Jealous SIL Locked Me in a Closet at My Baby Shower because she Couldn't Handle The Fact That...

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Jal s locked me in a closet at my baby shower because she couldn't handle the fact that I was giving my M grandchildren before her hi so I'll get right into it I've always had a very weird equation with my sister-in-law and recently something happened that kind of pushed me over the edge and not just me literally everyone in the family I 28f have been married to my husband 28m for 3 years and we have been together for six a couple of months ago we found out that we were expecting our first child together and
we were thrilled about it a few days ago this week we decided to have a baby shower and invited our families and friends to our new house for the event my sister-in-law Connie 30f and her husband were also invited to the event Connie has been with her husband for 8 years and married for five and they have been trying to have a baby for a really long time but haven't been successful recently they started their IVF treatments because even though neither of them had any fertility issues they were still struggling with conceiving had she been
a better person I might have felt bad for her but after what she did recently I'm glad that she hasn't been able to conceive yet because she's crazy and honestly doesn't deserve to be a mother Connie and I don't really get along and I would say that it's her fault because I've always been cordial with her but she just has a weird attitude about everything earlier she used to be nice to my face but I had heard from several of her family members that she constantly put me down behind my back and made fun of
a lot of things about me so I slowly distanced myself from her and then eventually we got to the point where we were only nice to each other for the sake of our family and nothing more so inviting each other to events was more of a formality and we knew it she had been invited to my pregnancy announcement party as well and even even there all she had done was sulk and maybe I should have taken that hint and not invited her this time but I didn't think much of it anyway a couple of days
ago I had my baby shower and Connie and her husband also attended they were one of the first few guests to arrive so we had taken a few people on a house tour since it was a new home and yes this is quite an important detail and anyway after everyone had arrived and the baby shower was in full swing I was speaking to a couple of friends when Connie came to my side and asked me if I could show her where our bedroom was because she wanted to rest for a bit since she was feeling
kind of nauseated I thought that it was quite strange that she had come to me and not her brother but since I was busy with my friends and also because I was heavily pregnant I told her to find my husband and ask him since I really didn't feel like getting up but she told me that she also wanted to speak to me in person and privately which is why she had asked me specifically since she didn't actually need to rest she just wanted to talk to me and needed an excuse for it that made me
a little curious so I decided to excuse myself and got up to take her to the bedroom so we could talk away from everyone else I actually thought that she was going to apologize for her behavior in the past or something because she was being really nice and I guessed that should have made me suspicious but anyway I didn't think of it and started walking with her to the bedroom and here's the deal with our house it's pretty big and that means that our bedroom is quite a distance from the living room there is a
really long Corridor leading up to it and on one side of the corridor we have something like a Supply Closet so while we were crossing that all of a sudden Connie grabbed me by the arm shoved me inside and locked me in the closet was a small dark and cramped room where we were storing a couple of unpacked boxes on the shelves our vacuum cleaner and a few MS we hadn't yet installed lights in that room and there was no ventilation apart from a tiny window that was situated really high up in the wall everyone
in the family knows that I suffer from severe claustrophobia so a room like that is pretty much the stuff of my nightmares I started panicking as soon as Connie shoved me into the room and I kept banging on the door and telling her to let me out but I knew that there was no point because she must not have stayed outside the door for long and there was loud music playing in the living room where everyone was sitting because we wanted the baby shower to be fun for everyone and it was more of a party
than a shower besid Ides even without the music there were a lot of people in the living room and I'm sure they couldn't hear me above the conversation because the Supply Closet was a little distance away from the living room in spite of that I kept banging on the door and screaming for someone to come help me until my voice gave out and I honestly don't remember what happened after that I guess I must have fainted because of my claustrophobia since the only thing I remember after that was waking up in the hospital thankfully I
was lucky enough to be found about 20 minutes after i' had left the living room since it was time to open the presents but I wasn't even there so people came looking for me apparently after Connie had returned to the living room without me she had told my friends that I needed to rest for a bit and that's why I had chosen to stay in the bedroom and had sent her back to tell them a pregnant woman choosing to take some time away from a party so she could rest wasn't all that strange so nobody
raised any questions because what Connie had done was so absurd it hadn't even occurred to anybody that she might have been lying and then eventually when it was time to open the presents people started looking for me and my husband started panicking when he realized that I wasn't in the bedroom like Connie had said he had the good sense to check the supply Closet in there he found me on the floor unconscious it didn't even take a second to call the ambulance so he could rush me to the hospital because he thought that something serious
had happened and I had fainted because of some pregnancy related complications since I hadn't even woken up when sprinkled with cold water our families drove behind us and my sister stayed back home to handle all the guests until we reached the hospital and I regained Consciousness nobody discussed exactly why I had been in the Supply Closet in the evening even though I'm the kind of person who refuses to enter that space while there is daylight because of how cramped and small it is I remained unconscious for about 10 minutes and when I woke up in
the hospital which is luckily just a few minutes away from our home they ran some tests and stuff before telling my family that there was nothing they needed to be worried about I'd just been knocked out cold because I had probably been in a very stressful situation and my blood pressure had dropped to a dangerously low level that bit wasn't surprising because ever since I got pregnant I had been having a lot of trouble with my blood pressure and the way it was fluctuating constantly and I guessed the claustrophobia and the panic attack must have
triggered me somehow which is why I ended up fainting and remaining unconscious for 10 whole minutes after I came to my senses they took me home and my sister made sure that all the guests were served food and told them that I was completely fine so they wouldn't worry once I had come back home nobody was in the mood to have fun anymore so everyone went back home and it was just me and our families who stayed so we could get to the bottom of what had happened I felt exhausted so even though I remembered
exactly what had happened I was in no mood to relive it and I just wanted everyone to leave so I could go to sleep but luckily for me my friends who had been speaking to me before I left the room with Connie had heard the conversation between me and her and they knew that it was Connie who had taken me out of the living room so we could go to the bedroom and in all likelihood she was the one responsible for this so before they left they had told my husband about it they didn't bother
me that evening but the next morning I found out from my husband that he had confronted Connie before the family had left and while I was resting in the bedroom they had been arguing in the living room our families were there and so was he and Connie kept denying that she had anything to do with locking me in the Supply Closet she claimed that she had gone with me to the bedroom to apologize for always being cold and a bit mean to me all the time and apparently we had made up for the last couple
of years then I told her that I wanted some time away from the party so I stayed in the bedroom and she came back so she really had no idea why I had ended up in the supply closet and denied having anything to do with it and since it was just her word against my friends they couldn't come to a conclusion that evening but the next morning I woke up in a much better condition and after breakfast my husband asked me what exactly had happened and I told him everything I told him I had kept
banging on the door of the supply closet and begged Connie to let me out but she probably hadn't even been there to hear me he was Furious and called the rest of the family over once again so we could deal with the situation in this time I was present as well so she couldn't deny what she had done I remember that that morning Connie showed up looking really sick and pale because she probably knew that she was screwed her husband also looked worried but I don't think that he knew exactly what his wife had been
up to anyway I recounted what had happened that evening and confirmed the fact that Connie was the one who had pushed me into that closet and left me there everyone seemed horrified and nobody really knew what to say because I don't think anybody wanted to believe that somebody they had known for so long was capable of doing something so horrible truth be told I get that because no matter what kind of relationship I had with Connie even I had found it very difficult to believe that she had done something so unhinged but that was the
truth she had tried to harm me on purpose and I didn't even feel safe around her anymore after I was done talking my mother-in-law Pam was the first one to speak up she sounded really disappointed and resigned and said that she should have seen this coming because for the past couple of months Connie had been absolutely livid with me the reason for that was that she felt like I was rubbing it in her face the fact that I was pregnant before her even though she had been married for longer than me she had even said
that she was very unhappy with the fact that I would be the first woman in the family to give Pamela a grandkid and not her but Pam thought that these ramblings against me were just harmless and Petty so she never brought it up with us but she had no idea that Connie would go out of her way to do something like this out of anger and jealousy at that point Connie started crying and said that she hadn't done this out of anger but it was only meant to be a harmless and innocent prank she claimed
that she had no idea that this was going to go so wrong and she had actually intended on just leaving me locked in there for a couple of minutes as a prank and then she would let me out and apologize for not just locking me in for her behavior towards me for the past couple of years she said that she had completely forgotten about the fact that I was severely claustrophobic and when she realized that I had fainted in the Supply Closet she knew that people would think that she had done this on purpose and
that's why she had chosen to lie about the previous night because she was scared of the consequences but now she did not want anyone in the family to misconstrue what she had done and she had done it so she insisted that it was just a prank and she didn't really intend to harm me unfortunately for her nobody really believed her because well it wasn't very believable and I was very pissed off that she had put me through so much just because she was upset that she wasn't getting pregnant as if it was my fault I
hadn't even been rubbing anyone's face like she was saying I had only held a pregnancy announcement a couple of months back and now this baby shower as far as I'm concerned these are very common events pregnant people host and they are not meant to rub the pregnancy into anyone's face if that's how she felt that was her own fault and insecurity showing also what she had said about me being the first woman to give pamel a grandkid was just disgusting because this wasn't a competition or a race the bottom line was that she was upset
that she hadn't had any luck in getting pregnant and I hadn't even been trying but I still got pregnant and it sucks for her that she's having to deal with fertility issues in spite of having all normal results but that's really not my fault or my problem and I had had enough rest so I was Furious the next morning and I told Connie that for the past couple of years she has been nothing but weird with me but I had never even done anything to her in fact I'd always tried to be nice to her
and she was the one who had constantly faked it with me and then gone behind my back to talk crap about me even then I had stayed dignified and just distanced myself from her but it seemed like she was just never happy and wanted to make sure that she created enough problems for me I told her that I could understand that she was feeling jealous and insecure but for somebody to act like this was just demented and I did not feel safe around her anymore I told her that she was a horrible human being for
what she had done even though nothing had happened to me something very easily could have happened and I knew it was not a prank like she was trying to pass it off as I knew that she saw me as competition but unfortunately I was was not competing with anyone and she had no right to drag me into this for no reason then I told her that I did not want her visiting or speaking to me anymore and then I turned to everybody else and said that if they spoke to her again then I would not
speak to them so it was either going to be her or me and that's when Connie started protesting saying that I had no right to do that especially when she had just been playing a prank I could see that both she and her husband were actually worried but I had said whatever I had to say and they could go on screaming but it didn't matter since I knew that the rest of the family was also going to agree with me eventually Connie got way too loud and my mother-in-law had to step in she told Connie
to stay quiet because this was just the consequence of her own actions and she had lost the right to protest against it and then she said something that shocked us all she backed me up and told me that I was right it wouldn't be possible to look at Connie the same way because what had happened was just insane and nobody was going to believe her claim of it only being a prank then she went on to say that she was cutting Connie out of her life for now and maybe in the future they would be
able to make up but right now she didn't want anything to do with her and that also meant that she was no longer going to be paying for the ibf treatments so they would have to look for some other way to deal with it my father-in-law who is a generally quiet man and mostly lets Pamela do all the Talking also agreed with this and I'm not even exaggerating Connie and her husband literally erupted at that point they started screaming at Connie's parents and said that they couldn't do this since everyone knew that they were really
desperate to start a family and they couldn't afford the IVF treatments along with everything else that was going on so Connie's parents had been their only hope for context my in-laws are quite rich but Connie's husband's parents aren't exactly on the same level so they couldn't have approached them for help Connie and her husband have just started a new business it's barely been a few months so they haven't managed to break yet which is probably why they were relying on Connie's parents for the money for the treatments we didn't know about that before it was
brought up by them and it was a huge deal that they were backing out of it since Connie had been pretty desperate to have a baby when Connie and her husband started screaming hysterically Pam stood her ground and said that given her current state of mind and the way she was behaving she thought it was best for her not to have a baby right now and I couldn't agree more nobody had anything to say and Connie just broke down and kind of just fell to the floor while crying and it was pretty pathetic to see
her like that but I wasn't going to go back on my word she continued to sob on the floor for about 5 minutes and nobody said anything during that time but then she got up and I thought that she was going to speak to her mother but she came directly towards me and actually started begging for forgiveness and I mean she was really begging she was on her knees and everything and said that she was genuinely and truly sorry for what she had done but she knew that I could make this right by speaking to
Pam and I just had to do it Pam tried to be gentle with her and told her that her mind had been made up and not even I could change it but Connie was not ready to to listen she was just hysterical and I don't think she was in her senses at the time it was kind of awkward so I didn't even know what to say and I really felt bad for her but there was nothing that I could do after a while her husband grabbed her and got her to stand back up and while
she was still crying he walked out with her and left us all still trying to process what had happened after that everyone went back home and it's just been me and my husband since then we haven't been speaking about what happened with Connie because it was sad after one point but right now I've been feeling a little weird about it I know that what she did to me was terrible but I was was the one who put forth an ultimatum for the rest of the family and forced them to cut her off and that also
meant that she couldn't have a baby because it meant no more IVF treatments so I've been wondering if I was a jerk for doing that or not and that's what I wanted to know which is why I'm here for an objective opinion Ida for telling my family and my in-laws to choose between me and my sister-in-law update 1 hey everyone I would just like to first thank everyone who responded to my post and commented on it the majority of the comments agreed that I'm not the one at fault here so I'm pretty relieved because I
had been feeling very heavy and guilty after what had happened I guess I just hadn't expected her to beg for forgiveness like that and she had been pretty hysterical so I guess I started feeling bad for her I still kind of feel bad for her but to be honest this was something that she deserved it wouldn't have been fair for her to get away with all of this scot-free because regardless of what her intention had been I still don't know if it really had been meant to be a prank or not but the consequences of
it were not really good for me and to be honest I think I'm still going to stick by what I had said about her not being ready to be a mother just yet if she is acting like this so unhinged and irresponsible just because she's pissed at me then I'm not sure how she thinks she's ready to handle a baby it's very obvious to me and I think it's clear to Pam as well that Connie has some serious issues so until she deals with that I think it's better for her to stay away from motherhood
I've spoken about this with my husband and I told him that I've had been feeling really bad about what happened with Connie but he told me not to worry about it apparently his sister had always been a bit of a hotthead but everyone had thought that she had left that kind of behavior back in her teens she used to be one of your typical vindictive mean girls back in high school and even in college but this was not just mean this was downright cruel and I knew that she had always had a main streak in
her but for her to manifest in waves like this I don't think anyone had seen that coming anyway my husband reassured me and after that I felt considerably better about all of this so I'm going to try and put it all out of my head now and just focus on having a happy rest of my pregnancy update two hey so 8 days have passed since my baby shower and since the event didn't exactly end well we hosted a formal dinner for everyone tonight to make it up to them and obviously Connie and her husband were
not invited this time I hadn't opened any of the gifts so I decided to open them today with all my friends and family around me we were all having quite a nice time until dessert was served because that was the time around which Connie decided to make a post on social media calling me out on my behavior yeah the irony is astounding that after everything that has happened she is the one who is calling me out I had blocked her shortly after the incident had taken place so I didn't know about the post but she
had tagged a couple of my friends and a few family members on it so they were notified and read it out to me it was ridiculous she had posted that apparently I had always been in competition with her and I had really thought that I won when I got pregnant before her and she acknowledged the fact that she had lost her temper a couple of days back during my baby shower and had locked me in the closet but my way of retaliation has been a lot more severe than what she had done she posted that
I had forced her family to cut her off and made sure that she wouldn't be able to get pregnant by convincing her mother not to contribute to her IVF treatments anymore but unfortunately my plan was not going to work because they had decided to pay for the ibf treatment themselves and they were definitely going to have a baby so the rest of the family could cut her off but it was not going to make a difference to her because she was determined to become a mother and start her own family and that family would be
far better than the one she was born in since apparently her both family was too busy sucking up to me instead of looking after the only daughter that they had I tried really hard to feel offended at that post but honestly it was just such a huge joke that I ended up laughing at it and everyone else followed me so we brushed it off as a big joke and didn't even talk about it because I wasn't going to let Connie ruin an event for me a second time I'm pretty sure that she had picked this
day on purpose as well to make that post because she wanted to gain sympathy and attention but unfortunately nobody really has any of that to spare for her not after what she has done at least update 3 hey so I have great news for everyone I recently gave birth to a really beautiful and healthy baby girl she is 6 weeks old now and I already love her more than anything in this world in fact my husband and I are already fighting over who loves her more but we know for a fact that we love her
the most motherhood has been beautiful so far and I've had my fair share of struggles but this has made it worth it but this update is not going to be about my daughter even though I could totally go on writing about her this is actually going to be about Connie because she's getting divorced and I'm honestly not surprised that this is happening I heard from a couple of people that she and her husband have been living separately for the past couple of weeks and they have finally announced on social media that due to irreconcilable differences
they are going to be separating apparently they had tried really hard to make it work in the past couple of months after the incident with me but I guess the stress of everything just got to them and they can't be together anymore and I don't think it's going to be an amicable divorce because they have decided to sell their business and had it been a mutual thing I don't think they would have tried to do that because that business was their first baby and they had put in a lot of hard work into it it's
sad that they are separating but not very shocking Connie's parents are still not speaking to her though even though I have told them that I would be fine with it if they decided to get back in touch with her after the news of the divorce broke but they told me that unless she apologizes to everyone and does it sincerely they are not interested in having any contact with her honestly I count myself to be very lucky that I have such supportive and loving in-laws because I don't think everybody has been blessed by people like them
in their lives my own parents have also been incredibly supportive ever since I gave birth and even before that and I feel really lucky that I have such a great support system around me Connie could have had the same for herself if she had just bothered to be nice to the people around her but well that was never one of her strong suits at this point I don't even feel angry I just feel bad for her she could have had a good life regardless of the Unexplained fertility issues but she chose this for herself anyway
that's none of my concern anymore and I just felt like I had to share this here so I could get it out of my system but now all I'm going to do is focus on raising my daughter and yeah I can't wait for all the great parts of motherhood
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