Why Gut Health Affects Everything | Your Gut Bacteria and You

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Dr. Pradip Jamnadas, MD
In this lecture, you will learn about your symbiotic relationship between your physiology, and the h...
Video Transcript:
hi good evening everybody thanks for coming and I know it's um hard traffic Orlando traffic going crazy thank you for coming this evening now today I'm going to talk about the microbiome this is a very difficult subject and it's a very broad subject and what's a c all just talking about the gut right but I'm talking about the gut because look I've already said to you all that if you do intermittent fasting if you cut out the sugar if you cut out the carbs in your diet it you will get good health and and we've
talked about that before we talked about its effects on insulin production on Diabetes management the weight loss management the Sleep apne getting better we've talked about all these things but there are added benefits that I noticed when my patients were doing intermittent fasting so those benefits have to come from somewhere so I started looking into the gastrointestinal Health quite a long time ago and we find that some of the benefits do come from the gut again but in another way because there's a whole new living system inside you and that's the microbiome the bacteria in
your gut and we never realize this you know we thought it was all chemicals inside our body the chemistry of your body the insulin levels the glucagon levels the leptin levels all all the adiponectin levels blah blah blah but the question is is there something else going on and the answer is yes there is something else going on there's a whole ecology inside your gut that's a bacteria now these bacteria J just come there for fun they are not just hitching a ride with you in your lifetime your lifetime is a journey as a symbiot
together with the bacteria you born without those bacteria and as you then grew up the microbiome got filled inside first from your mom then your standby people and all the rest of the stuff and eventually you got your microbiome now once that microbiome got into you it's yours and only yours it's extremely unique no two people share the same microbiome the microbiome is composed of the bacteria when there are over well some people say 38 trillion some people say 100 trillion bacteria in your gut doesn't matter it's trillions and trillions and trillions and you are
only composed of about 10 trillion uh 10 trillion cells so you're pretty much outnumbered maybe 10 to one by your bacteria so what are these bacteria doing down there are they just hitching around and the answer is no the more we look into it the more we realizing that they're intimately involved with your metabolism everything that you eat and even what you don't eat the bacteria still do something in your gut so the bacteria are doing something so maybe we can touch a little bit about this and I'm going to talk about the cardiac aspects
and where my interest in all this lies because this is very important it's not just bacteria there's also viruses in the gut so there's about 400 trillion virus particles in your gut there's also some parasites in your gut gut so gut is a very Dynamic place and the thing is that how many of them are living there is not that important what's really more important is there's so many species of them there's over 2,000 different species and that's also very important because you don't just want one type of bacteria you want many many different so
how do we know this well we know this because the people like um the hsas for example they have such a wide variety of bacteria in their gut they have so many different species and we in the western world have very few species we've become depleted of this and this seems to be linked to one of the problems that we are all having in our metabolism there's something wrong in our metabolism how come why are is our bacterial Flora so impoverished and then we're getting all these chronic diseases there a link between them all we're
going to try to decipher some of these links out so we know that people who have a wide variety of bacteria inside and a lot of them are very healthy what what what else could they be doing in there besides well I'm just going to give some broad facts and of course I will have references on a lot of this material on my future talks that I'll actually make slides on and I'll show you but basically almost 50% of the micronutrients in your body that are floating out right now making who you are and keeping
you alive are not things that you ate or you metabolized yourself and created it's what but your bacteria created secreted it's the waste product of your bacteria right it's not a waste to the back to you because you then consume that into your body it's secreted by the bacteria taken up by your gut into your bloodstream so if 50% just think about it 50% of the micronutrients in you right now are not stuff that you consumed but your bacteria made released and you absorbed it shouldn't we be paying attention to that gut we should be
paying attention to that microbiome so if you take germfree mice for example germfree mice what are germ free mice there's a mice that have no no bacteria them you can C them they don't live long they die they have extremely high amounts of immune elevation in the body so they make a lot of IGN G they're allergic to just about anything you you you give them a little peanut and bingo they'll they'll go into a crazy uh immune response they will not grow properly they'll be small premature and they'll die so bacteria are needed you
put then normal mice bacteria into that Mouse and all of a sudden that Mouse will start working normally it'll start gaining weight it'll it'll live long and it'll do well so we know that we need the bacteria is if we take out all the take out all the bacteria you will die prematurely and we know that from animal studies we also know that from Human studies and imp Rich microbiome leads to death a wide variety of microbiome is much better and we also know that these bacteria that are in you seem to affect you differently
at different stages in your life so for example if you take a kid and say you know what these mice this is baby mice let's keep them germ free for the equivalent of two human years remember myice don't have live the same long as we do the equivalent of two human years let's not give them any bacteria but after 2 years we'll put the bacteria in them sounds like a good idea make them live longer right but what happens that those mice don't develop properly because it's too late too late fall what the brain development
didn't occur these these these mice have deranged immune functions still and the brains don't develop properly so there seems to be something about introduc using the bacteria at an early stage that's going to affect your immune system what is it it's educating your immune system about what to react to and what not to react to it has a role in what is known as te- cell regulation so it's basically teaching you don't react to this don't react to this don't react and who's giving those signals the bacteria are so the bacteria have a knowledge which
is passing on to your immune system telling you don't react to this don't be inflammatory hey this is this is friend not fo and that information is built in early on in your stages of your development and if you pass that stage and then introduce it it's too late so then what happens is that the immune suppression that's supposed to happen doesn't happen so now those mice will be very allergenic later on and in children also we seeing this pattern that if there's not adequate amounts of bacterial population when you are young that teaches the
immune system not to react hey be anti-inflammatory if you introduce those bacterial species later on then it's a little bit too late they will get all sorts of allergies in their life and they'll react to all sorts of things we we we've seen this same thing with the brain function your brain development the neurons in your brain seem to be pruned and connected Ed at a certain stage in your development which seems to be controlled by the bacteria in your gut oh that's just mindblowing to think that those bacteria are directing how that that infant's
brain is being pruned or not being pruned and these studies are very elegant so it behooves us to look back and at the role of this bacteria from the time you're born onward and maybe they're still having a role now as adults because now here we are here we are all of us and we say look we have the problem we have today is chronic diseases we don't longer die dying of all these infections we dying of chronic inflammatory noninfectious diseases it's a disease of our immune system wait a second who is teaching your immune
system to behave and to be suppressed your te- cell regulation that was being done by the bacteria so it all come look if you are all over inflamed then maybe you were not taught earlier on or maybe we doing something now that's making us also more inflamed so something that's going on in the beginning of your life there's something that's going on today also that's making us so immune you know we just so so inflamed all of us are so inflamed why am I interested in inflammation because I always said coron AR disease is inflammatory
everybody says Chron arteris is inflammatory okay fine it's inflammatory but what's the cause of the inflammation but duh nobody knows so today I'm going to tell you what my all my readings that I've done and why I think that the immune system and the inflammation that we all get cardiov vasal disease and I'm going to link it to your brain I'm going to link it to your longevity all sorts of things all comes from a bad gut so let's startop right there that's a good intro to this right so what happens in your gut the
gut is the biggest problem we have because it is your biggest border your threat is not from this outside so much as it's from the inside and its job is to selectively taking food and taking nutrients but keep those bad boys out you don't want bacteria in your gut so what's happening your gut has these these cells that are all aligned next to each other these are all your colonal SI they're all attached to each other and they have chemicals in here molecules that tight junctions that keep the cells together so nothing can penetrate in
between them right and then on this side of course you're going to have your gut um so you want to make sure that no nothing from here gets past these these tight junctions as we call them right the another layer that you have is this layer over here which I'm going to put blue and this layer here is the mucus you want lots of mucus over here because if you don't have enough mucus then the gut which contains all the bacteria and bacteria wall product how many I told you it's about 100 trillion maybe they're
all inside here right these things will get inside so it has a thick mucus layer see nice thick mucus layer and then what else do you have you have another layer of protection and this layer of protection is your immune cells your immune cells where are they they're all over here these are immune cells these are t- cells these are B cells and there's also macras over there these are yourselves and by the way almost 80% of your immune system is in your gut so wait a second here I am all my all my soldiers
and policemen are all down there in the gut yeah because that's your biggest problem that's that's so they can get very stimulated by things that come across so just think about if these things get across and they stimulate these cells then those cells are going to say aha we have a problem and they'll start producing inflammatory molecules such as Incan six or tumin necrosis Factor um which will all go up these are inflammatory cyto kindes they all start going up so your body is getting inflamed why why is it getting inflamed it's getting inflamed because
because you've got all these buggers coming inside how do they get in they get in if this is breached here not in enough M there m one muin 2 or they're getting breached because these tight junctions get destroyed so why why would that all happen why would that all happen well who makes the M these cells make M these goblet cells that make the M okay now when we don't make enough muin this will become very thin and when they get very thin then there's going to get transgression of these molecules going inside or if
you have the wrong bacteria here the bacteria will eat up this blue stuff so these are polysaccharides this muin is polysaccharides what do bacteria eat they eat polysaccharides so if you don't give the bacteria here food which is fiber which is what they want they just want to eat different types of fiber they also eat polysaccharides right complex carbs they want to eat complex carbs when they're not around they're going to eat your musin now your muin gets really thin you've lost that border and then these bacterial products will go across so let's name this
bacterial product what's this bacterial product called these products are called LPS hpop polysaccharides these are dead walls of the bacteria they are the ones that get through and when they get through I'm going to draw them in as a little red dot these LPS particles will find their way through here and they come in over here now the lipop polyc have breached the wall because the MU went through if you also have food allergies or if the health of these cells is not good because of another reason I'll tell you the bacteria produce butc acid
and butc acid provides 70% of the energy of these cells and therefore if the wrong bacteria here they're not producing buric acid for example or propionic acid or aceto acidic acid these are waste products of the bacteria these Supply the energy to these cells so wait a second and these cells are supposed to be getting energy from you no who's fueling the cells in your lining who's producing the energy for yourselves in your Ling you think you are no you're not it's the bacteria the bacteria are so smart this is their home they're controlling everything
that's going on in there they're going to eat your muin when they need to they also produce buric acid especially the good one these are called short chain fatty acids short chain fatty acids Ching fatty acids are a byproduct of bacterial metabolism that's very good for you because they substances like butc acid Supply 70% of the energy energy of the colonocytes so if I take away all your bacteria that make buric acid for example you're going to have an energy sted lining in your gut and therefore your gut is not going to work properly and
all this take Junctions are also going to break down and you're going to get a leaky gut now I shouldn't be using this word leaky gut because now people think that K just using the word liut but liut is real and if you don't think it's real then you should be reading more books licky gut is real it does happen I was in that camp that said there's no such thing as liut I'm a cardologist but it's true it does happen so what happens is that we we got to make sure that we have good
bacteria here that make lots of butc acid and other short chain fatty acids and a lot more other metabolized that we don't even have the names of yet we haven't figured all this thing out but if we don't have these your gut lining we know gets weak take out all your bacteria right now give it to me right now 2 kilog of it give it to me right now you will start getting a leaky gut immediately right now right now you'll get really sick and when these LPS's get inside your immune cells are going to
get stimul ated by this thing the LPS will also be taken up by the macras which is their job to do that right and these little lpss will go into your circulation as well the first place they're going to go to is your liver first place they going to go to your liver and in the liver there's these scop for cells which are macrophases of the uh of the Le itself and they're going to see these little particles come along and say wait a second they can't disting between real bacteria and the wall of the
bacteria they're going to start chewing them up so they start grabbing them and those ca cells when they grab them they want to kill those things so how do they kill how do your white cells kill bacteria and viruses how do they kill them they produce cyto kindes they produce chemicals so those macroasia here start producing chemicals which not only in turn hurt the lining but the macras is throughout your body will start making other chemicals and in your liver when you start getting injury what do you develop you get a fatty liver so what
happens why am I interested in this because when I see fatty liver I know this patient is going to have metabolic disease so if the insulin levels are good wait a second his insulin levels are good his sugar levels are good but he's got a real fatty liver and he's not alcoholic so why does he have a fatty liver then and such an easy test to do doing an ultrasound of your liver just to see if you got fatty liver I do that it's got fatty Li well then it has to be coming from the
gut and this condition is what I call and now there's a lot of people calling this same thing this is called metabolic endotoxemia metabolic because it's due to metabolism endotoxemia I want you to get used to this term it's a big word endo toxim that means inside your bloodstream toxemia this is toxicity this LPS is also called endotoxin and the endotoxin is the wall product of eoli the bad bacteria that you all know there's a lot of eoli here so you're basically getting parts of eoli going into your body this is endotoxin endotoxin then causes
toxicity in the body first starts in the liver and of course the immune cells so these immune cells are all now activated the B cells are going to start producing antibodies the T cells are going to produce cyto kindes they are really active and they all talk to each other all so these chemicals get released into your bloodstream the liver starts going crazy it starts getting inflamed if it's bad enough the liver enzymes will go up so you see slight increases in your liver enzy so you say oh my goodness he's got a fat liver
and he's sgot and S PTI elevated bad liver and then you're going to have more problems so now let's draw in the more problems and this is where I get interested so let's take a maccrage and a macras is the the the the white cell right and there it is and it has the pseudo pods on it a pseudo that means you know it's got these things and they grab one of these lipopolysaccharides in here here and then it becomes part of it right takes it inside it right the lipop right so this this is
very important but there's another thing that takes up LPS and this is the exciting part there's another molecule not molecule a structure that takes up LPS these are wbcs right wbcs is another structure anyone know the name of that structure this A cardiology lecture LDL cholesterol the Lipo low density lipoprotein so this low now now watch this is important for all of you because you better pass this class the LDL has Apple B on it it has free fatty acids in it it has cholesterol in it but it has receptors for the lipopolysaccharide so the
lipopolysaccharide comes into it here so the immune system so what am I saying well wait a second these things are this is the job of the immune cells I'm saying to you that the LDL particle is part of the immune system so it's a whole new idea many people don't know that you lipoproteins are part of the immune system and they seem to play a big role in picking up extraneous molecules lipoproteins take up this now what happens to this LDL particle when it does this there's a displacement of cholesterol there's oxidation and this LDL
becomes a small dense LDL so it becomes smaller in size okay and it has that that thing on it now now this small dense LDL particle now this white Su comes along and sees that and then gobbles it up so now you've got your macras coming and eating it up and it might not eat one it'll eat a whole bunch of them okay they've eaten them up now what happens when a white cell eats up the LDL particle that contains the LPS on it these two things join up together now you got a white cell
or macras that has fat inside it and remember what that is that's called a foam cell right and a foam cell is found in what in plaque in the arteries so the fat that is inside your plaque that's inside the pla oh yeah the plaques contain fat what fat is that that fat is damaged small dense LDL that probably has lipopolysaccharides on it that's why it's the target of your immune system look your white cells don't Target normal cholesterol cholesterol is made by every cell of your body how can it develop an anti a a
a reaction against your own LDL it can't how can it react against cholesterol it's not cholesterol either otherwise there will be no cholesterol in your body because your white cells will be gobbling up all the cholesterol gobbling up all your uh fats in your body your normal ldls no it picks up deranged LDL damaged LDL do you get it now that is why LDL is not a good predictor of who's going to have progression of coronary artery disease or even a heart attack LOL is not but damaged l LL small dense LDL and lots of
particles of small dense LDL predict who's going to get cardiovascular disease so when you go and do your total cholesterol level check you don't look at your ldls you look at small dense LDL which is done on your Advanced lipid panel or the Cleveland hard lab panel which takes your LDL and breaks your LDL down how many small dense particles do you have is it small damaged because if you have damaged LDL that's the problem and why is it damaged now I showed you one mechanism by which your LDL got damaged right got damaged how
it got oxidized and damaged because of lipopolysaccharides now I'm going to tell you more since this is a cardiologic class if your sugar's running high if your sugar is running High you glycate part of your uh your LDL so sugar so now you got another charge on it so you can damage your LDL by having a lot of sugar in your body that's why I tell you check your continuous glucose monitoring especially if you're pre-diabetic because if periodically you're getting high spikes and sugar even though your A1C may be okay if you're getting high spikes
and sugar you are damaging your LDL particle you're glycating it what else damages your LDL particle and you know about it because I told you about this it's vegetable seed oils that's Omega 6 so Omega 6 when you have a diet rich in Omega 6 these fatty acids inside your LDL they have double bonds unsaturated bonds so they get oxidized so you get more damage these get damaged because they get oxidized oxidized so now you get more charge so these particles are highly charged they're small they're dense they've been deformed by either lipopolysaccharides that came
from the gut or you had too much sugar in your body or you had too much Omega 6 in your diet vegetable seed oils I'm trying to put all this together to have a common idea as to why is it because look I see my patients who have normal HDL normal Tri glycerides but they have small dense particles and I'm scratching my head and the Omega 6 levels are good too so why does he have small dense particles that patient has to have a leaky gut he's got metabolic endotoxemia or my patient has uncontrol diabetes
High insulin levels he's got insulin resistance not pointing at you but he's basically got sugar that's damaging his LDL particles I got others who they they just live on vegetabl they eating fast foods they eating processed foods they're doing that stuff and he's got problem because Omega 6 and that's damaging his particles so I got to look at your Advanced lipid panel to get an idea as to whether you have pattern a or pattern B in your LDL if it's pattern B it's small dense particles if it's pattern a you have mostly large fluffy particles
so this LDL is a very it's an indication of what it's telling me that you got damaged LDL it means you got inflammation going on in your body you got something wrong you either got too much sugar or you got lipopolysaccharides or you have wrong fats in your body and you're damaging so with now the question is that if this particle is roaming around how come you get coronary arter how come this stuff is going from your liver up to the right side of your heart and into your lungs how come you don't have hardening
of the arteries in your lungs from this now I'm going to explain to you why so to do that I'm going to have to clean the board a little bit what I'm going to explain to you now I hope will make a lot of sense why is it that the veins are not affected how come only the artery and how come it gets on to the other side so I'm going to draw an artery first here's an artery and let's assume this is your artery in your heart on the outside of this uh well first
of all I'm going to draw endothelial cells these these are your lining right the lining of your artery and these this is a single layer cell on the outside of this cell is this thing called the glyco Kix the glyco Kix is a lipo polyc they little hairs on the outside and they have a negative charge very highly negative charged so Along Comes This deranged bad molecule the oxidized LDL particle the small dense particle and it's oxidized because it was imately oxidized but as it goes to the lungs higher oxygen tension is even more oxidized
but it comes along here to the left side now it's oxidized and comes down to the left side the arteries have the glyco Kix not in your lungs you have the glyco Kix inside your coronary arteries so as it comes through my vision on this is that as it goes through the heart the first branch is the coronary arteries so the bulk of that bad stuff that you got from your gut goes into your coronary arteries and then it dilutes out as it goes to the karid and the rest of the body CU I always
asked used to ask and I never had an answer why the cories how come my py arteries are not getting aoso disease how come as I go further away I get less disease unless I have diabetes CU then that's a systemic disease it's just affecting the arteries in my legs as well but if you talk about metabolic endotoxemia and other causes it's mostly the cories and I think this is one reason so anyway coming back here this oxidized LD comes here and it damages this because this has a big positive charge this has a negative
charge and it damages this your glyco Kix is damaged what else damages your glyco Kix sugar so if you want to Prime this process keep a nice high blood sugar level and your glyco Kix will be damaged see now the glyco like hairs the all these things that are flowing you know should should be passing by actually this is on this side little WR there because on the inside remember this is the blood so they bounce off this hair it's like grass growing there they don't touch it in you and me normally but when your
glyco kelic has been damaged either by high sugars or by oxidized LDL these particles come in here like this they adhere to this they activate the endothelium the endothelium says I got to get rid of this bad boy so it gets activated so it starts expressing more adhesion molecules on the endothal surface which grabs more of these red things grabs them all additionally like velcro and then through a process of endocytosis it pulls it in and takes it over onto the other side oxidized LDL what also comes across often times are those white cells the
phone cells that already have some LDL in it but when they come over here the white cells act on these as well because it's still a foreign substance it's still an abnormal LDL particle so it gets gobbled up by your white cells and when it gobbles a whole bunch of them they become foam cells so now you have foam cells but remember this bad boy here this WB see right is going to make cyto kindes chemicals that will dissolve the proteins around here and before you know it you have a nice little fatty streak going
on here a fat collection under the endium and because of the chemicals that they produce if they produce enough chemicals they will cause a rupture over here and when it causes a rupture because it the Matrix metalon or protasis breaks this down now you get a rupture so when you get a rupture like this now what's happening is you're going to get a blood clot forming here because the blood clot full of Pless you see see you're getting a blood clot there now the blood clot gets covered over over time but you've got a little
piece of plaque growing here now and when I do a CT scan on you I'm going to see that you have plaques because this all gets calcified over time so there's your plaque see see there's your plaque and I can tell over time if it's calcified plaque non-calcified that means mostly fatty because it's got a lot of fat in it and ultra low attenuation low attenuation on CT scan fatty string so the plaque analysis can tell me there's a lot of fat in here or it's mostly calcium where the more fat here that means you
still have the white cells that have contained all the bad l LDL and therefore there's more inflammation cuz white cells are inflammation it's like P look this is a pimple and pimples tend to burst and in this case it bursts outward so don't let your pimples burst so this thing is a pimple now if it's all fully calcified there's less chance of it to rupture but the more low attenuation it is on the CT scan the more fat in it the more you can assume this inflammation and remember you can tell that this is a
soft inflammatory pack by doing blood tests also I told you about small dense LDL H what else tells me that there's inflammation going on in your body look inflammation is small Den LDL the second thing your CRP level what is your CRP level if it's elevated you got inflammation you got vascular inflammation so all this has spilled over into the bloodstream and you can actually pick it up on a blood test as well you can tell that there's inflammation going on inside you your CRP level is elevated so this is how plaque happens and this
is how I believe that plaques will rupture into the Lumen blood clot forms now when a blood clot forms here it reenders and this thing retracts over time so it retracts just like a skull retracts so now you have a little bump in your artery so if I do an anog or a stress test you're going to pass your stress test but if you still have metabolic endotoxemia and you still have all this stuff going on you're going to rupture this again and when you rupture it again another blood clot forms over here and then
over time that'll get endalz your plaque is growing plaques grow in stages they burst and they heal they burst and the heal what and what's what's inside it is blood clots so your blood if it is thick clotty you're going to one day unfortunately you rupt your plaque and now you have a huge clot that closes the artery completely and that's a heart attack so angina is caused when you develop a narrowing inside your AR so one day you ruptured and then your narrowing became like this now it's restricting flow right so you pass you
go for a stress test you flunk or you may be getting chest pain because there's a narrowing so this is narrowing is a disease that causes enina for which you may need a stand or you need bypass but heart attacks that's a different story heart attack is when the plaque ruptures and a previous minimal blockage becomes 100% overnight no matter of minutes matter of hours is that's what a heart so there's two different animals here two different phenotypes one phenotype is going to get angena the other phenotype is going to get a heart attack how
can you tell about the narrowing you do a stress test or look out for symptoms or do a CT angiogram but if you want to know about soft plaque do you have soft plaque you can image it with a CD scan that has special software for soft plaque unfortunately no insurance company is paying for that right now but the technology is there this is one of the benefits of ai ai now allows you to analyze your plaque because the I is not good enough but AI can do it so you do the CT inogram you
send it off for analysis it's called plaque analysis and it comes back saying that aha you have a corn calcium score of let's say uh 1,1 then there say 80% of your plaque is calcium 20% is soft so see well that's not too bad actually but what I'm saying is 80% is soft and 15% is hard which is calcified and 5% is low attenuation that means you really low attenuation means just real fatty stuff that's ready to rupture so if you have more than 4% low attenuation more than 4% low attenuation plaque your 5-year probability
of having a heart attack is extremely high so the problem is you know technology is a little ahead of us right now because Insurance don't want to pay for that soft plaque analysis but that's what you're supposed to do so one thing is you do the the other thing you do the blood test so let's say you say well look I can't afford the CT then what do I do then just order the advanced lipid panel you have small dense particles you have high CRP level you have inflammation do I need to see the inflammation
on the CT not necessar I already know you have it someone will treat you how do you treat it you go back to your gut fix the gut number two take care of your hormones so you got to make sure the insulin comes out now watch how am I going to fix your hormones intermittent fasting diet how am I going to fix your fatty liver intermittent fasting diet how I going to fix your your bad bacteria in your gut diet and intermittent fasting so that's why I go to these conferences and we come up with
all these mechanisms for heart disease and at the end of the day I stand up and I say the solution for all these different mechanisms is intimidate fasting and diet two things comes down to intim fasting and diet and that's how we supposed to be so what does intermittent fasting do to your gut bacteria well your gut bacteria turn around very fast okay within hours they they uh replicate and die and of course every time you have a poop billions of them go out so it's a very Dynamic process the bacteria that in me this
morning have already turned over now they've got daughter cells and they probably all survived in me but my microbiome variety from this morning to now is different right now I'm fasting right now right now I'm fasting I probably have some ketones going on in my body because I haven't eaten um my my microbi is very different right now and then after I eat it's going to change again so I want you to understand how Dynamic this is what you eat is going to change your microbiome so you you ought to need some garbage right now
your microbiome will be different you will have sugar loving molecules your fructose is going to cause more liquid gut and bacteria are going to eat that then you eat some Plastics then you eat some preservatives and then you had some emulsifiers and then you had some coloring as well put it in it and then you topped it with some uh diet drink or whatever now your microbiome started different because they going to consume all those things but those are not the bacteria you want to encourage to grow you want Miracle Grow that's going to grow
the good roses you don't want Miracle Grow that's going to grow uh weeds when you eat this garbage you're growing weeds inside so the food you want to put in there are complex carbohydrates only and what are complex carb basically fiber there's two kinds of fiber right there's soluble fiber and insoluble fiber insoluable fiber is not what I advise all my patients to to to to to chug lug on because I think it's a little rough on the on the GI track but I'm not an expert on that but I am an expert on soluble
fiber I love soluble fiber that's the fiber the inulin plus fos that I advise everybody you put it in a glass of water and you shake it up it's completely clear and you just down that and you should do that before your meal and you should be drinking before your meal anyway so about half an hour before my meal I'll chugle like that down now it's ly my intestine my stomach and all that so that when I do consume something that may stimulate my pancreas now my walls aligned with this fiber which forms a matrix
and hopefully I'll make less insulin because my stimulation of my um uh K cells and L cells is going to be less in my dadum so the signal to the pancreas I won't make so much insulin so I want fiber why is fiber so good it's because of this because you decrease the the stimulation of insulin fiber does that that's why whole fruit is better than eating juice or drinking juice I should say cuz when you drink juice you're nothing in the fiber with it and even if you juice it and you you you you've
just destroyed the fiber into slithering which can't do their job nature did put fructose and sugar with fruits but the fruits are supposed to be eaten as is and you're not supposed to frappe it and do all that stuff you're supposed to eat it you're supposed to masticate it if you just chew something and spit it out you'll see it's it's not ped it still has big pieces in it that's how it's supposed to be so it's not released all at once in your Dum these people come to me and say I got this protein
powder and I I take two two bananas and I put blueberries and a and a stra and five strawberries in it and then I I take half an apple and I Frapp it all down and it comes out like this and then I had some protein powder on top of it 2 tbspoon of protein powder and then I said no want us to have a fatty liver can't do that body is not supposed to absorb things like so I say okay change a diet back to you got eat infrequently your bacterial Flora changes when you're
fast now there are keystone species that stay in your gut and they will always be there unfortunately it's hard to get rid of those so you got to be a little cognizant of the fact that your childhood has had effect on what's going on in you right right now cuz which keystone species you decided to make part of your immune health over here depends on your exposure hopefully it was Mom's because mom also gave me all my mitochondrial um DNA and she also gave me all my microbiome in me and my immune system and then
she also gave me a lot of antibodies in mother's milk and everything this is so beautiful but if it's all messed up I'm going to have a problem and that will have long consequences so I'll tell you that I have a little grandbaby she's just 7 months old now my first grandbaby so even before she was born I told my daughter-in-law who was amazing I said look you need to top up on antibi on prebiotics and probiotics especially something like um the infantis you know um buff bacterium infantis because I said that that's what the
baby's going to want that's why it's called infantis so she loads up with that so when she gave birth there it is the baby's already given good chunk of probiotics and the baby populates itself and then the same mother's milk is containing all the right antibodies against the right things is sending the signals to her gut to heal and and the immune system to develop in the right way blah blah blah blah all that stuff it's fantastic it's a beautiful chemistry that all comes together so eating right eating the right stuff eating infrequently fasting in
between is going to improve your microb what else so people say to me okay if you take more fiber are you going to get a wider variety of bacteria in your gut and the answer is yes you do get a greater variety of bacteria if you eat a variety of Prebiotic fibers so eat yellow green purple eat different types of vegetables you should try to aim for 30 different types of vegetables but included in that 30 count is herbs you forget that look herbs are not for you when you garnish your your food with herbs
on top oh you're good for me yeah it's not good for you it's good for your bacteria so you must put herbs on your Foods so buy fresh herbs or buy the powdered ones I don't care dried stuff just put herbs on your Foods cuz that's going to that counts as a vegetable so guess what you just did some nice seasoning with with three different herbs has three vegetables already so it's not difficult to get 30 different types of vegetables in the course of a week you can't do it because our our diet becomes monotonous
you we we don't have that much Variety in our food these days and the vegetables I'm I going to buy 30 different vegetables oh my God no herbs count as a vegetable so do that have different different colors of foods and eat you don't have to eat a lot of it just a little bit because even a little bit goes a long way for the bacteria so now you're encouraging the growth of different different kinds of bacteria in your gut different variety of bacteria in your gut and in different now the other thing is what
about a probiotic well I just take a probiotic and a probiotic contains billions and billions or whatever it is well you can do that probiotics also help but if you stop taking the probiotic your gut bacteria go back to the way they were before also I want you to know that one species of bacteria that you introduce it's not that you're populating yourself with that particular species is that that species can affect the others so they all take care of each other so if you consume a strong man a policeman type of bacteria in a
probiotic it's going to take care of the other bad boys so what I'm saying to you is that when when we do studies and we look to say okay I'm giving you lactobacilus rout for example which I do use in my practice then is it that a lot of that is going to be in the body well not necessarily because what that will do is will encourage the growth of other bacteria cuz they all take care of each other see they all produce substances that kill others so when you bring in the right guy he
produces postbiotics that kills the bad boys so there's a change that happens by introducing just a few good bacteria so what are the good few bacteria the few good bacteria I found in Keifer I love kefer because it's got different kinds of probiotics in it different bacteria in it I love keur I think keur is one of the easiest things that you can do you can make it yourself or you can buy the readymade keur um if you're allergic to Dairy you can even make kefer out of coconut milk you can there's so many ways
to make tiur but back eat fermented foods fermented foods also give you another Advantage besides the active bacteria for your gut they have postbiotics in them and the postbiotics are chemicals that are for example the postbiotics in keur are all the products that those bacteria produce those post and we forget that you you're doing it not just for the live bacteria you're doing it for the postbiotics they get released into your gut and the postbiotics affects all the bacteria as well for example if you going and buy SAU Cloud right now there's a chance that
the SAU cloud has not been pasteurized but even if it's pasteurized Sauer croud it's still helping you because it will have postbiotics in it see see you don't have postbiotics in it so you got to be careful because some some of these you know they they they pasteurize they killing the bacteria how come it's still good for you because the postbiotic say for example sour dough bread some people can use it some people can't use it so what's so different about it is because it's fermented because it's fermented it gets rid of the some of
the lectins that are in the wheat so it made your your wheat a little bit healthier by killing off the lactin and the fermentation produced postbiotics that are in there so so that's how I look at everything I look at it that okay so what changes did I did that fermentation bottom line fermentation is first class you all should learn how to ferment Foods at home yourselves you can make kimchi at home you can make S sacloud at home you can actually ferment just about anything you want and along in history fermented um meat also
first class excellent people have done it for centuries it's nothing wrong with fermentation fermentation process is always good it's always been with us it's part of Nature and it always does good so yogurts the um the drinks of course you all know about don't go for beer though it's also fermented but so oh yeah alcohol so too much Al alcohol will kill your bacteria in your gut it's like putting hand lotion inside your gut would you do that would you take your hand lotion and lick it no mouthwash this one all my patients I tell
them don't use mouthwash why cuz you're killing the microbiome in your mouth because the microbiome in the mouth is very very important because when you consume a nitrogenous product the bacteria in the mouth are in ingly involved with that because the nitrogen that's in your saliva gets secreted out when you're eating there's special bacteria here in the mouth that takes that nitrogen and converts it into from nitrate to nitrate form I don't know the exact chemistry but it goes down into your gut and under the pH of acid in your stomach that nitrate becomes available
to you and that becomes nitric oxide which is a vas dilat so as a vasod dilate it lower your blood pressure now you can stop this whole process by taking mouthwash and then lo and behold your blood pressure will be up 15 points so people patients of mine who've actually stopped using mouthwash they notice that blood pressures have come down because first of all who told you to kill the bacteria in your mouth who told you to do that there you go just don't do it you need your mouth Flora nobody told you to do
that but who told you to use creams on your body unnecessarily who told you to wash your hands with the stuff okay so do Co I understand but now I don't use alcohol on my hands except when I'm doing surgery I want bacteria on my hands my normal flora I want it I want it and when I go out to to in the garden I'm doing stuff and I come back I just wash my hands with soap again I don't use all that fancy stuff on it I don't and even if the little pieces look
listen the soil is full of bacteria you want to improve your microbiome all of you you want to improve your microbiome right it's not just what you're eating it's also what you're breathing so go out and breathe breathe on the ocean and with every breath that you're taking in millions of bacteria coming into you and populating you it's called biophilia you can go out into the forest go for a hike how come you feel so good when you come back from a hike and everything tastes better and you feel so good your stomach because you
change your microbiome you you've just interacted with your environment you must exchange bacteria go out on grass after it's rain that smell that you get that's fantastic go out put your hands in mud sand is not sand it's alive it's alive with bacteria in fact it's so alive that if Soul was not alive with bacteria you can't grow anything in it unless you use industrial fertilizers and then of course what will grow in it will be garbage it'll look nice and big and strong but it'll have no taste no nutrients in it because gave it
was nitrogen phosphate and potassium which is of course left over from World War II cuz the same stuff is used for making explosives but now we put it in our on our farms and we kill the microbiome in the gut in the in the soil so when we kill the microbiome in the soil look look I want you to understand I'm just going to digress a little bit here because it's all about the microbiome right so I'm going to digress a little bit when you plant something in soil the leaves will make glucose it will
go down through photosynthesis into the roots and goes into those little rootlets and when you pull that thing out you can see it's a little oily it's little you know on that rootlet what's that those are polysaccharides and sugars that the plant is producing and sending out into the rootlets they so what's it sending to the rets for it's the bacteria so the bacteria come along and they eat that stuff and in return in our stomach they're producing postbiotics and in return what do they do to the plant they're making the chemicals the phytonutrients those
phytonutrients then get absorbed by the rootlets of the plants and that's what goes up into the plant and then goes into your fruit and all the leaves that you eat and whatever you you you harvest off the plant and you eating don't think the plant made it it was particip a in in it but came from your bacteria so you go backwards and you reverse engineer it it all comes from the bacteria in your gut I mean in bacteria in your soil and of course I just said it comes from your gut too you see
you reverse engineer all the chemicals in you they all go back to the bacteria in your gut is look the same thing that's happening there is happening in you so you want to live on nitrogen potassium and phosphate go and eat Ultra processed food the same equivalent as your agriculture that's why I'm so interested right now in how we can improve our farming because I just told you something else just now and that should trigger you your head about carbon cuz the plant made carbon molecules they went down into the soil the bacteria harvested those
for themselves and therefore then where where did that carbon go stayed in the soil with the bacteria so what's this happened to that soil it became carbon Rich that's called carbon sequestration so when you grow things in real soil carbon levels go down which we're not doing now that's why carbon levels carbon levels are going so high you can produce all the carbon in the world you want it'll contribute 20% to global warming and the carbon but most of the carbon is not is not being sequestrated neither in the oceans nor in the soils because
of the way we doing Agriculture and the way we fish but that's a digression but my in interest in this is because I see so much analogy with what's going on in our gut and I want healthy foods I see that everything's coming from the bacteria the plants are getting the phytonutrients from the bacteria we getting our micronutrients from the bacteria why are we waging a war against bacteria every course of antibiotics you take over the next 90 days you're going to get sick with something else being sh over and over and over again your
resilience your longevity your overall health your anti-inflammatory State all related to your gut health all related to your gut health you need your bacteria without your bacteria you're a Sitting Duck for diseases now I showed you the glyco Kix right there's the glyco kellic in your brain on your bloodb brain barrier too these lipopolysaccharides go to the blood brain barrier they disrupt it and they get into your brain and then what disease do you get in the brain you get brain fog dementia Alzheimer's depression is nothing but an inflammatory disease end of story you know
somebody who is depressed time to look at his gut your joints the glyco Kix is in your joints you're having premature joint disease you shouldn't be having this kind of disease look at what's going on with inflammation inflammation is disrupting your glyco kellic in your joint and causing inflammation in your joint look when these patients come back and they change what they're eating and how they're eating and they're eating real foods and they're doing intermittent fasting with it all of a sudden they come back they say the joints are better it's not because they unloaded
100 pounds the joints are already better they are anti Flame the hands they can bend their hands better they come back and all these things so this inflammation I told you what's going on in the corner artery it's happening in the brain it's happening in your joints it's happening everywhere in your body not just the cories and the corner this is what's going to manifest in the brain you're going to get mental fog look look if I take lipopolysaccharide molecules and I take half a cc of it I inject it into you right now you're
not going to die but you know what you're going to do you're going to feel tired fatigued you're like a dog that's sick then you want to go into the corner and just sit down you got sickness syndrome what is sickness syndrome withdrawal depression apathy no interest in anything we recognize it in the dog we don't really recognize it in ourselves if you feeling like that dog you've got this you got sickness syndrome it's from lipopo it's from an inflammatory State don't think that your your mental state is all related to your mental state it's
not it's your chemistry and I'm going to scare you with one more thing that these lipopolysaccharides going into your through your blood brain barrier they also have the microbiome in your gut and licky gut can also produce chemicals that go directly up your vagus nerve directly into your brain so they cause vagus nerve dysfunction so when it causes vagus nerve dysfunction because that vagus nerve is now toxic right you're going to get orthostatic hypotension inappropriate sinus teic cardia so they come to me these are young people every time they stand up their heart rate's 130
140 blood pressures are low their autonomic nervous systems all whacked off why because the vagus nerve is dysfunctional so the vag nerve parasympathetic is dysfunctional why from gut bacteria fix your gut your parasympathetic nervous system gets better the reflux how come my patients get better with reflux when I put them on this diet all the reflux goes away and by the way I stop all proton pump inhibitors there's a blackb w warning on it it's only supposed to be taken for 4 weeks but you are all on ppis forever you need the acid in your
stomach I told you one reason already why you need the acid because I told you nitrate goes to or nitrate goes to nitrates and gets absorbed you get Bas of dilation that's nitric oxide right so that occurs with your pH in your stomach has to be less than 3.5 but forgetting that it's the bacteria the bad boys are supposed to die in your stomach good bacteria that make their way down further down but you have open borders CU your pH is seven in your stomach how good is that why did we have so much acidity
in the stomach it was a purpose for it to make sure that the bacteria don't go any further this is it now when they do get through or if your colon is impoverished impoverished the bacteria move into the small bowel and sometimes they just in the small ball anyway and you get this condition called sibo small intestinal bacterial overgrowth so patients with sibo do they get licky gut yes in fact more than if they're licking in the cold on now I'm going to explain why because in the small bowel the lining of mucus is only
one layer thick in the colon is two two layer thick so in your small bow if you have bacterial overgrowth you're going to get sibo and symptoms which is I eat I bloat I feel pregnant after eating within half an hour 45 minutes of eating I feel bloed I feel so pregnant and then after 2 3 hours it all goes down I get Comfort I get grumbling in my stomach now I can test for that you can do a hydrogen methane breath test where you make them drink some lactulose and then check the hydrogen excretion
uh at half an hour 1 hour and two hours and you do that in the hospital you can do that breath test and will show that the hydrogen is really high because that gas is hydrogen or if you have methanogenic organisms which come from the large colon they make methane methane however you want to pronounce that so there theyy make lot of methane you can get rid of this condition why am I interested in it because I think that that contributes to lipopolysaccharides going into your bloodstream and causing metabolic endotoxemia so what happens this patient
comes to me his Cory calcium score keeps going up and up and up he's doing everything right finally you ask him about his gut and he says oh my God doc I'm glad you asked me about my gut I get constipation I get diarrhea some days I eat I bloat like crazy nobody can fix it they scoped me from the top they scoped Me From The Bottom they found nothing it's small intestinal bacterial overgrowth so how does Dr J treat it yeah I can give you a very expensive antibiotic oraxin it'll cost you about $4,000
change these days nothing but I can also give you a concoction of herbs and the one that I use is is a nice concoction of herbs for 14 days followed by some uh some curcumin and and then I repopulate your gut with good fiber and all that and majority of the patients get better they say oh my goodness my pants are looser I can I can get around I feel better and they can now of course there's a relapse rate too so about a third of them come back in a few months why because they're
not eating right still so you need to fix it and then start eating right so I'm saying to you that if you're having these symptoms in your gut take it seriously hypocrates also said that all disease starts in the gut everything starts in the gut there are 22,000 plus genes in you there's about 2 million genes in your bacteria your genes can't change maybe your ancestors I mean your your future 5 7 10 Generations from now they'll get a mutation and they'll be able to digest Plastics but right now you can't but your bacteria can
because they have so many genes just think about this you can start eating this today chance of a bacteria will be able to do something with it heck they cleaned up the Gulf of Mexico with bacteria that's what I'm trying to tell you that there's so many gen in your gut just think about it there's so many genes in your that's why you can go to Tokyo and eat their food and your microbiome will change because it adapts to it and then you come back to to to United States and you start eating regular food
that we eat over here and your microbiome changes because they're all there ready the genetic material is ready to change so don't take it lightly you have a Exquisite Machinery inside your gut that can genetically change at a moment's request but the request needs to be well founded founded that I need this and I'm going to eat this because it's of benefit to me to you to my postbiotics and my body I want to get rid of my leaky gut you must take fish oil fish oil is needed every day to fix a Lecky gut
you need two grams of fish oil to fix a leaky gut you need to make sure you're not Mercury toxic you cannot fix a licky gut unless you make sure you don't have heavy metal to toxicity of which Mercury is the biggest one Mercury and Lead You need to make sure you're getting fiber in your diet the phytonutrients if you can't find all those vegetables then go and buy some powdered stuff that's made from different vegetables cruciferous extracts or some form of Prebiotic fiber a variety of them eat that every day so at least you're
feeding those guys down there don't be selfish don't eat only for the upper part of your intestines the sugary stuff stay away from fructose fructose causes licky gut causes insulin resistance causes fatty liver fruits are not a health food what yes they're not who join fruits and vegetables together the Department of Agriculture fruits are fruits vegetables are vegetables vegetables are superior to fruits any day and anyone who tells you otherwise needs to look at recent literature the fructose is only supposed to be consumed in its natural form with all the fiber in season before you
are going into hibernation and hibernation never comes for us so it's only seasonal fruit only seasonal fruit that's all you can do whatever is in season that's it so you want to improve your gut you need to do a lot of these different things you need to put into place into your body yeah so there's there's a lot more I can talk I can talk for another hour on the gut and the microbiome and all the different things that go into it and what else you can do you know from infrared sonas to to already
mentioned biof failure Stress Management how to rebuild your vagus nerve that was that last lecture that I gave you can hack your vagus nerve to make it better and heal it's a bidirectional thing when you hack your Vagas nerve you can actually heal your gut forward and backwards to your brain and by the way when you go back to your brain it's got rostal connections to your frontal lobe when you do this all of a sudden you say I'm looking at the world differently because you did veal exercises so now thoughts that would never otherwise
have come to you come to you because you're getting out of your default Network in your brain see you got to understand that you all stuck in a default Network in your brain you can't get out of it to get out of it this is one of the biggest ways you can do it meditation and vagal nerve exercises it liberates your frontal lobe into thinking differently and say you know I started doing those exercises meditation chanting goggling cold water to my face breathing exercise and all of a sudden I'm feeling a lot better well why
just because you did that so what it's because you fixed your Vegas nerve the healing restoration digestion reproduction portion of your physiology so get out of your FFF fight fight flight sympathetic all the time get out of that get into your parasympathetic mode see for healing you need to live in your parasympathetic mode your parasynthetic is related to your gut if your parasynthetic is off tilter because your gut is off tilter so you want to fix your vagus nerve and say okay I want to live parasympathetic you better fix your gut first don't think that
you're going to fix your parasympathetic system by shrinking yourself out of it and reading books and saying okay I'm going to think my way out of this you can't I'm telling you you can't you need to hack your vagus nerve and the way the vas nerve the biggest distribution of the vas nerve is to the gut so go via the gut change what you're eating change when you eat change what kind of foods you eat and do all that stuff and supplement fix your gut fix your bacteria then do veal nerve stimulation to fix the
vagus nerve itself have lots of Omega-3 so that all those nerve endings can get better you'll get better connections to the brain from the brain to the frontal lobe all of a sudden your default network will open up and you'll feel differently think differently and the whole world will look different it all starts in the gut so you see just reverse engine it comes down to your gut feeling depressed feeling you know bad reverse engineer fix your gut first and then fix your vus nerve and everything will be okay so anyway that was another digression
but it's not really a digression because what I'm trying to tell you is that your gut is connected to your whole life your gut is from inflammation to depression to your affect to your sleep to your joints to your weight to your metabolism everything it's your gut go via your gut so fast do time restricted feeding do 3-day water fast every now and then depends on your goal whether you're doing weight loss or whether you just want General Health or you're looking at decreasing arthritis autoimmune disease lupus or whether you have high blood pressure and
you have coronary artery disease it depends on your goal whatever your goals are but do your fasting do your intermittent fasting do Mega fasts if you grossly overweight do a 7-Day water fast but do it gradually like my videos show you so that you can turn on your ketogenesis otherwise you you you'll get a gap in between because you're changing from glucose to to ketones and there's a big gap in between you'll feel lousy but do it through your gut first and you will have a great live thank you guys see it oh you know
it's a great question I don't know I'll have to look that up but I can tell you one thing that if you have the right microbiome in your gut and the flu comes around and you have the right microbiome in here you're not going to get as bad of flu because you've got a whole bunch of viruses and bacteria that going to work with you but if I swipe all those bacteria out with you and give you flu you'll be out on the floor for the count of 10 now the the parasites I I really
have to research that I I don't know too much about parasites uh I'll maybe next time yes ma'am okay I don't like flax seeds too much especially for men because there allot estrogens in it and it contains ala which is omega-3 but only 10% of that gets converted to Omega 3 the real thing that you want so if you're a vegetarian fine you can have that or you can have algae omega-3 but otherwise just go for the real thing which is fish oil and you're not going to get enough in by eating fish you just
not because today's fish doesn't have omega-3 in it so just go and buy two grams every day two capsules a gramage of fish oil uh so fle transplants I think they're going to come one day they go they'll be they'll be here um we haven't reached that point yet except for CDT which is Clum deficient toxin so these patients who receive a whole course of antibiotics for a whole month they get CDT they get diarrhea they ready to die or take out the colon completely because they're going to die so what they do is they
give them fragile clean out their gut and then they take a FAL transplant and they do it VI by colonoscopy and put it it's a lifesaver for CDT Now is it going to be useful for all of us in the future maybe we don't know yet The Californians already doing it so you can actually go to California and get a poop transplant right now there are places that actually do it yeah but you see this is the thing is that you have two twins right um and you take the fal transplant from one twin to
the other and this t Twi is obese and this one is not the the the the lean one will become obese and FAL transplants given to thin people who had CDT from a donor that was obese they become obese so there is an obesogenic micro microbiome now I'm going to Define that a little bit if I can a obesogenic mic microbiome is one that contains it comes from someone who has a lot of toxins in them especially estrogens so if you eat a lot of foods that have estrogens for example milk that has a lot
of estrogen because all the cows were pregnant that's how you got the milk or if you consume um uh uh non-organic Meats they have lot of estrogens in them or estrogen stimul receptors such as Plastics eating Plastics and plasticizers and here oh these they they cause obesogenic M microbiome and that's why look I told you get rid of all Plastics from your house if you don't you're going to get obese because that is what causes an obesogenic microbiome so I hate estrogens in our diet have to have to get out from that so okay so
when the gut heals there's no longer ongoing damage right but the inflammation that's inside here will heal so this will become a calcified plaque but remember what I said it's not the plaques that are calcified that rupture it is the soft fatty low attenuation and those will get better so they will become hardened the end result of the repair is calcification so yes they will so everywhere in the body it will heal even your brain will heal your brain will heal sir over I think your question is very pertinent it's a very deep and very
complex question I'm going to answer it as simply as I can it's because it's not in the interest of the food industry it's not in the interest of government it's not in the interest of farm subsidies it's not in the interest of advertising companies even the networks will not carry a story like mine otherwise I should have been in undated by the networks asking me to come and talk about it but they won't because their their revenues come from drug companies that are pushing the drugs for the same conditions that I'm talking about I mean
the billionaires from Co V all sorts of things so I think it will happen right now uh it's it's it's tough but it is happening and where is it happening it's happening through people like you going out and talking to people sharing this knowledge looking at at my YouTubes for example or other people's YouTubes and and passing and then deciding through your own choices your choice at the supermarket your choice at the farmers market and making these that's how it's going to happen then eventually the food industry is going to change now government policies that's
going to be a difficult thing to because right now the government policies is what's actually still pushing all these you know they subsidize the production of some of the foods that I think are absolutely terrible yeah but see we're finding out those herbs yeah uh so I'm going to tell you it's called candy bton c a n d i b a c t i n candy bton A and B 14-day course cumin 300 migam bid twice a day and then essential oils are oil of oregano oil of cinnamon oil of clove and then inulin plus
fos which is the the the fiber that I use right there you go that's your concoction but you first do the 14-day course and then you do this for SEO very simp cuz K has more strains in it it's got at least 12 to 16 different strains well yogurt only has five or six strains in it yeah so I like more strains and it different kinds the lady at the back it's okay like my patient the other day came and she wasn't losing weight hemoglobin A1c was still very high she's only eating once a day
and her sugars were still high and I said what's wrong and she's eating five prunes a day five that's not good I said now you take five plums would you eat five plums a day see my point so with dried fruit the problem is you can you can put those away so easily you know one phone call with your favorite friend and you've already put away four prunes and an apricot and half an apple it's too much so I don't like it I don't like that too much and if you constipate that you take one
or two that's fine I can one actually not even two now figs figs are very high in fiber but also very high in sugar so when when do I eat a fig look I love figs okay so when do I have a fig I'll have a fig maybe once a week after dinner you have one after dinner so that my insulin rise is not going to be that much from the Fig cuz fig it's got a lot of fi in so I do like figs CU a lot of fiber in it so that's good so
sugar with fiber fiber I love fiber yes ma'am your question is very good what's what's your cut off for insulin rise unfortunately you can't do that because there's no measurement that you don't have continuous insulin monitoring although that's coming that's continuous glucose monitoring so continuous insulin moning is coming it's going to be in about 2 years okay cuz remember it's really your insulin that you want to look at but you also want to look at Sugar because I showed you that sugar glucose causes glycation glycation of your hemoglobin that's why hemoglobin A1c would be high
or not high but glyc all the other molecules and causes reduxx um oxygen species to also go up and all this stuff so what is normal so you want your continuous glucose moning to be between 80 and 130 so anything 140 is borderline but anything more than 140 is a problem now if it's hitting 200 you have a problem okay so the way you look at insulin is your fasting insulin level should be less than eight so you can get your fasting insulins when you do your Advanced lipid panel and they'll do it in that
or the Cleveland hot lab they'll they'll do that fasting but your post pral after you eat what's your insulin doing because remember a lot of people have very nice low insulin levels at rest but it should be less than eight but some people are like 2 three but then when you give them sugar the insulins go off the wall so that's called the craft test that we do over here right for that the way you measure it is at 2 and 3 hours the combined total between two and 3 hours should be less than 60
so let's say you are 40 at 2 hours and you are 30 at 3 hours that's 70 you have insulin resistance so that's how you know whether someone has ins so if your your fasting is important but it's your post PR your second and third hour how often read the craft test if you had like like your insulin LEL came back at 11: when you had your blood work done they consider it yeah it should the trouble is that nobody knows how to do it nobody nobody's I'm the only one ordering it in my office
that's why I have my own machine and I do it you myself yeah yeah I'm the only physician that I know that's doing a craft test just one real Qui well I read and about vitamin C give men kidney stones is there any truth in that yeah oh really and how about B vitamins you never didn't mention B B vitamins are very important but it has to be methylated B12 because methylation is what's needed to turn on your epigenetics so you must have methylated don't just take regular B2 it has to methylated B2 complex you
get that uh anyway we have it here but anyway methylated not only B12 B12 complex that all of you should take one methylate the B12 complex is what I recommend yes ma'am he a it's very hard I agree with you it's very hard so you know like our baby is still on mother's milk and she's seven months so she eats a little bit of regular food right regular feed meaning mashed up uh stuff that she eats but very little of that so by time she's one she's going to start eating a variety and we will
give her that but as far as the antibiotics are good it's oh no no now if you do this right from now she's going to have less ear infections less sore throat so so if they have to have an antibiotic make sure that they take it if they have to absolutely have to have it but remember lot of those are viral infections but if they have to have it follow it afterwards with prebiotics Pro biotics and fermented food yeah I I don't go with flavored stuff but if that's the only way to give a kid
it give the kid it if that's the only way to do it I love carnivo diet a lot of patients come to me and they got all sorts of problems and they got sibo and they they've got all these metabolic things and it's a it's a some total of an image that I make of what's going on in them and then I'll turn around and say okay for the next three months I want you to be a carnival and they do that all of a sudden they're losing weight they're feeling great the mental fog is
gone because remember one thing plants are poisons plants make poisons so that they don't become subject to devouring by other animals right so it's we can eat the plants we got to cook them right we got to pressure cook them we got to soak certain things we got to sprout certain things why because you get rid of the bad lectins inside and bad chemicals in there all plants have hundreds of different bad chemicals in them but we need them so cook it right sauce it right them by eating the animals because they e yeah yeah
so a conival diet uh has been very helpful to a lot of patient when I say that as a cardiologist I get a lot of eyebrows going up because in my opinion someone eating red meat which is grass finished nothing wrong with it because they don't have omega 6 because the regular meat is is sick cows you got cows with metabolic syndrome their fat is full of Omega 6 they sick they're full of antibiotics because you're eating a sick cow and then you expect to be healthy and not only that if you're eating a burger
you're eating pieces of 100 sick cows in each mouthpiece every time you take a bite you're having the DNA of 100 different no that's not kind of a diet canover a diet means you Source your food right you eat your fish chicken turkey and eggs and a little bit of Greens on the side any vegetable that you want just a little bit Yeah Yeah right nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with not cooking those particular ones they they're fine those are not the problem the problems are are the lectin containing ones the beans the peas
the uh uh other lentils yeah they have to be soaked and then cooked in a pressure cooker yeah but the bell peppers and tomatoes all those are going to be okay not a problem I'll take one so AI right now I'm not using in here except for the analysis of my um plaque okay otherwise I'm not using AI because it's as good as what you feed into it and answer to your first question about the fatty liver is no there's no Panacea for fat Li F fat Li is what you eat and the metabolic endotoxemia
the sugar the high insulin alcohol and fructose those are the key things that you want to see now in terms of taking a treatment for it this is what I tell you got a fatty liver you going to make the dietary CH but if you don't if you don't want to do the dietary changes or you can't then you're going to take n acety cine NAC number two it's a it's a supplement by the way NAC is very good everyone who's got any degree of atherosclerosis in the body go buy that supplement it's a very
easy supplement nle 16 your mitochondria will work better you will feel better within a few weeks you'll have more energy it's called NAC also for fatty liver I give two other supplements occasionally one's called aanin and one's called alphal lipoic acid oh yeah both if you liked this video here's one that I would recommend and if you want to see my latest video please click here
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