A perseverança de Jó (NÃO DESISTA) - Jhonatan Carlos

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Jhonatan Carlos
O livro de Jó nos ensina lições valiosas sobre força e perseverança. Nessa pregação, aprendemos um p...
Video Transcript:
I want to invite the brothers to see their bibles in the Book of Job Chapter number 13 Verse number 15 Book of Job Chapter number 13 Verse number 15 only part a of the verse a text that perhaps is not very well known to us but is very precious the brothers who found say amen my brothers so it is written in the word of our God even if he kills me in it I will wait I will repeat even if God kills me in it I will wait can take your seats May God bless us
dear brothers dear sisters we know that we are living in difficult times on the face of the earth it is very likely that you consider your life to be precious and what human being does not I would be insanely submissive Altar tonight and say that your life is not precious quite the contrary perhaps the greatest best thing of most value that we possess in this existence in this life be our own life our own breath but in Chapter 3 Verse 15 Job is doing something that goes against a trigger of existence of many people Who
is the person who in their right mind the person who in perfect thought would say these words even if he kills me even if God exterminates me even if God ends me I will remain in the center of his will in his purpose seems like something totally contrary to what is human and in fact it is because when we read the first chapter of the Book of Job we see a man completely adjusted to both his own standards and the standards of those around him you will read about Job and the Bible makes a point
to say that Job was a rich man who had many goods a man who was very well adjusted socially economically he had his family he had friends he had a good respect he had a name and the good thing about the text is that God himself gives testimony to him barn Chapter 2 and in the first chapter God of heaven pointing his finger and saying This is my servant See if you Satan my servant Job a man of integrity an upright man a man who turns away from evil then you see that heaven itself and
God himself are pointing to Joy saying if boy is a fine example of what this is a believer if boy is a fine example of what that is right but the first lesson that remains from the first chapter is that the fact that Job is all that does not change the fact that the struggles and trials came and reached his life maybe there is a very wrong idea in our head because the more we serve God the more exempt from trials we will be I say completely the more you serve God the more the whip
will be there on your back the more you enter into God 's will but life will tighten against you Jonathan because you are saying that one day in chapter 2 Satan starts touching everything that is Job's And that be very clear that I am speaking here now with the permission of God himself it is God who looks at Satan and says I let you play go there and get money go there and touch health go there and touch the family go there and touch the house just don't touch the life of Job even in his
health you can touch so you can understand in this verse that even satan's uprising is within the control and permission of God again I leave a thought of mine and your brothers want to accept some people are used to the power of satan above the power of God as if Satan were sovereign in our life the devil is getting up so I'm going to seek God but what if I told you that you have to seek God with Satan getting up and not getting up because even when he gets up it 's within God's control
then you begin to realize that Satan is nothing more than a tool in the hand of God to fulfill a purpose in the life of Job Evangelist Jonathan What is the purpose that God wanted to fulfill in the life of Job the purpose is found in Chapter 42 Verse 5 through Verse 10 you read it written in Verse 5 of Chapter 42 before I knew God from hearing about let's go to the before Joy you will understand who you were before chapter first chapter ulo 2 Look at the before of Job upright man upright man
came down from Evil righteous man who worships for his children sacrifices to God for his children God is from heaven saying he is a servant because he is a servant but he arrives at five of the 42 he says he only knew God from hearing how it's just that someone who is just straight upright who deviates from evil who enters the presence sacrifices worships God serves God opens his mouth and says Well it's served but he only knew about it from hearing it had his hand on the plow but he only knew about it from
listening speaking he sacrificed for my house he received my worship but he only knew from hearing about the question that lingers in the air It is how can someone enter the presence of God and only know God in the presence of hearing how can someone serve God only by knowing the one to whom he serves as a preacher has something wrong It is not possible for someone to serve God without knowing God how to give the Gospel of Matthew chapter 25 that day many will knock on the door they will point the finger in his
face say I preached I sang I served you I went to church I was there that Wednesday night of the pandemic listening to that preacher Magrinho says things I cast out demons in your name I sang in your name I won souls in your name I opened doors and I was blessed in yours name Look at his word who are you I know you did so much on earth and I don't know you stay away from me because to enter here is not to do works and beloved Jesus to enter here is not to preach
to enter heaven is not to sing there are people who preaches who sings who serves who goes to hell Jonathan to enter heaven is what is not by works so that I did not value myself even so it is written in the word but by the grace and by the Faith of God because for you this is impossible Said Jesus Christ of Nazareth but for God nothing is impossible I'm going to make it very clear what I just said here I don't do works to be saved I was already saved on the cross of Calvary
that's why I'm doing work I'm going to say this here about new I don't preach to enter air in heaven Jesus has already signed my name in the book of life we ​​are already on the way to heaven that is why we are preaching that is why we are singing I am going to apply this in your life you did not leave your house at seven o'clock at night and could be sitting on your sofa watching television eating pizza You didn't wear clothes you ran from your job to be saved Jesus already forgave you Jesus
already paid the wages of your sin you already recognized Christ as your savior You are already on your way to heaven that's why you came to church that's why you this idea that to enter heaven depends on me what I do it never depended on your hand it never depended on what you do on earth it never depended on you this is exclusively the grace of God and faith that I have in Jesus Christ of Nazareth there is someone with me here brothers glory to God because otherwise those who preach a lot are in adultery
no but preached a lot will enter glory no because otherwise those who sing much more fôni no but sing a lot you will enter glory it's better not to sing to be holy to enter heaven than to sing a lot and embrace the devil that day I'll wait to see if anyone has God here that I just said beach entering heaven are not works it's the grace of God that's why in Verse 5 of Chapter 42 he already opened his mouth and said before I knew it from hear about it had everything but just knowing
it has heard about it but now my eyes the man of the Bible because my eyes see you I know that you they know God only became they captivated a Verse 10 correct then no Verse 5 Job is still homeless without family without health No friends no children no money open your mouth and talk but I can see God got it there I'm going to talk here now [Music] but wait there Jonathan I thought I saw God who was blessed on earth I thought that to see God you had to have an open door money
in your pocket zero car in the garage key to the new house look Job without home without health without money without family I see God I know God I know who God is and God knows me because to know God is not earthly material things I said something and people hit me a lot on the internet but they hit me because they know it's true it's better to enter heaven if you care without a key without a house and without money than have all this and go to hell I'm not saying you can't work and
you can't have money, you even have the money to work otherwise you'll pay bills like I'm talking about priority Oh I'm going to say that again I'm talking about priority there I'm going to apply it to the faces now, the faces like the clear ones Jesus didn't die on the cross of Calvary to look at me here in the 21st century and say Jonas you're going to be a millionaire you're going to travel by jet to New York you're going to have a mansion in Barra Jesus died in cruz looked at my face and told
you not to go to hell my son and the house is for later if you have it if you don't the important thing is to go to heaven important it's not a house on earth important the Celestial mansion Oh how I love the word I wonder if there is still someone who rejoices with the word of salvation here the important thing is that we enter into glory that's why Joab the mouth saying my brothers before I knew God I heard him speak now my eyes are seeing him then brothers, realize that there is a purpose
behind what God is doing with Job God is not allowing him to go through these things because he takes pleasure in seeing Jorge cry God does not see Job as a little ant walking on the earth when he comes with a foot and says I will step on the ant taker because I take pleasure in seeing you suffer when God allows pain and say I didn't want you to suffer but I allow you to say how come someone doesn't want anymore allows it because the purpose he has behind suffering that is already there Oh beloved
Jesus, it is much better for God's purpose to be fulfilled in the face of my pain than for me to spend a lifetime without pain and tears without any divine purpose, it is better for you to suffer knowing what you are in for earth and what does God have with you and where are you going because you spend your whole life smiling in shade and fresh water and never see God easily preacher you're saying that God only shows up in pain no God shows up in a lot of forms the way he wants but for
Job it was through pain and pain is one of the Tools that God uses to present himself because brothers look here at me in the face of pain there is no way for us to distract or I can better put that word there is no how we make up what we're feeling if you pinch the person next to you but a good pinch the person won't look at you will say I'm too hot Squeeze again which is the first thing the person will do do take your hand away from me because you realized that she
can't disguise the pain she's feeling, but the owner feels out of it sweet feels Where then when she feels the pain she exposes what she's feeling the same thing happened to the people of Israel Exodus chapter 2 the Pharaoh's whip cracking on the People's back the cry goes up it's written like this in the Bible and God hearing the cry came down to know that generation when we read this verse we can be inclined to think that God did not know but you know that God is omniscient God knows all things including those people who
were suffering but what denotes in the text is not the level of knowledge of God it is the level of relationship with those on Earth past generations had a lot of relationship with the new generation inside Egypt it was growing but there was no a shred of relationship with God and if there was it wasn't like the past generation so when God allows Pharaoh's whip to repeat again it's not the only way God uses to know but look what happened when the whip cracked the outcry went up when cried up God heard when God heard
It's in the Bible and went down to know who you are who you are in pain who you are when the door locks Who you are not when money is lacking what are you when the empty pantries you are when the car breaks down when your health goes away preacher because God leaves you to know in the pain of the whip imagine Israel entering the promised land shade fresh water grapes the wide land they have on earth a lot of blessings or God praised be his name for this blessing So wait, you're saying that you
love God because God is God or because God gave the blessing I'm going to say it here now love God because God is God even not blessing or because he can give a blessing So before placing God on Earth, he uses the whip to know who is who to introduce himself to them to teach that God is not just God at the open door, he is also God at the locked door I spoke here I will speak here now because I know that this word is hard to give some Gloria actually but God is not
just God when it works God is also God with fighting everything going wrong in your life oh glory hallelujah praised be the name of the lord preacher because God s it's also God I can't lie God for what happens to me everything is working out no God is terrible tremendous it went wrong no now God became tiny God is the same size you are the one who is seeing him small so we realize that everything is a matter of vision If I have my vision in Christ there's nothing to stop that's why Job understood And
he said this verse, verse 15 of chapter 13, even if God kills me, he takes my life away, take it away, look what he's already doing, I have something for more precious than my own life at the beginning of the text I said that it would be crazy for a human to say that because the most precious thing that exists is a person is life itself now Job takes what is most precious to himself and of people there is something much more precious than my own life what to expect in it gives an idea of
​​the location if i wait i expect someone somewhere now let's put the clear to human eyes Job had the strength to endure what he endured yes or no let me speak I don't know how old you are but since you started your trials and struggles that you remember in human eyes it was possible for you to endure what you endured until today yes or no so how did you endure it Oh Jesus If I were to tell my story here to preacher but you are too young if I were to tell my story here I
don't look like it but she has almost 30 nails since she was 8 years old and I and this phase have already lived through so much out there in Brazil If we were going to tell the brothers, he would say no, you're making that up , boy, and when we look back, we see that it wasn't by strength . that whoever is on the Altar supports it and our brothers around the world support it is something superhuman so realize that the issue is strength but understand what strength is I'm finishing now strength is not me
being able to impose my will on another person there are people Sounds spread today mainly on the internet that are strong because they can impose their own opinion on another and first it starts here it's not because the view of someone different from yours is wrong I don't know why no one gave Gloria But come on you just want to see you can read the bible and say like this look i read in the bible that god is love there i can read the bible and say no but i read that god is consuming fire
it's not right It's just different the problem is when you want to impose your view on mine and say that yours is the right one because you understood it that way but leave it here for another day if we understood it disappear half of the wars on the net social but come down here for another day so realize that strength is not me being able to impose my opinion imposing my will on the other on the contrary you are to be beaten and endure I will say it again strength is not the tax on the
weakest strength is not the subdue air the strongest strength I get hit bear it and continue for God strength is not you imposing yourself on another strength it's in the Bible give the face take the slap support and continue forgive 70 times 7 and if you made a mistake forgive me again no but I didn't like it doesn't matter you died who lives now is Christ forgives but leave it here for another day too so realize that enduring pain is what is strength So look at Job who is enduring pain strong jewel not because he
is being beaten because the human eyes are being beaten so he is weak But in the eyes of God is enduring so it's strong [Music] but how do I get strength Jonathan look what he said on him I'll wait If there is no strength in Job he can't stand this so he needs something to give him strength for this just like Pedro has an external source in his faith J also has an external source in his strength this strength does not come from himself it is something outside that puts strength in him what is Jonathan
I am weak the evangelist Jonathan is by nature to be I am weak but I am strong Look at the difference I am but I am I am weak because my nature is weak but I am because I am located somewhere where he has already spoken I will wait where in him so while I am weak but I am in him [Music] preacher where is this inside the Bible do not grieve the holy spirit So, brothers and sisters, realize that the Holy Spirit has feelings , it makes me happy and saddens him too, the holy
spirit is not a stone that you hit, knocks, he keeps smiling forever, filling you with power forever and supporting you forever, gives to I sadden him only that the Holy Spirit has the same attributes as God if by his same attributes what the spirit has God has what God has Jesus also has If the Holy Spirit has feelings forgive me God also has feelings Jonathan Where is it written in the Bible that God has feelings the joy of the Lord not that he is smart he has everything connected now but the joy of the Lord
is our strength it is not something he takes and causes in me that when you hear it you think the joy that God gives me is my strength here look at his joy the joy of the Lord if he is happy with me I will say it again here the joy that I cause in him is my strength for that he already opened his mouth and said in it I'll wait because if in him the holidays are at the heart of the will and how can I not please someone by doing what he wants me
to do soon if I please him I make his Allele happy I'm strong for that from chapter 2 to chapter 42 J supporting him from all sides and he is enduring pain to reach verse 10 open his mouth and say before I met God I have heard of him now my eyes see you and in verse 10 he fought for his friends God turned Job's captivity put the hands in the form of receiving and I return the microphone who is entitled to it now I am in the time that was proposed to me I bless
your life tonight that this word penetrates your heart and does it and that it removes all the anguish that is inserted inside you understand that however much you are weak your weakness makes you dependent on God and that's why you are strong his power is perfected in your weakness so I prophesy it's not gold it's not silver it's not a key it's not a house tonight I prophesy God's strength for you to endure pains from here to glory in Jesus name amen I appreciate my rich opportunity
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