The Best SALES TRAINING On The Internet

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Alex Hormozi
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we are all one decision away from changing our lives forever and a lot of us don't even know it and the difference between the decisions you make today and the ones that you made last year if they've gotten you to where you are right now they were not good decisions and so if we want to have more power in our lives we have to first understand what power is and second how to unlock it through the actions and decisions that we make and if you have a company or a business or a job where you
need to influence other people or you need to get people to say yes or you need people to make decisions or most importantly make decisions for yourself that are going to change your life for the better then we have to understand what the topic means if you don't know who i am my name is austral mostly i own and 10 years ago i was sleeping on a gym floor and 10 years later i am now in my mom's basement that is how much better my life getting this is actually penthouse and i like to
work in a closet because i like having the quiet and not having distractions but uh my life has gone significantly better uh and i recently spoke at coaching con and they wanted me to talk about this specific topic because there was a series of events and decisions that made massive differences in my life and i broke them down and after i gave the speech and got off stage i had hundreds of people who messaged me saying that that uh speech was one of the things that made them take huge strides in their life and honestly
made them more powerful and that is all i want for you mostly nation is to become more and more powerful so that we can all make the world a better place all right so enjoy the presentation and i'll see you guys the other side it's just great to be here so thank you guys so much i promise that i will do my absolute best to give you a high return on your attention uh because it's the most valuable thing you guys have i just want to thank you for investing here with me today so that
being said uh the reason i went up with gold diggers because we all know who's the real person who makes the money in the family um and so i i picked right that's by the way the best passive income strategy in existence is just to marry someone rich um they don't talk about that one right the uh the second thing though that i want to talk about is uh is power and i think that actually before i get into that who here wants to be powerful awesome and that's not everybody raised their hand which is
interesting and i think i find it interesting because i ask that question sometimes and in an audience sometimes it's easier to remain anonymous but one-on-one when you stare at someone's eyes you're like do you want to be powerful a lot of people shrink away from that and i think it's because at least me when i was coming up i had negative associations with the word to me power was like the emperor in uh star wars you know the lightning old fingers and everybody and so to me that was like power but i saw it as
a negative thing and i feel like as i developed i started to learn that power is neutral you can be incredibly powerful and bad incredibly powerful and good and so the idea is if we can harness power then it amplifies who we are and if we're shitty people then we're very very shitty people and we're very good we're very very good and so i hope that all of us aspire to have more power in our lives and that is the underlying theme of the presentation i'm gonna talk to you guys about today so decision making
who's so excited about decision making well i'll give you the sub headline which is selling with logic to make lots of money and i think there are different selling styles when i because i've trained a lot of sales teams we've built a lot of sales teams sold a lot of different industries now people sell differently who here would consider themselves like an emotional seller like you get like emotionally invested in the prospect you get them to cry anybody like that i'm saying cool who here is somebody who is uh is more of a like i'm
not going to let you leave type so you know who you are just raise your hand i am that way too sometimes all right just me fair enough um and then the third is kind of logical selling which is like let's just talk through this and if it makes sense let's do it if it doesn't no worries between those three types i i tend to actually be more of a logical seller in general and i've gotten a lot of a claim rightfully or not that was wild um sorry i actually have a fear of birds
um so this was about to be a very short presentation and so and so a lot of the a lot of my like success using logic and sales has given me a lot of acclaim and this is the first presentation that i've put together so this is just for you guys this is a brand new presentation because i've been thinking about like reverse engineering what are the things what are the frameworks we think about to get to yes right and the yes that i want from somebody is not a yes i'm going to buy but
yes i'm going to decide and i think if you can delineate that for yourself too it takes a little bit of the pressure off selling because my goal is to give this person power and you have to understand what power is in order to give it right who here knows the definition of power go for it i love that thought to existence is what he said which is actually a really favorite way so the dictionary definition is the ability to influence or direct events or people that's the dictionary definition but i love how you said
it because as i see omnipotence so god or a god figure would be as they think it appears so the the distance between thoughts and reality are ins there's there is no distance right that would be an omnipotent being if he thinks the world the world exists right and so as we take steps towards that as the ideal we become more powerful and if we can do that for our prospects we can allow them to step into the person they want to be and make a decision to own their [ __ ] one way or
another does that make sense cool all right so let's rock so this will either be the best presentation on sales you've ever heard the worst presentation on sales you've ever heard or somewhere in between that is a promise all right and so i thought it would make sense to start with this we have a high this is charlie munger who's probably like my number one hero in this season of my life we have a high moral responsibility to be rational and i think that getting someone to rationally decide is important because emotional buyers oftentimes get
excited they'll buy and then who's had somebody who calls him two days later is like i don't know why anybody raise your hand just so you know you're not alone okay and what happens is it's just like dating i think layla talked about it yesterday if you have a rational foundation for a relationship or a decision when the emotions fade the logic will continue and so it's good to answer both sides of the decision-making process the short-term side is the emotion that gets you to decrease your action threshold and take a step right but the
logic is what makes it stick and actually makes a great customer all right and so for me and i think that the further along you get in business and the higher up you get in business the more you'll see people who tend to make more logical decisions more logic first decisions and fewer and fewer emotional decisions all right so what does being a rational sorry what does rational logical have to do with selling well you have logical buyers and you have emotional buyers in general right most people sit on this continuum one way or the
other and emotionally people want to believe you people want to buy you must help their logical brains justify the decision that they already want to make think about it that way they want to buy from you you have to help them all right so who here identifies actually i'll skip through this emotional logical you're probably in between anybody in between these two anyone all right then you'll love this so before we get started i thought i would give you a few beliefs about selling that have served me very well throughout the years number one people
want to believe you they want to buy you must help their logical blames brains justify the decision two selling happens before you ask for the sale closing happens after so you're selling for a lot longer period of time but the moment you kind of like take your pants off and you're like this is what it is that's when you're closing right you have now solicited now you close three it's easier to handle obstacles than objections i'll get to what the difference between those are in a second that being said expect and plan for no it
is not failure it is expected so stop being surprised it's one of the first things we talk new sales guys into is expect no that's not like that's a part of this if they already were going to say yes then you are not necessary no is the job right if they could make the decision on their own they would just send you the money right the reason they're struggling is because they can't and they need your help which is why sales is actually the first step in coaching and i see sales as power if you
can have the ability to direct or influence others that is power and i feel like it should be made much cooler than i feel like it is five if you didn't get a gasp from a price tag you didn't go high enough this is another belief so for those who are afraid to raise your price if you're not getting gasps you're not going high enough straight up and when you do it that way you can always walk down and have a beautiful price anchor right when you say a hundred thousand dollars first a grand feels
like a rounding error it's true but when i say ten dollars first like i'm saying right now ten dollars and i say a thousand sounds way [ __ ] bigger doesn't it so you gotta get the gas and you gotta train your guys if you have a team they have to be comfortable with no and they have to be comfortable with the gasp they gotta go for the gasp and be like dude you should have heard the gasp on this one right there we go seven selling properly is the first step becoming a coach right
your first impressions the expeditions you set dictate the relationship how you sell the fact that use logic in the sale will set you up for success and your client for success in the long run eight selling is helping prospects make decisions out themselves like you are helping them help themselves that's where the power comes from you are not helping them you're helping them help them see the difference it's nuanced but it's real nine keep the prospect not the sale as the priority it's not about us the more you can vanish in the sale and and
magnify them the better your selling conversations will go because it's not about us they don't care about you they only care about them and they will talk about themselves as long as they'll let them this is a really important one especially when you start to getting into closing seek to understand not to argue and the way that i train our sales teams around this is childlike curiosity so when someone says when someone objects to something it's like huh that's so weird i wouldn't have thought that tell me more about that right and you get to
be able to maintain that childlike curiosity the same way they train fighters to not breathe too much during a fight through exposure the more you more times you get into these uncomfortable high stakes closing scenarios the less weird and high stakes they become because they become what you do every day and the good thing is you get to have this conversation hundreds and thousands of times and they only get to have it once so you [ __ ] better be better at it than them closing is a dance not a fight it's seduction not rape
i mean i'm being super serious about this the goal is not to beat them into submission the goal is to sell from your back foot it's like i'm good i want to help you help you and if that means not doing this then i [ __ ] love it i'm with you i'm on your team and i'll give you a bullet around that in a second selling is a transference of belief over a bridge of trust therefore there are two things that are required you must believe so that you can transfer it and you must
have trust to make the transfer because if you truly believe in a lot of times you st anyone been on a hot streak when they're selling anyone anyone who just had their hand up ever been on a cold streak most times you go from hot to cold not because you forgot how to sell because you stop believing in why you're selling you have the same skills as you did the day before but sometimes you get a text you get an email you get a pain in the ass customer you ask for a refund whatever the
hell it is right and then you question yourself and so that bridge might have been created but there was nothing to walk across it because your cup wasn't full and so that's why especially it's you in the beginning but your teams over time the process of filling conviction is one of the easiest and best ways to increase someone's closing percentage better than any of the training in the world if you get someone to believe they will sell the right way because they're doing it not to make the deal because they want to help the other
person 16. you can only build trust if you generally want to help and humans are exceptionally good at sniffing out intention it's a survival mechanism you have to know if someone's trying to double cross you we're very good at smelling it out and the reason a lot of you guys can't close is because you only care about closing belief and trust are a continuum not binaries so it's not you believe or don't believe it's not they trust you or don't trust you but how much do they trust you how much do you believe how deeply
do you believe because anyone ever been around somebody who just believes balls to bone something that you think is batshit crazy like i mean all the way so much so that you start to question what you believe that's what real conviction does 18 closers ask hard questions and it's because you genuinely care that's why you do it it's why we're here who here wants to impact thousands of lives and help people then you got to [ __ ] ask hard questions because it's the only thing that's going to actually pierce someone's heart and actually get
the transformation to happen if you can't make if you cannot have transformational conversations you cannot coach and this is the first step the person who cares the most about the prospect wins the sale that includes them so if you care more about their well-being than they do you will win and if you are more convicted they will question their own excuses because you are so certain a little little nugget for you report all your sales by the way because when you do get on that hot streak right you get on that hot streak and then
you get cold again watch your hot streak see where you pause what jokes you made when you asked for the sale when you did it how you overcame it and it'll get you back in the flow much faster than trying to question yourself what i do what i do always report all your sales it's also the easiest way to train new people and then lastly 21 power is the ability to direct or influence people if you want to be powerful you must understand this skill and that's what we're going to talk about cool awesome when
does selling happen does it happen when they're a lead does it happen when we're qualifying them does it happen when we solicit the sale does it happen when we close the sale when does the selling happen all the time the entire time selling is happening but what are we going to talk about today just this just closing everything you have to do after asking someone to buy why are we doing that rather than the entire process beyond the fact that we'd be here all day the other reason and i love this is that closing has
one of the highest predictors of success in business and here's an analogy for it everyone familiar with the nfl great so here's an insane statistic the top five red zone offenses in the league now last five years made the playoffs 90 of the time here's why this is interesting and crazy there's a million other stats they could have horrible defenses they could have terrible coaching they could have a terrible whatever it is right they could have all these things that are wrong with their they could have terrible special teams whatever but just this one set
if they're in the red zone they [ __ ] close and i can tell you if you have this ability if you have the skill it will make up for a tremendous amount of deficiencies in other areas of your life and business and it will buy you time to learn those but if you can't close it's very difficult to grow in business especially in the beginning because it's probably you that's why we're talking about closing why is this important from a money getting perspective well first off if you have 100 people walk in the door
10 are never going to buy just accept that right problem is you don't know which 10 it is but ten percent ever gonna buy ten percent are always gonna buy you just gotta not [ __ ] it up and most of you guys these are the only sales you're getting they're like well i already i'm already here my friend told me about you i have my credit card out and some of you are like well you know let's make sure you're like just shut the [ __ ] just take the card you know what i
mean like shut up right that's like hey my friend's so awesome you got to meet him and she's like oh my god he's great and then the guy starts talking and she's like just kidding you know like terrible right but this is what we fight for this is what we train and if you want to make a big impact that's what we're fighting for it's the middle 80. why this presentation will make you money if after this presentation you just have one more bullet one more play in your arsenal to close where i get you
one more deal a month i'll feel like my job was done all right and hopefully if you just do that it'll pay for your entire weekend all right that's my goal for the president that everything that you guys have done for this whole weekend is paid for is that cool fair outcome all right this is one of my favorite sayings you're only one decision away from changing your life forever and whenever i feel overwhelmed or i feel like i'm decreasing like i feel powerless i feel like i have less power than i want to have
i always say this to myself because it's like i can take one decision and change [ __ ] everything you know i mean like i can i can drink a bottle of jack get in the car i can change everything with one decision right i can make a step to to invest in something i can buy something i can invest in myself i can i can have a terrible conversation with an amazing conversation with layla but just one decision and that's always given me power but the thing is is that instead of changing our lives
we blame when i say blame i want you to think give power to sources outside of our control and this is what you and this is what your prospects and your customers are doing and this is why so many people are weak and powerless and so we're going to do a fun activity today because i want you to be involved so you can learn it we're going to do this so that one you can help decisions to help yourself with whatever decisions you're facing two you can use these frameworks to help prospects help themselves and
the three become more powerful so but rather than keep this hypothetical i need you to visualize the decision that you need to make all right you do that for me fantastic and this is why i want you to actually think through a decision together because this is a statement from confucius i hear and i forget i see and i remember i do and i understand so my goal here isn't for you to take screenshots of every picture of every slide that's not my point here because the thing is is when you do that and you
kind of i mean this is why i do it i take pictures so that i don't have to remember it but i don't want you to remember it i want you to understand it if you understand it you won't have to go back to your notes because let's be real half the time you're not even open these notes up again you're here now with me try and understand if you do that it can change your life because what we're going to do is not going to be some scripts that you have to understand but the
logic behind the arguments that people will give you as to why they are not choosing to become more powerful and if you can unlock that you people will feel more powerful talking to you and they will want to buy from me because of the feeling they have does that make sense and so that's when you're using logic to create an emotion so here here's an easy one for you anyone here presented with the decision last 24 hours yes great fantastic so who thinks the decision could change your life for the better great for the worse
who knows all right let's go so here's my goal i want to show you as though you were prospects how to think through a decision and help others using these frameworks right what you want what you don't want maximize the left minimize the right so here's what this is translated to if you decide to buy the offer you feel more certain about your decision decided not to buy the offer you feel [ __ ] certain about the decision and if you're undecided you make a [ __ ] decision all right and you feel good that
it's the one that has the highest likelihood of getting you closer to where you want to go and this is what we have to walk through with our prospects when you're looking at them you have to be like i don't want you to buy i want you to decide for you not for me i'll be the same either way right you're like i'm going to be ripping in shape it's not going to change me right like that's not going to change but like it will change for you right so quick note on sales ethics and
then we'll dive in helping someone make a decision to help themselves does not mean buying from me that's a reiteration you have to keep their goals at the center of the decision and you should be happy i mean this because if you can shift this truly if you can be happy when someone decides to own the power and not work with you then the pressure around sales disappears it evaporates there's no stake the stake is did i help them does that make sense and that means that you can win every sale because you change the
metric you're measuring yourself by that's the superpower like and that's where you do make the most sales because you don't care about the sale because you care about the person and the people pay the people who pay the most attention so i call it paying attention they pay for it they pay for you to pay attention rather than talking about yourself right because they don't care about you because they're thinking about 100 other things and this is why most importantly make high-stakes decisions to help your prospects in order to best serve them okay so i
told you earlier i was going to talk about the difference between obstacles and objections a couple you guys raised your hands but the differences i'm not gonna ask i'll tell you what it is obstacle is a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress when you disagree with them that is an obstacle this happens before you solicit the sale someone says some [ __ ] before we even get to the sale that's an obstacle a simple example i hear all the time hey why'd you hop on the call today hey why'd you walk
in the gym today whatever it is right them i just wanted to find out a little bit more about the program first 10 seconds obstacle you're not here to find out more about the program your because you're fat but they got to say it so you're like oh so you're finding out like do you do this all the time do you go to lots of different programs to find out information or is there a problem you're trying to solve they're like oh well you know i'm trying to lose weight like oh god so you're not
just hopping on 100 calls a day because i was like that would be a very weird existence right you just hop on for information all day right fantastic i've had this conversation before right so it's an obstacle right and the thing is it's easy to confront and destroy obstacles before you ask for the sale once you've asked for the sale you switch to objections objections is when they disagree with you so it's much easier to be on the other side disagreeing and helping them break their beliefs before the stake has been presented after after the
after you're in the red zone it's all closing it's all objection overcomes right example that's like i don't want to buy right now and you're like totally understand what are the main criteria thinking through which is always funny because people are like i need to think about it i've never had someone like leave because they need to think about it i'm like cool what are you thinking about they're like oh i'm still here right so learning how to talk through these high stakes decisions with yourself or others is the purpose of presentation and as a
result you'll become more powerful okay so before i dive into these each of these arguments i have to make this one statement that the person must really want the goal and believe three things one which we'll get to there we go the product will get you the goal comma the way they want to get there and i learned that second half the hard way because we found out in gym launch that people would say no sometimes to buying memberships right or buying challenges or whatever but when we offered them the ability to come back the
next day help them for free we'd sell them 400 of supplements and they just said no to 100 down service thing and like what the [ __ ] it's because they want to lose weight but they want to lose weight their way and so that's when i started learning like oh not only do we have to make sure that they want the goal and they believe that the product's going to get them there that has to get them there the way they want to get there this gives you ammo for the questions that you're going
to ask just make sense okay the second thing is that you and others will support them like are you telling me the truth is this really what's going to happen will other people around me support this decision and the third is that it will work for them and not just everyone else sure i've seen the people who step on the stage but they're different than me i'm a snowflake i have metabolic thyroid ketosis right whatever i have zero influenza allerger whatever you know what i mean like i have no following is itis right whatever it
is right whatever [ __ ] you tell yourself and what you have to do in this situation is you have to provide proof so that it'd be more unreasonable not to believe than to believe and this is a logical close this is not a this is not an emotional close this is when you look at someone and say how many people would you need to see for it to be more unreasonable for you not to believe than to believe at what point is it 10 is it 50 well here's a thousand tell me when to
stop okay okay okay great so that's not the real reason and then you can confront the real [ __ ] all right so otherwise if they're not sure of those things if they don't actually want to lose weight if you don't actually want to make money doing online fitness then it doesn't matter what jason says you don't want to make money doing all my fitness you're not going to buy right if you do want to make money doing online fitness then you go down you go down the track the train tracks that make sense okay
again this is why you expect no at first because if people could make the decision they would have already made it all right now to the main course richard feynman besides charlie one of my favorite thinkers of all time he was like the second guy on uh the atom bomb sounds negative brilliant teacher he's known for this understand don't memorize learn principles not formulas and that's what the rest of this presentation is about is the principles behind overcoming these distortions that people have and so this is me asking you for your own sake don't take
pictures of the slides it's because all the stuff's gonna be in the recordings but you are here now so be here now so you can understand it okay so there are three sources this is a huge breakthrough for me so i'm going to share it with you the first time shared a life there are three sources that we cast our power to okay and it took me a very long time to get through this because i looked at grant and he had his you know you got stall decision maker money then you talked to barry
who owns sage she's like you got time fit uh money fear shame right those are hers and then jordan belfort's got his and so everybody's got like these are the only overcomes right i was like there has to be an actual truth here like there has to be something that's true that's unquestioned and so trying to figure this out i actually went back to dr albert ellis anybody who knew he is no one great um who here knows what cognitive behavioral therapy is cbt he invented it smart dude and so what he noticed is that
he originally had 11 distortions of reality then he dropped it to nine then a seven and they came with three and the three stuck and the three are what i'm about to share with you and you're like why is he talking about this about sales because the objections that people offer you where they cast their power to are distortions of reality they are the things we use to upset ourselves these are the three circumstances and this is the irrational statement that people make i must get what i want when i want it i must not
get what i don't want if i don't get what i want i can't stand it that's when people blame their emotional disturbances on emotional services on circumstances two others other people must treat me fairly and kindly and if i if they don't they are no good and deserve to be condemned and punished it's like your animal brain right three self i must do well or else i am no good these are the three core distortions that upset people this is like mental illness right and so i'm not saying anyone has mental illness if they don't
agree with you it's more so that these are distortions that are not real and if you can understand not memorize if you can understand this then you can have these high-stakes conversations understanding exactly which distortion they're suffering from and i'll show you how to overcome them okay and so i like to consider like the onion of blame people this is like one of the bigger breakthroughs i had they start with the outside they blame circumstances time money other [ __ ] and then the step next to that they start to blame other people my spouse
my kids my employees and then finally they say like it's me it's my fault and so you might have to overcome multiple layers as you peel back and based on the objection they give you you can know where you're at you know how close you are if someone just says i have to think about that you're like great i'm talking the person who's in power and the decision maker and i just need to get them to say yes if they're like i don't have they're casting the power away and some of you guys are probably
casting your power away on decisions you need to make which is why i'm making this presentation even though that these are the things that distort people's realities because you're like no one's ever said circumstances are getting in my way right like no one says they manifest in five ways that i want to equip you to deal with all right for yourself and others so these are the five most common excuses scapegoats that people use for circle and if you find other ones these are the biggest buckets because i didn't want to have 100 things here
but the big three buckets are circumstances others itself right but they manifest with time in multiple ways and i'll show you how value price money etc fit i'm a special snowflake others which is i don't have the authority to make the decision and then finally self which is what if i just don't make the decision let some let life make it for me right avoidance stall you go from surface level to core and as a side note you should never get stuck on the stuff near the top and ideally you should really never get stuck
anywhere on this equation if the person wants what you have and you truly believe in what you have to help them and i mean that like if you understand this thoroughly you can walk someone towards helping themselves okay this is what they look like or this is what they sound like in reality not a good not a good time right now i'm really busy right that's time can't afford it too expensive fit not sure if it's for me i hate broccoli i can't do a plan with broccoli right i can't do a plan where i
have to dm people every day it's against my brand i'm poor but it's against my bread right authority have to talk to my partner spouse i have to talk to somebody who has more power than me it's funny because when you start thinking this way it sounds silly and then avoidance i need to think about it clearly let's think about it now all right and so i told you i want you to think about the principles behind these things not memorize you've got circumstances you've got other people and you have yourself and we drill down
so quick test who here is physically in the room raise your set wonderful arms are working we're rocking so here's my ask raise your hand if you or your prospects present with this distortion so who here is a time person i'm busy it's not a good time maybe in the future anyone deal with these sometimes it's yourself totally so i'm also going to tell you a secret about this i think the reason i got pretty decent at logical arguments is because i am inherently skeptical and i will paralyze myself from not doing anything unless i
have really sound reasons to do it and i realized that i couldn't move forward and make any progress in my life until i had these frameworks to think through these hard decisions through so i could start taking steps to where where i wanted to go it took me years to get there and so hopefully i can give you some keys that help me unlock my own head to get out my own [ __ ] way so that you can too and help your clients all right so the way i think about time and there's a
lot of overcomes for all of these things what i tried to do is bunch the three biggest ones that i like to use most frequently and if i uh veer from like the the bullets on the screen it's because i'm riffing with you and i'd rather just kind of stay in the flow is that cool okay fantastic so when you're overcoming this one each of these is kind of a specific angle that you're attacking it from so macro is like um this is a busy season for me i've got lots of stuff going on right
micro is like i don't have any time in my day so you're one person saying i've got lots of [ __ ] going on one person's like i can't find the time it's different sounds subtle but it's both about time but in different ways all right and then the the last one is well when when i have time i'll start right whichever one is this [ __ ] horseshit but whatever okay so as always we never disagree with prospects because you're not in a fight totally get it totally understand do you think like do you
want this to be something that lasts for the long term right it's a question you're like yeah do you think that you're going to be busy again in the future well yeah so you want this to last in the long run and you do think you're going to be busy again in the future well then don't you think it'd be best to start now when you are busy because if you learn how to do it when you're busy you'll be able to do it forever if you can only learn it during a perfect circumstance then
you're going to fall off when it gets busy again and isn't that the time you'd want to have the most support it goes for you guys too that's just number one we got so many lore right and so when you knock that out the goal is that the person says well [ __ ] that's not a good reason you take one step towards the truth so when you're thinking about it's not like oh i've got to overcome this one thing and then they'll buy you got to keep peeling and if you have this framework you
understand the direction you're going in and you can start listening for the oh they're talking about themselves now i've gotten two layers deeper right so that's seasonal micro you can't tell someone in a sale hey take out your phone take out your hours by week pull it up oh look 22 hours on social media this week you've got time so you say it differently you say you know what i had the same issue and i used to complain all the time about like how i didn't have time to to be successful and do things i
needed to do and my wife got so sick and tired of me saying this she pulled my phone out and she was like look i guess i just found your time didn't i i was like oh [ __ ] and you can say it that way and then a prospect feels better does anybody here feel like they don't have time right and the first thing that any program is going to do if it's a good program is going to cut out the 90 of the [ __ ] that you are doing which is causing you
to feel overwhelmed which is probably the real reason you feel like you don't have time jeff bezos at the same time you do right it's just what are the things that you're doing that he's not it's not about adding [ __ ] to your plate it's about removing stuff that's not working because clearly everything you're doing that's filling your time is not making you more money so you're doing the wrong [ __ ] so there's gonna be plenty of time because all the stuff you're doing now is not working right it sounds simple but that's
the reason right so we want macro grow when then hey in the future when i've got time i'll totally sign up for your program right anyone heard this one anyone say this one right and again you wanna you wanna empathize you don't say like ah that's [ __ ] you say totally understand that's i was stuck like this for years if you can step in their shoes you're not attacking them you actually go from the inside out you step into their self and then you walk them through the epiphany that you experienced and it doesn't
feel judgmental it feels helpful that make sense i used to feel the same way right and i found this out actually from jason fladley and he was when he told me this it's a it's a logical fallacy it's called the one then fallacy which is why it's how i remember it and the one then fallacy simply states when i have x then i will do y but it flips sequence so it's like when i get better i will go to the hospital sorry there's just so many like hilarious ones about like money and stuff like
i will start saving money once i'm rich like all right the thing is is that we do this right we do this i'll pay for the program that'll make me more money when i have more money that's the point of the program i'll pay for the program that'll help me get a six-pack once i have a six-pack once i have more time which the program's gonna help me you know i'm saying like it's just it doesn't make it's a fallacy and so what that means is it's a distortion it's not real and so the goal
of having these high-stakes conversations is simply showing people we're not attacking we're just walking them through and be like do you realize that this is holding you back and i know this better than anyone because i'm a skeptical [ __ ] the reason i can do all these logical things is because i'm the first person i'd overcome right and you might be too so once we attack time from these three angles depends which one they present with if they present with one and then move to the next you can knock all three out you'll probably
find some that that make the most sense to you but the thing here is it's not about memorization you just got to get it macro you're always going to be busy won't you want the most help when you are busy so they can stick forever yes time my wife showed me my phone turns out i got [ __ ] time but the reality is it's not about what i am doing it's about the stuff i got to stop doing and that's what i help you with right this isn't scripting this is just understanding it right
and then when then it's a fallacy it's a distortion it's not real and then just use two crazy examples like once i have money then i'll save money when i'm rich right it's just like ridiculous okay so what do we do one reason down and we're getting closer to the core right right so who here is somebody who's like i can't afford it it's too expensive or has heard this from a prospect i was like i better see everybody's hands especially if you're selling high ticket which hopefully you get a gasp so these are the
four frameworks that i think through there's a million like money closes but these are the ones that i like the most and that that to me resonate the best right and so why a lot is good is kind of like my my first one here and so the reason that if someone gasps or think that this is a lot of money you just ask them is this a lot of money to you and they're gonna say yeah if they say no then you're like awesome buy it and if they say yes right and if they
say yes then you're like that's the exact reason why you're going to be successful because there's other people who buy this thing and you know what they're not all in on it but the question is do you want to draw the lawn in the sand and go all in do you want to step over the line and be the person you want to be because i can tell you that this is not about whether this works not i've already proven that the question is whether you work or not and so if you put more on
the line then you have a higher likelihood of being successful so you should be the last person to be worried about this i'm more excited because the best stories are always coming from people like you in your exact situation so don't let that be a reason not to do it that should be the reason to do it so the next one is like why is this not a lot so first is the fact that it's a lot for you is good it means you're going to try hard the second was like well it's a lot
in terms of absolute amount but relative amount it's very little right because if all this does is add ten thousand dollars a month to your income is it worth it if all this does is get you into a bikini is it worth it yeah and so then what happens and the reason that this is a stepping process right is that we're we're just taking these objections out of the way so we can get the person to confront reality not a distortion they've created because the reality is the thing they're afraid of and so what happens
is when they say yeah if it did that it would be worth it right the problem is they don't believe you right and so it's like great then it's not about the price it's about whether you believe me so you can sidestep it does that make sense we're taking a step closer and then obviously you can use a comparison you know depending on what you're selling if you can price anchor with like well here they don't have a four-year degree for doing online fitness that's why the alternative education industry exists and it's because the formal
education has failed most of us right anybody graduated here with a four-year degree anyone immediately be able to use that for your degree to get leads make sales no me neither right and what's crazy is that some of these degrees are 50 100 200 000 and take four years when you've got something that can help you make make that entire amount of money in half the time right for a tenth of the price when you think about it like that frame it's actually a great deal does that make sense so you just frame it you
have to give context all right so number one is the fact that it's a lot for you is good it means you're actually going to try number two is if it does what we say it's going to do the value is there so that's not actually what you're opposed to which then we can take the next step all right number three is what's money good for anyways this is actually one of my favorite lines of reasoning for a variety of reasons and i'll get to it when you're looking at a prospect or looking at yourself
you're going to spend this money either way over the next 12 months you're going to spend it right and in fact not only are you going to spend it you're going to buy the program the question is whether you're going to pay for it money or pay for it in time and so like you can learn every single lesson that's in this program whether it's losing weight you know getting leads selling online whatever it is right you're going to learn these lessons but do you want it to take 12 weeks or 12 years and the
question is are you going to be able to live a thousand lifetimes because of the thousand people that we've helped just like you and gathered all those lessons and put them together so you don't have to do the trial and error for that entire period of time so the question is not whether you're going to buy it or not it's just how do you want to pay and so for me this is a personal note and i'll probably say it at the end but like the reason it'll move quickly through life is that i will
buy other people's mistakes because it's just it's the only way you can buy time in this life is to buy the knowledge to take less time from other people who have taken their time and like if you think about human civilization in general edison took however long to make a light bulb and then we just bought the lesson from him and now we have light bulbs right and the next guy figures out the next thing and then we just buy the lesson from him and that's how we have to move faster so you're going to
spend the money either way the question is 12 months from now is it going to be on [ __ ] that didn't get you anywhere or stuff that is going to get you somewhere and no matter what you're buying you're buying the program you're just gonna pay time you're gonna pay with money and if we're being real you've probably been paying for time the last six years how's that working for you do you want to do more of that this is also this is a this is a classic one it's a very easy one to
remember but like who here knows the difference between a self-made billionaire when they had nothing and where you're at right now if you have nothing zero they both you're both broke they were broke you're broke whatever it is that's where you're at right now the only difference is that that proves that if they were successful it wasn't about the resources they had it's about how resourceful they were so i'll tell you a quick story about this so anyone here read uh shoe dog right the story of nike so in the story he talks about how
he was about to lose everything multiple times it's a crazy story and this time it was like it was it was going to go down like it wasn't going to happen and he needed a tremendous amount of money and he just didn't have it he'd extend all his credit lines the banks wouldn't do it and the next lenders they canceled on him and the company's going to fold because he was growing too fast at that point he could have just given up and said there's nothing i can do i backs out all my cards i
maxed it on my banks there's literally nothing i can do and his people already worked for free they're like we can't do this anymore he went to his vendors and said you need to pay my payroll for me he went to his vendors anybody use like landing page software anyone uh anyone use something from a vendor right it's like going to that guy like going to your videographer me like listen you gotta pay payroll for me this uh this month because otherwise i'm not gonna be able to keep doing business with you because i'll be
out of business resourceful not resources and the reason this is so important is because when you have nothing it's the easiest excuse to give yourself because you're like well i have nothing that's why i can't it's like of course but every self-made millionaire and every self-made billionaire was self-made and they started with nothing which puts them the exact same seat you are so the question is do you want to have power or do you want to not have power when you have power you're resourceful in our resources right and so if we want to make
these decisions that are going to help ourselves we need to step into that and so when you're talking to your prospects it's the same thing right does that make sense okay rocking i mean you can drill deeper into this is like do you think there's anyone else who's been in your situation who's achieved this or maybe worse than your situation the answer is yes and if they can why can't you right so we're taking steps closer you guys digging this okay cool oh thanks okay thanks i wasn't sure if it was rapt attention or sheer
boredom so we're not you feel do you feel what progress you're making like the person presents this is i don't have time this thing shit's busy blah blah and you're like no no we're gonna take one step closer like you know what but i i don't have the money or it's too expensive you're like well if you don't have the money you're gonna be successful it's worth it right yes i understand why it's worth it well you don't need money to begin with right you got to be resourceful and you can find the money because
i'll ask you this is a fun one for business owners who here has had an unexpected bill ever come up taxes right yeah and then all okay so everyone here is still alive who raised their hands who here was able to magically pull money out of their ass and figure out a way to do it raise your hand here's what's crazy you have the ability to be resourceful when it's for someone else and not for you it's because you choose to be powerful when someone else needs it but not for yourself [ __ ] up
right so stop doing that if you function like you have to make payroll tomorrow and like you you're back on rent you're going to get kicked out you think differently and if instead of paying your landlord you're paying you because that's what you want to do it shifts internally because everyone's here just proved the fact that you can be resourceful when you choose to be so just choose to be so number three is it's not sure it's a fit for me so besides the obvious ones which is like i don't want to work out broccoli
sucks i i can't do a program where where i i can't do cardio whatever the [ __ ] right um like i said i don't want to do dms i don't want to post on instagram i don't want to have a facebook group whatever right whatever the [ __ ] is all right i'm not sure if the vehicle is a fit for me so usually you can overcome the easy ones but if someone is just really sticking hard these are the three that i use to shift perspective okay so this one is new identity new
priorities so it's good to have cues for these things which is like we vote with our dollars about the things that we care about and if you show me what someone is spending their money and their time on i can tell you what their future is and i'll tell you an interesting story so um i had somebody who was just like you who was like you know what i don't want to do this either and i told her this story can i tell you it yes and this is what you'd say to the prospect right
so i was with layla and we went to sephora which is a makeup store and i show up like this oh i feel welcome and so we're standing there she's doing something and i usually stay in the corner like this um and i saw these two little girls they might have been like i don't know girl age so like 12 to 15 this like this this and they were like giggly and so excited and they had like the girl with the smock came over was like helping her out helping them out and she was like
okay this is like eyeliner and this is lipstick and this is whatever blush um i'm just like using words i've heard this is how you paint your face and the thing is the girls were like so excited and then they were like right before they left she was like girls she's like you have to remember like now that you're getting older and you're becoming a woman you need to start budging for this stuff all right so you're gonna start buying this every month all right so like remember you got to save some money for this
so you can have it and the girls were so excited that they were like yes like we're becoming women now and these are the things that women do it's because when you have new identity you have new priorities and so you've had priorities that are aligned with your old identity right there's the you that goes out that you the drinks the you that does the blah blah blah spends money on [ __ ] you shouldn't do spends time on [ __ ] you shouldn't be spending time on and there's the you that you want to
be and so right now we can draw the line in the sand and be like do you want to keep walking down the road that you have been walking and if you don't then you have to step into a new identity and with that new identity comes new priorities because people who want to be rich spend money on themselves they spend money on education they invest in their skill sets because i want to align my identity with the identity of those who came before me who've done the things i want to do right and just
like those little girls stepping into that identity we too must step into the identity that we want to be does that make sense and so when you're talking to somebody who's trying to lose weight and they're like i can't afford a gym membership and you're like girl you're spending 200 bucks on your nails and you've got a thousand dollar outfit on do you think another thousand dollar outfit would make you look better or your high school weight right do you think another thousand dollar outfit would make you look better or being rich as [ __
] and i say that for those of you who are thinking about on the money side right like you waste my i like some of you guys have bigger shoe collections than like it's like fitness like fitness people and shoes it's like the weird like and lululemon and the you know spandex it's like a hundreds pieces anyways so it's like your whole wardrobe could be consolidated into a skill that could buy you as many wardrobes as you want if you chose to right okay rock it i don't like this certain aspect this is one of
my favorite easiest ones to hit which is like you got to change the change right what you have been doing has been getting what you've been getting and you got to change the change because like i remember i would go through meal plans with people and they'd be like well can we change this because this is what i eat for breakfast can we just can we make that to breakfast and i'm like that breakfast makes you look like you [Laughter] that way you spend your first four hours of the day makes your bank account looks
like what it does look like oh right right taking steps right we're getting closer to the truth and so the thing is is that it's going to hurt to change because change hurts and you've heard this one probably from tony robinson if you haven't the question is whether the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change unless we just ask someone and this is in the help part if someone's like the pain of staying the same is not worse than this change it's like then girlfriend like gain 50 more pounds and
come back you know what i mean like get there i mean hit rock bottom this isn't it for you i'm being real some people rock bottom is 12 body fat some people it's 500 pounds but everyone's got one you just got to know where yours is and all you really got to do is just move what rock bottom is for you which is kind of interesting because you start making a change here which is kind of interesting like interesting as a thought but are you in enough pain is the question you ask the person so
for those of you who are unwilling to make a change because it feels contrary to like i don't want to do i don't want to seem salesy i don't want to i don't want to help people like whatever right like is your current situation more painful than the change that you will have to go through or experience to get to where you want to go and so the last one is hypothetical i actually really love this this is a great framework overall for overcoming lots of different obstacles um or objections that present themselves but the
hypothetical there's lots of ways of phrasing this which is like you've probably heard the unicorn clothes you probably heard like if this were perfect would you do it i on a scale from one to ten where would this program be if 10 was amazing and one was terrible what you know where is this they say a number and you say cool what would make it a 10 why isn't a one like you guys heard this scripting before so you guys are like no please talk slower um the reason i said we have to learn the
principles behind it rather than memorizing the script is that it all is based on one thing which is hypothetical which is if this were perfect would you do it because you get a hypothetical agreement and they say yes if it were the thing is if you're like if this were perfect would you do it if someone says no then you're like girl okay like let's take five steps back does my breath smell yeah because the thing is they've actually told you a lot there it's like it has nothing to do with the stuff you're talking
about they don't trust you and now we can talk about that right so it's a great question to frame like where are we and so it's like if this were perfect would you do it sometimes they'll laugh if you ever pour the left they'll say yes right and so then you get to flip it and say then what's different between perfect and what we've got the thing is is that people are very hard they don't actually know how to generate making a program because they're not going to like know all the things you can deliver
on the spot right and so they're like most of the time they'll be like i don't know you're like right well because it sounds like it's nothing to the program it's all about to do with you so let's talk about that right and all of a sudden boom one step closer to the truth does that make sense yeah yeah all right and that's why we do hypotheticals so if it were perfect what's missing and then if you can if it's if they do give you an answer and they're like i just don't want to do
broccoli and you're like i'd do green beans would you do it they're like yeah you're like great green means it is sign here right like something you would be [ __ ] amazed how many times [ __ ] like that happened so it's like one crazy thing it's like well if we didn't have that would you do it like oh yeah sure where were you 10 minutes ago right and that's how you do hypothetical okay we're making we're making progress still with me still digging okay cool authority all right this is one of my favorite
fake and so this one instead of having three i really just have like one very good statement of reasoning that you should understand okay this is real [ __ ] so this is more of a process than it is anything else but the spouse or decision maker is not there right now note for you guys a lot of you guys have had the opportunity to go talk to a spouse but a lot of you guys don't have that in your business right like spouse ain't there and they leave they're not coming back right where they
are but very small percentage don't wait for it okay so what we have to do is try and sidestep it by isolating the objection and casting aside the partner because the partner's not there so how could they object to anything they don't even [ __ ] know who you are right and so the idea is and again this is assuming if you have a really long term thing then you want the partner to be there right like ideally that's what you have but if you don't have the opportunity then you got to go through the
next step all right which is what do you think they wouldn't like and then they will tell you and then you just overcome the thing which has nothing to do with the spouse because spouse isn't there right very easy side step does that make sense this works really well it's like why wouldn't they what's like cause they don't want me to fail whoa they don't want you to fail let's talk about you and so this is the process that i walk through do they approve of your current struggle they happy that you're struggling no okay
then why would they not approve of something that's going to fix something they already don't approve of right they're not happy with how you're currently doing why would they be against something that's already making them unhappy right right well let me ask you this and their paws like if the rules were reversed and your husband needed this to make what he wants his dreams happen or your wife needed this program to make her dreams happen would you support her then why wouldn't you support you right right and i think the real problem that we're dealing
with here and this is the kicker is for everybody is that you're asking for permission instead of support because it is your life not theirs and what happens is if you give that power to them and then two years from now you're still fat you're still poor whatever it is who are you going to blame them and so that's when you have a resentful marriage because you didn't own your [ __ ] and so i'm not saying you shouldn't like explain the decision to them but the way you explain to them is what i just
said which is if i don't do this for me i'm going to end up resenting you and i don't want that and instead of me bitching to you every day about how we don't have money or about how i don't like my body i'm now doing this and i'm joining a group of support of community of people just like me and crazy enough for some reason doctors go to college right right that makes sense they go to medical school lawyers go to law school but where do entrepreneurs go there's no entrepreneur school no one teaches
the stuff but it turns out there are people who teach it just for this specific industry and i can take failures of a thousand people and pack it into a year and it's one-tenth the price of a four-year degree right and so instead of whining to you what i commit to is i'm gonna show up and be a better husband a better wife a better partner i'm not gonna [ __ ] to you about the stuff because i'm gonna take this seriously i'm gonna go all in and i'm not asking you permission i'm just asking
for your support all right that's how you can overcome it because i'm be real with you it is about them and you have to believe that like you can't say this unless you believe it because like you will you save marriages by showing people that they're the ones in control because if they keep saying my husband's not gonna let me buy a weight loss program what do you think she's secretly saying i can't believe you won't let me do it right if that's real if she's using it as a foil you side said be good
to self right but that might be the real thing and if that is the thing then you have to let them step into that and that's where you know having that's where like having a three-day no-sweat guarantee or something like that is also helpful it's like hey sign up and i use i use a lot of rapport and humor in my selling and so i'd be like hey cindy if you sign up and you tell your husband and he's upset you have and when he sees you he's like girl i don't want you to get
in shape i want you to stay overweight i want you to put those sweatpants on i want you sit on that couch reach your hand a bag of cheetos put the the cheetos fingers on there i want you to create generational unhealth i want you to live 10 years less long i want you to see our grandkids i don't want that right i want to marry a younger better you sooner because you're going to have a heart attack if he says that to you you have him calm and then they're like cracking up and you're
like okay okay listen sign up three day no sweat like if he if he does tell you that he just wants you to be out of shape and never leave him because uh because he's once you get too hot because he's insecure if he says that um yeah just let me know all right so like the whole time you're just joking and stuff but the three-day guarantee helps like nudge a lot of these people over is that cool you guys get that one okay sweet and so that goes for you right like it's it's about
support not permission that's the bottom line right support not permission because otherwise you're going to blame them for your lack of dreams being realized rather than blaming the person it should which is you all right so this is avoidance now we're getting to the core we've gotten rid of time we know that you've got time and the best time to do it is today because you're going to be busy forever right value we know that you can't afford it if you can't afford it you'll buy it if you can't afford it's a great reason to
do it and if the value is there then there's no reason not to because it'll pay for itself right what's money good for anyways you're gonna pay for the program regardless you wanna pay less time or more time value's not a problem fit you got to step into an identity right you've got to be willing to change and the question is just whether the pain that you're experiencing is less than the pain of the change that takes to experience the next thing right if they step into that they're good because it's not about resources it's
about resourcefulness so fit's not an issue authority they have to own it it's about support not permission we all here do you feel like we've peeled the layers back on your prospects and they're just laid bare naked there just you've solicited the sale now you got to close all right avoidance so now they're like wait what do you think about it so now that we've exhausted i'm putting this as emphasis we've exhausted all outside reasons now we're finally talking to someone in power and that is what a good coach does we don't make decisions for
people we help them make decisions so here's i have to think about it not sure give me a hand who's dealt with somebody who says things that way all right at least one person here i'm kidding all you guys did you guys are great so this is how i divide this up past present future and so hopefully this should already before i dive into these give you simple frameworks to work through time you've got macro micro when then right you've got you got value you're thinking about it's not a lot of money even if it
were a lot of money it's not a lot of money you're going to pay for it either way but you have the simple frameworks that you can walk through you might just hit them with one and if they hit it with again give them the other angle because they're logical frameworks they're not scripts that's why i made them bubbles you don't have to memorize it just gotta understand it past so like i need to think about it and so the thing is and this the first bubble there is if someone's like i feel like this
is happening so fast can we get that one like i just i just got on the phone with you i don't really know who you are and you're like hey this is not a fast decision right you've been making this decision for last six years you continually make the decision all we're doing to say is deciding you're actually going to do something about it right how long you want to lose weight a long time so this is not a fast decision at all but the thing is is that and this is where you go sunk
cost so if i were talking to you guys i would say you find you know you bought tickets because you saw some ad you registered there you got your flights you got a hotel you blocked the time you flew here you listened to this whole thing you're six inches from gold this isn't a fast decision at all you did all these things to get here because it's important to you so don't let that distortion stop you from getting what you want right it's fear right let's face that what are you afraid of having happen which
by the way i took the slide out but my two favorite questions to ask in a in a sale that i feel like are the fastest to cut through is what are you most afraid of having happen if you buy what are you most afraid of what's the worst thing that you envision in your mind and if they're not sure i just fill in the bikes i'm like i take your credit card i swipe over as much as i possibly can i go to vegas i put it all on black and then i go to
monaco where they can't extradite me fair enough and they're like i was not thinking that and you're like right so what's the worst you know like what's what's the real thing like and then they're like you know i just have bought so many programs before you're like right let's talk about that right and so i'm gonna skip one forward and then i'm gonna go back to it this is one of my favorite obstacle or objection overcomes it's i call don't let it burn you twice and this literally you can see the date it happened yesterday
this girl texted me or messed april 6th she said it's crazy to think that i had a sales call with you six years ago and i'm kicking myself in the butt for not jumping on this is yesterday right like i don't even know the company anymore and i said you let a bad decision burn you twice once when you made your poor investment but a second time when you let that bad investment stop you from a good investment it would be like anybody ever have a boyfriend or girlfriend in middle school or high school that
they're not currently married to anyone just like just come on help me out here okay it would be like having a bad eighth grade boyfriend or girlfriend and being like you know what men aren't for me all coaches suck right there's good coaches there's bad coaches there's crazy ass [ __ ] and there's crazy ass dudes you know what i mean like there's also good ones and some things if you stop if you let the bad one prevent you from the good one you get burned by being with the bad one and because you let
the bad one control your next decision right and so when someone has had a bad experience with doing keto or whatever the [ __ ] right or you had a bad experience with some program that you did or did not do or they didn't fulfill whatever either way don't let that burn you twice because no matter what you're gonna have to do you're gonna have to do these actions whether you're part of the program or not you gotta do these workouts where you're part of the program or not it doesn't matter you're gonna have to
do it so you might as well do it but somebody can get you there faster right let me go back one real quick so it's not a fast decision and this is another one that i love which is do you think that you're maybe in this position because you have struggled to make a decision in the past you have waffled when it came time to make to make the hard call have you been in this conversation and said no before yeah do you think that's why you're here yeah do you think that might be the
reason you should change that yeah okay let's change it one decision change your life and the last one is like are you tired of another year of almost right tied another year of almost hitting your goals of almost getting to 10k a month of of almost you know hiring the team that you wanted of almost retiring your your wife or husband or almost moving into the neighborhood that you wanted to move into or almost being able to pay for your kids recreational sports rather than not being able to because you can't afford it you're tired
of another year of almost well if you're tired of another you're almost and we can't do what we're doing to get here for another year because we're gonna get another year almost and so the question isn't what it costs you but how much has it cost you to not decide up to this point right the cost of inaction and i think that when we think about our lives in reverse we never regret the things that we did we regret the things we didn't do the opportunities that we let pass by and i think that if
you can let that person step into that power they will make the decision to help themselves like this person did not all right present so depends on what you're talking to someone's talking about past stuff then you deal with the past stuff the second frame for avoidance is present which is they just don't know how to make a [ __ ] decision right and so you have to help them make a decision and so this one the rocking chair is one that i just for some reason have used a tremendous amount of time especially when
i'm selling weight loss is to be like i just really really need to think about it like totally understand well let's walk through like what that looks like you're not gonna like go home sit in the rocking chair you know smoke a cigarette because of course you're not healthy yet right you'll quit when you're healthy right you're smoking your cigarette you're like hmm am i gonna do this weight loss program right you just sit there and stare into the clouds like i wonder no of course you get in your car and then you're gonna realize
you got to pick up timmy from soccer practice you got to get groceries you got to cook you got to clean you got to pick up you know go do laundry gotta do all these things right and then three four five days from now you're gonna put on that old pair of jeans and it's not gonna fit and you're like [ __ ] and just there you'll have made the decision you'll keep living your life and so let's just make it now because the reality is that it doesn't take information to make decisions so it
doesn't take time to make decisions it takes information and i'm the only source of information you got so let's talk i'm here i'm here for you let's do it right because that's the fallacy is that people think they need more time to make decisions because they assume they will get more information in that time but if you are the source of the information then time does not help them and so let's confront it now and let me answer the questions you have to make the decision one way or another does that make sense all right
and so then they're like well then [ __ ] how do i make a decision you're like glad you asked so there's three things that we got to understand do you believe that this product or service is going to help you achieve what you want yes or no they're going to say yes right if they don't you can confront it note all of these are confronting decisions so we've moved all the way down the onion right we're at truth now and all like the theme of the of the last bullet is confrontation we have to
confront the decision we got to peel it back and be like are we going to do this or not right because we already got out the time we got out the fit we got out the sp we got everything out of the way it's just you do you think that this is going to help you get closer to your goals yes or no two do you trust me to fill to fulfill my word that i said i'm going to help you i'm going to do these calls i'm going to do these workouts i'm going to
do whatever right three this is the mo probably the most important one do you think it'll work for you and if they say no you say why not and then they have to defend why not and then it's very easy at that point it's a six inch putt all right and once they say yes to all three which is usually what will happen they're like cool we'll make the decision together you know how to make the decision they'll say no you go through the three the last question is they said yes yes yes it's just
do you have or have access to the amount of money to get started do you have the amex do i want to help you enroll in an mx cause i wanna i wanna help you i'm good either way but if you believe that this is going to help you get closer you believe that what i'm saying is true and you believe that you can be successful it's my moral obligation to get you going and do everything in my power to help you get the money or get access to it because the real world is if
i was giving you a ferrari right now for five thousand dollars you'd find the money if your landlord needed you to come up with ten thousand dollars because you had background in payroll you'd find the money so find the money let's do it right three who wants to make informed decisions yes how can you make an informed decision if you haven't even tried it huh so this is when you have some element of trial in the program or some sort of guarantee which is why i'm a big fan of guarantees it's like well you can't
make the decision to buy that's informed until you're on the inside so i'm not even asking you to make a decision right now i'm just actually making an informed decision which you can only do on the inside and if after 30 days i'm not what i said this product doesn't do what i told you i didn't fulfill my promise and you don't think it's gonna work for you you let me know i'll give you the money back low pressure you get someone to decide but not deciding even easier that make sense think that'll help you
close yeah all right and then uh this one is i it depends on who you're selling to but sometimes if you have a logical person it's like do you know what deciding even means like where the etymology of the work comes from it's d cadere which is latin which means to cut off to kill off and so the question is which future are we killing off today are we killing off the future of the dreams that you want are we killing off the future sorry are we killing off the future of of not doing anything
and the life that you've lived up to this point because indecision is a decision inaction is an active decision right and so it's just which one are we killing today we kill your dreams we clean your past second last one future so we talked about past so if they're thinking about the past things that hurt them don't burn you twice etc right they don't know how to make a decision rocking chair this is how you make a decision three things you've accessed the money great let's get going you want to kill your past you want
to kill your future right awesome we're talking about the future this is actually magnifying pain which is cool you got here it's been five years you've been struggling how's another five years sound what if we just keep doing let's go with indecision let's look at it what is five years of you doing what you've been doing look like and is that a place you want to be no you got to change the change let's do it right and then you go right into let's consider the options which is like like this is logic right so
let's consider the options option one you do the thing you get the result life is awesome option two you don't do the thing you don't get the result because you didn't do the thing option three you do the thing but then you don't get the result all these are the options that can happen in front of you because we have a guarantee they're all risk-free except for one of them only one of them has a true guarantee of not getting you where you want which is walking out the door so which risk-free option you want
the one that's risk-free that guarantees that you're not going to get there or the one that's risk-free and has the potential to get you where you want to go right that's not an emotional close it's logic and if you have an offer that's set up that way you should be able to close most people as long as they don't think you're an [ __ ] right okay this is one that's more around urgency because again this is avoidance if someone says i'm still not sure i want to think about it more or whatever you say
well you're not going to struggle forever right like you don't want to struggle forever you're going to do something about this whether it's weight loss business whatever they're going to say yes you're like well if you're going to fix your business eventually you might as well start fixing it now so you can start enjoying the fruits of that labor sooner would you prefer making more money faster or slower what's your preference great so if you're going to do it eventually you might as well do it now so it makes sense it's a little nudge this
is a final one that i just really like from a framing perspective which is instead of like this has to be my savior this program has to get me to an ifbb pro bikini body and i'm 100 pounds overweight probably not realistic right reframing the question is do you think that making the decision is going to be help you get closer or further from your goal that's it because if we keep making decisions that keep getting us closer we will get there eventually but if we make decisions that get us further away we will not
get there and so do you think that this is going to get you closer to your goal than what you're currently doing yes what are we waiting for we don't need to be snipers we need to be directionally right we do that long enough we'll get there does that make sense that helps you too because we have this fear of perfectionism is this gonna be the one probably not but it will get you [ __ ] way closer right so i can tell you there's no one program that changed my life but the decision to
buy education changed my life forever does that make sense all right boom and so let me look at the top we have no reasons left not to own the power that you have it's just you all right and here's bonus number six and you can use this as one of like there's some clothes that you use all the time you always go back to right the reason you are telling yourself not to do this is the reason you do it how long do you want i can't afford this to be on your list of problems
in life the fact that you don't have time is the very reason you need to do this the fact that you're so dependent on your spouse is the reason you need to take this decision and own it right the fact that you're not sure about the person that you want to be is the very reason that we're going to help you get it in this program so whatever the reason is is usually the biggest chain that you're holding on to is the thing that you're enslaving yourself to is the thing that you're casting your power
to if you break that chain power comes back to you and so the very reason that you're holding yourself back is typically the very reason that you need to do it so hopefully this helps you realize that you and your clients are always in complete power did i accomplish that awesome thank you and like i promised at the beginning my hope is that you become more powerful by making decisions rather than letting life make them for you all right so here's a few final thoughts fortunes are created by taking a lot of risk with a
little bit of money fortunes are maintained by taking a little bit of risk with a lot of money and every one of those people that was self-made takes a lot of risk a little bit of money and sometimes you need to take that step because it's the only way to build the fortune all right and if everything that i've ever made in my life sorry everything that i've made in my life is the result of investing in my own education it has gotten me far higher returns than any stock any real estate any crypto right
any whatever by a mile and people say like it's all about investing yourself like i just i think it sounds amorphous it's like buy experience and skills because no government can take that from you no divorce can take that from you nothing can take that from you and i come from a family where so we're persian and so my my parents had to flee iran during the revolution and so they had land and houses and other stuff right and my uncle was uh the brother to a guy who started the lottery in iran he owned
the lottery because you can do that there right very rich and so my dad and him he went to london my dad went to the u.s he had no skills and he was able to just forge enough money to buy a print shop and he lives above the print shop in london and still to this day that's what he does and went to visit him it was incredibly sad seeing just like what once once a incred and his wife my dad gave her a scarf and it was like a nice scarf apparently and she just
bawled she's like i used to have rooms of these and now i have nothing and blah blah blah right my dad came the united states with a thousand dollars but because he had skills he built it all from scratch and so i mean he was a doctor as all middle eastern and indians are um right doctor lawyer account engineer anyways uh the only four approved paths but when we say invest in that we come from a place where like it was literally all taken the government was like that's our house now that's our land now
that bank account is our bank account now and so that was why it was so and like that might be a benefit for me i had somebody who's always like it's the only thing no one can take from you and so why would you not invest in the one thing that can never be stolen can never be taken and compounds with time and it increases your capacity to make money increases your capacity to live and so i like to think of the investments that i've made in myself as bricks on a bridge and so if
i'm on the bottom left here and where i want to be is the top right ish right looking like the nightmare before christmas now you're going like there are many skills that it takes to cross the bridge right and just like you have an arithmetic teacher in high school once you learn calculus you're not like that guy was a load of [ __ ] calculus is what no you have to learn things in sequence right and so the thing is is that we build this bridge it's one brick at a time and i always come
back to the same question which is is this going to get me closer to where i want to go i don't need it to get me there i just need to get closer and if i get better i'll get there eventually right as long as i don't stop moving and so that's why that's that what i've dedicated my life to education my mission is to document and share the best practice of building world-class companies because when you realize that you are the source you realize that superman is not coming it's just you and every decision
that you make is a vote towards or against the person that we want to be and so the question for you is that are your decisions voting towards the person that you want to become or just more of what you already have and so people ask me all the time how do you move so quickly and the answer is i know how to buy time and the follow-up question is how do you buy time you buy time by buying the time took other people to make mistakes that taught them the lessons that's how you do
it right that's that's the heck and so right now the ignorance of not knowing how to create a million dollars a year is costing you a million dollars a year the fact that you don't know how to make a million dollars a year is costing you a million dollars a year think about it right and so therefore you should always be willing to invest money to increase the capacity for your income because once you have it that capacity pays you forever you're increasing your ability does that make sense we're widening the pipe and so when
i thought about this i just added zeros to it and i was like it's [ __ ] costing me a billion dollars a year not knowing how to make a billion dollars god right but it's true because the thing the number one tax that no one appreciates or no one respects is not the tax of the government it's not capital gains it's not income tax it's the time tax of ignorance someone asked layla yesterday what's the number one thing that people from 0 to 10k are messing up you don't know what the [ __ ]
you're doing that's what's messing you up you're ignorant you have no idea you're eating an orange like an apple no clue right and it's not because you don't have the processing power it's not because you don't have the ability to reason it's because you just don't know and so the goal is to pay down the time tax of ignorance as fast as humanly possible and the only way you do that is by educating and investing yourself right specifically investing in experiences that build skills so make the decisions that to help yourself implement like crazy take
ownership because we just discovered that all the other [ __ ] is not real it is literally a distortion of reality that anything that you give your power to that's not you is fake you're making it a false god in your life and your prospects are too and now you know how to confront those when your mind tries to play tricks on you and realize that there are no silver bullets no program is going to save your life all right but some things can move you close to your goals and when those rare opportunities present
themselves take them all right because either you win or you learn and both of those get you closer to wherever you want to go all right and so i'll wrap up with this ten years ago i had to that was me in a swanky uh you know when i was a consultant looking cool it was actually after i don't even have a good picture when i was a consultant but there's me in a suit um and i i knew i hated the job that i had um i made okay money but i just like i
just really wasn't happy um and i emailed 40 gym owners i was like hey i think i want to get in fitness can somebody like help me out one guy was like sure you can work for free i was like awesome uh that guy was saying back to your and anybody know who sam bacteria is ray's hand geez okay well seven-figure sam is what he used to be known as he actually died during covet which was really sad for me because i really looked up to sam and the thing is is that when i got
to his office i literally drove across the country from baltimore to l.a or chino hills which is where he was and i showed up without notice and he was like you're a psychopath i just met you from the internet i was like i'm here i'm ready to learn he was like i'm going to lunch and um but right after he came back from lunch he was like all right so you should join my my mastermind and i was like i don't have a gym he's like that's okay it was a gym mastermind um and i
didn't i mean like i was 22 like i did not have a lot of money um and he was like well it's 10 grand and i was like i i don't know and he's like you need to [ __ ] commit man he's like you've been waffling back and forth i had multiple phone calls with him before i left um he's like i think you need to draw a line in the sand and thank you god you know thank god he did because i did take a step over i had no idea what the [
__ ] i was doing but i was trying to start paying down the time tax of ignorance and i got around a whole bunch of other fitness professionals and i learned way more from all of them than i ever learned from sam but because of that my belief started to change the ways i saw the world change the traits i started to embody change and started taking steps the mastermind i got from sam is not what made me a hundred million dollars but it got me on the right path towards making it and so if
you can make those choices i think it's these small steps not believing that it's going to be a savior but believing that it's aligned with where you want to go and believing in yourself that if you keep walking on this path you'll get there so thank you guys so much [Applause]
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