✨ What Happens When Chosen Ones Die and Leave This Earth? 🌍💫

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Astral Youniverse
When chosen ones leave this world 🌌, it’s not the end—it’s a glorious transformation ✨. Their journ...
Video Transcript:
what if everything you've believed about yourself your name your memories your identity was nothing more than an illusion what if the story of your birth and the inevitability of your death were part of a cosmic misunderstanding you were never born and you will never die does that sound impossible Stay With Me for this isn't just a philosophical riddle it is a key that unlocks the door to your true nature a nature that is boundless Timeless and Beyond the limits of the Mind the Bible declares before I formed you in the womb I knew you and
before you were born I consecrated you Jeremiah 15 you see your essence has always existed in the Eternal thoughts of God what you perceive as your beginning your birth is but a manifestation of God's plan a spark of his Divine will and what you fear as your end is merely the closing of a chapter in an infinite book let us peel back the layers of Illusion and examine the nature of reality what does it mean to be unborn and undying it's not about denying your physical existence but about understanding the Eternal truth that you were
never a mere body you were always Spirit breaking the illusion of [Music] self close your eyes for a moment and ask who am I your mind May rush to answer I am a parent a friend an artist I am someone who dreams and struggles but dig deeper who is the one saying these things who is it that calls these thoughts mine the Apostle Paul wrote so we fix our eyes not on what is seen But on what is unseen since what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal 2 Corinthians 4:18 the physical
self the one you call me is a temporary vessel but your true nature is eternal the story of you is like waves upon the ocean rising and falling distinct yet Inseparable from the vast sea beneath you are not the wave you are the ocean you were never born what if the moment you call your beginning was not the start of your existence what if the breath that entered your body was not the first time you had truly lived you see the truth is far more profound than than we can fathom you were never born not
in the way the world defines it your essence your spirit existed long before the foundation of this world was laid the body is merely a vessel a temporary dwelling for the infinite like a drop of water scooped from the ocean it appears separate for a time but its source and Destiny remain the same your true self is not your body your name or even your memories those are fleeting Shadows reflections of the Eternal Light that you are have you ever considered how everything about you your body your thoughts your emotions has changed over time the
cells in your body have been replaced countless times the person you were as a child seems like a stranger now yet something constant remains that constant is your awareness your spirit the unchanging part of you that has witnessed every moment this is the part of you that was never born because it has always been birth as we know it is a moment in time but your spirit is not confined to time time is a creation a tool for the physical world to measure change but eternity cannot be measured in Christ you are Eternal in the
beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God John 1:1 you were not created you were called forth from eternity to walk in this temporary realm to realize you were never born is to let go of the fear that you are fragile that you are bound by beginnings and endings you were formed in the heart of God and that is where your essence has always been birth is but the opening of a door a temporary entrance into a world where you carry out a Divine Mission you were never born
you've always been death as we understand it is the closing of a chapter the shedding of what is temporary but you Chosen One are not temporary the essence of who you are cannot die for it is not bound by this physical world Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life the one who believes in me will live even though they die John 11:25 These Are Not Mere words of comfort they are a proclamation of your Eternal nature imagine for a moment that your body is a garment It is worn for a a season serving
its purpose but it is not you when the Garment wears out you do not cease to exist you merely step into something new something Eternal death is not the end it is a transformation a return to the source of all life think of a seed buried in the Earth to the eye it appears as though the seed has died but what emerges is not an end it is a beginning the seed gives way to the tree its purpose fulfilled in a form far greater than itself so it is with you what you call death is
but the Fulfillment of this Earthly Journey a stepping stone to the glory of Eternity to know you will never die is to live without fear the sting of death is in its illusion that it separates us that it ends us but scripture assures us oh death where is your Victory oh death where is your sting 1 Corinthians 1555 death is not a conqueror it is the final release from what binds us to this temporary World chosen one when you leave this world your light does not go out it transforms becoming part of the Eternal Flame
you step into the fullness of your being no longer confined by time or space you will never die because you were never truly separate from the one who is eternal in him you live move and have your being for to me to live as Christ and to die is gain Philippians 1:21 death does not diminish you it fulfills you you will never die you will only return home what happens when the chosen leave earth when chosen ones leave this Earthly plane a profound shift occurs one that echoes in both the seen and unseen Realms to
the world it may seem like an ending but for the chosen it is a passage into something infinitely greater death as understood by the living is merely a veil a thin curtain separating the pH physical from the Eternal for those who are chosen leaving the Earth is not a conclusion it is the Fulfillment of their Divine Purpose and the beginning of their Eternal journey in the presence of God the Bible reminds us to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord 2 Corinthians 58 The Chosen step out of the confines of
their mortal body and into the fullness of God's glory in that moment all pain struggle and weariness from their Earthly trials dissolve like Mist under the morning sun what remains is the radiant Soul free to bask in the infinite love and peace of the Creator their Journey on Earth though filled with hardship was never in vain it served to refine their Spirit preparing them for this ultimate reunion chosen ones carry a unique Legacy even as they pass from this world their Earthly presence was a beacon of light and their departure does not extinguish it instead
their light shines brighter in the Heavenly Realms Illuminating the path for others who are still navigating the trials of this life then the righteous will shine like the sun in the Kingdom of their father Matthew 13:43 their work on Earth continues to bear fruit as the seeds of wisdom kindness and love they planted take root in the lives they touched in the spiritual realm chosen ones often take on new roles the Bible speaks of the Saints reigning with Christ Revelation 20 verse 6 suggesting that those who have been refined through their Earthly struggles are entrusted
with Heavenly [Music] responsibilities some become intercessors praying and advocating for the living others serve as spiritual Warriors standing against the forces of Darkness that seek to harm God's children their lives on Earth were a training ground and in eternity they wield the wisdom and strength gained from their trials for divine purposes but what about those they leave behind for the loved ones who mourn them the chosen become a source of unseen strength and comfort their presence lingers not as a ghost or Shadow but as an eternal connection that cannot be severed by death their prayers
for their loved ones continue their love transcending the physical boundary of this world love never fails 1 Corinthians 13 8 Heaven itself rejoices when a Chosen One returns home imagine the scene angels singing a radiant welcome and the voice of the father saying well done good and faithful servant Matthew 25:23 every tear shed on Earth every sacrifice and every battle fought in faith is honored in that moment the chosen one is no longer bound by the limitations of time and space they are now Fully Alive fully free and fully embraced by the infinite when chosen
ones leave the Earth they step into the fullness of their identity the Eternal children of God they do not Fade Into Obscurity they rise into Glory continuing their mission in ways beyond our understanding for the chosen death is not the end of the story it is the beginning of eternity's most magnificent chapter chosen ones let this truth sink into your soul you were never born and you will never die say it aloud affirm it I am spirit I am Eternal I am one with the infinite love of God feel the weight of this realization lift
from your shoulders you are not the fragile being you once believed yourself to be you are the awareness in which all things arise and fall you are the light of the world just as Jesus declared in Matthew [Music] 5:14 living in light of Eternity how does this truth change the way you live when you realize you are Eternal fear loses its grip the fear of failure rejection and even death dissolves in the light of God's Eternal promise you begin to see Life as a sacred dance each moment an opportunity to reflect God's glory you no
longer cling to Temporary things because you know your Treasures in Heaven as Jesus taught in Matthew 6:20 relationships deepen because you see others not as separate but as reflections of the same eternal spirit when trial come you remember I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me Philippians 4:13 you are unshakable because your foundation is not of this world chosen ones you are the Eternal Breath of God walking in the world you were never born and you will never die this realization is not the end of your journey it is the beginning of living
in the fullness of who you truly are let these words settle in your heart walk in the light of Eternity and let your life be a testament to the infinite love of the creator for in him we live and move and have our being acts [Music] 17:28 you are the wave you are the ocean you are the Eternal child of God
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