In Future, The Worst Criminals Are Sent to an Alien Planet Filled With Monsters

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A prisoner is released from jail and agrees to go to a moon to obtain some important scientific data...
Video Transcript:
In a mining colony prison, dozens of prisoners are  forced to work every day while wearing a special gadget on their mouths that doesn’t let them  speak. When a machine known as the “crusher pit” breaks down, a guard calls prisoner Kye to fix  it. In just a few minutes, Kye gets the machine working again.
Suddenly the guards bring in a new  prisoner and everyone is shocked to see Hatch, the general who lost a civil war against General  Lang. A former rebel stands up when he sees his general and the guard immediately punches for  it. The prisoner retaliates with a headbutt and another prisoner uses the chance to punch a guard  as well, throwing him on the floor to beat him up with his chains.
Sensing a riot coming, another  guard activates the crushing pit, reversing it so that the chains around the prisoner’s leg drag  him toward it. The guy soon falls and is shredded to death in seconds. At that moment Hatch  gives a signal to someone hidden and a guard is suddenly shot from afar.
Then he teams up with  the prisoners to start beating up their captors. A guard uses the machine again to activate the other  chains, causing more prisoners to fall into the pit to their deaths. Once the guard is distracted,  Kye rushes to the machine and tries to stop the massacre, only for the chain to start pulling him  as well.
He grabs a fallen weapon from the ground and shoots the chain to no avail, so he has no  choice but to lose a leg instead. While the chains drag away his limb, Kye hops back to the machine  and finally stops it. A last guard tries standing up and Hatch makes a gun gesture so the hidden  sniper quickly kills him.
Then Kye passes out. Sometime later, Kye wakes up in Hatch’s ship and  discovers he was given a mechanical prosthetic. Hatch uses a device to remove the prison thing  from Kye’s mouth and explains he’s been rescuing other rebels to reform his army and counterattack. 
He knows Kye’s father, who used to fight for the rebellion too. Unfortunately Kye’s father has been  captured by General Lang and he’ll be executed in a few months on the anniversary of Lang's victory,  known as Liberation Day. Hatch knows Kye is an expert pilot, so he offers a deal: Kye must  hijack an important enemy ship to retrieve the confidential data.
If he’s successful, Hatch will  pick him up and use that intel to save his father, so Kye agrees. Afterward Kye is put in suspended  animation and smuggled into the enemy ship called the Arrowhead. In the middle of the trip, Kye  wakes up early as planned and finds a computer to access the ship’s records.
On the radio, Hatch  explains that all Kye has to do is plug in the device and the gauntlet will do all the work. As  Kye downloads the information, a message pops up on the screen informing him that the system would  be vulnerable if he continues. Kye tells Hatch, who assures him that it's only temporary and  it’ll be fine.
A red light turns on but Kye keeps downloading until a computer announces the systems  are offline and there’s unstable electromagnetic activity outside. Once the download is done, Hatch  confirms that there's an electromagnetic storm outside is making things unstable, so he asks Kye  to send him the files. Kye starts the transfer, but suddenly the ship shakes and gets damaged  because of its current vulnerability.
The interference makes the transfer fail and Kye loses  contact with Hatch while the ship ejects all the escape pods with the sleeping crew. Kye rushes to  the ship’s shuttle right before it’s expelled too and passes out when it crashes on the nearest  planet. When Kye wakes up, he tries to contact Hatch to no avail.
He rushes out of the shuttle  and sees the pods falling all over the planet, but suddenly he has trouble breathing and goes  back inside. The ship’s AI called Reef warns Kye that the atmosphere is toxic and prolonged  exposure may cause paralysis or death. Kye looks through the window and sees the Arrowhead slowly  falling and asks Reef for a status report, however Reef requires an employee log-in to proceed. 
Reef does say that Kye needs to find a new source of oxygen because the one on the shuttle  only has 12% left. Suddenly a crew member called Oleander sends a message from his pod, asking  any survivors to meet at the crash site. Kye grabs an oxygen mask and heads out to check the  area.
He finds some parts from crashed pods and Oleander’s body bleeding on the ground. There’s  also an intact pod with someone moving inside, so Kye opens it to find Tarren. He shares  his oxygen mask and takes her back to the shuttle while Oleander’s body is dragged away by  a mysterious presence.
At the shuttle, Tarren logs into the system and shows suspicion of Kye. Reef  does a scan but can’t find the Arrowhead wreckage, however Tarren knows the escape pods will leave  so they should find them before they get stuck. Kye follows her after failing again to send Hatch  a message.
While the duo wanders around, Tarren explains they’re actually on a moon and the planet  is the big sphere they see on the sky. Eventually they find a research probe on the ground and  Tarren is impressed by how much the atmosphere has oxidized the metal. Moments later they find  the crashed Arrowhead near a glowing obelisk, which Kye is sure wasn’t there before.
The duo  discusses how to proceed since Kye points out he won’t be allowed into the pods. Tarren realizes  he works for Hatch and mentions that the general was a cruel man who used to raid colonies before  the war, killing thousands of people. However Kye says it’s all propaganda and decides to go back  to the shuttle.
Kye takes over the pilot seat and asks Reef to activate the flying system, but Reef  refuses because Kye isn’t authorized. Instead, Kye asks for any updates on Hatch and Reef plays  a confessional tape. A video shows Hatch after he lost the war admitting all his crimes, however  Kye notices that Hatch makes a weird gesture and wonders if it’s true.
He asks Reef for more  information, but it’s classified. At that moment Oleander sends a new message saying evacuation  will start in thirty minutes. Afterward Kye goes back to Tarren and agrees to leave with her  regardless of risk.
Tarren points out his clothes will give him away, so he starts taking off the  main parts of the uniform while something watches from the shadows. Then the duo tries to reach the  Arrowhead, only for an earthquake to suddenly hit the area. Tarren turns around and is shocked to  see Kye being dragged away by something in a cave.
She grabs his hands and tries pulling him out,  however she isn’t strong enough and Kye is taken away. Scared, Tarren runs toward the Arrowhead but  it’s too late: the pods have left without her. Not knowing what else to do, Tarren returns to the  shuttle to rest.
Four days later, she’s exploring the area and finds Kye's gauntlet and axe on  the ground. Not far from there, she finds the glowing obelisk and Kye on the ground covered in  goo. To her shock, his leg is completely healed.
She takes him back to the shuttle and runs some  tests, only to discover he’s now in a symbiotic relationship with another organism that healed  him and made him immune to the toxic environment. Reef keeps on trying to offer information and an  annoyed Tarren shuts it up, reminding it to only speak when prompted. When Kye finally wakes up, he  explains that he doesn’t remember anything, only that he was asleep.
He feels quite heavier yet  fine. Tarren points out she can’t fly the shuttle either because she’s a biologist, only certain  employees had access to that system. The duo decides to check the obelisk and Kye hits it with  his axe, discovering it’s actually a soft cocoon.
Inside they find Oleander’s body also covered in  goo. They carry him back to the shuttle and when Tarren touches Oleander’s face with her bare hand,  he keeps on twitching. Kye pulls out some wires to bring the scanner outside and they scan Oleander’s  eyes, which finally gives them access to the flying system.
Kye immediately starts getting the  engine ready while asking Reef about Liberation Day, learning he still has 76 days before they  execute his father. Tarren is shocked to hear he won’t bring Oleander along and realizes she  knows Kye: it turns out he used to work for her father when she was a kid. She points out that the  man she knew back then would never leave someone behind to die.
Outside, Oleander finally awakens  and throws up. Kye and Tarren come out to check on him and Oleander starts yelling about how Hatch  is going to kill them all. Then he picks up a gun from the ground and Kye jumps to punch him at the  same time he shoots.
After knocking Oleander out, Kye turns around and discovers Tarren is dead.  Furious, he starts beating Oleander up. Suddenly he freezes because he notices he’s been shot as  well.
His body starts wriggling and he passes out on the ground. Sometime later, Kye wakes up  near the obelisk, looking perfectly healed. After seeing mysterious lights flying in the sky, he  goes back to the shuttle area and is shocked to see Tarren’s and Oleander’s skeletons.
He enters  the shuttle and discovers the engine is failing, so he asks Reef for an explanation. It turns out  he’s been missing for 34 days, during which the engine was left running and eventually burned out.  There are 42 days left until Liberation Day.
Reef also reveals that while Kye was gone, it detected  Oleander’s heartbeat in the area, meaning he’s being revived just like Kye. Curious, he goes to  the caves and notices footprints on the sand. When he reaches out, his hand glows like the obelisk so  he decides to go back.
For the next few days, Kye searches for crashed pods and takes their parts  to fix the engine. He also retrieves Tarren’s ID badge. Reef plays cartoons for him while he works. 
One night, Kye wakes up when he hears a strange sound. Suddenly he starts feeling unbearable  pain and Reef detects an alarming heart-rate. Kye leaves the bed only to fall in agony, breaking  the repairs he’s been doing.
Reef points out he may do worse and asks him to leave. Then Kye runs  to the cave and hears the same weird noise before a terrifying monster appears. He immediately  runs out and falls to his knees in pain as weird limbs come out from his back, making him pass out. 
Sometime later, Kye wakes up covered in goo again and returns to the shuttle. He concludes fear  and pain trigger the transformation and wants to get rid of the creature inside him. Frustrated, he  starts punching the engine and mentions Liberation Day, desperate to save his father.
Unfortunately  Reef informs him that he slept for a long time and Liberation Day happened two days ago. A crying Kye  goes out and falls on the ground, accepting his fate is to be stuck here forever. Three years  later, Kye is still living on the moon.
He’s trained his body and now whenever he accidentally  hurts himself, he can stop the transformation before it happens. In the sky, he can still  see the mysterious lights flying. One night, he sees something glowing inside a helmet and gets  excited.
He brings it outside and frees a firefly, who joins others of its kind to make a beautiful  light show. When he returns to the shuttle, he finds footprints outside and discovers Tarren’s  badge is gone. As he discusses the situation with Reef, the AI shares a theory: he thinks Oleander  has the same symbiotic relationship as Kye’s, meaning he’s been revived but he’s stuck in  the monster form.
Reef thinks death is part of Kye’s life cycle now: the bodies die but their  consciousnesses live on in new replicated bodies. When Reef asks Kye to self-delete so it can study  the body to find a cure, Kye refuses, saying it’s just a theory and him reviving in a new body  isn’t guaranteed. Afterward Kye searches for the Oleander monster and is shocked to find one of  his dead bodies.
He brings it back to the shuttle and puts it up as bait. When the monster comes  close enough, Kye comes out and finally shoots it. While hearing roaring in the distance, he cuts  off a piece of the monster and brings it to Reef, who scans it to confirm this is indeed Oleander’s  DNA.
It also cross-references dates and points out the roaring could be heard every time Oleander  or Kye died, which means something out there reacts to their deaths. It sounded like a mother  mourning her young and it probably activated the revival process. Kye doesn’t understand much  because he isn’t a biologist, and hearing that word prompts Reef to mention Tarren.
When  Kye authorizes the AI to share information, it plays a recording of the night of the shooting. It  turns out Tarren had been unconscious, not dead, and she escaped after Kye died. The skeleton  Kye found later had been his own.
Kye gets angry because Reef never mentioned that Tarren was  alive in three years, so Reef has to remind him he can only share information when prompted. Now Kye  has a new purpose: finding Tarren. He takes parts from the shuttle and builds a body for Reef so  it can follow him around during the search.
After lots of wandering, they make it to the caves and  Reef tries scanning the tunnels. However there’s a strong electromagnetic interference that messes  with its system. They decide to follow that weird signal and Kye starts smelling something weird. 
Since it’s dark, he asks Reef for something bright and the AI plays a rather loud video. Kye has to  run to disconnect the sound but it’s too late: the creature comes out of the shadows  and attacks. As Kye dodges the attack, Reef gets tackled instead, and the monster  goes after Kye next.
It quickly bites his arm and Kye uses the chance to hit it with his  axe, killing it. At that moment the same roar echoes in the cave. Kye follows a glow at  the back and finds his original body next to Oleander’s.
After the initial shock, he covers  Oleander’s face and suffocates him out of mercy. This kills his beast as well. Now Kye should  do the same to his body, but he can’t.
Instead he retrieves his prosthetic leg and goes back  to searching for Tarren with Reef. Eventually they find the spot where Reef last sensed Tarren’s  heartbeat and Kye can tell something launched on that ground, which means she managed to escape. At  that moment Reef’s screen starts failing again and Kye realizes his prosthetic leg is causing it.
He  checks inside and finds a pulse grenade, meaning Hatch asked him to send him the files through the  gauntlet because he never intended to pick him up. Suddenly the lights in the sky start crashing on  the ground and Kye rushes to check on them only to discover it’s the escape pods, which doesn’t  make sense because they left three years ago and he saw them in the sky every day. This prompts  Reef to share some classified information: this moon is under an experiment for time dilation. 
Time passes fast here because the general wants a way to manufacture weapons and soldiers  quickly. Years pass on the moon while outside it’s only been minutes. At that moment Kye sees  a ship approaching so he gets the research probe ready.
The ship lands and Hatch comes out with a  guard. He did receive Kye’s messages and it took him just twenty minutes to come, but for Kye it  was years. Kye realizes it was Hatch who shot down the Arrowhead and the pods because he wants to  use this moon for his own army.
He tells him all the information is in the shuttle, but Hatch knows  he’s lying and knocks him out. When Kye wakes up, he’s chained up in the shuttle and discovers they  have Tarren too. When Hatch threatens to kill her, Kye tells him he hid all the intel inside  the research probe.
Then Hatch goes looking for the probe and once he finds what he wants,  he activates the grenade in Kye’s leg. However Kye expected this and put the grenade inside the  probe, which now explodes. At that moment Kye’s body starts glowing and he fully transforms into  the monster form.
The guard tries to shoot him down, but Tarren tackles him to stop him. As Kye  gets too close to Tarren, Reef appears outside and calls for him. The creature bursts out covered  in blood and destroys Reef at the same time Tarren comes out, meaning the blood belongs to the  guard.
With sweet words, Tarren reaches out to the creature and tells him he can control it.  The beast steps back and soon Kye returns to his human form. He returns to Tarren and together they  grieve for Reef.
Suddenly a heavily wounded Hatch appears and starts shooting at Kye before stabbing  him. Kye uses his monster strength to grab Hatch by the neck and allows a creature limb to come  out to kill him. Afterward the duo manages to re-activate Reef and they escape in Hatch’s ship. 
Meanwhile near Hatch’s body, a roar can be heard.
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