Desigualdade Global - Capítulo 1: Europa

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Folha de S.Paulo
Em nenhum outro período da história, tantas pessoas emergiram da pobreza extrema e conseguiram acess...
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the IMF says that this will be the fastest growing advanced economy yet nor actually if I want to not live television chips they probably took me very a good six-month say work for long meal I'll offer you guys are so the best 11 regular young men talk we are only just a little flat-footed sukima preserve a TV anthem it a of the premiere is it doesn't [Music] economic growth was revised down business investment was revised down borrowing and debt ergonomically hispana is positive is what it's across ma via its lucky say about for a lo
tiene miedo the paralegal want to see I stuck a little bit even let's be very clear economic plan does [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I have spent over half of that 20 pen just on that and that will last two days meats apples even spam in a tin now I'll eat that raw on the butter slice it'll put it on bread that's it that's how I survive I'm going to be made redundant in a few months because the company I work for are shutting down all the fulfillment centers the warehouses and 2,000 jobs are being lost and
we're being replaced by robots I'm 64 years old coming up to 65 the last four and a half years I've been trying to get work unemployment benefit is exactly the same today as what it was four years ago which i think is ridiculous yeah 21st century saw a car six biggest accommodate world you know and they're still paying on 73 pound a week all I can do is what I've always done this I'll take any job that I can get if it brings money in and while you're doing that it may be low paid work
I can McDonald's or something but while you're doing that you have to look for about a job if you can there are three sides to the globalization story you know there's the more less happy side happy globalization that's huge growth in Asia and this is a substantial improvement in living standards and this is a reduction of between country inequalities right but there's another side to globalization which is the fact that incomes have been growing at a very low pace for the working classes the third globalization story which is what has been happening to the global
economic elite you see the economy elite the top 1% their incomes skyrocket so we have an ironic situation that you have a de facto alliance of interests between the world poor and the world rich against the middle class in the Richmond [Music] I get my money on Thursdays my first priorities is pay my rent potential tax the water is electric and then nobody can kick me out on the street I've had to sell my house I was able to give my children some money so that they could get a deposit on the house but I
am got house now yeah I am worse off now in 2020 19 than what I was in 1964 a lot of people I work there was a bit of unemployment but not much who people add respect because he worked you could grow you enjoy yourself well you can't do it anymore cuz you have no money to do it with I live at home with my mum because if I was to have a house of my own it's too expensive because I need like a thousand pound bond and like maybe 600 pound rent and then with
what I earned it's not enough because I have to buy a central for myself my children like nappies and milk in school uniforms food gas electric my children had to leave where we lived to go and find work elsewhere my son is a paramedic on the ambulances but the wage he gets for doing is very poor and he ends up having to work all hours God sends to try and make enough to live on [Music] these people are not concerned about the very rich they're definitely concerned about their status compared to people who are doing
somewhat better than them and they're even more concerned and upset that their children are not going to do well this is an olden food bank we have clients that will come from different agencies to be able to have food parcel now the food parcel consists of beans milk sugar cereal tin meat it's a three day supply of food and they have to come with food vouchers they can't just walk in off the street by call the food banks we have to have a limit on how many we do so we do four in a six-month
all-in period Boulton oldham Rochdale berry they used to be very prosperous industrial areas when Fordism collapsed those cities just went right down hill in 2018 we helped 5258 adults plus 2709 children which was a total of just nearly 8000 and that's just in one year when we started seven years ago for a year I think we did a total of a hundred that fall is our first year the more you have of death the less is the rich interested in public services they of course can provide for themselves a better quality of public service so
and then the rich I mean rightly some sense a like why should they fund anything because I'm basically getting nothing from the state because I have to provide everything by myself you've got a commitment socially to a high degree of equality you come out with an outcome across the whole range of policies which drives you towards more equality and if you have a society perhaps because it's huge relatively limited sense of solidarity among the people and particularly between the richer and the poor and that's a society none of these norms will apply and none of
the institution's will exist to force equality the government will be indifferent on this issue and nothing will happen we brought in for brexit the all the people because they knew it was before well yeah money you know stuff what people need to live on we renting to come a market but standard a living way and then when we joined the EU all to get properly mother and that's where we kept scenes for at least 25 years don't they're somewhat and the people over you forgot even higher i'm richard theis I'm the founder of leave means
leave and we're marching 280 miles from Sunderland down to London we're marching because brexit the greatest largest ever votes in British history is being betrayed there's too many restrictions on the new there's too many rules we can get a lotta rid of a lot of bureaucracy we can do our own trade deals which we're now not allowed to do we've had unlimited low-skilled immigration from the European Union the average in the last ten years is over 250,000 per annum if you've got unlimited numbers of low-skilled workers coming in you depress the price of wages if
you look at the ratio of what a chief exec of a [ __ ] 100 company earns compared to their average earnings that has just skyrocketed in the last 20 years and what comes without it o ultimately is anxiety and then anger what worries about these responses Trump brakes it is they will do nothing about the problem in fact I'll make it worse and they will encourage people to blame their plight on some other often weaker group and so they will make society more divided more violent less equal they are they are a consequence of
social ills but they are never a solution to it it's probably the same all over the world you've got your rich sitting in the little glasses on the door give the poor nothing you can only kick a dog so many times and it'll come back and buy you and that's what's going to happen [Music] [Music] on facts second for to move now yet luckily at this part I love on skinny cell most idyllic aura I'm hollow come buku the photo Nicoise see bhakti didn't study tax today I'll just not only you have a perfect for
ma me Ontario happen the harmonica exact member celeea cotopaxi do color sure our podcast specific it could happen man religions who auto for me on this kettle is electricity this alternative hypothesis a community a the some common steady trickle it work yeah work dr. Gandhi Castle is his not communication city spa the effects kiss a collision so lovely meta a lacuna to slapper haven't asked a group of you knows we wanna twist rapper yo neva Sebastian respond the program that was proposed by Mike home in 2017 was essentially a light neoliberal program with the idea
that you know if you increase the size of the cake through structural economic reforms if you reduce the tax rates at the top of the distribution this will increase growth and then you will be able to redistribute this growth that's a trickle-down economics theory but what we've seen over the past 18 months he cut the wealth tax and the wealthiest individuals he reduced the corporate tax and he reduced capital income tax this creates a whole lot of discontent and this is what the Gina June is about [Applause] Martha do Griffin remember Superman ah sweet paprika
do Mona I'm gonna to take officinalis magic Odeon it on volume the same 1012 just using from Allah C right-wing populism it's always a fraud because essentially it's a way of diverting the attention of the people who are suffering to symptoms of inequality like crime or other things like foreign versus social philosophy Nene I've noticed when the pyramid yeah paruparu Gainey kaalia kaalia then when he talks appropriately TP hit our sank to persist the saloon lucaswnash lulamoon a franceska telephone allahu la people - oh no - hopefully sorry a dude humidity can correspond a mu
gamma XI the almighty articulate as you know the vasila make us compile a video at home by a telephonic know that your pian Lucas October twenty mini in Wakanda Ponza coop I see a massacre structure ESL the news on for me on photonic Anakapalli a mode of motion of a park a policewoman la Oh Jeannie Russell Terrier dog Aleph a and click elation fat the person the Monaghan religion it do not Cote just give I do not do the solidarity the calico shows no no no pal I love console okay that's related follow me -
sir - stay on factor kind of difficulty be that McCrone was very migration oriented which is similarity to [ __ ] in the sense that he really is yeah has moved toward limiting immigration into France and you notice that very clearly that his policy with respect to immigration is not very different from the Italian your government it's just the Italian new government openly says that and macron simply closes the border but very further the limits to our yearly full volume ISM thank you for the frontier focus for expected for their I hope allocate the production
line see a future reporters setting up yeah and what a zero from the coma it at suited model governor no that not right that man it's not normal there is enough money for everybody eat for everybody be good there's not equality there are the rich and the poor if Mac home doesn't really you know take the measure of the social and the inequality challenge namely that trickle-down doesn't really work I don't understand this contrary because they had a lot of money they are student who has nowhere sleep it's a it's not normal and they said
Paris is magic virus is tragic not magic for me ravi de economicus abou alto mucho más in Segura mucho más in precisa con on Futurama sin cierto cualquier persona que este trabajando en una empresa piensa Manas Amy pudica bar porque estamos viendo cada dia parece como si se intent Eric a la gente trabaja rapport menos de niro la clase media a un trabajador consider o un trabajador en una Escalera is a class a media is lucky CIA bappa Rado tiene miedo de perro de algo you see a stockist I do believe que tiene miedo is
a limply algo el empleado parakarry Oh pray carry o then the question becomes what kind of growth the world these societies generate the danger was squeezing out of the middle class is that the engine of growth has to change it doesn't mean that necessarily you would not have growth but you would have very different roles the approach is potentially quite slow investment tends to be relatively weak if investment is weak then demand tends to be very weak but my own guess is that even if potential growth would arise looking at the structure of our economies
at least in the developed world we still wouldn't get a lot of investment in Acadia dos anos and vanity circle Bangko Sentral europeo y todos Banco Sol rapido Suleiman is it at least Abba mucho dinero en espanol entonces en el momento todo funcion abba todo fluey Abajo rest amount the result a Quran - yeah no IDO dinero y esto Davido uronic okay he's from dudeism todas las uvas Scioscia no tienen para para los médicos para para medica mentos para renova instalaciones saskiab ramos daddy iberian rasathi okapi turista tiene que funcionar capitalism Oh lo que no
puede functionalism is Eddie we cannot continue to do trade with tax havens that are not respecting a basic fiscal transparency rules because countries governments lose at this game so you can justify some limits to trade for for these matters if they want to recover this advantage they may have to set up some limits to trade agreements it seems to me clear that a combination of rising inequality with stagnant real income the two together have created a lot of unhappiness personally I often buried before the [ __ ] hits the fan I do but I actually
feel sorry for the young people today the only person industry doesn't want to million-pound away all they want is real to pay the bills feed the family receive a little bit well they can't even give you that what do you have to do you know to to make it equal you know [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you
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