has become your God if you want to be close to the Lord fasting has to happen a lot of the things that are holding us back is it's the Flesh in this video we're going to share why fasting attracts God and two things you should never do while fasting but stay to the end because the last one is going to blow your mind my name is Apostle Joshua Giles and this is my wife propheus dils and we are the founders of fire brand Global and today is going to be a powerful powerful broadcast because what
we're going to share with you is not only going to change your life from a spiritual perspective but it's going to give you the ability to tap into Supernatural Dimensions that you have been Desiring with God absolutely fasting has been one of the key components in our life that has enabled us to actually break through that has actually enabled us to like see what we need to see before it's coming and actually the most most important thing is get closer to the Lord right absolutely so the first key to why fasting attracts God is this
is found in Joel chapter 2 verse number 12 now therefore says the Lord turn to me with all your heart with fasting with weeping and with mourning so render your heart and not your garments because remember a sign of humility and and mourning before before the Lord they used to rip their garments but here it's stating Ren your heart okay and not your garments return to the Lord your God for he is gracious and merciful slow to anger and of great kindness and he relents from doing harm all right in that you see that there
is a significant focus on getting your heart right before the Lord because it's the most important thing any believer can do is having the heart right and prepared before God right absolutely and here's the thing that I've noticed in that humbling stage especially in the society that we live in now all of us are so focused on eating yeah basically your belly has become your God which it says in the Bible yes and so when your belly has become your God one of the hardest things to do which is which is going to cause you
to humble yourself is actually to turn down your plate sometimes God I ask you to turn down your plate not only for breakfast not only for lunch and not only for dinner but sometimes two days three days a day and when you are able to go to that place of humility it gets God's attention oh absolutely right there's been many instances where we've fasted um in our journey I mean there hasn't been a week in 16 years that we haven't fasted absolutely not a week right most people yeah may do it once a year or
just in January oh we're all going to do our our New Year's fast our 21-day fast you've made it a ritual and you're not even getting God's attention because it's a ritual a ritual a ritual yep so there are components to doing it properly that God begins to turn and say something's different I smell a different Aroma I'm telling you I'm seeing this in the spirit as I speak your heart carries a perfume it carries an aroma right and so when your heart is right before God my God I'm seeing this it literally is a
is like oh this is so crazy when sacrifices were made to God in the old Covenant it was like an aroma to the nostrils of God but now in the New Covenant because Christ has shed his blood for his bride the heart when you begin to tenderize it when you begin to lay it on the altar of sacrifice that's the aroma he's smelling because it's no longer you no longer need to sacrifice animals to get God's attention or approval absolutely you know in the New Testament I remember reading where I believe the Pharisees asked Jesus
we fast how come your disciples don't fast all the time yeah and Jesus was saying hey like there's going to come a time where I'm gone and they're going to need to fast that just shows you right there that the proximity that we're going to need to actually get closer to the Lord a lot of the times we're going to have to fast to really kill off the flesh kill off those things that are trying to keep us like really stuck to this world and keep us Earthly minded and not get us into spiritual mode
a lot of the things that are holding us back is it's the Flesh and so in order for us to really get God's attention we have to begin to crucify the flesh you reach a point where you start to realize that praying alone doesn't do it reading the word alone doesn't do it you have to add fuel to make that fire flame up even more and and like in order to do that is going to take the fasting I've had times where I have felt so dry like so dry and I was getting like spiritually
attacked in my dreams and where I felt and I'll tell you this really quick me being Haitian with a Haitian background I was really getting attacked with Marine spirits and when I was attack with these Marine Spirits it literally took fasting and I like I'm probably I'll just share it anyways I fasted every day for a while I can't remember how long it was half a year almost half a year I did a 24-hour fast and I would I would eat I would do another 24-hour fast and I would break in eat a meal and
24-hour fast again I got really really slam but I'm telling you right now I was able to break off that Marine spirit that was bothering me in my dreams it took that intensity and someone on here may be like it doesn't take all of that maybe for you but there are some powers that are so resistant that it takes really diving in and fasting to really combat those spiritual powers that you have dealt with for years that's true um you have to be resilient in your fight you know um the Kingdom of Heaven suffer with
violence the violent take it by force and so you know you have to look at strongholds like a mountain and there's a saying that it's really funny but there's a saying in culture it says how do you eat an elephant and it's one bite at a time you don't try to swallow the whole elephant right and so it's the same mindset sometimes with strongholds depending how strong they have been established in your life it could be through generations if you're dealing with a generational stronghold you know it may take six months of fasting like that
to break the stronghold that's what I was dealing with you're right do you see what I mean so some things are easier to knock down some things aren't doesn't mean you won't have victory but you need to focus on it you know and I remember you know dealing with um a spirit um during Halloween actually no a spirit um that was a vampire Spirit right and you may say what do you mean a vampire Spirit Well my whole childhood I loved the vampire that was what I dressed up as it was just something it didn't
know I just thought it was cool and didn't realize that I had allowed a stronghold from all my childhood to now when I started to do things and seek God and fast and pray that Spirit wanted to maintain its grip and so I had to fast pray and only focus on prayer for a very long many months before I able I was able to overcome it and so there's a lot of persistency that takes place sometimes when you have to deal with these um entities but back to the scripture that you were talking about is
this is the first component like you said that you should never do when fasting and it's fasting for human approval and that scripture is Matthew 6: 16 it says moreover when you fast do not be like the Hypocrites with a sad countenance for they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting right ass surely I say to you they have their reward watch this their reward is people are saying wow look how holy they are man they must be really close to God God didn't approve it they're getting man's approval which
will do you nothing and so if you try to fast for man's approval you receive nothing from God now let's go to the next scripture ass surely I say to you they have their reward but you when you fast anoint your head and wash your face so that you do not appear to men to be fasting but to your father who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will will reward you openly this is so powerful is showing that is a private communication a private indwelling a communion with God when
you're fasting you're looking to him you're looking for his approval not man's you are conversating in the secret place with him and he rewards you openly and so you have to do it properly if you if you try to go after with man's approval or being puffed up with the pride of I'm fasting I'm doing this oh what's going on why you eating I'm on a 40-day fast I can't you've lost start over they got to tell everyone you got tell everybodys to know I'm in a state of consecration yeah no you're not in a
state of consecration because the moment you said it you lost the consecration that's so true there are people it's just like I don't know if it's a pride thing whatever what happens they got to let every single person knows I'm fasting today I don't need that I'm fasting I'm fasting I don't need that when the Bible kind of is tells you what to do we don't need to know that's your fast yeah I'm not I'm just if it slips if something happens you'll fill a check right because I I've had it happen many times to
where it slipped and God I felt the hammer I was like he's like don't do that again because it's between me and you now is it different if you're corporate fasting and you say it because it's corpor that's corporately but when a secret place fasting and you're out there shouting it on the rooftops and putting it on social media guys uh uh you know I'm shutting down my social media for a little bit I'm fasting don't fast because you there's no fasting there's no such thing or I'm consecrating myself I you can't find me for
a few no you're done what makes it worse is when they say I'm shutting down my social media for 3 Days To Go Fast but then they come back the next day and they're on their social media because they couldn't handle it not only did you need a fast for the flesh but you also needed to fast that social media because evidently your flesh was not helping you shut down this the social media part you need the Holy Spirit you're creating a discipline because there's no such thing as biblical fasting for social media that biblical
fasting is abstaining from food so when people say I'm fasting TV you're not fasting you're creating a discipline you're disciplining yourself I'm fasting social media there's no such thing you can you can discipline yourself in that area to help you come to a place that you're Desiring but true biblical fasting is abstaining from food from water many different variations of fasting Through the Bible you can read it for yourself if you want to learn that which you should but this is between you and God yes now that scripture you said about the Pharisees um what
was it again it says um um I actually have the scripture please read it one more time cuz I got something for it no no no no I'm trying to see where it is at actually okay I don't have the scripture with me but it is where the Pharisees went um to G they said to Jesus hey you know we fast but we notice your disciples don't fast yes and Jesus had to tell them they they're not you know they have me here now but there's going to come a time where they won't have me
that's what I want to talk about so watch this that's that's an interesting statement yeah okay when they are coming to Jesus and saying your disciples don't fast why is this what's happening and there he's saying there's a Time coming where I will not be here and then men men will Fast okay it's showing that if you want to be close to the Lord fasting is required it's a prerequisite but the disciples didn't need to fast because they were with the Lord they were already in his presence and in that Holy chamber and so when
you look at that it's a clear indication that that if you want to be close to the Lord fasting has to happen yes I'll never forget like the moment I started learning to fast that my whole life started changing from my experiences to the revelations to happiness to Smiling to Joy to all the things that the Bible said will happen because I was getting closer to the source of life that's all it is you're literally getting closer to God which is the source of all Life Light and everything and it's it's a life force of
energy that comes forth from him because of your proximity and everything begins to Bubble forth out of you and Revelation starts to come a lot of Revelation for the people who are probably in a dry season if you're like I feel like I'm not getting Revelation from the Lord I am not hearing a thing I dare you go on a fast this is what happened to me when I went on my three-day fast like my husband thought I was he was like this is a whole different woman I went on a 3-day fast 3-day dry
fast and I didn't announce it to the world I just told my husband and the reason why I told what is a dry fast okay let me tell you what a dry fast is a dry fast is where you abstain from food and from water and water yep and water for a certain period of time in my case it was 3 days so 3 days is what 72 hours 72 hours of no water and no uh food not breaking it not breaking it at all so so disclaimer you don't drive you don't operate heavy equipment
you know you you're pretty much you know limited to your house your like because the flesh is so weak but your spirit man is getting so strong y'all I felt let me tell you something I felt weak in the flesh but my spirit man came alive it was the jolt that I needed to wake me back up and the reason why I'm saying that is because I did it because I number one I felt led by the Lord by the spirit of the Lord to go into this fast number two I knew this fast was
going to break a stronghold that I needed to break in in that season and number three I just wanted to get closer to the Lord and so as I began to pray um I kind of cut everything out for the moment I cut my family I was just up in my bedroom in my closet and as I did that actually I remember putting on some some prayer and I put on some music and some instrumental I had a lot of things by Apostle Romy oh osai and all of a sudden I remember one time my
husband passed by I was praying in the closet and while I was praying he's like that that prayer was different you sounded different and I remember telling him I said I felt like I was about to have an outer body experience and the reason why I felt like I was about to have that is because number one this was the first time I've done a three-day dry fast and I would probably have never done it if I didn't hear to do it from the Lord and number two I went to a place that I normally
would not go had I not been fasting it was that fuel to the fire that I needed and I told my husband I was like that was the best fast I've ever had and we've done 40-day fast before and that was the best fast and it was a fast that I believe that when God really wants to uh shake up your life a little bit and take you on a journey and you want to just uh get closer to him shut everything out put down your plate for a minute and just begin to all right
so on this one right here fasting without righteousness this is a good scripture to help you understand what not to do okay Isaiah 58:3 it says why have we fasted they say and you have not seen why have we Afflicted our souls and you take no notice in fact in the day of your fast you find pleasure and exploit all your laborers indeed you fast for strife and debate and to strike with the fist of wickedness you will not fast as you do this day to make your voice Heard On High so you have to
be very careful your intentions of fasting because if you do it to try to Strongarm God because another way the version is is written there is you've tried to Strongarm me with your fasting thinking that I'll answer thinking that I'm going to do X Y and Z because these are people who are spiritual they know fasting works but then because manipulation sets within their heart they think well if I fast I'm going to force God's hand it doesn't work that way it it absolutely doesn't and there and then there's the people who fast and they're
still continuing in their sin you are not getting God's attention by that don't think because like like he was saying you know you're trying to Strongarm God and then all of a sudden you're still continuing in Gossip people don't look at little things like that that's sin right you're trying you're you're continuing in that sin as you fast the flesh is not being delivered get on your knees and cry out and ask God for Mercy there's people who are still if it's not only gossip maybe there the words that they're speaking there curse words against
other people people don't look at those things people would qualify as small tiny little sins but if you want to get God's attention you're going to have to fast out of righteousness you're going to have to fast from a place of uh where you're asking God to really uh purify your heart I'm not saying you got to be perfect but I'm I'm saying you got to have the right motive it's not about strong arming God it's not about um getting the attention of other people it's not about uh puffing yourself up but it's really about
getting to that place of where God wants to deliver you let me let me let me share something with you really quick I believe that a lot of the people that are watching here that Deliverance that you are looking for instead of running from place to place looking for deliverance maybe that Deliverance comes from you fasting it comes from you actually making the sacrifice that is needed where it's just you where it's not you running to any other person and you're like I need to be delivered right yeah absolutely I mean to be honest with
you it should be every Christi 's journey to get closer to God and experience what the Bible says but because we've made everything an external force that brings forth what you're looking for meaning well if I just go to this preacher I'll be free if I just go to this service and you got people jumping from Deliverance conference Deliverance conference when they could just fast pray read the word and allow God to clean them up himself totally different perspective because we didn't go to service after service looking for uh a transformation never never did I
do that never I knew that I needed to fast pray seek God myself read the Bible myself and all the work took place in the secret place literally yes e you know what even Deliverance yeah we learned self- deliver how to do self-d Deliverance on oursel there's so many people like that was always an issue for me like I noticed now like back then guys I'm talking about 200 uh maybe 2005 2006 actually 2006 2007 2008 we were learning these things where you know you can do self- Deliverance on yourself we were learning where it
was it was a different era where people were learning how to actually be true soldiers in the Lord actually being Navy Seals versus the people nowadays they're like everything you have to run to a leader run to a person to help you get Deliverance my question is is that leader delivered exactly the other question is does that leader fast I know that person that you're running to are they full of perversion full of Witchcraft and wickedness but because you're caught up in the hype of Deliverance yeah or marketing or Cinema because they're on a TV
screen or in the movie theaters you think they're Deliverance Masters they're not and you have to be careful because you just have to be careful because you just got to be careful so I can got to be just because you know some marketing hype and you know they're seen everywhere doesn't mean that God's appointed them yeah absolutely right and you know what guys you want God to speak to you you want to get closer to the Lord just fast just fast just go ask him ask him what you need to do there's so many leaders
that we've um read their books and I remember a prominent leader where he actually was saying that you know in order to get over the perversion that he was dealing with he had to fast three days a week weekly yeah three days a week weekly while he was traveling to minister and preach there is another Minister that is really well known right now um overseas where he left he had to take a sabatical and the reason he took a sabatical was cuz he was dealing with high level perversion which a lot of leaders sometimes are
deal with and because he was thank God he took a sabatical because he was dealing with that high level perversion he also had to fast weekly so be careful who you're going to because if these leaders have to go and they know they need to fast I hope they're telling you you need to fast yeah because it's important to your journey with God your walk with God getting closer to God and getting those spirits that are trying to attack you to go absolutely and and the main emphasis again of the whole video itself is why
fasting attracts God right is it's a heart issue right and it goes back to what I really love is like you know one of the Scriptures it says um you know the eyes of the Lord look to and fro looks throughout the whole earth looking for those whose heart is perfect toward him so he may show himself strong on their behalf and so God is looking for a people he wants to show himself strong yes he wants to have an individual carry a capacity that can shock the world but if that vessel isn't prepared it's
not going to happen yeah and that's why it says a heart that is perfect toward him not a perfect person but a heart that's perfect toward him and so that requires a whole different set of standards and if you can look at biblical principles and what is stated in the Bible about the heart and those standards you get God's attention through the through the modality of fasting because it kills the Flesh and it afflicts the soul it humbles the soul that's right and when you do that your Soul's made up your mind your will your
emotions you're really killing everything within those three Realms that the enemy uses to traffic darkness and because that's just you're human so these are the things that happen your mind your will and your emotions if he has your emotions well you're not going to be of use of the Kingdom because anything can sway you left or right if he has your mind he can plan anything he wants and if he has your will you will will things on your own thinking it's God and it's not God so there's that Realm of the soul that has
to be dealt with so when you read psalms and you talk you see how David's Journey was always one moment he's happy God loves my soul God afflicts my soul God hates my soul it's like he was in that balance of of fight or flight and and um and elevation but it gives a clear emphasis that the enemy want wants to really bring Darkness into your soul but God wants to Humble your soul with fasting so that the solish realm and the capacity of the spirit man can flow together without friction because when there's that
battle internal battle you don't know what direction to take plus you're denied access to depths of God and if you can't have those depths I can't pull from I can't pull from that Arena and bring it into Earth unless I have access it's all about access too that's so good that is so good so it t it takes you into deeper Dimensions is what you're saying absolutely I want to ascend the Mountain of God that's that's literally the foundation of this ministry and what God showed us about ascending the mountain who shall Ascend the Mountain
of God he who has Clean Hands a pure heart yeah who has not lifted up his soul to idolatry vanity right so Ascension is not just after you're gone and you're climbing God's mountain in the spirit no you can Ascend now but you have to understand how and it requires a pure heart that's why it's a heart issue in order to go hiring God and then when you do what he deposits within you you're able to transfer into the Earth then people look at you and say man David's killed his tens of thousands this is
crazy look he just chopped off the head of Goliath but David was prepared for many years for that encounter because he was communing with god with his heart he was worshiping and fasting and praying and doing all the things that took preparation for that ENC for that moment you know wow that's beautiful and with fasting it's so much with it's like a lot of clarity like you you can hear him on a whole different level the fellowship is so sweet and amazing where you felt dead before with the Holy Spirit you come alive everything comes
alive everything it's vital imperative any any person that does not fast I will never receive information from I will never receive counsel from I will never receive Ministry from never never wow because I just I know you're defiled I know there's mixture I know you you can't carry what you're you're supposed to carry because it literally says when I leave men shall fast to get close to me and so if someone's not fasting you're not close to the Lord you may have language that looks like it you may look the talk but you don't walk
to walk before we end this like I just have to ask this question there are ministers out there that think that says you don't have to fast yeah what do you think about that yeah I've actually seen some few going viral saying you don't have to fast that's a old thing you don't need to do that no more and usually they probably fallen into some type of sin and they're trying to cover that up by saying you don't need to fast because they're operating in something or perversity or something that's happened and especially if they're
prophetic ministers that say that guarantee there's perversion in their life because that's the spirit that attacks prophetic people to turn them into divers where they're operating in divination and not the spirit of God they're pulling from the soul right exactly and and in order to fuel that altar to hear words and to hear uh words of knowledge um to hear information it requires fueling perversion perversion is the altar that fuels the Divination and so that's why you'll see a lot of prophetic people fall in perversion because they didn't maintain a purity and they'll still be
prophesying but they're Wicked that's why I said that Minister that went to go take a sabatical is's a well-known prophet and he went to go take a sabatical because he probably could have went into that ring and not into the right pure stream of where he needed absolutely so that's to be a Micaiah Prophet the only one that said the right truth when you look in the Bible and all the other ones are saying one one thing and and ended up what slapping him and saying when the spirit of the Lord leave me and he
says you'll find out when you die so so when you when you see situations like that you got all these people prophesying and you have someone who's truly walked the standards that require to be in the presence of God to hear his counsel but the other ones have not because they've chose to be in clicks or they chose to band together and this is what I'm seeing a lot of prophetic voices in America have banded together and they've lowered they've lowered they've came together in unity and they've lowered their own Holiness standards just so they
can be in the click oh my God you got to say that one more time yeah I see that many prophetic ministers in America have banded together and have lowered their own Holiness standards just to be accepted into the click of prophets or this collaboration of prophets to be a prophetic voice and I'm even seeing right now faces that are wishing they did not do that because it's killed the God within them because a lot of the times when God is giving you messages it's really a a sword type of situation to where you know
you're not going to be received too well and so if everything is always received well I I wonder what type of prophetic voice you are because that ain't that ain't usually how God can bring about some messages you know Ian this this thing we're talking about right now could like lead into a whole another um video that we do that talk about how the prophetic a little bit has been muddied I was speaking to a friend yesterday and she was saying this she was like the prophetic is supposed to be this vehicle that God has
given so that his words that we can listen that it can it can help us in this season but yet it's been muddied through the perversive words that people are releasing in this hour where people are not trusting the prophetic might be a good title prophets prophets of perversion oh wow and then talk about the scenario of how they call but then they end up being a casualty and people fall and are hurt because the leader fail but there's you don't understand to be a voice a real Prophet not someone that's prophetic or just has
a gifting but to carry an office um you're a shining light a very strong Shining Light in the earth and the enemy always looks for ways to shut out that light so listen I I hope you're if you're a prophet here prophetic and you're listening I hope you're understanding what we're saying here is don't get by without fasting fasting helps you put the flesh down subdue the flesh there is Iniquity that we're going up against even David even in his psalm he's he asks the Lord to help him deliver him from his iniquity and let
it not have dominion over him those are these sins that we need to deal with these presumptuous sins listen and you are not like safe from it okay because if God says we need to fast fasting is needed so don't go around listening to anyone who says you don't need to fast yeah because Jes if it says in the gospel we need to do and not only that though think it is a doctrine of demons but not only that think about it how much fasting helps your health think about the people who have revers cancer
yeah who reverse sickness just been fasting I mean it's a health thing too I mean you look about it your souls are turning over every TW your cells I said Souls your cells maybe your soul has some layers that goes off on a two but yeah your cells are turning over every 21 days like a snake that sheds skin and it's more glistening pretty after the shedding of the skin it's the same thing your body does so when they say you are what you eat you actually are because your cells what you're seeing on the
outside of my skin right now is what I ate 21 days ago or what I drank 21 days ago and so when you're cleaning out the toxins and all the junk that's in the earth it's going to help you physically I mean you can't sit there and be a preacher that's 400 lbs and saying God deliver me from high blood pressure and you're eating pork every day oh say that it's just not going to you can't I I can't believe a prophet who's 400 lb not the baby back ribs no I can't believe a prophet
who's 400 lb it's I just just doesn't work that way because if you're that overweight and you're trying to prophesy when have you put away your plate to hear from God not I've never said that but it's the truth and it's and it's it's an it's an addiction that needs to be dealt with ADD but even if you're gifted like I I don't know if I can trust your voice if you're always eating if you're got if you're a massive muscle preacher and you're walking around because you took steroids because a lot of these preachers
on stage take steroids a strong yeah it's the truth though and they're massive in muscle I know what it takes to build muscle it takes a lot of food and so when do you have time to fast when are you hearing God so and a little 4 hour fast and six hour fast and ain't cutting it not not if you really want to receive something well then yall heard I'm trying to I'm trying to get over what we're talking about but y'all listen if you really want to attract God fast fast of course he hears
your prayers of course he hears you when you are in your car when you're talking when you're doing all of that but listen to get to the level of maturity where you want to get to to get to the place of where you actually want to walk in power and Spiritual Authority it's going to take fasting you're not going to get by in these last days not fasting and any preacher who's telling you not to fast you have already heard they might be living in their own sin and perversion if you want anything you're going
to have to get it from the real source and that's the word of God because if anything in these last days there's going to come doctrines of demons things that are going to try to get us away from listening to the right Doctrine where Jesus says listen there's going to come a time I won't be here and you're going to need to fast and so we are going to need to fast it humbles your soul and if you go read Isaiah 58 it tells you the proper way of fasting don't just sit there at home
all the time praying as well go ahead and give be a blessing to someone that's part of fasting and um yeah just do it the right way and you'll be all good right that's right all righty awesome make sure you leave a comment let us know what you thought about this broadcast and check out our previous broadcast on all kinds of topics God bless you we'll see you soon