5 Most In-Demand SMMA Services in 2024

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Iman Gadzhi Extended
Read ONLY If you want to learn more about the best services to make you $10,000/month. In that case,...
Video Transcript:
all right so listen if you want to get your agency to 10 15 even upwards of $25,000 a month you really only need two things and by the way I'm sorry I'm not dressed up today it's been one of those days very long day I finished up my calls and honestly this was on my mind so I put together this presentation apologies I look homeless anyways back to what I was saying you really only need two things first a nich and second a service that fits with that Niche and by the end of today's video
you would have learned the first which is how to choose the right service to pair with your Niche then we're going to talk about the five most in demand services this year and then I'm going to give you a list of services so that way you can use it to make your first dollars online and then we're going to get into the three crucial Frameworks for picking a service that fits your Niche and they are the five-step customer to cash method which is all about seamlessly guiding clients from awareness to repeat purchases we're going to
be talking about Roi versus convenience so offers that save time and the ones that drive revenue and then also the business environment analysis so tailoring services to specific business needs by really assessing micro market and macro environments so with all that being said let's get into it now with everything on this extended Channel this channel is more about like real raw old school content that I used to make a lot more nitty-gritty and for all of these videos I have my presentation notes to side I usually like to create flowcharts and create some visuals to
accompany the video and also really help me think through the process and the systems so as I said if I look off to the side I'm looking at some of the Frameworks that I created and you can get access to all those Frameworks in the description everything that I mentioned today's video all the notes templates all that stuff will be in the description so let's get into it the thing that you really need to understand is the amount you charge for your services is directly related to how close your service is to the point of
sale and if that sounds a little confusing here's what I mean by that there are really five steps in a customer Journey awareness interest intent sale and then one that a lot of people forget about repeat customer so with some Services you're going to be working on the first stage which is awareness when you think of this think of services like brand awareness campaigns creating brand designs or having your brand logo on a billboard the objective of campaigns like this is simply create more brand awareness now the problem is it's very hard to track the
amount of sales such Services generate because they're so far away from the actual point of sale and as a result you can't really charge that much now on the other hand let's take a service like lead generation through paid advertising and let's analyze it because does that service result in Step One awareness you know people being aware of your client's service or product yes there's a cover step two which is interest basically a lead or a booked caller or anything that shows the client is window shopping once again yes does it show intent which is
a customer showing up to a call taking a meeting adding to cart a checkout attempt or a deposit once again yes does it lead to a sale basically a sale for your client and yes and then step five does it lead to a repeat customer yes and no there's no guarantees that it does but yeah you could definitely have customers purchasing again from lead generation ads now it's not as guaranteed as let's say something like email marketing for e-commerce businesses where you can Target literally existing customers and because you can Target existing customers that means
that it's like true profit for the business because obviously the client earns roughly the same amount as the first time they purchased but the cost is pretty much non-existent or very very small which means the client makes more money so as a result you can charge way more for that type of service because it's way closer to the point of sale and you can also have a trackable Roi from that service you can clearly see how much you're making for each dollar that you're investing into and most importantly you know that the more you inv
invest into that service the more sales you get which is really what matters the most at the end of the day hence why you see so many people out there providing Facebook ad Services because you can charge a lot to do that now listen I'm not saying that you should do Facebook ads or paid traffic because in a second I'm going to walk you through how to spot blue ocean markets and find services that no one is providing just a little later on in this video but before I do that what you really need to
understand is whatever service you decide to move forward with you really have to ask yourself which one of the steps of the customer Journey does that service sit on remember the closer you get steps four and five the more you can charge for your service because you are taking care of most of the customer Journey for your client now there's another very important concept you need to understand next because when choosing a service you need to be aware that there are really two kinds of services there's convenience and Roi or return on investment services so
how do you know if your service is convenience or Roi well a convenience service is a service that saves your client time whereas an Roi service is a service that makes your clients money so if we look at the five-step customer toach method we can see the lead generation through pay traffic helps your client to take care of every step in this method so because this service helped your client make a sale you've definitely helped them make enough sales to not only pay for your service but they also made a profit while using your service
and that's why lead genen through pay traffic is an Roi service now if we look at what step social media management helps your client get to you'll notice it only gets as far as step two which is interest in this case it's a convenience offer because there's no trackable return on their investment I'm not saying that there's no return on investment it's just that it's very hard to track that return all you're doing is helping the client save time by not having to manage their social media themselves and as a result the client will pay
for your service without a direct monetary expectation or gain in return now let's take a closer look at a YouTube thumbnail agency now this is actually an offer where you can show that because you are doing X you are making more money now you may not always be able to explain how much money you're making them but you should be able to show them some key metrics because I did X your click-through rate went from X to Y and because of that we can estimate that x amount more people actually click through to the video
which means that X more people watch the video and from x amount of people you can basically derive an amount of sales that they would have gotten because of it and then you need to assess how close to the money do you get them with your Roi offer remember the closer you can get your client to sale with your service the more you can charge your client so framing Your Service as a return on investment service in the case of a YouTube thumbnail agency is more beneficial for both you and your client now in the
next framework I'm going to show you the three types of environments that you get in business and by understanding and knowing this you're already 98% closer to signing your next client this is really going to help you see the in-depth services that no one else can see and this is what's going to be your competitive Advantage why because you're going to be able to clearly Define what service they need based on the problems that they have in their business so let me show you how to use it after I explain each step in business there's
three main environments that your business lives in you have Micro environment you have Market environment and then you have macro environment now the micro environment this is like your immediate circle it includes things close to the business like customers suppliers competitors and employees it's pretty much like the people that you interact with every day at school or in your neighborhood and for a business it's about understanding who they're selling to who they're buying from and who they're competing against and who's working for them now the market environment think of this as the bigger group that
your business operates in it's like your school or your town and it's all of the people and businesses that your business might interact with or compete against in a broader sense and understanding the market environment means knowing what people want how much they're willing to pay and what other options that they have and then you have macro environment now this is like the wider World outside of your immediate surroundings it includes things like government regulations economic conditions technology and cultural Trends it's like the big stuff happening in the country or even globally that can affect
businesses everywhere for example changes in laws or recession can impact how a business operates even if it's not directly related to what the business does so if you want to choose the best service you need to consider these elements and then you need to consider what the elements are that your Niche specifically struggles with imagine you're starting a service to assist dropshipping businesses in finding reliable suppliers for Quality items in China by applying this framework you can identify crucial factors and tailor your service to address specific pain points within the Drop Shipping Niche so let's
look at micro environment picture yourself as a drop shipper setting up your business in your micro environment and in your micro environment you encounter customers obviously Drop Shipping businesses seeking quality products to sell suppliers which is the Cornerstone of your service reliable suppliers offering fast shipping and highquality items you have competitors obviously other service providers offering a similar supplier finding service and then you have employees or collaborators which is your team dedicated to sourcing and vetting suppliers so going to a real life example just like running a lemonade stand your success relies on sourcing the
best lemons and sugar whereas in the Drop Shipping World your micro environment focuses on finding suppliers who consistently deliver top-notch products and fast shipping then you have Market environment now zooming out consider the broader Drop Shipping Market you have existing Drop Shipping services so compe s offering similar Services you've got potential clients so that's Drop Shipping businesses unaware of your service but in need of reliable suppliers you got price sensitivity so really understanding what drop shippers are willing to pay for premium supplier finding services you've got Trends and product demand so identifying popular niches and
products among drop shippers now taking this back to a real life example in the same way you would assess other lemonade stands in your neighborhood analyzing existing supplier finding services identify unta markets and anticipate product Trends to tailor your service offering finally we get to macro environment now you want to consider the broader economic technological and cultural factors influencing the Drop Shipping landscape so obviously we have to talk government regulations so trade policies impacting international shipping and commerce obviously big macro things we've got for example c19 had a massive impact on international trade and commerce
you got economic conditions so just general economic Trends affecting consumer spending habits and Market stability you've got technological advancement so emerging technology streamlining supplier Discovery and communication and you also have cultural shifts changing consumer preferences towards sustainable and ethically sourced products now to tie this back into a real life example just as you'd be mindful of Health regulations and economic conditions when running your lemonade stand really consider how government policies economic shifts technological advancements and cultural preferences shape the dropshipping ecosystem go ahead and adapt your service to navigate these macr level influences effectively and this
is really how you find those secret hidden services that most people never even think exist and there's very few people doing these kinds of services and just remember running an online agency doesn't mean that you're just doing ads like everyone just assumes oh I'm going to do ads or content there are thousands of different services that you can offer your entire agency could literally just be set setting up zapier automations and Integrations for businesses that could literally be your entire million dooll year agency and by understanding and leveraging these environmental factors you can really develop
a comprehensive service that addresses the specific needs and challenges so how do you know if you've chosen the right service well let's go back and look at the three Frameworks I created that you should put any service through to know whether it's the right decision as I said as I'm looking to the side remember I've left all of these resources down below so you want to put your service in into this framework I created and count the total money bags that your service scores when you actually use the framework then you want to look at
Roi versus convenience so does your service save your client time or make them a return on their investment preferably your service helps your client see a return on their investment because you help them closer to the sale using the customer to cash framework that I created and then you want to look at business environment analysis next you want to take your service through a deep dive against all of the challenges that the business faces in your Niche and see where you find alignment I want you to use the examples we've given you to go back
and understand what problems are there to solve and what Solutions are available for you to actually utilize when it comes to providing an offering and remember that to really find the hidden gems and to find services that no one else offers you should consider this framework the most now if you're still stuck I'm going to give you some ideas as promised here are five services that are most in demand today now as I'm speaking I'm going to go ahead and throw this on the screen obviously feel free to pause the video and just read through
it now the way that I came to this conclusion was based on the success of our students inside of agency accelerator as well as agency accelerator Pro which is the best program ever created in history I don't care if it's even 20 $30,000 programs this blows everything out of the water if you are serious about starting your agency and scaling it up in record time go look at the link in the description and I'd love to see you in the program anyways getting back to the video by this point you would have learned how to
choose the right service to pair with your Niche I just showed you on screen the five most in demand services this year and I've also given you three crucial Frameworks for picking a service that fits your Niche and those Frameworks with the five-step customer to cach Method the ROI versus convenience offer framework as well as the business environment analysis once again check the link in the description and you'll get access to all those Frameworks that I created before this video anyways with all that being said take what you have learned today and take action that
is the difference between you signing your first client or 10th client you just need to start and follow the process and as always I'll be watching from afar and I'm rooting for you
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