"Despedida" - Episódio 4 - O Segredo na Floresta RPG

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Cellbit Lives
Após uma intensa batalha, os investigadores se despedem de alguém especial. 🔗 REDES DO CELLBIT 🔗 ...
Video Transcript:
GM: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to another episode of "The Secret in The Forest". The Secret in The Forest is a RPG session where I and many other streamers together tell a story. I'm the story's narrator, I'm the Game Master. so I interpret the entire world, while my friends are characters of this story, the main roles, and without further ado let's chat with those who are with us, ladies and gentlemen. First of all... Welcome back, Rakin! Calango: Hooray! (Luba: Yes!) Gabi: Yay! Rakin: Sup. (Luba: Amen!) GM: Finally! (Rakin: We're back, we're back.) GM: After two long
weeks of torture without Thiago to keep us company. Luba: Exactly. GM: I won't need to repeat "dude" the entire time. There's someone else to say it. Luba: No door got kicked, man, It was really weird these past episodes. GM: Isn’t it? No door got kicked in two RPG sessions. Rakin: I missed y'all, guys. GM: Welcome back. GM: Do you have any message to give us? (Rakin: Thank you) GM: Rakin obviously didn't participate in the previous sessions but he is aware of most things that happened to Thiago he actually didn't watch some things where Thiago wasn't
around on purpose to not know of it, to be more accurate... Which I thought was really cool of him Rakin: Exactly. Imagine, I suddenly know of everything that happened, not even being there. GM: Exactly, yeah. You could play it off, but it's cooler when you actually don't know. We have in here... Do you wanna introduce yourselves again? Here besides me we have Lubita! Luba: Hello! Hello! Hello chats. We have multiple chats, we are in squad mode today, many chats are interacting with one another, that's super cool! GM: We have... (Luba: Thank you for accepting me
back...) (GM: No problem). Luba: ... And Joui is ready GM: Gabi! (Luba: To pirouette around.) Gabi: What's up! GM: To join us today, as well, we have Little Calango. Calango: [happy sounds] GM: We obviously have Rakin and Guaxi! Who is back Who is strongly returning from the previous session. Guaxi: Sup guys. I'm not that strong actually. GM: Today we don't have any announcements to do. As always, thanks very much to the community that uses the hashtag #OSegredoNaFloresta for all the arts posted there, everyday it's more amazing. Thank you very much for the support. This is
one of my favorite projects I've ever done and it's really, really cool to make it all happen. Thank you for the love and for always being here watching us, thanks for the subscriptions and... That's it. Without further ado then, are you guys ready for... Oh, go ahead, Gabi. Gabi: Keep posting the memes cause we always look after the stream, please. (GM: Exactly.) GM: It's the best thing, it's the best thing. Luba: We send each other the tweets' links. GM: We have a group chat of the RPG where we just send each other memes once the
stream ends, it's nice. GM: But, well... (Rakin: That's true.) GM: Let's go to our series opening and go back into our universe, where we sadly had a not so happy conclusion last episode... GM: Let's go. Luba: OK. [OPENING] GM: OK. In the last session, in the last episode, after you investigated the Carpazinha's Sanatorium, you all decided to go to the Ashy Armpit pub once again to see if you can find more information about the Kelvin Team, the order's members who mysteriously disappeared in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul, which is where you are. Arriving
at the pub, you encountered loud noises of a show getting prepared, a rock show. There you met Brulio's son, the leader of the motorcycle gang that frequent the pub... (Guaxi: The owner's son.) ... Arthur Cervero. GM: After discovering that the guy in charge of the gas station that stayed not too far from the pub, didn't like to talk with people, Thiago thought that it was more clever to go interrogate this man alone to not make him nervous. After an hour and a half without any news from Thiago, you then decided to check the station and
you discovered that the owner of the gas station was dead, being devoured by a spider. You all then entered the forest following a trail looking for Thiago, where you found yourselves in front of an enormous monstrosity in the form of an arachnid that somehow had trapped Thiago inside itself and in a form of some type of cocoon In the middle of this despair and the situation's shock, some of you escaped from the tempest of spiders while Cristopher, in a final act, sacrificed himself jumping on that creature to save Thiago, being devoured seconds before the creature
exploded in flames. Thiago, from your point of view now. Rakin: Me. GM: You, during that investigation... During your talk with Mr. Getúlio, the owner of the gas station, you discovered some relevant information but your last memory, before the void, was of him looking scared and pointing at something behind you. And then... It's all white, nothing makes sense, this memory... It's as if that had happened 100, 200 years ago. You see yourself in this maze, white and endless, and you walk, on it for hours... days, weeks, you no longer have a notion of time, you don't
know what time is anymore, you're alone in this complete immensity with no sight of perspective. You no longer can see yourself, you look for yours hands, you look for your body but you see that nothing exists there anymore. There is just you on a void, on white corridors. And for some reason the only thing that's inside your head is this same symbol This is the only thing that still makes sense to you. You then keep walking for an eternity, what seems to be an eternity in this white maze, and you finally see some type of
exit You see a door or what resembles a door, you don't know what is or what isn't anymore. When you are about to cross it and become something... beyond, become something that you... the place that you're on, become light... you feel something holding you back. And, suddenly, you listen to something that you haven't heard in a long time. A familiar voice shouts from behind you. Cr: BOY! GM: You look behind you and there's Cristopher! Right there besides you. He had his hand on your coat and he turns you around. Cr: Boy! How are you?! T:
What are you doing here, my dear? What, I've been here for... Goodness! I've been here for so long dude, I don't know what's going on. I've been here for... weeks, months, I'm lost! GM: Looking at Cristopher makes you realize what you are. You can see yourself again. you notice that this place isn't where you belong to. There's something weird and Cristopher is the only thing that can hold you in the reality that you know that you once were a part of. Cr: Boy, you won't believe, a bunch of stuff is happening outside. T: Man I
don't know what happened I've, like, been in here for a long time and the last thing I remember is that dude from the gas. Getúlio screaming and then I'm here dude, I woke up here like... I was looking at my own body and not seeing anything... Do you know what's going on here? Cr: Boy, I must tell you what's going on, I think you're not... T: I'm not understanding. Cr: We came to a forest and there was a giant spider. GM: Cristopher, you feel that your time is vanishing from your hands. You feel your existence
being erased slowly, you feel like you don't have enough time to say everything. Cr: Boy, I must go quick, I think. T: What do you mean? What's going on? Cr: I don't know, boy, listen! Listen to what I gotta tell you! Uh... You might not see something very nice... but... I need you to listen to me now. T: I have discovered some stuff about the investigation as well. Cr: You, boy, are very important to me. T: Why are you telling me this? Cr: All of you are very important to me. Boy, please... In the same
way that I took care of my son, of my wife, I wanted to take care of your father but I couldn't. T: What do you mean, my dad? Cr: I tried to take care of your father, boy... Please... Take care of my boy for me. T: But Cris, everything will be okay. We'll just get out of here, you came here so we just turn back from the path you came from. Cr: Boy, it's not that easy, boy... I need you to take care of... Cesar for me, please, boy. T: No, you can take care of
him. Don't say it like that, it's literally just go back from the path we came from. Cr: Boy, I think I don't have any more time... I trust you, I trust all of you. Everything will work out. T: No... Yeah, everything will work out, exactly! You'll come with us, there's no problem. Let's go solve this puzzle together, dude. Cr: Boy, there's no problem, boy. I love you. I've always loved your father, always felt pride in what he made me do. Please, again... take care of my boy. Give me a hug, please. T: I won't let
you go, you'll come with me. You're not leaving. Cr: Give me a hug. Please, boy, I just need a hug. Rakin: I give Cris a hug. GM: When you put your arms behind Cris you feel his arms bringing you a familiar warmth, a good warmth, you feel... Almost like it's love in its purest form. And, suddenly, you start to slowly open your eyes... and Cris is no longer there. You see Joui, and Arthur in front of you, J: Thiago? T: Where's Cris? (GM: And you see Thiago waking up) GM: in the middle of the forest
in flames. T: What happened? Where's Cris? J: T-Thiago, Thiago-sensei... T: What happened? (A: Thiago, are you ok?) T: I'm... I’m fine! I was talking to him! I spent weeks in the maze, where's Cris? He came to bring me back, where is he?! J: Cris stayed behind. T: What do you mean, behind? He was with me, literally just now, Where is he?! J: No, sensei... He stayed behind. T: What do you mean, dude? We'll go bring him back then. J: No… GM: You wake up, Thiago, and you see that you're leaving the forest towards the parking
area from Ashy Armpit. You're very weak and drained, you're completely pale, and you hear the sound of fire from behind, and its heat. T: Is he there? We'll bring him back then There's no discussion, we'll bring him back. J: No, sensei, we can't. We can't and we must keep running, ok? T: No, man! He's there! Rakin: I get up and go running, shouting: (T: CRIS!) (J: I hold him) GM: Roll a constitution test to see if you can walk... GM: ...you're very weak. While you talk, you can hear a thunder in the distance, and you
can feel some raindrops slowly falling around you. Rakin: I passed, 52. GM: Ok, you can then release yourself, you can go with difficulty, walking towards the forest in flames and you see the scene of Cesar completely static, you can only see his long hair and Liz hugging him. Cesar is looking towards the fire and towards what looks like black goop all over the place and a body fallen more ahead... Being almost completely consumed by the fire. Rakin: I see the scene and start crying. Luba: I go running after him too and stop beside him and
I give, I don't know... I hug him too. Guaxi: I'm standing still, feeling useless. GM: You're all in this moment. You see then the flames, which isn't a wildfire yet but is centered on the area where that big spider previously was. It slowly consumed Cris's body... And you see it being carbonized in front of you as the rain starts getting heavier. L: Cesar? It started to rain, let's go inside the pub? Calango: I want to slowly walk towards my... dad's body. Gabi: I want to hold him by the arm so that he doesn't go towards
the fire. GM: You hold it then, or Cesar, do you want to push it to continue? Calango: Isn’t the rain putting out the fire? GM: You feel that it'll maybe put it out but... It is starting to get stronger, the fire is being put out, yes. His body wasn't completely disfigured by the flames, it just started to burn but the rain is falling on it and keeping the fire medium and it's being put out for a bit. You slowly walk, and you feel Liz is holding you. Calango: I fall on my knees to the ground.
Gabi: I just keep my arm over his shoulders and stay there. Luba: I walk slowly and do the same thing. Calango: OK, some time pass and I... I drop the first tear and, once the first tear falls, I start crying loudly and... start shouting... and hitting the ground... Gabi: I stay there, with my hand on his shoulder. Guaxi: I'm crying like this. Luba: I stay by his side. (L: Cesar?...) ...Do you want to stay here or do you want to go to the pub? Gabi: Ok, I see that he doesn't reply to me and I
sit on the floor, beside him GM: Arthur, you then listen, coming from the pub, a deep voice: Brulio: Arthur? GM: Worried, coming in the middle of the rain, a strong and big silhouette, your dad, comes. Brulio: What's going on? GM: He looks confused towards the fire. A: Dad! Guaxi: Then I come closer to him and say: A: Wait, wait just a bit, because the situation in here is a little... Brulio: What happened? We heard gunshots and... The forest is on fire?! Guaxi: I look to my dad like this and then: A: He saw it, dad...
He saw his own dad dying in front of him, dad. Brulio: Who died? Where? Guaxi: I then look behind and... Does Brulio see when I look like this, kind of like pointing out? GM: Brulio is confused trying to understand it. He's seeing Cesar on his knees, screaming and crying, and the fire is getting lower. But he is very confused, he's trying to understand and the rain is making it hard to see in the night. Guaxi: Ok. GM: He comes closer and hugs you. Brulio: Son, what happened? A: Dad, he saw his dad dying in front
of him, dad... Brulio: Who saw it, son? A: I didn't see mom (Brulio: Who died?) A: and Henrique dying and that breaks me to this day, imagine him... It was Mister Cristopher, dad... Brulio: What happened to Cristopher? What happened to Cristopher?! GM: He goes, he lets go of the hug and walks slowly towards the fire to try to understand a little better. Guaxi: OK. I... Ah, I stay crying like this, I can't hold back, I'm crying a lot. J: Liz-senpai... What do we do now? I don't know what to do. L: We need to give
Cesar some time. And not let him under this rain. But I think that, before anything else, he needs to... bury his dad. Guaxi: Ok, I... I'm like, crying like this so I go [slaps himself], then I turn around and say: A: Dad, we gotta take them inside. Letting them stay under this rain will be worse. GM: Brulio is looking confused, he says... He kind of ignores you and walks towards the body. He crouches... and he is looking around and he puts a finger on the goop that is around... That is around Cris' body. He looks
like he's trying to analyze it. GM: He's crouched on the floor. (Gabi: Can we...) Gabi: ...analyze the goop's aspect? If it has the same “calling” as the other ones? GM: Yes, yes. You all felt it when you were fighting against the smaller spiders too. Gabi: OK, I get up and run towards Brulio to take him out of the goop. GM: When you start running, you see Brulio a little unfocused, he was looking at Cris' body but now you see that he's only doing circular movements on the goop, expressionless. Gabi: I grab his arm and try
to lift him up, Gabi: take it out of the goop. (GM: Roll a strength test.) GM: How much was it? Gabi: I gotta roll a strength test? (GM: Yes, strength test.) Guaxi: Your audio failed, Cellbit, that's why… (GM: Oh, that's fine.) Gabi: Wait a bit... Regular. GM: You're unsuccessful. You try to pull him but you feel like you barely touched him, you're giving your all, [groaning] trying to pull him and you all see Liz trying to pull Brulio out but it seems like he's not even feeling it, just looking and playing with the goop. Luba:
I went running because I did it with Liz before, so I noticed right away too and went running to try to pull his arm as well. GM: Roll a strength test please, with advantage since Liz is already doing it. Luba: It It was very good. GM: Very good? (Luba: 27, yeah.) GM: Just let me confirm it here. Luba: It was good GM: You rolled the advantage, right? Luba: I gotta roll it twice and get the better one, right? (GM: Yes.) Luba: Yeah, I got 27. GM: You two together manage to pull his arm away from
the goop... and you see that he wakes up like this. Brulio: What? Ah… What was that? J: Sir, sir, it's not safe to stay in here. Brulio: What happened to him? J: We can explain it all, but we need to get out of here right now. It isn't safe. GM: He gets ready like this and... Brulio: We gotta do something with this body. What's all of this? GM: And he points out to the spider's remains that are still dissolving and getting smaller. J: What we're going to do with the body is up to Cesar-kun. L:
And what happened in here was... an attack from the forest's animals. Brulio: I never in my life saw an animal from the forest like this and I grew up all my life here. Guaxi: I arrive running and say: A: Dad! Look at the situation, now is not the time for that, don't ask and let's wait... Look what happened, dad! Brulio: I don't... Okay, son Let's go back to the pub. GM: And he gets up with his hair all wet, turns around, and walks towards the pub. Guaxi: I turn to the guys: (A: Let's go, guys?)
J: It's Cesar's decision, first. Gabi: I... (Calango: Is the fire out?) GM: The fire is nearly all out, yes. Calango: OK, I'm waiting for the fire to be completely put out, I'm still crying in the same way. GM: OK, you wait some seconds and you see, finally, the fire going out and you can easily access Cristopher's body that is still recognizable. But it now is completely burnt, besides also being partially dismembered. Guaxi: When I see the burnt body I turn around, and start crying. GM: Actually, now that you've seen it, Arthur, with more clarity... Everyone
who hasn't seen it, in this case, Joui and Thiago, roll a sanity test for me, please. Guaxi: Me too? (GM: For seeing Cris dead) GM: You’ve already seen. Rakin: Sanity, in this case, my maximum sanity? GM: Yes. No, from your current sanity, it must be higher than it. Rakin: From my current sanity and it must be better than that? GM: Yes. Luba: I failed. Rakin: I passed. GM: OK, you passed? Luba: I failed. (Rakin: 56.) GM: If you passed you get... GM: a damage of 2 sanity points and who failed gets... eight. Luba: Wait, a
failure, in this case, is if I rolled less? GM: No, if you rolled less than that you passed. Luba: Ah, alright, I got more so I failed. GM: Ah so.. Wait, you got more? Luba: Yeah, I got more. I rolled a 78 and I have 25. GM: You lost 8 sanity points. I took the maximum on my dice. Gabi: Wow! Luba: What kind of insane attack did I get now, then? GM: It passed, it passed... (Gabi: It was arachnophobia) GM: You're in shock now. Gabi: we got it too. (Gabi: Hah, got it) GM: But that
was from Cristopher dying, GM: it wasn't from the spider. Gabi: Oh, OK. Calango: OK, is the fire out then? GM: The fire is out, yes. Calango: OK. I still am on my knees on the ground, I... Is the dirt a bit wet? It is, right, because of the rain. GM: Yes, everything is getting quite muddy around all of you. Calango: OK, I want to start digging a hole with my own hands. GM: OK. Calango: Start slowly. GM: You all see Cesar, in the middle of the rain, crying and dragging the dirt beside Cristopher. Guaxi: I
see him doing that so I get on my knees and start digging with him too, to help him dig it. GM: Ah, nice, hello? Luba: Damn. (GM: Yeah, it lagged for a bit, yeah. ) Guaxi: It lagged a little. GM: There are many... Oh, it's back, it's back. Gabi: Yay, it's back. GM: Wait a bit... Just a second, we're having technical problems in case you hadn't noticed that yet. I don't know what is going on but we'll go calmly. Wait, it's not this one, it's this one. You all then see Cesar digging the hole and
Arthur goes beside him, gets on his knees and helps him too. Luba: I help too. Gabi: I want to approach Brulio. GM: Brulio is almost entering the side door of the pub, you all see many gang members looking confused and training to understand, and Brulio just tells them to get inside. L: Uhm… Mr. Brulio. Brulio: Huh? Gabi: I'm hearing to my voice twice, wait a bit 'cause I'm kinda insane... There we go, hey. L: Mr. Brulio do you perhaps have a shovel? Brulio: Uh… We can find one for sure. GM: I'm hearing myself twice too.
Guaxi: Is it me? GM: I don't know, maybe. Brulio: We can get one, we can go find one for sure. Hey, Ivete! Do you Do you have a Do you have a shovel? GM: Then Ivete: Ivete: What? But why a shovel? What is going over there, Brulio? For the love of God. Brulio: Ivete, just bring out the shovel, please. GM: Ivete sees the countenance on Brulio's face and doesn't even question him anymore she just goes to where she keeps some tools. She grabs a small shovel and it seems like it's not often used along with
other tools Ivete: Uh, it's in here, but what is going on? GM: He simply takes it. Brulio: Here. (L: Thank you.) Brulio: This moment is yours. (L: Thank you.) GM: He hands it to you. Gabi: OK, I'll go back to where the boys are. GM: OK. L: Guys... Can I help? J: Oh, great. Luba: I propose myself to get the shovel. J: Do you want me to… Do you want me to dig , Liz-senpai? Gabi: OK, I hand the shovel to Joui. Luba: I tell Cesar: J: Cesar-kun, can we... can we... help you? I have
a shovel here, do you want me to dig? Calango: OK, I'm still crying and dragging my hands. I look at Joui when he says that and raise my hand for him to give me the shovel and say: Ce: Please, Joui. J: Ah, OK, it's your decision. Luba: I hand him the shovel. Calango: I grab the shovel and start digging alone. I tell everyone: Ce: Guys, let me do this, please. J: We J: We will be here for whatever you need, ok? Calango: I just nod like this and keep digging. GM: You then see Cesar's back
in the middle of the torrential rain, digging slowly a hole big enough to fit Cristopher's body. He will spend some time there doing that, alone. Luba: I I stay by his side the entire time. Just there, not saying anything in case he needs someone. GM: Thiago, you're muted Guaxi: It's really muted. Gabi: It's really muted. Guaxi: Leave the call and go back, sometimes... GM: Ok, let's see if it'll work. It seems like after Cris... You feel inside you hat, ever since Cris left, it seems like everything is going wrong Nothing seems to be working in
the way it should. Everything is indeed falling apar... falling apart Guaxi: Hello? Rakin: Oh, is it working? GM: Thiago... Calango/Luba/Guaxi: Hey! (Gabi: Yay!) GM: Thiago was even gasped at this moment. Guaxi: Wise words. (Rakin: I was, I was.) GM: Then you keep Cesar company, and in the rain, he digs without... Rakin: I wanna stand up and ask Brulio for an umbrella. GM: Brulio is inside already. Rakin: I wanna go there… inside there. GM: OK, while you see Cesar like… [digging sounds] you walk towards the bar and you go inside, and when you're walking in, you
can already see Brulio with some raincoats because he noticed the situation, and he was already taking them for you guys. Rakin: I wanna take them from his hands, saying nothing. GM: He look at you and says: Brulio: Come back inside later. GM: He gives you the raincoats. Brulio: And be careful, are you sure it's safe? Are you sure it's still safe outside? Rakin: I don't even respond, I just leave. GM: You turn around and Brulio stays silent, he just sits down and watches you guys. You see his stare as one of a concerned father, regarding
all of you. You go back with, uh, only 3 raincoats but two of them are very large, probably one of them belonged to Brulio himself, so it can easily fit two of you. And you see Cesar, still digging, and you can't recognize if there are tears in his empty expression, full of pain Rakin: I wanna give one raincoat to... To Joui, and give the other two to Cesar so he's extra protected from the rain, Master. GM: Cesar, you are completely focused, just trying to understand, and trying to hold back your pain; and in the way
you've always felt, you feel alone again. Once again, you feel like you are alone in the world, but this time there's nothing Cristopher can do. Seeing Cristopher come back every time, for a long time, you kept all of this rancor inside of you, all of this hurt inside of you, in relation to him. But now you understand why he did that, and seeing him come back, even if you were a bit harsh with him, it always brought you happiness, it always made you feel better, it always made you understand where you were in the world.
And now you know, there's no way he's coming back, and this feeling of emptiness won't get out of your chest, doesn't matter how much you try to fill that space with every bit of dirt you dig out. Calango: OK, Thiago gave me the raincoats and I say to him: Ce: Thank you. It's cold, I don't like the cold... Rakin: I give him a hug. Calango: But I'll keep digging. GM: You guys then see Cesar, he spends more than 10 minutes digging nonstop, and you all stay silent. GM: (inaudible) Gabi: I wanna walk to the burned
wood, I take a piece of rope from my backpack and I start crafting an improvised cross. GM: Ok. (Gabi: With the wood that I find.) GM: You start to craft this cross, and after around 10 or 15 minutes, you realize that there's already a grave that could fit a human body, but Cesar doesn't stop digging, he just... He just keeps and keeps going. Guaxi: I see it and I kind of, touch his shoulder. A: Cesar, I think that's good enough. Calango: When Arthur says that, I stop. GM: You stop… and the grave starts to get
filled with a bit of water, slowly, but very little water, and the water gets absorbed because of the mud. A: What do you wanna do now, Cesar? We’ll do whatever you want. Calango: I turn around, I carefully walk to my father's body and try to lift it at least a little to drag it to the grave. GM: Roll a Strength test. Rakin: I'll help. Luba: Me too. Calango: I failed. GM: You guys see Cesar trying to lift Cristopher's body, [sounds of struggle], and he can't. He's too heavy and Cesar can't lift him, but he's giving
everything of himself. You can force it, Cesar. Calango: I'll force it, and now I got normal. GM: With advantage if you want, because of the moment. Calango: Now I got good. GM: OK, you guys see Cesar struggling at first, but when you guys are about to help him, you see him using all of his strength, one that you've never seen Cesar have before, and he lifts Cristopher's body without an arm, and with a lot of difficulty he carries it to the grave he made. Calango: I carefully put the body in the grave. GM: When you
put him there, you turn him upwards and you see that he's missing one of his eyes, and the one that remains is the exact one that had the scar, you see emptiness in his eye. And while you look at him, you can see Cristopher smiling again, and that was something he always did, he was always smiling. He died smiling. Calango: I'll just stand up and cover him. GM: You then see Cesar start to fill the grave bit by bit, covering his father's body with pieces of soil. A: Cesar, can I help you? Calango: I ignored
it and just continued. GM: You throw another bit of soil, and for some reason you have a lot of difficulty trying to cover his face. You cover his legs, his arm, you manage to cover his chest, but when you reach the moment you're going to see your father's face for the last time… You can't. Calango: OK, I just leave his eye uncovered. GM: You guys see Cesar shaking, with the shovel in his hands, he can't cover Cristopher's face with the soil. Luba: I approach him, hold his hand and tell him that I'm there, in case
he needs help to do that. Calango: I look at Joui and say: Ce: I think I'll need it now. J: Then we’ll do it together. Is that OK, Cesar? GM: You guys see Joui helping him, slowly digging the shovel into the ground and throwing the last bit of soil to cover what's left of Cristopher's face. And for the last time, you guys see Cristopher's face before he's completely covered by the soil. Gabi: I approach them slowly with the cross in my hands, and I set it slightly above the grave they dug, and I push it
into the soil with the weight of my body. GM: The soil is very soft because of the mud, and you can easily put the improvised cross, bending slightly to the right. Calango: I fall to my knees again and... GM: You were on your knees already. Calango: Then I start to cry desperately. Luba: I go on my knees in front of the grave and make a reverence, in respect. A: I go down as well, close my eyes, and pray. Gabi: I continue standing next to everyone, behind Cesar, and just stay there. GM: You stay there on
your knees in the middle of the forest with the sound of the raindrops falling onto your raincoats. A large raincoat protects you from the cold and from the rain. Rakin: I wanna take the pocket watch that has the photo of my father inside it, and put it on the cross to stay with Cris. GM: You do it. Gabi: I see Thiago doing this... GM: You see Thiago hanging the pocket watch with a photo of Arnaldo Fritz, who has always been Cristopher's best friend through all their lives. And you know how much your father mattered to
him too. Gabi: I see Thiago doing that, and I take my mother's photo that I carry in my pocket, now soaked because of the rain, and I stare at it for a while before I leave it with the cross. GM: You see, Cesar, in your father's cross, all of your new colleagues, your friends, adding memories of their own tragically lost parents to your father's grave. You feel like you're not alone anymore, that emptiness that was plaguing you while you were digging, it slowly gets filled with the feeling that they're all there for you. Calango: OK.
I grab my wallet and I take the photo of my mother, and I say in a loud tone: Ce: It's gonna be tough, right guys? It has always been, but now it's gonna be worse. J: One thing he left for us was his love. Ce: I tried to be angry at him for leaving me, missing him always hurt me. It isn't easy to live a major part of my life without him. It wasn't easy, but at the end of the day he was still my father, he still had his silly way to do things, to
scream every time he spoke. And he was still protective of everyone he loved deep in his heart. It was never easy, and it's gonna get worse. And at the end of the day I'll have to deal this. I'll have to deal with the fact that I didn't say “I love you” when I needed to. J: He knew it, even if you didn't say it. Ce: I'm sure that, even if he's distant, he'll continue protecting us. J: He will. A: I know that I barely knew him, I actually just met him today, but… From what I
knew until now, he was a thousand times the man I'll ever be. So you just have to be proud of him. Ce: I am, I'm very proud. J: I have never met... a father that loved his son so much, and I... really wish Mr. Cristopher was... I really wish my father would be like Mr. Cristopher. My father never hugged me. I really admired him. Ce: Me too. Calango: I stand up. GM: You stood up then, you were under a large raincoat, and you were with a little one too. You stand up, and what does everyone
else do? Luba: I join Cesar. GM: You see Cesar stand up and look at the cross. Guaxi: What? I didn't hear it. GM: You just see Cesar standing up slowly, he's looking at the cross and he kind of brings the large raincoat up a little. Ce: Hey, do you guys still have the photo we took at the sanatorium? L: Joui... (J: I got it.) Ce: Can I have it? J: Sure, but I took a photo of the photo… It's on my phone, so I'll send you through text. Is that OK? Ce: Yeah. J: Sorry. A:
Guys, let's go inside then? J: I think that's better, we need to stay warm and... Guaxi: OK, I touch Cesar on the shoulder and say: A: Is it OK if we go inside? Ce: Let's go, it's time. I'll go right after you guys in a minute... A: OK, then I'll lead the way. Guaxi: Then I turn around and I walk to the bar, I leave then there and walk to the bar. J: Liz-senpai, Thiago-sensei. We should go too, shouldn't we? T: Yes. Gabi: I stand there... (Rakin: I'll go walking). Gabi: ...I stand there staring at
my mother's photo for a while. Guaxi: OK, as I... (Luba: I...) Guaxi: Oh, say it! Luba: I follow Arthur. Guaxi: As I'm going to the bar, I'm like... looking up and crying really hard. GM: You see Brulio waiting for you guys at the door frame, he watches you guys approaching. Guaxi: Ok. I’m crying when I get there and I give him a hug. GM: He gives you a hug and says: Brulio: I love you, son. A: I love you too, dad. GM: He pets your head. (A: I really wanted...) A: ...I really didn't wanna be
useless, dad. Brulio: Son. GM: He holds your face and makes you look at him in the eyes. Brulio: You are perfect, you have always been perfect. Doesn't matter what decisions you make, doesn't matter how much we fought, or if I didn't agree with the fact that you think music will take you far. I love you, son, and that's all that matters. You have to follow your dreams. A: I miss them so much, dad. Guaxi: And I hug him tightly. Brulio: Me too, son, me too. GM: You feel a small tear fall from Brulio's eyes, something
you haven't seen in years, since the day your mother and brother passed away. Guaxi: OK, I just give him a very tight hug after I see that. GM: The person that's coming after them sees Arthur crying and hugging Brulio, near the bar's door. Luba: I just stand there behind them, thinking of my family in Japan. GM: At this moment, there's only Cesar and Liz standing in front of the grave. Gabi: I wanna talk to Cesar, but my stare is fixed on my mother's photo. L: Cesar, it's very difficult without them, but everything they've done was
to prevent us from crying at this moment. So we would keep our heads up and follow our dreams. And I'm sure your father [sniffle] always wished the best for you, even from afar. Because that's what they do, right? Gabi: And then I turn around and walk to the bar. GM: Ok. You hear those words, Cesar, and you also can't stop staring at the cross. You're having your moment and you hear Liz's words, you hear her leaving, and now it's only you and Cristopher's grave. You’ve never felt so cold before. Calango: I look up, the rain
falling on my face, and I say: Ce: You know how much I hate the cold, right dad? It's cold. It's cold inside, too, but I'm sure you're gonna keep me warm. Calango: Then I smile softly and leave, walking in the direction of the bar. GM: After this moment, you see Arthur looking back after he hugged Brulio, and you see everyone arriving. Thiago arrives right after you, Arthur, then Joui, then Liz. And you see Cesar in the back, standing there for a minute before he gets up. With difficulty, he turns around and starts to walk in
the direction of the bar. Guaxi: I see them coming, everyone? GM: Yes. A: Ok, dad. What do we do now? I don't know, I'm still so shocked. Brulio: I... son, I need to understand what's happening. What was all that? How did Cris died? A: I don't know if it's the best time to talk about that, dad. But I think it's better if everyone just get in the bar to calm down, and maybe another time we can talk about it, and they also can explain to me, cause I still don't know a lot. GM: He walks
in and goes towards one of the tables, the gang guys are all confused and you notice that they're not even approaching. It seems like Brulio really just told them to chill. You see Ivan, a closer friend of you, approaching and he really wants to talk to you but he's holding himself back. This is not the right moment for that. Brulio sits down and there's already many drinks on the table, one for each one of you. You can move around the scenario, if you want. Gabi: I walk to the table, grab a bottle of whiskey and
pour it in small doses. Guaxi: OK, I sit down as well and I'm like [breathing sounds] breathing like this, then I [SLAP] hit my own face, grab a drink and just chug it down. GM: All of you sit down, and when you do, you see Cesar's silhouette with a raincoat, slowly walking into the bar. Guaxi: Ok, I look at Brulio... is he looking at me? If he's near to me, can I do something to catch his attention? GM: He's sitting with you guys, he's waiting for you. Guaxi: OK, I look at him and I'm like,
[motion with his head], like this towards Cesar. GM: He looks at Cesar and you see Brulio standing up, he walks to the door and says: Brulio: It's Cesar, right? Ce: Yeah. Brulio: I'm still trying to understand what's going on, but your father… He was a good man. Calango: I just make a sign with my head, like... Brulio: Can I tell you a secret? I just won that time because I twisted my hand, he was way stronger than I am. Calango: Ok, then I just chuckle softly like “hum”. GM: He turns around, walks towards the counter
to get another drink. Brulio: Hey, young man. Ce: Yeah? Brulio: What do you like to drink? Ce: I want some water, please. Brulio: Ivete. GM: Ivete opens a bottle, pours a glass of water, and then leaves it on the counter. Guaxi: Ok, I see her doing that and I say: A: Ivete, put that on my father's tab, mine's full already. Brulio: Arthur... A: Sorry, dad. Calango: I sit down. Did she put it in the first sit? GM: She left it next to Brulio, you can reach it. Calango: OK, then I sit there and I drink
the water slowly. GM: Brulio walks to the other gang members, they're all super confused about what's happening, they have no idea. He just makes a signal and all of them start to move to a corner of the bar to leave you guys alone, and he goes with them. J: Liz-senpai, I have never drank before, but can I take a sip of this thing you're drinking? L: You want this, boy? Guaxi: I turn to Liz and say: A: [whispering] Let him have it, please. J: I think I want it. L: You know he's not gonna handle
the first sip, right? Are you crazy, Arthur? (A: It's alright,) I think the situation is fitting. J: But, just to clarify, my body continues being a temple, I just... A: Of course, it's a special day. Luba: (I want it.) L: Hey, Ivete! Ivete: Yes? L: Bring us a glass with ice because the boy won't handle this on its own! Ivete: Uhh... J: Ice? Ivete: O-ok. GM: She grabs a glass and puts some ice in it. Luba: OK, I take the bottle, the glass, and I start to pour a lot inside it. J: I-is this alright,
Liz? L: Drink as much as you wish... G(M: She didn't bring it yet) I thought you're saying something. Then you see her bringing the glass and it’s actually the first time you guys see Ivete bringing something out of the counter. Guaxi: OK, I look at... (GM: And Arthur,) you know she doesn't bring things out of the counter, ever. She gives them the glass and then leaves. Guaxi: OK, I look at her, whining a little, and I say: A: Thanks, Ivete. Ivete: No problem. J: Thanks, Ivete. Gabi: Just to make it clear, Liz is chugging down
her drink and a third of the bottle is gone already. (Guaxi: [inaudible].) GM: Yes, roll a Constitution test to see how drunk you are. Gabi: It's right here, look, a third of it is gone. GM: Liz, roll a Constitution test to see how drunk you are. Liz: [laughs] Luba: Oh, she's drunk in real life. Gabi: I got normal, normal. GM: Normal? You're a bit drunk, just a bit. You're not crazy yet. Gabi: It's because I'm... I was too sad and now I'm exhaling the rest of my feelings. Luba: Alright, I fill my glass up like
this, completely out of notion because I've only seen my friends drinking beer, so I filled it up like this. Guaxi: Then I say: A: Wow! OK, Joui, will you... will you take a sip? Or will you chug it down at once? L: [laughs] J: But how do you drink it? Isn’t it like drinking normally? Like... A: There isn’t a right way, it’s how your heart desires... L: Shh, shh! Leave him, Arthur, leave him. (J: Alright...) A: OK. Then whatever you do, I’ll join you. Guaxi: I pour myself a glass too and I hold it in
my hand like this. J: O-ok... Luba: Then I smell it... (Gabi: I grab the bottle back and I hug it.) J: Ugh! Ugh... GM: You see Liz hugging the bottle with her face slightly redder, and you see there's still some blood running down her nose from the punch she took earlier that day from the chair. A: Liz, your nose! Ha! L: Ouch, that chair really broke me, huh! Guaxi: Then I look at Joui... (J: Hm, I don't wanna be like that…) J: Ok, here it goes. Luba: I pinch my nose like this. L: Yeehaw! J:
Ugh! A: Yeah. J: Why do people do this? It's horrible! A: You’ll know why soon! J: Ugh, but I kind of want more. L: Wow, you drank the whole glass, my god! Arthur, how many glasses do you think it takes to make him knock out? A: This one, once he finishes it. Gabi: I fill his glass up to the rim. GM: You empty the bottle in his glass... (Luba: I feel very happy when she fills my glass.) J: Thank you, Liz-senpai... GM: The bottle is dry after you pour in his glass, GM: And you see...
As soon as the last drop falls you see Ivete coming back to you, Cesar, and she sets a new bottle right in front of you. Ive: Don't you wanna go there and sit with them? Calango: She gave me a bottle of what? GM: It's a brand new, sealed bottle right in front of you. Calango: Is it whiskey or water? GM: Whiskey, you're drinking water and she says: Ive: Don't you wanna take this to their table? GM: She looks at you with a concerned face. Ce: No, no, I'm fine. L: Hey, Ivete! We're out of whiskey!
A: Bring one more! (L: Brazil!) L: We need more, Ivete! Calango: OK, I see shit is going down and I walk to their table and say: Ce: Guys, I'm going back to the hotel, OK? I'm not really feeling it. T: I’m going with you, Cesar. Rakin: I get up from my seat. Guaxi: Ok, I look at them and I say: A: Sorry, guys, I was just trying to… You know... Ce: It's alright, Arthur. It's alright. J: What? A: Ok, guys, you can go... Liz and I will take care of Joui. L: Yeah, yeah, we'll take
care of it. Calango: Ok, I leave with Thiago then. I leave and go to the hotel. Guaxi: Before the... Before he leaves, Thiago, I mean, I pull him and say: A: Dude, sorry for anything I might have done, for real. T: You don't have to apologize for nothing. T: Really. (A: Alright.) Guaxi: Then I hit on his shoulder and say: A: Take care of him. Guaxi: And I just turn around and return to the table. Calango: OK. How close the hotel is... to the Ashy Armpit pub? GM: It's not very close, it's about 20 minutes.
GM: By car. (Calango: By car?) GM: Yes. Ce: Hey Thiago, are we going with our car? What are we going to do? GM: Where are... Put yourselves on the map, just to have some notion. Calango: Huh? GM: Put yourselves on the map, just to know where you are. Calango: I think I left through here, look. Gabi: I'm at the table. (GM: Ok, you guys are down here? Ok.) Rakin: I went with him. GM: Right. Ce: It's better go by car. No one is gonna drive in the condition they are getting into, right? T: We guarantee
they won't drive the car and we'll also get there faster. Ce: That's true. Ok, let's go. GM: You go towards the car that is parked near that truck. You arrive in the car and, who drives? Thiago? Calango: Thiago, yeah. (Rakin: I'll drive.) GM: Ok. You get in the car, Thiago turns it on and you who are inside the pub drinking, listen to the car getting turned on and they leave slowly with the car. At that, Brulio finally sees that the vibe is a little lighter and comes to your direction, he pulls a chair. Ivan and
Marcelo come too. Actually, all gang members come and stay around the table. Ivan: But what the hell happened? For the love of God! GM: Then Brulio: Brulio: Son, you... What the... What is going on? A: I don't know either, dad. A: I don't know either. Gabi: I drink some more while they ask. Brulio: What happened in the forest? J: Spiders! I don't like spiders. Brulio: Marcelo, go see Mr. Getúlio. GM: Then Marcelo: Marcelo: Fine, fine. GM: He leaves in a hurry. Guaxi: I remember of Mr. Getúlio and say: A: I'll go with Marcelo Guaxi: So
I get up and go with Marcelo. GM: Ok. You see Marcelo... You two go walking together and he's going kinda fast and says: Marcelo: What is that, Arthur?! What is going on, dude?! A: Marcelo, all about the show getting canceled is because of what you're about to see, what happened to Mr. Getúlio. I knew that eventually you'd have to see... Marcelo: We heard a bunch of gunshots noises coming from the forest, dude, I'm nervous! Marcelo: We go against the Hounded but for the love of God! (A: I know! I know!) A: I'm as confused as
you are. Differently from you, I've seen worse stuff happening. Marcelo: What happened? Tell me! (A: I just know that... Let's go.) Marcelo: Did they kill Mr Getúlio?! What is that?! (Guaxi: I pull him towards Mr. Getúlio.) GM: OK, you go towards Mr. Getúlio and you see Mr. Getúlio with his face all eaten and blood all around and remains of black goop. Marcelo: My God! (Guaxi: And I say...) Marcelo: My God! (A: Marcelo! Marcelo!) A: Marcelo! Marcelo: What the hell did they do to Mr. Getúlio?! They killed Mr. Getúlio dude! A: It wasn't their fault, it
wasn't their fault! A: I reacted the same way you are. (Marcelo: They blew up his face, Arthur!) A: I know! I know! A: I have no idea of what happened! (Marcelo: Does Brulio know of this?!) A: I don't think so. Marcelo: Brulio needs to know this, for the love of God! A: Calm down, I will tell everyone, 'll tell everyone what happened but wait! Wait! It's too recent yet! Marcelo: Mr. Getúlio! GM: He goes towards the corpse. Marcelo: Mr. Getúlio, what happened?! Oh my goodness! Dude, my god! A: Spider. Marcelo: What?! Spider?! What kind spider
does that, Arthur?! A: I didn't know either, dude... It was the same spider that killed the boy's father. Marcelo: Oh my Goodness, what the hell is going on in this world, dude?! We are in Carpazinha, what the hell is going on, Arthur?! A: I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, Marcelo! I don't know! and I don't know why you're shouting at me as if I knew the answers! I'm as confused as you are! J: Is there someone screaming outside? GM: You're listening loud shouts coming from the house. J: What is going on... Is
there a way to drink to not listen to screams anymore? L: There is...! J: Liz-senpai... (L: Do you want some more, my dear?) J: Do you know how you say whiskey in Japanese? L: How? (GM: Brulio listens to the shouts...) J: Whiskey. GM: Brulio listens to the shouts Brulio: What is going on there? L: Damn. J: Spiders! No one listens to me! L: Spiders, Mr. Brulio, spiders! Brulio: Oh my God… (L: It's an awful creature...) GM: He grabs the bottle and takes it by force, do you try to hold it or do you let him?
Gabi: No, I stay holding the bottle, Gabi: I won't let him pull it. (GM: Ok, he'll try to take it by force.) Gabi: OK. (J: This man's audacity on touching Liz-senpai) J: Heeey! GM: Roll a strength test Gabi: I did, wait a bit... GM: You have disadvantage because you're drunk. Gabi: I got regular. GM: You have disadvantage because you're drunk. Gabi: Oh OK, I gotta roll it again, OK... Yeah, still regular, I got a higher number. GM: OK, he easily takes the bottle from you. Brulio: You have to stop drinking. GM: He pulls it from
you and you just... The bottle just goes. Brulio: Ivete, prepare some water for them. GM: And he goes outside taking the bottle with him and goes to see, going in the rain, he enters in the rain like this [rain noises] and you see him going towards Mr. Getúlio's house. And Arthur, you're shouting at him and when you look behind you see the large figure of your dad illuminated by the street's lights behind him, he's just standing and you hear a thunder [thunder noise] He's in shock looking at Mr. Getúlio. Guaxi: I say... B(:Arthur!) A: Dad,
I don't... I don't know, dad. Brulio: What happened here? A: I canceled the show… I will tell you everything already. All that I know, because I don't know too much and A: Marcelo started to shout at me, I'm nervous! (Brulio: Was it The Hounded, Arthur?!) A: Ok, pay attention... (GM: You have already seen your dad pissed off...) GM: ...Before but now he is completely... He lost it. He lost it when he saw Mr. Getúlio. Brulio: Was it The Hounded?! A: No. It wasn't them, dad. A: You saw it in the forest... (Brulio: Who killed Mr
Getúlio?!) A: The remaining of the spiders and all of that, the goop that... Brulio: Where did these spiders come from, Arthur?! A: I don't know, dad! I don't know! All I know is that... Pay attention, I'll tell you all that I know. I came in here to see what was happening to Mr Getúlio and Thiago wasn't here, Mr Getúlio was dead and they told me some spiders had killed him, some real monstrosities, and then they told me to cancel the show, so I canceled it. then I had to go to the forest with them, then
a bunch of spiders appeared, then the spiders killed Cristopher in front of everyone A: and it was that, dad! That's all I know! (GM: He rests his hand on your shoulder...) GM: ...holds it tightly. Brulio: Where is my gun? Guaxi: Then I pull it like this and hand it. GM: He takes the gun from your hand, turns around and walks towards the pub. Guaxi: Ok, I follow him since I don't know what he'll do. GM: He arrives in the pub and you hear, almost feel the floor trembling when he gets close to the table and
he punches the surface. Brulio: What happened?! L: Hey Mr. Brulio, give us the bottle back, my dear. Today was a tough day. Brulio: What did you do? J: Ah… I'm not feeling too well. Brulio: What were those spiders? Explain! J: Spiders! That's what we said! L: When a spider shows up in your house do you turn to it L: and ask where it's from? (Brulio: Murilo, close the door.) GM: Murilo comes and... J: Liz, I think he's mad. GM: He comes here and pulls a grid that it has to the side. J: Hey! Why did
you lock us in? Brulio: Because is Mr. Getúlio dead. What happened? J: Do you know who else is dead, too? J: A bunch of people. (L: Don't say that out loud.) J: A bunch of people! Boooo Mr. Getúlio, booo... J: Seriously, Liz, I'm not alright. Brulio: Don't you have any kind of respect?! Brulio: You left your friend alone, drinking, instead of talking to him! You killed... You killed Mr. Getúlio! You come to my pub! To my town! To... GM: He calms himself down. Brulio: You come to my pub. To my town. And when you arrive
you bring chaos, death, explain! What is going on here? J: Hey! I don't like it when I'm scolded, ok? Brulio: And I don't like when my lifetime friend is killed because of people I don't even know! J: And did you want more people dying? Because that's what we just avoided! Because this place was full and what happened to Mr. Getúlio would happen with everyone else! Is that enough explanation to you, sir?! Brulio: No, it is not good at all. Where those spider come from? Since when are spiders 30 meters tall?! Guaxi: I come walking like
this towards the table, I get close and with all my strengths I hit the table and say: A: Stop screaming!! GM: Roll an intimidating test. Guaxi: I hope I get an awful number at that! My intimidation is... Aw, man, I think I failed... GM: No, that's fine. You hit the table and shout. Brulio looks at you. Brulio: Arthur, why didn't you tell me that they... Why didn't you tell me about Mr. Getúlio? A: Dad, I'm sorry! I saw two dead people, do you think the first thing I'd do would go to daddy and tell you
just because I'm your son? Calm down, dad! Calm down! I would tell you eventually but you need to have patience! L: Oh, snap! Gabi: I poke Joui with my elbow. J: Haha... (A: Everything you're seeing I saw it too,...) A: I reacted the same way you did. But I saw it happening! I saw, I saw a person die today, dad. And you must understand that this person who I saw dying was a friend of these two people at that table so if you keep pushing it, it won't do anything, besides you screaming with them when
they're drunk, at that! As if you're not aware, lives in a pub and doesn't know drunk people? Brulio: I know drunk people... (J: That was really good.) Brulio: But I do not tolerate people who have no respect. Guaxi: I look at the two and: A: Guys, he's right too, he has a point. You come in here, you arrive on the day of the show which was special to me, I had to cancel it, I lost a friend... J: What a shame! You would do the show, it'd fill up with spiders, we saved you, Arthur! Is
it a bit too hard to ask for some damn gratitude in this place? Liz! L: I have nothing to do with that. Guaxi: I hear that, turn around and say: A: I'm leaving. Guaxi: Then I grab, I open the door and leave. J: I'm tired, ok? I'm far from my family, I'm feeling things in my body that I've never felt before, we just tried to help. And when we try to help... People scream at us! I don't understand anymore, I don't understand anymore... GM: Brulio, he looks at you. Brulio: I know that you are feeling
a great pain today. I respect your pain, but don't disrespect the pain that others have because yours exists too. Leave the pub for today, please. J: I kinda agree with him, Liz... Sir, could you take us to the hotel? L: You didn't ask that to him... L: Not today... (J: We can't drive.) Brulio: Arthur! (L: We'll go by feet!) GM: He shouts. Roll a listening test to see if you heard that, Arthur. Guaxi: OK. Let me see where my listening is... Wow, ah! I succeeded. GM: You hear Brulio calling you from inside. You're leaving like
this at the door and you hear Brulio shouting along with the rain. L: Hey, the boy in there drank too, huh. Guaxi: I come back, open the door looking at him like this, in tears. Brulio: Take these two to the hotel. L: He will hit the car, I can already tell. A: It's a motorcycle. Hurry up. J: Three people on a bike? A: It fits! Just let's go. (L: Now I wanna go! I wanna go!) Guaxi: I ride the bike like this and... GM: So you... (A: Liz, can you stay behind me? I don't want
Joui touching me.) L: Ah, whatever. J: I think he wants you to touch him, Liz...senpai. Careful. A: Fine, then stay behind me, I also don't wanna talk! J: OK. L: I like it. GM: You then get on the bike, he has a big one... Do you want to describe your bike, Arthur? Guaxi: I'll leave it to the game master. GM: Tell me the model of the bike you bought there. Guaxi: Let me see if I can find it... Damn, I'm not sure if I wrote it down. GM: You bought it, you spent so much on
this bike. I was there with you when you bought that bike, brother! Guaxi: True, that was half of all the money I had. Wait a bit, I'm searching it on my list. GM: We went to see the bike's site! Guaxi, for the love of God! Guaxi: Yeah, I know! (Calango: You visited the site?) GM: I visited the site to see its price, its model. Guaxi: But the bike... You saw the price, the model, but you only told me the price, didn't you? You didn't send me the model, we saw the model of something else, of
that... That. GM: Right! Wait, I think I found it here. (Rakin: That?) GM: It's a Harley Davidson, very pretty and black and spacious. It has... It's a rider bike so it has those very wide and tall handlebars. You two can fit the back easily because you are both small. And the rear wheel is very large. Is there any customization in it, Arthur? Guaxi: There is a sticker of the Scoundrel, of the dude showing his middle finger, the southern dude and that's it, I think. Yeah, that's it. GM: You then get on the bike, in the
middle of the rain... Who still has the raincoat? In that moment? Cesar had the small one and there were two big, GM: did none of you take it off when you got in? (Luba: Thiago handed one to Joui.) GM: Wait, have you taken it off or not? (Luba Thiago handed one to...) GM: Alright! (Luba: I didn't say that I took it off but... At the time...) GM: It's fine. So you guys are being hit by the rain. Arthur gets on this big bike that is parked beside... Guaxi: I throw my hair back. GM: He throws
his hair to the back. And you... Wait, these two are no longer here. So you go on the bike and he starts to drive you towards the hotel. Roll a drive test please, Arthur, since you drank a bit. You didn't drink too much, you don't feel that you're drunk, not too much, you just feel a bit... GM: Roll a drive test. (Luba: It'll be a disaster.) Guaxi: Dude, I failed by one! By one! Guaxi: I'm so sad. (Gabi: We're going to die... ) GM: Ok, but you can force it. (Gabi: ...on the bike.) Guaxi: I'll
force it Rakin: My God... (Guaxi: How do I force it? I roll again?) GM: You roll again and if you fail it might be a disaster. Rakin: My God. Guaxi: Eighteen! GM: Eighteen? GM: Ok, you go... You go up on his bike. In the beginning when he starts the engine, since it's raining a lot and the street isn't well illuminated, he goes up, he makes a curve and slips, it feels like you might drop but [movement noise] he puts you two back in place and [vrooom] goes straight fast. A: Did you want it with emotion?
Yeehaw! J: Hooray! Ah! (Luba: I hold him once again.) GM: Roll a dexterity test for that. Luba: Fucking shit! Why do I open my mouth? Why do I do that, dude? Holy shit. Guaxi: Every time. Calango: The dude really wants to fall off. And you have disadvantage since you're drunk Luba: I passed! It was good, it was good. GM: Ok. You go [slipping noises] and go back, since you're an athlete you do that easily. So, you take them. The noise is loud, you can't even chat due to the noise. You arrive at the hotel, that
you know where it is, since you were raised in Carpazinha, you arrive at the small Carpazinha hotel. Since you went really fast, once you arrive you see Thiago and Cesar up the stairs to enter. Guaxi: Me? (GM: Yes.) Calango: Wow, we took a while. GM: No, but it was because he went much faster than you guys, GM: You were riding calmly and he rode super fast since he's a motorcycle rider. Guaxi: I stop and: A: We're here, guys, and apparently your friends just got here too. J: I'm embarrassed... GM: You guys hear [VROOM] Cesar and
Thiago, you hear the bike making a very strong noise and [ttattatta] and you guys look behind yourselves and there is Liz and Joui getting off the bike a little crooked with Arthur driving it. J: Liz, do you think they'll notice? L: [Laughing] (Guaxi: I talk like this:) A: These two have lost it! J: Shush! L: [Laughing] J: I'm still a bit unwell... L: Unwell?! J: Uh...huh. Guaxi: Can I go off then? I turn the bike on and... (GM: You can do whatever you want to, you are free.) Guaxi: I turn the bike on and look
at them like this, A: lower my head, and leave. (L: Nonononope, don't go!) J: Bye, Arthur! Calango: I see the situation of those two and tell Thiago: Ce: That thing looks a bit ugly. Tomorrow we will have to go back because something must have happened in that pub. T: I just think they drank too much, dude... J: Mr. Brulio shouted... (T: You can go to your room and I'll help them,...) T: ...If that's alright? (Ce: Sure, thanks. That's alright, thank you.) Rakin: I go down the stairs to help them, since they're staggering a lot and
falling on the asphalt. GM: They're pretty bad, yeah. J: Thiago-sensei! I'm fine. Gabi: Liz, she kind of tries to push them to the side like this so she goes on her own. Rakin: I let her go alone and offer my shoulder to Joui. J: Thank you, Sensei. (GM: You then enter the hotel and you see...) GM: ...another attendant, it's no longer the same one, it's an older man. He seems a little more serious and he says: Manager: Ah, good night, good night! Manager: Can I help you? (L: Hey! Good night!) GM: When Cesar passes by
him he says: Manager: Sir! Are you lodged here, sir? Ce: Yes, I'm in room 23. Manager: Room 23? GM: He looks. Manager: Ah, you were lodged in here the day before yesterday, right, sir? But you must do another... Well... Ce: Ah, I must pay again, don't I? (Manager: You don't look so well, sir. Let's do it like this:...) Manager: ...Give me your card so I can reactivate the room and tomorrow we'll solve the payment, alright? Ce: Alright, we can do it like that, I have dirt all over myself anyway so that would be the best
indeed. Manager: Did something happen, sir? You don't seem... Well, I'm sorry. That's unprofessional. GM: He takes it, swipes it,... Does a [writing noises] and hands you the room's card. Calango: OK. Manager: Have a good rest, sir. Ce: Tomorrow I'll come back here to do the payment Ce: thank you. (Manager: Leave it to me.) Ce: Thanks, good night. GM: He's a middle aged man, probably the hotel's manager. J: I'm hungry.. GM: After that he sees all of you arriving, all very dirty, wet, with mud all over your bodies. Arthur left, right? Guaxi: Yeah, I took a
turn on the corner and I am in the corner crying, I couldn't hold it, I was hit with sadness. GM: Ok. Manager: Sirs! Can I help you? T: It's all under control. (J: Yes) L: Hey, my dear, yes, you can help me. Are there any drinks in the room's minibar, right? There is, right? Manager: We make drinks directly down here, actually. You buy here and take it, in this case, but there's no minibar. L: Woah, you do drinks down here?! Manager: Ah no, no, no, now it's closed. (L: Hey Joui!) Manager: It's almost eleven o'clock
right now. J: Nothing goes right! (L: But, but, but, but don't you have a closed bottle?) L: Can't you sell me the bottle? T: No. Manager: Ah... The miss... GM: Roll a charm test then. Gabi: Wowie, I'll get a huge failure. Wait... How much charm do I have... Nah, I failed, I failed. GM: Then he: Manager: Are you sure, miss? Uh, I don't know if... Manager: Well, I can sell. (L: Sir, please sell me a small closed bottle.) L: You won't even need to make the drink! (Manager: Are you alone or are you with them?)
GM: He points around to you two. L: No, my room is a single. It's just me, I'm alone. Manager: Ah... I don't... GM: He looks at you two waiting for an approval sign, can he sell it or not? He's a bit concerned. Rakin: I look at him and do this. Manager: Lemme see, lemme see... Ah, miss! Sorry, we're out of stock just today. L: Ahh, sir, is there no DoorDash in this town, sir? Manager: No, no, there isn't. Carpazinha is quite small, you know? We really don't have it. J: Is there a restaurant... (L: Is
there water in the minibar?) Manager: What? There are no minibars in the rooms, we have a small fridge but we don't put drinks in there because it could cause trouble. Manager: People here drink a lot. (J: What logic is that?!) Manager: Not that I'm implying you drink too much, miss. I'm saying that people from here drink too much, for sure. L: Wait, what? I drink too much?! Manager: No, no, no, miss, God forbid me. L: How dare you! Thiago, hand me the car keys, I'm sleeping in the car. T: No, I'm not giving you the
car keys. L: Thiago, I'll sleep in the car. Let me sleep in the car, please. T: Liz, you're not sleeping in the car, you have to rest. Manager: Are you alright, sirs? You're so dirty. Is that blood? (L: Did you hear what this man said to me?!) GM: He points like this to you, Liz. There's a wound from the spiders in here. L: Holy fuck... Gabi: I just put my hand over it like this. J: See? There's nothing there. What an inconvenient guy... (Manager: Don't you want to go to the hospital, sirs? Maybe?) Manager: Sirs,
you don't seem too well. I can call an ambulance in case it's needed. T: No, it's all fine. (L: Let me sleep in the car...) T: No need to worry, dude. (J: Is this a hotel or a hospital?) L: Thiago, let me sleep in the car... Manager: This is a hotel, sir. Carpazinha Hotel. J: Then we gain hotel stuff, no need to ask about ambulances. I don't understand this dude. L: I want to sleep in the car... Thiago, give me the keys... T: I am not giving you the car keys, Liz. Guys, Joui. Liz. T:
Please. (J: No... Yes?) T: Go to your rooms and rest. (L: I got you out of a giant spider...) L: For you not to give me the damn car keys?! (J: [shh...lalala]) Luba: I start dancing to distract the guy. J: [distracting noises] GM: He takes the phone and dials. Manager: Can you come here in the reception very quickly? I'm having a problem. J: Is that from the restaurant? We were talking about... It's just there is a country I visited where they eat spiders, she mixed stuff up, haha! L: Next time you get trapped inside a
spider I won't take you out of it! J: [Lalala] L: I won't save you anymore! (J: I am so hungry!) L: That was the second time, (J: She is drunk, she's saying nonsense!) L: Thiago, the second time! (J: Thiago-sensei, can you make her stop speaking?) L: That other time it was that girl! (J: Please! [Lalala]) L: That girl that was going to transform you, disgrace! (GM: Some seconds pass and you see a man approaching,...) GM: ...He seems like he's been sleeping, he almost has a security vest but it seems like he's still putting it on,
he's a big guy and he: Security: Uh… What happened? GM: He stares like this. (J: What a deep voice.) Security: Is there an invasion in the hotel? Sorry, I was.. T: No, sorry, my friends drank at the pub, the Ashy Armpit, they're very... GM: He is a bald, big, strong dude. Security: Uh… What's up, do you need something? T: No, they're just unsettled. Sorry, bro. (Manager: Ah…) GM: The manager stares a bit. (L: And he has the audacity...) Manager: I'm not sure what to do here, there are two... (L: To say I'm unsettled!) GM: Then
he: Security: Do you want to lodge, sirs? You don't seem too well. Don't you want to go to the hospital, sirs? I don't know. J: But again? Again this “don't look so good”. (T: There's no need.) T: Brother, they just drank too much, dude. They just drank and it's the first time that kid drank, and I'm not sure how much the lady over there drank. Security: Well, they're getting the lobby all dirty, can you please Security: take responsibility and make them... (L: Lady over there?!) Security: Please, don't make me ask you to kindly leave. (J:
Kid?! I'm twenty-four.) L: Lady over there... (T: It's tough.) L: I saved his life twice and he calls me the lady over there. (GM: The security, he crosses his arms...) GM: ...like this and is waiting for you to leave, either to lodge yourselves or to leave the hotel. T: Guys, please, go to your rooms to no longer bother this man here. J: Fine. But I'm going because I want to, not because you're making me. Okay? T: Sure, Joui. (Security: Do whatever you want, kid.) Luba: And I go. (Security: Hey, you must lodge yourself first.) GM:
Then the manager: Manager: You all have lodged before, haven't you, sirs? You're the group who lodged here some days ago, right? Two days ago. T: Yes. (Manager: I'll reactivate the keys here for you so you can go to the rooms.) J: OK, here is my key. GM: He takes it. Manager: I will... Just one second. This room wasn't cleaned yet, I'll put you in the room... 404, if that's fine to you? J: Liz-senpai, for the love of God, he wants to put me on the fourth floor and Room 404! I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die,
I'm gonna die... L: It's four! J: Thiago-Sensei, for the love of God! (Manager: Sir?) J: Sir, is there another... I will sleep dirty! I will sleep dirty! I'm already dirty, I will sleep dirty! There's a washroom, I'll just... T: Joui! It's fine. (Manager: What's the issue?) Manager: Then Room 103, is that fine? J: It's fine, it's great... No! No, no, no! One plus three equals four, are you out of your mind?! No, no, no, no, put me back into my old room, for the love of God! I slept in there and nothing bad happened, for
the love of God... Manager: What was your old room, sir? Here, it was... Ok, 203, can it be that one? J: Yes! Yes! Yes! (Manager: Ok, ok, done.) Manager: Here is it. GM: [swiping noises] He swipes and hands you the card. J: Thank you. GM: He looks at Thiago. Manager: Are you sure you don't want to take them to the hospital, sir? T: ...Just drank too much. (Manager: Alright...) Manager: What about you, miss? L: I don't know which was my room. It was a room. Manager: Uh, just one second... Room 304, is that ok? L:
Oh, sure, sure. Is there a bed? L: If there is one I'm taking it. Manager: There is a bed, miss. A double bed. L: Hooray! I'll take it, thank you. GM: He swipes your little key and hands it to you. The security who was standing sees that things have calmed down, so he: Security: Well, anything else you can call me, OK, Rodrigo? Manager: Alright. GM: He then goes behind to see the cameras and... Whatever he goes to do, you don't know what. Manager: And you, sir? GM: He points to Thiago. Manager: Are you going to
lodge yourself here, too, sir? T: Yes. Manager: Don't you want to eat something, sir? You seem a bit pale. T: I'm good, do you have cigarettes? Manager: We do sell cigarettes, yes. J: Thiago-sensei! Gabi: Did I hear that? (Rakin: Haven't they left, they both?) Rakin: I waited till they leave to ask for it. GM: Ah, I see. Gabi: Ok. Luba: I stayed not too far because I heard about food. Can I roll a listening test? GM: You can Luba: I'll roll a listening test. I'm hungry! Wait, how much is my listening? Guaxi: Annoying. Luba: Oh
my goodness! I am drunk for reals, here's my listening, I just found it. Gabi: "I'm hungry!" [mocking Luba] Luba: Look at that, I didn't hear a thing! GM: You didn't hear a thing, you're drunk and all you hear is your room calling you to sleep, you're extremely tired and hungry. Guaxi: He's drunk and thinks he went deaf. GM: All of you are starving. OK, he pulls a small cigarette a box of cigarettes and hands you. Manager: I will put it in your room bill here too... Room 503, is that ok? T: It's fine. Is it
the same I was on before? Manager: No, because it's getting cleaned, so I'll put you on a new one. OK, last floor, sir. T: Thank you very much, brother. Guaxi: I'm at the corner, Cellbit, Guaxi: I'm sitting and I'll probably also... (GM: Ok, you're in the rain,...) Sitting down... What's on your mind? Guaxi: I'm thinking about my mom, about my brother, and... Joui was rude to me, so I'm in a bad mood. I start getting nervous and try to light up a cigarette in the middle of the rain a bit like... GM: Like this? Covering
it with yourself. Guaxi: Yeah, and I try to smoke in that corner. GM: Ok. You light up a cigarette, you're smoking. Guaxi: Ok. GM: Joui and Liz, since you two got very drunk right after what happened you two kind of got rid of some of your memory, so roll me a sanity test. Gabi: 28? Yeah, got it. GM: You passed... (Gabi: I got less) GM: OK. Luba: I got 17. GM: If you fail you can recover. Luba: Ah ok.. Oh for fuck sake. Guaxi: He's truly drunk. Luba: I failed. GM: Ok, then you recover a
D3 of sanity, Joui. Luba: A D3? (GM: Yeah.) GM: You roll a D6, and if you get 1 or 2 it means 1; if you get 3 or 4 it means 2; and if you get 5 or 6 it means 3. Luba: 1. GM: You get 1 sanity point, so you recovered because the drink didn't help you, but it'll erase some things from your mind so you don't remember as much detail as you've seen. Luba: Ok, I have one technical doubt... I add it to my max too? GM: No, just to your minimum. Luba: OK.
Calango: Can I do something before sleep? GM: Sure. Calango: I wanna Google for a printer in Carpazinha. GM: You find it, there's two actually. Calango: OK, that's it. Then I look at my mother's photo again and fall asleep. GM: Alright... Calango: Or at least try to sleep, actually. Gabi: Liz was going to her room by the stairs, but she only went up two flights, lied down there, and just slept on the stairs. GM: Ok... Gabi: She leaned on the wall and slept on the stairs, because she couldn't walk up any longer... Rakin: The room where
Thiago is, is it similar to the original? GM: Yeah, they're all the same. (Rakin: Identical?) Rakin: OK, I'll go there, and grab a cigarette. GM: Ok. Rakin: I look at the bed where Cristopher used to sleep, like... The same layout, and I put the cigarette back. GM: Alright, you do that. Does anyone else wanna do any ritual before bed? Anything? Guaxi: I wanna do something... Guaxi: Oh, you go first. (Luba: I...) Luba: I just went into the room, thought of... (GM: Roll a Constitution test.) Luba: Me? (GM: Yeah.) Luba: Why do I open my mouth...
Guaxi: Luba says “A”, and has to roll a Constitution test. Luba: I got… Good. GM: You're a lot more sober now, in the meantime getting here you've sobered up a little. Luba: OK, I look at my bed, take a deep breath, sit on the floor, and start to meditate. GM: Ok, you start to meditate and look into yourself, search the origin of your feelings, the root of the things you're feeling, and you feel well. You feel like you're one with the world once again, and it gives you 3 sanity points. No, sorry... it gives you
a D3 of sanity, Luba: I got 3. So that means I got 1, right? (GM: it's 2 points) Luba: It’s 2? (GM: Yeah.) GM: You spend... (Luba: And that's also my minimum?) GM: You spend some hours meditating to go through that, and that's it Anything else? Anyone? Luba: I sleep. GM: Ok, then everyone rolls a D3 to recover life... except Liz, 'cause she slept on the stairs. Guaxi: Can I... Calango: Arthur wants to do something. GM: What? Oh! Yeah, sorry! You go then, I asked... Guaxi: When I was outside, I blew around two puffs from
my cigarette, then I looked at it, and I started to think about it and I... I throw the cigarette away, then I take the pack and I crumple it, throw it away, take the motorcycle, and I drive back home. GM: Ok, you go to your house, which is right at the edge of the city, near the Ashy Armpit. Your house is small, you don't live with Brulio anymore, you've moved out and you have an apartment of your own. Or wait, do you still live with Brulio? I forgot to check that. Guaxi: I live with Brulio.
GM: Ok, then you get home, and you see Brulio sitting down at the table, drinking a little, and he doesn't look at you when you walk in. Guaxi: Ok, then I just stare at him and say: A: Today was his birthday, you know. Brulio: I know, son. A: 18 years old, dad. He was gonna join the Scoundrel Vultures. Guaxi: Then I turn around and walk to my room. GM: He stays up, and he turns on his stereo to play the music that he likes, which is a bit heavier but he turns the volume down when
you get into your room. Guaxi: Ok I guess all I do is sleep. GM: Ok, then roll a D3 to see how much you'll heal. Guaxi: I got 1, wow. GM: Then you heal 1 HP. Guaxi: How ridiculous! I got 1 HP, done, I'm full. Calango: You heal your sanity, don't you? GM: No, it's HP because you were resting. Ok, right. Gabi: Ok, wait... GM: Cesar, roll a... Gabi: I wanna say that Liz woke up in the middle of the night, because she was sleeping on the stairs and it was too uncomfortable. GM: Alright, then
you wake up in the middle of the night, no needs. to roll a test when you wake up, it's good. Gabi: With an immense need to puke. Guaxi: Roll a Common sense test. GM: Yeah, roll a Common sense test. Luba: A stiff neck test. GM: You wake and wow, you're all crooked, and it's around 2 AM. You're like “wow, fuck” and then you notice that you got the worst headache ever, and you really need to puke, but you've sobered up and you can go to your room. There, you can recover your HP. Gabi: I wanna
puke before I sleep, please. GM: Ok, then you go there, you puke as fuck, you throw up everything you've drank. gee, you've cleaned up your systems, and you're super weak because you've barely eaten all day. You recover a D3 with a penalty, so you can roll twice and take the smaller result. Gabi:No no, I already got 1. GM: Then you recover 1 point. You guys all sleep a lot, except Cesar, that couldn’t sleep much. And you wake up before everyone else, Cesar, around 6am. Calango: Yeah, I wake up before everyone and I wanna go to
the printer. GM: Ok, you go down, pass by the hotel's hall, you see that guy that attended you guys almost falling asleep, Rodrigo, a middle aged man. And he says: Rodrigo: Oh, good morning, sir. Ce: Oh, good morning. I almost forgot, I have to pay, right? Rodrigo: Oh, yeah yeah yeah. It's 80, right? Ce: Yeah, ok, it’s 80. Calango: I get my credit card. GM: OK, you paid it. You can take 80 from your value. Calango: From my credit rating, right? GM: Yeah. No no! How much credit do you have per day? Calango: I got
3.920. GM: No, you don't have that per day. Calango: Um, it's what I have here. GM: Oh ok, it's because you've converted it from Dollar to Real, right? Calango: Yeah. GM: Then you have like, about 400 to spend. It's ok, you paid for it, you don't have to discount it from anything. you paid for everything and it’s all solved Rodrigo: Do you intend on staying longer, sir? Ce: We’ll probably stay for a few days. Rodrigo: Everyone that got here with you, sir? Ce: Yeah. Rodrigo: Ok, I’ll leave it registered that the payment will be automatic,
so we don’t have to do this every time. Yeah? Ce: Sure, that fine, it's a good idea. Rodrigo: Oh, and please, in the rules of the hotel, be careful, yeah? So it won't happen again, you guys got dirt everywhere, the girl slept on the stairs, I didn't even know what to do… Thankfully she had already left when I woke up. Ce: My God! Calango: And I put my hand on my face like this. Ce: I'm sorry, I'll make sure it won't happen again. Rodrigo: Try to talk with your friends or else I have nothing else
to do, yeah, I'll have to call the police. Ce: It got to that point... Dear God... Rodrigo: It was complicated, mister... Cesar, right? Sorry, sir. Ce: No, it's alright, I'm the one that should be sorry, I'll talk to them and it won't happen again. Rodrigo: Sure thing. Calango: I get out and want to go to the printer Just to add context, I wake up before them with time enough to go and come back from the printer. GM: Sure, you woke up way earlier than everyone else. Guaxi, your cam is glitching... Gabi: Your cam stopped in
a nice frame GM: Sensual grin. ( Rakin: It’s very cute) Rakin: look at his smile. Guaxi: Fuck, what happened? Calango: Did he get disconnected? GM: Did it disconnect? Rakin: I think he's just very happy, he's stuck and happy... GM: Yeah, he's very happy. Oh... okay, he disconnected. Luba: Yes, he's back! But he's muted. Calango: Yeah, it's muted. GM: No no, it's not. Say something, Arthur. Guaxi: Hello? GM: It's good. Guaxi: Dude, only discord disconnected. GM: You get there then, you leave the hotel. How do you intend to go to the printer? You check on the
map, and it's a 3 minutes car ride, and 10 minutes if you go by feet. Calango: I'll just walk. GM: You walk to the printer, when you arrive it's around 6:30 AM, and it's right when the printer is opening. There's an old man opening the shop. Old man: Oh, good morning! Ce: Good morning, sir. How are you? Old man: I'm good, I'm good. Ce: I'm here to... (Old man: You wanna do something... sorry!) GM: He goes behind the counter, he wasn't even there yet, he was still opening the door. Old man: May I help you?
Ce: Sure, I need to print a photo, I have it on my phone. Can I send it to you by email? Old man: Send it to carpazinhasprinter3@gmail I’ll just turn everything on GM: He starts to do things, he's very old and cute, his skin is very wrinkled, he must be around 80 years old. And the shop is called Carpazinha's Printer, just that and he plugs everything to the wall socket. Old man: I'm turning it on. GM: It's a very old printer, and he has a vintage...looking monitor. He says: Old man: Did you send the email?
Ce: I did, I just sent it. Check if it's arrived already. Old man: Who's this guy right here, very strong... he looks like Vin Diesel, huh? Ce: Yeah, he looks like Van Damme... Old man: Wow, what's that thing behind him?! Ce: We were at a Halloween party. Old man: My God, what's that thing behind him?! Ce: It was part of the party's decoration. Old man: What's that animal? Oh, it was decoration? Meat? What happened? He's all wounded... Ce: It's fake, it was made with cornstarch. Old man: Dear God, that was scary, boy… Sorry. Ok, you
want to print this photo? Ce: Yeah... Old man: In colors? Do you want it in photo paper? Ce: In colors, yeah. And in photo paper. Old man: OK, OK. Ce: Can you make it in a size that I can keep it in my wallet? A small size? Old man: Oh, sure, sure. How many copies do you want? Ce: Only one. Old man: One, OK. GM: It makes a [tchu tchu tchu], he presses enter, and you can hear a [tsu tsu TSU TSU] and then it stops. He says: Old man: Oh, wait... [taps] Every time! [tuuh
tsh] OK, here it goes, sir. GM: He gives you the photo of Cristopher, all fucked up with the dead creature behind him, bleeding, that you took at the sanatorium. Old man: Is this the photo, sir? Ce: Yes, that's the one. Old man: Oh, it costs 1 real. Ce: Alright. Calango: I take a 1 real coin from my wallet and give it to him. Old man: Thank you, have a good day! Ce: Thanks, sir. Have a good day and be careful, make sure to wash your hands. Old man: I like your hair! Ce: Thanks, thanks. Old
man: Oh, you're right. there's hand sanitize here, see? GM: He applies a lot of hand sanitize on his hands. Ce: Ok, I also apply some to my hands to clean it up, and I go back to the hotel. I sit on the floor and wait for the guys. GM: Ok, you go back to the hotel then... roll a D6 for sanity, and add “Cristopher's photo” to your “important items” sheet. (Calango: Oh yeah, sure.) GM: Now you have an important item, and this item will help you deal with some difficult situations from now on. Calango: OK,
a D6? GM: Yeah, a D6 for the moment. Ce: 1. Rakin: Wow, I lost 1, didn't I? GM: Yeah, you get 1 sanity point. Calango: OK. Rakin: I’ll have to change mine because I took the pocket watch out, Rafa? GM: Yeah, you did, you get that out of your sheet. Rakin: R.I.P. GM: Then all of you wake up around what time? What time did each of you wake up? Cesar woke up earlier than you did, and all of you wake up hungover... Joui and Liz wake up hungover, Arthur wakes up kind of OK, and Thiago
wakes up fine because he didn't drink. Calango: Depending on how long they're gonna take, I wanna get up and walk to a place to eat a grilled cheese sandwich, anything, just to waste time. GM: Ok, there's a diner close to the hotel, it's called Casper's Diner, and you can go there. Calango: OK OK, but before that I'll wait a little, if I notice that they're taking too long, I'll then I'll leave to find the diner. Luba: I wake up around 8 AM, which is the default time that Joui wakes up, I make the bed with
a terrible headache, I clean the room, I make the bed, and then I go downstairs to talk to Rodrigo. GM: Ok, then you wake up, And... and you go downstairs to the lobby. Did you see Cesar or not? No, right Cesar? Calango: He didn't, I had left already... I wouldn't wait for an hour and a half. (GM: Yeah, you went to the diner.) OK, Joui gets in the lobby, and Rodrigo is there. He says: Rodrigo: Oh, good morning, sir? J: Good morning, I'm Joui, we talked last night when I arrived here... Rodrigo: Yeah, I remember.
Are you OK? You drank too much, didn't you? J: It's alright, it was my first time... Rodrigo: Just be careful with the hotel rules, because yesterday I even... I allowed it because we don't have many clients and I don't have much choice, or else we would have to pay the debts. But next time, there's no way, you know? We have to pay the security guard, and he has to do his job. J: I apologize for my behavior, and I'd like to offer myself to do any type of job here, if I can do anything to
compensate. Rodrigo: Oh, sorry, sir... I can't do that, you know? It's not on my... J: Alright, I apologize once again. (Rodrigo: But if you really want to,) since you're insisting, you could clean your room, from the other time... J: Oh, right... it's already clean, in fact. Rodrigo: Oh, alright, then it's fine. Thanks, you already did your job! Why are you offering more? J: I apologize once more. Rodrigo: Alright. (J: It won't happen again.) Just be careful, and your friend has to be careful too... she was very drunk. She slept on the stairs, did you know
that? She slept on the stairs! J: Liz-senpai slept on the stairs?! Rodrigo: I didn't even have the courage to interrupt her, actually. J: Oh, did you take a picture? Rodrigo: No, I mean... J: Did you take a picture?! Rodrigo: I dunno... [Laughs] J: I-I promise I won't tell anyone, I'll tell them it was me. Rodrigo: Gimme your number, gimme your number. J: Here, here. Rodrigo: There it goes, I'll send it to you but for God's sake... I might lose my job. J: Okay, okay. (J: Our secret.) GM: He grabs the phone. Rodrigo: I took a
photo from two angles, from the top and the bottom, look, she was even drooling! J: Check out this video of her falling at the pub! Rodrigo: Lemme see, lemme see. J: She was trying to grab a dart. Rodrigo: Wow! She broke her nose, that's why she was all bruised. My God, wow! J: She's fine, she got drunk and now she can't even feel it. Rodrigo: Fuuuuck, wow. J: Thanks for the photo Rodrigo: No problem, it's all good. But don't tell anyone, for God's sake I'm gonna block your number, I didn't send you anything. J: No
no, it's fine! I sent you the video, so the video is the assurance that you're safe. Rodrigo: Nice, nice! J: Ok, thank you. Oh, Excuse me, but did you see that hairy guy around here? Did he wake up already? Rodrigo: Oh, he did! He passed by a lot earlier, I dunno... He just passed... He said good morning and... He paid for his stay, and then went outside but didn't return yet. He must have gone out to grab breakfast. J: Oh, is there a place around here to have breakfast? Rodrigo: Yes, there's Casper's Diner at that
corner. J: Okay, okay. Thanks, sir. Rodrigo: You're welcome. Have a good day. J: Have a good day. Luba: And then I walk to Casper's Diner too, because I'm hungry. (GM: Ok.) GM: Everyone else wakes up. Guaxi: I wake up as well, but I live in... Do I live far from there? GM: You live near the Ashy Armpit. When you wake up, you see... you feel a delicious smell of bacon and eggs, and you recognize that that's the special breakfast that Brulio makes on your birthday. You get out of bed, walk to the living room, and
he's there waiting for you, still in his skull...themed pjs, and comfortable slippers. Brulio: Oh, son... Calango: How sweet... Brulio: Yesterday was a complicated day Sorry. Yelling at you like that wasn't fair. I don’t know exactly what you've seen, but you liked mister Getúlio as much as I did... he was a difficult man to deal with, but he had a pure heart, he was a simple man that just wanted to live in his little house, in his little gas station... Guaxi: I just smile a little and walk towards him, and give him a hug again. Brulio:
Oh, hahah! It’s alright, son... I know that I'm very proud of you. And I know your mother and Henrique would be too, I hope you know that. Guaxi: OK, then I wipe my eyes and sit down. A: Let's eat then. (Brulio: I made your breakfast,) and I'm going to the bar because the Houndeds' time is over. Let's see how Ivete's doing. A: Alright, go there. Thanks, dad! Brulio: Take care! A: You too... (A: Love you.) GM: He leaves the house. Brulio: I love you, son! GM: He leaves, you hear his motorcycle makes a loud noise
as usual, and he drives off. Guaxi: Ok, I'm just sitting there and I see our family's framed photo. Four of us. GM: Yes, you see... Do you wanna describe the photo? Guaxi: It's a photo of us at the Ashy Armpit, the pub's a little younger. And it's the four of us, kind of... in front of the counter, Ivete isn’t there. And it's the four of us, everyone is smiling and Brulio is standing serious in the middle... and I’m like this, with my brother hugging me, and my mother is hugging Brulio. GM: How are your brother
and your mother, physically? Guaxi: My brother... has brown hair, he was a child, so he's just a little kid with brown hair, brown eyes; and my mother is blonde, she has blue eyes and I think that's it. There’s no need to describe their clothes. GM: No no, it's just so we know what they look like. Now Thiago and Liz waking up... Guaxi: Not blue eyes! They're green, my mother's eyes are green. Rakin: I wake up, take a little shower, and I go downstairs to grab some breakfast because I'm starving. GM: You wake up around the
same time as Joui, but you go down before him because Joui was there for a while cleaning up his room. Rakin: Good. GM: You get there and you see the guy. He says: Rodrigo: Oh, good morning. T: Morning, dude. Sorry for yesterday, man, that was a complicated situation... I'm sorry, 100%. Rodrigo: No, I understand. I noticed you were in a complicated situation. Just careful with the rules of the hotel. I understand, I understand... T: No, it's fine. I'll apologize... (Rodrigo: People seem to be...) T: ...to the 2 meters guy later. (Rodrigo: Oh no, it's alright!)
T: We're bros, it's chill. Also, is there any place where I can go to grab some food around here? Rodrigo: There's Casper's Diner there, around the corner. You can go there, we always tell our clients to go there. T: Casper's Diner. Rodrigo: Yeah, you know, the friendly ghost! T: Yeah, it vanishes with your hunger. Rodrigo: Wow, how did you know the slogan? Did you see it? T: No, I just guessed it. Rodrigo: Wow, you had the same ideas as them! That's their slogan. T: Wow, that's awesome! I’ll go there then to eat something. Rodrigo: Go
there, go there. T: Thanks. Rodrigo: Have a good day! T: Have a good day too, dude. GM: Now it's Liz's turn. Gabi: Liz wakes up... GM: All fucked up, with an aching spine, and the taste of vomit in her mouth. Guaxi: Bloody pillow. Gabi: Liz woke up a few times, but she went back to sleep. So she just wakes up for real when it's around 11 AM; she goes to the bathroom, notices that her dirty clothes are all there because she has the habit of showering before sleep, and that's what she did. But her clothes
were still in the shower area, covered in mud. GM: Just to remind you, you guys can still apply medicine on yesterday's wounds on each other, or on yourselves, but it has a penalty because it past a day. So it might have developed an infection, you might not have treated it correctly in the moment, so you can still treat those battle wounds but the longer it takes the more difficult it becomes. Gabi: I have the opportunity to get my med kit now that I'm in the bathroom. GM: Is the kit in your belongings? Gabi: I got
it. GM: Then you have an advantage and lose the penalty, so you’re neutral. You'll just roll a normal dice. Gabi: OK, I have a wound on my arm, from the spiders, so I wanna stitch it up and bandage it up. GM: Ok. Gabi: I heal 1 point. GM: One D3, if you pass in the medicine test. Gabi: Oh, that's right. I have to roll mine... Luba: Wow, that’s right. I have a giant wound here... GM: Yeah... Gabi: I got good. GM: Then roll a D3. Gabi: I got a 5. GM: OK, then you recover 2
of HP. 3, 3, 3, 3, 5 is 3 Gabi: And... GM: It's around 12 PM when you finish stitching everything up since you woke up at 11 AM. Gabi: Ok, then I solve my wounds issue, grab my clothes that are all into the shower area, and I shove them into the trash can. I seal the plastic bag like this, and I turn on the shower on to let the water run on the floor and wipe away the trace elements of being drunk, and I leave the room clean. GM: Perfect. GM: Okay. Meanwhile, Cesar, while you
eat, you see Thiago arriving at the diner, and... (Calango: But I was the one to arrive there first?) GM: Yes, you were the first to get there. (Calango: But didn't Joui go too?) GM: No, Joui woke up after him. They woke up together but Joui left later, so Thiago arrived first and then Joui. And I think this is a good moment to take a pause, go to the bathroom, and then we return to the diner... A new day, a new journey. We’ll come back in 5 minutes, is that OK? Luba: Yes. GM: 5 minutes? We’ll
be back soon, and thank you to everyone that's watching. Let's go! GM: Can we keep going? Calango: Let's go. Rakin: Let's go, papi. Gabi: Joui isn’t hearing us. GM: I think he is... Rakin: Joui is eating. GM: Joui really is having his breakfast at Casper's Diner, which is where you guys went to when you left the hotel. Luba: Woops. GM: Then you see... Cesar, you see Thiago arriving first, and he walks to you. Thiago, what do you do? T: Good morning, lil’ C. Ce: Good morning. T: What are you eating, my dude? Ce: I ordered
a grilled cheese sandwich. It's pretty good, the guys know what they're doing. T: Is that a recommendation? Ce: Yeah, and the toasted bread seems really delicious too. T: Bro, I'm gonna order one then. Who I speak to? GM: Casper's Diner is a very small place, There's a couple having breakfast near there, And there's a... [bark] Oh my God, I got scared! There's a dog running on the street. There's a dog, a sweet little stray dog, and there's a girl at the cashier. And you see behind the cashier, the cook doing some stuff. T: Hey, my
dear! Can I have a sandwich like the one my bro has? ???: A grilled cheese, sir? Or do you want a llonguet? T: Get me a llonguet, please. ???: Very well, sir! T: Thanks, yeah? ???: Hey, Letício! Can you make another llonguet? T: Oh, do you have fresh orange juice? Those that are squeezed out of an actual orange? ???: Yes, we do! There's orange juice and pineapple juice, sir. T: Hmmm, you can get me one then. Thanks, my dear. ???: Very well, very well. T: Done, done. GM: Right then, you guys see Joui arriving. Luba:
I didn't know where I was. J: Good morning. T: Hey, Joui. Good morning, my dude. Are you feeling well? J: No, I have a little bit of a headache but I was told that coffee is good, so, I wanna some coffee. But I'd like to eat something too, I am so hungry. T: Lil' C recommended Letício's grilled cheese sandwich. They told that Letício is the master of llonguets. J: W-what's a llonguet? Ce: Master of llonguets, Joui. Master of the llonguets. T: Master of the llonguets. (J: I fell violated hearing that.) GM: The cashier says: ???:
Would you like to have a llonguet too, sir? J: Ah, yes, I-I do. ???: It's a llonguet with cheese inside, with a lot of butter... T: Creamy. C: [whispering] Order it, Joui! J: I want... I want two llonguets then. ???: Two? Alright. Sir, the llonguet is quite big, OK? Thiago and ???: You'll be full. J: But is it "long", how big it is? I want two anyways. ???: Look, your friend is eating one right in front of you. GM: And you see a baguette...like bread, very big like this. J: Oh, French bread! Ok, I want
two. ???: OK, sir. Yo, Letício! Make 2 more llonguets! With salad, yes. GM: Letício says: Letício: Alright, alright! Goddammit, so much to do. GM: He's already cooking everything. You eat together, and the cashier walks to you with 3 sandwiches made of baguette... like bread. She sets two of them in front of Joui, one in front of Thiago, and Cesar is about to finish his. She also sets a glass or orange juice for Thiago. ???: Anything else for you guys? J: I also want orange juice, please. ???: Ok. GM: She... T: Do you have sugar? ???:
Sorry, I was drinking coffee, I just woke up and nobody's made of steel… Yes, there's sugar on your table, sir. There's a tiny container. Would you like to have clementine juice, Joui? GM: Joui, no! She said his name, it was leaked here... She didn't say it! ???: I mean, your name is written... GM: No, no, stop it... I made a mistake. J: Orange, please. ???: Very well. J: She already knows my name, I think she's an esoterrorist. ???: I heard you guys talking when you arrived, sorry, I didn't wanna be insensitive. J: No problem, what's
your name? ???: It's Carol. J: Carol, it's nice to meet you! Thanks for the llonguet. Carol: Sorry, I'm embarrassed. OK, clementine juice, right? J: Yes, yes. Carol: Orange or clementine? Because clementine is a little bit sweeter. J: Clementine then, please. Carol: Sorry... it's the opposite, orange is sweeter. J: Orange then. Carol: Sorry, sorry, sorry. J: It's OK. Carol: You aren't from here... Your accent... J: I'm from Japan, actually. Carol: My god! What are you doing here in Carpazinha? J: I don't know either, to this point… But... Eh yeah [laugh]. T: We're on a vacation, my
dear. Carol: Do you want a coffee? No... it's orange juice. J: Orange juice. Carol: But, have you never tried clementine juice? Do they have that in Japan? J: I've never tried it. Carol: We’ll make one for you then, you'll like it! J: Hnn, alright, but it's with... Carol: Letício, make a clementine juice! J: Thanks. Carol: Anything else? J: No, thank you so much. Carol: Have a good day! GM: She is very happy to know you were from Japan. (T: You're famous, huh, Joui?) Luba: Then I say "Itadakimasu" and start to eat. GM: She brings you
juice then, which is a juice where the taste is quite similar to orange juice but it's slightly more sour. Carol: There is sugar on the table, alright? Carol: In case it's too sour for you. (J: Thank you!) Luba: I open like three sachets... of sugar. GM: You eat together then, you have breakfast. (T: You really hit the bottle, huh, Joui?) GM: You see the figure of Cesar... Roll a Psychology test, both of you, Thiago and Joui. Rakin: Psychology... Do I have that? GM: Psychology is made for you to be able to feel others emotions. I
think you have some, Thiago. Rakin: I have, I have, I have! I have 40%. Luba: I failed. GM: You failed? Luba: I have 1 point. Rakin: Wow, I rolled a 3! Which is excellent, I even know where he was born and... (GM: So then you notice that...) GM: Cesar is trying to hide that he's not well? He's trying to suppress his pain. T: Sup Lil' C, was the sandwich good, my dear? Ce: Well, it's good indeed. The dude's a llonguet wizard indeed. T: I think the llonguet is terrific, the best llonguet I've tasted. Ce: Wow!
Awesome. T: Hey Cesar, eat some more, dude, go feed yourself. Ce: But the llonguet is already big. T: Ah! But you can eat two. [Laughs] GM: It's the tastiest llonguet you've ever eaten indeed, it is really good. Ce: Ok, so... Excuse me, Carol? Carol: Hi! What's wrong? Ce: I'll want more of this grilled ham and cheese here, the llonguet. Carol: One more llonguet? Letício, one more... You're getting famous, huh, Letício! Even from Japan there are people coming to eat your llonguet, Letício. They liked your llonguet, the famous llonguet from Carpazinha. Go, make one more for
him over there. Carol: Don't do that face, Letício! (J: I think she's talking about me.) J: Ouch. T: Wowie. Carol: I'll tell your dad what you've done! Fine. Sorry, I got heated up. J: It's fine, it's fine, it... it was funny. Carol: OK. Letício is bringing it already. Ce: Alright. GM: It's already about ten in the morning, more or less, now. T: Where is Liz? Shouldn't she be in here to eat something by now? J: Ah! Guys, I know something. T: What? GM: It's no longer raining, ok? It's day. T: What's that in there? J:
Don't show to Liz-senpai but... she slept in the staircase. T: Nah, no fucking way. T: That's not possible. J: I have a picture, look. T: My goodness... J: Look at this other one. T: I should have given her the car keys apparently. GM: There's a photo of Liz completely crooked, drooling, passed out in the stairs from two different angles! Calango: Ok, I keep looking at it like this. (T: Were you who took this photo in here, Joui?) J: ...Yes. GM: Roll a fast talk test then against psychology. (Luba: I knew it!) Luba: I knew it!
Where are my fast talk points? I have 15 fast talk points... Luba: Shit, I got 83. GM: Roll psychology, Thiago. GM: To see if you can tell he's lying. Rakin: Alright. Wow, 32, I passed again. GM: Joui does not know how to lie to you, there's no fucking way he took it. T: Joui... it's good. J: I'm eating, I can't talk right now. T: No, relax. But... That photo, it was you who took it, then, right? J: Uhum. Luba: I keep swallowing the llonguet so that he doesn't notice my lie. T: You're really hungry, huh?
J: Uhhum. I drank too much. T: Ah. So, does she... Do you know if she returned to her room, or something like that? Did you help her when you saw her? J: ...Yes. T: But my dude... (J: Yes!) T: You helped her, then? J: She returned to her room. T: And she is fine in her room, all good? J: Yes. T: Oh… Cool. It's just that she didn't arrive yet, right? What if something happened... J: Yes! T: Right? I'll leave you here with the llonguet and I'll be back soon, take care of the... bill while
I go check if she's alright. Cool, Joui? J: Yes. T: Cool, have a good llonguet. J: [nervous laugh] I understood it now. GM: OK, you go back to the hotel then? Rakin: Yes, I go to the stairs to see if she's there, overturned. GM: When you're leaving, Carol talks to you: Carol: Good morning, sir. I hope you liked it, come back always! T: Thank you. Do thank Letício for me as well. GM: You hear from inside there: Letício: Thank you. Rakin: Cool, I go back to the hotel. GM: On the way, you see that little
dog that was barking and comes closer for some petting like this. Rakin: I pet the little mutt, I'm not crazy. GM: It licks your hand like this for a bit. Rakin: I rub my hand on its belly if it allows me. GM: It turns its belly, so cute. (Rakin: I wanna pet.) GM: It's like the mix of a Dachshund and another one... GM: Quite like the camar... the caramel mutt. From Brazil. (Calango: Caramel.) Rakin: Caramel. GM: Caramel mutt. Rakin: I want to stay petting it for about 2 minutes before going to the hotel, it's really
cute. GM: It gets super happy at that, it licks you.. You see it's a bit skinny but it stays around the area because people from the diner must feed it, it's not that skinny for a street mutt. Rakin: Cool, then I go to the hotel after seeing it. GM: You go back to the hotel, you arrive at the hotel and... You're in the hotel. Rakin: I want to talk to the receptionist. T: Ow, my dear. Manager: Hey, hey, say it, what do you need? T: Well, dude... Was there a lady sleeping on the staircase? T:
Just curious. Manager: There was! There was, sir. T: There was a lady sleeping on the staircase? Manager: Yes. T: So, do you know if she arrived at... Manager: How do you know that, sir? Have you seen her there, sir? T: No, it's that my friend told me he saw her there. (Manager: Oh, did he?) T: He did, he said he saw her on the staircase. T: He even took a photo of her and all. Manager: Oh, he was the...... He took a photo?! No, how insane, right? Wow, I didn't see, no, no, I didn't see
her sleeping there, I did not. T: Hm, it's cool. It's cool then. Have you seen if she arrived at her room with no problem? Manager: I saw her going upstairs, I didn't see her after that. But she must be in her room, yes. T: Then it's all good. Can you tell me her room number, please, so I can check on her? Manager: I can check it in here, it's... room 504, right? Here, room 504. Sir, you... Does she allow it? Uh... You two are... Well, you're friends with her, aren't you, sir? Manager: There is no
issue, right? (T: I'll see if she's fine, ok?) T: She was sleeping on the floor. Manager: I'm not sure if I'm allowed. By the hotel's terms, I can't give you the room. Even if you came together. T: But then it's your problem since you gave it to me already. Manager: Oh my God, I keep fucking up. I'm sorry. T: Imagine if someone hears about that. Manager: Can you not tell that to anyone, sir? I'm the manager, actually, who are you going to tell? My words are final here, you can go. T: Ah, it's just that
I'm quite the talker, you know, brother? I can't guarantee much. Manager: No, it's OK, it's OK, it's alright, I'm the one who fucked up so... [inaudible] Manager: What? T: If you wanna give me a discount in my room later we could, you know... Manager: Sir. Is that a threat, sir? T: It's not a threat, no, I'm just asking. Nicely. Manager: Ok sir. I'm sorry. Sixty reais per day then, sir. T: Ow, my dear, you're such a homie, aren't you? Thanks. (Manager: Please...) Manager: Please do not damage the hotel's image, we already don't have many clients.
(T: What about damaging, such a wonderful hotel like yours.) Manager: This is what pays my bills, it's complicated. There isn't much tourism in the area, you know? There's just the hotel because we need one, the government finances a good part of the hotel, since there are no clients. T: Nah, no mistakes, no mistakes. This hotel is wonderful, I'll even tell my friends about it... I can even talk about it to more friends if you want to. Manager: Thank you, please do. How many Instagram followers do you have, sir? T: Ah, I don't use these things,
dude. Manager: Ah, but... Ah, fine then. T: Is there an Instagram in this hotel? T: I'll see it later then. Manager: No, Instagram is a social media, sir, where you post photographs. T: Ah… What's that thing?! Manager: Don't you know Insta? T: Dude, it's just that, like, I rather like normal photography, you know? The standard ones. I heard that it's a bit like... you know? Manager: What do you work with, sir? T: I'm a reporter. Manager: What do you report, sir? T: Newspaper, newspaper. Manager: Ah! Wow, you work with written news? (T: Exactly.) Manager: Then
you could work here in Carpazinha too. T: It's just that these things take our work, dude, it takes our work. Manager: That's true, that's true, they're your rivals, right? Don't you think it'd be good for you to make an Instagram so you can keep an eye on it? Maybe "Twittar"... or Facebook... You do have Facebook right? T: Nah. Manager: What? You don't have Facebook?! T: I don't, I just use Twitter, man. I like seeing those hashtags going up, it's really cool, so you can know what's going on at that moment. Manager: I don't use Twitter
much, I don't really know how it works. Which hashtags do you usually use, sir? There is a really good one in here. T: The Secret? Let me see here. Manager: Oh no, it left, it's not there anymore, I overlooked it. Calango: The dudes just broke the fourth wall. [Laughs] T: Let me see. I can see it here. (Manager: Are you seeing how pretty these photos are?) Manager: There are some drawings that look a lot like you, sir! T: God, no. Manager: I wonder if it's a new HBO series? T: What a coincidence. No, no, these
are actors. What a coincidence, dude... T: Wow, who is this man in here? Manager: That's Monark, this one. He's a YouTuber. T: Oh... Internet gives me the creeps. (Manager: Isn't it, there are many weird people in it.) T: Nah, you gotta leave. There are people who do it for a living, right? People who post on the internet, who do stuff on the internet. Manager: Well, I don't know, I don't get it either. (T: I don't know.) Manager: I'm already in my forties, I'm not going to stay looking at internet stuff. I just have the hotel's
Instagram account and number. We don't have many clients as well, so I stay all day on the internet, I must be honest with you, sir, since I'm giving you discounts anyway, I'm already fucked. T: No, it's chill, it's chill, I'm thankful. Manager: You're a really nice man, thank you, except for the black....I mean, there was no blackmail, I gave you the discount. Manager: There truly was no blackmail, I gave you the discount because you was really nice to me and in no shape of form, did you ever blackmail me about anything. T: Well, thank you,
OK, my dear? T: Thank you. Manager: Have a good day, sir. T: Good morning, good morning. If you want to, you probably know already, but do try out Letício's llonguet over there. Manager: Wow, but Letício's llonguet is famous in the area, Manager: he's really good at what he does. T: Wonderful! The best llonguet in Carpazinha. Manager: Really good. T: For sure. Manager: It's the best in the entire South area, really good, Letício's llonguet. GM: Now it's about 11 AM. when you stop talking to him, and Liz just woke up. Rakin: I knock on her room's
door. GM: You go upstairs to the hotel. Liz, when you're putting your clothing to wash, since you said you would turn on the water, you hear someone knocking on your door. T: Hey, my dear. L: No one is here. T: So I heard that you... used the staircase as a bed? L: Huh?! Gabi: I go towards the door. Gabi: I open just a little bit. L: What?! GM: You see Liz ruined like this, with dark circles fucking deep, devastated. T: I just wanted to know if you were really fine. Joui said that... you had slept
on the staircase and I came to check on you. If he hadn't a photo I wouldn't believe him. L: Huh? Wait a bit, go back. Photo? Staircase, photo? T: he told that he was with you, and you decided to sleep on the stairs. L: I went upstairs on my own, until I know, OK? I went upstairs alone. T: I just know that there is a photo of you in the staircase, it'll become a meme. Soon it'll be a trending topic on Twitter. L: That's how I'm thanked for helping you. T: Me? T: Me? Me, me.
Me?! It's my fault? My fault?! Me? I came in here to see if you were alright and came to warn you that there is a photo of your person laying down the staircase as if it was a bed right after you got drunk and got wasted. It's not my fault, I tried to help. L: It's just that you're the one who uses Twitter, so like... T: Nah, I'm just saying what could happen. I'm not insinuating anything, I'm just giving the information to you, ma'am, your ladyness, so you can deal with such happenings. L: I work
with the police! You don't... T: Yeah. T: Yeah. Yeah. Gabi: I let go of the door and go get some painkillers in the bag. GM: You were already putting bandages onto your wound. T: We are there in the diner, OK, my dear? Anything you need just pop in there, deal? I see that you're alright, you're chill... I'm going, OK? L: Wait, wait for me then that I'll go with you. Gabi: Then I just take the painkiller for my headache and put a sweater over my pajamas and go just like that with the sweater, pajama pants...
GM: Ok. (Gabi: ...and sandals.) GM: For the time it is, you need to take some more because of the stitches you were doing, so maybe you must finish the stitches you were doing and then act. L: Ow Thiago, my dear, wait for me to do the stitches and then you can come with me, I have an area in my arm that is... T: Stitches? How did that happen? L: You saw that gigantic spider back there, didn't you? GM: At the moment he woke up, most of the spider had already become goop. T: No... L: It
was the enormous creature that became... (L: ...that pile of goop.) T: No... L: Yeah, but that's it, it was that and many other things. Gabi: Then I just keep doing the stitches. T: I don't remember anything, to be honest. L: Until what do you remember? T: I was talking there... Oh! I remembered something really important I forgot to tell you guys. Before I forget again because God knows... if I'm going to faint again or vanish the way it happened before. They said that when the team Kelvin left the pub, instead of going to the hotel,
they went to another side, when they said they'd return to the hotel. It was the last thing I recall the man told me that before he looked behind in horror and I passed out for good. L: Wait... The team said they would go to the hotel, then they went the opposite way and vanished? T: Yep. L: Hm… We have to look at that city map again and try to discover then which way they went and what they went to do. T: Yeah, but first we gotta eat, I'm sure the way you are you must have
puked half a kilo of God knows what you ingested in there, my dear. L: Yeah... you're right. You can smell the toilet, can't you? So... T: It looks like the sea. L: It can be that, too. T: It's dangerous. L: I'll just finish the stitches and then I'll go there to... to Casper's diner. T: I can wait, it's chill. The dudes are all there eating. Everyone's eating Letício's llonguet. L: But tell me, do you think that... Cesar will be alright? T: Man... He's doing what he can to kind of repress it, I was eating there
with him and... There's no way to be alright after that. After someone so important to you goes away, it's complicated, we know that. But he's strong, the kid is strong. He'll be fine. And he's not alone. He has us. L: It's already the third person we lose, isn't it? T: ...Yeah. But if we manage to save hundreds of other lives while we're at it, it's worth it. L: I think that's a price too high to pay, all we must to witness... because of... them, because of the esoterrorists, who just want to bring terror.... The price
is too high. T: Except that if we don't pay that price, someone else will have to. L: Gosh... Fine, let's go then. I just wanna eat, I'm starving. T: Ah, let´s go. Their orange juice is insane, really good. L: Great! Do they have tangerine juice? This area has lots of tangerine, no? T: I don't know, my goodness, I didn't pay attention. Does tangerine grow in trees? T: I don't really know much about that, nope. L: Yes? T: Oh! Then it's settled, it must have it, right? The countryside has lots of different fruits. There was a
clementine, I don't know, I had never seen it before. L: Clementine? T: Clementine. T: Sounds like a Harry Potter spell. L: Wow. T: Yeah, there is there, too L: Ok, then. Gabi: OK, the stitches are done and I put on the sweater. GM: Yes, you're finished already, you were doing the stitches like this and ended right on the clementine topic. Gabi: Ok, I go with the pajamas pants, sweater and sandals anyway. GM: Ok. Gabi: It's what I have. GM: You then go downstairs walking through the lobby. Gabi: I want to put the hood on when
walking in the lobby. GM: You go through the lobby and you see Rodrigo like this, looking at you kind of... as if he was holding his laugh. But he stays behind and you go straight, then he: Manager: Ah! Miss Eliza? Elizabeth! Gabi: I lower the hood. (L: Yes?) Manager: Just warning you that the payment it's automatic already by request of the hairy boy. L: Ah, thanks. Manager: You pretend to stay more days, right? You had said. (L: Yeah, yeah.) Manager: Is your spine alright? I mean, have a good day! L: Good morning, good morning. GM:
You then leave and then you go to the diner. Everyone has eaten already and are waiting and talking. Cesar and Joui are talking about what? Calango: We are talking about... What? J: Cesar-kun, explain this thing of "low" to me? [Mispronouncing LoL] Ce: "Low" (LoL), Joui, is an online game where we play and have lots of fun, kind of. Ce: Not everyone has fun playing it from what I've heard. J: Is that on the computer? Ce: On a computer, yes, it is. J: Ah… And what is the goal? Ce: The goal is.... To win the game...
breaking... The enemy's base. J: Ah. And how do you have that? Ce: We have kind of heroes in the game, each person controls a hero Ce: ... And we have to go to the... (J: Oh, my favorite is Spider-man.) Ce: ...Yes, yeah, he is in there. J: I like that quote from uncle Ben. Ce: You can play with aunt May as well, but that's a skin you must buy with RP's. J: Aunt May is my favorite! What is RP? Ce: RP is the virtual currency of the game that you must buy. J: There is a
currency! This seems very complicated. How many heroes are there? Ce: Liz is taking her time, huh? [Laughs] GM: You say that and you see, you say that and it's almost like an omen and you see Liz who's hooded with hair hiding her face and Thiago arriving. J: Liz-senpai! Here! L: No senpai! Nononononope. What the fuck is that about a staircase photo? J: ... Hey Letício, I'd like another llonguet! Letício: Alright! J: Letí...?! Letício: Alright, alright, Alright! [screaming] Letício: Sorry. J: Have you seen Spider-man, Cesar-kun? Ce: I have! In the video game, on LoL, yes, all
the time... J: Is there a video game about Spider-man?! Ce: There are plenty. (J: Of only him?) Ce: There are, there are. L: Speaking of spiders, it reminds me of yesterday, which reminds me that yesterday someone took a photo of me in the staircase, right, Joui? J: Is the llonguet getting ready?! GM: Carol says: Carol: You just ordered, sir, calm down, he's going to get the llonguet, you ate all we had. J: Why don't you explain for the lady here about the amazing menu you guys have? J: By the way, the llonguet was amazing! (Carol:
Ah, good morning! Good morning, ma'am! Sorry) Carol: We have the llonguet, which is a grilled ham and cheese with lettuce, tomato, ham, cheese, butter, it's really good! There is clementine juice, orange juice, natural pineapple juice. L: Clementine, what is that? Carol: Wow, girl, clementine! Those that you peel and eat the slices. It's like an orange that you peel. L: Ah! Remember when I told you about tangerine juice? Carol: But clementine is a different type of tangerine. L: Uh...hum, right, but I can have this one, this clementine juice and two of the... llonguet. Carol: You are
hungry, ma'am, OK then, let's go. GM: She goes: Carol: Ow, Letício, two more. GM: He: Letício: Motherfucker! GM: He can't take it anymore, dude! Carol: Just a minute, ma'am. GM: She gets into the kitchen and you hear shouting and... [Pow Pow] some hitting on wood noise, she comes back smiling like this. Carol: Give it five quick minutes and your llonguet will be ready, ma'am. L: Thank you very much... Five quick minutes is enough for talking, isn't it, Joui? J: Of course, Liz-senpai, what do you want to talk about? L: Staircase. Photo. J: Fine then, I'...
I'll show you, it's that... OK. L: No, I don't want to see it, I just want to know why you took a photo of me on the staircase and didn't take me to my room?! J: Because you... are... an irreverent woman, self confident and independent! L: Independent by the staircase step! J: Liz-senpai, I already saw you go overcome a lot of stuff. I know that a staircase won't stop you. L: Not the staircase but the whiskey did and if you took the picture, you should at least wake me up and... Who took the photo? J:
Letício! GM: Wait, the audio cut, once more. Calango: It got cut, say again. J: Letício! GM: You don't hear anything more coming from the kitchen. Carol: He is getting it ready, soon, soon, don't worry. (J: I'm sweating a little bit.) GM: Carol speaks like this: Carol: Don't you worry, he is fine, just busy getting it ready. Carol: Right, Letício?! GM: You all hear a loud hit in wood noise like [TUM]. Carol: See? He is doing it. Ce: Sorry to interrupt you guys, I know it's indeed such an important chattery that you're having right now. But
we must have to “ot the di’s”. Ce: What exactly did you guys do yesterday? Thiago said you crossed the limits. L: Ah! Joui took pictures, right? L: He can describe the moment. Ce: Besides that, what happened at the pub? J: Actually it wasn't just pictures, there's the video of you falling, remember? The nose. Ce: Guys, what happened at the pub? After Thiago and I left, we let you guys deal with the situation, since I clearly wasn't alright and neither was Thiago. What happened? T: I think they just drank too much, dude, they got in here
completely wasted. And really, if they drank enough to get that wasted it must be solved. Ce: Did you talk to Getúlio? J: ...Getúlio... is dead. Ce: I'm aware, Joui. L: Brulio wanted to know. About Getúlio, he wanted to know about things. Ce: And you explained them? L: No. Thankfully the alcohol was a good way to get around the topic...? Or not, because he got so mad and kicked us out of the pub. T: Wait, what do you mean he kicked you out of the pub? Things were fine when we left, how did that happen? (J:
He kicked us out of the pub...!) Calango: Can I see the wound in Joui still? GM: Yes. Ce: Dude, Joui, why do you have this wound on your shoulder? J: Oh! I kind of got used with the pain. But it's still bothering me a bit. Ce: I was waiting for everyone to arrive. I am... quite disappointed with you, actually. I let you two in the pub, I left for the hotel because I clearly wasn't okay and you simply didn't give a shit about all that happened, about all that was happening, you didn't have the slightest
empathy to me and to Brulio who just lost a lifetime friend. And, man, you didn't even make an effort to explain what happened to Getúlio, imagine... imagine resting at night and not knowing exactly why his friend died or what happened, you didn't spend one second to put yourselves in his place? You are professionals, we are professionals and you didn't do anything! You only drank and took photos and none of it matters in the end! You gotta put yourselves in your damn place, look at me, I'm a newbie! Liz has been here for much longer than
I have and knows how things are, how things work. You left a body in the gas station, imagine if someone finds that! You didn't have any bit of respect for Getúlio's body! He is there! I wasn't in conditions and I left you there to solve it all and you didn't solve anything, you just made things worse! And what if we sleep and when we go back someone has found Getúlio, what are we going to say?! We will get more people into this? Wasn't Arthur enough, man?! GM: You get 3 sanity points, Cesar, for ranting. You
took a lot of weight from your back. Calango: Wow, I did, I really did. Fuck... J: Cesar-kun, I apologize for... for my attitude. I just drank because I saw that Liz-senpai was drinking and I got a little out of control, but... I was scared. I was scared, I just was scared of saying the truth and the same thing happens to them, they have nothing to do with the story and if we put them before the supernatural it's possible the same happens to them as well. (Ce: But Joui…) J: It's the only reason why I didn't
say a thing. Ce: ... He had to know! Someone important to Brulio died and you didn't give the slightest satisfaction to him. Imagine that, put yourself in your place a bit. J: I agree! I agree, I agree. We must talk to him and fix it. J: But... (T: Cesar) imagine if they... find out of these things and decide to revenge themselves and get involved in this? Like, I agree that we should have cleaned the bodies, I agree that... we should have buried Getúlio but we can't involve Brulio. If you like Brulio you won't involve him
in this. We shouldn't have involved anyone since the beginning. Ce: I understand, I understand, we don't want to involve others but we don't... have to tell him all the truth like how we did with Arthur, I didn't expose anything paranormal to him, Ce: I just explained our job. (J: And look what happened...) ... he stayed face to face with an enormous spider, something he had never seen in his life. We must be incredibly careful with what we tell other people. I understand the pain. I really do. Ce: You must have given the satisfaction to Brulio
Ce: and that's not what you've done. J: I agree and we will do that today. Ce: We have a lot to do today, a lot of things, really. And, I don't know, I'm quite disappointed with you all, I believe that you... completely lost the focus of what we came to do here and... I'm disappointed, truly. J: I hope I'm able to correct and... recover it. J: I’m sorry. Calango: Okay, I... L: No! L: You're not sorry. Sincerely, Cesar. Quit it! You wanna scold us? About not having empathy towards someone that lost someone they loved? Are
you nuts? You're telling us that?! You, someone who just passed through that fucking situation, you're telling us that we don't have empathy for people that lost important people in their lives? Ce: Yes. Gabi: I get up and leave. Ce: That's what I'm saying, Liz. GM: When you get up, you see Carol bringing the sandwiches. Gabi: I’m outside already. GM: You walk straight past her, and she's looking at you like this. Rakin: I get up and grab one of the sandwiches Carol has brought. GM: She's like: Carol: Huh? GM: She doesn't do anything, just turns around
and goes back to the counter. Ce: Once again, she had no empathy. J: Cesar-kun… When I joined the Order, the people that rained me were… Liz-senpai, and Thiago-sensei. Both of them lost people that were very important to them in one of their missions. You keep saying we lack empathy, but you didn't have any of it with them today. Ce: I don't think I regret anything that I said, Joui. I truly think you guys fucked up yesterday, and I know you've assumed it, but Liz didn't and she refuses to do so. So I don't know, I
just... J: She didn't assume it because she's in pain, she suffered too! Ce: Brulio did too, and more than anyone else here, because he didn't have a clue of what's happening. J: We’ll fix that, but pointing your finger at us won't help. When we see a mistake, we recognize it, we fix it, and try not to make that mistake again. We have to focus on that, and if we keep fighting between ourselves, we won't be able to fix anything. Ce: Joui, I don't feel good when I say those things, but you guys need to know
that you did something wrong. I can’t let that pass, you know. J: Cesar-kun, I already told you 3 times that we... (Ce: Alright...) J: We know that what we did was wrong, and we’ll fix it. But insisting on it won't help us. Luba: Then I get up and go after Liz and Thiago. GM: Thiago is still there. Gabi: While Joui is coming to find me, I'm already going back inside. GM: Okay, you go back inside. You see Joui standing up to talk to you, and you're just returning. L: I’m sorry, Cesar. Ce: No, it's okay.
Sorry. L: I can imagine how scary this situation is, because I’ve been there. But there is no satisfaction that we can give to Brulio at this moment that will make him understand and accept the death of a longtime friend. Exactly how it’s difficult for us to accept the death of people that were part of our lives, and that are so important to us. But we have to deal with it in the best way possible, and my way to deal with it is what I did yesterday. So I'm sorry if it wasn't polite of my part.
Ce: No, it's okay. I'm sorry I talked to you like that, it was unnecessary. J: What matters is that we're a team. L: Hey, Thiago. Pass me a sandwich? T: Here... L: Thanks. GM: You gave her two sandwiches then. Rakin: Are we good now, guys? GM: And then Carol comes back, kinda hesitant. She leaves the juice on the table, and walks away trying to be unnoticed. T: Uh, I’m not trying to add wood to the fire, but I still wanna know where that photo of yours came from. I didn’t forget it. L: Well, we have
two options. 1) he took the photo and was enough of an asshole and didn't help me; or 2) he didn't take the photo, and is protecting the one who did it, and I'm gonna find out who it is and ruin their life before they destroy what's left of my dignity. J: Does it feel better if I delete the photo? L: No, you already helped spread it. J: But I didn’t send it to anyone, it's on my phone only. L: Cesar, did you see the photo? Calango: I look at my phone and say: Ce: No. L:
Uhm, interesting. J: Letício, I wanted... Ce: Guys, are we going to the Armpit? There's still a lot of things to do, we can deal with the photo later. J: I think so too, this photo is the least of our problems, Liz's problem. Let's go then? T: Let's get going. L: Sure, we're sure going. GM: Okay. Rakin: I wanna use the 20 bucks that I saved from the hotel to pay Letício. Ce: Oh, yeah. I’m gonna pay later... GM: Letício's in the kitchen, you can't see him anymore. Rakin: It's a tip, I wanna hand it over
to him. GM: You leave it on the counter or into the kitchen? Rakin: I wanna leave it on the counter for him. L: No no no, did you guys hear that noise coming from the kitchen? T: Uh, it must be Letício working, right? Gabi: I grab the money from the counter and walk to the kitchen. GM: When you start to walk to the kitchen, Carol says: Carol: Hey, sorry... he'ss making a sandwich right now, may I help you? L: Hey, I just wanna give Letício a tip. Carol: Oh, just leave it on the counter and
I'll give it to him, no problem. L: No no, I just wanna... (Carol: It's not a problem, Letício is very shy.) L: I wanna try to walk past her. GM: Okay, roll a Dexterity test. Gabi: It was good. Calango: Plot twist, Letício is actually Bolsonaro. GM: Okay, you do it, you pass by her quickly... [Laughs] GM: Who? GM: You pass by her quickly and she says: Carol: Miss, don't! GM: And you see that Letício has a black eye and a gag made with a kitchen towel. Carol: Well... GM: He looks at you. Gabi: I walk
to him and I take the gag off. GM: He says “nononono” and puts the gag back on. Carol: Miss, you can't come into the kitchen, only employees can do that. L: Sir, are you OK? GM: He nods with his head. L: Hey, Thiago, come here! Carol: What's... Guys, what's going on? T: What... What the fuck is this, Letício? What's happening here, dude? Carol: Do you want me to tell them the truth, Letício. Do you? GM: Letício says Letício: Nuh...uh, nuh...uh, nuh...uh. T: Now I wanna know what's going on, tell us. Carol: Letício, I'm gonna tell
them. Letício is Bianca's boyfriend, and she's my friend. T: Alright... Carol: Last Friday, Letício went to Bier, to the party, and he kind of lost control. Right, Letício? Right, Letício?! GM: And he just looks away. T: Oh wow, Letício. You fucked up, man? Carol: And then he comes here trying to fight me, so I taught him a lesson. T: I won't give you the tip, dude, I can't. (Rakin: I put it on my pocket.) J: Liz, did he get beaten up? L: I don't trust it. GM: It's not an intense black eye, just a little
bruise. Gabi: Oh, OK, Letício... GM: Oops, we have a problem there, we’ll be back... Okay, no more problems. Luba: I'm doubled! Okay, it's back, I think. L: Letício, is that true? GM: He just shrugs. Rakin: Dude... Carol: Tell them, Letício. Take off the gag and tell them what you were saying, tell them. Tell them if it's not the truth. GM: He just.. Keeps working. Carol: Idiot! Gabi: Carol's tone of voice, does it seem like she's... GM: Doesn't seem like he's her slave, just looks like she's taking advantage of what she knows to make fun of
him because he's an asshole. Gabi: Okay, got it. T: Tsk tsk tsk, oh my dude. But you can't do that, are you spanking him? Carol: I'm not span- (T: What the fuck, no...) Carol: It's just a punch, it didn't hurt. Just a little punch... T: That might be illegal in at least 92 countries. Carol: Okay, okay. Take the things off him, take it off. He learned his lesson already. Letício, it's fine, Carol: One wrong doing and I'm telling Bianca, huh?! GM: And he says: Letício: Huh, okay... J: Excuse me, I'm certain that when I ordered
one of my llonguets, I heard someone saying… 'Fucking hell’, if Letício is gagged, who said it? Carol: No, it was him, I gagged him after that, when he kept complaining. L: Ohh, that's why. J: Got it. Carol: He complains that he has work to do, and also wants to complain that we have clients. For God's sake! J: Anyways, the llonguet was pretty good. Thank you! Carol: His llonguet is pretty good, that's what Bianca always says. J: Haha, I got that one! Carol: [Laugh] Well, guys. Can you leave the kitchen now? J: Ok, thanks again. L:
Sorry for entering the kitchen. L: Just it was strange. (Carol: It's alright.) You guys are on my side, right?! Just asking, because I can't believe this idiot, this asshole... I'm sorry. L: I'm on anyone's side. Gabi: I just leave. Gabi: I won't compact. GM: Ok. Calango: Can I do something while that's happening? GM: Yeah, sure. Calango: I wanna call Mr. Velociraptor- Mr. Veríssimo. GM: You call the order's number, it makes [dialing sounds]. Veríssimo: Hello? Ce: Hello, Mr. Veríssimo, good morning. Veríssimo: Yes, Mr. Veríssimo, may I help you? Calango: But is it him that's speaking or...
GM: It's the order's attendant, you've never had direct contact with him. Ce: I just wanna make some questions about our mission here, in Carpazinha, to Mr. Veríssimo. Veríssimo: You can ask me, what do you need? Ce: So, an accident happened in our search for Team Kelvin, and we ended up having to involve… a civilian. Veríssimo: It happens, it's part of the job. Did you clean up the evidence? Ce: We still didn't do that, we're gonna do it now. But I need to know, is it okay if I talk about the order to the civilian? Can
I explain everything? Veríssimo: If the civilian already had contact with the paranormal, the best thing to be done is to explain that there is a good and a bad side. We could even... In the situation we're in, Mr. Veríssimo always tells us that we're always willing to accept more people into the order, we need new members, people that are willing to fight. But only if you're sure that they can. Ce: OK, OK, thank you. GM: She just hangs up. Calango: OK. Ce: Hey, guys. Are we going to the Armpit or not? Everyone: Yeah We also
have to talk to Arthur. T: Hmm, it's time, yeah. J: It's important. L: We don't have many options, right? Ce: Yeah, let's go to the car then. Calango: And I walk back to the hotel to get the car. GM: OK, you get to the hotel and it's around 1 PM. All of you get there, you take the car, and you drive? Calango: I don't, I let Thiago drive. GM: OK, all of you get into the car. Where do you go, what's your objective? Rakin: Let's go to the Ashy Armpit. GM: OK. In the meantime, Arthur,
what are you doing? Guaxi: I was eating when Brulio left, I started drinking my coffee. And while I was eating, I felt something bothering me on my skin, I scratched it and it hurt... that's when I remembered that I was bit by one of the spiders in the forest. I say, “Oh my God”, and I remember my mother was a nurse so we have a med kit at home. GM: Roll a Medicine test with advantage. Guaxi: My friend, I'll take whatever test you want me to take. Medicine test, wow... [Laughs] Is it really medicine? GM:
Yeah, medicine. (Guaxi: Isn’t it first aid?) GM: No. Guaxi: I'll never get it, I have 1 medicine point. GM: Ok, it’s good, you can try twice and if you get 1 you have success. Guaxi: Pffff, it won't work… 8. GM: Did you do it twice? Guaxi: Yeah. GM: Ok, you try... Why didn’t you add medicine points? When you created your sheet, you did add medicine. I don't get it. Guaxi: Yeah well, I don't get it either. (Gabi: You put everything in first aid.) Guaxi: I had put it in medicine and first aid. GM: Yeah, I
remember you did that, you said “My mother was a nurse, I'll put a lot of points here”. Luba: I did the same thing, I put everything in first aid and 1 point in medicine. GM: If you want, you can switch the values. I’ll let you do that. Luba: Can I do that too? GM: If it was a mistake done in the creation of your sheet, I’ll let you switch it. Luba: I didn’t know medicine was used to heal. GM: Medicine is used to heal, and first aid is used to deal with emergencies like someone’s about
to die. Guaxi: Oh, I get it. GM: First aid is used when someone's dying in the middle of a battle, you have to go there and apply the first aid to save them. If you don't, they're gonna die eventually. Guaxi: OK, then can I split it in half? GM: Sure, I’ll let you do that. Guaxi: Ok, then it's 30 points each. GM: Alright, you can try again then. Guaxi: Fine. GM: You had a spasm and you remembered. Guaxi: Ok, 31. GM: You did it? No? Guaxi: No. GM: OK, but you have an advantage, do it
twice. Guaxi: One more? I got 17. GM: Yes, roll a D3. Guaxi: Ohh, I love rolling a D3! I got 4. GM: 2 HP points then. Guaxi: 2 HP points? GM: You treat the wound you got... Guaxi: I’m full! GM: You spend around 2 hours treating the wound carefully, like your mother taught you. You cleaned it, bandaged it, and it's all good. Gabi: I wanna make an addendum, that when we went to get the car I changed from my pajamas into my casual clothes. GM: Yeah, OK. Gabi: I don't wanna go to the bar in
my pajamas. GM: Always remember to put on your belongings, everything you’re carrying, because I won’t allow you to take things out of nowhere. Guaxi: After I treated my leg, I walked to the mirror in my bedroom and got ready to leave, I put my clothes on and looked in the mirror. GM: Ok, you’ve finished everything around 11:30 AM, around 11 AM. (Luba: I'm with my backpack.) GM: Did you go to the bar? Guaxi: I did. GM: You know the Ashy Armpit only opens at 5 PM, but after what happened, Brulio got there earlier to help
take care of the body, to see what's happening. Brulio got there very early to help Ivete because it's a very specific situation. He was just waiting for the Houndeds' time to be over, at 6 AM. Guaxi: Yeah, it needs to be cleaned too, because it's a mess after the concert, the stage… It's the best thing to do. GM: Then you arrive at the bar around noon, and you see many members of the gang cleaning the gas station that belonged to Mr. Getúlio, you see Ivete organizing some chairs, and you see two members of the gang,
Murilo and Marcelo, in the little house as they finish cleaning, and the rest of the gang is near Cristopher's grave. Guaxi: OK, I get there and I try to find Brulio. GM: Brulio is with the other guys, preparing the grave. Guaxi: Alright, then I go there. GM: You go there and you see the scene, there is a grave right next to Cristopher's... not exactly next to it, but like, a little bit more to the side, but kind of in the same area. You see Cristopher's grave again, and you see that Mr. Getúlio has been buried
already, and they're all very sad and praying around his grave. They're finishing his funeral, and it's a tradition, there's a little area near the bar where gang members are buried in case of fatalities. It’s very rare, but since the cops prefer not to involve themselves because of the gang competitions, sometimes the Hounded end up murdering one of you, it’s very rare, it's happened very few times, only twice in history, but this is the gang's tradition to bury the dead gang members. Brulio comes to you and says Brulio: Son, come say goodbye. GM: He puts his
hand on your shoulder. Guaxi: I put my hand on his shoulder too and just stay silent, with my eyes closed. Brulio: Mr. Getúlio... He wasn't a... He wasn't loved by everyone, but who knew his pure heart, knew that he was just a simple man that wanted to live in his own world. And when he knew you well enough, he treated you the right way. He was a good man, that shouldn't have left us like this. Guaxi: Neither of them, dad. Brulio and Arthur: Neither of them. GM: He throws a coin over the grave, and all
the other gang members do the same thing. Guaxi: I do it too. GM: And they go back to the bar. Guaxi: I go with them. GM: Ivete didn't sleep. Everyone is very tired, and Brulio is too, they barely slept. He goes into the bar, and he just sits on a chair. Brulio: Are you okay, son? A: Much better, dad. Much better. Brulio: What do we do now? A: Now we wait and see if they'll come back and tell us what's going on. Brulio: I've never seen anything like that… Did you see his face? A: That’s
because you didn't see what left his face like that... Brulio: What was that goop? Son, I... A: I still don’t know how to explain, dad. Brulio: Son, I… No matter what you do, don’t go near that thing. I love you, I trust you, and I know you have a pure heart, but don't ever touch that thing. What I felt when I touched that thing that was around his body, I’ve never seen or felt anything like that. A: Ok, don't worry. I won't. GM: Brulio isn’t the talkative type, you know that. GM: He says Brulio: Son,
since the stage was already prepared for yesterday, play something for us. Guaxi: OK, I do this, then I pop like this. A: Ivan, Murilo! [whistle sound] Guaxi: I smile a little. GM: They say Ivan and Murilo: Hey, what's up? A: Let's play something? Guaxi: Then I stand up, I go to the stage, grab my guitar and wait for them. Murilo: OK, well, everything's done. Let’s go, in the name of Mr. Getúlio. A: In the name of Mr. Getúlio. GM: You start your own little concert, you play some songs in homage to Mr. Getúlio, trying to
empty your minds, trying to get rid of the sadness. Mr. Getúlio was kind of a personality of the bar, people went there and played around with him all the time. You grew up annoying the hell out of him, he was like Captain Knuckles and you were Flapjack, you know? He didn't like you, but deep inside he did. Guaxi: Like Mr. Nebbercracker, from Monster House? GM: Yes, kind of! So the band starts the concert and, when you guys arrive at the Ashy Armpit bar you hear the sound of the guitar and of the concert happening, but
it’s not as loud as yesterday. Luba: I get out of the car first. GM: You park the car next to the parking lot. Just let me get the bar here for you guys, here… Here. And the concert is happening, with all the gang members watching, kind of just enjoying it on their own, just seizing the moment. It's not a big concert, there’s nobody other than them, also because the bar is supposed to be closed. Ivete is almost falling asleep, she's very tired. Luba: I walk past everyone, go in Brulio's direction, GM: OK. Joui: ... And
I make a reverence. GM: When Brulio looks at you, he is sitting down and enjoying the concert, he hears when you guys walk in. He just looks at you guys, and goes back to listening to the music that the band is playing. J: Mr. Brulio, excuse me. GM: You can go talk to him. Gabi: I’m right behind Joui. GM: Brulio... (Rakin: I enter together.) Brulio: Good morning. J: Good morning, I'd like to apologize for my behavior last night. Brulio: Don’t worry, I understand. It was a strange day for everyone. J: We’re here to clarify everything
too, and I’d like to know if there's anything I could do to compensate for my actions from yesterday. Brulio: The only thing I want is the truth. J: OK, we’ll... GM: You see people arriving, do you continue to play, Arthur? Or do you come talk to them? Guaxi: N...no, I’m playing, I’m in the vibe of the song, but when I see them I stop, I freeze, put the guitar to the side and walk towards them. GM: Ok, you see Arthur stop, the song was pretty good, he’s good at what he does, at playing the guitar.
But he stops, and steps off the stage. Guaxi: [walking sounds] Brulio: Before anything else, I need to know if there's still any danger around here. L: Probably, I think the least we owe you guys is an explanation. After yesterday, and everything that happened, so... Brulio: I won't lie, I’ve always known that you guys weren't who you said you were. You arrived here at the bar, full of questions, and suddenly all of this happens. Nobody here is stupid just because we're from the countryside, we know there's something more happening, and what hurt me the most was
that you guys thought that it wasn't important for us to know the truth, when, in this bar, the only thing that matters is the truth. T: Brulio, not trying to defend the fact that we didn't say anything, but already defending it... the things we deal with, this story that we were telling, it’s a lot more dangerous if you get involved than you could imagine, I told you that the first time we met, and you noticed that I was actually lying. But... we don’t want what happened to Mr. Getúlio to happen to anyone else. (Murilo: Thiago...)
that’s you, right? Thiago. Is that your name? T: Exactly. Murilo: We’re the Scoundrel Vultures, Thiago, we fight for what we believe. If I die fighting for the gang, fighting to protect who I love, I’ll die a happy death, and I’ll die with a smile on my face. L: That’s the issue. The problem is that maybe you won’t die, perhaps your body will be used for other purposes that aren’t just death. Because we don't deal with usual things from your daily life, we deal with things that go far beyond that. T: Death isn’t the worst thing
that could happen, buddy. It doesn’t stop there. Murilo: What are you talking about? J: And as reckless as I was yesterday, what I said is true. We... We did what was possible to protect everyone that was in the concert, even if we were clumsy. Brulio: Even though I have my moments of anger, I noticed that deep inside you were protecting us, Arthur made it very clear to me. You guys were trying to protect us, and you’ve saved the lives of everyone that was here. What I saw in the forest, those remains of whatever it was...
if those things had gotten here, many of my loved ones would have died, and I’m grateful for it. But we also lost someone, someone very important to us, and I’m worried. GM: And he looks at Arthur. Brulio: Did you have any news from Gregory since yesterday? A: Now that you’ve mentioned, I haven't seen him since... Brulio: He was supposed to sing yesterday, but sometimes, you know how it is, he drinks, he forgets, but... nobody has been able to contact him and I’m worried something might have happened. A: And other than that, there’s the Hounded… What
if they took him, dad? Brulio: That’s what I’m thinking, son. You know that every time we fight with the Hounded, they always end up getting back to us… We beat up two of them here, and Gregory disappeared right after. And then Getúlio died, and there were those spiders… I’m worried. A: I don’t know what to do, dad… Have you tried calling him, something like that? Brulio: Obviously, he doesn’t pick up the phone. But he never did anyways, he had a very old phone… But he never disappeared like that, (A: Ivete!.) Brulio: Ivan went to his
house, not even his motorcycle was there. A: Ivete doesn't know anything? Hasn't she seen anything of what happened yesterday, where he went? Brulio: Gregory didn’t come here yesterday. Ivete: I haven’t seen Gregory for about two days now, since the day of the fight. J: C-Cesar-kun, can you track this Gregory guy's phone? If you know his number? Ce: I can try, yes. A: Please, Cesar. Please. Calango: I walk to the car and take my laptop. GM: OK, you take your laptop in the car and then go back to the bar. A: Fuck, dad, we don't have
one peaceful day... L: Sorry for asking now. (Brulio: Things have been complicated.) L: Sorry for asking now, but the man that died, Getúlio, did he know the Hounded? Did he have any relation with them? Brulio: Getúlio had a pure heart, he didn’t see any evil even in the Hounded. He was... He was tough, but innocent. (L: Any quarrel?) Brulio: The Hounded also didn't have anything with him, no. A: He was a person that just fueled, talked to us, and that's it. Brulio: It didn't even make sense, why would they kill the only person that accepted
to fuel the Houndeds' motorcycles? Gabi: I turn to Thiago and to Cesar that are right next to me. L: Do you think the Hounded have any relation to the esoterrorists that are attacking the town? T: Dude, there's something here... Brulio: The eso...what? Guaxi: What are they talking about, dad? Brulio: I don't know either, what is an esoterrorist? What are you talking about? (L: Please, sit down everybody.) Brulio: And who are those guys from the photo you showed us the other day? Brulio: Who are them? What are you actually doing here? Ce: We gotta tell them
the truth now. L: I recommend that... T: [inaudible]. L: I recommend that you guys take a seat, because we will have to have a conversation. Ce: Do you guys want me to call someone from the order to explain? Or should we... T: There’s no need. L: We can do that. Guaxi: I start to bite my nails because I’m too nervous already, I have a cigarette but... (L: Ok, who is in the stage...) GM: All of you get ready then, Brulio takes a seat and Ivete does too, everyone is here around you guys. T: The less
people to hear this, the better. I think only Brulio should hear it, Brulio and Arthur. Ce: I also think. T: Only them, I don't want anyone else to hear. (Ce: But if they...) Brulio can deal with them, they respect him. Ce: If Brulio wants to tell them or not... Brulio: You won't talk with... Are you sure? I trust my gang. Ce: It's okay! If you trust them, you can decide whether you'll tell them or not later, we rather tell it just to you. A: This is a Scoundrel oath, guys. We won't tell it to anyone,
really. T: But it doesn't matter, just us involving all of these people we won't know if... Anyone else can be another victim like Sir Getúlio was. Brulio: You are talking about things that I can't even imagine that it can exist, you're talking about paranormal stuff, I don't... Murilo, take Ivan and Marcelo outside. GM: Murilo then: Murilo: Alright... GM: And he goes towards everyone else and they all leave. Ce: Ivete as well? GM: Ivete is on the balcony. Ive: This is my pub, I'm not leaving here. L: Hm, alright then. Brulio: You can trust Ivete. I
know since when I was your age, since I was a kiddo. Ce: Fine, OK. Who's going to explain it? L: I can do it. Ok, Brulio. Do you want the resumed version... or do you want to know it all? It's up to you. Brulio: Honestly, I don't... The only thing that matters to me is the safety of my gang, I just want to know what I must know. L: Ok. We work for an order, an order that tries to stop people from doing evil things. There is a thin veil that separates the normal, what we
see and what we live, from the paranormal, and there are people truly evil who try to make it even thinner to bring the paranormal to this world and we are in charge to stop that from happening. That team that came before, was the team who would take care of Carpazinha and all that was happening here, However, they did not come back. They never finished their mission. Brulio: But what did they come here for? Were they investigating Rafael's death? L: We believe so, but... (Brulio: That death...) ...is his family in danger? I mean... Does it have
something related to this? Is his family's disappearance related to the paranormal? A: I thought that was a Hounded thing, dad. Brulio: We thought it was a Hounded thing but that symbol didn't have any logic. L: Have you never seen that symbol before? Brulio: I've never seen it, never. L: That symbol is known to us as an esoterrorist doing. And so we came in here to discover the truth of what happened to the other team who went missing, which was the Kelvin team. A: The three people you've shown before, with the tattoos. (L: Exactly.) Brulio: Yeah,
those who came here on the day of Arthur's show, that you mentioned before. A: They did, they did. Brulio: But they didn't appear after that, right? Brulio: It was... (A: Yeah, they...) Guaxi: You can speak, continue. Brulio: But, Arthur, I'm curious... And what did you find out? You're professionals at this, aren't you? L: Not so much, our work hasn't progressed as much as we'd like to. We found out many things related to the asylum, to the lunatic old man that you gave us much information about. Brulio: The lunatic doctor? But that's just a legend, a
small kid story we tell to people around the region here. L: That's the problem. (Brulio: I tried to scare you off...) ...because you had just arrived at the pub, it was a joke. Of course, it's not real... I mean, now I don't know. We tell this story as a joke, we like to scare off the newbies who arrive here at the pub. T: But these stories end up becoming real if they... Are spread for a long time and engrave themselves in people's minds. That's exactly what the esoterrorists want and it's exactly that what originates a
monster that can become something real. The thing is, the same way that there are people who cause this, there are people who fight against it, which is our case. Brulio: But why does... Here in the region, there are only these ghost talks because of the doctor but never... Not many people went missing around here, but we believed that it was the Hounded doings... A: [inaudible] So the things are real? Brulio: And what did you say about the sanatorium? In the sanatorium, there were rumors about people disappearing in there but we also thought it was a
joke, a legend like the one we spread about the doctor. L: Well. Do you remember when you asked if you and your gang were still in danger? Brulio: Yes. L: There were many other creatures in the sanatorium, but we already took care of them. Except that... A: Like the ones that appeared yesterday? L: No, they were different, but probably originated from the same situation. And it's that type of thing we fight against and that's why we're here. So I'm sorry for lying to all of you before but we have to do that job in secret.
Brulio: And you believe that one of these creatures took Gregório? But why, in all of this time, just now that you appeared that he went missing? Maybe it is related to the Hounded? I don't know. J: In fact, with the evidence we have, it could be either one than another. But if it was the Houndeds' doing... I want to help to rescue him. L: I think it's the least we owe to all of you. We will help you, being the Houndeds' doing or not. Guaxi: I look at Brulio like this and wait for any answer.
Brulio: The only thing that matters to me is... I don't... I honestly am too old for this type of paranormal fight thing. I lived my entire life in the gang and I'll die for my gang. But... A: Dad, I trust them. Brulio: Whatever is needed to find Gregório, I will do. But up until the moment he is safe, that is all that matters to me. J: Ok. L: I'm not sure if now is a good time to mention it, but your son was very useful in our last mission, and I'm not sure how you'll see
it but he could help us a lot. A: And where was I useful? Guaxi: I look at Liz like this and ask: A: Where was I useful? Can you tell me? J: You helped the... (A: There was a person jumping) and sacrificing himself for everyone else while I was afraid and running away with a gigantic gun in my hand. J: But before that, you evacuated the entire pub. A: Anyone would do that. J: Of course not. In front of that, that... I'm sorry but, in front of Getúlio, you acted rationally, you trusted us and acted
for the truth, and that's the type of person we are looking for. Ce: The most important thing, Arthur, is that after all, you were brave. You didn't panic and did exactly what we told you to, you trusted us. And us as well, we trusted you and you've done an amazing job evacuating the pub and helping us in the fight. You were truly very useful to us. Guaxi: Ok, I stay a little happy, (Brulio: Son...) Guaxi: All embarrassed. ...do you remember what you told me when you went abroad and left the gang for your dream of
becoming a musician? A: Not much, dad. Brulio: You told me you needed to find yourself, that you didn't see any reason to stay in town and that... our mindsets were too small and that you wanted to do something bigger. At that time I... I got hurt, I got sad because I thought you... you didn't like us or weren't proud of us. But now... (A: No!) Brulio: And because of that I was so happy when you returned. But that shine in your eyes, son, I remember that was what I felt when I started the Scoundrels, son,
when Rodolfo and I decided to start, after I lost my father. Son, support you in whatever you decide to do, but promise me that you will come back home once per... Once per three months. Guaxi: I turn and hug him like this and say: A: Of course, dad, of course. Brulio: Once per month. A: Once per... Brulio: Once per month! A: Alright then! Brulio: Alright then! GM: He hits you on your back. Brulio: Go there, kiddo! I know that's what you want to do, I saw your eyes shining. Luba: After that scene, I leave the
pub. I just excuse myself from everyone and go outside. Calango: Ok, I'm trying to track down Getúlio's cell phone. GM: Ok, right, meanwhile you were trying... Ok, how were you trying to track it? What did you do? Calango: Damn, I open my laptop like this and then I open my software called “Cell Phone Finder”. GM: Ok... [laughs] ...Investigation time, go. Calango: Then... Huh? GM: Investigation time, go, shine. Calango: Then I take a network cable adapter, which I have, a small cable like this size GM: Fine, okay. Calango: It was along with my laptop and the
wires I have, then I grab this network cable and use the adapter in it in a... It's like a small battery. (GM: Ok, like an external HD, uhum.) Calango: Yup! I put the number,... (GM: But what number?) ... the number of... What's the name of the dude who's missing? GM: That's role play, you don't know. Calango: Wow, I forgot his name... GM: No, you can interact with those around you. Calango: But that's embarrassing, right I just forgot his name, I'm shy. L: What are you mumbling about in there, Cesar? Ce: What's the dude's name, again?
L: Wait, the one who died was Getúlio. Ce: Nopidinope, the one I'm searching for. L: He is... A: Gregório. L: Gregório! Oops. Ce: Gregório! GM: [whispering] That's why you write down things, you know? Calango: That's true, that's true. OK, I put Gregório's number, plug the network cable onto the PC and start typing some things on the “Cell Phone Finder”. GM: Ok, roll a Computer Use test for me. Calango: That's my only skill, if I fail I'll be truly sad. Guaxi: Ah! While he's on the laptop I go behind him and am going nuts like: Woooahh!!
Calango: I got good, it was good. GM: You got good? Ok. You see then that he... You know Gregório's name but did you ask for his number? Calango: Uh... I didn't ask. Ce: Please guys, do you have Gregório's number? Please. A: It's in hands, here! Guaxi: Then I open my phone like this, go through the contacts... Beep! A: Here it is, Cesar. GM: He shows you the number, he puts the area code on your keyboard, and you see seven, eight windows opening at the same time, tracking it, using many different satellites, Yahoo's, Apple's, Maps', and
you see many other government sources. It's entering on the database of all phone operators, it's hacking the operators, to be able to get private information of the numbers. Rakin: Holy shit. GM: You got good, right? Calango: It was good. GM: You then look through all phone operators, you detect the operator which is a no-brand-one, and then... You track down the phone that is turned on and... it's in a radius of 2 Km from you. But you can't point out exactly where it is. A: Since I'm behind him I can see it, right? GM: There is
like... Three, four... Three to five Km, three to five Km. Calango: It is in a radius of 3 to 5 Km from where we are. Guaxi: Hey, uh Cellbo, can I, like, when looking from behind him and looking at the map, identify where he is? GM: No, it's just a big circular area, he can't track down exactly where the phone is. Guaxi: Ah! GM: But it's in the region. A: Dad! Look at this, here Ce: Yeah guys, from what I am looking from my “Cell Phone Finder” software, Gregório is near, he didn't go too far,
he's within a radius of 3 to 5 Km from here where we are, I can't find out the exact localization but at least we know that he is near here. Brulio: But he doesn't live... (Luba: I'm back in, ok?) GM: Ok. Brulio: What he would be... But he is not around here. L: Is his phone turned on, Cesar? Ce: Yes. L: Then why isn't he answering it? Brulio: That's what we'd like to know too. L: Maybe he lost his phone? And his phone fell near here? Ce: It's impressive that its battery lasts for two days.
Brulio: It's one of those big ones. He never traded it for one of these new, modern phones. A: Guys, it could be anything but isn't it better if we, like, go see what it is because after we won’t need to stress ourselves with that? L: Well, the thing is that we don't know where it is, it could be any near location. Ce: Any of you have a hunch? Of where he could be? From within this range? Brulio: Son... T: What is in this area? Like, buildings, something like that. Brulio: The Hounded stay somewhere in that
area, but we don't know where. (T: Is it near?) Brulio: They're always... They're always very careful about hideouts, they own a place but we don't know where it stays Son, I think that... I'm worried. A: Dad, I'm starting to think there's nothing paranormal, it's just the Hounded indeed. I'm almost sure, I can feel it. Brulio: I'm worried about that too, son. A: The worst is that if it was the Hounded who got him... you know? They will want to... I don't even know what to imagine, dad. Brulio: I don't know as well, son. We took
it very heavily. The fight was very heavy that day. I'm worried indeed. L: Wait, you said that the Houndeds' base is nearby? Brulio: They always show up from somewhere near this but I don't know. We don't know where that is. L: But do you know if they come from the forest? North from the pub? South from the pub? (Brulio: They always ...) ... come from the opposite side of town. T: Opposite side? Brulio: Yes. T: So opposite from the hotel's direction? In this case. Brulio: From Carpazinha's hotel? Exactly. (T: Carpazinha, yes....) ...I think we have
a starting point, at least. We gotta hurry. Ce: We gotta go to the opposite side and see where it takes us. (L: Eh, Thiago...) Brulio: But you go straight to where, huh? You're going to the streets doing what? Looking for what? If we, in all these years of walking around, never found it because we didn't know where to look, you're not going to easily find it. A: Cesar, is there no way to find anything more exact? A localization a little more accurate? Ce: Sadly with this laptop, I can't find anything that precise. If I had
the computer I have in my office I'd be able, but it's several kilometers from here, you know... A: And what do we do, dad? We spread around and go knocking door to door? Brulio: Son, for the love of God, this is a highway, there are no houses nearby. L: Spreading isn't good, it's not a good idea. Thiago, that thing you told me in the hotel before. You mentioned about the Kelvin Team disappearing... T: They disappeared exactly to that side they went, where they got lost. L: Ok.... (T: Where they come from.) ... Our team who
went missing, that was the exact direction you said, where the Hounded come from, so... We could get clues about our team. T: Wait, the family who went missing too... Didn't they go missing around that direction? GM: Let me put the documents so you can see everything. T: Where exactly did this family disappear? Brulio: It was... L: Wait a minute… Brulio: They were going towards the town, but... T: So they went in that direction. Can you tell me where the car was found, exactly? Do you know where it was? Brulio: Hey Ivete, do you recall? GM:
She says: Ive: Ah, I found the car between the town and the Ashy Armpit, actually, they crossed here and went towards the town. But they could've been taken, I don't know (L and T: Ok, it's not the same place.) L: But... I think it's a good clue for us to go towards the Hounded. Ce: Yes, but for that, (T: I think so too.) Ce: We need to get the car and go Sorry for asking now, Brulio, do you have cameras here in the pub? Brulio: Camera? Ce: Yes, safety cameras. Brulio: Ah, no, no, we don't
have that type of thing in here, it'd get us more incriminated than anything else. Ce: Ah, it's just that with all of your conflicts with the Hounded t'd be good if you had cameras around, especially now, that would help us to find out something about the blond lady we still don't know anything about. A: That it's the Houndeds' pub as well. (Brulio: Hey Ivete, keep that idea of theirs,...) ...I always worried about you. GM: Then Ivete: Iv: Yeah, but that type of thing never happened before, you always solved things outside the pub, I never thought
about needing cameras... A: Don't you think we should wait until it's time for the Hounded to come here at the pub, dad? Brulio: Do you want to get into more fights, son? And it isn't every day they come here. They barely show their faces around, they just humiliate us in their time We don't have choice A: But it's the only way we can at least follow them, I don't know, anything like that. (Brulio: Son...) Ce: And what if we do this... Brulio: So many years of the Scoundrel. Do you think we wouldn't have tried anything?
They're smart, they're clever, they know how to hide It won't be like that we'll find them, we'll just get in more danger Ce: We could go after them with the car, in case a Hounded shows up, Brulio can call us and we come back and hidden try to follow them, see where they go, maybe. A: Everyone agrees on that? Brulio: I can stay in the pub, no problem. (L: But it's one more day that...) Brulio: But the Hounded just show up after midnight, it's not even 4 PM yet. A: Then we'll go scouring right now
and if we find nothing we come back. Brulio: Ivete needs to rest. L: Gregório will stay in their hands too much time... A: So we'll go in his search now, that's what I'm saying. Ce: Yeah, we don't have many paths to follow, do we? I can't think of another way where we can find the Houndeds' base at the moment. Gabi: When we leave the pub what do we see? Besides the parking lot. GM: It's just some trees, there are plenty of trees and bushes, pretty much what you see when traveling by bus from one town
to another, some hills with a lot of forests, this place is quite flat but it has a lot of forests everywhere and... There isn't... You don't see any... There are some rural areas with a couple of farms in the way, just like you would see when traveling. Gabi: I want to... (GM: From one town to another.) Gabi: ... Go to the outside of the pub and use some Finding skills to see if I can see any trail or something in the woods around the pub to see if it's, like, marked with steps or bike's wheels.
GM: You can try. Rakin: I want to question Cesar in the meantime. T: Cesar, what if we get closer to where the phone of the... I always forget his name... Ce: Gregório? T: Gregório! Will it show us that we're getting closer? Ce: Let me confirm if there's such an update on the cell phone finder's “pad note”. T: Great, great. GM: No. With what you have, this is the most specific thing you'll get with that signal Ce: Yeah, no, that's the most specific thing I can get with this signal. Gabi: I got good at Finding. GM:
You look around and there are lots of marks of the bikes, cars and trucks that come and go at the front of the pub but there is no trail from the pub that is going towards the forest. Gabi: Ok. I'll go back inside then, to where they are. T: I think we don't have time to lose, guys, we gotta keep this route and see if we can find something different. Something that might show us where Gregório is, because the longer we spend here, we won't find out anything else. L: My dears, I took a look
around the pub but no trail goes into the forest, I think our best option is to follow the highway until we find something suspicious something that enters or goes towards the forest's direction, or towards a house or something, but it won't be as simple as it sounds like. Guaxi: I get up, fix myself, and say: A: Man, I'm not going to stay here waiting J and Ce: I agree. L: Nether me. Ce: I get up too, close my laptop. T and Ce: Let's go. Luba: Master, I did a thing while I was outside of the
pug, while they were talking. GM: Ok, what did you do? Luba: After seeing the scene of Arthur hugging Brulio, I remembered about my father again, remembered about the complicated situation we always lived in, my dad never gave me attention, he always said I was never good enough and disapproved of my choice of being a gymnast. GM: Uhum. Luba: Pretty executive-like, Japanese, tough and all. But after all of that, I grab my phone and call him. GM: Ok. You call him, it rings for some seconds... He picks it up. Joui's dad: Hello? Son? J: Hi, dad.
Is everything alright in there? Joui's dad: It's alright, son. Did something happen? J: Kind of... But I hope one day I can tell you about it in person because... I miss you very much... And I never told this to you before, but... I love you. Joui's dad: Ah... J: I gotta go, dad. Joui's dad: Ok. J: Send a kiss to mom for me. Joui's dad: I will. J: Thank you. Joui's dad: Bye. J: Bye. Luba: I ended the call and it was then when I returned. Calango: It was four in the morning in Japan, huh.
The dude must have been sleeping [Laughs] and then suddenly... Luba: That's why he got worried, duh. Calango: Yeah. Ok, fine, we will get in the car, right? GM: You all then start to get into the car... (Guaxi: I go by bike... ) ... Oh! Will everyone go by car? GM: Yep. Brulio: What is your plan, then? GM: Brulio shows up at the door. T: I think we'll follow the highway's direction in search of some kind of trail. Brulio: There will be plenty of it, right, there's going to be a lot of farms. T: I think
the only thing we can do is investigate them all, right? Brulio: You'll spend days investigating them, what do you mean? T: We don't have another option. There's a life at risk here, we have 3 to 5 kilometers of range and farms to investigate. (Brulio: Well... Good luck.) A: We could separate into two groups, I'm with my bike, someone comes with me and if someone sees anything, we text one another and it's done. Ce: Yeah, that's a good idea. And if something happens here, Brulio, call me. Calango: Then I take a card like this and there's
a photo of me with arms crossed written: Cesar Oliveira, with my number, “hacker and programmer” below it GM: Ok. Calango: That's it. GM: What's the card's color? Calango: Shit, it's a... gray kinda cemented. GM: He grabs it. Brulio: Alright. If something happens here, I'll call but I doubt it, they won't show up before midnight. If they do show up, of course... they rarely come in here. Ce: If anything else happens too, you can call us since we'll be nearby. Don't fret, we will find Gregório. Guaxi: My dad... Brulio isn't coming, right? GM: No. A: Are
you coming, dad? Brulio: No, I'll stay at the pub. A: Ok, then... Brulio: We tried to... We tried to find them plenty of times, you know that Arthur, but if you're luckier than us... A: Ok, dad, do you still have WhatsApp downloaded in there? Brulio: I do, I do, I do. A: I will... GM: He takes his phone and in his hands, it looks super tiny like this. Brulio: Here. A: I will send you a thing that will share localization so you will know where I am. There, can you see my little bubble? Brulio: Wait
a bit laggy, it's... It's there! A: Then if we don't come back until ten o'clock... Is ten o'clock reasonable, guys? L: It seems good. What time is it now? GM: Now it's almost four o'clock, it's three past something. L: Yeah, it seems good. A: Ok, then if we don't come back until that time, I want you to come to me. I'll try to call you before that, if I don't call you it's because something has happened. Brulio: Alright. Guaxi: I go up the bike like this. A: Anyone wants to come by bike with me? Guaxi:
I put on the little helmet. L: Is there an extra helmet? A: Yup! Guaxi: Then I grab it like this [tch]. A: The helmet has little wings, look at it. L: Woah! I'll go then, I want the helmet with little wings! A: Let's go then! Guaxi: Then I throw it like... Oh no, why did I say that? Now I'll have to roll a Throwing test. Gabi: Hey, I already broke my nose, don't break it again, please. Calango: Ok, before leaving I grab the... I have a filming pen with me. I'm serious, I'm serious, I swear
I have it. GM: Ok, ok. Calango: I take it to Brulio and say: Ce: Look Brulio, this right here looks like a pen but it's a camera, if anything suspicious happens in there, I don't know, if any Hounded show up and you think it'd be helpful, you can film. Just press this button at the side that it starts recording. Just leave this side... Brulio: But why would I want to record the Hounded? Ce: No, if anything suspicious happens and you want to record it, it's better for us since we'll have more information, if the lady
woman shows ups, who knows? A: I think it's better, dad, for you to give it to Ivete so she can record, because I think it could be a little odd for you, who is a biker, be carrying a pocket pen. (Brulio: Hey Ivete, have this.) GM: Then Ivete: Ive: Where do you press? Here at the back? Ce: Yes, at the back there. GM: She presses it. Ivete: But where is it... Is it recording from here? From the front, right? Ce: Yeah, no, it records from the side, on the thing made for you to hook on
the shirt. Ive: Ah! Here, I can see it. Ok, ok, ok. Ok, so, I will stop, I will leave it here and won't even touch it, can it be like this? GM: She put it on a crooked angle. Ce: It'd be good if you put it on the... Calango: What is she wearing? GM: She has an open and torn denim jacket. Calango: Is there any front pocket like this? GM: Let me see on the... I don't think so, I don't think so. Calango: No? GM: Maybe there is but I'll find this out now, wait a
bit... It's here, let me see her... No, there isn't. Calango: No? Ok. Ce: You should put it on the collar, if you put it on the collar the camera will be... Ive: Put it hanging like this? Ce: Yes, like that. Ive: I'll do it, I'll do it. GM: She hangs it like this on her shirt. Ive: A little odd to keep a pen like this but it's ok. Then I press it if I need to, if there's something strange as you mentioned? Ce: Yes! If any Hounded shows up, or if a blond lady shows up,
you record for us with it. Ive: Leave it to me, leave it to me. Ce: Thank you, alright? Guaxi: Then I give the helmet to Liz, she goes up and then: A: Back when I asked who'd like to come I saw that Joui raised his hand, didn't you, Joui? J: Yes, but it's okay, Liz-senpai can go. A: Next time you'll be the one who'll get a ride, ok? Luba: Ok, I'll go by car. Calango: I want to reload my gun before going. GM: Ok, everyone can reload... I mean, you reload your gun. Leave it with
the munition already. Luba: Aye, I'll do it now too then. GM: You can reload them. Calango: I'll discard a cartridge then. GM: OK. Gabi: I reloaded mines because... Preparation. Luba: How many does a Magnum take? Sorry. GM: The Magnum has 6. Luba: Six, exactly. I had only used one last time. GM: And to reload, just to remember you, since it's a revolver, you open it and put two bullets per round. Guaxi: Wowie, bullets are falling. T: Oopsie, the bullets fell when I was reloading, my bad Luba: Ok. GM: OK. You then get ready to leave
the pub, and what do you do? Calango: Damn, I could go to the restroom before, couldn't I? GM: Do you want to go to the restroom before? Calango: What? GM: Do you want to go to the restroom before? Calango: I do. GM: Ok, you can go to the restroom, that's fine, but I would like to know it... Calango: My bladder is about to explode, dude! GM: Go there. You then... What's the strategy you use to explore? Do you go around the Ashy Armpit? What do you intend to do? There are indeed many... many little roads
that go inwards, something you don't know if it's an actual trail or just a broader space. There are many little farms that go through you, many little houses What are you looking for exactly? Rakin: He said it was around 3 to 5 kilometers, right? GM: 3 to 5 kilometers, yeah. Rakin: Was it inside this radius or between 3 to 5 kilometers? GM: No, the Ashy Armpit bar was inside this radius, but it’s like... near the edge, and the circle includes the bar but it’s more to the North Rakin: It’s far then, it's not from the
beginning. GM: It’s not exactly next to the bar. GM: It's a big area. (Rakin: Then we can easily stay 2 kilometers,) Rakin: ...and then we start to look for it. GM: Yeah, you... GM: Once you leave the bar, it could or could not be there, GM: you're in the area of the signal. (Rakin: Got it.) Gabi: Wait, we have an area... (GM: An exact circular area.) Gabi: Where the signal is being issued, but we don't know (GM: Exact.) Gabi: where the center of this signal is. (GM: Exactly.) A: I think we could divide this circle
into 4 parts, and we never look on opposite sides in case one of us finds it, so we’ll find it easier. Got it? J: Got it. A: Didn't you understand? (J: I got it.) L: Much better than I had thought, I like it. J: Nice. Calango: What's the plan? Sorry, I was... Luba: We divide it like a pizza, right? Guaxi: Yeah, and we can't look through opposite sides, only on sides that are right next to each other so we can find it quicker. Luba: Yeah, divide it as a pizza, Rakin. Then we’ll look through the
two right parts, and then the two left parts. Rakin: But we’d have to go to the other side of the city, normally, the Hounded drive on one side. I think it’d be a waste of resources to look through the city, isn’t it? Calango: Yeah, so there's half a pizza that we can already discard. Rakin: Yeah, we can discard half a pizza. (Luba: Exactly.) Guaxi: Done, we can get rid of half a pizza. (Luba: Nice.) A: Nice, since I'm gonna be on my motorcycle, I’ll try to focus less on what I’m seeing more on where I’m
driving to. Then Liz, if you see something, you poke me, nudge me, and I'll stop the bike and we can check if it's there L: Nice, I'm here because... (Guaxi: I'm exited.) L: ...I have the vision of an eagle. Guaxi: Then I start the engines. [Sounds of motorcycle] GM: Ok, you start the engines and you start to drive in the opposite direction of the town. Right? Luba: Si. (Joui: [inaudible]) GM: Ok, the signal still works in the direction of the city, GM: but it's a very small portion. You start to drive, and it’s a large
main highway, and some streets go into some farms, many trails that go into the forest, with cars... Where do you wanna go, exactly? And do what? Calango: Tsk, it’s gonna be tricky if we stop at every option. Gabi: In these trails that you’ve mentioned, you said we can go there by car. Are there any of them that Arthur and I are going that I can see that have tire tracks that belong to motorcycles and not cars? GM: Roll a Finding test. Guaxi: Me too? While I'm driving? (GM: You can do it too.) Gabi: I’ve got
high Finding points, I got good. GM: You see many... You see many of them that have tire tracks that belong to motorcycles, mixed with some that belong to cars. Some of them are just small streets that go in there, it’s difficult to recognize where only motorcycles go, or if there are only motorcycles or not. They're just places where the soil has been altered a lot, and since it rained last night, any traces of tire tracks might have gone back to normal. L: Arthur, we have some options. A: What?! L: Wait, wait, wait... stop, stop! L:
I poke his ribs. (Guaxi: She does that and I stop the bike.) Calango: I see them stopping. Thiago is the one who's driving, right? Rakin: Yes, I am. Ce: Big T, stop the car. I think they're stopping too, the bike. T: Alright, fine. Ce: Cool. L: Yeah, my dudes. We have these options. I think wherever the Hounded go, the streets are frequently visited, of the trails, whatever path they’re using. There is a certain movement of tire tracks there, so it can't be an abandoned trail. And there's another thing... the farms aren't very suspicious, but it'd
be the ideal place for them to build their base. Which, in theory, would be safer and nobody would suspect of a farm. Ce: The problem is that there's so many of them, if we had to look one by one we’d waste too much time. L: Do you have any suggestions? Ce: No. J: I have one. (A: Say it, buddy.) J: But… J: Well, I’m a bit short, what if I hide in the bar before the Hounded arrive there, and hear what they're talking about? L: That’s the problem, they're gonna take so much time to get
there, and it means... the guy will be there with them for an even longer time. GM: Wait, how is Liz talking to Joui? Are you all standing in the same place? Everybody: Yes. (GM: Oh, Okay.) [inaudible] GM: Arthur, you know that the Hounded show up at the bar like twice a month on the bar. A: Joui, I think your idea is wonderful, but I think when Cesar asked for suggestions, he meant for the situation we're in right now since we have to find them here. We can think about different plans later. Luba: I didn’t like
what he just said, so I ignored it, just ignored. J: Well, then we could look into every farm one by one trying to find your friend. What do you think? Ce: I honestly don't see another way. T: Can’t you access your... hacker files right there, if you can find which farm is possibly having its rent being paid or not. Or if there’s any break in a contract? Ce: Oh, now that’s interesting. T: Any abandoned farm? Ce: I can do research. T: See if the government has any farm here that has any irregular payments,or anything different.
Ce: Great idea, Big T. Calango: Ok, I'm gonna grab my laptop. I’ll set it on top of Calango: the trunk of the car... (GM: Okay.) Ce: ... and I connect it to my 4G. GM: No signal. Calango: Oh. Ce: There’s no signal. T: What now, buddy? L: Uhm, my friend… Don’t you have a signal amplifier? You’re the team’s hackers man. Calango: Do I recall that I had one? I had one. GM: There's no signal, at the bar it was very weak already. And going further, it's an even more rural area. There’s definitely no signal there,
but there's a weak signal for your phone. T: Do you wanna go back and do research beforehand? Because sincerely, it's easier to hit one target in ten than one target in a thousand. Ce: That's right, that's right. Ce: Let's take advantage of... Calango: Did we go too far? GM: No, you’ve noticed there was too much stuff and immediately went “hold on”. GM: "Maybe it's not a good idea go in every place.". (Ce: Yeah, let’s take advantage) Ce: of the fact that we're still close to the Armpit, and let's go back there to see if I
can find something. L: Okay. L: Let's go back, then. GM: All of you come back, and once you walk into the bar, Brulio says: Brulio: Did you find it? What happened? Ce: Not yet, Big T had the great idea of researching some of the farms that are there, so I’m gonna do that here because there's no signal in the road. So I’m gonna use the signal here, Big B. Brulio: Oh, alright…? What are you looking for, exactly? I don't get it. Ce: We're gonna look for... actually, I'm gonna look for some irregular payments, or if
someone hasn’t paid their rent, or if they have been paying rent and then I’ll see who does it, because then we can cross them off the list. Brulio: But in this rural area you might not find anything. Ce: What do you mean? L: Hey, Brulio. Come here. Brulio: Yes, I'm here. L: Do you have a map of this region? Brulio: I do. GM: He turns around. Brulio: Right here. L: Ok, can you mark all the farmers that you know, or that you've visited before, L: so we can discard them? (Brulio: Farmers, what do you mean?)
Brulio: We don't visit any farmers, why would we do that? We just race here, but what exactly are you looking for? L: I just wanted you to mark down on the map people you already know, and who are not of the Hounded ones, so we don't have to look in those places. Brulio: I can try, but we don't know most of the farmers. They just come and go from the farms. I only know Mr. Osvaldo... Mrs. Gertrude… Brulio: Another one whose name I forgot, J: [inaudible]. Brulio: and that's about it. I don’t know anyone else,
and I only know these cause they live near the bar... Sometimes they come here to drink too. L: That's interesting… You wanna say something, Joui? J: Maybe it’s a... J: Maybe it’s a shot in the dark, but what if there’s any connection between the Hounded and Dr. Virgulino? We have his address in that document we found, and it says it's located in a rural area. L: Let me check my notes, wait. Calango: Did you say that to Liz, Joui, or... Luba: To Liz, only to Liz. L: My notes, my notes... Luba: I have it here,
I give it to her. L: Here, I got it! L: Hey, Cesar. Gabi: I look at Cesar. L: Try to find this house on the Tercalho Freitas highway, try to find where it is located. Brulio: The highway what? L: Tercalho Freitas highway? Brulio: Tercalho Freitas... My God! I haven't heard that name in many years! Ce: What's with this Tercalho Freitas street? Brulio: That highway doesn't even exist anymore, it’s ancient. J: Liz-senpai, I think I messed the names up. I meant Virgulino, he lived in a hut. Brulio: But why do you... L: Just relax and trust
me. That's it. Brulio: What are you talking about? L: Well, check it out, L: some of the cases we were investigating... (Brulio: I barely remember it...) L: ... have a connection with this address. Brulio: But where did you find that name?! That street changed names it’s been… Jesus, I was in my 20's when the name was changed! It happened when the village became Carpazinha. L: Do you know how it's called now? Brulio: There's no name, it's abandoned. L: Do you know where the street is located? Brulio: Yes, it’s where Rodolfo and I would race when
we were young. L: Can you take us there? Or can Arthur do that? Brulio: I know where is it. Hey, Arthur, you know that outdoor that never changes... The beer one? A: Yeah (Brulio: But it’s around 200 meters in the back,...) Brulio: ...I barely remember that street anymore. Guaxi: Ok, I look at Liz and Joui. A: Do you really think we should go there? Calango: I didn't hear it, right? (L: This street stays in...) Brulio: We actually never went there... Brulio: ... I haven’t even thought of that street anymore. L: And it’s in the same
direction that the... Brulio: Yeah, in the opposite direction of the city. But what’s in there? I’ve never really liked that street, but Rodolfo loved it. It was dangerous, it went too close to the thick part of the forest. But for some reason, Rodolfo really enjoyed it there. L: Joui, I think your shot in the dark was the best shot you’ve ever made so far. (A: A headshot.) Luba: I’m very happy with her praise. J: T-thanks, Liz-senpai, thank you. Luba: I recover 3 sanity points. [Laughs] Gabi: Ok, I wanna give this information to Cesar. GM: Roll
a Sanity test, Joui. If you fail, I’ll let you recover 1 point because you're happy. T: The squeaky wheel gets the grease. [Laughs] Luba: I failed a lot. I was supposed to fail, right? GM: Yeah, you get 1 sanity point. Luba: Only 1? I have 20! (GM: It was only 1 praise.) Calango: It was only 1 praise, if they were 2... [Laughs] Luba: “What did you think of my work, Thiago-sensei?” I’m kidding, I’m kidding. L: Thiago, Cesar, come here. This address right here is Dr. Virgulino's address. Arthur must know because of the story of the
Lunatic Man. Brulio: It was him?! Gabi: Oh no, my God… He shouldn't have heard it. GM: Roll a Stealth test. L: Shit... I didn't like it. T: Gosh darn. Gabi: I failed. GM: He heard it. Brulio: Wait, the house that belonged to the Doctor Lunatic was on that street? That’s why he liked it then, Rodolfo used to tell everyone that story. T: Rodolfo? Brulio: Yeah, he’s the leader of the Pounded. L: Wait, isn’t Rodolfo the guy that founded your gang with you? Brulio: Yes. L: And he became the leader of the Hounded?! Brulio: Yes. T:
Do you know where this Rodolfo guy is? Brulio: Not exactly. Long story short, we don’t have much time... We founded the gang, he was one of the Vultures, we founded the gang together. But he wanted to kill people, he was bloodthirsty and we did commit some crimes. We’d organize illegal races, we were actual rascals. But after Arthur was born, he started getting more violent, and I told him I wouldn’t allow that attitude in the Scoundrel Vultures anymore. And that’s... when we decided... (A: Break up?) Brulio: I mean, Brulio: we didn’t decide anything. We almost killed
each other, and then he left to found the Hounded and I stayed with the Vultures GM: He looks at Arthur with pride. Guaxi: I look back at him with pride too, because I also hate Rodolfo. L: Mr. Brulio, I think you just gave us a very good clue, actually. We’ll go check that street. Do you have any information about this place? Since you used to go there often. Brulio: I didn’t go often, we would race there sometimes, but it was very dangerous. People would get hurt sometimes, it was super closed so we’d only go there
once in a while. That’s why I was confused when you mentioned it, I hadn’t heard of it in a long time. T: Is it into this 3 to 5 kilometers ratio? Brulio: Yeah, it’s about 4 kilometers to the North. T: Then that’s exactly where we have to go. A: For someone that had nothing before, leggo. Guaxi: Then I stand up, Guaxi: and say to my father: A: Dad, same thing: A: if it’s 10, 11 PM and I still haven’t called... I’ll even update the location tracking thing, it must be over already. L: Oh, set it
to 8 hours, so it won’t be over so soon. Guaxi: I sent two, dad, in case one of them doesn’t work. Brulio: Ok, but it’s counting that I went down but it's not counting anymore... it says you guys were in the North, but it stopped. Is it the second one you sent? GM: And he’s holding his little phone. A: I’m going first with the bike, and you guys follow me with the car. Guaxi: Then I throw Liz the helmet. Brulio: Son, J: I'm in the car. don’t you want me to go with you? Gregory, the
Hounded, it’s not that paranormal stuff... I’ll go if you want. A: Dad, we’ll go. If I don’t respond until 10 PM, then you can go after me. You don't need to go right now. Brulio: I don’t want you to be in danger, son. It’s Gregory! A: Exactly, dad. That's why I’m going, it's Gregory. GM: He grabs his magnum from inside his jacket, all decorated with golden details. A: Isn’t it better to give the gun to someone who... Brulio: Son! Honor the Vultures… Till 10 PM, I want you and Gregory here. I trust you. Guaxi: I
put the gun on my waist, turn around, and walk to the bike. Brulio: I love you, son. A: I love you too, dad Brulio: Don’t forget that! Guaxi: Aw, I’m a bit embarrassed, it’s so sweet! Ce: Ok, let’s go? A: Let’s go. Guaxi: I’ll go first on the bike, and you guys follow. A: It’s that way, behind the outdoor. L: Hey, no need to drive with emotion… L: Be careful. (A: I’ll be careful,...) A: ...Wasn’t I on the last time? I thought I was. Okay, let's go. GM: You guys follow Arthur for what feels like
5, 6 minutes, going up the highway, until you can finally see the beer’s glass in the distance, all destroyed... You see only the cup. An outdoor completely abandoned. Guaxi: Ok. I stop and say: A: Alright, I think this is it, Liz. That’s the outdoor my father talked about. GM: Everyone, roll a Finding test. Rakin: Everyone? Guaxi: Let's go, guys, let's put our finding points together and get a terrible result! Gabi: How much do I have? Gabi: Ouch, I failed. (Guaxi: 16) Calango: I failed miserably. Rakin: I got 4. Gabi: I got 80, I failed. Rakin:
I got 4 to 80. Luba: I got good, but I only have a tiny little bit. GM: No, it's okay, the tiny little bit changes nothing... but it might soon. But Thiago, before the car even stops, you see on the ground that there's a very thin entrance that you wouldn't even consider to be a trail if you hadn’t paid attention. It seems like many motorcycles pass by that trail, trying not to catch attention. Rakin: I start honking. [honk sounds] Guaxi: OK, I start the engines and drive towards him. GM: You stopped before him, and when
you get closer you can see it too, there's an entrance that was very well hidden, leading a path deeper into the forest. And paying more attention, you can see that when you enter a little bit, when you’re a few meters further into the trail, it opens and turns into a bigger path. Rakin: I just wave at them and scream: T: HEY! This trail here seems like something important, I see a lot of tire tracks here. Guaxi: Ok, I park the bike and take my helmet off. A: Do you wanna go in with the bike or
on foot? Because I don't think the car will fit... GM: It actually can fit, you see that it can... but there’s a lot of low tree branches, so you’re gonna have to pass by a lot of vegetation. Rakin: So I go in. L: Well, guys… The car is linked to my credit card. T: You're rich, my darling, you're a cop. Ce: Wow, Big T! If it weren't for you, that would have gone over my head. Nice one! T: What I don't hear, I see. (A: Do you think it's better if everyone goes into the car?)
Guaxi: Do you guys think it’s better if we all go in the car or is it good like this? Two on the bike and you guys in the car, before us... I don't know. GM: Organize yourselves, top and left. Always put your formation on the tabletop, so we can know what your formation is like. When there’s no scenario, we’ll use this little corner to set your formation. T: Ok, I’m in the car. [inaudible] Guaxi: We stopped on each others side. T: Just leave the bike here. Guaxi: Ok, then I'll hide it here. Can I hide
it behind the plants? I’ll try it. GM: You can try, roll a Stealth test. Guaxi: Ah my friend, you're speaking to a ninja! Oh my God, wait... 62, I don’t think I have all that in stealth. Guaxi: Yup, told you. (GM: You park the bike into the forest, like this...) Guaxi: No, I told you, I got 79 in stealth! GM: Ok, you park the bike into the forest, and you even put some tree branches on top of it. You can see it because you know where it is, you think someone that isn’t attentive won't even
notice that it's there. It’s the best you can do. Guaxi: I put some plants on top of it, right? A: Yeah, I'm ready, guys. Guaxi: Then I walk to the car and get inside. L: Yay! Guaxi: Wow, it’s gonna be tight! Gabi: Fine, I’ll go in the middle. Rakin: I’m driving and I'm not very good at it. GM: Ok, then roll a Driving test because the road is very complicated, there’s a lot of holes and some turns in the middle of the forest. Rakin: Is it the automatic driving test? GM: It's a driving test, just
to see, if you're gonna fail too much, then it's gonna be bad. T: Guys... Bad news. Go ahead, roll a Driving test... You're not going fast, so there's not gonna be too much trouble. You won’t cause any damage to people, you’re going carefully. GM: It’s just to know if... (Rakin: I got 37 out of 20.) GM: You failed but it wasn’t... Okay, let me see. Alright, it’s all good. You bog a little sometimes, but you can do it, and you leave a lot of tracks behind you so it's clear that you passed there. You carefully
enter a very dense part of the forest, the place is getting very dark despite it being around 6 PM right now. The mood is getting a bit tense, you hear crickets and insects and animals, birds flying around your car. And eventually, you arrive at a place that really catches your attention: There are 4 stakes stuck on the ground, and each of them has a skull on top. GM: Two stakes on each side... (T: We're near, guys.) GM: ... almost as a warning that no one is welcomed there. Gabi: Can I recognize if it’s a skull,
skull or if it’s just something that was molded to look like a skull? GM: You can roll a Forense test, or a biology test, to see that. Gabi: I got good. GM: They're human skulls. Guaxi: Do I recognize that's something that belongs to the Hounded? Or is it not that easy? GM: You’ve never seen that before, but it looks like something they'd do. L: Um, guys... T: Hm? L: You’ve seen the skulls there, haven’t you? J: I have, and I didn’t like it. L: So… they’re actual skulls, they’re not fake at all. T: Yeah… Since
the first time I saw those guys, I was willing to shoot a bullet through their heads. L: But what if it’s not just the Hounded here? A: That’s what I’m thinking, Liz… It’s too much coincidence, being in an ancient road that Rodolfo really enjoyed, and the Hounded murder people without hesitation... I don’t know, there’s a lot of things that connect them, but if it isn’t them... L: Well Arthur, maybe they are the Hounded… But what I mean is that it's not only the Hounded. They could actually have some connection with the esoterrorists, and that’s not
as simple as it seems. T: Maybe they’re esoterrorists themselves. L: Exactly. Ce: Rodolfo himself acted like one, from what Brulio told us. A: Okay, I don’t know much of these things, but I’m following… If that's the case, I’m with you guys. Ce: Anyways, going back isn’t an option. Quitting isn’t either, so let's go ahead. Everyone, be careful. T: I just think that in case we need to run away from her fast, by car… I’m not a good driver, so it'd be better if someone else took the wheel. A: I can do it. T: Because if
I hit the car somewhere while we run away... Gabi: Yeah, I'm not a good driver either. T: Then it's gonna be us on the stakes. A: I can drive in that case. T: Then it’s settled. We’ll trust you on that, Arthur. Guaxi: We’re going as we speak, right? GM: No, you’re standing in front of the skulls. Guaxi: Oh, are we? Alright. T: Do you guys wanna continue near this place? A: Do you guys think we're getting anywhere? Or do you wanna try to find some construction? Because we can go on foot for a long time
and not find anything, then we’re screwed. Gabi: Do the stakes stop the car from passing by? GM: No, they’re just a warning. You can go forward. Rakin: Oh, then let's go. Let’s go by car. GM: You guys see that this is an abandoned road, it was a road that was actually very frequented in the past, but after so many years of abandonment, it just became... You can still see that the trees easily form a road, but it's very old. And you can only see signs of motorcycles going through the road, their tracks are formed on
the soil. L: I’d say we continue going further, and once we see a building on the horizon we park the car, leave it in a position that's good for running away, and then we walk to the building. T: Good idea. But I’m not gonna do that, I'm shit at parking cars. Ce: Arthur can do it. L: Yeah, Arthur will do it for us. Ce: Arthur's good at parking. L: Ok, let’s go? Ce: Don’t you wanna change seats already, to let Arthur drive? L: Okay. A: Do you want it? You decide… I trust you, Big T.
A: Me too. T: In this route right here, I think we managed to make it through the entrance. The rest is fine. A: Done, in case something happens, we’ll find a way. We jump on each others arms and we're good. Let's go. T: Perfect, you jump into my arms and we're good. I trust it. Guaxi: Then let's go! T: Let's go. GM: You accelerate because the car has been still for a long time, and it makes a [car stuck on the soil sounds], and it kind of got stuck in the mud. Roll another Driving test.
Rakin: I’m gonna do an Initial D there. GM: Driving test. Rakin: Ah, 52. GM: You did it? Rakin: No, I failed. GM: The car is still stuck. [car is stuck sounds] A: Let’s get out of here! Guaxi: I hit my hand and opened the car. Ce: It’s making too much noise. Gabi: Hey, Arthur! Take the wheel and we’ll take the car out of here. A: If anything we’ll have to push it, I don't know. We’ll have to find a way. T: Come on, fam, let’s push it. GM: Ok, everyone takes a strength test. Who’s driving?
Rakin: Arthur. GM: While Arthur drives, roll a Strength test. I want at least a regular from each one... 1 good counts as 2, and 1 extreme counts for all of them. Guaxi: Do I have to roll a Driving test? Calango: I failed. (Gabi: I got regular.) Rakin: I got regular. (GM: Regular, I need a good now.) Guaxi: Do I have to roll a Driving test? GM: Yeah, your driving test counts as a strength test. Guaxi: Ok, I got 45 out of 50. GM: That's regular. Rakin: Everyone got regular. (Calango: I failed.) GM: Joui, what’s yours?
Luba: I failed. GM: You guys can try to force it, just need one strength point. Luba: I’ll force it. (Calango: I will too, I have a lot of strength.) Rakin: He’ll fall in the mud, poor kid. Calango: Nuuuuuh, I got extreme! I got extreme! GM: Extreme?! Suddenly, you guys see Cesar get a supernatural strength that you guys have no idea where it came from, you look at him and you even remember his familiarity with Cris. He says [YUUUUUH] and [breathing sounds] he fucking pushes it and the car gets out of the mud. T: The father’s
spirit lives in the boy, that’s impossible. Ce: Fuck, wow… A: Let's go, guys. Ce: I'm tired. Guaxi: What time is it, Master? GM: What? Guaxi: What time is it? Calango: Around 6 PM. GM: Yeah, it’s around 6 PM. It’s getting dark right now. A: Let’s go then? Guaxi: I think everyone's in the car now. GM: You keep walking for what feels like 4 or 5 minutes by car, and then further ahead you see a glade, and when you stop by the glade you see a huge wooden house behind the trees. It’s dark and has many
broken windows, it has two floors, and the facade has a few steps that lead to a very robust front door that is located between two windows that are completely closed by rotten wooden planks. On the top floor, 3 big windows are also closed with wooden planks. And leading you to this house, there’s what once was a beautiful garden, but it’s all dead and rotting now, covered in weeds. And more to the right, you see an area that seems to have what remained of a bonfire, with broken bottles and trash surrounding it. The tire tracks make
circles, coming and returning to this bonfire area. Guaxi: We get there with the car and I park it, as soon as I see the house I stop the car and say: A: We’re here, guys. T: Arthur, don’t you wanna tell your father that we found the Houndeds' hideout? L: I don’t think we’re gonna have any signal here. A: Oh, that’s true. (GM: You grab your phone...) GM: ...and it’s completely out of signal, and you don’t know for how long it’s been that way, but it’s been some time. You get out of the car, prepare to
explore and break into the house in the forest… In the next session of The Secret In the Forest! We’ll finish here, and we’ll go into that house next week. GM: Thank you very much for today's session... (Rakin: How robust is that door, Master?) GM: Ah, it’s a... We'll see in the next session! This is it for today, we’ll pause our session and continue the next Saturday, at 6 PM, for more The Secret In the Forest... the more forest we have, the less secret. Thank you very much for your participation, as always, I really love making
this project. And thank you to everyone that has watched it! Rest well, drink water, and we're back next week. Also, if you missed today's session, there's a reprise every Tuesday at 6 PM, and the video on YouTube is out every Thursday at 6 PM. Thank you, XO’s, and we’ll see each other again next week! GM: Take care, everyone. Gabi: Bye guys! [TSIF OUTRO] Transcribed, Translated and Subtitled by: Equipe T (@Equipe__T on Twitter)
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