Galactic Council Killed Human Child So Earth Unleashed Its Ancient Fleet | HFY Science Fiction Story

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Galactic Council Killed Human Child So Earth Unleashed Its Ancient Fleet | HFY Science Fiction Story...
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the human child's brain splattered across the galactic Council floor as the alien executioner coldly fired his disruptor that innocent blood Unleashed Humanity's Fury and brought forth the full Wrath of Earth's most ancient warships hidden away for centuries awaiting this very moment of betrayal Captain Logan Carter stood on the bridge of the HSS indomitable orbiting Earth fists and jaw clenched as he watched the live feed the repulsive ithorian counselor zanth had just smugly announced the council's B on all human FTL travel confining mankind to its home system then for the crime of a human boy allegedly
vandalizing an alien Shrine they brutally executed the crying child let this be a lesson to your primitive species zanth sneered at the camera Humanity's Disobedience will no longer be tolerated the feed cut out Logan's voice was a horse whisper they killed a child Commander Hawkins gripped the rail Knuckles white what are your orders sir a cold Fury filled Logan's eyes as he turned to his crew signal the fleet power up the Nova cannons and plot an FTL jump straight to the Galactic council's Headquarters this was the day Humanity had long dreaded yet secretly prepared for
the day the aliens would bear their true fangs and cross a line they could never come back from the day that would see Humanity's home World threatened and the council's Betrayal of Galactic law the day had come to make the alien aggressors pay in Blood and unleash the full might of Earth's most powerful warships ships that had not seen battle in centuries ships that would shake the Galaxy this day and burn the council's worlds to ashes deep within the heart of the Rocky Mountains the stone cracked and parted camouflage doors swinging open Captain Logan Carter
marched down into the hidden depths flanked by his highest ranking Earth Defense Force officers the long concrete Halls were dark lit only by flickering fluorescent bulbs boot heels clicked on cement as the group approached the end of the corridor there stood an immense blast door solid steel several feet thick Logan stepped forward placing his palm against the biometric scanner It beeped in recognition and slowly ponderously the door began to grind open it swung wide to reveal a cavernous underground hanger shrouded in Shadow Logan hit a switch on the wall and flood lights snapped on Illuminating
the secret space the officers gasped eyes going wide filling the hanger were rows upon rows of Warships their hulls forged from a strange iridescent metal that glimmered under the lights the ships were angular Sleek predatory they were like nothing any of the men had seen before Logan turned to face his men his expression hard as Granite gentlemen allow me to introduce you to the sigma Fleet built in secret during the early days of human space exploration and hidden away way as a last resort when the council confined us to our home system they had no
idea of the ace up Our Sleeve Commander Hawkins stepped closer to the nearest vessel reaching out to run a hand along the prow brow furrowed in awe I thought the sigma fleet was just a myth Logan shook his head the sigma Fleet is very real and it's time to show the Galaxy exactly what human Ingenuity and determination can accomplish the council wants to confine us to Earth let's see how they like it when we show up on their doorstep with technology centuries ahead of their own with the power of the sigma Fleet we will make
them pay for their crimes and secure Humanity's Place Among the Stars the gathered officers exchanged glances faces set with stey resolve as one they nodded Logan straightened his uniform and stroe toward the lead ship the others falling into step behind him it is time to remind the Galaxy that Humanity B ow to No One Logan said his voice ringing through the hanger we have been pushed too far and now we push back today we bring the fight to the council's door today they learn the consequences of their betrayal today we unleash the sigma Fleet light
years away councelor zanth lounged on a floating div in his lavish quarters the very picture of decadence the craggy faed aoran sipped a glowing green liquor savoring the burn as it slid down his throat the drink was potent enough to strip paint off a Starship hole but to zanth it might as well have been water an airchime sounded and zanth glanced up languidly as a hollow screen winked on the face of Yik his Aid swam into view the diminutive aon's normally gray skin flushed an anxious Violet counselor our longrange sensors have detected a large Fleet
of unknown vessels entering our system at high speeds Yik said his voice tight zanth waved a dismissive hand his many rings glinting so send a patrol to intercept them probably just some upstart race trying to make a name for themselves Yik shook his head the movement jerky with barely suppressed Panic sir the patrol is already gone they were destroyed the moment they entered weapons range of the unknown ships we didn't even have time to get a visual on what attacked them zanth sat bolt upright his drink sloshing over the side of the goblet what how
is that possible what kind of weapons are they using zanth lurched to his feet striding over to an ornate control panel set into the wall his fingers Flew Over the interface punching in a code the room darkened as a massive holographic display burst to life filling the air with a glowing star map of the Ain system a cluster of angry red dots was speeding toward the central blue orb that represented the Arn home World zanth stared uncomprehendingly as he took in the sheer number of incoming ships by the gods there are hundreds of them How
could an unknown race possibly have a fleet that size without us knowing about it an icy tendril of dread curled in Zan's gut as he studied the display a horrifying suspicion crystallizing in his mind he turned to the hollow screen meeting Yi's terrified gaze Yik tell me everything you can about the configuration and capabilities of those ships leave nothing out Zan's voice was deathly calm Belling the fear churning inside him because if he was right about the identity of these Invaders then he had just made the gravest mistake of his life a mistake that might
very well spell the end of everything he knew Yi's report was not encouraging the ships were angular and Sleek their hulls composed of an unknown iridescent alloy that defied scans they moved with impossible Grace and speed their formations Flawless and their weapons by the ancestors their weapons plasma cannons that tore through Shields like they were paper missiles that moved faster than the eye could track and never missed some strange directed energy beam that sliced ships into pieces with surgical Precision but worst of all was the symbol emblazoned on the prows of the incoming ships a
symbol that every species in the Galaxy had grown to fear even if only through whispered rumors and half-remembered legends the symbol of the Teran Dominion Humanity had returned and this time they had come not as EXP explorers or diplomats but as conquerors conquerors armed with technology beyond the ain's wildest nightmares zanth stumbled back from the display his Hearts hammering a panicked staccato beat against his ribs he thought of the human child cut down on the floor of the council chambers on his order the Catalyst for this Invasion he had Gravely miscalculated he knew that now
they all had and now his people would pay the price for his arrogance as the Taran Fleet Drew inex closer Zan found himself wondering if there was any force in the universe that could stop the oncoming storm somehow he doubted it on The View screen Zan's eyes bulged his mouth opening and closing like a beached fish he gripped the arms of his command chair the plastic creaking under the force of his Talons Logan didn't give him a chance to recover Zan seemed to deflate his shoulders slumping when he spoke his voice was Hollow what do
you want human Logan leaned forward his eyes boring into zanth Justice the council will resend its ban on human FTL travel effective immediately you will acknowledge our right to expand and explore as we see fit any further acts of aggression Against Humanity will be met with Swift and devastating retaliation sans's nostrils flared his pride Waring with his fear the council will never agree to your demands you're just one species you can't dictate terms to the entire galaxy he nodded to Samir who typed a command into his console The View screen split Zan's image shrinking to
a corner as a new visual took Center Stage IT showed the wreckage of the destroyed aoran battle cruiser the Twisted Metal still glowing cherry red but it was what was happening around the debris field that made zanth gasp swarms of small agile craft were pouring out of the sigma fleet's Hangar Bays darting toward the remaining aorin ships like Angry Hornets they moved with impossible speed and Grace weaving and dodging through the defensive fire with ease and then they opened up with their own weapons and the aorin ships began to die beams of searing blue white
energy sliced through Shields and hulls alike leaving glowing scars in their wake missiles streak from launch tubes corkscrewing through space to impact with devastating Force the aorin return fire was sporadic panicked they couldn't seem to lock onto the human Fighters their targeting systems confused by the strange material of their hulls in mere minutes a full third of the aorin fleet was reduced to Drifting wreckage the remaining ships were in disarray their formation broken their captains shouting contradictory orders it was a route throughout it all the sigma Fleet hung back weapons primed but silent they didn't
need to engage their fighter screen was more than enough to handle the outclass tooran warships Logan turned back to zanth his expression Grim I won't ask again counselor yield and let this be the end of it zanth slumped back in his chair all the fight gone out of him he looked around at his Bridge crew seeing the same realization in their eyes they had Gravely underestimated the humans and now they were paying the price with a trembling hand zanth reached out and terminated the transmission The View screen went dark Logan turned to Hawkins his eyes
hard signal the fleet All Ships weapons tight give them a chance to comply Hawkins nod Ed relaying the order for a long moment the bridge was silent the tension thick enough to cut with a knife every eye was glued to the Tactical display watching the red and blue icons that represented the two fleets then slowly the red icons began to move one by one the irin ships were powering down their weapons their drives they were surrendering a cheer went up from the human crew fists pumping the air backs being slapped they had done it they
had brought the might Galactic Council to its knees but Logan didn't join in the celebration he just stared at the display his face an unreadable mask he knew this was just the beginning the council would not forgive this humiliation easily there would be repercussions political and Military the road ahead would be long and hard paved with conflict and sacrifice but Logan also knew that this was a turning point no longer would Humanity be content to live under the council's thumb no longer would they be second class citizens in their own Galaxy today they had proven
that they could not only stand up to the alien powers that sought to control them but that they could beat them today they had taken their first step toward a new future a future where Humanity charted its own course Among the Stars and may God help anyone who tried to stand in their way Zan's bulging eyes darted across the readouts the numbers and symbols blurring together into a melstrom of impending doom the human ships had vanished from the screens as if they'd never been there at all but the counselor knew better they were out there
waiting invisible Predators ready to strike he slammed a webbed fist on the console barking orders in the guttural aoran language surround them box them in and Destroy them the aorin fleet lurched into motion the ponderous capital ship straining to outmaneuver their Nimble adversaries they spread out in a vast sphere weapons bristling from every surface as they sought to entra the Teran Sigma Fleet on the indomitable's bridge Logan leaned back in his command chair a smile playing across his lips as he watched the aliens clumsy attempt at tactics beside him Samir frowned at the display they're
trying to hem Us in cut off our Escape Routes should I order the fleet to pull back Logan shook his head eyes glittering with anticipation Negative they want to play at being the superior species let's show them what humanity is truly capable of all ship IPS he leaned forward keying the fleetwide C initiate Ghost Protocol A Chorus of acknowledgements lit up the com board on The View screen the sigma Fleet seemed to Ripple and distort the Contours of the ships blurring and then fading from view entirely as the advanced stealth field engaged in seconds the
human vessels had vanished from both Visual and sensor detection wraiths haunting the void Zan gaped at his displays in disbelief his crew erupting into a cacophony of panicked shouts and warning claxons the human ships were just gone as if they had never existed Impossible The Counselor roared but his words dissolved into a scream as the aorin flagship convulsed under a Titanic impact Sparks geered from shattered consoles the deck pitching wildly beneath Zan's feet all around the rest of the aorin Armada was fairing No Better Blooms of fire and shrapnel burst from a dozen ships as
the first Salvo from the inv visible Sigma Fleet found its Mark the alien Shields flared and died under the onslaught their Hull plates crumpling like foil as the undetectable projectiles slammed home zanth staggered to the flagships viewport his Hearts pounding a terrified rhythm in his chest he watched in mute horror as his fleet was torn apart piece by piece the human weapons striking with merciless Precision on the indomitable Logan observed the one-sided Slaughter with cold satisfaction let the alien Ians feel the same fear and helplessness they had inflicted on so many let them reap the
bitter Harvest of their cruelty and arrogance ceasefire he ordered after a long moment the words heavy with finality as quickly as it had begun The Barrage halted leaving the once proud aorin Fleet shattered and leaderless smoldering hulks drifted in the silent void the pitiful remnants of the council's might Logan stared at zanth through the Cal screen his gaze searing in its intensity when he spoke each word was edged in steel look upon your Fleet now counselor see how it has been humbled how your vaunted power has been proven to be nothing more than a brittle
facade just as you held the life of that innocent child in your hands so now I hold the fate of your entire species he leaned forward his face filling the screen eyes boring into the trembling aorin I want you to feel that fear zanth I want you to know in the depths of your soul how close you are to Annihilation how easy it would be for me to give the order and consign your wretched kind to Oblivion the human smiled then a cold and terrible thing devoid of warmth or Mercy but I won't not yet
I spare you now for one purpose only to be a messenger you will return to your counsel and you will tell them what transpired here you will make them understand that the age of their Dominion is is at an end Humanity will no longer tolerate the Yoke of Oppression we will claim our rightful place Among the Stars and we will Brook no opposition those who stand against us will be ground to dust and cast into the Stellar winds he raised a hand in mocking benediction go now zanth run back to your masters with your tail
between your legs and pray that when next we meet I am feeling merciful for your sake and for the sake of your entire race the transmission cut off leaving zanth to stare at a blank screen The Taste Of Ashes thick on his tongue the Galaxy had changed this day and he had been the Catalyst Logan terminated the transmission with a Curt nod Zan's face Vanishing from The View screen he turned to face his Bridge crew his brow furrowed this is only the start the council won't let this stand they'll gather their forces and hit us
with everything they've got Samir spoke up his fingers flying over his console Captain if the council unites the other species against us even the sigma Fleet could be outmatched we've got the tech Advantage but they have the numbers Logan nodded his tactical mind already mapping out potential strategies then we need to level the playing field Helm plot a course for the corx nebula Max burn the bridge crew exchanged uncertain glances but leapt into action hands darting over controls the deck thrummed beneath their feet as the fleet jumped to hyperspace the Stars blurring into streaks of
light as they hurdled through the void Logan gathered his officers in the briefing room the holographic display casting a ghostly blue glow over their faces the korax nebula is voran territory they used to be a powerful Warrior culture before the council conquered them centuries ago they've been toiling as slaves ever since our Intel suggests they're primed for an uprising and an alliance with them could give us the Manpower we need the fleet dropped back into real space on the outskirts of the nebula its swirling purple and blue gases painting The View screen the sensors pinged
with contacts a network of voran mining outposts each one crawling with armed Council overseers Logan's lips curled into a predatory smile All Ships disengage cloak the human Fleet shimmered into existence the sudden appearance of the gleaming warship sending the overseers into a panicked Frenzy within minutes the council ships were in full Retreat their engines flaring as they fled leaving the bewildered but hopeful voran workers staring out at the human vessels Logan opened a channel to the largest Outpost and a weathered voran face filled the screen his scales marred by old Battle Scars the alien regarded
Logan warily I am captain Logan Carter of Earth we are here to offer you a chance to break your chains and take Vengeance on your enslavers the voran narrowed his eyes susp I written in every line of his body and why should we trust you human your species are newcomers to the galactic stage what could you possibly do for us in response Logan transmitted the footage of the confrontation with zanth and the decisive route of the Aon Armada as the vorian leader watched his eyes widened disbelief giving way to a fierce hungry gleam when the
recording finished he looked at Logan with newfound respect you've shown your strength earther what do you want from us Logan leaned forward his voice low and intense I propose an alliance fight alongside us and together we will shatter the council's grip on the Galaxy not just for Humanity but for all those they've ground under their heel the vorian threw his head back and laughed a harsh guttural sound filled with blood lust and the promise of violence you have a deal human the voran will stand with you and together we will Savor the taste of the
council's terror as the screen went dark Logan turned to his crew a fire burning in his eyes the game pieces are moving into position prepare the fleet it's time we bring the fight to the council's doorstep the combined human and voran Fleet tore out of hyperspace at the fringes of the galactic council's home system a densely packed cluster of heavily populated worlds and immense orbital installations instantly warning claxons wailed across the system as the council's defenses came online a seeming impenetrable barrier of Warships assembling around the central Planet the heart of the council's Dominion on
the bridge of the indomitable Logan surveyed the gathered forces with a Discerning gaze they've pulled back their fleets from across the Galaxy the core of their military strength is here Samir scowled at the Tactical readout even with the voran numbers we're still outmatched in raw Firepower Logan nodded grimly which is why we won't be engaging them headon we have to be tactical about this he keyed the fleetwide Comm all vessels commence phase one the human and voran ships began to maneuver not toward the waiting Council Armada but in a broad Arc skirting the system's perimeter
angling for a massive space station bristling with sensor arrays and communication antenna that's their primary systemwide comms and surveillance Nexus Logan explained we knock that out we blind them and sew chaos in their coordination as the fleet closed on the station the council warships guarding it accelerated to intercept just before they entered firing range the human vessels shimmered and multiplied each ship abruptly fracturing into a dozen mirror images the council ships wavered thrown into confusion as their scanners were inundated with false returns by the time they realized the ruse it was too late the true
human ships shrouded by the sensor Phantoms were already on top of them the void around the station erupted into a vicious melee the council vessels fighting valiantly but outclassed by the humans technological Edge and the voran sheer savagery within minutes the station's defenses were overrun and a fusel of human Quantum Torpedoes reduced the massive construct to an expanding cloud of wreckage across the system Council ships reeled as their Communications were cut their fleetwide Data Network dissolving into white noise amidst the disarray the human and voran ships pressed their Vantage hammering key targets shipyards weapons in
placements resupply points with surgical exactitude on the indomitable Logan watched as the council's tight defensive formation started to fray their ships floundering to react to threats flaring up across the system phase one accomplished commence phase two the human and voran Fleet regrouped no longer skirting the main Council Armada but driving straight at it weapons hot Logan opened a channel to the council flagship this is Captain Logan Carter of the earth Sigma Fleet your comms are severed your defenses are buckling and your Fleet is in chaos surrender now and your lives will be spared there was
a protracted silence then a familiar Visage filled the screen councelor zanth his features contorted with spiteful Defiance we will never yield to you human scum we will battle to the last vessel the last Warrior the last gasp Logan regarded him icily so be it he cut the channel and turned to his crew signal All Ships no mercy given letun end this the human and voran ships plunged Into the Heart of the council Fleet weapons blazing as the alien vessels swarmed to meet them the void lit up with the glare of a thousand exploding Suns as
the two sides clashed energy beams and missiles crisscrossing the gulf between them Logan gripped the arms of his command chair as the indomitable shuddered under a barrage of impacts its Shields flaring on The View screen a human Destroyer erupted into a ball of plasma as a council dreadnots Siege Cannon found its Mark aoran Cruiser trailing flames and debris rammed a council frigate both ships disappearing in a blinding flash of mutual Annihilation concentrate fire on their command ships Logan barked his eyes never leaving the Tactical display we cut off the head the body dies the human
Fleet shifted formation the indomitable at the tip of the spear as they bore down on the council's leadership vessels the alien ships moved to screen their commanders pouring a storm of fire into the human Advance the council Battleship its Hull pitted and scorched loomed before the indomitable its grav cannons hammering at the human dreadnots shield Logan gritted his teeth as consoles sparked and exploded around him the bridge filling with acurate smoke divert power to forward Shields and weapons he commanded his voice cutting through the chaos Samir find me a weak point samir's hands flew over
his console his brow furrowed in concentration there a fluctuation in their AR Shield grid coordinates gamma 615 the indomitable swung hard to starboard its prow aimed squarely at the council Battleship Stern a heartbeat later its guns erupted a searing Lance of concentrated energy scorching across the void to impact directly on the weak point in the alien ship's defenses for a moment nothing happened then the council vessel seemed to bulge outward cracks racing across its Hull as secondary explosions chained through its interior with a final soundless detonation the mighty warship shattered torn apart from within by
the catastrophic reactor breach through the expanding field of debris Logan caught a glimpse of the council Flagship a massive dread knot bristling with weapons zanth ship the seat of the council's power and arrogance Logan leaned forward in his chair his eyes narrowing All Ships Converge on the flagship it's time to cut the head off the snake the human and voran ships smashed into the council Armada weapons blazing beams of searing energy sliced through enemy hulls missiles cork screwed through the void to detonate against failing Shields and Blossoms of fire the council ships returned fire but
the Allies advanced technology and sheer ferocity overwhelmed them at the heart of the chaos the indomitable and Zan's Flagship pounded each other in a vicious duel lances of energy crackled back and forth between the two Mighty vessels chewing through armor boiling away Hull plating on the indomitable's bridge a console exploded in a shower of Sparks Logan gripped his command chair as the deck shuttered beneath him the indomitable's guns thundered in response a Relentless barrage hammering into the council Flagship Stern the enemy ship's Shields flared flickered then died under the on slot flame blossomed from its
engine section as the indomitable's weapons found their Mark the flagship spun out of control trailing debris and plasma but it was too late the dreadnots main gun a gargantuan particle beam Cannon Unleashed its Fury the indomitable Shields flared brilliantly for an instant before collapsing the beam slammed into the ship's bow burning through decks vaporizing bulkheads leaving utter Devastation in its wake the bridge dissolved into chaos pan detonating spewing flame and shrapnel crewman were hurled from their stations as the deck heaved Logan dragged himself upright blood running into his eyes from a gash on his forehead
damage reports flooded in Hull breaches weapons disabled engines crippled but the dreadn Pressed its attack bracketing the wounded indomitable with Salvo after punishing Salvo Logan could only watch helplessly as his ship shuttered and burned under the onslaught his Vengeance slipping away then a miracle a squadron of voran Cruisers seeing the indomitable's desperate plight broke formation and charged the dreadn guns blazing caught off guard its Shields already strained from its duel with the indomitable the council ship's defenses swiftly crumbled under the concentrated fire the voran ships swarmed over it like enraged wasps explosions stippling the dreadnots
hull as the voran zeroed in on its weapons and engines with merciless Precision in minutes the once Unstoppable warship was reduced to a shattered Hulk drifting lifelessly in minutes the once Unstoppable warship was reduced to a shattered Hulk drifting lifelessly a ragged cheer went up on the indomitable's battered Bridge Logan sagged back in his chair exhausted and bloody but alive he surveyed the battle space where the council Fleet shaken by the destruction of its Flagship and dreadn was falling back in disarray ceasefire Logan ordered wearily commence rescue and recovery and someone bring me a damage
assessment he closed his eyes briefly we've carried the day but this war is far from finished in the aftermath of the Titanic battle the indomitable drifted in space her Hull scored by energy blasts great rents torn in her armored sides damage control teams rushed through the corridors sealing breaches and rerouting power from shattered conduits on the bridge Logan conferred with his chief chief engineer pouring over damage reports on a flickering screen route all available power to the repair drones Logan ordered prioritize Hull integrity and engine function we need to be battle ready as soon as
possible as the crew worked feverishly to bring the mighty ship back to fighting form the rest of the fleet limped into view many vessels bearing the scars of the Ferocious engagement voran ships their angular hulls adorned with vibrant war paint docked with the indomitable discoring hordes of boisterous War Warriors onto the human ship's decks in the main hangar a rockus celebration was underway as The voran Toasted their Victory clashing their weapons together and Downing great flagin of potent shimmering liquor human crew members caught up in the Infectious Spirit joined in the rry trading War Stories
and claps on the back with their Fierce allies but even as the festivities reached a fever pitch urgent Communications began flooding the indomitable's C channels Logan his face grim called his senior staff to the briefing room reports are coming in from across the Galaxy he said his voice tight with the council's central Fleet destroyed and their calms in disarray uprisings are breaking out on dozens of Worlds long oppressed species are rising against their Council Masters Samir his eyes a light leaned forward this is the chance we've been waiting for sir the council is reeling if
we strike now hard and fast we could end their tyranny once and for all Logan nodded his mind racing he turned to the voran commander a grizzled warrior with a jagged scar bisecting his face what say you Commander Traxx your people have suffered under the council's yoke for centuries will you fight with us in this final push Trax bared his fangs in a fierce grin the voran are with you human our blades are thirsty for counsel blood give the word and we will unleash the full Fury of our wrath look stood his eyes hard as
Flint then it settled we'll launch a coordinated assault on the council's key strongholds will hit them from all sides cut off the head of the snake it's time to finish this once and for all as the fleet leaders departed to brief their Crews and prepare for the coming offensive an urgent hail blinked on Logan's personal calm he frowned stepping into a private Al Cove to take the call the face that appeared on the screen was Haggard drawn with fear and exhaustion it was one of Logan's covert operatives deep in Council space Captain the operative whispered
glancing over his shoulder as if afraid of being overheard I have urgent news counselor zanth he's alive he escaped the destruction of his Flagship Logan's blood ran cold what how I don't know but he's rallying the remnants of the council's forces preparing for a Counterattack and Captain there's more the operative licked his lips his voice trembling zanth has a weapon some kind of doomsday device they say it has the power to destroy entire star systems he's threatening to use it if the council's rule is truly broken Logan's fist clenched his knuckles white the stakes had
just gotten unimaginably higher if zanth was allowed to unleash this weapon understood he said his voice like gravel keep me informed as the fleet jumped to hyperspace the Stars blurring into streaks of light Logan stared out the viewport his jaw tight they were headed for a remote heavily defended Council base where zanth was reportedly holed up with his apocalyptic weapon it would be a mission fraught with danger A desperate race against Annihilation but as Logan looked around at the faces of his crew hard and determined he felt a flicker of Hope amid the dread they
were Humanity's Champions the tip of the spear if anyone could pull this off it was them the indomitable dropped out of hyperspace at the edge of the council base's sensor range Logan turned to his tactical officer initiate full stealth protocols he ordered not so much as a whisper you understand as the mighty ship slipped into the shadow of an orbiting Moon sensor absorbent cating rendering it all but invisible Logan gathered his Strike Team in the Armory they were the best of the best each one handpicked for their skills and courage as they checked their weapons
and armor an electric tension filled the air a coil anticipation Logan met each of their eyes in turn his gaze unwavering you all know the stakes he said quietly if we fail if zanth deploys that weapon there's no coming back from that he placed a hand on the nearest soldier's shoulder his grip firm but we will not fail we can't the fate of the Galaxy rests on our shoulders the Strike Team nodded as one their faces set with Iron resolve they knew the odds knew the risks but they also knew their Duty as the indomitable
glided silently toward the looming Council base Logan felt a chill run down his spine somewhere in that sprawling complex of Steel and shadows zanth was waiting his finger poised over the trigger of damnation it would be a battle unlike any they had faced before A desperate struggle in the heart of the enemy's power but as Logan checked the charge on his plasma rifle he allowed himself a grim smile the council had had underestimated Humanity for the last time one way or another this ended today the indomitable glided silently through the void a predator stalking its
prey on the bridge Logan stood tense and ready his eyes fixed on The View screen displaying the council base growing larger by the second prepare for breach he ordered his voice low and steady his handpicked Strike Team the best of the best checked their weapons one final time faces set with grim determination as the ship closed in the base's defenses came to Life Energy cannons and missile batteries swiveling to lock on but the indomitable was ready its Advanced stealth technology rendering it all but invisible to the enemy sensors fire the EMP Logan commanded a pulse
of blue white energy erupted from the ship's prow washing over the base in a cascading wave in an instant the defenses fell silent their Power Systems fried go go go Logan roared leading the charge as the Strike Team surged forward breaching pods slamming into the bass's hull they cut through the outer bulkheads like a plasma torch through butter spilling the team into the corridors Beyond alarms blared and emergency lights flashed as the council's elite guards rallied to meet The Intruders plasma fire criss-crossed the Halls as the two forces clashed the air thick with the stench
of ozone and burnt flesh Logan was a whirlwind of motion his rifle spitting blew death as he Advanced his team close behind they pushed deeper into the labyrinthine base leaving a trail of broken bodies in their wake but the council guards were Relentless pouring into the corridors like an endless tide for everyone that fell two more seemed to take their place forcing the Strike Team to fight for every inch of ground Logan gritted his teeth as a plasma bolt sizzled past his head close enough to singe his hair he dropped to one knee snapping off
a tree of shots that sent a guard tumbling a smoking hole in his chest all around him his team was locked in Desperate struggles the Close Quarters leaving no room for error he saw Sergeant Hawkins grappling with a hulking alien the two rolling on the ground in a tangle of Limbs private xang fell clutching at the blackened ruin of her leg her screams mixing with the cacophony of battle but still they pushed on driven by a determination that bordered on Madness they had come too far sacrif too much to fail now finally after what felt
like an eternity of blood and fire they reached the heart of the base the doors to the Central Command Center loomed before them massive and imposing Logan didn't hesitate he slapped a breaching charge on the unyielding metal and stood back his finger hovering over the Detonator breach in 3 2 1 the world dissolved into smoke and thunder as the charge blew ripping the doors from their frame Logan was moving before The Echoes faded storming into the room Beyond with his rifle raised and there standing amidst a bank of consoles and holographic displays was counselor zanth
the alien's face Twisted into a cruel Smile as he saw Logan his hand hovering over you're too late human he gloated his voice dripping with malice with a single command I can unleash the doomsday device and reduce your precious Logan leveled his weapon at the counselor his finger tightening on the trigger it's over zanth step but zanth only laughed a manic gleam in his eyes you think you've won you think your little Rebellion means anything the council's power is absolute and I will see it restored even if I have to destroy a thousand worlds to
do it his hand slammed down on the control panel the sound echoing through the sudden silence but nothing happened no alarms no flashing lights no indication that the doomsday device had been activated Zan's eyes widened in shock and disbelief he jabbed at the controls again and again growing more frantic with each failed attempt he Whirled to face Logan his face a mask of rage and confusion Logan allowed himself a small Grim smile did you really think we'd come here without a plan he asked softly while you were focused on us our operatives were hacking your
systems disabling Your Weapon It's Over zanth you've lost for a long moment Zan just stared his mouth working soundlessly then with a scream of pure animalistic Fury he lunged at Logan a hidden blade sliding from his sleeve Logan met him head on blocking the alien strike with his rifle the two leaders grappled trading blows with brutal efficiency as the command center shuddered around them rocked by the ongoing space battle overhead they crashed into consoles sparks flying as delicate equipment shattered under their w wait Logan felt the bite of Zan's blade a line of fire across
his ribs but he pushed through the pain retaliating with a vicious elbow to the alien's throat zanth staggered back gasping and Logan pressed his Advantage a swift kick to the knee a hammer blow to the temple and the counselor was down his blade clattering to the floor Logan stood over his Fallen foe chest heaving blood dripping from a dozen wounds zanth glared up at him hatred etched in into every line of his face finish it then human he spat his words thick with blood take your revenge for a long tense moment Logan just stared at
him his rifle unwavering the Temptation was there burning in his veins like molten lead to end it here to repay all the pain and suffering the council had inflicted with a single Justified pull of the trigger but even as his finger tightened a flicker of movement caught his eye he turned and what he saw turned his blood to ice in his veins the Doomsday devic's power core a pulsating sphere of dark energy was fluctuating wildly arcs of electricity crawling across its surface warning lights flashed urgent red and the low ominous hum of building charge filled
the air in an instant Logan understood in the chaos of the fight a stray shot or errant blow must have damaged the containment field the core was destabilizing rapidly its energies building to a cataclysmic releas rele Logan's mind raced Desperately Seeking a solution but he already knew there wasn't one not enough time to evacuate not enough time to try and repair the damage only one path remained a last desperate gamble he turned to his Strike Team the survivors of that hellish Advance they looked back at him battered and bloodied but unbroken ready for whatever came
next get back to the ship he ordered his voice rough with emotion all of you get as far away from here as you can but sir Sergeant Hawkins protested stepping forward what about you Logan met his gaze a sad smile tugging at his lips I'll stay behind try to contain the blast buy you as much time as I can understanding dawned in the Sergeant's eyes followed by a flash of Anguish he started to argue but Logan cut him off with a raised hand that's an order Hawkins get our people out it's the only way for
a long painful moment the two men just stared at each other a lifetime of service and sacrifice passing between them then slowly Hawkins nodded tears glistening in his eyes it's been an honor sir he said softly snapping a crisp salute Logan returned the salute his vision blurring the honor was mine One By One The Strike Team filed out each pausing to offer their own farewell a clasp of the hand a murmured word of thanks Logan watched them go pride and sorrow Waring in his chest finally he was alone the command center silent save for the
ominous hum of the destabilizing core he turned to face it squaring his shoulders against the rising tide of fear he thought of Earth the Rolling Green Hills of his childhood home he thought of his crew the brave men and women who had followed him to hell and back and he thought of that small innocent child the one whose death had set all of this in motion this is for you kid he whispered stepping forward into the Maelstrom for all of you the world dissolved into searing light and roaring Thunder and Captain Logan Carter knew no
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