Mario Krenn: OpenAI o1 & Quantum Physics

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Say hello to OpenAI o1—a new series of AI models designed to spend more time thinking before they re...
Video Transcript:
I can kind of easily follow the reasoning I don't need to trust the result I can just look what did they do who are you oh wow who who are you very big question I'm Mario Ken I'm a Quantum physicist so quantum physics is the study of the smallest particles I want to understand how the world works here would ask a question about the application of a certain Quantum operator which are know previous models like gp4 would very likely fail in this task but he in contrast to answers from uh gbt 4 this one gives
me very detailed mathematics this is correct that makes sense here I think it tries to do something incredibly difficult [Music] the really interesting thing is how does the world work but if you know how the world works it helps you potentially to build new technologes [Music]
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