He Was The Weakest Until He Merged With A Powerful Dragon God And Takes Revenge | Anime Recap

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the anime Story begins with a battle between two great houses waving their banners on either side however both sides settle to a truce because a greater threat is about to destroy the world as they know it right now the continent of ancient Japan is currently facing a plague against the evil giant demonic Dragon whose name is zot this dragon is like no other and no one has ever been powerful enough to stop it from doing whatever the hell it likes every time this Dragon awakens it burns entire towns and villages to the ground but no
no one has ever been strong enough to delay these attacks so people can have enough time to evacuate the area as he's so overpowered costing millions of Civilian lives each time he awakens however in this world there are two famous Mages who people depend on and together they also birth a baby boy named hero one night when all the fighting stopped these two Mages told everyone that they need to seal the dragon tonight before it's too late so all the soldiers and cloaked Men stood together waiting for the dragon zot to appear and finally seal
for good once the purple moon was out we see Hero's mother a famous witch known for her incredible swordsmanship and her two juicy bouncy balloons she purposely set herself up as bait pretending to sacrifice herself to attract the Dragon Z as it was told the legendary Zod also loves juicy jugs just as much as we do when she starts screaming out for help two claws raised from the ground and a Giant Shadow forms around the ritual and Z finally awakens again when he does he lets out a giant raw and proceeds to attack Hero's mother
but at this moment she quickly uses a spell unleashing herself and puts the chains onto the dragon and pulls out her sword at this moment Hero's father named brro transforms from one of the soldiers into his true form and Begins the ceiling ceremony together they start the ceiling process forming giant protective bubbles around the Beast however during the process brro is struck by an arrow in his back causing him to fall and bleed out however he insists that they both continue the ceiling ceremony or the Dragon will never answer for his crimes and zat's Flames
Will Destroy All Souls and devour the land however zot breaks out of the ceiling magic and calls Barrow a pathetic Noob and proceeds to attack his son hero but while zot tries to attack his father uses a spell with his hand saving the boy but this causes the boy and the dragon to have a permanent scar on their chest and right after the dragon uses its Flames to destroy the entire ceremony and everything gets blasted into smithin leaving only hero alive because of his father's protective spell many years go by and Hero has now grown
up a bit and seeks revenge against all who betrayed his father and also desires to kill the dragon that wiped out his family hero is seen wandering about in different areas cloaked up and carrying a giant sword on his back he keeps walking until he arrives at a new city where everyone is checked by the guards before entering however the guard was shocked upon looking into Hero's eyes and lets him enter without any problems and he must know it was the son of brro he wanders around the town trying to spot anything unusual and he
can see different mysterious creatures and strange foods for sale until the people in the area spot a small girl who announces the arrival of a Lord named namboku she summons namboku and he arrives on a chariot surrounded by many guards and soldiers Nuku starts throwing copper coins at the people and calls them all worthless smelly peasants and to Bow before him immediately all the villagers pick up the coins and start fighting over them and one of them Falls next to hero and hero tries picking it up but one of the city boy thieves named peset
steals it from hero but the group of City Boys tell peset not to take namboku money as he spreading money that he had taken from them one of the boys noticed that the Lord namboku has The Grand trowa in his Chariot and the trowa will grant any wish you want and will supply all the money and food they will ever need and will never be poor again however the leader tells them all to forget it as it's impossible to steal the Grand trowa and they explain how they need to leave now otherwise the boss will
get angry however peset stays behind and can't help himself after seeing the Grand trowa and climbs onto the Chariot but Lord namboku notices after hero wonders some more and he sees a man on the side of the street claiming he has got a rare Crest which descended from the hero who defeated the evil dragon but the man tells a twisted version of the story as hero knows exactly what happened that day but the crest he was holding is real after one of the boys from the street thieves gang snatches it out of the man's hand
and runs away but the merchant had a giant bodyguard who grabs the boy and rap raises him into the air the merchant tells the big bodyguard to punch him three times and take the crest back but before they could hero appeared just in time and puts his massive blade right against his ugly ogre face and told The Bodyguard that the only time he ever draws for his sword is when he really means it hero tells the merchant he will pay for the crest and after throws the guy a gold coin for the troubles and the
coin was worth double for what he was asking after they let the boy go and the merchant thanks hero for the kind gesture however the boy tells hero that he just ruined his plan as he was trying to get The Bodyguard to hold him up and scold him for taking the crest so that the other Street thieves boys could steal the merchants items from the shop in their wallets so hero just costs them a fortune by trying to be the nice guy right then the boy steals the crest out of hero hands and bolts off
down the street and runs away with his street friends later on the boys go back to their secret City Hideout and talk about hero being a jerk and ruining their plunder however hero sneaks inside their base and takes back the crest claiming it belongs to him and none of them have no idea how valuable this is and what it means to him hero asks the boy who stole it what his name was and he introduces himself as tomit the other boys call hero a dum and said that what they steal still belongs to them so
hero runs away and all the boys start chasing him on top of the rooftops and through Alleyways meanwhile another mysterious man named juru a big scary jaaw with scars across his face was also in the market and was spying around then asking strangers if they have seen a boy with a big sword named hero with a drawing of the protagonist on a piece of paper but no one in the market recalls seeing this boy however juru companion tells juru that he's stolen too much from them already and that this is the first Town Hero would
most likely come to visit first in a Grand Mansion across town nuko hosts a lavish dinner for his guests despite his facade as a mere Merchant Nano's True Colors emerge as he pressures his guests into selling their prized magic items concerns rise among the city's Elite as they fear the repercussions of rising prices and potential unrest tensions escalate when a clumsy servant who had greeted nanbo earlier accidentally shatters a rare jar the lord of the city fumes at the loss but before he can voice his frustration Nano's armed guards swiftly intervene their swords drawn ready
to enforce their Master's will as tensions rise in the Mansion the girl unveils the grand trowa suggesting a partnership with nanbo tempted by the offer yet wary of his reputation the man hesitates suddenly a miniature dragon-like creature swoops in snatching the crystal with its tongue the girl quick to react uses her magic to open the ceiling causing both the creature and peset to Tumble down from above the next morning peshet finds himself Bound in the city Square facing execution like clockwork hero intervenes halting the execution with practiced ease Nano's soldiers move in but hero dispatches
them effortlessly infuriated the girl unleashes her lightning magic at hero who deafly evades her attacks just as the situ situation escalates a sturdy stranger appears rescuing hero from harm seizing the moment the girl grasps the grand trowa only for hero To Boldly claim it is his father's possession sending a ripple of concern through nuko in a desperate move the girl channels the grand tro is Magic unleashing a powerful blast toward hero with quick reflexes hero manages to deflect the attack but not before the girl is caught in the blasts the force propels her towards the
mountain causing a massive explosion that shatters its peak as the dust settles both the seal on dagot and the emblem on Hero's chest illuminate blinded by his thirst for Revenge hero unleashes a flurry of attacks against the Colossal dragon but to no avail his efforts are effortlessly thwarted just as hope seems lost juru swoops into Aid his friend the soldiers realizing their feudal attempts against dag and zot redirect their arrows towards hero and juru and Desperation however before the arrows can find their Mark the legendary dragon unexpectedly Shields the DU surprising everyone with its protective
gesture in a fit of rage Dagen Zod unleashes its Fury upon the city laying waste to everything in its path before Vanishing into the Shadows while the man beside nuko sees with anger nuko wears a satisfied smirk reving in the fear he has instilled he Delights in the realization that people now clamor for his protection in the wake of such Terror the scene then shifts to the thieves Hideout where hero lies unconscious juru recounts the events of 10 years past when Hero's parents attempted to seal Dagen Z buffer zone The Chosen site was strategically located
at the heart of three powerful kingdoms Hero's mother kissm sacrificed her soul to lure out the dragon while Lord Barrow wielded his ceiling treasure and hero AED with the sacred mirror together with a 100 Elite Mages they commenced the ceiling ritual but tragically their efforts were in vain despite juru intervention to save hero his parents and all the magicians fell victim to the engulfing black flames of Dagen zot as hero regains Consciousness he immediately searches for the dragon driven by a Relentless desire for vengeance jeru attempts to calm him revealing that he has been training
hero for the past decade and has taken him under his wing meanwhile tomet underestimates Hero's Newfound strength but Hero's resolve remains unshaken he queries tomit about Nano's whereabouts but tomit brushes off the inquiry he describes nuko as a nefarious arms dealer who causes conflict between kingdoms for personal gain manipulating markets and bankrupting Merchants with his trade in Magic Stones determined to reclaim the grand trowa hero sets his sights on finding nanbo the scene shifts to sharu distraught over Nano's departure and seeking Solace she turns to a magical mirror connecting her to Nano's Carriage via video
call she confronts nuko for abandoning her in the city but he remains unconcerned instructing her to locate hero as hunger grows in Hero's stomach he desires for a lavish meal but palupa tells him to stay within his limits as they only have limited funds and he refuses to spend it on an extravagant restaurant their argument catches the attention of the restaurant owner who Harbors resentment towards them for causing a scene earlier against nuko suddenly a cat eared girl named Aaron intervenes inviting them to join her for brunch they follow her to a nearby restaurant where
they sit down to eat together Aaron intrigued by the earlier commotion in the city Square deduces Hero's identity as Lord Barrow's son leaving hero and the others on Edge abruptly Aaron takes her leave leaving them puzzled especially palupa because the poor guy was expecting her to pay for their food later that night hero and his companions take refuge in the thieves base much to tomas's annoyance the other kids however now see hero as their Savior and defend his presence reluctantly tomed agrees and allows them to stay only to find himself arguing with hero over sleeping
Arrangements the next day tomet asks hero about their plans and the freeloader remains steadfast in his goal to find nuko and retrieve the grand trowa jeru however refuses to become a bootlicker and warns hero of his perceived weaknesses urging him to tread carefully in his Pursuit he is low-key calling him a crappy swordsman with big talks and no skill at all jeru proposes that the others remain at the base temporarily while hero hones his skills though tomit opposes the idea hero assures him that juru will take care of them and even cook for them reluctantly
the kids agree and soon after hero and jeru venture into the desert in the vast expanse of the desert juru suggests that hero train at level one by battling simple and weak slimes however seemingly straightforward hero struggles to even cut them in half let alone damage them showcasing his poor skills just as frustration mounts a sand dragon emerges from the dunes catching them off guard despite the fearful presence of the sand dragon hero desperate for attention attempts to strike it but his efforts fall short as always suddenly a slender girl emerges from the dragon's mouth
with a peculiar appearance to their surprise she approaches hero and lays her head on his chest displaying an unusual level of familiarity furthermore she boldly expresses her desire to accompany him on his journey something he never would have even imagined Hal lupa's Panic is palpable as the strange girl Sado makes her introduction while hero appears visibly flustered before they can fully process the situation juru launches an attack on Sado only to be restrained by by Hero's intervention sado's odd behavior continues as she busies herself plucking something from the desert floor while the others sees the
opportunity to flee back to their base where hero takes charge and prepares a meal for them later lost in thought hero finds himself contemplating sado's unusual presence Tom it teasingly suggests that he's a desperate single guy who must be smitten with her prompting an irritated response from hero despite his annoyance hero can't shake the feeling of concern for sado's apparent loneliness Tom it offers some perspective reminding him that they too are alone without their parents offering condolences for Hero's loss even if it happened long ago meanwhile in the city Shar sharu and her soldiers continue
their search for hero combing every corner without success suddenly to their surprise Sado appears before them adding another layer of mystery to an already perplexing situation the scene changes to a floating palace situated in a land where hopes go to die inside nuko the Mastermind behind many Sinister dealings reviews trading reports and instructs Dr bahara to prepare weapons for an impending war in his laboratory despite the pressing matters at hand Dr bajara for some unknown reason expresses concern for sado's well-being that night Sado mysteriously appears within the thieves base catching everyone off guard Tom it
experiences an average moment in the life of a Chad when he is captivated by her beauty at first however he quickly grows irritated by her Whimsical Behavior she further adds flavor to her unusual behavior by warning hero that she will track him down no matter where he goes which to be honest sounds very kinky to me tomit then taunts hero suggesting that his quest to slay dagin Zod is now indefinitely postponed since he has found a new love interest the tension between hero and tomit escalates into a heated argument until Sado intervenes finally showcasing some
sanity by pulling hero aside to diffuse the situation the following day juru and palupa head to the market for some shopping but find the themselves nearly out of funds meanwhile hero Ventures into the desert accompanied by Sado attempting to improve his combat skills hero faces off against the slimes once more but struggles yet again suddenly a wolf descends upon them launching an attack in a desperate attempt to impress Sado hero bravely engages the wolf in battle but is swiftly overpowered and collapses as the wolf turns its attention towards Sado hero summons the last of his
strength to defend her to his surprise Sado remains composed and the Wolf inexplicably collapses beside him Sado being a weirdo as always reveals that she had merely fallen asleep before the wolf's attack upon noticing the wound on Hero's shoulder she effortlessly heals it with her magic leaving him surprised later hero manages to sell the wolf for a golden coin though he grumbles about the meager earnings his mood shifts when he Witnesses a man being dragged by soldiers destined for forced labor in a Magic Stone mine unable to tolerate such Injustice he implores Sado to wait
as he intervenes confronting the soldiers hero demands they spare the man but his efforts are met with violence as he is swiftly overwhelmed and beaten by the soldiers after being captured hero finds himself imprisoned alongside the man he tried to save the Man reveals the Grim truth that those sent to the mindes never return prompting hero to devise an Escape Plan using his fake badge much to the man's dismay meanwhile sharish sharu grows frantic as her magic mirror fails to function learning of Heroes cap and subsequent imprisonment in the palace she immediately sets out to
intervene on the other hand in a dimly lit alley tomit searches for a way to locate hero only to be unexpectedly followed by Sado as tensions rise her presence adds an unexpected twist to tomas's problematic situation in the palace the lord of the city erupts in Anger when nuko interferes with his Affairs upon discovering his Ledger missing from its hiding place the Lord realizes tomas's scheme threatened by his ultimatum to expose his Deeds the Lord faces a dilemma later tomet and Sado find themselves ambushed by the Royal Guards fortunately juru and palupa arrived just in
time to retrieve The Ledger enabling them to secure Hero's release and that of the other prisoners the following day hero attempts to dismiss sarado urging her to leave him to his training however Sado persists in following him and hero can't stand her weirdness anymore especially during his so-called training in an attempt to provide for her hero offers her a golden coin to purchase food meanwhile Sado encounters Aaron who extends an invitation to a particular location as hero trains he grows frustrated with the repetitive task of battling slimes and implores juru to depart only to be
met with an insulting refusal on the other hand Sado accompanies Aaron to a hot spring where Aaron reveals rumors of its healing properties however she clarifies that while the water can heal wounds it cannot Resurrect The Dead across the lake shahash sharu observes their interaction catching Aaron's attention ion elsewhere tomit and palupa stumble upon a flyer advertising a quest offering a reward of 300 golden coins for capturing a monster confident in their abilities with juru by their side they head to the training ground only to be taken aback by the sight of juru and hero
locked in combat juru delivers a blunt reality check stating that Heroes Reliance solely on the grand troll won't be sufficient to defeat Dagen zot he emphasizes the necessity of mastering multiple skills reminding hero of the failure of a 100 Mages to seal the dragon Hero's frustration boils over at juru words leading to a physical confrontation where hero strikes out in anger only to be swiftly rebuffed by juru unyielding defense palupa and tomit rush to Hero's side to check on him while juru announces his intention to take hero to The Healing Springs for treatment along the
way Nano's guards observe their group as they make their way to The Healing Springs as hero experiences the miraculous healing powers of the Springs he is taken aback by the potency meanwhile sharish sharu detects Hero's presence and issues a command juru tells hero that their Journey encompasses more than just training there are many tasks ahead and hero must demonstrate unwavering determination to succeed as shash sharu signals soldiers awaken the Giant Octopus unleashing chaos as it Rampages through the area capturing Sado in its path Aaron swiftly departs leaving the scene behind is the monster re's Havoc
attacking everyone in its vicinity even sharish sharu herself in a bold move juru charges forward and defeats the monster saving the day meanwhile hero searches for Sado and finds her by the lake sensing their moment together palupa and tomit discreetly give them privacy turning their attention elsewhere with the monster subdued they bring it to town only to discover that the initial announcement was a Roose orchestrated by Shaha sharu to capture hero undeterred they hatch a plan to sell the monster to wealthy buyers hoping to fund Hero's Quests for armor however the armor desires proves too
costly forcing them to settle for cheaper chain mailes instead the following morning hero bids farewell to the kids ready to embark on his journey tomet surprises Everyone by expressing his intent to join the party despite protests from his friends determined to acquire the grand trowa hero promises to return and sets off with Newfound resolve on their Journey they encounter Aaron who reveals that sharish sharu was behind the monster incident the day before she expresses her desire to join their part party and offers a map revealing Nano's whereabouts in the land where wishes perish however she
is a greedy woman and explains that she will only disclose this information if she is allowed to join them hero is a perverted cheap skate and he readily agrees because what is better than having more than one alley in his group especially beautiful female ones as hero and his companions press forward they encounter a formidable obstacle in the form of a massive bird with tomit Aaron Sado and palupa taking cover behind a stone hero attempts to strike at the bird but finds himself in Peril only to be rescued by juru timely intervention recognizing the danger
juru suggests they spend the night in the nearby Forest to avoid further attacks from the bird that evening as they gather around a fire Sado is notably absent having gone to fetch water seizing the opportunity for a private moment hero volunteers to search for her and finds her by the stream meanwhile in the palace nuko showcases his Weaponry to potential clients including his latest creation satisfied with the demonstration the clients purchased the weapon with crystals unbeknownst to nuko shash sharu Witnesses the transaction through her magic mirror but her mood quickly sour when she learns of
the bird attack on hero and his companions nuko reveals the existence of the massive bird known as Hawkeye leaving Shish sharu in a state of distress she tries to bribe him with her cuteness but he strictly orders her to find hero and threatens that if she fails he will disown her meanwhile as hero and his party press forward Hawkeye returns to Shadow them from above as they arrive in the Salt Field suddenly shahash sharu and her soldiers emerge launching a surprise Ambush on hero and his companions they revive three towering Golems unleashing them upon the
group jeru prepares to confront the golems in battle while hero driven by a sudden impulse rushes towards shash sharu in a state of frenzy however his Reckless move proves disastrous as sharu retaliates with her lightning magic causing hero to to collapse instantly undeterred by Hero's plight juru charges forward engaging the soldiers and golems with remarkable skill and Agility despite his efforts hero finds himself unable to retaliate effectively and his sword is ultimately Torn to Pieces by Shara shu's Relentless assault in a desperate move palupa invokes his magic and summons Mumu a rabbit-like girl known for
her openness to bribery Mumu emerges from a magical chest and in a sudden turn of events palupa tosses both Sado and tomet into the chest much to tot's concern for the others meanwhile hero finds himself cornered by Shar shu's Relentless assault with juru coming to his Aid as the battle intensifies the Earth trembles under the force of their clashes and juru becomes ens snared by shu's powerful magic in a cruel twist Shah sharu threatens to kill juru if hero does not comply fueled by rage and Desperation Hero's emotions boil over causing him to undergo a
monstrous transformation with uncontrollable power at his disposal he unleashes a devastating attack wiping out the soldiers and striking fear into sharish shu's heart however in the midst of his Rampage his strength diminishes his mind confuses and he collapses losing Consciousness as hero regains Consciousness he finds himself confronted by nanbo and his subordinates but his weakened State leaves him disoriented and unsure of his surroundings Recollections of a strange vision during his unconsciousness flicker in his mind meanwhile mumu and the Magical chest reappear with Sado setting out to search for hero while palupa reluctantly Parts with a
hefty sum to fulfill mumu's demands elsewhere nuko meets with his buyer an individual adorned in lavish attire eager to inspect Nano's offerings in the background a green orc is bound to a cross while three men are Shackled nearby unbeknownst to them the doctor is in the midst of preparing his invention when a sudden burst of red light envelops the orc and the men to their astonishment the individuals merge into a monstrous ENT prompting a sense of Praise from the woman witnessing Nano's success in combining humans and an orc as hero secretly observes the scene the
doctor expresses his disappointment at the miscalculation expecting the monster to be stronger suddenly hero emerges from the Shadows confronting nuko and challenging him to a duel with both parties prepared for combat hero realizes he no longer possesses his sword undeterred hero engages nuko in hand-to-hand combat but his efforts prove feudal as he is swiftly overpowered despite his defeat hero demands the return of grand troa only to be met with Nano's assertion that the artifact rightfully belongs to him as hero is captured by the soldiers nuko informs him that he is being invited to a special
Gathering meanwhile juru Ponders over Hero's mysterious ability to destroy their enemies and Aaron suddenly appears much to palupa annoyance afterwards giru tomit and Sado are escorted to a luxurious tent leaving Aaron and palupa behind meanwhile outside the tent nanbo attends to his buyer who is preparing a lavish Feast sharu rushes to nanbo to apologize for her failure to capture hero but to her surprise nanbo commends Hero's strength and rewards sharu and her men with a bag of money overwhelmed with joy sharish sharu Embraces nuko in gratitude back at the trial grounds juru and the others
observe the half-human orc leading juru to suspect Nano's involvement in the creatur's creation in the tent hero finds himself bound to a chair as nuko enters displaying torturous implements with the intention of extracting Hero's Secrets through pain curiosity peaked nuko asks hero about his connection to dagin zot the malevolent dragon in response hero questions why a mere Merchant like nuko would be interested in such an evil entity nuko Reveals His rationale explaining that the chaos wrought by dagin Z's actions will create a demand for weapons across many countries thereby increasing his profits the nuko can
commence his interrogation a disturbance erupts outside the tent is buyer Furious by being addressed disrespectfully causes a scene seizing the opportunity Hero capitalizes on the distraction managing to free his leg and retrieve his badge with Nimble fingers he uses the badge to Cut the Ropes binding his hands setting himself free meanwhile the doctor carefully Tinkers with his latest invention but his sensors detect sado's presence nearby puzzled he sets out to to investigate her whereabouts inside the tent hero manages to free his hand from the Rope though he stumbles as his left hand remains bound suddenly
the doctor enters the tent carrying his sensor and is taken AB by Hero sent reminding him of Sado he inquires about sado's location unaware that hero is secretly cutting the Rope on his arm outside the tent sharu and the soldiers Rebel in a party celebrating Nano's supposed benevolence meanwhile the doctor remains skeptical of sado's supposed in rest in Hero's heartbeat eventually hero frees his arm and seizes the opportunity to confront the doctor despite the doctor's persistent ramblings about Sado and Hero's connection hero realizes sado's fate is intertwined with his own the doctor acknowledging this Bond
implores hero to care for Sado however hero expresses doubt fearing he cannot fulfill This Promise amidst Nano's torture in a surprising turn the doctor offers hero poison suggesting it as a means to reunite with Sado beyond the confines of their current difficulty at first the young boy hesitates grappling with the gravity of his decision before finally consuming the poison outside the tent juru and the others observe as hero Falls from above prompting juru to urge a swift departure without diving into inquiries inside the tent nanbo boils with Fury towards the professor who defiantly challenges nanbo
to end his life however nuko acknowledges the doctor's value despite their confrontation recognizing the necessity of the doctor's skills unconcerned the doctor remains steadfast as his resolve is fueled by the desire to protect hero for sado's sake nuko intrigued questions whether hero is aware of sado's true identity nevertheless he discloses that he will get rid of Sado as soon as possible and this news causes tears in the doctor's eyes the scene changes to an old mine where Aaron reveals that extensive mining operations are under way to procure magic Stones Sado approaches hero and detects the
distinctive scent of Dr bajara meanwhile juru tries to comprehend the doctor's cryptic remarks regarding Hero's heart which appears to be distinct from his own and potentially linked to Dagen zot juru hypothesizes that a heart swap may have occurred between hero and Dagen zot explaining the irregularity in Hero's heartbeat this Theory suggests that Hero's father driven by despair may have orchestrated The Exchange perhaps in a bid to unleash hidden Powers within hero these Powers manifest when hero experiences intense emotions like anger in despair causing him to temporarily transform into a monstrous entity while juru remains cautious
about the theory it resonates with the events they've witnessed during their travels hero speculates that if he were to perish Dagen zot might meet the same fate driven by a deep-seated desire to avenge his parents' tragic demise hero resolves to confront his mortality headon in a cathartic Outburst he unleashes his pent up Fury and storms outside jeru and palupa trail behind him but Aaron's attempt to accompany them is is intercepted by tomet who deems the matter too personal for her involvement meanwhile in the palace Shah sharu Revels in the gift bestowed upon her by nanbo
however her restlessness causes her to dispatch her winged eyes to secretly monitor Hero's movements as hero reaches a desolate Village juru is struck by a sudden recollection leaving him visibly stunned tomet remarks on the Eerie atmosphere of the village prompting juru to affirm his suspicions and urge the others to survey the damage before making any decisions about out staying while exploring the village juru is confronted with a haunting vision from his past he glimpses the silhouette of his childhood triggering memories of the harrowing ordeal his parents endured they were subjected to torment and persecution because
his mother was human while his father bore a resemblance to a monstrous creature the denisons of the Monster Village harbored suspicions that his mother was the Catalyst for The Village's misfortunes despite the accusations guru's mother staunchly defended his father in a poignant moment juru father called out to him imparting the Timeless lesson that a true hero never forsakes a noble cause tragically juru parents were unjustly executed together leaving a profound mark on jeru psyche in another part of the village Tomic continues his exploration and stumbles upon piles of lifeless bodies above him a lurking monster
observes his movements then launches a sudden attack juru is flooded with memories of the past recalling the heroic actions of Barrow that saved him as well as the tender moment he first laid eyes on the infant hero abruptly tomit races towards them pursued by an ugly Fusion of humans and Orcs despite the looming threat hero steps forward to confront the monster only to realize his foolishness that he no longer possesses his sword with swift Precision juru swings his sword intercepting the monster's Onslaught and shielding his companions from harm hero recognizing his own vulnerability cautions juru
that he has yet to fully recuperate from his previous ordeal as the monster redirects its focus towards hero omet implores him to tap into his Dagen zot form for defense however despite his efforts hero struggles to transform leaving him vulnerable to the creature's assault in a decisive moment the monster launches a devastating attack on hero prompting tomas's urgent plea yet as the Peril escalates juru intervenes once more coming to Hero's rescue and swiftly dispatching the Monstrous Foe on the other hand Aaron meets sharu to meet the evil Merchant Aaron turns out to be a rat
as she informs nuko that hero possesses the heart of dag andot the merchant refuses to believe her at first but she tells him that it is her job to distribute valuable information in exchange for money impressed nuko gives her an expensive item and later he calls out sharish sharu only to order her to kill hero in the vibrant Rono Village tomit finds himself captivated by its Lively atmosphere despite its location on the outskirts palupa explains that the village thrives due to its strategic intersection hero expresses his desire to acquire a new new sword but juru
suggests selling the crocodile first before making any purchases cautioning hero to be mindful of their finances as evening descends tomit inquires about their plans for the following day prompting juru to advocate for some much needed rest while juru busies himself studying the map and planning their journey in his quarters hero engages him in conversation seeking to understand jer's demeanor during their encounter in the village earlier jeru reassures him stating that he was merely fulfilling his duty to protect hero though hero senses there may be more to jeru thoughts at the stroke of midnight chaos erupts
as a monstrous Shadow descends upon the village wreaking havoc and destruction as the shadow reveals its true form dagin Zod emerges casting a deadly aura that threatens all who cross its path enraged by the devastation hero moves to confront the creature but juru intervenes urging caution however as the monster unleashes another assault it becomes evident that this is not the true Dagon zot just then sh sharu appears disclosing that the Monstrous entity is an invention of Dr bahara Sado urgently alerts her companions that the looming threat is not dag and zot meanwhile at the palace
Dr bahara and nanbo observe the unfolding battle with the doctor expressing confidence in his plan to manipulate hero as juru becomes ens snared by the shadow monster shahash sharu launches an attack on hero with her lightning infused umbrella causing Dr bahara to panic as he realizes the significance of Hero's connection to Sado despite the chaos nuko remains indifferent focused solely on luring Dagen zot Shiro overwhelmed by the onslaught succumbs to the fear and anger within him Awakening the dormant power of the Dragon within his Unleashed Fury sends Shara sharu and her companions flying leaving tomit
and sarata in awe of his Newfound Dragon form as hero grapples with his inner turmoil juru finds himself consumed by the shadow only to be rescued by Aaron's timely intervention sharish sharu vanishes from the scene as the true Dagon zot materializes before them in his Fury hero now in control of his Dragon form inadvertently strikes juru with his sword causing Sado to feel a sharp pain in her heart the sheer force of Hero's inner power causes all the mirrors in Nano's chamber to shatter signaling the extent of his Unleashed energy eventually hero regains his senses
and dagano slowly Fades away then buo realizes that to capture dag andot he must first subdue hero leaving jeru lying helplessly on the ground as hero and his companions rush to his side overcome with emotion as hero watches over juru who remains unconscious in the hostel Sado joins him offering silent support meanwhile in the kitchen palupa expresses dissatisfaction with the taste of the food he's prepared suddenly juru awakens bringing a sense of relief to Hero despite his recovery juru notices the smell of palupa cooking acknowledging his efforts Hero's guilt weighs heavily upon him for his
attack on juru but but both jeru and palupa reassure him that it was his dag in form not his true self that struck jeru nevertheless hero is deeply affected by the incident saddened by the harm caused to his friend Hero's concern grows as Sado explains the dangers of healing jeru injuries and the potential risks of Hero's Dragon form overtaking him completely the fear of losing his Humanity to the dragon within him terrifies hero juru suggests seeking guidance from Master Theo believing he may have insight into their situation but he loses Consciousness once more meanwhile downstairs
palupa and Mumu Clash over the costly medicine needed to treat juru condition lumu reveals that the medicine requires rare sarapura herbs boiling down their hopes of a cheaper alternative Tomas suggests returning to The Healing Springs but palupa fears it may not be enough to save juru life just then Aaron emerges with a solution offering directions to the herbs in kururu ARA Canyon despite Hero's urgency Aaron shares the location providing a glimmer of hope as the group prepares to embark on their quest to save juru as hero and Sado Venture towards kiruru arua Canyon Hiro expresses
his frustration at the distance they must travel Sado reassures him mentioning that her own well-being is intact despite the Journey's length back at the hostel Aaron Grimley informs the group of jerus worsening condition palupa calculates their financial constraints while tomit voices his growing suspicions about Sado he notes her peculiar Behavior including her lack of appetite it during their travels tomas's doubts are compounded by sado's seemingly convenient appearances in her association with Dr bajara who serves Nano's interests additionally tomet observes that Sado rarely Smiles adding to his distrust meanwhile Hiro and Sado have reached kiruru arua
Canyon where they hope to find the rare herbs needed to save guru's life in the canyon Hiro and Sado find themselves facing a giant toad that suddenly appears and attacks them Sado acts quickly pushing ing hero out of Harm's Way as they attempt to evade the creature their escape is hindered by a sudden downpour making the terrain slippery despite the obstacles Sado spots a sarap Furia plant and hero heads towards it with determination back at the hostel Aaron relays alarming news to the group revealing that nuko plans to kill hero she explains that she overheard
this information through a device used for communication halupa is puzzled by Nano's motives for targeting hero and Aaron suggests that it may be Rel ated to Hero's connection to Dagen zot meanwhile as hero struggles to reach the sarap Furia the hill where the plant grows unexpectedly shifts away complicating their task further as hero struggles to retrieve the sarap Furia from The elusive glow tortoise back at the hostel the group discusses Hero's connection to Nano's plans they realize that Hero's visit to Nano's place is tied to his inheritance from his father as well as the fact
that he carries the heart of the creature responsible for his parents' deaths Aaron adds to to their concerns by revealing that nuko orchestrated a hoax about dagin Z's capture intending to sew Discord among the Three Kingdoms the group understands that this misinformation will likely lead to increased weapon and armor orders along with a rise in Magic Stone prices due to Nano's Monopoly palupa fears that these developments May escalate into a continent Wide War meanwhile hero continues to struggle with the glow toris prompting Aaron to warn the group about the increasingly difficult journey ahead despite the
potential Danger she refuses any reward for her information simply requesting a cup of tea in return in the canyon hero successfully retrieves the sarap Furia but as he falls from the glow tortoise's shell Sado catches him leading to a moment of relief and shared smiles between them back at the hostel hero presents The Boiled sarapura to juru and as he consumes it mystical lights appear and juru regains Consciousness outside the room tomet enters and shares a troubling Report with the others he reveals the children and the town are being coerced into mining magic Stones a
situation that suggests the imminent outbreak of War as they resume their Journey Tomic confides in palupa that he's lost trust in Sado after witnessing her crying in the hostel the previous night he now believes more in the mysterious girl they encountered earlier meanwhile tomet expresses his fear of the impending war and his desire to obtain the grand trowa however juru reminds him of the importance of finding Master Theo suddenly a dignified man appears and juru and police palupa kneel before him palupa introduces himself as Barrow's servant and the Man reveals himself to be Master Theo
Master Theo's arrival brings a mix of emotions as he greets Sado warmly causing hero to feel a twinge of jealousy despite the momentary discomfort they continue their Journey however the thin air proves challenging for everyone leaving them breathless Master Theo ever observant notes their struggle and points out that Barrow and palupa his disciples never seemed to face such difficulties Lupa apologizes for their lack of a present while juru respectfully States their intention to discuss something important with Master Theo as they delve deeper into the cave juru lays out the troubling reality of Hero's potential transformation
into a dragon Master Theo listens intently his wisdom emanating from his presence with a gesture he summons forth a powerful energy demonstrating the soul destroying Flames akin to Dagon Z's devastating attacks the old man delves into the tragic history of the failed ceiling ritual and the crucial role of Dagen zat's heart which now beats within hero despite his vast knowledge Master Theo admits he lacks guidance on this matter hero grappling with his emotions speaks out with his voice tinged with frustration he confronts Master Theo about his absence during the ceiling ceremony and questions why he
didn't intervene to Aid his parents this moment of Confrontation crackles with tension as hero seeks answers to the questions burning within him Master Theo's explanation Echoes with deep wisdom as he explains exps the impossibility of sealing Dagen zot even with his presence he extends an invitation to Hero to embark on a journey of magical training recognizing its potential to Aid him in grappling with his Dragon form as they emerge from the cave Master Theo creates tasks for each member of the group a subtle guidance tailored to their strengths and needs stepping forward hero finds himself
confronted with a difficult task following a twisty line to uncover a straight path within his steps it's a metaphorical Journey designed to cultivate a deeper understanding of oneself amidst life's complexities yet as he grapples with this concept hero finds himself confronted with a simple and profound exercise crumpling and uncrumpled journey of self-discovery and transformation he is embarking upon palupa finds himself grappling with the depth of Master Theo's teachings struggling to grasp their significant meanwhile Aaron diligently monitors reports from Nano's Palace her heart heavy with the weight of imp ending War as tensions escalate she fears
the inevitable outbreak of conflict in the midst of their training palupa urges hero to maintain his Focus emphasizing the importance of concentration yet master Theo's guidance takes an unexpected turn as he instructs hero to discard the paper bearing sado's likeness prompting protest from the young boy who clings to it as a cherished memory suspicious of the budding relationship between hero and Sado Master Theo observes their interactions keenly amidst this juru returns with his prey a testament to his prowess in the wild however the focus shifts once again as Master Theo directs Hero's attention to a
seemingly tough task picking up a pebble sado's perspective on the gold coin is a beautiful Pebble adds a unique twist to the exercise highlighting her perspective on the apparent difficulty intrigued Master Theo instructs hero to throw the pebble to a location of his choosing as the pabble is cast emitting a faint light Master Theo's interest is peaked sensing a challenge hero conf Master Theo who eagerly accepts the challenge meanwhile in the palace Shish sharu grapples with a sense of sadness with her emotions swirling within her despite her inner disruption she remains modest and when her
servant inquires about her desires she can only shake her head in response she is unable to explain the source of her sadness instead she calls out Nano's name seeking perhaps a source of comfort or guidance amidst her inner anxiety in front of the cave Master Theo imparts wisdom about the koku blade demonstrating its power without the physical presence of a sword hero is initially skeptical but attempts the technique nonetheless surprising himself when his attack connects with the stone despite this success hero remains unaware of the significance of his achievement meanwhile in the palace sharish sharu
weekly interacts with her servant before being summoned by nanbo excited by the prospect she eagerly heads to meet him inside the cave juru seeks guidance from Master Theo regarding hero Theo describes Hero's character traits and affirms that while hero may not excel in swordsmanship his true Talent lies in Magic juru acknowledges this but expresses his desire to continue training hero in swordsmanship wanting to support him Master Theo assures juru that together they can compliment each other's strengths with juru expertise in swordsmanship and Hero's Proficiency in magic in the palace nuko is engrossed in monitoring his
machine when sharish sharu arrives he informs her that he has a task for her prompting suspicion from one of the soldiers outside the cave Master Theo instructs hero to assume his stance but the young Warrior is fatigued and frustrated Theo challenges him to strike with the koku blade promising graduation if successful hero launches an attack and Theo fakes an injury despite Hero's belief that he has mastered swordsmanship they continue their Journey unbeknownst to them Master Theo discreetly activates a defensive magic barrier when hero attacks eventually they arrive in the mort desert amidst their Journey they
f an attack from a Hawkeye but giru successfully repels it however Aaron collapses dropping her device in the process suspicions arise when they hear her communicating with the Enemy leading them to realize she's the Spy geru confronts her and Aaron confesses to being an information broker who sells her intelligence to nanbo despite the Betrayal juru decides against harming her believing it won't compensate for their losses in the end they leave Aaron stranded in the desert though she warns them of dire consequences to come in in the palace despite her guard's concerns sharu is determined to
fulfill Nano's task she enters the machine where she and Dr bahara have joined forces meanwhile as night falls in the mort desert hero and his companions Grumble about the extreme temperatures juru reminds them that they need to prepare for three nights in the desert where the temperature fluctuates drastically between scorching days and freezing nights as they continue traversing the desert amid the sandstorm the group faces challenges meanwhile in the saint of Moria Kingdom the knights are preparing for war believing that vanes and iseline have formed an alliance and that dagin zot is under their control
in the desert hero and his companions find themselves running out of water and palupa falls into a sand hole inside they encounter a grotesque and formidable Monster juru instructs palupa not to move to avoid sinking deeper but despite his efforts palupa panics and sinks further unable to help him the group is surprised when Aaron the blabbermouth girl throws a rope to save palupa though palupa is saved he remains angry with Aaron who explains that they are drifting farther from their intended destination in the iseline Kingdom the King has been engaged in prayer for three consecutive
days there's a prevailing fear that van lodes and St amoria have aligned against them and they're also concerned about the potential capture of dag and zot meanwhile in the mort desert Hero's group is caught in a sandstorm causing them to become separated palupa regains Consciousness to find Aaron beside him she explains that that she has only located palupa and has lost track of the others despite palupa concern for their companions Aaron suggests heading towards the Oasis believing that they may reunite with the others there determined not to perish in the desert Aaron presses forward urging
palupa to follow her lead jeru encounters tomit while hero and Sado are separated from the rest of the group as they continue their Journey palupa struggles to walk but declines Aaron's offer to carry his back Aaron defends herself explaining that she only sells information to those willing to pay a high price she admits to approaching nanbo in an attempt to acquire the grand tra but palupa is overwhelmed and collapses meanwhile hero and Sado endure the cold air together with Sado appearing visibly concerned the following morning Arin and palupa awaken and palupa notices a bug collecting
du on its body he tries to mimic the behavior but fails hero meanwhile is shivering and desperately in need of water unsure of what to do next Sado catches a whiff of the nearby a lake on the wind and begins to undress elsewhere juru carries tomed on his back and spots Aaron and palupa in the distance they reunite as a group once again as Sado collects droplets on her body and offers them to Hero he is briefly reminded of his mother meanwhile a Hawkeye watches them from afar juru and the others finally reach the Oasis
where juru provides tomt with water helping him regain Consciousness however their moment of relief is shortlived as sh sharu suddenly appears in her Fusion form she attacks Sado and abducts hero Before Their Eyes elsewhere the Three Kingdoms continue to prepare for war hero awakens in Nano's Palace where the weapon Merchant Reveals His intention to revive dagin zot after 10 years thenano unfazed by Hero's rage mocks him further claiming that the grand Trower rightfully belongs to him now in a fit of anger hero draws his sword and Strikes at nanbo but the enemy effortlessly blocks the
attack it becomes clear to Hero that defeating nanbo won't be as simple as he thought as nanbo drops this bombshell of Truth revealing his own culpability in the tragedy of 10 years prior Hero's rage intensifies he refuses to accept Nano's denial regarding the heart switching incident insisting that it was indeed his father Lord Barrow who made the decision despite his anger hero attacks nuko once more but he is swiftly overpowered and thrown out into the unforgiving desert once again the weight of Nano's Revelation and Hero's failure weighs heavily on him as he struggles to make
sense of the truth as juru and the others search for hero and Sado Aaron uses her device to listen in hoping to pick up any clues suddenly they hear sado's voice calling out for hero following the sound they find Sado hitting drums in an attempt to summon the dragon to their shock the dragon emerges and devours Sado Panic ensues among the group with juru nearly attacking the dragon in his distress however Sado manages to calm them down assuring them that the dragon will lead them to hero palupa recalls that Sado first appeared alongside a dragon
further deepening the mystery surrounding her as the party rides the dragon they soar towards Nano's Palace meanwhile inside the palace nuko ensures that all preparations are complete he plans to merge the cealing treasure with his device believing that doing so will grant him dominion over the world however he acknowledges that achieving this goal requires sacrificing all the magic power in the entire Realm undeterred by the enormity of the task n nuko remains determined to see his Ambitions realized even at the cost of immense sacrifice as they arrive at Nano's Mansion Sado and the others find
themselves facing a structure reminiscent of the Dark Lord's Palace Aaron explains the history behind the palace detailing its previous ruler gyas and his defeat by the hero dalh halbart despite its ruined State the palace still retains powerful magic now utilized by nanbo their arrival doesn't go unnoticed however as they are swiftly attacked upon Landing with the dragon being slain on the ground surrounded by guards the group must quickly formulate a plan to evade capture juru and the others manage to slip away before they are discovered but they are uncertain about how to proceed further Dr
bajara drops a bombshell revealing sado's true nature is a magic puppet created under Nano's command palupa is shocked by this Revelation the doctor further explains that sado's creation is tied to the baloa tragedy during which nuko implanted the Dragon Blood Crystal still inside her body however because nuko didn't appreciate sado's Beauty he ordered her destruction in a desperate bid to survive Sado froze the magma Lake and managed to escape her impending demise the group finds themselves in a difficult situation as they confront nuko and sharish sharu in the room with the giant crystal despite Hero's
warnings and pleased to leave his friends refuse to abandon him Sado displaying selflessness offers herself as a surrender in exchange for Hero's release how however nuko reveals that he needs both Sado and hero for his grand plan to unfold as the solar eclipse casts its shadow over Balboa Nano's Sinister plan reaches its climax with the convergence of celestial events nanbo intends to utilize all the gathered magic power to fuse soldiers from the Three Kingdoms with the essence of Dagon Z creating a monstrous entity even more formidable than the evil dragon itself meanwhile the sphere surrounding
Nano's Mansion seals shut trapping everyone inside shahash sharu realizing the imminent danger sends all the accumulated magic power to Dr bahara believing nuko will spare her life however nuko appears and dispels any hope of Salvation declaring that everyone within the Mansion will become part of his grand scheme with this chilling Revelation the situation becomes all too clear to those caught within Nano's grasp as the situation escalates within the Mansion shahash shu's initial confidence turns to rage as she realizes the true extent of nanbo treachery meanwhile juru confronts Dr bahara seeking answers about the source of
the fear that holds the magic inside the doctor reveals that his true body resides in Balboa and the current form he inhabits is merely a puppet juru Pride quickly turns to dismay as Dr bahara attacks him causing him to collapse nuko seizing the opportunity uses his magic to summon Sado and commands her to obey his orders Sado under Nano's control under goes a drastic transformation becoming a vessel for spreading Terror however Nano's plans are thed momentarily as the heart of dagin zot inside Sado ceases to beat despite the chaos and crumbling Mansion palupa desperately seeks
mumu's assistance however Mumu Demands a high price for her help leaving palupa and the others to pull together whatever resources they have in a desperate bid for survival as chaos rains inside the sphere Mumu prepares to fire the magic Cannon hoping to create an opening for their escape with a powerful blast the Canon pierces the sphere allowing palupa juru and the others to flee to Safety in Balboa meanwhile in Balboa hero stands on the brink of transformation into a dragon a crucial step in Nano's plan to summon the dark lord enraged by the situation and
the manipulation he's endured hero launches an attack however before he can harm Sado or unleash his full power jeru and the rest of the group arrive intervening to separate the two and prevent further conflict as juru moves to approach hero and Sado eager to intervene and stop the conflict shahash sharu steps in to block his path despite being on the verge of death at Nano's hands she remains loyal to him willing to obey his commands without question nuko himself watches the unfolding battle between hero and Sarat with Twisted satisfaction finding Beauty in The Strife between
two individuals Bound by Fate as Sado manages to subdue hero and prevent him from further harming her she restrains him and forcefully pins him to the ground despite jeru desire to Aid hero sharu intervenes preventing him from intervening and nearly delivering a fatal Blow To Hero herself suddenly sharu is hurled Away by an unseen Force revealing the appearance of Dagen zat who Shields hero from harm nuko witnessing the activation of his magic reactor and the appearance of Dagon zot is delighted by the unfolding events anduko then proceeds to imprison Dagon Z within the grand Trolla
intending to fuse himself with the dragon using the magic reactor as the fuse process commences a tremendous surge of energy emanates from baloa signaling the beginning of the fusion however instead of utilizing the soldiers as planned nuko decides to sacrifice himself to complete the fusion with dag and Zach as Dr bajara Witnesses Nano's unexpected move he realizes the dire situation hero driven by a surge of power from his parents and other absorbed lives attempts to Counterattack but nuko easily overpowers him sending him crashing to the ground despite his Valiant efforts hero collapses under Nano's Relentless
assault feeling the urgency of the situation Aon and tomed implore Dr bajara to intervene and stop Nano recognizing the gravity of the moment the doctor instructs them to retrieve the magical reactor and disrupt the ongoing ritual as Sado regains Consciousness she finds hero still lying vulnerable while nanbo prepares to unleash the final blow harnessing Dagen zat's true power meanwhile Dr baj ARA Aaron and tomed act swiftly to take control of the reactors and initiate their destruction with their timely intervention the balance of power is disrupted throwing Nano's plans into disarray despite their efforts nuko remains
undeterred persistent on carrying out his destructive intentions he summons the soul destroying flame aimed to unleash its devastating Force upon hero in a moment of desperation and determination hero summons the strength to act driven by a mix of grief anger and resolve witnessing Sado sacrifice herself to save him he is overwhelmed with emotion as nuko moves to execute his final devastating attack Hero finds the courage to strike back severing Nano's arm in a Swift and decisive move he finally confronts nanbo head-on piercing his heart with his sword despite the villain's disbelief that a mere human
could inflict such a wound with the Grand trowa in hand hero summons all his remaining strength and courage he confronts the mighty dagin zot knowing that his own heart heart lies within the dragon's formidable form as Dagon zot looms over him hero makes a bold decision he uses the power of the grand trowa to wield the koku blade the very weapon that had once sealed the dragon's power in a decisive strike hero plunges the blade into Dagon zat's heart with a mighty Roar the dragon's form begins to tremble as the blade pierces through Dagon zat's
chest Hero's heart is released from the dragon's grasp soaring free from its ancient prism in a moment of Triumph and relief hero welcomes his heart back feeling the weight of his burden lift as he Embraces his restored self as hero gazes upon the lifeless form of Sado juru suggestion echoes in his mind with a heavy heart he approaches her and makes a solemn decision placing his hand over sado's chest hero summons the courage to transfer his own heart into her body a miraculous transformation occurs as Sado comes back to life with a gentle warmth Hero's
heart beats once again within her bringing her back from the brink of death in a breathtaking display the dragon's form begins to disappear Vanishing into a shower of graceful light that scatters into the sky above as the darkness ends the Brilliance of sunlight pierces through the once shadowed land of Balboa amidst the aftermath palupa reaches for the shattered remains of the grand trowa his eyes glowing with thoughts of wealth and Fortune yet Aaron and tomit driven by their own desires engage in a struggle over the broken Relic in the chaos the grand trowa slips from
their grasp and falls to the ground fracturing into irreparable pieces as as juru uncovers the truth about the object they believe to be the grand trowa palupa struggles to accept the Revelation however juru explains that Hero's hidden magical abilities allowed him to wield the heirloom effectively against nanbo this realization Dawn on them during Hero's training with Master Theo revealing the depths of Hero's untapped potential Sado witnessing Hero's tears is taken aback by his emotional display causing him to become flustered in her presence despite her surprise She searches for Dr B haraa only to learn that
her father did not survive the battle meanwhile the soldiers of the Three Kingdoms Retreat signaling the end of the conflict Aaron's intervention fueled by her connections to the Kings ensures peace across the land in a surprising turn of events Mumu appears reminding them of their Deb amidst the Newfound Tranquility on the other hand Shah shu's tears give way to Joy as she learns of a freed girl Reborn and empowered by Fusion embracing her Newfound happiness sh sharu rejoices in the revelation as they Bid Farewell to Dr bahara with a solemn burial tomite and the others
tease hero for his selfless act of giving his heart to Sado despite the banter they part ways on good terms however hero rejects the label of a mage choosing instead to embrace his identity as a Wandering Swordsman
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