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can you get just as jacked spending $10 a day versus $10,000 a day it's a good question back when I was competing in bodybuilding I had to build my physique on a strict budget but plenty of pro athletes and celebrities swear that their expensive luxurious routines are the key to their physiques LeBron spend a million dollar on his body a year a million dollars on his body so in this video I'm running a two-day experiment on Monday I'll have just $10 for the entire day to cover all my meals and training costs on on that day I'll be putting my best lowcost fitness tips to use then on Tuesday I'll have $10,000 to spend on the most luxurious Fitness protocols money can buy on that day I'll be hiring my own Michelin trained celebrity chef a worldclass hypertrophy coach and trying some experimental recovery techniques and by the end of the video you'll know exactly what's worth spending your money on and what isn't okay so for my $10 budget day I'm having four meals and I want each meal to cost around $2 for my breakfast I'm doing a lowcost anabolic peanut butter protein smoothie this whole thing only cost me $150 and it has some really solid macros with 48 g of protein the reason it's so cheap is that milk and whey protein are some of the cheapest sources of high quality protein in prep for this day I went to Walmart and made a list of high protein foods ranked from cheapest to most expensive so the cheapest source of protein I could find is actually lentils you can get 40 gr of protein from lenal for just 66 the second cheapest source of protein is milk you can get 40 G of of protein from milk for just 81 the third cheapest source of protein is chicken breast offering 40 g of protein for $17 cents protein powder comes in at the number six spot but keep in mind that some of the sources on my list are a little too high in calories so if you're cutting I'd stick to the lower calorie sources highlighted in green I made another list for carbs and the top three cheapest Foods were white rice brown rice and oats and bananas are the cheapest fruit for healthy fats the two cheapest options are sunflower seeds and peanut butter most nuts are pretty affordable too so now it should make sense why I picked milk peanut butter whey protein a banana and some oats for our lowcost anabolic peanut butter protein smoothie and since this cost $150 that leaves us with $ 850 left for the rest of the day and remember that needs to cover three more meals any gym costs and supplements speaking of which I also took some basic supplements with my breakfast 5 G of creatine only cost me 15 cents and this multivitamin only cost me 5 cents creatine is awesome because it's one of the most effective supplements and it's also one of the cheapest supplements if you buy creatine and bulk you can get it super cheap this only cost 15 cents you probably don't need a multivitamin as long as you eat a generally healthy diet but I do still take one just to make sure I'm covered okay meal two is my pre-workout meal and for this meal I'm doing a high protein chicken wrap it's easy to prep the chicken in bulk the wrap should only take you a couple minutes to put together you can also prep it the night before and take it to work with you once again I went for some of the cheapest Foods Foods on my lists chicken breast and brown rice with some spinach cheese salsa sour cream and of course one large whole wheat tortilla this whole wrap cost me $21 and that leaves us with $66. 29 left for the rest of the day about 30 minutes before training I'll have some kind of pre-workout caffeine you can get a tub of a standard pre-workout supplement for about 30 bucks which comes out to0 50 cents per scoop or you can have a cup of coffee for about 25 cents per serving so about half the price a new study found that caffeine on its own was just as effective as a multi-ingredient pre-workout supplement that means if you're on a budget simple coffee might be your best option caffeine tablets are also super cheap each pill only costs about 5 cents so before my workout today I'll just have this cup of coffee for training on a budget there are gyms in the US and Canada that only cost $10 per month or 33 per day in the US you have Planet Fitness Crunch fitness and 24-Hour Fitness in Canada you have Fit For Less and Planet Fitness you could also work out effectively from home as workout bands cost $40 and a pullup bar cost $30 so for your first year of lifting that would mean a workout from home would cost you about 199 cents a day I personally don't like bands quite as much as free weights or machines but they are cheaper and can still get the job done especially if you're a beginner I'd personally rather train at a gym with more options though so I'm going to hit my leg day at a fit for less if you are trying to get a quick workout in you don't have to do a ton of sets you can get in and out in 45 minutes and get a huge hypertrophy stimulus pick pick one or two exercises per muscle do one or two sets for each of those exercises push those sets all the way to failure and you can get an amazing workout in a short period of time if you do that I had a great leg workout and I definitely don't think you need a super expensive gym membership to make amazing gains this workout only cost me 33 which means I have $571 left for the rest of the day let's go back home and get in a post-workout meal so for my post-workout meal I'm doing a simple turkey and veggie stir fry and for your post-workout nutrition you're really not in any rush so it's totally fine if you come home and have a solid Whole Food meal about an hour after training this whole meal cost me $283 this is my most expensive meal of the day but also probably the most nutritious for this meal I just fried up some lean ground turkey and mixed frozen vegetables with soy sauce brown rice and an egg you may have noticed that on my carbs list veggies all look very expensive but that's mainly because you need to eat so much of them to get a full serving of carbs in a hack for knocking the price down is to buy them canned or Frozen frozen veggies are sometimes even more nutritious than Fresh Veggies especially if the Fresh Veggies have been sitting on the shelf or sitting in transport for a while for the cost this is an amazing nutrient-dense post-workout meal with 46 g of protein and some solid macros by the way I'm tracking all my meals for the day in macro Factor macrofauna so I may be a bit biased but I really do think it's the best nutrition app on the market a nutrition coach can cost you two or $300 per month macrofauna and it's still cheaper than my fitness pal premium we have amazing reviews all over the Internet and a motivated community of users so I'll put a link to a free trial in the description box down below if you'd like to try it out for yourself just use code Jeff when you download and you'll get 2 weeks for free so again my post-workout meal cost me $283 which means I only have $268 cents left for the rest of the evening all right it's 8:00 p. m.
and this is my last meal before bed high protein peanut butter dip with apple slices for dipping I made the dip with Greek yogurt peanut butter and honey and then on the side I've got the apple slices with a pinch of cinnamon and then aide of sunflower seeds these are a great healthy snack before bed remember they are the very cheapest source of good fat tied with peanut butter this whole meal cost me $160 meaning that I managed to fit this entire day of Fitness in under budget at just $892 tomorrow I'm going to 1,000x my budget and by the end of the day we'll see if I think having $10,000 would help me get more jacked or if $10 is just as good see you in the morning all right I'm starting my $10,000 luxury day with something really freaky this is a sensory deprivation float tank and it's is my first time ever trying one the way it works is the water has a super high concentration of salt so your body feels completely weightless the water is also set to skin temperature and the podt is dark and soundproof the sensory deprivation is supposed to help your muscles and your brain completely relax and although it was really trippy at first after about 15 minutes I could feel my body completely relax and from my nal1 experience I can totally see how it would help me with recovery it also wasn't as expensive as I expected so after the float I've still got $992 left over with that high of a budget I decided to hire my own personal chef but again not just any chef I got a Michelin trained 11 time world record-breaking cook from Top Chef Canada in my kitchen prepping my breakfast right now he's going to be here cooking for 5 hours which at $500 per hour is going to run me a whopping $2,500 I hope it's worth it do you know what's the key to not crying when you're cutting onions Tough Enough man up always that's a very gim bro thing to say sharp knife is the key a sharper knife yeah interesting when you have a sharp knife you don't cry I'm taking this for breakfast Wallace made me oyakodon which is pretty much the Japanese version of a bro meal it's basically just chicken eggs and rice but Japanese style go straight down grab like some eggs some chicken some onions and then the rice okay grab some of this little like topping stuff on top that super good wow amazing step you want to try M so fresh it's a great way to start the day so good and this experience was really cool Wallace just told me to send him the macros I wanted for each meal and he said he'd surprise me with the dish all the ingredients for the breakfast actually only cost $646 so if you cook it yourself it's definitely affordable it also has great macros with 46 g of protein I'll post the full recipe in the description and even though today is the high budget day I still keep it pretty minimal with the supplements so with my breakfast I have a multivitamin with ashwaganda fish oil capsule 5 G of creatine monohydrate and I do them in pills just for convenience and vitamin D and this is the cost of those supplements so I'll add that to the Daily total for my pre-workout meal Wallace made me an amazing Seafood risoto with lobster scallops and shrimp with a high protein rice plus some truffled caviar and the best part about it there's enough salt in here so you're going to get a good pump in the gym this was legitimately one of the best meals I've ever had if you noticed lobster tail was actually the most expensive protein on my list so all the food ingredients in this meal cost me $18624 193 left for the rest of the day now for my pre-workout supplements this time I figured I'd go to a local supplement shop and ask for their most expensive pre-workout I want you to tell tell me what your most expensive pre-workout is it's the uh Mammoth pump Mammoth pump Mammoth pump okay turns out it's Mammoth pump high intensity pre-workout which was $65. 99 which comes out to 87 per scoop this time for my back workout I hired a personal trainer but again this is the $10,000 budget day so I didn't hire just any personal trainer this is Joe Bennett the OG hypertrophy coach he's trained six-time Classic MrOlympia champ Chris Bumstead 7even time 212 champ Flex Lewis two time 212 champ Shan Clarita Danel and Bailey and Hollywood celebrities like Dave Batista and he's going to take me through my back workout for today what's your hourly rate 700 is it yeah we did a five exercise back workout a lap focused cable row pull-ups deadlifts a chess supported machine row and an inclin cable pullover and Joe gave me some cues for each movement that I honestly hadn't tried before on the lat Focus cable row he told me to not only think about driving my elbows down which I do but also to keep them more tucked in I'm I found I'm able to feel my lats in a stretch position really well but I haven't in the shorten position very well at all that little cue of just tucking the elbows in more helped a lot that's on the pull-ups he helped me engage my lats better by slowing down toward the bottom and the stretch and keeping my elbows a little more tucked in I had this tendency to really let them flare out just focus on making sure you might have to actively feel like you're keeping your elbows in I could do that yeah oh yeah yeah man cooked that was good makes a lot harder when you tuck the elbows in I'll tell you that for the deadlifts we basically did a Romanian deadlift but made it more back focused by allowing for a little more knee Bend and then extending the range of motion until my back was parallel with the floor it was kind of a hybrid between a standard conventional deadlift and a Romanian deadlift and it absolutely lit my spinal Erectors up for the chest supported row he also used a que i' somehow honestly never tried before and it was simply to just keep my chest up throughout the entire row historically I've always thought that I'd get a better stretch by allowing my upper back to round forward over the pad but as Joe said that really only stretches the Erectors more and it takes some of the slack out of the mid traps so by keeping my chest up I was able to connect with my midback much better and even though it sounds counterintuitive I was able to get a better stretch in that midback area specifically by not rounding forward on the very last set we did an intensity technique to extend the set which I'll let Joe explain and you're going to intentionally extend up ah and then let it round back down and you're going to round over the top so you can round the position I was having you avoid before we're going to round and do it and then we're going to extend oh nice and then we're going to round over the top extend extend last one Jeff come on stretch squeeze squeeze squeeze yeah oh buddy you haven't tried this before I definitely recommend it it'll smash your spinal Erectors for the last exercise we set up the incline bench for cable app pullovers which was nice and stable and Joe got me to really focus on letting my shoulder blades lift at the top and then pulling down and sweeping through and I actually worked with Joe for 3 hours it wasn't just training he also helped me mobilize my shoulders and gave me some very helpful posing tips as well so the entire session Ram me $2,100 leaving me with still $5,300 and6 for the rest of the evening okay for my post-workout meal I'm just going to order something on door Dash so I basically need something around 500 to 600 calories 35 to 40 g of protein so what I usually get is a chicken pea this post-workout chicken pea cost me $344 $1 1523 for the meal itself $4.