is full build then gold leads don't even matter at that point as you can't convert that extra gold into items long story short when you're behind early on just by delaying the game even if you don't shorten that gold lead or even if that gold lead gets worse it's still an improvement due to how gold inflation works and speaking of which this is why as the game gets later and later it becomes increasingly more okay for you to team fight this is especially true once you're full build as any gold gain from
pushing Lanes can't actually be converted into anything usually this will happen around 30 minutes for example here I'm playing Kaa I'm full bu and Elder Dragon is spawning we already have top and Hib and I'm just trying to push mid waves to help set up for the dragon the enemy starts collapsing and I just play safe knowing I have two options I can either Rush down mid if they have no Defender and try to end the game while they team fight or I can choose to team fight around Dragon I basically just float between these
two plays until I see an easy pick onto Graves that will guarantee we win the fight and so that's an easy end to the game by team fighting basically I don't want you guys to think you have to be pushing A Lane the entire game if you see good team fights it can still be okay to take them typically later on once you've gotten three or four items as gold inflation starts kicking in now if you found this guide helpful then you'll absolutely love our hyper Improvement service at skill cap.com how can I be so
sure well what you just watched is actually one of our brand new 80 car courses well you are missing the seven live commentaries that's over 2 and 1/2 hours of additional content where I walk you through how to apply everything you just learned in Solo qu games with terrible teammates you're also missing our brand new three chapter course teaching ad carry along with new courses on macro Wave Control trading settings and hotkeys csing Vision mechanics the list goes on and you get to try all of this out completely risk-free since if you don't rank up
while actively using skill Capa you'll get your money back no questions asked we offer this because our service really does work you can unlock all of this through the exclusive discount you can only access through the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted this season all right and that will do it for this one we here at skillcap want to thank you for watching and we'll catch you in the next one