[Music] I am Tia of Arcturus. I will speak with you now. We are pleased to remind you of the incredible progress you have made on all your journeys.
Your evolution has been tremendous, and we assure you that everyone on Earth is on a path of evolving their consciousness. It may seem like there is no hope for certain individuals or segments of the population, but you are here to provide that hope. You are the leaders of the new Earth; make no mistake, demonstrating how it is done.
Many of you are still unsure about what you should be doing at this time, feeling like all your timelines from the old Earth have collapsed, and you don't feel motivated to do anything. Even if you never write a book, your simple impact on the collective consciousness is critical. By raising your vibration, you influence the collective instantly.
Many of you have stories to share, and you don't need an invitation to share them at this time. For example, there are also many predictions about cataclysmic events, but you can help others awaken by holding space for them and assuring them of new horizons and that death is an illusion. There are much more important things you can be doing, like this, than worrying about big material achievements.
And so, you see, as everything is about to shift, your role at this time is very clear indeed and no less important. There are indeed some who have specific missions to fulfill; of course, also great technologies are coming, and there are those who have been tasked to bring them forward. You, who are not doing this, are tasked with preparing planetary consciousness for their arrival.
You are all connected, intertwined, and working together whether you see it or not. Always take the 10,000 ft view. The big picture is way bigger than you know.
When you recognize how far you have come, you show faith in those yet to awaken. They can move quickly, just as you did. You have laid the groundwork and shared your stories, opening up despite uncertainty.
The growth experiences available due to the current state of the world are what you are here to experience. You didn't come to get everything right the first time; you have come forth many times to reach this point. If you can see the path of ascension for all of humanity, you know that that timeline is available.
You don't need to worry about predictions. Believe in humanity by believing in yourselves. You are representatives of the galaxy, and they reflect you.
By seeing yourself reaching the next level, you help others do the same. Beloved ones, yes, everything is about to change, but guess what? You are the leaders of that change.
Recognize your power and hold space for all humankind. This will allow for an ascension filled with joy, peace, and love. If you are listening to this, beloved ones, you needed to.
I leave you now. I am Tia of Arcturus.