when you think of someone you are sending them energy (energy stands)

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Aaron Doughty
When you are in your own frame of reality and feel whole, complete, and grounded, you have more magn...
Video Transcript:
when you are thinking of someone else you are sending them energy think about it as if there's some form of energy strand that is between you and someone else and when you think of them you send them the energy that you are feeling inside of your body now here is the thing about this that most people don't understand if there is a feeling of emotion in your body that someone else is not doing what you want them to do then they are going to feel feel that resistant energy I went to a life transformation Spa
in Costa Rica when I learned about one of the most esoteric energy practices I've ever found and it had to do with understanding the projection of energy now what this lady did is she was at the front of a room and she was talking to a crowd of people there were about 50 of us in the crowd and she did an energetic experiment where what she did is she says everyone send me energy at the front of the room everyone send me energy send me energy send me energy and as everyone in the crowd me
included was sending her energy she said there's like this repellent energy where it literally makes you back away it's like intrusive it's like you can feel that energy that's being projected at you now what happened is then she said okay everyone now bring the energy back in your body bring the energy back in your body bring the energy back in your body and then the energy Dynamic completely shifted where then she said she could feel this magnetic energy going towards the crowd now what this has to do with is understanding that when you are in
your own frame of reality and you feel whole and complete and grounded you have more magnetic energy than when you dissipate your energy by sending it out to other people and even think about it when it comes to the energy dynamics of control of someone else wanting something from you if like I used to sell women's shoes back in the day if a customer came into the shoe department and I was greeting them and they could feel this energy maybe I was at the sales employee and they're like hey how are you are you going
to buy anything it's like uh you could feel somebody want something from you but if when you're grounded and you're just saying hi there's no attachment there's no control there's no manipulative desire there people feel that and they respond very differently so understand that when it comes to energy and this idea this esoteric concept and I'm going to show you something that is called the frame technique it's one of the most powerful energetic practices I've ever found I learned it from a mixture of that experience I told you about uh with the front of the
room thing and then also I've learned this from a shadowwork integration coach that I had that studied Carl Union psychology and when I learned this it completely changed the way people responded to me it changed how I felt about myself my confidence went up and I started to realize that I didn't have to take on the burden of other people's energies and emotions because I started to feel actually safe within my own body which is really the key to this entire process is bringing the energy back to yourself so first off understand that people are
responding to US based on the energy we are embodying now ultimately when you are safe within your own body and strong Within your own frame you are more magnetic when you think of other people your energy is leaving your body and going towards other people and you could say by the way what if I'm sending people Loving Thoughts well it's okay if you send energy that is kind but not nice there's a difference kind energy is no attachment it's compassion I wish I I do that sometimes I wish the best for certain people in my
life even people that are noer longer in my life and I wish the best but it's a nonattached energy it doesn't expect anything in return if it expects something in return that is being nice and that is manipulative you don't want to be nice you want to be kind kind is who you are nice is with an agenda so when you think about it it's like well I'm sending love energy and sometimes also people are sending love energy because they feel that that it's necessary for their own sense of selfworth sometimes it is just genuinely
I want to add value to people I know sometimes we do these uh in Costa Rica we or in breath work in general I'll lead these breath work um events where we'll do like breath work at a live event for example and what'll happen sometimes is people will be going through their process breathing in a specific pattern and it's so transformative for people but sometimes what people will do is they'll lay there and they'll like I'm going to send people raiki around me I'm gonna send people raiki around me and a lot of times what
I think that more so is is it's a distraction from going into your own process and feeling your own emotions and also it's I'm going to help everyone else as if there's not either this own work that could be processed or integrated but it's like my value is I need to help and heal other people around me so what happens though is when you bring the energy back into your own body you allow yourself to integrate past emotion and and sometimes it could also be people feel uncomfortable with anger or emotions that are being emoted
because at these breath work experiences people are feeling very intense emotion and energy so they're yelling or crying and sometimes people I don't like this tension I can feel it this feels intense for me is also sometimes a lesson for people to go inside of their own body and to focus on the separation focus on the separation between you and someone else and I promise you it's not that you're not spiritual it's like well Aaron we're all one Consciousness we're all connected when you're an empath or someone that can feel other people's energies you feel
connected to everyone and everything to an extent to where you abandon yourself to make everybody else happy so what you need to what you can learn to really feel safe in your own body is actually how to feel separation how to feel separation how to feel um the space in between you and other people and knowing that if someone else is mad with you angry with you if you set boundaries with them and they don't like it that's their stuff to deal with not your emotion to mitigate but what happens is as kids sometimes we
don't feel safe in our body so what we do is we move out of the bottom three chakras of the root chakra the sacral chakra and the solar plexus and we move into our third eye to where we can perceive of everyone's emotions and thoughts as a survival mechanism but then we've abandoned oursel abandoned being in her own body so one of the powerful parts of this process of the shift of the frame technique is you feel the separation between you and other people the separation self versus other and the process is very simple I
have whole videos that will show you step by step exactly what to do in fact in my free $11,000 course that's literally for free called high VI 101 I added a complete module called the frame technique which has a frame technique step-by-step video a frame technique meditation you can follow along and a frame technique Workshop all free and if you want to check that out I'll go ahead and Link it below but there's a whole module in there called the frame technique if you want to learn more Now understand that this is also why by
the way feeling the separation between you and other people allows you to feel safe inside of your own body and it starts to help you understand what is you versus what is not you because when you think that someone else's tension is your tension you're seeing something outside of you and saying that's that's part of me so and and a lot of times this goes back to Mom sometimes Mom and Dad's energy as kids and if you felt responsible for Mom or Dad's energy and like you had to be a specific way to get their
love and approval then it's a survival mechanism to tune to other people so really the key to this is bringing the energy back inside of your body bringing the energy back into the present moment now you'll notice that when you begin to become aware of this so if we go you know energy strange is kind of like a cord think of it like an energy cord in a way like an energetic invisible cord you can't see whether it's really invisible or not it's a symbol everything in our reality is a reflection of our own subconscious
anyways but when you think of energy like do it as an energy test like at Live Events we do this at Live Events I'll have people get in Partners or in groups and they will practice feeling the separation between them and someone else and it is incredible to see how much more magnetic you become how much more safe you begin to feel when you can actually focus on the separation the space in between you and someone else now energy strands is about becoming aware of that and this is why this explains a lot by the
way have you ever noticed I've seen it happen so many times when people they they maybe they get out of a relationship with an ex they're thinking about the ex and maybe that ex broke up with them they're thinking of them thinking of them they thinking of them and then I'll see them in coaching or something and I'll be like they're like I can't stop thinking about this person well one when you stay attached a lot of times one of the reasons you're attached is because because they're no longer there the only way for you
to keep them alive is to keep them alive as a concept to keep ruminating about them what happens is you keep think you're you're feeling lack you're feeling resistance you're thinking of them you're sending them that energy they're feeling bombarded they want space if you think of the anxious and the avoidant attachment Styles avoidant wants SP space anxious is like come back come back come back I want I'm leaning in for love I'm leaning in for love and it repels them but what's very interesting is very often people will say you know what instead of
putting all this needy resistance istent energy into this person believing this person's the other half to my soul or the like the the part of my happiness I'm going to start putting that into something else I'm going to start putting it into my purpose into my other friendships into some other area of my life people start to do that because really what it is is his meaning that's being projected onto someone else and then feeling resistance on both ends and then repelling so when people bring their energy back they stop sending that energy and they
start putting into something else guess what happens very often that person that wasn't coming around feels that energetic space and then it's like hey what's going on but here's the tricky thing you can't do it to get that response because then it's manipulative you haven't learned the lesson ideally what you do is you take back your energy you stop putting it into them and you realize that it didn't work out for a reason and that what you were probably trying to do was turn this person into seeing the value in you because it reflected back
the inner child energy with mom or dad somehow so think about that could it be there was a c a certain level of Shame a certain level of believing maybe even a story that said like people don't choose me I must abandon myself for other people and that person was keeping that story alive up until now because now you realize that it didn't work out for a reason it helped you learn a lesson about yourself and then you stop focusing on them you start focusing on other area of life then you're more magnetic and very
often then this person's calling me back all of a sudden very interesting but you can't do it for that reason because I don't think you should be just cut that energy off that's a part of you that wants the person to come around so that your inner child could feel whole and complete or feel like see I am worthy I've seen incredible results with people that go through What's called the frame technique one of them is I was at a live event in Sedona this woman stands up says that she was four or five months
ago learned the frame technique she said what happened was she was in a narcissistic relationship with her ex-husband who was very controlling and abusive they have a kid together what happened was when they broke up the husband said I'm going to take everything from you I'm going to take the kid I'm going to take the house it's all going to be mine and which is kind of silly because they probably don't know how the court system normally works that's normally not how it works but nonetheless he was saying that he was gaslighting this woman and
then she was feeling like a leaf in the wind up until she came across the frame Technique YouTube video online and she shared this whole entire story and but basically what she did is instead of blaming her husband instead of projecting this energy at her husband she started to feel safe in her body and she felt the separation between her her husband and she realized that that was her husband's stuff not her stuff to deal with she started to feel safe in her own frame self versus other she started doing the set the the feeling
the space between her and her husband and as she began to do this her whole entire life changed within a very short period of time her husband out of nowhere began and just said I'm going to give you the house I want this to make this as easy as possible for you I'm going to give you you know you can like the the the everything worked out with the kid she said everything changed because her energy changed and it was so powerful when she shared this because everyone el else in the crowd was like wow
I'm going to do the frame technique but part of the power of the frame technique is understanding that the energy that you are projecting out towards other people is many times a way of trying to find safety like think about it there are 10 to 15 million bits of information all around us at any given moment and we can only perceive a 40 bits per second is what it shows in in science in quantum physics then what if you're getting the controlling people in your life because it's what's active in your field and it's what's
been normalized on the inside you enable that energy and when you stop enabling people they very quickly will go to find other people to to manipulate just think about it people that are control rolling and manipulative if you didn't tolerate that and you hadn't normalized it they wouldn't be manipulating you they'd be going somewhere else so when you start setting boundaries even if they don't like it eventually they'll go off somewhere else and find someone else to manipulate but it's not your problem it's not your thing to deal with so understand that one of the
most powerful things you can begin to do is to bring the energy back inside of your body when I learned this in 2012 or no in 2019 Maybe I was living in Sedona and I remember walking around feeling the separation between me and other people just a settle thing wasn't like I was constantly thinking like every time I saw someone I was like Magneto like like trying to like bend them with my mind or anything there is no spoon some like Morpheus Matrix thing it more so is just feeling the separation becoming developing a new
relationship with tension accepting that if someone else feels tension that's their thing to feel and that I I can handle as well and what's funny is when you start setting boundaries with people that normally wouldn't expect you to you want to know a lot of times what happens is you think what's going to happen is they're going to abandon you never want to be friends with you again tell you off yell at you a lot of times what happens you express how you really feel you're being vulnerable and guess what happens they end up respecting
you and if they don't like it guess what you've made your life easier because you've drawn a line of what you accept to what you don't accept and that weeds out naturally the people that don't respect the new you so the frame technique and feeling safe inside of your own body is really about bringing the energy back into the bottom three chakras feeling safe feeling the separation between you and other people and if you want to learn the frame technique you can check out I have YouTube videos on it and I have a whole entire
module inside High Vibe 101 you can check out by clicking the link below I have a YouTube video that explains more of the frame technique right here that you can check out that I think will change your life over the last 6 months my whole entire energy has changed in a very positive and Powerful
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