how to study better (by a study tryhard)

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jay skullz
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yo what's up that's for Mika as well uh today we're going to talk about how to study better okay first thing you all know high quality work produced all right is a function of the time spent times the intensity of work all right so how well we work is how often we work and how deep do we work however okay the time spent is limited right there's only a fixed amount of time in the day so what we want to be focusing on is how to work very deeply how intense we work all right because
that's how I'm gonna be like the highest ceiling and that's how we become the best at studying or working or whatever okay so here's something really important that we have to figure out first your grades are a consequence or a byproduct of how well you work okay um so the grades are not what we're chasing here what we're chasing is a system that produces those amazing grades but there are several tenants of a very good study routine or or system right there's planning there's the reflection there's the actual techniques that I use while you study
but the most important things are are consistency and focus as a side note I've also found that by focusing on how well we focus right as a consequence you also extrapolate that to your daily life and become much more aware and intentional with how we spend our time outside studying which is a really important quality for just your quality of life in general all right sorry for for me I knew so much the unsexy truth to this is that we just have to put in the right inputs to produce the right output which is you
know focus on sexy right we need to be eating well sleeping well and just exercising regularly right right the next thing we need to be focusing on is our environment not necessarily the gear that we're using as long as you're meeting like the minimum requirements really you're okay but we need to be focusing on is what's around us whilst we study so like if we're trying to write our final paper at a nightclub with like techno music in the background obviously that's going to limit how deep you can focus right our environment needs to be
congruent with our goals here so if your phone is sitting there within reaching distance of course you're going to reach for it right generally they don't help us be productive but we reach for them when we get bored or something notifies us we want to be removing these distractions from our workplace in general so just put it somewhere else while you work on it on the sermon hopefully but once your environment is clear and you're putting in the right inputs as far as diet sleep and exercise we need to be focusing on how to improve
our skill of focusing um and we would do that the same way we improve any other skill um I'd highly recommend tracking how often and how well you study I personally just have like a little notebook right here that I log in and on Fridays I will reflect on how well I did that week and understand what went well and what didn't go well and improve it for the next week right and I also recommend that as you're improving your ability to focus keep that amount of time that you're working for consistent so maybe start
off with like an hour a day and during that hour try to work on becoming as deep as possible and as you reach that ability to become deep for that long that's when we start extending how long we go deep for it right I've personally found that when I reach my deepest States it's always either in silence or with like really on distracting music in the background so like Lo-Fi and like the quietest setting possible and stuff like that classical music um like if you're listening to eurobeat or something in the background of course it'll
cap your ceiling of how well we can study I also want to talk about the consistency to which we study which is also really important right because if we're not studying deeply then really hitting it like once a month or something uh it's not going to really matter because you know it doesn't produce results over a period of time and we want to be doing this consistency I would highly recommend focusing on studying at the same time every day or at least consistency like sticking to routine is on your like this right right on a
piece of paper when I'm going to study and for how long and if we do this right if we add this regularity our body and our mind will know okay it's time to study let's let's focus up um and there won't be any questions about whether or not I'm going to do it and we're going to go ahead and procrastinate less because we're actually just going to go and study without really in your debate about whether or not we should be doing it we need to reduce the amount of friction to which we can study
um as much as possible Right the the easier it is to do something the more likely we are to do it so if you're like trying to study in the in a coffee shop every day there's a 15 minute drive you have to do first and it's a lot less likely that you will do it so I highly recommend just streamlining the process as much as possible right on the flip side I also recommend making the tasks that distract you as difficult as possible so just inversing that so if your phone is there just put
it in the other room uh you know if your parents keep on annoying you lock the door or something and put a sign up we need to be making sure that the distractions just come in as little as possible makes sense right okay next I highly recommend creating some sort of Street counter or just some way to see how often you do it like a habit tracker this is a really effective tool just think about like Snapchat streaks or a lot of video games we'll have you check in Daily so you can reward this kind
of gamifies it the idea is that you just don't break the streak um this is what I did to get a really consistent and Anki personally there's a heat map add-on that counts he was freaking uh so yeah I would highly recommend just keeping track of the days that we studies there's apps for those things to do on paper uh yeah yeah keep a heat map or just like a street counter of some sort okay the last tip is that we need to be making sure that this is a part of our identity now all
right this is something that we have to embody and become proud of as soon as we internalize that this is something that we want to become great at we are much likelier to do it um so uh I occasionally play video games right with my homies but I'm not a gamer and because I don't identify as being a gamer right I'm a lot less likely to please play video games by myself okay we need to be internalizing the fact that I am someone who values productivity okay and as someone who values that of course our
actions will reflect that it's a habit that as a result of who we are inside okay I think I hit most of the stuff that I wanted to hit these are all like uh just kind of unsexy truths about how to become better at something unfortunately at the end of the day we just have to put in the hard work if we want to become better at stuff that's just how it works it wouldn't be fair otherwise right right uh I think that's most of the stuff that I wanted to talk about I probably should
have wrote this down because to be honest I just kind of woke up like 20 minutes ago uh and I really want to make this video during finals that some of the homies can maybe get some sort of tips about how to do better on them so yeah let me know if you have any questions I'll probably make a follow-up to this if I well I will come up with more stuff so I probably should make a follow-up um H you guys want to see Mika all right that's it for today's video though so uh
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