[Music] imagine someone insults you criticizes your work or outright disrespects you in public your first reaction anger frustration maybe even the urge to retaliate but what if I told you that you could become Untouchable that no words no actions and no insults could shake you ever again sounds impossible right well the stoics mastered this and today I'll show you you exactly how you can too anger is one of the most destructive emotions it clouds judgment ruins relationships and gives control to those who provoke us but the ancient stoics like Marcus Aurelius senica and epicus believed
that true strength lies in mastering your emotions in this video we're going to break down how to train your mind to never get angry or bothered by anyone no matter what they do stick with me and by the end of this video you'll have the tools to build an unshakable mindset let's dive in number one reframe insults the power of perception senica once said we suffer more in imagination than in reality think about it insults only hurt because we allow them to the next time someone says something offensive ask yourself is this really about me
more often than not people's negativity reflects their own struggles not your worth practice seeing insults as noise irrelevant meaningless words that have no real impact on you next time someone offends you pause and say in your mind this is their problem not mine watch how quickly the anger dissolves number two control what you can ignore what you can't epicus a former slave turned stoic philosopher taught one of the most powerful lessons there are things within our control and things outside of our control other people's words actions and opinions completely outside of our control but our
response entirely up to us when you realize this you stop wasting energy on things you can't change and focus on what truly matters your own piece of mind the next time someone upsets you ask yourself is this within my control if not let it go number three practice negative visualization this may sound strange but the stoics believed in mentally preparing for worst case scenarios if you prepare your mind for potential insults criticisms or disrespect before they happen they lose their sting when they actually occur Marcus Aurelius did this daily reminding himself today I will encounter
people who are selfish rude and arrogant but I will not let it disturb my peace every morning take 30 seconds to remind yourself that you will face negativity today but you will not let it control you number four respond with indifference nothing frustrates an angry person more than someone who refuses to act if someone tries to provoke you and you respond with calm indifference their power over you disappears imagine a fire without oxygen it dies out that's how anger Works your lack of reaction suffocates the negativity the next time someone tries to provoke you simply
smile and walk away that's real power number five strengthen your mind through daily discipline stoicism isn't just a philosophy it's a practice if you want to be truly unshakable you need to train your mind daily meditate Journal your thoughts practice self-reflection the more self-aware you become the harder it is for others to control your emotions start journaling every night write down moments where you felt anger creeping in and reflect on how you could have responded better over time you'll notice a dramatic change in your [Music] reactions the secret to never getting angry or bothered by
anyone lies in your ability to control your perception focus on what you can change and train your mind to remain unshaken remember no one has power over you unless you give it to them now I have a challenge for you for the next 7 days whenever someone tries to provoke you respond with complete calmness observe how they react and how much more in control you feel then come back and share your experience in the comments if you found this video helpful don't forget to like subscribe and hit that notification Bell so you never miss a
new upload let's continue this journey towards mastering our minds one stoic principle at a time see you in the next video