welcome to another day on the Mine Valley podcast today you're in for a treat I'm with the queen of manifestation rean Hillier rean went from having $8 in her bank account to now owning multi-million doll businesses as well as coaching multi-million dollar business owners and today she had a 2hour session for a group of over 400 people where we all went into the a state of trans met our higher self our future self and uh became conscious about our abundance blocks rean thank you so much for being with us well firstly I want to share
with the audience that I just finished a two-hour session with rean and um it's taking me a minute to come back to my physical body we had a 2-hour Journey with no psychedelics we had a psychedelic experience with no psychedelics where rean she was playing an instrument and that instrument had a certain vibrational frequency and the next thing I knew I had left my body I met my future self my abundant self actually I'd never met her before I'd never met my abundant self before I met her became one with her I understood the blocks
between where I am now and where my My Future Self is and I felt like you were decoding our subconscious minds and the blocks we have created around abundance um tell us what you did to US during the session thank you so much well it's so good to be here and fresh out of the session so beautiful also to witness you just being in it and the recalibration of these frequencies so what happened is that I used my method the energetic architecture method to go in and helped basically shift and recalibrate people back to their
natural state because our natural state is pure abundance and if we're not manifesting that abundance in our life and in our reality then there's pieces within us that are blocking that and stopping that and and slowing us down basically so I went in with everyone and basically worked through the quantum field of information to Simply recalibrate the energetic structures so that they can come back into harmony so that they can come back into coherence so that you can be an energetic match for what you're looking to call in so this is not work where it's
about becoming something you're not or even trying to learn something this is actually about surrendering back into who we are which is our most abundant iteration of ourselves oh so you are taking us back to our Natural State correct does that mean that if any of us is not living in abundance we're not living in our Natural State fully and why do we do that to ourselves we do that because of society of programming of our parents of our families of what we were told growing up like all these layers and we stack stack stack
stack stack and then we take all that information and we delete it we distort it and we generalize it and then from there we craft what we believe is our reality but the reality is an illusion and it's something that you can play with it's malleable it can look however you desire you know when you say like you can really manifest your dream life and any way that you desire you can but if you have all this programming in there basically telling you you can't and it's got to look a certain way then that's what
blocks that and that's what blocks people being in their full natural state of abundance because at the end of the day our soul is pure abundance we're pure light the soul is untarnished the soul isn't you know with scarcity and suffering patterns and like telling itself it's not enough it it's just the soul right and in our natural state um are we can do we match the frequency of everything that we want all of our desires yeah and it's easy to do that and then you can fine-tune what you want to match to and that's
where because you might not want to manifest everything in the entire world but maybe there are specific things and your soul speaks to you through desire you know there's many people that might say even the word desire in the spiritual world is like no you shouldn't have it like get rid of it right it's bad and wrong and evil but I'm like you know what I believe the soul is speaking to you through desire it's the Soul's way of saying hey you desire this you want it because it's actually already happened it's in your future
and that's you feeling it your desire to manifest it as you saying I feel that's already happened now let me just simply close that Gap and so then you can basically fine-tune okay I want to become an energetic match for that manifestation I want to Manifest this in any area of my life let me match myself internally so that I create the reflection cuz the illusion of reality is always reflecting back to us what is going on within us internally so does that mean that our desires are basically our higher self calling us back home
yeah or showing us the way saying okay this is the desire I want you to come after this desire because by going after this desire you're getting closer to me natural absolutely and when it's a true Soul desire like I'm not talking about like oh my God there's a chocolate cake in front of me and I want it I have a desire to eat the whole thing right now okay that's probably coming from a wound that's probably coming from a space where there's something in you saying I need sugar I need sugar so we're not
talking about that desire but the pure desire where like you think about something or you have a vision and you just have Bliss bumps everywhere and you just have this feeling in your gut and you're like I know that's in my life and that's my reality and that's something big and maybe I don't know how it's going to happen but like I want that I pray for that I have a vision for that like when it's that that's a soul desire how can you tell if a desire is coming from the soul or the ego
practice practice and the more that you firstly recognize the difference between these you'll be able to try different things on and figure out okay yeah this is a true Soul desire or actually that was totally just my ego going wild and that wasn't even in alignment so a good way to do this is look back at your past we've all created things in our life where we thought we wanted it then we get it and we're like actually didn't even want that right and you don't want to judge yourself of that but tag it and
get curious about it and say okay interesting like how did I come about that desire and you can start recognizing all right okay that was from the mind or from the limiting constructs of the ego and then there are things also that manifest where they're just Soul aligned and you're like this is such a huge part of my life and this is something that happened well recognize when did you receive that Vision What state were you in how did you know that to be true at the time and the more that you do this the
better you get at having discernment to really recognize this even when it comes down to then very small things in your life like someone might be like you know what I want to go with you on a trip to Bali next week and you're like whoa okay that wasn't in my schedule but something in you is like yes get on the plane go to Bali right and we've had this feeling where it's just like yes and then you might even think wow the Mind say Bali would be amazing right now but there's a gut feeling
like uh-uh like no no no you're not meant to go go to Bali right now right and so you're able to recognize okay is this truly in alignment or not and people can practice this with tiny things like hey are you coming to the social event tonight what's the gut response yeah feels amazing I want to go or like no feeling I'm feeling a no what happens you go to that social event you have the worst night ever you end up just going why didn't I listen to myself right so we've got to be always
in the school of training ourselves to listen and practicing this as a spiritual practice ice without attachment to always being right or wrong you know so our job is to discern whether a desire is coming from the ego or the voice the inner voice is coming from the ego is coming from the soul yeah now it goes back to some spiritual leaders saying that uh let go of all desires which is how you open your whole session with you said okay let go of all desires when you let go of the ego all desires dissolve
uh and Namaste you even said that and that it's funny because that was on my mind when when I walked into your session MH I am struggling to understand as human beings do we have free will or is everything predestined my thoughts is that it's a little bit of a combination of both because yes we have free will and we're constantly making choices and there are different I guess timelines or Pathways or options always available to us so it's a combination of both cuz at every moment we're making a choice we're making a decision be
it conscious or unconscious and those choices and how we act from there are shaping our reality and when you know that with every choice that you make there is actually multiple layers like infinite layers of Pathways that are then created from that choice and from that option which means really you're playing in the field of infinite potentiality and infinite possibilities so there's a lot of people that are like oh you know maybe I can't manifest that because oh you know the Divine timing isn't right or I'm I'm not destined for that or that's you know
our family has never had money or whatever story is running but at any moment you can go okay that's that and what if I made this new choice to Simply choose that I'm going to listen to that Soul desire and I'm going to manifest it I don't know how I don't know what it's going to look like but the minute you make that choice that's when you're playing in the realm of infinite potentiality and possibility and then everything is an option so I feel it's this beautiful this beautiful dance so we do have the choice
to play in the realm of infinite possibilities yes and if you're doing that then anything is possible but if you don't make that choice and you're like oh there's Karma there's Divine timing there's this there's that there's all these things you're stuck well I see um I live in Los Angeles and um two very successful businesses that a lot of people have created are the business for psychics and astrologers and I've been watching a lot of of people being misled by psychics and astrologers because basically they say Okay based on your karma or based on
the energies of um the cosmos this is what's going to happen for you and the moment that seed is planted it's very difficult to take that out of somebody's mind and by default they're they're going to manifest whatever it is that the psychic or the astrologer said and what is your take on that well I think that's a very real situation and I think that's happening and again it comes down to most of the people that then I guess manifest that thing on default that that psychic tells them they're not choosing that they're a creator
of their reality and they're not choosing to play in the realm of infinite possibilities now I with my work I don't go super deep in astrology and numerology but you know I might have a session with someone here and there and I definitely have people in my life that work with those modalities that I trust and they're awesome now if they tell me something for example if they say rean you know in July finances are going to be really hard money is difficult ult um this is not the time to spend any money everything's like
Doom and Gloom with finances right I'm going to take that and be like okay maybe the cosmos and all that energy has the energy that way I get to then work extra hard to actually create an energy field that is so much more abundant and resonant to that that I don't even notice that Financial blip I see right so you see how I'm like okay that's useful information actually I'm not sitting there being like Oh No It's July the 1st my money is going to blow up now like this is terrible I'm going to lose
everything I'm not sitting there I'm like okay this this is the month where like might be a little more challenging so I need to be extra I'm going to do even more of my energetic work even more of these activations I'm going to focus more on money when maybe I wasn't in this month so that I can create such a strong field of potentiality around money that maybe it's even an amazing month let alone it won't be a dip you know I love that because like you're basically viewing everything on the Earth plane as a
tool to serve you the energy of the Moon the energy of the Sun the energy of all the cosmos and everything around us and you're saying if there's a month where the energy of the cosmos are not in my favor I'm going to work extra hard to make up for that and that's very empowering um in my personal journey in for in spirituality I found that spirituality can be very disempowering yeah because if you separate yourself from the Creator and say that there is a Creator up there who might want something for me that is
different than what I want for myself you're separating yourself from the Creator and that's different than Oneness and this is where a lot of Psychics gurus and spiritual leaders unfortunately can take advantage of people yeah because by disempowering someone you basically give yourself an authority to become their power and create uh a Dynam Dynamic of codependency yes so this is something that um at your session I felt like you help people feel empowered because uh you asked all of us to become very clear on what our higher self who our higher self is yeah what
is that Clarity how can we get clear about that yeah and look this is so important because so many people are popping all these pedestals everywhere and it's creating a lot of damage I don't know if you remember but in the activation we just did at some point I said you know you are the Healer the shaman the guru The Alchemist that you've been looking for anyone you've been searching for like that that's great we can have coaches and guides and teachers and gurus and they're you and you're them there's no separation so when you
come into that place you're really claiming back your power you're taking away any of these pedestals that you've been giving your power away to and you're coming into again your natural state and your true essence of who you are and that's where the clarity comes from people often get stuck like oh I don't have Clarity or I don't know what I want to manifest next or I draw a blank on this and often it is because they giving their power away so what do they do okay well let me have a healing session then maybe
I'll work it out or let me go and see the astrologer and they'll tell me what's distant for me in one year's time right but if if we take these pedestals away and we're in this deep power of our soul as as a sovereign manifester from there Things become very clear because you start receiving the information and you start start building your own sort of discernment around like yes left or right yes or no and and you start practicing but functioning from that place you know you're Sovereign is there a particular exercise people can do
to get a Clear Vision of their higher self yeah well in this context firstly you could literally just look at where are you giving your power away like What's blocking that access point and that Clarity and look it doesn't have to be healers and shamans it could be that you're still giving your power away to your mother could be that you're giving your power away to your children there's there's your best friend your lover there's so many different so many different ways that we do this unconsciously so you can recognize that and then you can
choose simply that you are now taking back everything that's yours and you can visualize all the information all the energy all the emotions everything that you've given to someone else you're so powerful you're so beautiful you're so strong you're so thank you they're a Divine mirror and you imagine and intentional eyesee and visualize all that information coming back to you what you can also do is any anyone else's information that is in your field send it back you also don't need that right wow so request any energy that is actually not mine that might have
been even imprinted upon me from someone telling me something or it has to be a certain way I request now that this information returns to sinder I like to say via source so it can just like go through the source Consciousness higher self clar in and then return it to the cender it's theirs you don't need it wow that was mindblowing because a lot of us we go through one coach after another coaches psychics astrologers because we need think we need their information and their knowledge and it's only based because of their knowledge that we
are where we are at and you're saying we don't even want the knowledge that is not ours look I love support help guidance all of this is great but as as long as it's coming from a place of wholeness and it's coming from this Sovereign Place you know if someone is coaching me and they tell me something and maybe it's a little left fielded I'm not going to be like yes you're right or no you're wrong because you're a coach I would say okay let me feel that let me feel that is that true for
me is that in the highest for me let me tap into that okay yeah actually I think you're right I've never seen that before thank you so much and I can humbly but see how I'm consciously taking the information from a place of humbly receiving it after a check of like yeah this is good for me it's just like someone handing you food and being like eat this now you're going to be like what is it like is it poison is it organic is it like what I wait what's in this no just eat it
cuz I'm your coach you should eat it right let me feel this let me ask some questions let me hold the food here how do it you what I'm actually not hungry right now thank you right and you can do this from a very intentional place so we want guides we want coaches we want healers we want support people we want people and also you know guides in other Realms and dimensions amazing but like where is the information coming from and are you checking it first as a sovereign Creator MH um when you were in
the room you handled a room full of like 500 people and you raised the collective energy of the room we were all in a Trans State um and I I don't have enough scientific knowledge to know which brain wave you took us to or what happened all I know is that we all left our bodies and I thought to myself there's no way rean can do the interview afterwards because of all the all the energy she's giving out out to all of us is going to like really make suck it out of her like it's
going to make her like dry and here you are like full of energy you're sitting here I'm the one who's falling apart and you're like Yay let's do the interview um do do you give that energy from the Overflow do you have help from different Realms yes I have help from different Realms and yes it's from an an overview an overflow of place rather and I like to think of it as you know I have my energetic field and when there's a group I connect with all the guidance across the room right so whenever I
open up the portal and open the field for these activations I request that my guides scan the area and connect me with the highest most high vibrational frequency useful guides there useful right we don't want want them just cuz they're high frequency like useful help us right so then when I have this connection point it's almost like the information comes through me and then out through the transmission through my heart Through The Voice through the energy through all of that so it's not even so much like I'm giving giving giving like yeah sure I'm giving
my time my presence my my gifts but it's not like I'm giving and now I'm empty I'm I'm actually charged up from this you can probably tell I can't oh my God your eyes are glowing you full of energy I'm full because it's a fulfilling experience when you do it this way and there's a lot of people even guiding you know yoga and meditation they're like I'm so drained and I used to get like this like when I started out in the beginning even though what I was guiding was very simple I would crash I
would burn I would get physically sick I would just be like I can't you know I I would hit all these energetic limits because I was giving giving giving from this place not from a fully embodied place of actually like hey my energy is my energy they don't need any of my energy they do need a Clear Channel to gather the useful energy and bring that through the system through the frequency of the transmission which then results in the sound frequencies that you hear the guided activations these pieces um but it's not like oh my
God I just gave you my arm and now I don't have an arm anymore you know you give from the Overflow uh what is the 8020 rule the 8020 rule is something very practical that you can apply in your life so the way I love to play with this is that if you're looking to manifest anything in any area it's 80% the internal game right so basically like this process we just did for 2 hours that's the 80% right it's the energy work it's recalibrating the mind it's updating the layers of information and then it's
20% what you do on the outside right so you still have to show up in your life right some people are expecting a magic pill and they're like I did all your activations but they have to go and do something right we're then listening we're bringing a different version of ourselves to the altar of life we're communing with the universe in a different way and we've got to be brave to be like okay this new version of me does this a little differently this new version of me like gets on the plane and goes meets
that person this new version of me is like a little scared but I'm going to go and write that book anywhere or whatever it is you know you must then actually step and that's the 20 but you've got to make sure the 20 is in alignment with the 80% it's like the 80% sets you up and then the 20% becomes very almost obvious and easy and flowy even if there's a challenge you're like huh I know how to navigate this because you have this 80% base of the inner recalibration wow so and I understood that
the 80% work is our job is to match the exact frequency of what we want on the outside yeah so we match that frequency so it can basically reflect back to us and we can manifest it uh and if we like think like law of physics if we go on a frequency that a little higher or that a little lower it's still not quite that very thing that we want to manifest how do you make sure you manifest the exact vibration of the exact thing that you want totally so this is a great question people
ask me this all the time because they're like I don't know what it feels like cuz I haven't manifested yet so how do I tap into it right and so the answer to this is what call energetic conditioning okay and so you must condition yourself to become you're right the energetic match to then create the reflection of your own energy reflected on the outside in your life in the physical manifestation so some people think they might do an activation once and then they're like oh it didn't show up I'm like that's like going to the
gym once and being like I trained my bicep why didn't my whole body change you know you've got to keep going and you've got to practice it so um a lot of people in my mind Valley course use this tool called the manifestation alarms and so you set a nice alarm that's good for your nervous system like something not you know stressful and when that goes off you want to set them ideally every hour throughout the day and when it goes off you're going to stop and just like 20 seconds to 2 minutes close your
eyes and just feel what it feels like to have the manifestation now that's all you're going to do right and you're going to be like okay I'm so happy I'm so grateful it's already manifested the love of my life the money I desire the body of my dreams whatever it is and you just feel what it feels like that it's done done not that it's coming cuz then it will always put itself in the future but that it's here now right and when you start doing this um some people might not feel anything and that's
also okay like it didn't work I'm like do it again right and I promise you if you keep going there will be a point where you start really feeling it and when you feel how good it feels you're going to do what we did today and you're going to tell your system okay turn this up make this vibrational feeling stronger double it triple it vibrate it through my system right and then will be a point where the alarm will go off and you'll have this interesting like merging of reality where it's like oh I I
feel like it's here but wait it's not here it hasn't manifested but I feel like it's here okay let me do the alarm anyway and then the alarm goes off and the feeling will be stronger but it's still not here and it's almost like you know when you wake up from a dream you're like that that happened but it didn't it was a dream you were dreaming it but you feel like it happen you have this like reality blow which is a really good sign that you're on the right track cuz then at some point
the alarm will go off and you'll be like oh my manifestation is actually here in which case you reset the alarm and the manifestation and you level up and you do it again right so to match the exact frequency of what we desire we need to feel the exact feeling of having that desire already here right now right now right now and you see so many people are feeling I this is how good it would feel and that's just copy pasting it into your future that's why it never shows up because it's always a maybe
feeling that you might access later but if you feel it now and you're just like I'm feeling it I'm breathing it I'm vibrating with it this is so good it's done I you know a lot of my clients woke around saying like I know that I know that I know that it's done that it's done that it's done cuz like that's the vibe it's like it's here now you're bringing it from the future and literally like a computer you would click drag and drop and you'd bring the information from there drag it and drop it
into the now so you can feel it and experience it now it's like every good athlete runs the race in their mind and their feeling body before they win that race every athlete is like I felt it I feel what it's like to win the race I watched videos of other people winning the race like they get into like it's done and then it does happen it does happen um how do you create a space to connect with your higher self and to download the vision that you want yeah so you know I have many
activations guiding people on how to do this and I'm the first person to tell everyone like you don't need me okay you can literally sit there and connect with your own intention to the highest iteration of yourself right we did it today it it's 20 seconds like 5 Seconds super fast right now there's a lot of people talking about the higher self let's just go for the highest self firstly right because if I mean tomorrow you're a higher self technically right you've evolved a little bit but what if you are to connect with the highest
iteration that you have access to right so that's a nice little upgrade for a lot of people that do this work it's like oh let me connect with the highest iteration of me heard of that before yeah everyone's running around saying highest self and I'm like no don't do it you're wasting your time connect with your highest self like why not the highest before you become Pure Source or Consciousness or God like we want that version Oh that almost feels scary I don't even know why yeah this can feel scary because it's a jump you
feel the difference between higher self okay that's kind of comy that's like kind of around the corner versus highest self it's like the difference between making a, versus like $10 million exactly it is but but then at the same time you're like okay why not 10 million why not why not going for the highest self the highest self so you can do this literally with your intention you close your eyes all right I choose to connect with the highest iteration of me now you can maybe see it maybe feel it maybe not it doesn't matter
what we need to know is that simply through Our intention through the observer effect when we observe something we have access to it and we're able to start to alter that information so this everything is information at the end of the day and if we're working across time and space we start remembering that our highest self might feel like it's really far out there in the future but quantum physics says it doesn't matter it's non-local it doesn't matter if it's right next to you right now or a million gazillion years away quantum physics doesn't care
you have full access through the quantum field of information to the information which is just vibrating particles which is all we're made up of at the end of the day so if you connect with the particles of your highest self and you then request that that information comes and fuses Into the Now quantum entanglement starts happening and effectively you start merging with that highest iteration of you and when you're in this process you can ask almost like an interview your highest self you'd say you know how do you walk how does this version of Me
Talk how do they show up on a Monday morning what is different what do they say yes to what do they say no to um what what do they what do they fuel their body with what do they eat how much water do they drink like all the details really matter so do we design our higher self here's the difference if it was designed it would come from your mind it would be like let me create a constract of my higher self what you're doing is you're tapping into that information and you're allowing yourself to
receive it you're surrendering to your higher self in this moment nothing to create everything to receive and it's a subtle difference but if you're aware of that and you're literally not like okay I need to create my high self but instead you're saying okay let me receive all the energy all the information all the magic of the highest essence of who I am and you start we did this today right and you start bringing that into your system you start fusing and becoming one with that and then you are literally a different iteration of that
this is where the 20% comes this is when you say you know what I'm going to choose to show up in my life in this 20% from this frequency from this vibration someone's saying you know do you want to come to the event tonight you can check what does my highest self say yes or no so the difference between downloading your higher self versus creating your higher self is by creating your ego and your mind they need to think of how you know a step by step of creating my higher self versus what you're saying
is that our highest self already exists in the quantum field correct and we just need to connect to that field of energy and receive the downloads of what our higher self really like feels like yes now when we were doing this exercise at your session um I felt something about what I thought it was my higher self that I didn't quite like and I couldn't tell if it was my ego or my higher self what was it my my higher self was pretty lonely oh really interesting and I and it was fear based it was
a fear based lack based and I'm like okay is that a way to discern um whether it's my ego or my higher self does the higher self feel like does it come from lack or does it feel like fear exactly does it I think the highest self I mean really if you're in the highest most abundant expression of who you are is that do you feel that version of you desires loneliness no no so what we're doing is we're seeing that through a filter of a fear that oh my God if that version of me
is that big and that bright and that shiny and that abundant and that amazing like no one's going to know how to connect with me cuz that's so big and that's so out there so this this filter of the fear comes up being like Oh God it's Lonely at the Top right but if you see that as a filter that's when you can just be like oh okay thank you actually for bringing that up and now that can dissolve and shift away it's there to try and keep you safe and that's a filter of ego
I assume yeah it's from the ego the ego creates it the ego wants to protect you and the ego wants to create fear ex the ego is not like oh yeah go connect with your higher self that's really safe that's so maybe we can say a way to discern whether a desire is coming from your highest self or the ego is that if it's coming from your highest self it's Blissful but if it's come from your ego it's anxious lack based fear-based yeah and you know let me say this sometimes when you do connect with
your highest Essence this is not uncommon to also like for example you had the loneliness coming up this is not uncommon some people for example um feel some anxiety and again that doesn't mean their higher self is an anxious person right because again the most abundant powerful expression of them probably isn't sitting there super anxious right however again these filters come up and this is just such a good opportunity to see the blocks it's like oh that's one of the layers in the way of you just folding that into the now and so if it's
coming up what a blessing I can see it this is amazing oh my goodness I felt this fear of being lonely how cool is that now I can change it CU now it's going from the unconscious underneath the surface and you're shining light on it bringing it into your conscious awareness so it can change so basically that's our way of becoming conscious about the roadblocks that exist between where we are now and our higher self absolutely love that um can you explain to our audience what the difference is between a manufactured manifestation and a surrendered
manifestation how does that look like so people can identify when they're doing one instead of the other for sure yeah so we've also been almost touching on this through this conversation because you know most people are living their life in manufactured manifestation and this is where you're basically trying to join all the dots up and you're like this manifestation is going to happen but it's going to happen this way by me doing the specific thing with these people and then it's going to happen da D D D D D and it's it's like controlling the
process right now the problem with manufactured manifestation is that it works I manifested a lot in my life from that place and I was like I'm going to get there regardless I'm going to hustle I'm going to push I'm going to like drink 10 coffees and not sleep and go for it and yeah I got there like at what cost you know all of a sudden you're burnt out you're exhausted you're wondering if you even want the this life like it's kind of crazy you know because it can just it's such a program that can
be so intense and the big factor in it is the control now the big challenge with it even though it works is that you will hit a cap you know and and I see this even in very highly successful people they're making a lot of money or they're experiencing a lot of love in their life but they they're capped and they're just like it's not moving and I'm I say to them I'm like cuz the way you manifested up to here it's great but it's not the same way that's now going to get you to
this Quantum Leap place where your life is totally different and yes it's more abundant but it's from this place of divine synchronicity and ease Grace and flow and doing less and receiving more like there's a different way so that's where surrendered manifestation comes in and so just like we were talking about with receiving the information from the higher self surrender manifestation is when you're still very clear like okay this is the desire this is the manifestation this is what we're putting out there it's going to happen it is done doing my energetic conditioning you're using
all the tools you're connecting with your higher self but now you're surrendering to actually allowing the magic to unfold through you and this is this dance as well around like yes we're an intentional Creator and there's also like a lot of divine synchronicities going on where if we were open and available to them maybe we could see them and notice them so this is this dance where as well it's almost like your manifestation is coming through you and these pieces lay up and you're still participating and showing up but you're from this surrendered place so
manufactured manifestation in men and women is very much like a unhealthy masculine energy it's like a push penetration I'm going to get there regardless right where surrended manifestation this interesting mix of grounded healthy masculine of like his way we're going and then a feminine opening and receiving okay now I'm I I let it go actually I don't need to be attached to it and it's going to happen every day because I already know that it's done cuz it's a desire and it's out there in my future why would I question it it it's done now
from here there's a masculine healthy step of then well how do I now show up and what does that look like so it's this dance and this interplay of the masculine and The Feminine the pulsation in and out right instead of just this place of like I'm going to force myself through it so it sounds like in order to manifest our only job is to feel the exact feeling in emotion of having what we desire right in front of us in this very moment and let the how unfold by itself and not control the how
definitely yeah you don't want to control the how I you know I say to so many of I say to so many of my clients often trying and I'll use the word trying because how much can we even control the how trying to control the how is one of the biggest blocks it can be bigger than any fears it can be bigger than self-sabotage patterns and and it's this this attachment to okay I'm going to control how it's going to happen that can really just slow down the process a lot and then what is something
you would tell yourself to walk yourself off the ledge of wanting to control the details of what you want to manifest I would allow myself to notice where am I trying to control in all those little details you know especially when I work with very high level people often the control is not like some thing they have to change in their life sometimes it's really small details it's like how did you speak to that assistant do you know like she's fine and she's going to do it like why are you trying to control the process
with it you know and it's these tiny little micro refinements of how you're showing up and how you're acting that you can start seeing wow okay these are the places that I'm attempting to control the process and from there you can start changing the patterns from there you can notice like I want to control that thing and then you're like okay okay okay I'm going to let it flow so you help your clients become conscious of where they're trying to control the manifestation process and you're like get out of the way get out of the
way and like again often it's like such small details it's like a tiny little thing and you'll notice it and yourself sometimes you don't even say anything but you have a thought and you're like okay that was a really controlling thought like right and again you don't judge it you just notice it and you're like okay I often ask myself what would abundance do mhm how how would abundance be what would abundance think right now would abundance be like ah I need to control all these things no abundance is like whatever infinite abundance like what's
the craziest thing any of your clients or yourself have manifested I think this there's so many things I mean there's so much there's people that have manifested crazy amounts of money there's people that have manifested the love of their life there's unexpected manif stations like I get messages all the time there's someone in the manifesting Mastery Program right now who wrote to me and they're like I just manifested over $300,000 and I'm not even focusing on money in the course I focusing on love or something else you know so I think for me the the
things I love the most are those unexpected manifestations the ones where they they literally show up and this is a really this is a cool thing that happens when you manifest in this way because you get to a point where you're so tapped in and you're such an energetic match for what you're calling in and the mind is so surrendered and you've done so much work on the blocks and the limitations that your field is so open and you're just living in this pulsation of surrender manifestation then things happen where the manifestation shows up before
you intend it and it's pretty wild and I've had this happen so many times in my life where literally like massive things show up and then I'm like I never wrote that down I didn't journal on that I don't feel I did any process around that but it's a result of of how I'm living in this frequency I have a lot of clients that also start tapping into that and they're like I just got given this in my life and I didn't even know I wanted that but can you believe this and that's our Natural
State because look before a baby's born the milk is already in the mother's right exactly um so in our Natural State we are provided before we ask for it we're provided for before we ask for it so you're saying when we are in that surrender manifestation state which is the state of uh having being in high vibrational frequency yet not controlling anything we can attract other things that we don't even know that we need it or we want it exactly w i get that um how do you determine the vibrational frequency of a millionaire or
how do people know if they're in the frequency of money yes so everyone thinks that they'll manifest millions of dollars and then they'll become a millionaire but it's actually completely the other way around so you must first become the millionaire and then the money will show up and this can feel like you're very crazy you know I felt for many years that I if someone could look inside my internal reality and match that with what was going on in my life they'd be like this girl's lost it like cuz I was living in my head
and in my internal reality so far out in my my vision versus where I was in my life now I wasn't bypassing my life I wasn't in denial of it I wasn't living out of Integrity I was actually very present and very clear you know that moment where I had $870 in my bank account I wasn't like oh whatever I was like okay like my life is blowing up right now I have a choice but I could have at that moment been like created all these stories saying you know I'm not good with money like
my businesses are just going to fail I should whatever but instead I was I I said to to myself I said okay you know what so this is really the moment that I get to condition myself from the inside out and I started going to work on importing that highest version of me that was a multi-millionaire I started writing things out like I'm so happy and grateful that I manifest millions of dollars with ease I'm so happy and grateful that the more money I make the more money I make I'm so happy and grateful that
money flows into my life and unexpected ways I'm so happy and grateful that I get paid for being me and just sharing my voice and doing what I love like I would write all this out and sitting on my friend's couch that I was sleeping on in Melbourne Australia like you would have been like this girl is insane really if you'd seen the Gap but from that moment on that couch it was about 9 months later that I did manifest that first million dollars I was 23 years old and it was interesting when it happened
and I crossed that Milestone many people in my life like oh my God how does that feel oh my God you must be so happy and I was happy and I was grateful but it was the strangest thing I felt I felt it just felt normal because I'd done so much work feeling what it would feel like that when it happened there wasn't a part of me that you know it was actually just like okay like I'm super grateful and this feels normal this feels natural this feel because you were already feeling that way exactly
been feeling conditioned myself multiple times a day to feel that way so then when it showed up in my life I was like cool like and I wasn't ungrateful I was super grateful and there wasn't this high of like ah this is what it feels like it was just like okay because you were living in that feeling right living in that state what happens if we're constantly being reminded by our reality of what's not working like our bills our debts how does that affect our manifestation yeah so again we don't want to bypass our reality
cuz actually in order to shift we need to be very clear on where're actually at but how are we connecting to it energetically and what meaning are we giving it so what most people do is they're in their life now in their reality and like you said they see the bills or they see the thing that didn't work and they create meaning around that and they effectively take that and they create a story that that's who they are and that's the results they get and then they unconsciously copy paste that into their future and then
they're in their future and they're experiencing the same reality like all humans do this we never trained to do this the other way around so we're literally taking our past accumulation which accumulates Into the Now copy pasting it into the future so at any moment you can stop stop doing that game and take a step back and realize okay I'm at now and this is my reality the bills are the Bills it is what it is and at any moment we're in this Choice Point again like we talked about in the activation to completely change
my reality my future has nothing absolutely nothing to do with my past they're not connected they're only connected if I copy my past and put it in my future so if I want to recalibrate that I can take a step back and then choose you know what from here this is now going to be my different reality yeah I'm going to pay that bill I'm going to do that but I'm not going to be doing it from a frequency of like oh my God I don't have enough money I can't believe this da da da
da da the scarcity programs are now copy pasting themselves all into my reality I'm just going to pay the bill it is what it is I pay the bill I recognize it but I'm connected to the abundance I'm connected to actually paying the bill and celebrating I'm so happy and grateful that I make a money contribution to my power bill that I'm paying or whatever bill it is so you pay the bill from the place of I'm already a millionaire exactly I pay the bill as if I'm a millionaire exactly wow I got it and
um what happens if you do all the clearing for all the people and suddenly you realize that you have no friends or family around you well I'd love to say like oh that will never happen but it happened to me so I'm going to tell you that that might happen and that your fear of being alone is actually very real and I know it would be great to be like no no it's not true um but it is true because just as all layers of our being and life upgrades so does our environment and very
rarely do we shift from one environment to the other just super fast overnight there's a transition process which takes place so you've probably heard you know we are our environment we are the sum of the five people we hang around the most financially yes but in all ways energetically physically all of it Joy Bliss love happiness all of it so when I started realizing this a very long time ago I looked at my environment and I realized I didn't have one person in my life that was my cheerleader I didn't have one person where I
could go there and be like this is my vision this is how I want to change the world this is the money I want to make this is how I want to be and I realized that if I told any of those people people this they would probably just laugh in my face or just think I was totally crazy like it just wasn't the environment for that at all so one by one layer by layer I started removing myself no I'm not going to go to that event actually I'm not available to return that phone
call I don't want to hang out with that person anymore some of these were very long-term friends some of these were family members and I just layer by layer went through this claring and I was very intentionally cleaning my environment and guess what I got to a place where there was just freegan there was literally no one else well was it just rean or was it rean or your higher self together it was Regan and your higher self hanging out you were not alone I wasn't alone but I felt pretty alone and I remember sitting
there and all my fears came up they told you it was Lonely at the Top you're not even at the top you're not even close to the top and it's really lonely what's it going to be like if you actually create this life you know and I remember sitting there and I realized okay what if it's not lonely but what if this is actually an emptiness that I feel and why have we been told that being empty is bad why are we always looking to fill it up with something the space a hole a thing
a that a that I need to consume everything what if I could just be in The Emptiness and I allowed myself just to start sitting in it and feeling firstly like really uncomfortable with it and then being more okay with it and then actually starting to feel really good with it and I realized that emptiness was a a space for new energies to come into my environment I realized that I couldn't bring in new money unless I first came into an emptiness of creating space to hold new money wow I realized that I couldn't change
my body unless I first created space to hold the new frequencies so all of this started kind of playing into every area of my life but with environment and I was like oh actually I'm good with this emptiness and I want to be as empty for as long as possible until the right people come and they fit into that environment and so I started holding that intention and it wasn't until honestly that I was really really okay with the emptiness I started actually meeting some amazing people and I started actually going out there and you
know what I'm going to put myself in that environment I'm going to turn up to that event I'm going to go sit at that dinner table I I would do things like that and in the beginning you know I had so many moments where I did that and I felt all my stuff come up I would walk into rooms of Highly Successful People and at this point you know I was 22 20 20 21 years old no idea what I'm going to do with my life um in massive debt like just every area of my
life was kind of a sh but I had this big dream you know I had this prayer and this vision and I remember I would walk into these rooms and I would just feel not enough and I would walk in and just be like well these are the people I want to be around but I don't fit in here my life doesn't fit into the life of these people and I remember this this event that I walked into with all of these speakers that I ended up getting invited I wasn't speaking I was an attendee
but I got invited and I was so scared when I walked into that room and there were about 45 like super beautiful successful heart- centered just Regan's Idol people right and every part of me wanted to run I wanted to leave that room I just felt I felt so small but I was like okay highest self I'm going to stay I'm going to stay I'm going to you know what I'll be a reporter I'm going to interview them I'm going to figure out how they did it that's my job for the night and I I
walked around to every person and I was asking them like look I heard your talk but like tell me how you actually did it like not your five steps on stage like what was the actual thing and I walked away from that night after all these interviews totally confused CU they' all created their success in such a different way I remember lying there at night and I was like okay what is similar about these people and then I realized they all kind of felt the same to be around they had a certain Vibe I could
feel their hearts I noticed that their shoulders were back and their their eyes were bright and they they were in connection and they just felt good and I looked at myself observing myself in that room I was like how was I I was like okay my shoulders were slunch over I kind of wanted to die my eyes were down my energy was in and I was like okay what if I just started maybe being like them in my own way being me but being in that energy of just kind of earning that and this was
part of activating this millionaire and multimillionaire version of me way before it I I called it the million dooll version of rean and I would just like walk to the supermarket that way and I would drive my car that way just me and my highest self right and be in that vibration and the weirdest things started happening when I started changing my vibration people started coming to me and I'd have people come to me hey like I don't know what it is I just want to connect with you hey like what's your name what are
you do and I started one by one like magnetizing these people into my environment it started happening without me even then okay let me go here and do this and kind of put in the work for it so I went from basically terrible environment to clean up my environment to nothingness to being uncomfortable with the nothingness to making love with the nothingness and being like all right The Emptiness is a great thing from shifting my vibration and importing that new version of me intentionally taking action to change my environment and then from there becoming a
version of me where like you people are just magnetized and hi I just want to get to know you something about you right because it's how you've cultivated your energy so so when you felt inadequate to walk into certain rooms you walked in as your highest self yeah I tried I did my best you acted as your higher self in that moment you walked like your higher self until you embodied your higher self correct that was beautiful and look I think we're already we're always doing that rather like even now I don't walk into a
room as Regan now I I walk into a room and I'm like okay let's bring my highest Essence I don't go on stage today and do an activation from like oh yeah this is just how I woke up this morning I'm like I'm connected before we go I told you you know I have a a practice and everything that I tap into with the energy um prior to going even in the space and I I codify my field to hold those frequencies and I call in my highest Essence because I want her to serve these
people not who I think I am now so I think we're always in that that that game of tapping into that next level not all us a lot of us like I well if you're intentional about my default mode for many many years was to operate from my undesired self from my sad self from my unhappy self uh and operating from a place of my highest self is a new thing to me yes that you introduced to me yeah my last question is how is your manifesting techniques different from everyone else and what is the
energetic architecture method yes well I like to think that they're different because they work really well and they work for everyone you know if you really apply these tools yes I've wrapped them up in a bow but these are Universal principles at the end of the day that can be yeah that can be harnessed and and worked on in this way so the energetic architecture method is is my method that you went through today and it's a set of tools to help you shift and recalibrate your energetic field and bring it back into its natural
state and when you're in that natural state of abundance you're able to fine-tune your resonance for wherever you desire to match it in your life so what's happening through the quantum field of information is we're effectively going in and we're updating all of the codes and pieces of geometries all of the geometric patterns of the structure of our reality and we're not changing them to become something they're not but again we're returning them back to the crystalline purity of what they actually are which ultimately allows you to be more you in your life it's not
about trying to now be this version it allows you to actually like take a breath and be like okay I just get to be me and yes the most powerful Shiny Bright amazing iteration of me but but just me and there's something just so freeing and liberating about that like something drops off the shoulders where you're just like oh really I get to do me and I say people I'm like yeah do you boo like do you Boo and like the best highest possible frequency way and I promise you if you do that the authenticity
and the Integrity of that you will shift your life and you will manifest miracles in your life because for me true integrity and authenticity is being brave enough to get into alignment with your highest Essence and so this method helps you do that and helps you embody that in your life wow that was so beautiful to be honest with you I'm still not quite back in my body because a part of me is with my higher self and I feel like I want to stay there maybe instead of bringing that version of me back down
here I want this version of me to go back up there uh because that was my real version I think what you did in your method as your audience what I can share from my personal experience is that you helped us let go of all the sandbags that hold us down and they hold our vibration down and you helped us identify and become conscious about the roadblocks between where we're at now um and where our highest self is yeah and um I'm very grateful for the work you're doing for the world and for helping people
date their higher self yes and I would love to name this episode dating your highest self I love it thank you so much rean what an honor I'm very grateful you transformed my life in those two hours in that room and I'm going to carry that energy with me forever because something shifted in me and I met my highest self for the first time and she was so delicious that I am never going to let go of her never let go of her you're amazing Megan thank you so much you so much thank you yay