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Journey To God
We sometimes find ourselves in situations where we want to throw in the towel. The punches keep incr...
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[Music] we sometimes find ourselves in situations where we want to throw in the towel the punches keep increasing and we can't just take them anymore are you at this stage where giving up seems to be the only option staring at you you're dealing with so many issues that are too hard to bear in actual fact you are on the verge of giving up on God and losing faith beloved don't give up yet don't lose hope Trust God no matter the situation because everything will be fine yes some issues can be overwhelming at times bringing you
to the point of hopelessness fear and anxiety anxiety has a way of pulling down your faith in God destabilizing your spirit and leaving you confused but remember that God assures you that whatever battle you find yourself in he is with you so your Victory is sure the scripture says in Exodus 144 the Lord will fight for you you need only to be still if God can assure you that he will handle every problem of your life why should you then give up perhaps you're asking yourself why should you still hold on everything you've worked for
is in shambles as we go further I'll share some eye opening reasons why you shouldn't give up but before then if you're just joining us for the first time and are yet to subscribe to this Channel please click on the Subscribe button got bless now let's go into why you shouldn't give up you may not see any reasons to keep holding on but here is what God has to say number one God is saying you should not give up this is the first Assurance you need as a child of God God is telling you not
to give up expressly because everything will be fine you may be struggling to believe this but I'm here to tell you these words are true Luke 18 1 says then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up as a Christian When you pray to God he responds you just have to be sensitive to hear him speak even in the fiercest situations his desire is not for you to give up he's telling you to day trust me everything will be fine but you're still Waring in your
mind and letting the situation overwhelm you you must believe that God can turn your burdens into blessings some people feel bad when situations get worse God wants you to exercise faith during the trials of your life maybe you have chosen to doubt God and even curse him why don't you switch to Thanksgiving thank God for your current state because it won't take him eternity to turn things around in your favor let's look at the story of balam and balak in the scriptures the Bible says in Deuteronomy 235 however the Lord your God would not listen
to Bam but turned the curse into a blessing for you because the Lord your God loves you this verse refers to the battle between the Israelites and the amorites after the Israelites defeated the amorites balac who was the king of Moab was afraid that the Israelites would fight and Destroy his Nation as well so he asked a prophet named Palam to curse the people of Israel however the Lord turned the curses into blessings what was meant for evil upon the Israelites was turned in their favor so when God says you should trust him do so
wholeheartedly when he says to you during your quiet time don't give up hold onto it and hang in there because he will come through for you perhaps you regret wasted time and feel nothing good can come out of your life so there's no need to push to achieve more I'm here to tell you to remove such thoughts from your head could it be regarding your relationship for instance do you feel you wasted time as a lady and would have begun dating at a younger age now you feel too old for any serious relationship the good
news is that there are no Wasted Years in God's sight he said he would restore that which has been eaten up he can rebuild refix and rearrange anything at any time all you need to do is believe his word and never give up maybe you've given up on your career you feel you wasted time and are too old to take training and return to school no that God can turn the hand of time in your favor even if you are older than the usual age limit for recruitment God can orchestrate job opportunities that fit best
for you and give you the wisdom to excel in them When God says a thing he surely brings it to pass all his words of Prophecy concerning you will be fulfilled hold on a bit more and you'll find that everything is fine and handled by God do you wish you could have begun serving God early even as a child and now it seems you can't do exploits for God anymore know that God can still use you for his glory so don't give up God can use anyone at any time your spiritual maturity is vital in
your walk with God but just because you didn't start as a child doesn't mean you should give up on your service to God so today believe God's word that says I am with you always no matter the intensity of the heat or cold therefore take steps of faith today and see your Victory ahead number two people believe and depend on you this is one important reason why as a Christian you shouldn't give up many people look up to you as a source of inspiration and draw strength from you so if you give up what will
happen to them giving up will bring disappointment to them for instance if a pastor who leads over 500 people is struck with sickness or loses his child the congregation would wait to see his response to such tragedy his reaction will either build or wreck the faith of most of his members if he loses hope in Divine Healing concerning his health many members May equally doubt that God still heals some may even quit church services and turn their backs on God in no time why their Pastor gave up you may not be a pastor but perhaps
you have employees who look up to you and draw inspiration from you they see you as a model of Excellence diligence dedication and success when you succumb to pressures they may also become weak and lose the strength to push on in their career they tell themselves if this incident can happen to you who are they their dependence on you will certainly fall to the ground affecting how they discharge their duties it's time to see beyond yourself and stand firm regardless of the pressures your smile brightens the day for several people so keep your smile and
stand straight even when it's inconvenient because help is coming number three three you'll have a mediocre mindset mediocrity is a state of mind you may have an inferiority complex and compare yourself with others because of the issues you're facing you compare yourself to successful people making yourself feel worthless all these happen when you give up on life and immediately the mediocre mindset creep in you won't aim at becoming the best at what you do anymore you'd rather settle for something less and Below standard that's bad that's not God's plan for you there's a saying that
if life throws Lemons at you pick them up and make sew me Lemonade as funny as this sounds you can deduce some sense from it you shouldn't stay at the same level you're in strive to go higher the moment you give up everything loses its meaning around you when you give up you gradually have a mediocre mindset leaving you to always try to fit into the crowd when you eventually fail to fit in efficiently you Retreat to your shell of no hope it also makes you dwell on all the bad things that happened in your
past you now see why you shouldn't give up right as a Christian trust God to fix your mess and everything will be fine the Widow's example in Luke 18 18 is a life of persistence worth emulating she didn't give up on pleading her course before the judge it seemed as though everything was going wrong but she kept pushing till her request was granted she didn't give up in the Bible Moses was another person who didn't give up even when everything wrong he suffered hard times struggled to believe he could save the people of Israel from
captivity in Egypt and ran to the Wilderness while in Exile God appeared to him from a burning bush and called him to do what he had run away from he succeeded in leading God's people out of bondage in Egypt after this Victory the people started complaining about water to drink this was God testing them to see their reactions the children of Israel complained against God and kept demanding what to eat some of them began to wish they were in Egypt where their masters gave them food but they forgot the torture that came with it millions
of people complaining to one man Moses was overwhelmed and may have handed over the assignment but at that time he turned to God and received help God sent them water and calm was restored in the camp the Bible says in Exodus 15 25 then Moses cried out to the Lord and the Lord showed him a piece of wood he threw it into the water and the water became fit to drink there the Lord issued a ruling and instruction for them and put them to the test David is another Bible character who passed through hard times
he was anointed king of Israel and chosen by God and yet he was also tormented by his predecessor King Saul who chased him for many years trying to kill him the Bible tells us that David grew increasingly frustrated from constantly running and hiding living in caves and surviving on whatever food his men could find or what those loyal to him would give he had the chance to kill Saul on different occasions but he didn't even though King David struggled with his faith in the end Saul died and he finally ascended the throne he pushed through
and sought God's help God knows that eventually your problems will bring glory to his name and blessings to you so stay on number four God is working the challenges out for your good the Bible says in Romans 8:28 and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose this scripture should encourage you and remind you of God's will for you God uses challenges to fulfill fulfill his purpose and is Sovereign to do it through you there is no hopeless situation in
God's sight he knows how to reorder your hopeless situation into admiration he is an expert in turning your morning into dancing and Sorrows into Joy number five God is refining your character amid the difficulties James 1 2 says consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face Trials of many kinds this book of James encourages Christians including you to find joy in Trials the reason is that through these trials your maturity and completion are established so there's no need to give up you shouldn't see challenges as opportunities to quit but see them as
opportunities to experience more growth in maturity and completeness God is building you up into the full stature of Christ the disciples and everyone who walked with God also went through certain tough times which shaped their character to be like Christ number six giving up on God is giving up on the true essence of life to give up on God is to give up on the essence of your being Apostle Paul wrote in Acts 1728 for in him we live and move have our being in John 6:53 we saw the crowd following Jesus not just because
they loved him but for the Miracles and the bread they got from him on an occasion they were hungry and he multiplied Five Loaves and two fish to feed them he knew their impure motives for following him but he used those moments to teach them the true essence of communion by stating very truly I tell you unless you eat the Flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you Jesus is essentially saying there is no life apart from communion with him this was hard for many in the crowd
to hear so they stopped following him Peter understanding jesus' words responded in John 6:68 Lord to whom shall we go you have the words of eternal life this was in response to Jesus asking if the TW disciples would also depart Peter knew departing from Jesus was departing from the source of Life the moment you give up your faith in God drops and you gradually begin to lose your essence your true Essence comes from God so when you try to avoid God and His workings in your life you lose the TR meaning of your life you
should at all times be connected to God giving up only shows your state of unbelief there are various verses in the Bible that God has used to speak to you about his promises so why are you worried believe everything will be fine believe that God's word will come to pass in your life number seven God has already provided the solution to your suffering sin is the reason for man's suffering man's fall resulted in his unending cycle of suffering however man's fall did not surprise God he provided the solution before man stepped into the Garden of
Eden John tells us all who dwell on the earth will worship Him whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world this verse reveals that Jesus already paid the price on the cross of Calvary and it covers your problems that are yet to come he died before the foundation of the world the cross is God's victory over sin it also preceded it God is Not confined to time therefore he has Solutions prepared for every challenge you may face this perspective helps you focus on
how the trial makes rather than breaks so don't give up are you now seeing reasons why you shouldn't give up there are still more so Sit Close number eight your season of harvest and victory is near you could be tempted to stop believing in God because of the issues of life you get weary and it seems to overwhelm you but the word of God says let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up you have waited for days months or even
years to see the desired result yet it's not forthcoming this scripture encourages you to remain steadfast if you remain steadfast your waiting time will eventually produce the Harvest of joy you desire God is about to manifest himself through you and in you would you be happy if you missed that your breakthrough is just around the corner Keep Holding On beloved number nine the world needs to hear the gospel another important reason you should not give up is that the word still needs the gospel and you are essential to for the spread of the Gospel it's
the responsibility of the church to spread the gospel of Christ in every nation to every tribe and to every part of the world the interesting part is that you are the instrument that God wants to impower for this assignment you have a mandate to preach the word of God disciple Nations and baptize them in the name of God the Father Son and Holy Ghost so giving up is never an option life has its ups and downs but one thing you as a Believer should know is that these Temptations trials and problems are only building up
as a great testimony that will Turn the World Around positively God has already won the battle so you don't need to worry all you need to do is trust in him and in no time you'll see the victory you desire don't you know God has placed so much potential talents and Gifts in you the world has to see the glory of God at work through you with those gifts in your life your potential is a vital tool for propagating God's word to the world a man who believes he has the mandate to fulfill will not
end his journey simply because he has a slight headache nor will a soldier abandon his fellow soldiers or leave the battlefield because he got bitten by an ant never no matter the hurdles you have to jump in life keep pushing till you rise beyond your circumstances rise today and declare the gospel amid your problems in no time everything you thought was a stumbling block will vanish and become History 2 Chronicles 157 says but as for you be strong and do not give up for your work will be rewarded now that you've gotten some reasons why
you should keep pushing with hope hope and never give up what do you think happens afterward when you develop a never give up attitude many rewards await you at the finish line if you push through to the end I'll mention a few of them for you to go with number one you gain happy experiences when you succeed you know how happy you are because all your efforts have paid off you jubilate when you get the results you've longed waiting for you celebrate with joy because you defeated all the difficult challenges when you decide not to
give up you can enjoy your life more because there is joy in success and contentment number two you gain something new when you find reasons to keep your hopes high and not give up you're open to wonderful experiences that will Forge you into the best you learn a lot when you keep going and decide not to give up you can learn that there are hidden strengths and potentials within you and you strive to make use of them all the energetic Spirit kicks off inside of you and you spring into action you learn how to keep
yourself motivated more importantly you decide not to give up and learn how to effectively convert your failures into success you even become an inspiration to others and become capable of doing greater things in the future you become exposed to New Opportunities because when you don't give up you see reasons to to keep moving so when any opportunity is thrown at you in your career spiritual life growth or any other aspect of your life you grab it knowing that you will overcome and succeed when you have a never give up attitude you then start to see
your real life's worth and dare yourself to do unlimited things you explore your talents and showcase your abilities to create better things for yourself and Society you start discovering the importance of creativity and how being creative helps you find better opportunities and fresh new perspectives in life number three you will become more resilient and positive what is good in believing that anything is possible is that you will have the energy to power up yourself to take action through the word of God when you know you are capable you will overcome the things that may hinder
your efforts often the measure of success is between your percep C and getting out of your comfort zone it's your will to take action of course the only answer to that is never to give up number four you'll become more bold and courageous when you choose never to give up you will be taught how to put effort into all fields of Life be it in sports Hobbies physical health or overall well-being because of that you will be motivated to aim for more significant results in your actions towards your dreams you will take risks doing the
things others are afraid of that gives you an edge over others you will have that High Spirit and an attitude of being hungry for opportunity you choose to become strong instead of focusing on your weakness if you feel overwhelmed today I want to remind you to trust God and not give up here are three practical steps you can take today to help you trust God and everything will be fine first always search for a scripture that speaks to your situation and read it aloud repeatedly Isaiah 43:19 reminds you that God Will Make A Way in
the wilderness believe in his word confess it meditate on it and see how it will spring up Hope and Faith in You You may also print them out and paste the scriptures in your house you could also paste them on your mirror so that as you see yourself daily you are reminded that giving up isn't an option these words will energize you for the day and you come back Victorious second pray God has assured you that he will listen to your cry so don't die in silence take all your burdens fears and plans before God
In Prayer share your heart with him as you would with a friend your prayers are powerful they will go a long way and it helps your heart be at peace once you're confused Disturbed or fearful engage in prayers if you are on the verge of giving up open your mouth and say God help me and he will surely hear your prayer as short as this prayer is it is powerful God is your very present help in trouble so call him God will surely hear hear you if you don't stop praying lastly you need to trust
God if you want him to come to your Aid when God sees the state of your heart and how much you trust him even when you're in trouble he will move his hand in your favor and calm every storm in your life trust that God is reliable enough to see you through trust that he will make a way even when your situation seems hopeless everything will be fine and you won't give in to to The Whispers of the devil telling you to give up let us pray dear God my loving father and savior I come
before you today with a heart of appreciation for all you've been doing thank you for the gift of sleeping and waking up I'm grateful you didn't allow the devil's attacks to Prevail over me and my family thank you for always being true to your word and for always being with me for for divine provision and guidance over my life and family I say thank you I worship you forever almighty God please Prosper me and my family so we will be a light to this Dark World help us to bring hope and comfort to the hearts
of many in the same way you will do for us wherever we find ourselves help us be a blessing to others in the little ways we can please grant us access to your presence any day and time don't cast us away Heavenly Father you are the highest Authority and there is no spiritual power above you therefore I hide in you as you are my safe shelter I'm confident that in submitting to you no evil will ever be able to conquer me therefore in your name I trust you to send your Messengers and protect me wherever
I go Lord I pray for wisdom guidance and Direction so we may walk in your ways and follow your leading with this wisdom please help me care for the family and home you've put in my care may I be the reason why all my family members will turn to you help me be a good Steward of all that you've given me that I may honor you in all I do Heavenly Father help me always start my day with you through prayers and study of the word I I know it is your desire for me to
fulfill Destiny whatever is hindering the Fulfillment of my destiny please roll it away may I find Rest In My Soul as I run into your presence today Lord you know the burdens I'm carrying sometimes I'm tempted to stop praying because I don't see the answer I desire but today I choose to believe you love me and you are listening so I will pray and pray and never give up on you thank you for never leaving me help my soul not to grow weary as I await things to change help me when the enemy attempts to
steal my joy I pray you show me how to seek you rather than isolate myself from fellowship Lord remind me of your plan for my life when I feel like giving up oh Lord remove from my path every obstacle holding me from reaching my breakthroughs in Jes Jesus name Lord let the power to break through and Break Forth dominate my life and Endeavors in jesus' name my father strike down every enemy standing against my breakthrough thank you Heavenly Father for the assurance that as I trust in you submit to your ways and seek your guidance
you will lead me on a straight and purposeful path with gratitude and love I commit this day to you trusting you are always by my side in Jesus name I pray amen thank you for following this far please subscribe to the YouTube channel if you haven't already done so God bless you
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