THE SPIRITUAL WORLD AS YOU'VE NEVER SEEN IT - It's scary! Fallen Angels, Angels And Lucifer

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the spiritual world as you've never seen it it's scary part one who are angels and Fallen Angels the first question we face is who are angels let's look at the scriptures when we study the Old Testament we find that angels are mentioned 108 times these beings have been shown in movies TV shows and popular books do Fallen Angels only exist in fiction or is there something real about these scary creatures yes they exist and may affect our lives more than we realize however not everything we hear about them in popular culture is true Luke 10:
18-20 he said to them I watch Satan fall from Heaven like a flash of lightning listen carefully I have given you Authority that you now possess to trade on serpents and scorpions and the ability to exercise authority over all the power of the enemy Satan and nothing will in any way harm har you nevertheless do not rejoice at this that the spirits are subject to you but Rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven Ephesians 6:12 says for our struggle is not against flesh and blood contending only with physical opponents but against the rulers against
the powers against the world forces of this present Darkness against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the Heavenly Supernatural places this video will talk about what these beings are really like like and separate fact from fiction what does the Bible say about angels in general the Bible has a lot to say about angels angels are mentioned or featured nearly 300 times in the Bible what are fallen angels angels that chose to rebel against God and were expelled from Heaven are known as Fallen Angels they will face Eternal wrath and Agony because of their Rebellion against
God Jude 1:6 says and Angels who did not keep their own designated place of power but abandoned their proper dwelling place these he has kept in Eternal chains under the thick Gloom of utter Darkness for the Judgment of the great day second Peter 2:4 for if God did not even spare angels that sinned but threw them into hell and sent them to pits of Gloom to be kept there for judgment they have made it their mission to drag as many people as possible into their Eternal Destiny because they have no Eternal hope what makes an
angel a Fallen scripture tells us that oneir of the Angels likely followed Lucifer who is later known as Satan Revelation 12:4 in Revelation 12:4 it says and his tail swept across the sky and dragged away a third of the stars of heaven and flung them to the earth and the dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth so that when she gave birth he might devour her child Satan jealous of the worship God received decided Ed to break away from heaven and took some of the angels with him if an
angel followed Satan during this initial Rebellion they are considered a fallen angel second they are doomed to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire Revelation 20:10 they face Eternal Doom because of their Rebellion against almighty God they know their fate and are afraid this brings us to the end of our criteria discussion they cause destruction and so Discord because they know their situation because of their Rebellion they will try to bring as many Souls down with them as possible this means they will try to turn non-believers away from accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior and
Lord by influencing tempting persuading coercing and even possessing them are there any verses about these beings in addition to the verse mentioned above there are a few other places in the Bible where angels are mentioned in connection with Satan Revelation 12:9 describes Satan and his angels being thrown to Earth from heaven because of their Rebellion Revelation 12:9 and the Great Dragon was thrown down the age-old serpent who is called the devil and Satan he who continually deceives and seduces the entire inhabited world he was thrown down to the Earth and his angels were thrown down
with him Matthew 25:41 describes the punishment Satan and his angels will endure of the Eternal fire Matthew chap 25:41 says then he will say to those on his left leave me you cursed ones into the Eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels demons Revelation 12:4 through the metaphor of stars indicat Satan swayed one-third of the angels of heaven to rebel against God Revelation 12:4 says and his tail swept across the sky and dragged away a third of the stars of heaven and flung them to the the earth and the dragon
stood in front of the woman who is about to give birth so that when she gave birth he might devour her child are there multiple Fallen Angels We Have verses in Scripture that show there are many demons in the world in Mark 5:9 we see a man with so many demons in him that they go by the name legion another verse in Matthew 12 verse 43 talks about how one demon will leave an unbeliever and then bring back several more to inhabit that person again Matthew 12: 22- 46 then a demon possessed man who is
blind and mute was brought to Jesus and he healed him so that the mute man both spoke and saw all the people wondered in amazement and said could this be the son of David the Messiah but the Pharisees heard it and said this man casts out demons only by the help of Beelzebub Satan the prince of the Demons knowing their thoughts Jesus said to them any Kingdom that is divided against itself is being laid waste and no City or house divided against itself will continue to stand if Satan casts out Satan that is his demons
he has become divided against himself and disunited how then will his kingdom stand if I cast out the Demons by the help of Beelzebub Satan by whom do your sons drive them out for this reason they will be your judges but if it is by the spirit of God that I cast out the demons then the kingdom of God has come upon you before you expected it or how can anyone go into a strong man's house and steal his property unless he first overpowers and ties up the strong man then he will rans sack and
Rob his house he who is not with me once and for all on my side is against me and he who does not unequivocally gather with me scatters therefore I say to you every sin and blasphemy every evil abuse Ive injur speaking or indignity against scared things will be forgiven people but blasphemy against the holy spirit will not be forgiven whoever speaks a word against the son of man will be forgiven but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit by attributing The Miracles done by me to Satan will not be forgiven either in this age or
in the age to come either make the three good and its fruit good or make the tree bad and its fruit bad for the tree is recognized and judged by its fruit you brood of vipers how can you speak good things when you are evil for the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart the good man from his inner good treasure brings out good things and the evil man from his inner evil treasure brings out evil things but I tell you on the day of judgment people will have to give an accounting for
every careless or useless word they speak for by your words reflecting your spiritual condition you'll be justified in a quitted of the guilt of sin and by your words rejecting me you will be condemned and sentenced then some of the scribes and Pharisees said to him teacher we want to see a sign testing miracle from you providing that you are what you claim to be but he replied and said to them an evil and adulterous generation that is morally unfaithful to God craves and demands a miraculous sign but no sign will be given to it
except the sign of the prophet Jonah for just as Jonah was there three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster so will the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the Earth the men of Nineveh will stand up as Witnesses at the Judgment against this generation and will condemn it because they repented at the preaching of Jonah and now something greater than Jonah is here the queen of the South Sheba will stand up as a witness at the Judgment against this generation and will condemn it
because she came from the ends of the Earth to listen to the wisdom of Solomon and now something greater than Solomon is here now when the unclean Spirit has gone out of a man it roams through waterless dry arid places in search of rest but it does not find it then it says I will return to my house from which I came and when it arrives it finds the place unoccupied swept and put in order then it goes and brings with it seven other Spirits more wicked than itself and they go in and make their
home there the last condition of that man becomes worse than the first so will it also be with this wicked generation while he was still talking to the crowds it happened that his mother and brother stood outside asking to speak to him demons can inhabit unbelievers and cause those they possess to try to harm themselves Mark 5: 1-20 they came to the other side of the sea to the region of the josin when Jesus got out of the boat immediately a man from the tombs with an unclean Spirit met him and the man lived in
the tombs and no one could bind him anymore not even with chains for he had often been bound with shackles for the feet and with chains and he tore apart the chains and broke the shackles into pieces and no one was strong enough to subdue and tame him night and day he was constantly screaming and shrieking among the tombs and on the mountains and cutting himself with sharp Stones seeing Jesus from a distance he ran up and bowed down before him in homage and screaming with a loud voice he said what business do we have
in common with each other Jesus Son of the most high God I implore you by God swear to me do not torment me for Jesus had been saying to him come out of the man you unclean Spirit he was asking him what is your name and he replied my name is Legion for we are many and he began begging him repeatedly not to send them out of the region now there was a large herd of pigs grazing there on the mountain and the demon begged him saying send us to the pigs so that we may
go into them Jesus gave them permission and the unclean spirits came out of the man and entered the pigs the herd numbering about 2,000 rushed down the Steep Bank into the sea and they were drowned one after the other in the sea the herdsmen tending the pigs ran away and reported it in the city and in the country and the people came to see what had happened they came to Jesus and saw the man who had been demon-possessed sitting down clothed and in his right mind the man who had previously had the Legion of demons
and they were frightened those who had seen it described in detail to the people who had happened to the demon-possessed man and told them all about the pigs so the people began to beg with Jesus to leave their region as he was stepping into the boat the Gentile man who had been demon-possessed was begging with him asking that he might go with him as a disciple Jesus did not let him come but instead he said to him go home to your family and tell them all the great things that the Lord has done for you
and how he has had mercy on you so he obeyed and went away and began to publicly Proclaim into capis the region of the 10 helenistic cities all the great things that Jesus had done for him and all the people were astonished they spread lies John 8:44 to turn people away from God in John chap 8:44 it says you are of your father the devil and it is your will to practice the desires which are characteristic of your father he was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is
no truth in him when he lies he speaks what is natural to him for he is a liar and the father of lies and Hal truths they have influence over rulers Daniel 10: 12-13 then he said to me do not be afraid Daniel for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God your words were heard and I have come in response to your words but the prince of the kingdom of Persia was standing in opposition to me for 21 days then behold Michael one of
the chief of the celestial princes came to help me for I had been left there with the kings of Persia who is Satan Satan the leader of the demon was formerly known as Lucifer he is the one who caused them to rebel against God Satan the father of lies and the prince of this world will try to persuade anyone to reject Jesus as their lord and savior John 8:44 says you are of your father the devil and it is your will to practice the desires which are characteristic of your father he was a murderer from
the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him when he lies he speaks what is natural to him for he is a liar and the father of lies and Hal truths John 12:31 now judgment is upon this world the sentence is being passed now the ruler of this world Satan will be cast out he will tempt Us in every way possible in Matthew 4: 1-1 then Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit Into the Wilderness to be tempted by the devil after he had gone with out food for
40 days and 40 nights he became hungry and the tempter came and said to him if you are the Son of God command that these Stones become bread but Jesus replied it is written and forever remains written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God then the devil took him into the Holy City Jerusalem and placed him on the Pinnacle highest point of the temple and he said mockingly to him if you are the Son of God throw yourself down for it is written he
will command his angels concerning you to serve care for protect and watch over you and they will lift you up on their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone Jesus said to him on the other hand it is written and forever remains written you shall not Test the Lord your God again the devil took him up on a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory Splendor magnificence Excellence of them and he said to him all these things I will give you if you
fall down and worship me then Jesus said to him go away Satan for it is written and forever remains written you shall Worship the Lord your God and serve him only then the devil left him and Angels Came and ministered to him bringing him food and serving him it's important to note that Satan isn't God's opposite God is always much more powerful than Satan Satan isn't all powerful all knowing or all present what is fictional about these beings fallen angels have already lost when we see evil at work in our modern world it's easy to
get discouraged but we must remember that Jesus has already won the battle in 1 John 4:4 it says little children Believers dear ones you are of God and you belong to him and have already overcome them the Agents of the Antichrist because because he who is in you is greater than he Satan who is in the world of sinful mankind Demon's fate is already decided it's just a matter of time before it happens angels are powerful beings but they must all bow down to God despite their strength God is greater and God's purpose will always
win in the end regarding Angels who have not fallen from heaven we can learn a few things about them in Scripture Angels praise the Lord in Revelation 4: 8-10 it says and the four living creatures each one of them having six wings are full of eyes all over and within underneath their wings and day and night they never stop saying holy holy holy is the Lord God the almighty the omnipotent the ruler of all who was and who is and who is to come the unchanging Eternal God whenever the living creature give glory and honor
and Thanksgiving to him who sits on the throne to him who lives forever and ever the 24 Elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and they worship Him who lives forever and ever and they throw down their crowns Before the Throne saying the Angels who meet the shepherds in the field during Jesus's birth also sing glory to God Luke Chapter 2:14 angels are powerful creatures in terms of power the psalmist sets them just slightly above humans Psalm 8:5 in Psalm 8:5 yet you have made him a little lower than God and you
have crowned him with Glory and Honor Psalm 103:20 explains how they are Mighty and strength Psalms 103:20 bless the Lord you his angels you mighty ones who do his Commandments obeying the voice of his word Angels fight spiritual battles Michael Gabriel fight the Prince of Persia a demon influencing Persia in Daniel 10 spiritual battles happened around us constantly according to Ephesians 6:12 in Ephesians 6:12 it says for our struggle is not against flesh and blood contending only with physical opponents but against the rulers against the powers against the world forces of this present Darkness against
the spiritual forces of wickedness in the Heavenly Supernatural place Angels Are Spiritual Beings who can take the shape of men the angel confronting the wicked Prophet balam appears as a man in numbers 22:23 with a sword drawn in numbers 22:23 when the donkey saw the angel of the Lord standing in the way and his drawn sword in his hand the donkey turned off the path and went into the field but balam struck the donkey to turn her back toward the path they appear as men when the women find them at the empty tomb of Jesus
Matthew 28:2 in Matthew 28:2 and a great earthquake had occurred for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled away the Stone from the opening of the Tomb and sat on it they often instill fear in everyone they meet one of the most common phrases you'll hear an angel say in scripture is do not be afraid Luke 2:10 their appearance is much different from the Charming cherubs with arrows that we see in modern portrayals in the real form they are so unearthly that some people mistakenly try to worship them in Luke
19:10 Angels come in various shapes and sizes the four main categories mentioned in the Bible are archangels 1 Thessalonians 4:16 cherubim Psalm 18:10 the four living creatures Revelation 4 and seraphim Isaiah 6:3 three 1 Thessalonians 4:16 says for the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a shout of command with the voice of the Archangel and with the blast of the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first Psalm 18:10 and he rode upon the Cherub storm and flew and he sped on the wings of the wind since we have lightly
touched on what angels are we should discuss what they are not and where culture gets them wrong they aren't adorable cherubs wielding bows and arrows when the authors of the Bible describe Angels they use some strange imagery for example Ezekiel talks about Wheels with eyes on the rims in Ezekiel 1: 18 it says regarding their rims they were so high that they were awesome and Dreadful and the rims of all four of them were full of eyes all around Angels do not have a chance to be saved when some angels fell from heaven they chose
Eternal destruction in 2 Peter 2:4 it says for if God did not even spare angels that sinned but threw them into hell and sent them to pits of Gloom to be kept there for judgment angels angels interceded in the lives of the elders Abraham and Jacob as the Book of Genesis shows in the book of Exodus Moses also encountered Angels during the Wilderness wandering in Exodus 14: 19 it says the angel of God who had been going in front of the camp of Israel moved and went behind them the pillar of the cloud moved from
in front and stood behind them in total the word angel or Angels appears in the books of the law the writings of Moses 32 times the angels of God are introduced to us in the scriptures as the hosts of Heaven angels are real beings they are not mythical figures or opinions they are spiritual personality that have a physical impact just like the Demonic world is hidden the Angelic world is also hidden angels surround us their Dynamic impact is undeniable although you may not see them there is nothing that the angels of God do not observe
we might not be able to touch them yet Angels touch people you cannot handle them yet they can destroy kings in the Bible the Lord chose a particular Angel to go ahead of Moses to Egypt and he alone defeated a whole nation being Invincible is a major feature of the angels of God the invincibility indicates the difference between demons and angels only the hosts of Heaven excel in strength Psalm 103:20 says bless the Lord you his angels you mighty ones who do his Commandments obeying the voice of his word once upon a time there was
a war in heaven the hosts of Heaven Led by Angel Michael battled against Satan and his angels God used his angels to face Satan's Fallen Army Satan could not succeed and there was no more room or space found for him in heaven Revelation 12: 7-9 tells us and war broke out in heaven Michael the Archangel and his angels Waging War With The Dragon the dragon and his angels fought but they were not strong enough and did not Prevail and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven and the the Great Dragon was
thrown down the age-old serpent who is called the devil and Satan he who continually deceives and seduces the entire inhabited world he was thrown down to the Earth and his angels were thrown down with him in any conflict the Angels always succeed completely flushing out the opposition in the Bible angels have never been known to fail there is nothing that can rise against you that matches their strength they form the most beneficial Bodyguards of the redeemed apart from excelling in physical strength the Angels also shine in intelligence the Widow of takoa when portraying King David's
wisdom Likens it to that of angels 2 Samuel chapter 14:20 says but my Lord has wisdom like the wisdom of the angel of God to know everything that is in the Earth part two the categories of angels angels are of different ranks our Lord even used a military term in connection with angels at the time when Jesus was about to be taken in the garden Peter grabbed the sword and tried to protect Jesus the one he had come to love Jesus said in Matthew 26:53 do you think that I cannot appeal to my father and
he will immediately provide me with more than 12 Legions of Angels the word legion was Roman military designation relating to about 6,000 soldiers in a general en sense the largest group of angels might be called the regular Angels most of the time when angels are mentioned in the Bible it is these otherwise unidentified Angels who are being referred to to speak of ordinary Angels seems like a contradiction however for how could these extraordinary created beings be considered just routine yet in one sense this designation is proper when we contrast them with the several unique classes
or orders of angels that the Bible mentions cherubim the cherubim are the first of the Angelic order to appear in the scriptures they show up right after Adam and Eve's Fall From Grace Genesis 3 tells us about the events in the Garden of Eden after violating God's command not to eat from the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil Adam and Eve could have reached out their hands to take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever so Adam and Eve had to be removed from their Earthly Paradise so the Lord
God ban him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken Genesis 3:23 however what would have stopped Adam from returning to the Garden to disobey God again in Genesis 3: 24 it says so God drove the man out and at the east of the Garden of Eden he permanently stationed the cherubim and the sword with the flashing blade which turned round and round in every direction to protect and guard the way entrance access to the Tree of Life what a terrifying thing it would have been if Adam had
tasted the tree of life and been forever confirmed in his Fallen nature to prevent this God sent a contingent of great and trusted cherubim to guard the way to the tree oddly enough the cherubim's next appearance in the word of God concerns regaining what was lost in Exodus 25 Moses was given clear and specific directions on how to make various articles of furniture for the Tabernacle the first described was the mercy seat and the Ark of the Covenant where God promised to meet and commune with Moses what did God choose to place over The Mercy
Seat he chose images of the cherubim made of gold see the interesting description God gave Moses in Exodus 25: 18-20 you shall make two cherubim winged Angelic figures of solid hammered gold at the two ends of The Mercy Seat make one Cher of at each end making the cherubim of one piece with the mercy seat at its two ends the cherubim shall have their wings spread upward covering the mercy seat with their wings and facing each other the faces of the cherubim are to be looking downward toward The Mercy Seat seraphim a different group of
angels specifically recognized are the seraphim in Hebrew seraphim means burning ones Isaiah chapter 6 tells us about the seraphim the prophet Isaiah recorded his glorious Vision in these words I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple above it stood the seraphim each one had six wings with two he covered his face with two he covered his feet and with two he did fly Isaiah 6: 1-2 what were the seraphim doing Isaiah 6:3 says and one called out to another saying holy holy holy is the
Lord of hosts the whole Earth is filled with his glory Isaiah knew at once that he had no right to be in the Holy presence of God and he acknowledged that then I said woe is me for I am ruined because I am a man of ceremonially unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips for my eyes have seen the king the Lord of hosts then one of the seraphim flew to me with a burning coal in his hand which he had taken from the altar with tongs he touched my mouth with
it and said listen carefully this has touched your lips your wickedness your sin your Injustice your wrongdoing is taken away and your sin atoned for and forgiven Isaiah 6: 5 through 7 living creatures in the King James version a third particular group of angels is called the four beasts however another translation would be the four living creatures just like the seraphim them they have six wings Revelation 4:8 says and the four living creatures each one of them having six wings are full of eyes all over and within underneath their wings and day and night they
never stop saying holy holy holy is the Lord God the almighty the omnipotent the ruler of all who was and who is and who is to come the unchanging Eternal God in Revelation CH 5 chapter 7 in chapter 19 the living creatures are depicted in a stance of worship and praise however in Revelation 15 the living creatures are involved in pouring out the wrath of God on unrepentant people
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