Dear Brothers, today we will talk about Gnosis; a Greek word that means Knowledge. You see… this word has been used since ancient times to indicate Knowledge - not only from simple, everyday things but a superior kind of knowledge. A knowledge that is beyond us; supernatural.
When we talk about Gnosis we need to associate it with Kabbalah, as they’re two sides of the same coin, and both will lead us to what is today known as 'The New Age’. The New Age movement is the renaissance of the Gnostic spirit. So we need to see this movement from the perspective that was passed onto us from the original Apostles and the first Bishops of the church.
Because in the first 2 centuries of the church the bishops had a significant clash with the Gnostics. And those bishops, contrary to the ones we see today, were extremely vigilant to identify heresy and quickly condemn it. St Irenaeus, a bishop from the end of the second century, wrote a book against heresies and explained that ‘if you speak to a Gnostic, you will probably NOT notice that they’re tainted by these false doctrines’.
But it’s only as time goes by that, slowly and discreetly, the person in question will start to show that they follow false doctrines and that they were initiated in a parallel knowledge, different from the knowledge that came from the Apostles’ tradition. So that’s why it’s very important to understand and analyse this very well, because Gnosis can have various facets and can manifest in several different ways. In the 19th century they used to say that Gnosis was an extinct heresy – from the old days - but a bishop from Anger wrote a book explaining really well that Gnosis never ceased to exist any time in history; but it actually manifested itself in different ways throughout the time.
The very first thing we need to know about Gnosis is this: that Gnosis is a movement of syncretism, Religious and philosophical syncretism. Gnosticism is open and welcoming to all religions, regardless of what it is: Buddhism, Shamanism, the most ancient pagan traditions, Christianism, Sufism… You can put elements of these religions in various mixed recipes, each with a different and random percentage, whatever suits them best, and work with it to produce their own new religions. Because at the end of the day, Gnosis is the religion of men.
In all heresies throughout the history of the church, we find traces of Gnosticism. For example, Arius, the man who promoted the heresy which created the Nicaea Council, belonged to the Church of Alexandria, which was the basis of the Neo Platonist school of thought, along with Philo of Alexandria, who was a contemporary of Jesus. So these are the people that developed these theories from ancient Greek, from the cult of Pitagoras, Plato and eventually gave birth to a philosophical basis.
So the interesting part is this: The religion 'Gnosis' is not simply based on the search of rites or certain religious traditions but it's based on the search for the primitive religion of humanity, and according to the Gnostics, they are the ones who possess the knowledge of the very first religion - the most original religion, which they call Adamic tradition. So according to them, Adam had knowledge of all things and he passed this knowledge onto humanity. And this primitive knowledge originated all religions and all philosophies which in reality are various manifestations of this one single, core, primitive religion; which they also call Primordial Tradition.
So you'll see for example this doctrine by René Guénon; who wrote some interesting things including a book about the mistakes of the modern world; who says that the Primordial Tradition was progressively getting lost as the years went by; but this tradition contains all our sacred and fundamental knowledge. This knowledge of the occult was passed on during all times and eras via an interrupted chain of 'the elected'. Padre Julio Meinvielle writes in his book - From Kabbalah to Progressivism - that in all of human history there is only two fundamental ways of thinking and living.
One is the way that comes from the catholic tradition (old and new testaments to the present day) and the other is the Gnostic / Kabbalistic tradition which feeds the errors of all peoples' in paganism and apostasies, firstly from Judaism and then from Christianism. So I'd say that this sentence by Padre Meinvielle is the fundamental sentence in which we based this talk about the Gnosis question. Whilst Gnostic people say, like René Guénon, that there is only one Adamic or Primordial Tradition, we Christians, Catholics, say that there are two traditions.
And these traditions, according to the Fathers of the Church, originated from Adam, followed by his sons Seth and Cain. Seth was the one who received the blessing which God had conferred to Abel, while Cain, who killed Abel, was that person who identified and sympathised with the secret message of the serpent to Eve. When Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, that is, the Gnosis Tree, she received this message / knowledge.
However, Adam and Eve had already received knowledge of all things Sacred and Perfect from both the Natural and Supernatural orders, way before the sin. And this knowledge was given to Seth - Because Seth was like a heir of Abel, killed by his brother Cain. So here we have the 2 traditions: The Evil Gnostic Tradition, which was received by Cain.
And the Tradition of knowledge of all things Sacred and Perfect, that is, the primitive basis of the power of all knowledge, which was received by Seth. We have to distinguish these two things. There is ONE primordial tradition.
But this one primordial tradition; was corrupted after the sin. And from that point onwards we have 2 traditions. The one that God indeed revealed to us; and the one that the Serpent revealed via the seductive invitation to Eve, saying "you'll be like God" Genesis 3/5.
So this sentence is the key to identify the origin of the Gnostic Doctrine, that is, in essence, 'leave this God behind, who is unkind and oppressive and wants everything for himself'. 'You'll now hear the knowledge from the Serpent and from this knowledge you'll be like God. ' And this was the Gnosis that was communicated via the serpent which was then learned by Cain and originated all of Cain's generations - as they; Cain's lineage, carried this tradition forwards.
John Cassian, who wrote conferences for the Egyptian in the 5th century, explained really well how these 2 traditions were passed on in the beginning. Seth, replaced Abel, and his sons were called Sons of God, not because they were sons of God by a divine nature, but because they were in obedience to the Primitive Tradition, the one that came from God. While Cain's sons, on the other hand, were called sons of men.
In the early days, Seth's heirs were forbidden to marry Cain's heirs. But at some point (Genesis 6:2) the sons of God noticed that the daughters of men were beautiful and forgot about this very wise rule given by their parents. The rule was clear to avoid the daughters from Cain's lineage as with them was all the tradition of the occult, witchcraft and the gnostic knowledge.
But once they united with these women, from Cain’s heritage, according to John Cassian, they were tainted by these vices and knowledges of evil practices. They then had children that were called Giants. This is the origin of Giants.
People of that time describe how these giants created confusion and oppression to many people because of this evil flux that was in them. The bible talks about these giants and they did exist in fact. There actually have been excavations that revealed people that reached up to 10 meters (32 feet) of height.
So these giants were the result of the union between the Sons of God (Seth) and the Daughters of Men (Cain). It was from there that Gnosis, Magic, and the occult infiltrated all humanity and this is why the entire humanity was corrupted and God had to send the flood. Because of that corruption.
When the masters of this Gnosis realised they were going to die because of the flood they made 2 columns - which to this day are related to the Gnostic Doctrine - This is why in the Freemason temples you always see 2 columns. Before the flood, they had written in those stone columns all the traditions and knowledge they had received since the beginning. So when Noah exited the Arch; and because of the disrespectful trolling of one of his sons, Caan, Noah was forced to curse him, due to his disrespectful attitude.
Caan recorded and kept the information that was kept on those 2 columns which had drowned in the floods but re-emerged intact after the water normalised. So obviously Caan was a person who was naturally inclined to evil. He trolled his father because he was evil inclined.
And so this is when this occult knowledge, with these false doctrines, originally inspired by the serpent, were again spread among the entire humanity. When you see paganism in India or in Europe or in Africa or South America, you will see many similarities, because at the beginning they were reduced to a small group in one place. When they eventually dispersed, they took with them all this knowledge: The Sacred Traditions but also the Evil Traditions that was already planted in humanity since Cain.
So, we must be ready to discern all this because people today have a tendency to believe that Religious Syncretism is a good thing. And once the Vatican Second opened the doors to a false Ecumenism and a point of view of all religions being simply positive traditions of all peoples, the way was cleared for the development and growth of Gnosis. This is why St Paul alerts us in his first letter to Timothy - chapter 6 - talking about a false science.
He says to Timothy: Be careful with this false science, this false Gnosis, which is passed under the disguise of a sublime knowledge. So you must reject that. It's precisely because of this lack of vigilance that today we see people tainted with this, in all places, even places for children.
Actually refer to that movie by Disney and Pixar called Soul - in which they start tainting people with these Platonic ideas of one religion in which the souls are pre-existing and come to the world to then have an evolutionary process. This movie, for kids, is essentially a Gnostic School. So all of this is present today in all areas of society.
And since we no longer have a figure of the Pope or the Catholic Church to condemn these false doctrines, to condemn these mistakes, and to clearly present what is from God and what is false, people become vulnerable to these evil teachings and are no longer protected. Note this: At the same time that in ancient civilisations Paganism, Magic, Occultism, and all these knowledges and Gnostic movements advanced, in parallel we also advanced on the knowledge of God. We also had the tradition that came from Adam which was passed through all the Patriarchs - and they were the ones who communicated everything that God wanted for his followers and worshippers.
This is the fundamental difference between the Occult Religions and the True Religion. Because these other religions, despite having open ceremonies and rites for the people, they used to select amongst themselves people who were initiated - so that these initiated / chosen people could pass on the occult knowledge to the people. However since the Patriarch times the true knowledge progressed and was passed on - arriving up until Moses, who then added to them the revelations he received at Mt Sinai - and this knowledge was offered to anyone and everyone.
You didn't have to be initiated or part of a selected group to receive such information. Since then Moses took this Mosaic Law up until Christ our Lord who is God made Man. In between Moses and Jesus we had the Babylon exile.
And what happened then? The Jews got exposed to the Paganism of that people and place. And this paganism, this Gnosis, invaded the Orthodox space of the true Judaism and tainted many people with this occult, discreet knowledge that was delivered only to the elected / initiated.
So the basis of the apostasy that we see in Israel, which was clear in the times of Jesus, started in the Babylon exile, when they created a parallel religion with the looks of Judaism but with a Gnostic origin. This Gnosis-Judaism is the origin of the Kabbalah. And when you look at Jesus' times, this went even further because the Jews of Alexandria will be contaminated by all these false doctrines that came from the philosophical Greek-Gnostic basis.
So this is why we go back to that sentence of Padre Meinvielle where he says: The gnostic and Kabbalistic tradition feeds all errors of all peoples in all times – but also in the apostasy of firstly Judaism, and then Christianism. So most people think that Judaism continued to exist after Christ. But that Post-Jesus Judaism is either Talmud or Kabbalah.
Talmud is the one that is based on the book of Talmud which will give the basis to a Judaism that doesn't accept Christ. To the contrary: it directly and strongly opposes Christianism. But God had sent his son to all peoples.
And this is what gave origin to the Catholic religion, that is, the universal religion, for all peoples of the planet. But the Jews who were connected with the original traditions of the Patriarchs (Moses, and all other saints of the old testament) were capable of understanding the Scriptures and receive Jesus as the true messiah, the son of God. Then they converted to Christianism, and they were the ones that formed Christianism.
On the other hand that other group of Jews created the Talmud to start a new religion without the Temple and without the Traditions that were in the same direction as the power of knowledge that lead us up until Jesus. So notice that there is a sequence - everything is connected. We can't say that things aren't connected.
The tendency today is to think that we were created billions of years ago, that there are billions of galaxies out there and everything is absolutely random. But no. We are in a very well defined world.
With start middle and end and with a very well defined story. This story has a beginning and this beginning has an influence today, in everything that has ever happened to humanity, because all of humanity descended from one root. This is important to understand.
Now, if the Talmud Judaism is dangerous because it finds strength in the very opposition to Christ, the Kabbalist Judaism is even more dangerous because it drinks in the fountains of Occultism. We can't talk about this without talking the Freemasons. Because Freemasonry is a society servicing this Kabbalistic Judaism.
Freemasonry was born in sync with the Kabbalistic-Jewish traditions - which were collected and selected to be an expression of these doctrines in a more open setting, in all spheres of society, and not restricted only to Jews or those considered elected / initiated. This is where they start to develop Freemasonry which also has links to the Templars, who were a religion order which at some point was infiltrated by Gnostics. The Gnostics once inside the Templars created an initiation rite for the elected inside the order.
And they were the ones who controlled it all, in a very discreet way. They achieved many things in the very centre of Christianity for many years without being noticed. This is when you see, in the freemason logo, the G in the centre, meaning Gnosis, the occult knowledge being in the centre of everything.
So they are initiated to acquire more and more elevated knowledge and with this 'elevated knowledge' they will reach divinity. Because divinity, according to Gnosis, comes via knowledge, not via Grace. It doesn't come from God.
Here you can see the difference - at the same time Christianity offers a doctrine that is available to all - no matter if you're on top of the hierarchy nor at the bottom, you have the right to the same Catechesis, the same doctrine, there is no occult / hidden knowledge. Gnosis, on the other hand, selects the 'elected’, the ones who have a right to a more refined knowledge. If you look into the context of the Templars (their time), we arrive at the peak of the power of the knowledge and the peak of the building of the Christian society.
So the 12th, 13th centuries we can say were the peak of the construction of this Christian society - we had a perfect harmony. From that moment on they saw that they could no longer fight - their last attempt was with the Cathars – these people and these groups tried to convince people to participate in their cults which were a blend of Christianity but a Gnostic basis. When the church identified and criticised those doctrines as heresies and forbade people to participate in them, it was successful in extinguishing the rising Gnostic movement at that point; despite them having the support of some local authorities, like what happened in the South of France.
So from that moment on it was necessary for the Gnostics to infiltrate a powerful religion institution – in this case, the Templars, and it was The Templars that allowed the continuity of the Gnostic movement from then on. I’m basing this talk on this book, “La Conjuration Antichretienne” which says that Pope Innocent III, continuing the works of Gregory VII, who restored and unified the monastic life with all bishops, where you had a harmony between the spiritual and intellectual powers. So Christianity acquired a broad political unity, a borderless reign, inhabited by many peoples and races, Lords and Kings accepted the Pontifical Supremacy – so all sovereign / kings submitted to the Pope.
Protestantism was needed and came about to destroy this work – by the way, an excellent work, very well established, developed over 1,000 years. We need to explain what happened between Inocence III and Protestanism, in these 300 years between the 2. What happened in those 300 years for the church to start crumbling?
The book says: From the XIV century onwards there was a weakening of the Popes’ authority, an infiltration on the church by the secular / mundane spirit, a decadence of the philosophy and theology (that is, the source of the intellectual power – natural and supernatural sciences) and a disorder in the political and civil life. Each of these points were carefully worked by these individuals from the Templars who betrayed the church. They would literally meet and agree: We have to do X, Y and Z.
So it’s important for us to understand now, from a historical point of view, that the first fall was a subtle fall – within the religious realm. But a strategic fall because The Templars were all over the world – they had houses in every country. It was also strategic because they have lots of money – they had a banking system.
They had strategy, money and military power, and with that they were able to organise themselves really well in any place in the world. In that context, the Templars became vulnerable and were infiltrated to the point of becoming a Secret Society – or, in various secret societies with many similarities. Once extinguished, they never ceased to work – on the contrary, they were dissolved into various cells of society – some sort of camouflage – and started to act within other systems.
It’s what happened: “Let’s destroy the Papal authority / Let’s add the Secular spirit into the church / that’s when the Renaissance began, btw; the decadence of philosophy and theology, and then in the disorder of the political and civil life -. They were agents of the occult, Kabalist Judaism, and at the same time true tools of Gnosis to infiltrate the Christian society with these primitive errors that traced back to Cain. All of these will be understood with this legend of the sons of the widow: maybe you heard of this, the freemasons call themselves the sons of the widow – it’s a mysterious way to identify themselves.
They use this symbol to identify and represent themselves, with their hands above their head like this to identify that they are “sons of the widow”; there is, you belong to a secret society. So the legend of the son of the widow goes like this: There was a king that found out, via a oracle, that he was going to be killed by one of his descendants. So he took his dautghther and imprisoned her in a tower inside his castle so that she wouldn’t have descendants.
She was kept there. One day, a hero, who had access to all places in the castle, came to this princess and had many children with her. Once the king found out she was having children with this hero, he ordered them all to be killed, but the princess hid one of her sons in the forest.
This son, when he grew up, came to his mother and she explained to him his origins. So this son realised that his mission was to seek revenge for the death of his siblings, and his father (who was also killed by the King). For this reason, the son of the widow entered the palace and killed his grandfather – the king.
So then, he frees the princess and she can freely do what she needed to do – accomplish her mission. This legend explains the Gnostic and Masonic doctrines because in this context as explained by Lozac´hmeur who is a professor that teaches about Gnosis, he says that the princess represents the Gnosis – the hidden wisdom. He also explains that the king, the palace’s owner, is God – the Christian’s God – an evil God who created the world but snobs us and wants us all to be his slaves.
He imprisons the Gnosis, because he wants the wisdom just for himself. So at some point the hero of the story (the ‘good’ God, which here represents Lucifer) comes and gets in touch with this ‘wisdom’ and in this contact he creates descendants, he sees his union with ‘wisdom’ generate wise people, people that have the true knowledge. On the other hand, the ‘evil’ God persecutes and kills people who have this knowledge.
At some point, one of these people, the son of the widow, manages to kill the king (or the evil God) and free wisdom, knowledge, the Gnosis, to all people freely, so everyone will be able to receive this forbidden knowledge and therefore become Gods. So this legend sums it all up– which gives us a good notion of the basis of Gnosis, New Age, Freemasonry and what our current society actually mean. So, back to history, you realise that when these powers manage to successfully create Protestantism (over those 300 years), from there they then go to the Age of Enlightenment.
The Enlightenment movement of the XVIII century has its origins on this ‘light’ that comes from Lucifer, and it’s an Enlightenment marked by Gnosis. So all these wise men, all these thinkers and philosophers, including Nietzsche, who was an ‘atheist’, were all initiated in the Gnosis. They’re not atheists.
They’re Gnostic – and that’s where they get their knowledge from – how they learn how they will explain their theories to people. And ‘Enlightenment’ is a movement of rationality and materialism, it’s a movement that breaks the connection between people the supernatural. This was something very strategically done to destroy the supernatural dimension in the Catholic / Christian world.
So the Christian / Catholic world was reduced to some sort of a dried tree – one that doesn’t bear fruit. Because people lost this connection with this supernatural, mystical world, and started to live a religion of simple morality and rules only. This was the revolution they created.
Once they succeeded at doing this and implemented this materialistic, moralist religion of the XIX century, it became easy for people to have this need, this thirst for spirituality, and today easily fall for New Age and all these false and satanic religions that offer this spiritual realm. So it was a process: First, you take all the spirituality from the poeple. And then you offer all these supernatural, mystical things, spirituality, once no one longer knows the true catholic church.
And it’s for this reason that this woman, Mary Ferguson, who introduced the new age into America, in the 60ies, said that it was needed to re-enchant the world and men, it’s necessary for people to start to love the enchanted things again, the sublime, and go back to believe, because the people had become dry atheists. Now let’s pursue the supernatural, but how? Through witchcraft and magic.
This is what they’re giving today to kids, even in cartoons – this is the influence of Gnosis in all aspects of society at this time in point. In conclusion, let’s go through this quote by Albert Pyke, one of the great leaders of Freemasonry: “we adore a God without superstition. The Freemason religion knows who is their God”.
Meaning that you don't worship the Devil to do evil things, but to discover the wonderfull things hidden by the evil God There's always this dualism Gnosis always works with duality: 2 gods: the good and the bad. Because Lucifer knows that he could never introduce himself as the only God. “I’m the architect” – he says - someone who will recreate – ‘I come to bring what your evil God hid from you’.
He says that Adonai (that is, the God of the old testament) – not the God of the Jews today, the Old Testament God tha was assumed by christians; the “evil, authoritarian” God is necessary; just like in a train you need breaks, you need an opposing force. So in Gnosis and FM doctrine they always place sun against moon, light versus darkness, a white square and a black one, as ways to always show duality. According to them, this duality is necessary – to show that the one who created more is evil, is limited, is not good, whereas the one that will come later is the God of light, the perfect energy, the God that will make men divine.
So when you see in these yogi techniques, when it says it will open up the chakras of people, all of this exist, it’s all true, that is, we do have these points and these dimensions BUT God, our true God, clearly says – DO NOT OPEN THIS, because these are doors to the devil. Then people meditate, and suddenly their spine is the gravity centre where the serpent will balance the body and the soul, so the person learns how to be in sync with this knowledge and this “God of light” which we know is called Lucifer. Lucifer was even was introduced in the Vatican, the “angel of light” was placed there – in a room - and he is now considered an Angel like all others.
Just like they put all heresies inside the church, so was Lucifer put in there, as he needs to be accepted and included so all things (all opposing forces) are together. The objective of the false church that was created above the real catholic church in the Vatican II isn’t to get people to worship Satan or to give up devotion of Christ. To the contrary, they want to reuse / recycle all that Christianity may have (and is not directly contrary to Gnosis), to then guide people into buying this syncretistic; one religion which they call “Ecumenism”; as preparation for this God of Light which will come later, which will ‘enlighten’ us into an even better religion which follows human progress.
So this is why I call everyone to be extremely vigilant, have much discernment and be very prudent in everything that relates to these false religions; so we are able to escape these errors. And may God give us the true salvation which comes from Christ our Lord. Amen.