Prophecies That Are About To Be Fulfill

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2 Thessalonians 2:3 let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of predition this passage points us to a crucial event that must occur before the appearance of the Antichrist what the Bible calls the falling away or apostasy there are various interpretations of what this Falling Away entails some believe it refers to a large scale abandonment of the Christian faith others see it as a broader moral and spiritual decline while still others view it as
a rebellion against God's Authority but regardless of which interpretation you hold one thing is undeniable we are witnessing this falling away in our world today and it tells me one undeniable truth the Antichrist has never been closer look around us the signs are everywhere in recent years we've seen a dramatic shift in society's values and beliefs the decline of moral standards the rejection of absolute truth and the growing hostility towards Christianity are all indicative of a world that is turning its back on God we are living in a time when what was once considered good
is now seen as evil and what was once evil is now celebrated this is not just a cultural shift it is a spiritual battle a falling away from the truth that has sustained Believers for Generations we see this apostasy manifested in various ways in our schools God has been pushed out of the classroom prayer once a staple in education has been replaced with secular humanism and relativism our children are taught that they can Define their own truth disregarding the absolute truth of God's word the concept of sin has been replaced with a mantra of self-acceptance
and the need for repentance is mocked as outdated and unnecessary in the media and entertainment we see a glorification of sin and a mocking of the Christian faith TV shows movies and music often portray a lifestyle that is in direct opposition to the teachings of Christ sexual immorality greed violence and blasphemy are not only normalized but celebrated and anyone who dares to stand for biblical values is labeled as intolerant hateful or judgmental even within the church we are witnessing a falling away many churches are compromising on the truth of the Gospel to be more culturally
acceptable messages that call for repentance and Holiness are being replaced with feel-good sermons that focus on self-help and prosperity the desire to fill pews has led some to water down the gospel avoiding any mention of sin judgment or the need for a savior this falling away is a clear sign that we are living in the last days as Believers we should not be surprised by this but we must be vigilant the Bible tells us that before the Antichrist is revealed this Falling Away must occur and as we witness it unfolding before our very eyes we
must be aware that the spirit of the Antichrist is already at work in the world preparing the way for his arrival but take heart because God is in control the increasing apostasy and moral Decay we see around us should not drive us to fear but to faithfulness we must remain steadfast in our commitment to Christ standing firm on the truth of his word even as the world around us turns away revelation 1516 and he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in
their foreheads the Antichrist will emerge positioning himself as a deity demanding adoration he will compel the inhabitants of the Earth To Worship an image of the Beast that he constructs and to accept the mark of the beast presenting himself as a Divine entity the Antichrist will prohibit anyone who refuses to accept the mark from engaging in any economic transactions such individuals will be unable to purchase or sell Goods the mark that he mandates everyone to receive Bears the number 6666 over the years numerous theories have speculated about the nature of the mark of the beast
leading to a variety of conspiracy theories in the early 20th century some believed that the Mark was linked to Social Security numbers which they claimed were part of a so-called computer punch card of the Beast that integrated into Satan's digital database with the Advent of the credit card in 1959 another group emerged suggesting that this new Financial tool was the mark of the beast similarly the arrival of the internet sparked debates among some circles that it represented the mark more recently radio frequency identification RFID chips have been identified by many as potential marks of the
beast embarking on an extensive research journey to determine the exact nature of the mark of the beast can be daunted however one critical aspect is clear receiving the mark of the beast cannot happen by accident this aligns with the broader theological perspective that significant spiritual decisions such as condemnation or salvation are not made inadvertently just as no one is condemned to Hell Without clear rejection or acceptance of certain spiritual truths the reception of the mark of the beast will be a deliberate Choice the notion posits that God ensures clear distinction in such significant matters offering
individuals the autonomy to choose their paths towards acceptance of Jesus Christ and salvation or away from it when the time comes for the mark of the beast to be revealed there will be no confusion about its significance though the exact form of the mark remains a subject of speculation today those present during its revelation will have no doubt about what it represents and the choice it symbolizes this ensures that individuals are fully aware of the consequences of their decisions regarding the mark Revelation 13:18 here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of
the Beast for it is the number of a man and his number is 603 score and six here is wisdom wisdom for anyone is to know that anytime you see this number know that satanic powers are at work anytime you hear 66666 know that the Antichrist spirit is at work when the Antichrist Rises any form of worship to the almighty God will be forbidden number three the Great Tribulation Matthew 24: 21 for then shall be the Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no neither shall be the
Great Tribulation is described in Christian eschatology as a period of unparalleled suffering and distress on Earth this time is forewarned by Jesus himself who referred to it as the Great Tribulation under scoring its severity as unmatched by any prior Affliction faced by Humanity it is depicted as a unique period of hardship the likes of which have never been seen before and will never be seen again marking it as both a singular and terminal period in human history this is a time when the spirit world itself will spill out onto the Earth it is a time
when angels will be seen flying preaching the gospel it is a time when literally Holy Angels will be flying across the world warning people about the mark of the beast it is the time where the abyss the bottomless pit will be opened it is a time when Spirit beings will affect this natural world you and I live in like never before it is a time when the sun will turn black it is a time when men will shout to the mountains fall on us it is a time when Cosmic activity will take place the likes
of which we have never seen we human beings with finite knowledge and understanding grossly underestimate this period look at how our Lord Jesus Christ talks about it Matthew 24: 211 and 22 for then shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened Jesus warned that the Great Tribulation will be the most harrowing period ever experienced in human history considering the depth
of suffering Humanity has already endured through devastating Wars deadly plagues severe famines and horrific acts of genocide the gravity of this statement cannot be overstated this period will surpass all previous calamities in both intensity and scope the cause of this unparalleled tribulation is divine retribution a response to a world that has turned its back on God when God's Wrath is Unleashed upon a world that rejects him the resulting tribulation will be profound and unparalleled marking it as a time of severe hardship and divine judgment unlike anything ever witnessed before it is a time when literally
Holy Angels will be flying across the world warning people about the mark of the beast and preaching the gospel when in history has God done that before never has history seen God send angels to preach and War on all of humanity it's never been done this alone should show you that during this period the Earth is descending into its final nose dive and God is going to extraordinary lengths to warn people and Mankind The Narrative of the Great Tribulation is primarily unfolded in the Book of Revelation detailing a sequence of divine judgments that are Meed
out upon the Earth these judgments are categorized into three main series of events the Seven Seals the seven trumpets and the Seven bowls each series represents a phase of judgment escalating in intensity and culminating in the final Judgment of the world the opening of The Seven Seals by the Lamb of God is the initial phase of judgment these seals represent various judgments that will be Unleashed upon the Earth including Conquest War famine and death often symbolized by The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse the subsequent seals reveal the martyrdom of Believers Cosmic disturbances and the silence
in heaven signifying the gravity of the forthcoming judgments following the seals the seven trumpets are blown By Angels heralding further catastrophic events these include the devast ation of Natural Resources such as vegetation marine life and fresh water as well as afflictions brought upon Humanity including plagues and War and evil spirit beings the sounding of the trumpets signifies escalating divine retribution against the wickedness of humanity and the degradation of the Earth the final series of judgments comes with the pouring out of the seven bowls of God's Wrath these bowls represent the culmination of God's judgment featuring
severe and comprehensive punishments they include painful sores the Turning of seas and rivers to blood intensification of the sun's heat darkness and widespread destruction leading up to the ultimate battle of Armageddon and the final defeat of evil the Great Tribulation is a period marked by immense suffering Divine judgment and the Fulfillment of Endtime prophecies it serves as a pivotal event in Christian eschatology leading to the eventual establishment of a new Heaven and a new Earth where righteousness dwells and God Reigns eternally with his people number four the last battle and Christ Jesus's return finally the
Beast and the kings of the earth and their armies will gather together against Christ and against his armies Revelations 192021 and the Beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought Miracles before him with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that worshiped His Image these were both cast alive into a lake of fire burning with Brimstone and the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat on the horse which proceeded out of his mouth and all the fowls were filled with their flesh Christ
does not have to struggle to win Victory despite all the preparations of the kings of the earth to fight against Christ a sword will proceed out of the mouth of Christ and Destroy them all no evil one will escape the sword of Christ the battle is going to be fierce but there will be no Escape Route for the enemies also it is not only Christ who will come in the final battle he will come with the armies of heaven and his Supremacy will be proven to his enemies the first two people to be cast into
the Lake of Fire are the Antichrist and the false prophets number five the millennial Kingdom this period known as the millennial reign of Christ will occur on Earth contrary to some beliefs that it will take place in heaven it serves as a precursor to the creation of the new Heaven and the new Earth throughout Christ's Millennial Kingdom the world will experience an era of unprecedented peace and joy during this time there will be an absence of War fear and any factors that previously made life challenging for Humanity this era will be marked by Harmony and
well-being with Christ's leadership bringing about a transformation unlike any before Jesus Christ shall reign on Earth for a thousand years there are some theologians who believe that this th000 years is symbolic and not literally a Thousand-Year period I firmly believe that it is a literal Thousand Years the reason being that six times in Revelation 20: 2-7 that term 1,000 years is explicitly and specifically mentioned if God wanted to communicate a long period of time rather than 1,000 years specifically he could have easily done so without repeatedly mentioning the exact time frame of 1,000 years can
you imagine 1,000 years with Christ as our ruler a world with no fear a world where you will not need to lock your doors at night a world with the perfect physical and spiritual environment that is what the millennial Kingdom will be like for a thousand years with Jesus as our ruler there will be peace compl complete and utter peace on the earth take a moment to ponder on what the millennial reign with Christ Jesus will be like and imagine that all the turmoil has come to an end the conflicts have ceased and there is
no longer any more selfishness on the earth there is no more pain nor sorrow this is not the temporary and deceitful 3 and 1/2 years of peace that the Antichrist is for told to Usher during the first period of the Great Tribulation no we are beyond that I want you to see in your mind the Revelation given to John in chapter 20 we find in Revelation 20 that God mentions the Millennium six times from verse 2 to verse 7 God says 1,000 years 1,00 years 1,000 years 1,000 years and in three of those verses he
refers to this period of time as quote the Thousand Years can you imagine what the world will be like with Jesus as its ruler for 1,000 years and the world will finally be in a practical state of Utopia because Christ will be reigning and during this 1,000 years Satan will be bound can you imagine what this 1,000 years with Jesus will be like it will be a time of peace peace a time of joy and a time of real prosperity for all those on the earth our Focus today is on a passage that speaks directly
to the end of days a Time marked by unprecedented turmoil and urgency in Matthew 24: 15-21 Jesus issues a stark warning that carries significant weight not only for his original audience but for each one of us today Matthew 24: 15-22 when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet stand in the Holy Place who so readeth let him understand then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house neither let him which
is in the field return back to take his clothes and woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days but pray ye that your flight be not in the winter neither on the Sabbath day for then shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened today we will unpack this passage and explore what it
means not just for those in Judea but for believers everywhere as we look toward the Fulfillment of God's ultimate plan for Humanity Matthew 24: 15-16 Jesus begins with an urgent call to action when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet stand in the Holy Place who so readeth let him understand then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountains notice the immediacy of the command Jesus doesn't say to take your time or think about what to do he says to flee to run to leave everything behind
and seek safety in the mountains why such urgency what could possibly require such a rapid and radical response the abomination of desolation isn't just any event it's a pivotal moment that signals the onset of Great Tribulation a time of unparalleled suffering and Chaos the urgency is clear Matthew 24: 17 and 18 let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes imagine being in the middle of a task caught completely off guard and knowing that
even a moment's delay could mean the difference between life and death it's about the suddenness and severity of what's to come to fully grasp the severity of jesus' warning it's essential to explore the concept of the abomination of desolation this term merges two powerful ideas an Abomination which refers to something profoundly detestable or offensive and desolation which signifies total devastation or emptiness together they depict a grievous Act that defiles what is sacred resulting in utter ruin the phrase originates from the Prophecies of Daniel who envisioned a time when the temple the most sacred site in
Judaism would be defiled in a manner so appalling that it would represent blatant Defiance against God some scholars believe this prophecy was fulfilled in 167 BC when Antiochus IV epiphanies a Greek ruler desecrated the Jewish temple by setting up an altar to Zeus and offering pigs as sacrifices a deeply offensive act to the Jewish people and a direct attack on their faith but when Jesus speaks of the abomination of desolation he points to a future event one that would occur not in the distant past but near the very end of days this leads us to
consider the implications of his words for the end times while many scholars believe a partial fulfillment of this prophecy occurred in ad7 when Roman forces destroyed Jerusalem and the temple the ultimate fulfillment is still to come the severity of the tribulation described by Jesus in Matthew 24 suggests a world changing event that will precede his return Jesus's prophecy places the abomination of desolation within an end of days context directly linked to the Great Tribulation that will precede his second coming Jesus warns that when the Abomination appears those in Judea must flee to the mountains without
delay because the level of danger will be unlike anything Humanity has ever faced we can see Echoes of this warning in the Book of Revelation where the rise of the Antichrist and the desecration of the Holy place are part of a broader Narrative of global chaos and divine judgment the Apostle Paul also touches on this in 2 Thessalonians 2: 3 to 4 describing how the man of sin will sit in the temple of God proclaiming himself to be God this is the ultimate Act of blasphemy and Defiance against the true God marking the Pinnacle of
rebellion itself this future Abomination will be a definitive sign that the end is near the context of Matthew 24:14 where Jesus speaks of the Gospel being preached to All Nations sets the stage for This Global climactic event the end is not simply an isolated moment but the culmination of human history and the Fulfillment of God's Redemptive plan Jesus command to flee to the mountains around Judea is Rich with both practical and symbolic meaning practically the rugged terrain surrounding Jerusalem has historically served as a sanctuary in times of extreme Danger from the caves where David sought
Refuge from King Saul's Relentless pursuit to the Fortified strongholds utilized by the macbes during their revolt against foreign oppression these mountains have repeatedly offered protection and shelter the rocky difficult to navigate landscape provided a natural barrier against advancing enemies making it an ideal place to hide and survive in the context of the end times fleeing to these mountains symbolizes not just a retreat but a desperate allout escape from impending doom where survival depends on Swift action let's broaden our perspective and look at the Great Tribulation from a worldwide Viewpoint the Great Tribulation is not just
a series of isolated events affecting a particular region it is a global upheaval that will touch every corner of the Earth this period will unfold during the time when the Antichrist and the false prophet are at the center stage wielding immense influence and power over the world during this dark era the mark of the beast becomes prevalent a symbol of allegiance to the Antichrist this Mark described in Revelation 13 will be required for anyone wishing to buy or sell symbolizing the economic and spiritual control exerted by these forces of evil the Mark will be placed
on the right hand or forehead a physical sign of submission and worship of the Beast aligning those who receive it against God and his people the Great Tribulation will also see the unfolding of the terrifying ing Visions described in Revelation including the rise of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse these Horsemen represent Conquest War famine and death each bringing a wave of Devastation that affects the entire Globe as the seals are opened the world will witness a Cascade of catastrophic events widespread conflict severe food shortages economic collapse and rampant disease These Are Not Mere metaphors
but real and tangible calamities that will plunge Humanity into chaos and suffering in addition to the seals the bowls of God's Wrath will be poured out during the Great Tribulation each one representing a specific judgment against those who have rejected God and align themselves with the Antichrist these judgments are direct severe and Global in scope demonstrating God's righteous anger against sin and Rebellion let's focus specifically on on the first bold judgment described in Revelation 16:2 and the first went and poured out his vial upon the Earth and there fell a noisome and Grievous soar upon
the men which had the mark of the beast and upon them which worshiped His Image this passage reveals that the first angel will pour out a bowl that causes Grievous soes to break out on those who have received the mark of the beast these sores are not just minor irritations the Greek Greek term used here helos refers to painful ulcers or abscesses these sores will be visible grotesque marks all over their bodies a painful counterpart to the mark of the beast they willingly accepted these individuals who have chosen to worship the Beast and blaspheme God
will now face the immediate physical consequences of their allegiance it's a powerful image of divine retribution a direct response to their idolatry and rejection of God's sovereignty Jesus does not mince words when describing the severity of the Great Tribulation in Matthew 24: 211 he States for then shall be Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be this statement is profound and deeply unsettling it tells us that the trials to come will be unparalleled in human history worse than any War natural disaster or plague
that has ever occurred the suffering of the Great Tribulation will surpass the darkest moments of our past reaching a level of Anguish that is difficult to fully comprehend to understand the gravity of this period consider the worst events in human history world wars that claimed millions of lives devastating pandemics that ravaged populations and natural disasters that reshaped entire regions yet Jesus tells us that the tribulation to come will Eclipse all of these combined a period marked by the full outpouring of God's wroth on a world that has persistently turned away from him this unparalleled suffering
is not just random chaos it is God's righteous judgment against a world that has rejected his truth and embraced deception the Great Tribulation is a time when God's patience will finally give way to Justice it is a sobering reminder that God is Not indifferent to the evil in the world his judgments though severe are not impulsive but are rooted in his Holiness and righteousness they serve to bring the world to a place of recognition to strip away false Securities and to confront Humanity with the reality of its Rebellion against its creator and yet even in
the midst of this overwhelming judgment there is a Redemptive purpose the intensity of the Great Tribulation is not solely punitive it is also purifying God's aim is not merely to punish but to bring about repentance to refine and prepare the world for the return of Christ the tribulation serves as both a warning and a wake-up call an urgent appeal for people to turn away from their allegiance to the Antichrist and seek the true God it is a time that tests the fa faith and perseverance of Believers while also offering a final opportunity for repentance to
those who have yet to turn to God as we reflect on these events it is crucial to understand that the Great Tribulation is not just a future period of Despair but also a profound reminder of God's ultimate sovereignty and his plan for Redemption God's judgments though Fierce are part of his larger plan to restore creation to cleanse it from sin in and to establish his kingdom in its fullness this time of intense suffering will ultimately give way to the Glorious return of Christ who will establish his reign of Peace Justice and righteousness it will be
a time when human suffering reaches its Zenith and yet it will also be a time of divine intervention the conclusion of the Great Tribulation is not the end but the Glorious beginning of a new era marked by the return of Jesus Christ as we look toward this Monumental event it is crucial to understand the profound significance of the Mount of Olives in biblical prophecy geographically the Mount of Olives is a ridge situated just east of Jerusalem across the kidan valley it is part of the Judean region and holds great importance in the events and instructions
given in Matthew 24 this location is not only Central to The Narrative of the Great Tribulation but also also to the culmination of world history which will unfold In This Very region therefore we must pay close attention to what happens in this part of the world Zechariah 14:4 gives us a vivid picture of this future event and his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the East and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the East and toward the west and there shall
be a very great valley and half of the mountain shall remove toward the North and half of it toward the South this prophecy reveals that when Jesus returns he will descend upon the Mount of Olives triggering a dramatic geographical transformation a great valley will be created as the mountain splits in two mounts mountains and hills in the Bible have particular significance there is something strange and unusual about hills in the Bible things happen a lot on Hills let's take a walk through history and see the different significant events that took place in the Hills Noah
landed his ark on a Hill Called Mount Ararat when the flood ended in Genesis 8 verse4 Moses experienced The Burning Bush on a Hill Called Mount Horeb in Exodus 3: one God appeared to Moses and gave him the law on a Hill Called Mount Si in Exodus Moses died and was buried on Mount Moab in Deuteronomy 34:6 Abraham offered his son Isaac as a sacrifice on a Hill Called Mount Moria in Genesis 22: 2 Elijah challenged King Ahab to gather the idol prophets of ba and ashra for this meeting at Mount caral in First Kings
18 this is where Elijah's sacrifice occurred the Transfiguration happened on Mount Tabor Matthew 17 where jesus' body underwent a change in form a metamorphosis so that it Shone as brightly as the sun Jesus died the deaths of all deaths on a Hill Called Calvary the atonement of all sin took place on a Hill Called Calvary one of the most significant events in the Life of Christ was his Ascension into heaven and that took place on the Mount of Olives the Mount of Olives is historically and spiritually significant aligning perfectly with where Jesus ascended into heaven
as recorded in Acts 1: 9-12 the disciples watched in awe as Jesus was taken up before their eyes disappearing into the clouds from this very spot the Angels present reassured them that just as Jesus ascended he would one day return in the same manner This Promise has been a source of Hope and anticipation for Christians throughout the centuries fueling a deep longing for the day when Christ will fulfill his promise and establish his kingdom on Earth for believers the return of Jesus is not just a future event it is the ultimate fulfillment of God's Redemptive
plan for Humanity it is the moment when justice will prevail when the Brokenness of this world will be healed and when the righteous reign of Christ will begin Christians everywhere yearn for his return turn because it represents the consumation of their faith the day when they will see their savior face to face when all suffering will cease and when Eternal peace will be established the desire for Christ's return is not merely a wish to escape the trials of this world but a deep-seated hope rooted in the promise of his word and the Assurance of his
love exalting Jesus is at the heart of this anticipation he is the king of kings and Lord of lords and his return will be a triumphant Declaration of his sovereignty over all creation the vision of Christ descending upon the Mount of Olives his feet touching the Earth as the mountain splits in response is a powerful reminder of his majesty and the certainty of his reign as we witness the unfolding of world events it is vital to keep our eyes fixed on the Mount of Olives and the promise it holds this region steeped in Biblical history
hisory is where the final chapters of the world's story will unfold the Great Tribulation will lead to the ultimate victory of Christ over evil and his return will Mark the beginning of his glorious Kingdom let us therefore remain Vigilant steadfast in faith and filled with hope knowing that the day is coming when Jesus will return and the Mount of Olives will once again be the stage for a Divine encounter that will change the course of history forever
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