hi everyone I scaled my AI automation business to $72,000 a month and in this video I want to talk about the three best AI automation agency niches in 2025 I'm not just going to give you the niche I'm going to give you problems to solve solutions that you can sell them then I'm even going to talk about how exactly I would scrape and then reach out to these people today if that sounds like something you guys want to learn let's get in the video okay I'm going to cover these three niches in a second just
before I do I want to talk about what makes a niche great to begin with the reason why I have to do this is because our industry moves super quickly it's not enough just for me to give you these three niches on a silver platter which I will but I don't just want to do that I also want to give you guys the skills you need to be able to pick any niche in the future even if the underlying fundamentals of this technology change which they surely will by the way happens every few months so
what makes a great Niche uh three rules of thumb first digital so not brick and mortar second mid ticket plus that means over a th000 bucks per deal and third as few regulations as possible no Hippa stay away from Healthcare stay away from legal to give you guys some more context like you can think of niches in a couple of different ways they can either be brick and mortar that is a physical business out there in a real world with a storefront or they can be digital which is something like what I'm doing something like
what a lot of digital agencies do uh the issue that I find is many automation agencies just because they're new and these businesses are accessible they will start with brick and mortar ones and then they'll find it very difficult to scale and make money my recommendation is you go digital wherever possible now there's some reasons why the first is it's very hard to Source break-in mortar leads if we're being practical digital leads are very easy uh consider how difficult it would be to find a list of Knoxville HVAC companies versus just creative agencies across the
United States like one is specific to Knoxville they probably only a few HVAC companies that operate in that jurisdiction uh whereas the other is like basically I mean it's worldwide but in our hypothetical across the United States there could be tens of thousands hundreds of thousands so you can in practice get 10,000 plus leads in just a few days for a few hundred maybe even less money that if you guys have watched my Elite scraping tutorials the second reason is that most brick-and-mortar clients just do not understand the value of automation anywhere near as much
as digital ones because the work that they do on a daily basis just does not involve these sorts of Technologies think about Lucy who owns a flower shop down the street is she really going to understand the value of like a lead generation system is she even going to be able to employ a lead generation system or maybe a CRM or or project manager or proposal generator and that sort of stuff probably not um I don't mean to knock brick and morar business owners I know a lot and they do fantastic some of them do
much much better than I do financially but they just tend not to deal with this sort of stuff on a daily basis whereas digital business owners do they understand crm's project managers they understand uh systems at least from a bird's ey view most of them just because that's sort of what they have to do on a daily basis so when a client understands the value of your service you can obviously sell them for a lot more money than if they don't the third big thing is that brick and morar budgets in my experience are often
a lot smaller the reason why is because reach is sort of limited and you have to contend with an additional line item which is rent right for the most part if you run a digital business you do not need to pay for rent and rent a lot of the time can be a fair amount of money it can be sub a substantial portion of like an average brick-and border business's um total you know operating budget so if you think about Lucy at that flower shop she might make you know $155,000 a month on like a
good month her rent might be $2 or $3,000 of that more so if you're in like one of these ritzy ass cities like NYC or something probably much more so the last thing is that implementing stuff in real life is a lot tougher in general than implementing stuff solely through um some digital interface like we are doing as automation Specialists so you know a lot of the time if you work with these brick andw businesses if you want to economize or optimize their processes you need to do things in the physical world too like if
somebody comes to your the cashier register or whatever um you give them an iPad or something to have them put their information in instead or maybe they can opt into some some special thing for instance um that sort of stuff takes a lot longer to get a feedback loop because you have to tell the owner hey you know put that iPad on your front desk we're going to open up to this link I want you to do X Y and Z thing and then you actually have to test it out physically in reality and there
are a number of things that can go wrong with that so just to be totally pragmatic here and it's not that any of these problems in you know individually are like super massive and disqualifiers but just to be pragmatic if you put all them together the bottom line is the internet is where the money changes hands it's a lot easier to work on the Internet it's where you should be working too the second thing is mid ticket plus so that just means that great niches are ones where a single customer Nets the company $1,000 or
more sorry if we jumping ahead you can of course go lower than that but you will lose one of your primary points of Leverage the reason for this is because when you work with mid ticket plus businesses you have a couple forms of Leverage the first is you have sales leverage that just means that if you can add a single customer to a mid tick plus business whether it's through some lead generation whether it's some through through some reactivation campaign the simplest systems ever if you can get them a single additional customer you will often
pay for your own expense for months or years so it's very easy for you to justify the money that you are charging a mid- tick plus business the second form of Leverage is people leverage mid tick businesses because they tend to be more expensive tend to involve more people in the actual Service delivery or fulfillment and when you have a lot of people you have a lot of opportunity to automate stuff so um you don't just get sales leverage up here you also get people leverage and then I just threw this in um this is
sort of anecdotal but in my experience when I work mid ticket I work with richer people I work with people that are a little bit more they think about bigger things right more bigger picture thinkers people that tend to have a little bit more money um so there's a lot more referral opportunity for you it's a lot easier for you to consolidate your reputation as an automation engineer and then a lot of the time these relationships are just better they're just more professional right people just tend to reward you more and appreciate the professionalism that
you put in so I always go with mid ticket plus now um it's basically my rule of thumb the Third third and the last big rule is uh fewer regulations so I don't know how much of this stuff you guys have done at this point that you're watching my video some of you guys might be at the you know starting line of your business 01 to $3,000 other guys might be at 20 3040 $50,000 whatever but one thing that I could say confidently is if you have a choice to work in two potential universes one
with a ton of Regulation and then one with very little regulation you're basically always going to want to favor the one with little regulation because regulations just make everything harder great niches are in industries that have either very few regulations or they have regulations that in practice nobody gives a about so I'll give you an example a healthcare especially United States wide wide can really suck because you have to use hippo specific automation platforms you you have a bunch of like data control policies you have to anonymize customer data you have to like you can't
just use their first names or last names you can't just use like an API call to a large language model um you have to like host your own you know you have to use all these Alternatives that are 10 times the money basically the point that I'm making is all of this additional work is going to add at minimum 5 to 10 times the work and you will probably not get paid 5 to 10 times the amount for the work so just right off the cuff working in a highly regulated industry that slows you down
and adds a lot of friction uh tends to just make all of this way harder now the caveat argument there that a lot of people give to me is well Nick if I work in this industry that has a lot more regulation a lot more friction to get into then naturally the supply of the market will be a lot lower as well meaning it'll be easier for me to come in there'll be fewer other competitors and so on and so forth and I understand that but um I think it makes much more sense especially if
you're at the earlier side of your journey to compete in high volume Industries Industries not necessarily where there's little Supply but actually more Supply um because you know you're not only making money but you're also taking on uh like a lot of self-education when you work with a higher volume of leads for instance you tend to learn and and pick up the fundamentals of running a digital service businesses specifically in this case an a automation business a lot faster Alex rosi talks a lot about like this idea of debt like technical debt education debt um
client management skills debt and I think that this is sort of in the same vein so even if the supply is less um yeah it adds a minimum five to 10 times the the implementation cost and you're not going to get paid five to 10 times the amount and then yeah you know I just wanted to say that new emerging or non-local markets are better um there are technically regulations around basically everything these days but in my experience only Healthcare and legal are enforc and practice now just to cover everything I'm not I'm not a
lawyer and this is not legal advice this is just my own experience working across these Industries okay are you guys ready to actually get into these three niches I'm not only going to cover the niche itself I'm going to cover how you can go out and scrape leads in that Niche how you can pitch them primarily using cold Outreach and then ultimately the exact systems that you can build and sell for them let's get started all right the first Niche is hi touch software as a service so if you guys aren't familiar with software as
a service it is a business model where you will sign up to some sort of software on a subscription basis they will provide a service to you like Adobe Photo Photoshop Premier Pro instantly smart lead clickup monday.com Panda do whatever they'll provide some service to you on a monthly basis and as a result you'll you'll pay them some sort of recurring subscription now one thing that some people might not know is that SAS is actually split into uh two I'm just going to go with two types for now in reality um you know depends on
who you're talking to but there's low touch SAS and then there's hi touch SAS low touch SAS is just most of the software platforms you're probably familiar with it's stuff like pandadoc it's stuff like uh monday.com stuff like Trello the way that low touch works is it's low touch so there are very few customer touch points with a real person in that business typically the vast majority of it is automated you will enter your email address you'll enter your password you'll create an account you'll pay a little bit of money and then voila you have
access to the software platform sounds pretty sweet right but there's another variant to that and that's called a hight touch SAS hi touch SAS just means uh it's it's still a software as a service model but it tends to be very expensive it tends to solve just one particular need and usually very very well and extensively tends to be marketed more towards Enterprise people and it's not automated instead of it being an completely automated sign up process usually the way that high touch SAS works is you have to sign up for a demo you'll be
assigned a an account executive or an account rep and then these people will both demo the service sell you get you signed up and then help you implement the thing into your business so these sorts of businesses because they require sales demos they're high cost like a managed service and they have high customer lifetime value tend to print money um when you when you work with them and when you manage to get a high touch SAS business as a client so I have over 1400 people across my automation communities uh maker school and make money
with make and everybody that's doing High touch SAS right now or at least everybody that's sending a sufficiently high volume of outbound Outreach to high touch SAS T tends to be crushing it why is it good let's just cover it um one by one the first is it's mid ticket plus um are often several hundred or thousand per month think about like a $500 manag subscription if you manage to help them get a client that stays on for one year that's $66,000 in their pocket that's excluding upsells which some of these businesses literally like live
and breathe off of many customer touch points um so that means that you can automate a lot of these things kind of like before you know the more people in a business typically the more room for automation this typically solves a very strong need especially for Enterprise companies and then many of these businesses have annual revenues of 78 figures the cool thing about this is um they can also into funding situations many of these high touch businesses because they're geared in Enterprise and they solve these super specific needs a lot of them to do with
like you know Ai and Technology nowadays uh you know they can raise big funding rounds and they have a lot of money to spend so not only do you work with people that have more money they also have a lot of money to spend and not all that money is their money which is pretty sweet so it's not enough just for me to talk about a niche um although you know after this I'll show you how to sell them and I'll show you the products and services to pitch um let me actually show you what
these businesses look like here's one called sen bird sbird basically is like a some Enterprise level communication and chat API service do I know what the hell any of this stuff means I'll be honest not really um but that's because they're not marketing to me they're marketing to a very specific customer Avatar which they sell for a lot of money if we go to their pricing page here you see that even their lowest paid plan is 400 bucks a month and that's s like their lowest monthly active user plan if you scale it up to
10K it's 500 bucks a month for this thing what if the average customer stays on for 18 months right 18 * 500 is $99,000 um customer lifetime value if you charge somebody like 3,000 bucks a month if you get them a single customer and maybe you get them five a month or something but if you get them a single customer you pay for yourself for three months which is fantastic so um you know that's sbird another one here is called check what you'll find with a lot of these sorts of businesses when you go searching
and and doing the lead gen is not all of them will actually have pricing pages in fact the majority of them won't the reason why is because they want you to have to get in touch with a person in order to um actually move forward with the process so this is me just doing a bunch of silly BS because I just want to you know submit my form and have them contact me um but basically what's going to happen when I click the submit button is they're going to assign me to a demo rep most
likely I haven't actually filled out the specific page but most likely they're going to assign me to some sort of demo rep they're going to book me in on a calendar and then they're going to try and sell me because you know it's a higher ticket I'm higher touch service a last example here and I know I talked about not working in the healthcare industry but I figured you know I just wanted to be as comprehensive as possible um a lot of these Enterprise companies do work in regulated Industries like healthcare IMO health is one
of them same sort of vibe right this website has worked with tons of these massive businesses before and if you want to connect with them if you want to work with them you need to schedule a demo as you can see like it's fairly in-depth somebody has like contact you walk you through your needs um and you know because the service is so expensive and because it solves such a valuable service usually um you know companies like this can get away with it okay enough talking about you know what this company uh what this industry
or niches and why it's so valuable let's actually get into how to sell so if I were uh you know tackling this right now and I had no resources no knowledge of this no expertise or or anything like that this is exactly what I would do and I mean I'm raising a hypothetical as if I did not know any of this stuff but I do and this is what I'm actually doing so the first thing that I do and you kind of have a couple of choices here you can either get a bunch of Apollo
leads for SAS companies you can just go on apollo.io you can log in or make an account I guess and the way that Apollo works is you basically have the ability to create giant lists of companies so go to company or I don't know maybe I'll go to Industry and keywords and then you you can pick an industry here so maybe you want to work specifically looking for I don't know banking um Insurance uh Financial Services business businesses and that sort of stuff okay what you do is you go in you apply whatever filters you
want and I'm not going to walk you through the specific filters because obviously this is entirely up to you you get lists of companies from Apollo and then you enrich these using the tools that I'm going to talk about in a second um you you search specifically for SAS for companies that are above maybe I don't know 11 to 50 people so they typically tend to work more Enterprise uh you use the term managed when you're doing the searches you use a variety of terms that like hone in on businesses like this if you're not
sure what those are just check out alternatives to these three services and then build like a keyword list based off of that so that's one approach you could do another approach you could do is you could literally look on indeed or LinkedIn jobs for um you know literally you could just look for the term uh I guess I got a sign in here so give me one sec you could look for uh the term software or sales so I could go for sales and I'm not going to do Calgary which is where I'm at but
I'll do sales and then I'm going to do a slightly higher salary like 100,000 and then there are some additional filters that I could do here I could look for like midlevel to executive level sales um I could look for full-time roles I could look for locations industry software development Insurance like I mentioned financial services this sort of stuff then I could also throw in a couple of other keywords um and you know these keywords are constantly changing they're kind of up to you but maybe you type in like SAS sales or something what you'll
see is you'll see a lists of businesses now because I'm in Canada and uh you know LinkedIn likes to show you results that are in the country that you are in obviously because a lot of them have regulatory requirements and stuff like that I'm seeing Canadian businesses if you're here if you're in the United States somewhere else you're going to see different ones but these are the sorts of businesses that ultimately you can apply to and the value in doing this approach is when you get a list of these you can scrape them using a
tool like appify I mean if you scrape uh you know lists using appify so if I just type in LinkedIn jobs over here if you scrape that list using appify what you end up getting is you end up getting the company name the company URL giant description of the business the location hell you get stuff like salaries um you know experience levels required sectors okay all you do is you just pump in the URL in here and then with all this stuff all you need to do and I'm saying all you need to do a
lot but literally all you need to do is you just get the decision maker emails using a service like any mail finder if you've never used any mail finder before it's super simple you just go and type in the first and last name of the person and then um you know the term uh sorry the the website domain specifically and what you'll do is you'll pump this in and it'll literally return you a verified email maybe about 30% of the time and an unverified email the other 70% of the time of a person at that
company you can also use uh something called a decision maker search over here where you look specifically for a person at one of these businesses so if I just go back here I go to sendbird and I grab that website and then I'm looking for CEO owner president founder whatever if I search we can actually go and we can find the email address of one of the people that you might be able to contact at that business in this case the co-founder and CEO so uh I would literally do this okay I'd get a giant
list of these people and then all I would do is I'd send them an email that says hi noticed you were hiring for account Executives I do really cool thing that solves the need that you are looking for right now for an account executive but I do it using systems I just delivered amazing result for somebody else and I believe I can give you similar results I believe in this so strongly I will guarantee X doll in the next 60 days X leads in the next 60 days X doll saved in the next 60 days
or you're not going to pay a cent is this worth a chat you send uh I don't know a th000 2,000 3,000 of these every week it's best if you personalize these using artificial intelligence and if you don't make the email seem templated because people like being talked to as if it's like a real person to a real person they don't want to know that they're in a sequence if you do something like this then you'll be able to sell the system I'm about to show you and I think I said previous here but I
meant to say um subsequent for at least $1,500 a pop and then you'll be able to take that and then and then segue that into some sort of monthly recurring service where you could have it for three four 5 10 $15,000 a month depending on the company and depending on the needs that you fulfill now once you have that what problems and systems you actually sell well here are two really simple ones that you can throw right off the bat the first is a lead generation personalized cold email system what I've found is a lot
of these high touch SAS businesses especially ones that are founded more of more than a couple years ago they rely on super bloated sales teams and outdated Outreach products that are usually a byproduct them interfacing with Enterprise companies so much they tend to just have like shittier software because they're bigger more bloated uh they have more red tape and they move a lot slower so you can deliver an insane amount of value just getting one of these businesses sales teams getting them you know a 100 mailboxes signing them up to instantly or smart lead or
something doing some targeted lead scraping similar to what we just did in order to get this deal okay apiz lead scrapers at the time of this recording $1.20 per a th000 leads crazy and then sending them Mass sequences that are personalized and customized that you know solve the problems that the uh target market or target audience is looking for you could sell them the system you could even go as far as building in some sort of AI autoresponder to manage this scale set meetings with um you know closers and demo people on their team then
automatically forward those meetings to them if you build this for the right hi touch SAS company you can build way more than $1,500 if you were to do this for something like senir you would be able to prove some sort of results in them you probably get away with like $10,000 or more so a lot of potential there the second system is a lot of these businesses naturally have bloated sales processes you could very easily build a personalized proposal system and or CRM for them um it's basically a cakewalk once you build a template uh
the very first time you can just copy and paste this over and over and over again regardless of the business so long as it's in a similar vertical so so what this means if you're unfamiliar is agencies and high touch sasp assises both have very similar sales flows typically you need to book a demo or a discovery call now High touch SAS businesses will show off the the the service in the uh disc in the demo call that's why it's called a demo they're demoing the service agencies will usually do what's called a discovery call
where they just tend to get to know more about you but usually what happens after this call is you'll either move into a closing call and then after that you'll send some sort of proposal or will just immediately send a proposal for services uh the lad is what I like to do but that is most of these company sales flows so what you can do to make a long story short is you could build a system that just makes this way faster instead of you having as a salesperson to write up some big long proposal
draft with a bunch of details and stuff like that what you can do and what I've implemented dozens of companies now is you can just give them a simple form and you can say hey before you end the sales call I just want you to fill out this form this form asks for a bunch of simple information like their name their email address uh their company and then maybe some some quick bullet points on the problem they're facing and the solution that they want you type that in this might take you less than 30 seconds
to a minute during or at the end of the call you press enter and then it goes into a system and automatically generates a proposal I've built this system out and showed this on my channel many times anybody here that has watched a couple of my videos will know um so feel free to check out my channel just type in like proposal generate and you'll find a couple and I've also done this with the lead generation to personaliz cold email system so both of these systems are literally you know you can go to my gumro
download the blueprints for for free uh and then get going and and you know start selling these to make a ton of money so that's Niche number one let's cover Niche number two now I've talked about Niche number two uh back in in 2024's video where I covered the three best AI automation agency niches um but luckily for us um this Niche has not changed this Niche is still printing and in fact I go as far as to say it's actually printing even more money if you look at the success rates across my both communities
um than it was previously I don't know if this is just because more recruitment companies are now problem aware and solution aware they understand that automation is a very simple and easy way to make them tons of money uh or if we're just getting better at selling to them but yeah people are really loving recruitment right now and recruitment is Ling them back so in case you don't know how recruitment works if I run a recruitment company basically what I'm doing is I'm finding candidates and then I'm placing those candidates in somebody else's business so
let's say my client is a roofing business this is uh not realistic but let's say they're roofing business and they're looking for a very specific set of roofing skills for their next hire they would reach out to me and say Nick I know you run a recruitment company can you recruit a highquality roofer for me I say of course so and I go out I have my systems and my job posts and I list a bunch of things looking for uh roofers I find 10 roofers I interview each of them and then I get like
three that are amazing what I do then is I present these candidates to the roofing company and I say which one do you want this guy wants 80,000 this other guy wants 85 and and this guy wants 75 they say I want the 75 one then all you do to get paid as a recruitment company is you typically take a percentage of the first year salary that's like the simplest way to do it there are other ways obviously some flat rates some percentage of multiple year salaries but typically in my experience a simplest way is
a percent of the first year salary um this sort of business model can do really really well okay uh typically recruitment companies have to handle a high volume of both applications and candidates so anytime a business handles a high volume of something small percentage improvements can really big results if you know the average recruitment agency um in order to fulfill their work for a client handles 300 applicants and if you can build a system that just makes them 10% better at handling these apps or 10% faster that's worth a ton of money to the recruitment
business and they're happily pay you money in return to solve that problem another thing is in that example I mentioned before with $75,000 for roofer right let's say you take 20% of the first year salary hypothetically and again this isn't realistic because most of the time it's not like roering Roofing is not something that people typically go to recruitment companies for but anyway um 75,000 time 20% is 15,000 so as a recruitment agency you will make $115,000 just making that placement as you can imagine this is pretty high lifetime customer value especially if the customer
comes back to you right if a single client requests one placement a year and they tend to stay with you for three years 15,000 time 3 is $45,000 that is a massive customer lifetime value and if you get them a single client they're going to like you a lot the last is um you you know recruitment tends to be digital first there's so many pain points regarding sourcing screening and communicating with candidates no rent no brick-and-mortar business you can systemize a lot of this digitally and then use it to acquire clients for them too let
me give you some examples before I dive into what to do this is recruitment Partners Incorporated I believe these guys maybe in Calgary that's probably why I picked them I just like Googled recruitment partners and they happen to like you know be the first thing that popped up so you can see they're um pitching both candidates and employers candidates being people that are looking for jobs employers that are looking for candidates to fill their jobs and yeah I'm not going to harp on this anymore I think most of you guys probably understand what recruitment looks
like this is an executive recruiting firm executive recruiting just means um placing CET and B people uh and these tend to be obviously substantially more money upon a placement meaning these companies have a higher customer lifetime value for the clients that do get in their Network it's not uncommon for you to make over $100,000 on a single client and let's actually get into how they sell these puppies so if you wanted to sell a recruitment agency today and what I'm seeing people do across my to automation communities um over 1,400 people in total maybe like
50ish people or so right now are targeting recruitment there are looking on indeed and Linkedin jobs for recruiter roles they're scraping recruiter roles using something like appify they're getting decision maker emails using something like any mail finder and then they're sending an email very similar to the last email offering a guarantee um and and essentially saying hey noticed you were hiring for this job I do really cool thing helping recruitment businesses make this much money and I just delivered $95,000 for another recruitment company I can give you extraordinarily similar results maybe even better and I
want to guarantee my service since I know you don't know me and I want you to feel comfortable and confident about this is this worth a chat same thing as before if you run a a cold email campaign here if you personalize them using AI you'll get much better results and if you don't if you run this at scale um you can make a ton of money I had somebody in my community go from I believe making $ Z to over $80,000 in just a few months employing this exact approach that I'm telling you the
systems themselves that you could sell uh they're three the first is a candidate placement system so you know I talked about candidate placement earlier being the main thing that recruitment companies do right uh they often juggle hundreds of applicants per position and then their job as a recruitment agency is filtering those applicants down into the highest quality subset before presenting them to the client well you can basically solve all of this with some automated hiring pipeline I've built this out a couple of times on my channel already basically what you do is you build out
an end to- end pipeline in a tool like clickup Monday or a similar platform and all you do is you stage it you say I don't know first pass um interview uh second pass uh interview and then maybe like considering for for um presenting for presentation or something maybe have four or five of these stages what you do is when a new candidate comes in they come into the CRM with the status first pass and then you as a recruitment person or a contractor you go through this top to bottom you just verify which ones
Mak it into this into the interview stage when you move them or click their stage and change it to interview basically you will automatically send them an email with like a link to a calendar booking or something that like gets them to the next stage of the process after that stage they're now an interview the people that pass you just move them to the next one second pass then they automatically get a bunch of assets resources questions that sort of stuff you can do this in whatever freaking way you want I'm just throwing out random
ideas here that may or may not actually be super great I don't know if I'd phrase it as first pass interview second pass interview I'd probably go like first pass um trial um interview second interview or something to be like super secure uh but the point I'm making is you could just automate the hell out of what is traditionally like a very involved manual process and now the recruitment agency staff is just a QA person this can print money for recruitment companies it can massively reduce margins which tend to be pretty high because it's such
a people focused industry and it just makes things a lot more organized it also allows you to upsell a system which I'll talk about in a second the second thing you'd sell is a lead generation a personalized cold email system as you could see this isn't the first time I'm bringing this up and the reason why is because lead generation systems are by far the number one most in demand thing right now in all of these niches I'm going to be showing you except for maybe the next one but there are other lead generation approaches
you could use and the reason why is because lead generation is just the bottleneck that most businesses have right you could solve the tightest bottleneck um typically you're worth a lot of money so anyway recruitment companies struggle with consistently finding new clients or job openings older firms especially rely on these outdated methods like expensive job board subscriptions which can charge them hundreds or thousands of dollars a month month a total waste of time so what you can do is you can solve this with a cold email Leen system in a nutshell and I've documented this
multiple times on my channel but you buy 10 domains you link 30 mailboxes to Smart leader instantly you warm them up you Source 4,000 leads and by the end of month one you will have reached out to all 4,000 of these people with a response rate of around 4% assuming that you use some of my copyrighting tools um you'll have generated about 160 replies many of which will have turned into justifiable sales opportunities hopefully you know at least a at least a third Maybe quarter of these um will will result in positive replies and then
of that maybe like 50 60 70% will convert to meetings that's still a lot of meetings and you can um you know obviously provide a lot of value to recruitment company with a customer lifetime value of 5,000 10,000 15,000 $220,000 okay the last system I want to cover is an automated dashboard system so the way that recruitment agencies work is you know as I mentioned they typically deal with very high volumes of people and because of that they have many opportunities to collect data the issue is the vast majority of recruitment companies do not collect
data or at least if they do their data collection sucks but here's the really cool thing you could use this as an upsell to the system that I talked about earlier because if you think about it if you have an automated hiring pipeline where in order to trigger something to happen automatically you need to change a status well you can also trigger them being added as a new row in a Google sheet or something or some sort of like logging um and then the second that you start logging people well now you can connect this
to data visualization software for the specific stack I'm going to tell you guys about is you go to Google Sheets you make some new you know like recruitment database you have like the first name the last name the email address the stage and a bunch of other information about the candidate right when you trigger a status change inside of the CRM that you built for them then all you do is you add a new uh row to this uh uh database okay and then you just keep on going and then what you do is you
connect this is something like looker Studio looker studio is just like data visualization dashboard software that just connects to the data source that you just created a moment ago Google Sheets and allows you to visualize the number of people at different stages so now you know okay I had 108 people make it into the first pass then 75 people make it into the interview then 33 people make it to the second pass then 15 people make it into the interview then four people um were presented for placement the second that you give a recruitment company
data like this that's that granular one they're going to love you and two they're going to be able to make data driven decisions that make their company a lot better so as you can see lots of opportunities here on the recruitment problems and systems and uh obviously if you follow a similar approach to Niche one's approach you can make a ton of money selling these the third big Niche and the one that I'm personally now a part of is coaches and consultants and this industry is blowing the hell up right now it's one of the
fastest growing in my opinion if you're unfamiliar with what coaching and Consulting is if you think about like agencies agencies typically provide the service which is the building or the marketing or the paperclick ads or whatever coaches and Consultants they help agencies or they help other businesses provide the service so they provide like a strategy tactics they do coaching they uh you know do like accountability they do they do testing they do higher level stuff basically the point that I'm making is they just provide a bunch of auxiliary support to the business to make the
business better at servicing the needs of their clients things can get pretty complex in B2B because if you think about a lot of agencies you're B2B to begin with so it's like of a B2B agency delivering work for another B2B agency and that first B2B agency is being coached by like a B2B coaching consultancy practice uh but the point that I'm making is coaches and Consultants are just like auxiliary they typically don't provide the actual service they just inform you how to provide the service so why is it good it's very high ticket some of
these agency coaching programs are tens of thousands of dollars per year um I run some agency coaching programs right my community is maker school and make money with make and they're not tens of thousands of dollars a year U my most expensive was $1,382 a year as of the time of this recording but you know a lot of the other ones are super high ticket $50,000 $100,000 especially masterminds and stuff like that so if you can get them a single additional client obviously you can bring home the bacon yourself the second reason is because it
most often involves information products coaching is just all about information it's strategy tactics guides accountability systems that sort of stuff and these are typically very leveraged with no real inventory or fulfillment and then the third is a lot of these businesses can be pretty profitable they have very large sales and marketing budgets that are primarily manually driven so you know people will like run ads they'll run I don't know Instagram shoutouts on on certain profiles they'll do a variety of things in order to Market their coaching or consultancy practice um but these are primarily manually
driven and you can automate the hell out of these so to be concrete here are a couple examples one is me and I'm just going to exit out of that before my YouTube video starts playing and screws up with my audio um another one that's probably more relevant is this is just some program that a friend of mine I think joined called client Ascension some of you guys may be familiar with um oh geez the name isn't coming to me right now Daniel I think yeah Mr Fazzio uh anyway this is a program that like
helps you grow your agency or B2B business up to a certain amount of money this is typically what they look like um and you know odds are if you can help this guy Daniel with his business and you can offer even one or 2% improvements to maybe his bottom line or his margins or something this is probably a several hundred, month business you'll be delivering a lot of value and you'll be able to be reciprocated reciproca uh you know compensated in kind so how do you actually go about selling them well I'm a coaching consultant
so you're kind of hearing this from you know like the The Source here this is exactly how people have sold me in the past the successful ones anyway and this is exactly what I would do if I were looking to sell to this Niche myself the first thing is I would scrape YouTube I would scrape school and I'd scrape all other social media where coaches hang out I use appify that I'll sh you that in a second I then look for crossplatform information like I try and get their Tik Tok I try and get their
Instagram I try to get their Twitter and X profiles I basically try and get everything if you want to look at a practical example what this might be I'd go to uh appify over here okay and then there are variety of scrapers that we could use probably the simplest one would be like YouTube channel fast YouTube channel scraper or maybe um YouTube channel scraper there a variety of them but basically what happens is you feed in some parameters and then it returns you like the titles of all their videos it returns you um like their
descriptions and stuff like that it returns you you know if they have an email you can use an email Channel finder I you can get a bunch of information about like their links and Linkedin and Instagram and stuff like that you get Source from there what you do after that is okay so now you have um you know a bunch of their information and you stick it in a Google sheet what you do is you pass all of this identifying information to gbd4 or an a large language model and you do with a personalization prompt
that says hey here are the last three that this person created here are the last three posts this person made here's a bunch of stuff and then you just have it create a personalization prompt that says I don't know uh loved your last post on like uh I don't know like pushing through adversity in uni I had a really similar experience I just wanted to like tell you about it or something you have some personalization prompt where then an artificial intelligence or large language model takes the last few posts that are topical and relevant and
then converts that into a oneline um Icebreaker sort of variable that you can add to a cold email then what you do is you create a custom asset so this is something like a Google doc this Google doc will solve a very simple problem for them it will create a bunch of highquality YouTube titles for instance or outlines for Content or uh competitor analysis or example funnels for a new community product basically what you do is you get AI to take all this data and then generate a really quick and easy little hit of value
which may not even be that valuable um I'm reminded of this guy that sold me successfully just uh like a week and a half ago I think an invo I just I just sent him like I think I sent him over $500 now he reached out to me and he said hey Nick here are 20 YouTube titles at Rock by the way if you're watching this you crushed it man he said hey Nick here are a list of 20 YouTube titles um I know that I have to give you some value in order for you
to take me seriously so take them uh I'm not like a cheap skate copywriter you can do whatever you want with this and then if you find this interesting at all just send me a message back here you go and then he just gave it to me and then there were 22 titles and of them I liked like four or five of them and then I got value out of it before the guy even tried to talk to me he created something for me before you know I even uh I was even required to give
anything back so if you do this you can do this completely automatically by the way he probably did it manually God bless his soul but you can do this completely automatically then people will freaking love you for it and uh your reply rates on email campaigns like this you're going to be like at least 5% probably closer to 10 15 maybe even 20 so what you do then is you enrich and find email addresses for each coach using something like any mail finder which I've already showed you and then you just send them all an
email then because you've already produced an asset you also DM them across all of the platforms you could find using those scrapers so their Instagram Tik Tok Twitter uh you know YouTube whatever school all those platforms just to make sure they see it then you say hey here is a list of X thing that I think will do y for you it's totally free no strings I want to work with you but I know value is how you get there so if you find this interesting just shout back if not no hard feelings thanks you
can just copy and paste this thing for all I care Oh keep in mind there probably going to be several hundred other people copying and pasting it too so you might want to vary the words or something like that um but but but something like this would work extraordinarily well I know because it's worked on me a number of times I've seen it work on a ton of other people and this is what people in my community are now starting to do to see results as well so what you want to do is you want
to run all this stuff at scale book meetings and then pitch them on any of the three NE systems uh two next Systems sell them for 1.5k plus I think you can sell them for a lot more than that to be honest and here are the systems that I would sell to coaches and Consultants the first is an AI coach so a common need in many low and mid- ticket coaching offers one in my case and one in a lot of the other communities and in groups that I'm a part of is some sort of
Q&A that's typically one of the line items or deliverables provided as part of you joining this community like hey if you have any questions about how to build an agency or if you have any questions about how to like create automations just drop them down below and somebody in our group will get back to you this is great but what you'll find in practice is a lot of these questions end up being variants of earlier questions so this is like the same same sorts of questions repeated over and over and over and over again essentially
you've already answered is either a video or maybe a text post somewhere else or something of that nature so here's what you do instead you offer these people an AI coach you take all of the videos that they've ever done you take all of the YouTube posts all of the community posts all the school Circle posts whatever and you convert this into a retrieval augmented generation chatbot this is just a fancy term for like the AI assistants or something that like searches data up in a database and then you call it AI Nick or something
and then next time anybody has a question before they post it in the group they just ask AI Nick this will work like 70 80% of the time if you do a pretty good job it's not going to answer all the questions because it's it's Rag and rag is known to have a little uh you know to be bumpy at times but this is going to handle 70 80% of all questions because it's basically just fuzzy search over a database of answers to questions if you do this you could literally completely automate like one job
or two jobs or three jobs depending on the size of this coaching company on day like one cuz does doesn't take much more than like 24 hours to put together so you can literally automate like several Jobs worth the very first or second day the other thing you could do is you could actually give them this as a product to sell to their members you could say hey this isn't just something that's included in our program if you want access to AI Nick pay us $15 extra dollars a month or something and this thing will
handle you know all of the questions you have it'll do a really good job of it's not perfect but it'll do a really good job you use that as a first pass so not only are you are you saving them of margin but you can also have them sell this as a product to double or even triple de so a lot of people are doing this right now um I know a lot of other people in like the AI automation agency space are doing this with their own Brands I haven't really done this because I
think that there's a lot of value in my reputation in personally responding to these things but off the top of my head I could tell you there's like 500 people that that would eat this up right now if you just serve it to them on a silver platter so that's number one number two is a coaching management system so typically the way the coaching companies go from my experience is they tend to grow really quickly there's some Trend like uh smma or in my case AI or automation or or AI agents and with this trend
there's a lot of opportunity to make money so creators and coaches like myself will make content about it and typically the growth curve looks something like this because uh you know so many people are interested in this the you know it's like selling shovels during a gold rush or something so many people are interested in this that so many people join the program the very quickly the person that runs said program does not have enough resources they don't have enough people in order to fulfill the thing that they promis the people that they would would
do so what tends to happen is they tend to hire shotgun and they just tend to hire as many people as possible they get customer success managers coaching managers uh uh csms like account Executives whatever terminology you want to use for them they end up with this really bloated ass team that technically does the job but they're all very inefficient and they tend to be very different in terms of how they do the work because you didn't really have the time time to train them all up to some standard well here's where my coaching management
system are cm it's very Cory it's very Cory of me um here's where this comes in handy Jesus I'm such a dad you can you can basically build a similar CRM or project management system what I've shown you guys before except what you do is when a new person comes into the coaching program you just round robin assign them to one of the many coaches that you have on staff then this coach has a number of stages just like our hiring system there might be week one where you know when somebody enters week one they're
automatically delivered a bunch of assets Google Drive folders automatically unlock they're automatically given a bunch of templated resources uh then when they make it in a week two some other stuff gets unlock for them they receive another email with a bunch of info maybe there's a quiz at the end of week two when they finish the quiz they move on to week three basically this is a an intensive end-to-end coaching management system that delivers the same coaching experience that the people are currently doing just in like a completely and utterly standardized way um and this
is the sort of system that can honestly like make a ton of money for the coaching company they can eliminate a few of their coaches for one not that I want to hire or fire csms but if you can you might as well um and then it can standardize the quality of the service and allow you to to to improve it this can end up being like one of the most foundational parts of a coaching business to be honest um and you know if you can deliver the thing that becomes a foundation to the rest
of their their company their livelihood and their revenue obviously they're going to compensate you all for it so that's personally how I would do it um remember in order to sell them you could just scrape YouTube School whatever medium that they're great on using something like appify personalize the hell out of it create an asset and then send it to them alongside some personalized messaging the reason why you're doing it across all these platforms is just because you're probably you'll have probably spent like 10 cents using AI to create this thing you might as well
maximize the probability that it gets seen just sort of like recouping your sun cost and then the reason why you sell the AI coach and the coaching management system is just because these are problems that people tend to to suffer from so just one quick review before I wrap this video up uh we had three niches we had high touch SAS okay High touch SAS is mid ticket plus lots of customer touch points they have very high revenues these are sorts of businesses you typically want to work with we had recruitment recruitment agencies typically deal
with a ton of people and when there's a ton of people in high volume there's a lot of opportunity to make money they also have very high customer lifetime values and then the third was coaches and Consultants coaching and Consulting is blowing up right now they're super high ticket and since they involve um information products and margins tend to be good companies like this typically have very large sales and marketing budgets that you can help with I hope you guys appreciated this video I tried to make it as practical as possible for any aspiring AI
automation Freelancers or agencies if you guys have any questions or suggestions about this please drop them down below but I love doing videos more on the strategy and the tactics uh although you know I also really enjoy doing videos doing the actual building as well thanks so much again if you guys could do me a solid like subscribe comment do all that fun stuff to bump me up in the YouTube algo I'll catch you on the next one cheers