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Video Transcript:
today we'll be going over the exact way to set up a brand new Facebook ads campaign what's optimized for what daily budget to start at how to set up your creative test and things like that I'm going be showing you guys live in today's video specifically for those who've never really ran Facebook ads before or those who are trying to understand the best way to kind of set up new campaigns all of those good stuff right there so without further Ado let's dive right into the video so here's one account right here that we've been running now for a short period of time probably around a little over a month now and just to show youall real quick we've taken spent about $4,000 on this account about $90 cost per purchase and just recently we're able to get that down all the way over to what I would say around about $25 cost for purchase so I'm going to show you guys how to set up this campaign how to set up um like how we were able to bring down that cost for purchase and that Rass and all that good stuff right there and how we're going to continue to optimize this because while we are doing significantly better we're still not kind of in the green of where we want to be so that's my whole goal with this video and yeah as mentioned this is a brand new account you know there's nothing else that's been spending on this account this particular store is a fresh store all that good stuff so yeah let's dive into this so first things first just show you guys how to set up the campaign we're going to go right there click on create sales campaign and then want to hit continue and you want to do a manual sales campaign now I like to do a manual sales campaign because Advantage shopping plus there's a couple different things right there and we'll get more into this video of why but one of the main ones ones just right away is that we like to create a new adet for every creative test and in an ASC campaign you cannot create more adsets and you can only create up to 50 ads in one ad set or the the one ad set it gives you default and due to that right there it limits our ability to operate longterm in that campaign so I always like to do a manual sales campaign right here and then we'll click on continue now once we're inside of here we want to turn Advantage campaign Budget on now I always recommend setting a daily budget that you can spend for 30 days and not be attached to that money so what I mean by that is is that Facebook takes a little time to optimize and get going and the reason why so many people fell with Facebook ads is because they're too they treat it like almost like gambling and they throw like $10 today at it it doesn't work cool they turn off tomorrow you want to look at a long-term plan here I want to be able to spend in this campaign for the next 30 days and regardless if I make money or not I'm going to pick a budget that I can afford to lose so whatever number that you're comfortable with losing completely over the next 30 days that's the number you want to put um kind of in you know divide by 30 for like your daily budget right there so for me I'm completely comfortable with spending $100 a day at a complete loss now I'm not saying we will have a complete loss but we need to have that mindset so we don't make any financially bad decisions so Vantage campaign Budget on $100 a day and we're going to click on next now here we want to click on website for your conversion and then here you want to select your pixel now even if your account has has never had any ads run in that account you want to make sure you click on purchase now the reason why is because purchases every like Facebook user is already kind of categorized pre- defaultly into one of these conversions events so a lot of people like especially like a myth is that you need to warm up the account use view content you need to warm up the account with adds a cart then you can go to purchase it's like no you can just go straight from purchase day one all those other things are just going to get you exactly what you're optimizing for view content or at the cart and that's not what you want so here we select on purchase and then here you just want to keep scrolling down you want to click on switch to original audience options and then click use original audience now the reason why we want to do this is because with the Advantage Plus audience we'll notice a higher middle funnel bom funnel so you see a little bit more of like retargeting going on and we'll typically see those work really well out the gate for a day or two but then just completely fall in their face and they're terrible for longterm scaling we want to set the proper Foundation up for long-term scaling here so even though it's a brand new account it's never spent a single dollar we still want to go straight to original audience and then next thing is you want to add your exclusions and you want to do just purchase 180 days even if you don't have any purchases yet I just like to have I like to have good habits from day one and excluding purchases 180 days is always a good habit for us to consistently take now next thing is select your location I always recommend being profitable in one country before you go to other countries so and I always like to do USA USA is the most difficult but if you get profitable in the USA then guess what it's so easy scale everywhere else so I'm just doing USA here and then you know if there's like if you know exactly the age group then sure but for 90% of the time I just leave the age group as is and then gender again if you know for a fact it's like you have like a female clothing line and you want to Target female specifically then cool or if you have a male clothing line and you want to Target male sure go for that now I do targeting so I don't do any audiences I don't do any you know interests or anything like that because at the end of the day I believe that my creative creates the audience what do I mean by that that means the piece of content that I put is going to Leverage The algorithm Facebook has to put that piece of content in front of the right people which is going to get people to buy now for placements this is the only thing I probably leave as Advantage Plus and then next you'll hit continue here make sure you select your Facebook page your Instagram page and then next thing you want to do is go and create your ad and then you want to click on flexible now inside of flexible here this is where you're going to add your media and what you want to do is just simply add in whatever I'm actually going to add in this right here boom boom boom and then here we have our three different pieces of content I always recommend the same hook same hook just different visual for it so the hook is the text and in the visual in the background we're just testing different visuals here so so you're going to upload three photos or three videos I do not recommend three videos and three photos or like two videos and a photo you want to do three photos or three videos and then primary text if you don't have any winners right now you'll just do like two primary textes a new one and then like new two but if you have a winning primary text you'll do a new primary text and you'll do a winning primary text so that's the two ways we like to do it new and then boom winner next thing you'll add in like your website URL I'm just not going to add it in for Simplicity here and then the other thing you want to do let's click on edit on this real quick oh wait never mind we don't have any um sometimes it'll have like the different like optimizations and stuff yeah we want to turn those off just again that's my personal preference and then here you'll go to publish now I'm not going to publish this and that's simply just due to the simple fact that um we already have this rolling so I actually want to go and show you guys now more on the optimization side of how to actually get this going so you'll see right here in this account each of these different adsets or what we just created inside of here here's 103 109 106 each one of these numbers just represents a internal naming mechanism that we use for each concept right a concept is just an idea for an ad that's all it is if you want to learn how to actually create ads that scale and like really good creatives and stuff like that what in to say in the ad that's going to get those cells um how to show the product in the ad that's when to get those sales go to adssc book. com and that's my ebook that literally goes into dep on all of those good things and trust me it's not just like this little cheap ebook it's extremely powerful knowledge now I want to show you guys exactly how this campaign went so we launched this campaign I want to say on the 19th or 19th or the 26th yeah so the 26th we launched this campaign we ran it for like the first I think week with one cell but we just kept it running we just kept it spending and then I'll just go to like the following week let's do I'll just do uh let's see let me do week by week on this kept it running and it slowly started getting more cells and more cells over that period of time right there and then we start launching our next creative test um you can do well I would say run it for 7 days and then you can start your creative test we were just we had some delays in our production and due to those delays in that production timeline we rented an extra week or two before we got those next creative surr in there but that's about it so then you can start launching anywhere between 2 to three dcts every 7 days I say dcts two to three ad sets every 7 days and again every ad set is going to be you know exactly what I showed you guys to create three photos or three videos and a new idea uh for those creatives now you'll notice here I am never turning off whatever ad set that's getting the cells and the spin I'm not turning that one off because I'm simply trying to find one that's going to beat this one and we haven't found one yet like these took okay levels of spin let's go back to it let's go back to this week let's go back one more okay so let's look at this week so 18th through 24th we saw these start to get some spin but not a lot and one key thing you'll notice here is look at the frequency the frequency is really high this week so because it's a high frequency and high frequency is relative to um this right here your average for your campaign because it has barely any Spin and a higher frequency relative to what's getting the basically the most amount of spin theying that same period of time right there this shows to me that this ad only appeals to a very small group of people so Facebook is struggling to find people that like this ad because Facebook can't find people that like this ad guess what it's not going to spend more on it because they can't find anyone that likes it so because of that it's going to spin a little bit it's going to spend less on it again we have no control on that spin because we're in a CBO campaign because we're in a CBO campaign Facebook's going to spin on whatever's most likely to convert at scale and Facebook prioritizes that by engagement and actual enjoyment of that ad itself so this ad right here and these two ads high frequency low amount of spin these ads Facebook just can't find people that like it yeah we're getting a good clickthrough rate but it's not getting us anything else that we're looking for so following week we launch a new set of ads we had 120 or 108 start to take off got a lot of spin that week uh low frequency but the cost per purchase was just higher because the cost of purchase was higher than our highest spending ad set right here we turned that off so we turn off every week we turn turn off the ones that just barely get any Spin and don't convert and we also turn off the ones that spin a lot but has a higher cost for purchase than our control adset now your control adset is always going to be the adset that gets the majority of spin with you know low cost per purchase that's going to be your your technically your control LS set right there now uh we'll go into September and you'll notice performance is also starting to pick up on this campaign right here or this particular ad set right here and then we also found this new ad set right here 103 which starts to get some decent amount of spin a lower cost per purchase but still not taking overall spin but it has a slightly lower cost per purchase but nothing crazy so we left those on and then we just keep on going right here um here's 8th through the 14th now here's something interesting right here so 107a got about $82 to spend during that period of time right there but look at this much better cost for purchase much better Rass in our highest spender same thing with this one right here 102 better spend oh wait hold up actually let me let me rephrase that real quick I just realized something here so 103 oh took overall spin you look at 103 it took overall spin during that week of time right there and yeah so it was spining overall and I want to say we just let that roll but the reason why we didn't just turn everything off and let 107a take overall spin is because of the frequency here look at this frequency on 1078 it's a 1. 76 1.
76 basically just means that hey we spent $82 as a really high frequency relative to our higher spending one um so this ads can't find a lot of people that purchase but because the cost for purchase is really good this is showing to me that this is more of like a retargeting ad and it's retargeting the people that are coming in from like you know some of our higher spending ads itself and then same thing for like 102 right there now let's go over to the 15th through the 21st and here things start to get interesting so we launched 109 this week and let's just say I want to say it's like the 19th for example so again we're just every week we're just testing two or three new dcts every week and again these are all based off new ideas that come from research which again I teach everything in ads. scale book. com it's extremely good so up until you know the 19th this is when we launched 109 right here and we're going to go over to Friday the 20th and it got $5 in spend and let's go to Saturday the 21st okay hey this is taking over majority uh spin right here this 109 which is good that's that's good I love that I love when it takes majority spent also keep in mind here for the whole month of September the 1st through the 20th we had a $82 cost per purchase and that Saturday the 21st at a $43 cost per purchase when 109 took overall spin so this is all good signs right here this is really good signs here then we left it on Sunday it dropped down cost for purchase to $25 keep in mind we had an $82 all month now Saturday or Sunday now the 22nd we had a $25 cost of purchase and then guess what Monday $16 cost for purchase Tuesday 24th 25th uh $25 cost for purchase and then Wednesday Wednesday we didn't have any purchases and that's totally okay because two things happened this Wednesday our ad account got limited to $100 a day of AD Spin and because it got limited $100 a day in ad spin I had increased it a lot so our ads got cut midday when we hit that $100 day limit so that kind of sucked but hey everything picked back up Thursday and then Friday we kept going with an $18 cost for purchase and then I want to say Saturday we had $78 calls for purchase but keep in mind here Facebook is consistently in consistent and this is why I like to look at 7day windows so if we look at the last 7 days for example we're at a $27 cost per purchase we brought down cost for purchase literally from a $78 cost for purchase all the way down to a $27 cost for purchase so almost a 75% reduction in cost for acquisition and all we did was keep launching those two to three new adets every single week based around totally new things all of this was just new ideas big swings we weren't like oh well let's try like a slightly different color background on that hook no we we kept testing these new swings at this and then from here we started to increase the budget by 20% a day as long as performance is hitting goals our Target cost for purchase is about $20 in this account so we still have a little ways to go but if we would have stopped testing creatives between the 1st through the 20th right here where we're at a $90 cost for purchase and we're like oh I give up on this this is not a winning product this is blah blah blah let's toss it away you know like we were getting a 9 $90 cost for acquisition right here and then now we are getting literally all the way down to a $29 so we cut it down a lot we're a lot closer now and we're going to keep improving and keep improvising on this account but I want to show youall the raw week by week of how those decisions are made how we look at things how we just let things spend and we consistently try to beat whatever that top ad set is that's our goal so now that 109 is taking overall spend with a $27 cost acquisition um my goal now is to beat this adet and that's becomes my new thing now what will likely happen here is that new stuff probably won't get a lot of spend we had a lot of stuff that didn't get spend in this account over those couple weeks that I showed you guys week by week that's totally okay because that shows to me that hey this is does not work at scale now look how fast y'all saw 109 like we went you know 3 or four weeks with no winning ads and you saw how fast like 109 literally took over all spent you know it was not spending we didn't launch it at all 15th through the 90th then Friday the 20th it spent $5 in spend then literally Saturday the 21st it took overall Spin and it was converting really well so just to show you all that aspect right there now the new goal is to beat this $27 crost requisition and we're going to do it the same freaking way we did it the earlier way we're going to keep testing these new ideas we keep doing research and keep coming up with new ads that convert at scale which again you can learn in my book ads that scale book .