Dear Earth, It Has Begun!

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Lion of Judah
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demons in the church you live in an age like no other you live in an age where there is a great falling away you live in an age that cause good evil and evil good you live in an age where men love Darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil you live in an age where Godly boundaries have been removed by the very fabric of society you live in an age where the love of many has waxed cold you live in an age where men and women worship Mamon you live in an age where
mankind worships at the altar of Baal asht Toth and Molech you live in an age where mankind is being prepared to worship the Antichrist and accept his Mark you live in an age where men and women are lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God you live in an age where mankind worships at the altar of self self-love self- adoration self-exaltation you live in an age where unclean spirits dwell you live in an age where principalities Powers rulers of the darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places dwell you live in an age where seducing Spirits
dwell you live in an age where demons and the devil are present you live in an age where Bible prophecy is unfolding before your eyes you live in an age of deception an age where the foundations of Truth are constantly under attack you live in an age where the very institutions that should be pillars of light are often infiltrated by Shadows Church my dear Brethren is not exempt from this infiltration we are witnessing a time where within the sacred walls of our sanctuaries there is a Sinister presence that lurks there are demons in some Churches
it's not about the theatrical demon possessions we see in movies it is not about people levitating or strange apparitions but it is something far more subtle and far more dangerous it's the Demons of false doctrines of distorted truths of misleading teachings that are of a demonic origin did you ever sit in a Pew or listen to a sermon online and feel that something isn't right that what you're hearing just doesn't align with the scriptures that's because there's a battle a spiritual warfare raging within the very walls of the church it's an Insidious War where the
enemy doesn't come with pitchforks but with smooth words and charismatic teachings leading many astray now I want to take you to a passage in the Bible 1 Timothy 41 where it warns us now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils what we are experiencing what many many of us are witnessing is precisely this in this sermon specifically when we talk about demons in the church we aren't talking about the literal creatures but these false teachings that are of demonic
origin they are the doctrines of devils and they are here it's time to open our eyes and discern the times it's time to guard our faith to be vigilant and hold fast to the true teachings of Christ although the demons themselves are not standing up on the pulpit preaching in these churches their teachings are being taught by human beings this is just as effective as the demons themselves preaching it you know folks when we speak of Doctrine we're talking about a teaching or a set of principles so when we come across this term doctrines of
demons in the scripture what we're seeing is the teachings or principles put forth by demons now the word Doctrine can be used in reference to the biblical teachings of a church or even and a pastor but when Paul wrote to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:1 he was cautioning him about the ungodly erronous teachings that come straight from Satan and his demons these aren't just harmless ideas they're dangerously deceptive those who get ens snared by these doctrines of demons the scripture tells us will fall away from the faith this means they'll depart from the foundational truths
we hold dear about Christ's gospel let me emphasize this heeding to the doctrines of demons isn't just a minor misstep it's a serious deviation from the truth of Christ's gospel it is literally a heaven and hell issue there are teachers and churches and pulpits up and down this country who are teaching doctrines and beliefs literally from the very pit of Hell they are teaching things that are completely against the teachings of the Bible in some Churches they don't even use the Bible they don't even see the Bible as the word of God God I recently
heard a Minister preach a sermon on how Jesus is one of many roads to God can you imagine I recently heard a preacher attempt to twist scripture to argue adopt and defend his sinful lifestyle and you know what shocks me in all honesty it scares me it doesn't Shock Me it actually scares me yes I chose the right words what I'm about to tell you scares me and it should scare you too these false teach who were preaching doctrines of demons their churches were full their congregations were full literally hundreds of people were deceived agreeing
with a pastor who was twisting scripture and promoting doctrines of devils now what really scared me was just how many were in their congregation even a light glance at the Bible would tell you that this person is teaching in error but their churches were full I want you to think of the worst false prophet you have ever seen and I want I want you to look at the congregation and just look at the amount of people who were sitting and listening to this person who genuinely believe that they are men or women of God when
they are actually wolves in sheep's clothing it honestly scared me just the sheer volume of people who are being deceived who are being led down the wrong path by the doctrine of devils and the ministers who preach these doctrines the number of people in their congregation showed me several things one deception is real deception is powerful and doctrines of devils are nothing to be played with two the worst thing about deception is that those who are being deceived don't even know they are being deceived three trust the Bible trust the Bible and the Bible alone
because when you have been in the ministry as long as I have you see people who start with sound Doctrine and good intentions and somewhere along the road they begin to propagate doctrines of demons trust the Bible not men men change women change the Bible never changes if you're are confused go to the Bible if you are lost go to the Bible if you are unsure about a topic go to the Bible your final Authority is not a man woman church congregation denomination YouTube channel a vision you saw a dream you dreamed your mother or
your father no no no your final Authority if you are a Believer is the Holy Bible people change the word of God never changes there is a rise in churches preaching doctrines of demons in our contemporary digital era the rise in teachings doctrines and spiritual movements is unprecedented the internet provides a platform for voices from all theological perspectives including numerous self-proclaimed prophets there are so many self-proclaimed miracle workers there are so many self-proclaimed Bishops everyone in today's era gives themselves a title I am Pastor so and so or Bishop so and so Apostle so and
so I am Prophet so and so or prophetes so and so do you know the title The Bible gives Moses at his death Deuteronomy 34:5 reads so Moses the servant of the Lord died there in the land of Moab according to the word of the Lord Lord Moses the servant of the Lord humble Moses was a man who God spoke to in a Burning Bush Moses is a man who turned a stick into a snake Moses is a man who made the Nile River turn to blood Moses is a man who called the plagues to
cover the land of Egypt Moses is a man through whom God brought about the death of the first born in Egypt Moses is a man who made Bitter Water sweet at Mara Moses is a man who brought forth water from a rock at Horeb Moses is a man who called down Mana from Heaven Moses is a man who appeared with the glory of the Lord on Mount Si Moses is a man who brought forth water from a rock at Kadesh Moses is a man who ascended Mount siai and received the Ten Commandments from God Moses
is a man who saw the back parts of God Moses is a man who his face shine after being in the presence of God and yet and yet the Bible describes him as simply the servant of the Lord with all he did in his life he is simply the servant of the Lord that is what we should all aspire to recently there has been a massive trend on the internet where more and more people are claiming to have gone to heaven or hell when listening to such things be very careful that the person is not
espousing doctrines of devils I mentioned this because a member of my church recently showed me a video of a young man who claimed to have gone to both Heaven and Hell and the things which he stated contradicted the word of God the truth is God can take someone to Hell or Heaven because he is God he is not held accountable to me or you however our Authority should be rooted in the Bible and not someone's personal experience people's personal experiences do not Trump the word of God be careful that you are not listening to a
doctrine of devils the safest thing to do is to stick to your Bible what did Father Abraham say to the rich man when he died went to hell and attempted to send a message back to his brothers on Earth Luke 16 29 through to 31 Abraham saith unto him they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them and he said nay Father Abraham but if one went unto them from the dead they will repent and he said unto him if they hear not Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded though one rose
from the dead the word of God is your final Authority if a human being says something contrary to the word of God throw what they said out the window if the most beautiful Holy Angel approaches you saying anything outside of the word of God throw it out the window Satan and his demons know how to manipulate us and that's why the doctrines of demons are so effective think about how long he has been around consider how long Satan and his demons have been on this Earth how many different generations of human beings they have deceived
over the centuries I'm sure that over the decades Satan and his demons have come to know human beings very well Satan and his demons are intelligent beings wiser and smarter than you and I when we delve deeply into understanding the nature and scope of of deceptive practices we realize that the doctrines of demons are crafted with the intention of leading people away from the truth the only way to safeguard ourselves from such deceit is by being grounded in an unwavering Foundation which is the word of God by consistently immersing ourselves in the scriptures we not
only gain knowledge but also cultivate discernment reading the Bible equips us with a spiritual Compass directing us towards the righteous path regularly studying the sacred texts makes us familiar with God's teachings promises and Commandments this familiarity acts as our Shield protecting us from falsehoods that may come wrapped in seemingly innocent or logical arguments further there is an increasing Trend happening that many Christians are not paying attention to the growing intolerance toward the gospel message in The Last 5 Years alone I have lost count of the number of incidents where men and women of God either
preaching the gospel message or singing gospel songs have been arrested or surrounded by hostile crowds we are living in days that are becoming increasingly hostile to the gospel message however this is only the beginning the Bible makes it clear that there will come a time when even preaching or believing the gospel message will cost you your life this uptick and hostility toward the gospel message has made it abundantly clear to me that we are closer to to the events described in the Book of Revelation than most people want to admit I have said this before
but I must say it again and I apologize for sounding like a broken record but I need to stress this point we as Christians myself included grossly and irresponsibly underestimate the sheer Devastation gravity and darkness of the Great Tribulation the Bible describes it as a time that the world has never seen before and will never see again I cannot stress enough how catastrophic the Great Tribulation will be we often read about it hear sermons and perhaps even acknowledge it intellectually but do we truly grasp the magnitude the Bible explicitly states that it will be a
period of unprecedented suffering nothing in human history Compares nor will anything in the future Wars natural disasters and plagues we've witnessed so far are mere Shadows compared to what is to come think of World War I or 2 think of every natural disaster every volcanic eruption every tsunami nothing will be remotely close to this this will be a time of intense anguish where the very fabric of creation seems to unravel and Humanity faces unfathomable Horrors when focusing on Revelation 11 the Bible does not explicitly state that it will be illegal to preach the gospel during
this time but several elements in Revelation 11 suggest there will be intense opposition to the gospel message throughout the Book of Revelation Believers are depicted as facing significant persecution from both political and religious Powers aligned against God we see this in Revelation 13 and 17 for example the beast in Revelation 13 is said to make war against the Saints and overcome them which suggests a period of intense Global persecution of Christians the world is becoming increasingly hostile to the gospel message we as Christians must not bury our heads in the sand and live in a
make-believe world instead we need to look at the world around us witness the events that are taking place and see the unfolding hatred for the name of Christ Revelation 11:3 and I will give power unto my two witnesses and they shall prophesy 1,23 score days clothed in sackcloth throughout the corridors of human history regardless of how dark and evil the times are God has always had his Witnesses let the Bible record speak concerning God's Witnesses Noah was his witness in Pre flood days and for 120 years he preached righteousness until the flood came Abraham was
his witness in Canaan centuries before the Hebrews occupied Canaan Joseph was his witness in Pagan Egypt Gideon and other judges were his Witnesses in the times of the judges when the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and served false gods Elijah stood for the Lord in the days of wicked Ahab and his wife Jezebel Daniel was God's faithful witness in Babylon Isaiah was another such witness called to prophesy to the people of Judah and Jerusalem warning them of their Disobedience and foretelling the coming of the Messiah Jeremiah known
as the weeping prophet was God's messenger during the decline of Judah persistently cautioning against sin and the resulting Exile allow me to focus on one witness for in the story of this one biblical figure we learn a tremendous amount about God and his character Jonah who was an Israelite Prophet is commanded by God to warn Nineveh ass Syria's capital of impending Divine judgment due to its wickedness reluctant Jonah flees by sea only to be swallowed by a great fish after a storm inside the fish for 3 days he prays and repents released onto dry land
Jonah finally goes to Nineveh where his warning leads the the city including the king to repentance and fasting consequently God spares Nineveh much to Jonah's dismay who grapples with God's mercy towards a nation he despises a significant reason for Jonah's initial refusal was his personal Prejudice and patriotism Nineveh as part of Assyria was a notorious enemy of Israel and Jonah likely harbored deep animosity towards its people his reluctance stemmed from a reluctance to offer God's mercy to a nation he believed was was unworthy and evil this sentiment reflects a conflict between Jonah's understanding of God's
Universal compassion and his own human biases Jonah's story underscores a profound truth God does not belong exclusively to any one group or Nation God does not belong to your denomination God does not belong to your church and God does not belong to your country he is a God of all Humanity extending Grace and forgiveness foress to all who seek it God is not a democrat or a republican God does not need your permission or my permission to forgive anyone think of the most flawed or evil person you know think of the person who has hurt
you the most the evilest person if they genuinely turn to God for forgiveness God in his boundless Mercy is willing to forgive regardless of how low or evil they have been this narrative emphasizes God's desire for redemption and forgiveness for all transcending human boundaries and prejudices and in the Book of Revelation when these two witnesses are preaching ordinary men and women ordinary Wicked Sinners will come to know Christ and his forgiveness because of these two witnesses the identities of the two witnesses in Revelation are widely debated they are described as having great Authority and power
to preach the gospel making their Ministry unique in Biblical history some theories suggest they symbolize the law and the prophets or the Old and New Testaments but these are incorrect the two witnesses are actual men who will preach to those on Earth during that time Revelation does not name these Witnesses leaving room for interpretation therefore any claim of certainty about their identities is unfounded a common theory is that the Witnesses are Elijah and Moses partly based on their appearance with Jesus at the Transfiguration in Matthew 17: 2 and 3 this event is often cited as
evidence of their roles as the witnesses it is important to recognize that these interpretations are speculative God can choose anyone for this role or even create new beings for It ultimately only God knows their true identities while the specifics of their identities and actions remain uncertain it is clear they are key figures in God's plan for the end times the two witnesses are granted the power to perform remarkable deeds and there is a specific time frame for their Ministry and the events that follow while the precise details of their identity and actions remain a matter
of theological exploration the message of their role in God's plan is clear they are pivotal figures in the unfolding of end times prophecy when will the two witnesses come to Earth they will come into the world during the Great Tribulation Jesus said there would be a Great Tribulation before his second Advent a tribulation that has not been seen before on Earth Matthew 24:21 States for then shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world world to this time no nor ever shall be during the period of the Great Tribulation as
described in the Book of Revelation a series of momentous events will unfold on a global scale this period commences with the opening of the seals by the lamb we see this in Revelation 6 each heralding significant occurrences furthermore angels will sound trumpets signaling the occurrence of further catastrophic events so what are the things these witnesses will do firstly they will have the power to witness the two witnesses as empowered by God will undertake their mission with a Divine Authority unparalleled in history imagine the most impactful sermon you have ever encountered these witnesses will surpass that
in both depth and power recalling a preacher from my childhood I remember how his sermons on the reality of hell were so vivid and intense that they seemed to raise the temperature of the room his words were so compelling that they drove many to repentance this preacher had a unique ability to convey the dire consequences of sin the fragility of Life The Eternal nature of the afterlife and the urgency of Salvation similarly the two witnesses will deliver messages with an intensity and truth that have never been experienced before their sermons rooted in truth and divine
revelation will Challenge and confront the prevailing attitudes of the world consequently they will will face opposition as is often the case with those who speak the truth in a world that as John 3:19 States love Darkness rather than light this is the human condition of this world people love Darkness people love sin people's affinity for darkness and sin is a profound barrier to accepting the truth of the Gospel this love for sin is not just a casual preference it is often a deep seated inclination rooted in The Human Condition the Allure of sin with its
immediate gratification ation and apparent Freedom presents a compelling Temptation that many find irresistible this preference for sin and darkness is one of the primary reasons why individuals reject the gospel despite recognizing its truth accepting the gospel necessitates a significant shift it requires individuals to step out of the darkness that they have grown accustomed to and Into the Light of Christ this light while Redemptive and pure also exposes the flaws and shortcomings inherent in human nature it Demands a level of self-awareness and acknowledgment of one's sins that can be deeply uncomfortable the gospel calls for repentance
a turning away from old habits and desires and this is where many stumble secondly they have the power to shut Heaven Revelation 11:6 these have power to shut Heaven that it Reign not in the days of their prophecy in scripture we observe extraordinary demonstrations of God's power through individuals like Elijah and Joshua Elijah was granted the ability to affect the weather evidenced when he prayed for rain to cease similarly Joshua's prayer led to the sun standing still a miraculous alteration of the natural order this kind of power which transcends human understanding and capability is not
commonly given it is a power that renders the seemingly impossible possible the two witnesses mentioned in the book Book of Revelation are also endowed with this remarkable power they possess the authority to control natural elements such as rain demonstrating their Divine appointment the ability to command the weather to Halt rain or to summon it is indicative of a power that exceeds human limits and points directly to the sovereignty of God the significance of granting such power to these Witnesses is rooted in their mission they are tasked with testifying that Jesus is the son of God
who died and rose again to validate their testimony and prove that they are indeed messengers of God these Witnesses must exhibit signs that go beyond mere human Feats or Illusions simple tricks or Illusions could be misconstrued as magic failing to convey the gravity and truth of their message however when these Witnesses demonstrate control over the seasons and nature they reveal a power that can only be attributed to a Divine Source such an ability lines with the acts of creation and sovereignty pointing unmistakably to God as the origin this level of power which mirrors that of
a Creator validates their testimony and underscores the divine nature of their message thirdly they have the power to strike the Earth with plagues when Pharaoh refused to let the children of Israel leave the land of Egypt he struck them with plagues these two witnesses have the power to strike the Earth with plagues this is the reason why people will hate them so much and seek to take their lives at the end of their work on Earth the world will capture them and take their lives there will be a time of great celebration people will celebrate
by giving each other gifts because for over three years these men have been Untouchable Revelation 11: 7-12 and when they shall have finished their testimony the Beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them and shall overcome them and kill them and their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where also our Lord was crucified and they of the people and kindreds and tongues and Nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half and shall not suffer their dead
bodies to be put in Graves and they that dwell upon the Earth shall rejoice over them and make Merry and shall send gifts one to another because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth and after 3 days days and a half the spirit of life from God entered into them and they stood upon their feet and great fear fell upon them which saw them and they heard a great voice from Heaven saying unto them come up hither and they ascended up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies beheld them the death
of the two witnesses as narrated in the Book of Revelation elicits a profound and disturbing response from the world these Witnesses who have been a thorn in the side of a sinful World due to their unwavering proclamation of Truth call to repentance are ultimately killed by the Beast that emerges from the bottomless pit despite their death it is critical to recognize that their demise does not signify a premature end to their Ministry instead they complete their god-given tasks bearing witness to the truth until their very last breath the global viewership of their death noted to
be seen by all people tribes tongues and Nations can be seen as a prophetic reference to the creation of modern mass media for centuries readers of Revelation struggled to comprehend how people worldwide could witness an event simultaneously however with the Advent of realtime communication technology and mass media this prophecy now makes sense in our current ERA we see Live Events unfold on the other side of the world at the touch of a button whether through news broadcast social media or online streaming this technological advancement illustrates how biblical prophecies often become clearer as time progresses affirming
the relevance and foresight of scripture the death of the witnesses being witnessed globally is no longer a mysterious concept but a foreseeable reality in the digital age the response to their death however is chilling people across the globe do not mourn but rather celebrate with joy and gity exchanging gifts as if in a festival of relief this reaction reveals a profound moral and spiritual decay in the heart of humanity the fact that people exchange gifts in celebration of their death further underscores the depth of their hostility to the gospel message this exchange of gifts a
practice often reserved for joyous occasions such as birthdays or holidays reveals just how relieved and triumphant the world feels at the silencing of these voices of Truth it demonstrates a collective rejection of God's call to repentance showing that the witnesses message was so convicting that the world viewed their death as a cause for celebration This Global Jubilation is not merely a casual reaction it is a testament to the intense spiritual opposition and Rebellion against God that characterizes the end times [Music]
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