The Grace to Make Changes- Bishop T.D. Jakes

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T.D. Jakes
Take one look around and you could say we’re living in the midst of Genesis 6. From the continual am...
Video Transcript:
[Music] now go to the book of genesis chapter number six verse one through nine god has given me something i'm going to labor intensely with the text today i'm gonna teach a while and then i may preach a while but i want to get some foundation in you and some perspective in genesis six and one this is a scripture that few touch they touch around it they touch after it they touch before it but they don't like to touch it because it gets into some difficult concepts but we're gonna pick at it a little bit
today genesis six and one when you have it say amen and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them that the sons of god saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose and the lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years somebody say 120. there were giants in the earth in those days and also after
that when the sons of god came in unto the daughters of men and they bear children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown interbreeding and god saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and it repented the lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart and the lord said i am a destroy man whom i have created from the face of the earth both man
and beast and the creeping things and the foul there for it repented me that i made them but [Applause] but but noah check this out noah found grace noah found grace in the eyes of the lord these are the generations of noah noah was a just man and perfect in his generation and noah walked with god noah found grace in the eyes of the lord leads me to this text and to this topic for the text the grace to make changes and i believe as we contemplate the texts and the complexities thereof that somebody's going
to find grace to make changes if you're not living the life you love you have the power to change it if you're not living the life that god loves for you to have you have the power to change it but you must find grace to make changes changes will not be easy let's pray while we're standing spirit of the living god fall fresh on us today overshadow us with the kind of anointing that changes lives that establishes peace that consecrates us now open our minds and our thinking and our intellect for it is with the
mind that we serve the lord increase our capacity to receive the intensity of this text in jesus name we pray somebody who loves him shout amen you may be seated in the presence of god let's go to work we're in the book of genesis the book of beginnings it is the soul from which our theology emerges it is the rooting system from which we get a peek into the mind and the characteristics of god it is here that we begin to understand how god unveils unveils his plan for man like a scroll he unveils it
like in a museum he exposes it lifting the curtain from it the apocalypse to unveil truth what is hidden in the old testament is revealed in the new the old testament has given been given to us as a school master through which we might extrapolate grace and truth and learn the character and the nature of god are you hearing what i'm saying to you i want to put your bible in in in in in a different perspective today the text before us today requires a bit of context text without context is dangerous the other day
somebody ripped just just a just a 20-second piece of of a message i preached on father's day and the text without context went viral everybody had something to say about it so the lesson that we can learn from i didn't care what i did i didn't because i know what i meant i know what i meant and i know i can stan you can't take 20 seconds and tear down 25 years [Applause] and all the women who know i am for you make some noise that's why i don't care but the same danger that happens
when you take anything any text and isolate it and reinterpret it it's the same danger we have when we go into the word of god we have the propensity to practice to snatch scriptures and use them as we will even church folks will get into a fight in the family amongst friends in the marriage and those scriptures at each other often out of context just to win the point so this particular text it is vitally important how this is edited and distributed because a text out of context loses its relevance and its truth i want
to hopefully contextualize the times surrounding the occurrence because i think that's important what was going on in the times what was going on in the age what was going on in the air that led god to such a drastic place of frustration because in the text god is frustrated he is frustrated he said i'm i'm sorry i made man the text literally says i rep i repent that i made him now when you think of repent it's an anthropomorphic term it doesn't really mean repentance like we repent but it is the closest word that we
would understand to a sovereign god's frustration over the predicaments we have come to continually wicked every thought and imagination is evil god is disgusting yes ma'am you got it right you got where i'm going even now as it was then so is it now but you made me get ahead of myself didn't explain why see we so in sync that we know what we're going to do before we do it because we got it like that that's why i like to preach at the father's house once we then contextualize the time surrounding the occurrence then
i want to explain why such drastic occurrences transpired as an almost complete human genocide do you understand what the flood was to humanity you talking about genocide of a race this is genocide of the human race and out of all of the people that adorned the planet only eight souls were saved and god crushed everything brought it down to its lowest common denominator and if you would visualize the flood it would not feel quite so wonderful to watch people drowning and screaming and babies gurgling up under the water and entire families crushed up under the
judgment of god indiscriminate of your screams or your age or your gender when he got ready to wipe out he totally annihilated everything this the third thing i want to do is challenge your ideas about fear and faith i want to challenge it i want to challenge your ideas about fear and faith as if they were always enemies i want you to rethink fear and faith cohabitating in your human experience because say whatever you want to say there's not a person of faith in this room that doesn't also have fear [Applause] so you can quote
scriptures all you want you can say whatever you want today but at the end of the day i want to talk about how fear and faith can work for you or against you i want to eradicate your natural but debilitating need to fit in rather than stand out because so much of our energy is invested in fitting in we dress to fit in we walk to fit in we change our binocular to fit in we do whatever we have to do to fit in if noah would have fit in he would have drowned in the
flood so if noah had been the type of person who was trying to keep up with the culture he would have drowned in the culture and i am challenging you in this message today to have the courage to resist the downward tug of being caught into a vortex of a drowning society [Applause] if you are not willing to stand out get out the room right now click me off right now if fitting in is more important than standing out turn me off right now and stop telling people you're a christian because jesus didn't fit in
with nobody he stood out he charted his own course and he made his own way and i'm trying to empower you to have the courage and the fortitude and the discipline to stand on your convictions and not your crowd and not your culture and not your generation and not your ethnicity or anything else you've got to stand on what you believe [Applause] i want to guide you to the importance of embracing and incorporating your god-given uniqueness you are fearfully and marvelously made there will never ever be another you they can press like you can walk
like you're gonna put on your shoes they'll never be you never has been another you never will be another you if you got a twin he ain't you [Applause] you ain't a class all by yourself when god made you he broke the mold and he didn't put all of that uniqueness in you down to your voice print and your fingerprint and your hair follicles and your dna for you to melt into the mush of a drowning society [Applause] so those are the five goals and we have a lot to cover so let me go to
work a man named john nelson darby lived in the 1800s he lived in the 1800s he was born in november he died in 1882 82 years old he was an anglo-irish bible teacher one of the influential figures among the original plymouth brethren and the founder of the exclusive brother he is considered to be the father of modern dis dispensationalism and futurism now don't let that dispensationalism get you tangled up because dispensationalism doesn't change the text it merely categorizes it it's a fouling of the text what system you foul it in which enables you to see
the broadness of the scope of god's plan from a dispensationalist perspective it is a particular harmonic or analytical system for interpreting the bible based on a literal translation and which stands in contrast to earlier belief systems like calvinism because calvinism sees the bible through covenants it is not a disagreement about the bible it is a disagreement about how the bible is best explained are you following what i'm saying now disagreement exists between covenant theology and dispensationalism the meaning of revelation covenant theology views the new testament as the key to interpreting the old testament okay as
the key to interpreting the old testament we must look at the new testament that is the way they think therefore concepts such as the biblical covenants and promises to israel are believed to be interpreted by the new testament as applying to the church so what god said to israel up under covenant theology they think it applies to the church may be true more likely not true it is kind of dangerous for me to write a letter to my wife that i give to pastor val as her truth so to assume that what god has said
in the old testament applause to us might in some cases danger the theology of what you're trying to understand to break it down in the street language stop reading other folks mail hire a dispensationalist subscribe to another hermeneutical view i'm going to get to where you're going just wait on me i need to lay this foundation you must understand then that the definition of this word is adherence to or advocacy of a system of interpreting history in terms of a series of god's dispensations it's just understanding it through dispensations i hand an accountant a million
dollars and how she puts it in columns depends on her understanding of it but it does not diminish its worth so the word of god is the word of god but what we are debating about is how we explain and what category we put each period in are you understanding what i'm saying there are many so-called dispensationalists and i i'm not saying that i am one but i do understand to some degree the the the rudiment ideology of dispensationalism even though it only started in 1800s there is the dispensation of innocence from the creation to
the fall all my fights and people are saying amen and yes i know i know i know i know i know you know this stuff it is the dispensation of innocence which begins from the creation to the fall of adam this is called innocence because adam didn't even know that he was naked they were innocent and all things were pure before them and god even had to ask him who told you that you were naked now can you imagine walking around naked and paying at no attention i can't hardly imagine that but the animals do
it all the time innocence so innocents prevailed over this era because god had put them in a place mentally that they did not regard nudity as obscenity so the man and the woman will walk around in the garden you know how you doing i'll leave that alone the second dispensation is called consciousness and it is from the fall of man when god when man fell in the garden to the flood because all of that period didn't have laws didn't have rules all it had was conscious it had conscious ruling the area now this is important
because this is from the fall of man to the flood so what we are reading in genesis 6 is is coming to the end of the era of consciousness okay at the at the end of the era of doing according to whatever your head say do so when god says every imagination in the heart of man was evil it showed that when we are left to ourselves we only wax worse i was in kiev and i was on a tour while i was in kiev years ago and the lady told me that when communism became
pervasive in their society and they got rid of all religion they found out that depravity became so overwhelming that it almost destroyed the culture that religion is some kind of barrier that stops the culture from becoming totally decadent it's not that we're totally good but it stops us from becoming totally bad because it yanks you back into place and in the absence of any type of theology their their culture began to watch worse and worse and worse and she's telling me this standing in front of a church where churches had been outlawed so we are
standing in a place now where there are no churches and there is no real theology and there are no preachers and there is no law so with the absence of all of that the heart of man became more and more wicked until it repented god that he had ever made him because god made you to be in his likeness and in his image and yet you are trying to be in their likeness and their image y'all didn't get that here you are trying to fit in with the culture and the culture didn't make you if
you would spend half as much energy trying to be like god instead of trying to be like them you would achieve the purpose of god and god would not regret you i do not want my father to regret me he can chastise me he can correct me he can fix me but i don't want him to look at me and say i'm sorry i ever had you the power of that blow is more than my heart could bear but that is the power of the text before us today the father is looking at the child
and saying i'm sorry i had you the vessel that was made of clay has become marred in the hand of the potter and he has decided to totally disrupt what it is in the hopes that it may become a vessel with whom he can be well pleased jeremiah 18 jeremiah what is 18 is playing out in genesis 6. this is the story of humanity the potter and the clay marred in the hands of the potter the decision now has to be made do i totally destroy it or do i make it again another vessel and
we're standing on the precipice of this decision in this text today and we are feeling the angst of the creator and the intense disappointment that god has when we fail to live up to his intention for our lives i don't have to live up to your intention for my life i don't have to live up to your intention for my life i don't have to live up to your future i don't have to live up to your intention for your life but i must live up to his intention for my life noah will end the
air of consciousness he will sail from the shores of consciousness in to the safety of mount ararat and begin human government and then government emerges so human government is from the flood to abram can i finish this just a little bit just just to put some contextualization human government is from the flood to abram and during this period you have patriarchal rules and you begin to set up government and order and structure enters into the creative story which originally was not there when abram comes along we come into the dispensation of promise because above everything
else abram has a promise somebody says abram has a promise all he has is a promise he doesn't have details he doesn't have revelation he doesn't have understanding but god just says get me out of that country and away from thy kindred and go to a place that i will show you and i will make of you a great nation and i will make your name great and i will bless them that bless you and i will curse them that curse you and everywhere your feet trod i will give you the land i'm not going
to tell you how i'm going to give it to you i'm not going to tell you i don't know how i'm not gonna tell you none of that stuff all i'm gonna do is give you a promise there are people in this room all you have is a promise you don't know when you don't know how you don't know where you don't know what it's gonna take but like abraham you have moved on a promise you have left on a promise you have stood on a promise and you don't have no details and it gets
on your nerves when people ask you for details because all you have is a promise and you don't know how and you don't know how god's gonna fix it and you don't know when he's gonna do it so stop asking me for questions that i don't have answers to and if you're gonna walk with me you gotta walk by faith you can't walk by sight you got to walk by faith or you can't walk with me make some noise if i'm talking to you [Applause] i asked my wife the other day i said baby you
trust me she said yeah i trust you i said good i'm gonna take you somewhere but i'm not gonna tell you where and i want to be able to pack your stuff to celebrate you without you asking any questions and she never asked me another word that comes from trust she still don't know where i'm gonna take her i pulled her clothes together and said you like that is that okay change anything you want to change do whatever you want to do she said it's fine she packed to go somewhere she don't even know where
it is but she has a promise y'all hear what i'm saying sometimes god will pack your bag to go somewhere and you don't even know where it is and you got to be obedient enough to trust that whatever he has in store for you is gonna work out for your good so stop asking him questions and step out on the promises of god and stop moving where god wants you to go abraham had a problem shout i got a promise i don't have a job but i got a promise i don't have a spouse but
i got a promise i don't have a house but i got a promise i don't have the money but i got a promise i don't have no friends but i got a promise and i'm gonna stand on the promises of christ my king through eternal ages let his praises free glory in the highest i will shout and sing i'm standing on the promise i'm standing on the promises of christ my savior i'm standing on the promises of christ my king is there anybody in here that's standing [Applause] let me hurry i gotta i got a
long ways to go [Music] these are accounting columns that we put truth in it doesn't add to it or diminish it it's just a overview of how to organize your thoughts about the linear view of god's plan for man so from abraham to moses we had promise when moses comes to sinai we have the dispensation of law thou shalt not kill thou shalt not have no other god before me thou shalt honor thy father and mother all the pro all the law of god begins to play because the law of god is i don't have
time to get deep into it but the law of god is the beginning of theocracy not democracy theocracy a god-rule nation a called out group of people must have a law system a legal system creates civilization without a legal system we have the problem that noah is dealing with where all we're left up to is if it feels good do it that's what happens when people go by their own mind and there is no law so god brought law through moses because god is setting up a nation not an organization he's setting up a nation
this would be true even in an organization you can't have an organization that don't have laws and ethics and rules and everybody does however you want to do that doesn't work and it doesn't work in a country and so he gave them laws he gave them three things for those who want this stuff he gave them laws he gave them judgments judgments is how you settle strife between each other laws deal with the sovereign relationship you have with god and he gave them ordinances which is how you worship three different aspects i'm going further i'm
going further i'm going further are you with me from mount sinai to mount calvary is law when jesus went to the cross [Music] he completed the law he fulfilled the law he did the thing that i couldn't do he obeyed the law that's why he is my righteousness and i am completing him and the curses that were chasing me because i kept breaking the law were nailed to the cross with him and i am free from the curse of the law and from sin and death for he whom the son has set free is free
indeed jesus is my june teeth jesus is my fourth of july jesus is my moment of independence jesus is my emancipation proclamation jesus is my liberty jesus is my losing jesus is my deliverance jesus is my breakthrough he declared me free death has no power death has no strength the grave cannot hold me hell cannot curse me satan cannot bind me because every curse was nailed to the cross and i'm free indeed that's a good shouting moment right there [Applause] [Applause] see we have raised up a generation of people who are shouting about silly stuff
shouting because your shoes was on sale shouting because you got two dresses for the same price shouting because they got a discount on your car shout out because you got a raise you're shouting about stuff that can be taken away but we used to shout about things that no devil in hell can take away you can take my coat you can take my job you can have my shoe but you can't take away my jesus because i'm free in my soul somebody shout yes somebody shout yes again praise god for what jesus did praise god
for what jesus did no devil can take it no witch can curse it no enemy can bind it they can't stop god from saving you i don't care how many times they say you're not saved it's not their word that saves you it's god's word that saves you and if god says you're saved and if god says you're saved and if god says you're free and if god says you're whole somebody help me help me praise his name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] slap somebody and say i found grace i found grace i'm a sinner but i
found grace i'm a freak but i found grace i'm wild but i found grace i'm imaginable i have found grace i've been fluid in my thinking but i found grace grace is my stabilizer grace is my anchor grace is my strength grace is my power grace is my stability grace is my foundation grace is the concretization of every promise in the scriptures i got it when i got grace if you got grace to live give god a praise [Applause] somebody holler i'm grace for this i'm gonna stop whining about it i'm gonna stop crying about
it i'm gonna stop worrying about it i'm gonna stop being fatigued about it i'm the man for the job i got grace for this i can deal with you i can deal with you and i can deal with you not cause you easy but because i got grace for this [Applause] yeah yeah yeah i got grace for this i can handle it i got the grace for this talk about me all you want to i found grace for this it used to hurt but i found grace for this it used to upset me but i
found grace for this when i realized you don't pay my bills [Applause] you didn't save my soul you don't own my heaven whatever you think is none of my business i found grace type it on the line i found grace you better not get up here if you don't have grace they'll run you home if you don't have grace you got to have staying power you got to be stubborn you got to have relentless grace [Applause] scare you right in the face grown man grace time to be a grown woman baby girl trying to put
on your big riches and be a grown woman hallelujah somebody i'm grace for this sit down i'm gonna give you some more can i can i can i feed the flock cause i'm anointed to feed the flock and i feel the master feeder feeding through me today i feel an ancient coming in this place somebody's getting some bread from god today the manna is falling from heaven the manna is falling from heaven the true bread is coming down from above reach up and grab some of this bread [Applause] the last of the seven dispensations is
the millennial reign of christ grace is from the cross to the return and the millennial reign of christ takes us into the seventh dispensation but what i want you to see is grace is going to do five dispensations for dispensations from conscious so when the bible says noah found grace you got it he found something that wasn't even in his era [Applause] he tapped into something that hadn't been freely dispensed yet [Applause] i prophesy to somebody in this room you're getting ready to tap into something that is not even common to where you are right
now it don't fit into your family it don't fit into your age group it defies imagination but you just gonna find it you just gonna stumble into it be careful to get it right it was not that grace found noah had grace a founder that would be invincible that would express god finding noah but it wasn't that grace found noah nor found grace plus two or three people say i'm looking for grace i'm looking for grace i'm looking for grace i'm looking for grace i'm looking for grace i'm looking for grace give me my next
faith come on i'm looking for grace i'm looking for grace i'm looking for grace i'm looking for grace i'm looking for grace i'm looking for grace can i go deeper what i'm trying to get you to do is today our text ends at an era of self-willed human consciousness is self will because there was no law yet given morality was totally dependent on a fallen species having self in politics is somewhat mirrors democracy we the people we the people what does that even mean today we the people america is actually more of a republic than
it is a democracy but it has a democratic posture and when we look at a democratic posture to this day that is really self-rule democracy is self-rule the theocracy god rule the further we get into self-will the more we are discovering how wicked self is y'all don't hear what i'm saying we are right in the middle of genesis 6 [Applause] because the more we try to run things the worse it gets because the human will is corrupt that's why we're not safe sitting in a church that's why we're not safe in a grocery store that's
why we're not safe walking through them all because the more we rule ourselves the more corrupt we become because the people who have rule over us have an agenda i'm not picking sides there's a democratic agenda there's a republican agenda and all of them are working their agenda and you are not in the agenda then i said it there i said it there i said it there i said it there i said it it's just how daddy boo oops there it is it is clear nobody's listening to us [Applause] everybody's doing whatever they want to
do to have longevity in the positions that they're in and it is becoming increasingly clear to get back in the office they will sell their mama and it is all evidence of the fact that we have moved so far away from god that you can't tell where where you're gonna be safe at we got 12 year old boys walking around with ak-47s you're scared of your own children you got kids building bombs in their bedroom and the parents don't even know it's built until they blow up the school and then they issue an apology how
you gonna apologize to me for my dead child why didn't you go up the steps and go into that room and see what was going on in that room [Applause] how can we be ruled by our conscience when we have none this is noah's problem this is god's anger this is god's hostility because left to our conscious we are deceitful and treacherous and self-willed and evil the bible says the heart of man is continually wicked and every imagination is evil now i have to submit to your evil i'm already wrestling with my evil and now
i got to submit to your evil i got a big enough job trying to manage my evil and now i got to watch out for your evil defensive driving i'm driving through the world trying to make sure that i can get me through and also anticipating what is the next crazy thing you're getting ready to do that's where we are that's where we are and we don't know what we got for sure we don't know we don't know if we're gonna get to vote we don't know what's gonna happen in the country we don't know
what rights are gonna be taken away we don't know what's going to be added we don't know nothing about taxes because nobody's listening to us [Applause] and we're still nobody's listening to god that's a good shouting spot right there so i gotta hurry i gotta hurry i gotta harry truman clothes in the scripture self rule leads to an alliation of most of we the people because it did not consider god as the sovereign that he is god is sovereign and while they knew him as god they glorified him not as god and we are so
full of self-will we step into genesis in the era of self-rule and encounter the judgment of god we have better take notes from history and consider god over self we talk about the flood we talk about the what but we don't talk about the why [Applause] and we better figure out the why so we can stop the what the why was number one they were lascivious no boundaries anything goes lust was on the loose eating and drinking was on the loose no real propensity toward worship it amazed me when everything shut down but the clubs
[Applause] everybody running around in masks everybody's scared to breathe on anybody i'm bathing in clorox and these people dropping it like a hot damn bird i thought y'all at the club y'all breathing all over each other y'all gonna go home and kill your parents and your grandparents just because you're trying to that's the power of silence you know you don't have to say it this created mutations in the earth giants in the earth i won't spend a lot of time but there's debates about when the sons of god saw the daughters of men some people
say that the sons of god were were the sons of seth and the daughters of men were the daughters of cain and that when the two sides got together that created giants but then there are others who recognize that the sons of god in the old testament is often referred to as angels as it was in the book of job when it said that the sons of god came around the throne and among them were satan the angels were also called the sons of god and so it makes more sense that when celestial beings start
sleeping with terrestrial beings a mutated species would come into the earth i don't know i wasn't there you weren't either but let's guess about it a minute you cannot mix natures between that which is divine and that which is human and cohabitate together and come out natural so they came out with giants who had some angel likeness and yet we're human and when god saw what he was what he created was being perverted into something that he did not create it repented god that he had ever made man so when we start dealing with genetics
and start developing our own sheep and our own cattle and then start practicing on making people i'm wondering if we're not creating i'm going to go a little bit deeper then i'm going to close when i grew up we used to hear about noah building the ark and how the rainbow was a sign that it would never be by water and we used to sing songs it won't be by water but by fire next time now i don't like drowning and i sure as heck don't like burning but i couldn't imagine for the life of
me how the earth could catch on fire because when i was little and i was learning theology i didn't know anything about global warming but now that i'm a man i've seen the glaciers melting i've seen the polar bears die i've seen the temperatures increase i've seen the droughts coming i've seen the core of the earth getting hotter and hotter and hotter and we're just dancing and eating and making merry and going on about our business as if we have no understanding that we've got plague we have got more plagues in the last decade than
i have seen in my entire lifetime and what's worse is that we're getting used to it and we call it normal shootings are normal killings are normal rapes are normal all kinds of domestic abuse is normal and the earth waxing hot till we are begging for rain has become normal it is so dry that they're advising you not to cut your grass unless it catch on fire and if you think you're gonna get away where could you go where there was no kovid when kovid was at its peak see i know people i have friends
that live here in dallas that leave dallas in july and august to get away from the heat so with that rationale in mind where could you go to get away from kovid when italy was locked up and france was locked up in rome was locked up and europe was locked up and africa was all wrapped up where were you going when australia was sick and new zealand was sick the whole earth is being infected with more and more and more and all you're worried about is how much money you make what has more money have
to do with more breath that's all you care about is how much more money you're gonna make how much more you're gonna bling with and the earth is catching on fire noah's conscience led him to escape the vortex of human depravity as his conscience found grace the vortex of human depravity let me give you this visual so you understand what i mean the vortex of human depravity i was studying on on on uh the the when when the uh i want to say the atlantis the the titanic when the titanic was going down in the
water it was not that the people didn't escape most of the people got out of the boat and made it to rafts and were trying to get away but when the titanic sunk it created such a vortex that even those who escaped got sucked into the vortex and they died as well as the people on the boat because they were still too close to what was going down i know it's old-timey i know it's old-fashioned i know it's out of school but are you too close to what's going down [Applause] i i know you got
your own raft and you're doing your own thing and you're moving away but have you gotten far enough away that the vortex of your so-called friends are not pulling you [Applause] intellect doesn't find grace nor deny it being smart doesn't make you have more grace it doesn't stop you from having grace but it doesn't make you have more grace success doesn't make you have grace it doesn't stop you from having grace but you don't get grace because you're successful so to all of you successful intellectual people who think that somehow because you have more degrees
and more intellect or more fame or more fortunate that you have more grace and you think you're exempt from needing this word how dare you be that arrogant how dare you be that stupid how dare you be foolish enough to think that smart people didn't drown in the flood that rich people didn't drown in the flood you can be caught up in the vortex i don't care how cute you are i don't care how rich you are i don't care how famous you are you're listening at me it'll tv right now i don't care how
famous you are i don't care what you drive i don't care what you live in what i'm preaching at it's coming right to you you think you're safe because you work for a great company you think you're safe cause you're a millionaire a billionaire you think you're safe because you got gold albums and all kind of success nothing can protect you from what when god gets ready to send a flood everything that's not in grace is going down if you're not in grace you're going down if you're not in grace you're going down you and
your money you and your rolls roy you and your career you and your fame you and your fortune look at how many rich people are killing themselves look at how many successful people commit suicide in the last five years we've seen some of the most famous people taking their own life don't be a fool when god sends a flood everything that's not in the ark begins to go down but i got news for you it's not too late to get in your ark i got news for you it's not too late for you to find
your way to the ark if you were to humble yourself and get down on your knees and stop being self-ruled self-willed and self-regulated you could come on in this hot child it's gonna rain come on in this hotel it's gonna rain god told noah it's gonna rain come on in this hot town it's gonna rain children it's gonna rain children come on in this hot town come on in this hard time you better get on in this hard time you better come on in this hard time god told noah god told noah you better get
on in this hard time you better get on in this hard time hurry up get in hey up get in hey up get in [Applause] just a little bit just a little bit give me just a little bit [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know why you don't see as much shouting as you normally would because we don't have enough people that are sure they're in the heart but everybody that knows you're in the ark give god a praise right now [Applause] ah come on in this heart come on in this hard time [Music] [Music] it's
going to rain it's gonna rain it's gonna rain it's gonna rain it's gonna rain it's gonna rain it's gonna rain it's gonna rain [Applause] get your children it's gonna rain get your children get up your children get up your family if you gotta go by yourself if you gotta go by yourself if you gotta go by yourself god told noah now here's the amazing part [Applause] i'm only halfway finished so i'm gonna pick it up next sunday can i pick this up next sunday are y'all with me can i pick this up next sunday because
i haven't even got to the grace to make changes the grace to build the grace to grow the grace to move the grace to function in disruption [Applause] next week i'm going to show you how to have the grace to function in disruption noah was so anointed that he built in disruption and you've been waiting on everything to be calm so you can build it ain't gonna happen you gotta build it anyway where my builders that make some noise [Music] you
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