Wu Hsin - A Compreensão Absoluta

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Trechos do livro: “The Lost Writings of Wu Hsin”. Acredita-se que Wu Hsin viveu entre 403 - 221 a.C...
Video Transcript:
Introduction. Listen to Wu Hsin and not your mind. Here we admit the distinction between what is, and what appears to be, and so let to accept our imagination as reality.
All that is needed is to abandon one's erroneous beliefs. Words are not facts but just ideas about facts, what Wu Hsin points out is to get in direct contact with reality itself, without allowing your belief system intervenes. So don't interrupt, look at the situation in a different way and that, so we can realize what really matters.
It is irrelevant whether or not you agree with what will be said, the truth does not require your agreement, only your acknowledgment. You are timeless, infinitely present, here and now. It may seem like an achievement, but it is not.
You gain nothing, you just lose. There's nothing to learn; however, there is much to unlearn. It takes immense patience to understand and discern this.
It's a long process of “unlearning”, until discernment appears, in an instant, and when it appears, it is unpronounceable. These instructions will get you nowhere. They just take you back to the place you never left.
In summary, teaching addresses these three aspects: First, on the phenomenal level, when one stops resisting what is and one harmonizes with what is, one attains a state of clarity. Second, as clear vision deepens, the understanding arises that nobody is doing anything, and that there is only One, doing everything, across the many and diverse phenomena that serve as instruments. Third, the seemingly separate "I" is a misunderstanding created by mind, which divides everything into a subject (I) and an object (the world outside that I).
This seeming duality, this sense of being separate and apart, is the cause base of unhappiness. In contemplation the source of all, to the natural state that exists prior to any manifestation, the individual, the "I", is finally seen as an object. The return to unity is nothing more than the end of this division.
- Roy Melvyn (Author of the book: The Lost Writings of Wu Hsin, Pointers to Non Duality) The Absolute Understanding - Wu Hsin's Selections. Every man is born twice. First it arises in the mother's womb, then the notion of “I”.
Then the trouble starts. Parents, teachers and society have induced this trance called “I”. To be clear, challenge and investigate your reality.
Direct cognition is available, here and now. Let me build a huge fire and fuel you with all the concepts, judgments and ideas. Once the fire burns them out, the world will be seen as a perfect place.
Here is the absolute simplicity of the question: In the absence of identification with anything, who are you? There is a core concept upon which everything else is built. That central concept is the “self,” the notion of a distinct identity that stands out of the world.
Only when this is seen as false can what is true shine through. The arrival of clarity is the loss of what you never had. The final step on a spiritual journey is to lose yourself.
Trust that what got you here will also get you there. All that exists is consciousness. Consciousness is all there is.
In the absence of consciousness, what is there? All manifestations appear and disappear in consciousness. Consciousness is the precondition for all perception.
Everything that is perceived is perceived by consciousness as an object of consciousness. consciousness, including the perceiver. Understand it.
And then, go grow your carrots. Thinking creates more problems than it solves. To fight with the mind is to strengthen the mind.
See through the mind, what is before to her, is to withdraw all her power. The flow of the mind is a continuous flow. Wanting to stop it is like wanting to bury the own shadow.
The goal, therefore, is not to stop thinking, but to stop thinking. Identification with thoughts. Thoughts intrude like unwanted guests at a party.
Ignored and unfed, they leave. Trying to understand unity is as futile as trying to drink with your ears. Using the mind to try to reach the final understanding is like hiring a thief to protect a house from other thieves.
You don't know what's good. You only know what's good for you. All of this, however, is relative.
What's good for you might be bad for me. What is good for you today may be bad for you tomorrow. Wouldn't it be better to leave judgment to fools?
The strategy of seeking an advantageous position in life is the source of sadness. You are not the main character in this play; you are one of many characters. Each has a role to play.
No actor can change his role in stage, according to your preferences. Why perpetuate an illusion by seeking to control something? I laugh when I hear you talk about your plans.
Anything that can be gained can also be lost. Only the eternal is forever. This realization is the first step towards unity that is, that always was and always will be.
What does the orange tree have to do for oranges to grow? What does the sky have to do to be blue? What is natural requires no study or practice.
Does anyone study how to sleep? To achieve what is natural, just remove what is unnatural. The fruit contains the seed which contains the fruit.
Just sitting down; aimless; no schedule; formless and without intentionality the seed opens into the fruit. Just sitting. Men are so fascinated by the tree that they have forgotten the seed, the origin of the tree.
Believing to be what comes and goes is a great madness. Believing that what is transitory can lead to what is permanent is to disappoint. What comes and goes is just an appearance.
That which perceives all comings and goings is the only substance. Drnking this elixir, life is recognized as eternal. The way out is the way back.
It turns attention to that from which infinity arose. Look deep inside yourself and try to find yourself. The failure that follows is the real breakthrough.
How can light find darkness? Darkness is just the absence of light. How can one find one's origin?
The origin is only revealed through your own absence. The shadow cannot exist without the substance, but the shadow is not the substance. How can the world exist for you if you are not there to notice it?
The creation of distinctions arises from the cycle of pleasure and pain. When everything is accepted with equanimity, stillness is established. All conflicts between friends, lovers, families and kingdoms begin as one.
internal conflict. Freeing oneself from conflict is freeing the world from conflict. The past is just a memory.
The future is just a hope. All that exists is this moment. Only this moment is eternal and real, everything else is mind.
Why do you complain about the darkness if there are unlit candles by the bed? It's quite simple: know what you are not, see everything you are not. What remains is what always was.
Various methods lead you to become more comfortable. But that's just it. He who is comfortable in his prison cannot be freed by anyone.
Nothing gets him out of prison because he is prison itself. When sandals are comfortable, sit barefoot. When the robe is comfortable, he sits naked.
All discomfort is a call for attention. Pay attention to what you are, not what you seem to be. This is the key that opens the door.
My method has no method. You just need to stop, stop clinging, stop planning, stop praying, stop to look, stop analyzing, stop all your strategies and finally stop to give your thoughts the power to define who you are. There is nothing to be done.
There's nobody to do. Seeing clearly is an impersonal event that occurs in the absence of the one who sees it. intend to see clearly.
Indeed, it is he who intends to see clearly that is the greatest impediment to see clearly. Nobody is humble, there is only humility. Nobody is compassionate, there is only compassion.
Removing that one reveals that one. If you knew this was just a dream, would anything else really matter? Every second, you have a chance to unbind yourself from this enchantment with your life story; thus being able to enter the realm of complete peace.
What are you waiting for? Engaging in debates is feeding the mind. He prefers to deprive her of food until she starves to death.
Who dies when the body dies? What dies when the body dies? All individuals die.
Only those who are no longer individuals live eternally. Achieving immortality is easy. It just sets aside ownership of body and mind, remaining rooted in the that existed before your appearance.
All that is needed is to stop seeing yourself in the world to see the world in yourself. Deepening is the only way out. There is no place to go, everything that exists is here.
When there are no more goals, then the goal is achieved. In order to achieve understanding, the focus must be less on what is, and more on what it is not. When the clouds all disappear, the sun is revealed in all its splendor.
It takes it all away until all that's left is just you. Then take yourself away too, and the abode of happiness will be revealed. The key to happiness is simply letting go of the nonessentials.
Stillness, dream, awakening; this is the big wheel. When the knower of these three is known, the great gate opens. Any awakening to the truth is an intuitive and spontaneous process.
There is nothing to be done. It is the nature of the flame to burn. It is the moth's nature to fly towards the light.
When the moth is destroyed by the flame, it can be blamed on the moth? The world is just an interplay of opposites; one and many, full and empty, going and coming. This flow continues.
The one who is not affected by the flow is the one who has accepted it. How different is the world when the identified individual is absent. Once the function of perceiving is clearly understood, the notion of inside and outside disappears.
But how do you describe a color to a man blind from birth? Why so many words? Let the stillness speak and all questions are answered.
Ideas distort experience. He who is empty of ideas experiences life in all its fullness. Ignorant is the one who ignores the essential.
Knowing heaven, earth and things, but not knowing yourself, is the highest ignorance. Awaken from this trance or remain buried alive. Accept that snow is white, crows are black, summers are hot and that winter is cold, is the heart of understanding all that is.
It is not the extraordinary that needs attention, but the ordinary. The thoughts come, the kettle whistles, and the answer is the same for both. Naming is building a fence between the named and the naming.
Every life becomes pure when mental commentary is removed. Then the cup of tea turns into a holy moment. A dog doesn't know it's a dog, it just knows it is.
If only man could be so lucky. It's easy to get lost in the imagination. More difficult is to root yourself in what is.
The beauty of music is felt, not analyzed. Hold a single note a single second longer, and the melody is lost. The real life is what happens when no one is trying drive it.
All art is created in the absence of the artist. The end of unhappiness occurs in the absence of anyone who is unhappy. You are the only obstacle.
The way beyond you is through you. What can exist without you? Answer that and all other questions are done.
Just as the skin is the physiological boundary, thought is the intellectual boundary. Going beyond these boundaries is the door to vastness beyond comprehension. All problems are created by the mind and related to the body.
In the absence of either, where are the problems? The fool denies the existence of what he cannot imagine. The sage denies the existence of what he imagines.
Seeing the usefulness in everything is knowledge. Seeing the uselessness in everything is wisdom. The secrets to living are these: First; the past cannot be improved; acknowledge what was and move on front.
Second; the future cannot be shaped; so why bother? Lastly; nothing can be controlled, not the past, not the future, not the gift. Accept this moment as it is.
By honoring these three secrets, one lives without shackles. Under a rock there is always darkness, no matter how bright the sun shines. To see correctly is just to get out from under the rock of personal identification.
Wholeness is simply the perception of the non-existence of parts. The end of illusion is the end of the “I”. You cannot exist without illusion; for “being you” is the illusion itself.
Real contact is made when there is no person, no personality and no individual to meet. Beyond the known lies lies the realm of endless discovery. For perception to flourish, it is not what you do that matters.
What matters is what you stop doing. To go from a vast nothing to a small something is the height of madness. Living spontaneously leaves no time to think.
This is real living. True stillness, stillness without someone trying to be quiet is the solvent in which all individual conditioning can be dissolved. What remains is a neutrality, an acceptance of what is.
Problems no longer appear when the creator of the problems no longer does part of the process. This means that the solution to all problems is to remove the creator of all problems. It abandons everything acquired and returns to the state before the first acquisition.
Who are you? In the single instant, absent from all thought, there is the clear revelation that nothing is wrong. The return of thoughts heralds the return of problems.
Recognizing illusions as illusions is the way out of illusion. The only thing harder than looking for a grain of rice in a pile of straw is looking in the wrong stack. Where are you looking for what you want to find?
If you're looking outside, you're looking in the wrong pile. The individual desires liberation. But deliverance from what?
Freedom from the pain of being an individual. Can't you see why I laugh so much? What is, is, always was and always will be.
There is nothing that needs to be done; there is nowhere to go; there is nothing to get. Clarity is not about adding, it's about removing. Giving up little, little is gained.
By giving up much, much is gained. Giving up everything, you get everything. Life pulsates, everything is happening, but there is no one to whom it happens.
In silence, an inner and subtle eye opens and sees what is the basis that gives support for all appearances. All experience is transitory, but the basis of experience is immovable and permanent. This is diving deep into the root of being.
In undisturbed silence, this fundamental lucidity makes itself known. Those who have had the understanding know this. Lan Xi sought wisdom.
His first master taught him: “You are the screen on which everything appears and fades away". Lan Xi was not satisfied. His second master taught him: “You are the screen on which everything appears and fades away".
Lan Xi was not satisfied. His third master told him: "First you must serve me for ten years, then I will teach you”. And so it was, for ten years Lan Xi served the master, cleaning the animal manure, sweeping the floor, preparing meals and washing the clothes.
At the conclusion of the ten years, Lan Xi said to the master, “I have fulfilled my commitment and now I am ready to receive your teaching”. “Very well”, replied the master: “You are the screen on which everything appears and fades away". Over time, your “I” changes and disappears.
Ask yourself: Over this lifetime, how many identities have you had? Where are they now? How long do you believe this current identity of yours can last?
Where does she go when she's finished? Underneath is support; which is water for the boat; what is heaven for cloud. What is known is supported by the unknown, which in turn it is sustained by the unknowable.
Ignoring this is the folly of men. What has never changed, what will never change, is the fertile ground to explore. What is permanent within transience?
Upon finding this, the search ends, the seeker ends. Everything that can be gained can be lost. What cannot be obtained is what is already present, here and now.
Realign with that, and nothing else. It is not necessary to analyze the darkness to dispel it. Just turn on the light of clarity and all darkness is gone.
All things appear as they really are to those who are not blinded by self-interest. The rain is falling. The grass is growing.
The crow is crows. Where's the effort in that? The desire to reach somewhere, a destination for a self chained to time, prevents the perception that everything that exists is in this singular moment.
Right here, right now. The world is known through the mind, but the sustenance of the world cannot be known through the mind, for that is prior to the mind. When clarity is there, there are never problems.
When clarity is absent, there are always problems. Once the understanding is complete and clear, there is nothing to do but observe. With no one here and no one there, everything is as it should be.
But talking about eating doesn't satisfy hunger. These words just point the restaurant. The solution to all problems is to see who has them.
And the only one who can break down the wall is the one who built it. Every day, make yourself at least one gram lighter. What makes a wise man?
Nothing more than perceiving the unit that appears to be several. Perceiving through appearance is everything. The search ends when the fish understands the futility of looking for the ocean.
The water is not wetter here than there. There is no need to go there to get what is also here. Those who chase two rabbits catch none.
The observer spends his entire life in conflict with what is observed. This is resolved when both the observer and the observed they dissolve in observation. Man's main function is to create unhappiness for others.
This ceases when it is understood that there are no others. All suffering is personal. In the absence of the person, where can the suffering fall?
Peace is present at all times. Remove the shroud of thoughts. And where can peace not be found?
Stop talking and thinking. So nothing can remain unknown. Beliefs can be built like a fortress wall.
Unless the wall is knocked down, the other side cannot be reached. To pursue appearances is to ignore the source of appearances. The entrance to the unknown is narrow.
Only those who abandon all acquired knowledge gain access. Silence is not the absence of sound. Silence is the absence of the “I”.
Understanding is the end of questioning. He who understands, settles down. My words are not important.
Pay attention completely to the silence. Realization of what is can only be achieved by removing obstacles. I cannot describe what it is, I can only describe what it is not.
The elimination of what is not, that is the great unlearning. Don't add a single concept, empty yourself. Only when one is empty of emptiness too can fullness manifest.
This heavy clothing, this personal identity that seems to protect you is merely a second skin, a step that separates you from infinity. Take it out and go beyond all need for protection. There is no need to go beyond the mind, see through the mind.
That's enough. When true emptiness is met face to face, all is lost. What else can anyone accomplish when, in fact, there is no accomplisher?
When this notion of “individual” dissolves like ice in water, it turns out that nothing it is external. Everything is contained in the unified. Then comes freedom, freedom from this and that, freedom from yes and no, freedom to be what you've always been, before being someone.
Clarity cannot be rushed, it is already there. It's just the veils, the mists of thought that tend to obscure it. Eternity is available at every moment.
Reality is always now. Get away from your own worries and eternity will present itself. Everything that rises, falls.
The origin and the end meet at a single point. The sage calls it home. The sage does not have all the answers.
The sage has no more questions. Everything is moving on the surface of stillness. Trusting that what got you here will get you there is the end of all effort.
When you were in the womb, nature took care of you. You did not do anything. Why do you think it's different now?
Reject thinking. Reject not thinking. This is the naturalness in which the particular becomes universal.
What has always been is like a seamless ball. Its beginning is nowhere and everywhere. Its ending is everywhere and nowhere.
Do you understand that this cannot be shown? The dream lasts as long as the dreamer. The end of the last is the end of the first.
The greatest crime is neglecting who you really are to believe the story of who you think you are. This preoccupation with your personal drama is the cloud that covers the sun. In unity, everything constitutes being, there is no one who sees, and there is no sight.
This is that which cannot be known because there is no “other” to know it. This is that which can only be found, where there is neither presence nor absence. There is great potential in you.
Ignite your inner fire. The bigger that fire is, the faster your water can boil. If you are given the choice between a thousand gold pieces or complete understanding, choose the gold coins and enjoy.
For there is no one who can enjoy absolute understanding. You are incomprehensible, like space. Recognize that it is possible to directly experience this presence in all moments.
Here and now. Being present and aware is not a state. It is the foundation from which all things stand.
Search for it, and you will find what you never lost. You are it.
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