The Pisces Lunar Eclipse, 17/18 September 2024 | Astrology

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Madrona's Pulse Teachings | Astrology for Healing
As we approach the partial lunar eclipse, we move toward a moment to go beyond what we've known. A m...
Video Transcript:
hello welcome back to majoras pulse teachings I am Iris and I'm going to chat with you today about the partial lunar eclipse that's happening depending where we are September 17th or 18th I hope that you're doing well we are fully in Eclipse season now and I did release a video that was generally talking about Eclipse season I'm going to just focus on the lunar eclipse right now and this is happening in Pisces okay so our moon is in Pisces our sun is in Virgo they're at 25° and 40 minutes and this is going to to
give us insights into some of the themes that are coming up with this Eclipse so Eclipse seasons can be very powerful times it can absolutely depend upon our own natal chart how much an eclipse is working with us that said also just sensitive beings can sometimes just feel in to the eclipse themes that are shifting we generally say that an eclipse is Eclipse season brings us for about six months and then we move into the next eclipse season and these are some of those kind of linear time Cycles we're working with that said when we're
working with astrology when we're developing a co-creative relationship with the archetypes with the cars Cosmos with our own psyche that our natal chart gives us so much insight into we always want to to remember that there is linear time it's a thing and there's other time cycles and there's other time frames and for instance this Eclipse could pull up some of what came up for you potentially in a different lens and a different cycle our last eclipse in the Pisces Virgo axis which was 2016 2017 right this could also be pulling up themes of whatever
is is coming up for you with this great cycle of Pluto who is finishing its last dance in Capricorn which is a cycle dating back to 2008 so astrology is always reminding us that in these kind of Earth centered rhythms that we are in that there are cycles that are much more complex than just that linear time frame but that said we do generally say that we're moving with these with whatever opens up for the next 6 months we do tend to think of eclipse as closings and Beginnings right that said I think we have
to be really mindful because we use the word the phrase new beginning with astrology all the time and in the one hand we are always in a new beginning every single day is a new beginning we are always especially when we work with a mindful present embodied press in this life emerging in a moment when it literally is a new beginning and there are these other moments when we enter and we release what we've been working on shedding whether it's related to relationship habits or particular relationship or we're working on becoming empowered in a certain
way you know there's always these different stages and every new beginning has within it different phases of new beginnings and so eclipses are powerful times because they're working with the the nodes of the Moon and they are periods of time that can literally shift timelines can open us up to a deep shedding a deep release that then brings a new beginning and it's also always important that we do be mindful that when we're working with New Beginnings they are happening because something else is ending okay and so both energies are always present and so what
is the energy that we're working with in this first partial lunar eclipse we have our moon at 25° 40 minutes of Pisces and we have our sun there in Virgo okay so right away we're in the Virgo Pisces axis now that's where our sun and our moon are but it's an eclipse because it's working with the nodes who are in the Libra Aries axis so we have both themes coming up okay and then our our second eclipse in October our solar eclipse is going to be in the sun in Libra and the Moon in Libra
cuz that will be at the new moon okay and that would be our Libra solar eclipse and both themes are coming up so we are working with that axis of relationship who am I on my own who am I in my own needs and instincts and who am I when I'm in relationship that's the Libra Aries access and I talked about that a lot in that kind of more General video here that is going to come up with themes that are absolutely in the Virgo Pisces axis okay and so this is an axis that is
really about p Pisces Pisces is the end of the line in the Zodiac now it's not linear we start again we drop back into Aries but when we're in Pisces we have gone all the way around the Zodiac and the ultimate work of Pisces is literally rejoining with Source it is this ego this conscious self this self that I get so freaking attached to literally dissolving and being in the Blissful presence of all that is now it's Blissful because there's not attachment but that said it's all that is it's the ocean it's the depths it
is grief it is blissful highs of meditative resonance it is all of it and Pisces feels a lot it is a water sign it is deep deep feeling energy and it is far beyond any kind of boundary of the self because it's ultimately about the rejoining to self and sorry the joining to source and that is why Pisces often speaks through nature it speaks through dream it speaks through symbol and myth and music and poetry and dance it really thrives when we have aesthetic mediators communicating because often Pisces requires that kind of other way of
knowing that other way of expressing so right away if you're feeling it if you have something strong for you at 25° of Pisces Virgo Sagittarius Andor Gemini then it's a lovely idea to lean into your art making practices it doesn't matter if you are an established artist or if you are just doodling it is just about moving the emotions and the feelings through whatever medium you choose whether that's poetry or visual art or music but leaning into those also listening to music being with art reading um especially when there's height and Pisces energy and there
is height and Pisces energy we can also sometimes get pulled in and prefer to stay within those Realms and just being mindful what feels right and safe for you during this time because there could be a lot of emotions coming up because our moon is conjunct Neptune okay Neptune is at 28° of Pisces it is moving back because it's retrograde and it's conjunct our moon and so Pisces is ruled by Neptune so this is a powerful pisan neptunian presence during this time all the more reason to lean in to those practices that support you to
kind of make sense of what doesn't make sense because Pisces and Neptune speak in a different way okay now our sun is in Virgo and Virgo sometimes really likes to understand what's going on virgo sometimes gets really attached to understanding what's going on and so during this lunar eclipse we might have incredible moments of insight and we might you know especially the way that Pisces and Neptune often works so is that it's like it's all of it it's like it's the meditative Insight it's the Glimpse it's sudden knowing where I'm going on my path it's
the Epiphany it's the momentary pause outside of linear time when we just know because our ego mind quiets down and we can get into that place where we just know but then we come back into linear time then we come back into a society that's structured and prioritizes linear time to the fact that it's forgotten that we as humans have so many other ways of knowing and that's when we can kind of get into trouble and that's when we can start trying to control or we can start saying well why isn't it happening right now
because that Glimpse is in a different time it's kind of like that out of time moment and so just being firstly being gentle okay and secondly that sun and Virgo is going to be supported by using the practices that help you sync mind and body mindful movement practices again if you have an art practice that's a wonderful way of sinking mind and mind and body just going for a walk in nature nature usually uh sues Virgo and nature can be part of house Pisces and Neptune speak so being in nature during this partially lunar eclipse
if that's possible for you and again we don't have to go into the Wilderness that can be hanging out with a tree on the end of our street okay but just having that connection that said could be going into Wilderness if that's available to you but just having that connection with nature very important and also potentially grounding setting intentions to be gifted with insights to ask for dreams if there's something that you're curious about or feeling called to this is a wonderful time to ask for dreams and again then it's wonderful to work with Dreams
by writing with them um stream of consciously making art with them just chatting about them with a friend without trying to figure them out okay because Pisces and Neptune energy is again Beyond um other pieces that are important is Venus Venus is um in Libra okay and Venus is there in a in a lovely conversation with Jupiter so leading up to this Eclipse Venus had a Trine with Jupiter Jupiter and Gemini Venus for this eclipse is at 23° of Libra Libra my original Boston ACC and just popped up it doesn't happen very often Libra um
and it's opposite Chiron okay so chiron's an Aries so Libra is picking up that Chiron um sorry Venus is picking up that Chiron in Aries Venus and Libra that axis that the nodes are in and we already have that with the nodes being there so again there could be tension between what I need and how I want to be in relationship and what I need for myself and just really listening to the body because our sun is in Virgo and honoring the emotions because our moon is conjunct Neptune and Pisces now that said emotions could
rise high and that's where we want to um also just be with water whether that's a lake or the ocean or a bath or a puddle or a little brook or painting a picture of water you know if especially if you're feeling a lot of emotions during this time channeling them through being with water writing with water that can be a really lovely way of working and also just tuning in to what's coming up around your values in your relationships and Venus is trining Jupiter okay so there is this expansive energy working there that wants
us to really come into the relationships that support that really come into the relationships Chiron is talking that can also be healing for us also opening up to new relationships popping up new friends emerging um synchronicities synchronicities is part of how Neptune and Pisces work just leaning into the synchronicities and trusting in that unfolding of the Divine mystery through the here and now that is what Virgo and Pisces are all about and that there could be new relationship ship coming up and there could also be relationships that are closing out or entering into a new
a new manifestation of what that relationship is for you and it might look very different than it was before and that's also going to be um even more strongly suggested during our solar eclipse but just knowing that that ACC AIS is activated as well and absolutely Neptune Pisces this is about our spirituality this is about our spirituality wanting to to open to the next layer and this is echoed by the fact that Saturn is also in Pisces retrograde and Saturn is talking to Mercury during this eclipse and Saturn and Neptune are on a journey we
be on a journey with them and it is lasting to 2026 and it is about cleaning stuff up so that we can have new structures in place that help us come into an emboldened reality that is Hope more aligned to our spiritual Essence and there we can be aligned to our spiritual Essence as diverse individuals as diverse communities with diverse religious beliefs and we can still have the spiritual Essence this is what Pisces is all about that allows the collective to do pretty amazing things if and when it's willing and it takes work the spiritual
path is work and that's why Virgo is so so freaking good at work sometimes because it's opposite P Pisces and Virgo is there and it knows when it needs to work it knows when it needs to to do the research to get the systems in place it knows when it needs to check off boxes and that's where it supports that Pisces energy coming into this plane and that spirituality coming in and being embodied and and that is what an eclipse and Pisces is helping us to open to but again it's a seeding okay it's a
seaing because it is a cycle for the next six months and that six months is part of a bigger cycle and so we absolutely don't have to figure everything out we don't have to know exactly where our path is going but we do have to be willing to open to the unknown because the unknown is Neptune and Pisces the unknown is the Divine mystery that is always bigger than our cognitive conscious ious and that's where it's a wonderful time for meditation it's a wonderful time for those practices that help you quiet the mind so that
you can become aware of something so much bigger and that is echoed by this incredible conversation that the outer planets are having especially during this Eclipse I talked about this in that other video but we have Pluto there towards that at that final degree of Capricorn we have Uranus towards the final degree of Taurus and then we we have Neptune at 28 of Pisces so we have this kind of closing out old old Cycles is represented by these these outer planets and they're all talking to each other and they are talking to this eclipse and
so they are offering this kind of simultaneous wisdom about closing out we're talking about old old cycles of how humans have been doing things Cycles that are related to power over others Powers power over the environment cycles that are related to a human Centric view of everything on Earth instead of recognizing ourselves as a species that can cohabitate and coexist with the ecosystems and other species that are indigenous to this planet as well and so on the oneand that's hu that's big energy for the collective and the way that our own lives have without a
doubt kind of Taken on some of those lessons because they're what control the social whole and they're the conditions that we're raised within even when we're raised in kind of radical alternative you know these ideologies are powerful and they get embodied and so this kind of moment that we're in and this is a moment that's lasting a few years you don't have to stress about doing it all right now it's closing out and so it's closing out for us so that we can come into new embodiments of values for ourselves and the astrology is supporting
us the cosmos the archetypes are supporting us as we journey forth and so this could be a moment of really feeling into that and again whatever helps you dip into those spiritual Waters it is time for that now um in a way that lets you feel connected that lets you feel and remember that we are not alone that we are always Connected To Source because that is the true meaning of Pisces and Neptune and our moon is there Illuminating that for us so that we can plant seeds that are going to carry us through this
next stage and probably much longer okay because this is an eclipse season when Pluto is finishing its journey through Capricorn and that's pretty big okay so there're definitely big Cycles closing out and so just spending some time time journaling with that walking with that um if you work with your chart and you see where you have 25° of Pisces 25 degrees of Virgo that's going to tell you some of that the area of your life where this is happening and then of course where do you have 29 degrees of Capricorn because that's an ending as
well so there's a lot of endings in at this particular moment that are opening us up to New Beginnings and we're probably going to be staggered in different parts of them for a little while and this is going to be opening while that's closing and just saying that's okay it's allowed to be a little messy it's allowed to have stages it's allowed to take however long it takes and it's also allowed to shift like that because sometimes eclipse eclipse season does make shifts like that and just trusting that we're ready for it and you know
we do use the language of Destiny during Eclipse too so just trusting and journeying forth and I will be back to talk about more but hopefully there's some little nuggets in there that can support you because we are being literally pulled into this energy okay so just being conscious of it now um as we get pulled towards the 17th 18th because it's going on now okay be well
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