Dr. Ian Smith Exposes Secret Societies in New Book ‘The Ancient Nine’ | Sway In The Morning

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Dr. Ian Smith stopped by Sway In The Morning to talk about his new book ‘The Ancient Nine’ exposing ...
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that was an excerpt from a book than ancient nine right there and if you want to get the audiobook you can too because that is available but I suggest you go ahead and buy the hardcopy and sit there and read it yourself it's written by a good friend of ours a friend of the show you know him as a physician an author I'm a producer just all-around great guy with wonderful energy he's been on here so many years and he's helped a lot of people improve the quality of their life and he's back today the one and only dr. Egan hey hey hey always good to be back what you got always love watching i watch our Instagram I feel like we're talking that's the video Instagram right yeah checking on everybody see what's going on no this is fascinating Heather and I were just talking like we saw this book the ancient nine I start reading through it and have this said all of these books well this book the ancient nine is very different than my health book the novel based on my experiences in one of Harvard's elite secret societies but I started writing this when I was a senior so 25 plus years ago I was a senior in college didn't know when I was gonna do it publish it but I knew that my experience and this secret society was so crazy and so different one day I was gonna tell it and I started writing it early so that everything I felt was still fresh to me as I'm saying all the geography on campus the club how I felt when I open up my eyes the blindfold came off and see the walls and Club I want to still help stop you you assuming that everybody knows about this okay see and the way I set it up is we hear about these secret societies but unless you have access to it you really don't believe it specially on these college campuses there's been movies made about this yeah you know there's been books written about it it's been dismissed dispel what is a secret society that you're talking about and and how did you learn about it okay first of all the Harvard elite clubs they'll call final clubs by the way okay because back in the day they sat at the top of the pyramid of clubs also there were a kind of junior clubs but the final Club was what you want to reach at the top of the pyramid started in the 1700s the most famous people in the world bit members President John Kennedy Teddy Roosevelt Franklin Roosevelt Matt Damon is in my club he came in the class behind me we brought him in the Aqua conking in Nepal you name it they've been members okay very powerful people's but as you can imagine back in the 1700s these were clubs that were only populated by white men yeah I'm very wealthy white men so in the 60s mid 70s when Harvard started admitting women and minorities they started letting in a trickle of blacks into the club no women by the way and women still not allowed to enter so these clubs have been rumored for a long time we own these my club - we only huge gigantic Clubhouse mansions around Harvard Square you can't tell their clubs because they don't they're nondescript they're just huge brick mansions and you know that's how it is so what happens is when I was a sophomore in the middle of the night which is what the beginning of the excerpt the order you just heard in the middle of the night someone slipped an envelope under my door and it had my name and room number on it no posters no return address so the next morning I open it and it said the president and members of the Delphic Club invite you to a cocktail party and I had an address and a date and that was it I didn't even know what a cocktail party was I mean I was a poor student I you know my parents my mother didn't go no cocktail party so I know what that was and didn't know what a Delphic Club was either mm-hmm fast forward two days later I'm in after practice I played basketball in the locker room the upperclassmen are talking about this is punch season which means that these secret societies are punching that's the term they used like rushing or Pledge they're punching potential members to join the clubs and they mentioned this name Delta Club I was like whoa I got one of those invites so I went back to the room open up the invite and it was true it was the Delphic Club and then you begin the process of trying to get in this club it's crazy how much of that process can you share with us like I shared all of it and begin the book uh-huh the begin the book is says based on real events cuz it's autobiographical so the main character is me Spencer Collins who's a kid whose single mom you know other side the tracks who mysteriously gets invited to join the process now let me just tell you just because you get punch does mean you actually make it in yeah so you each Club starts with about 100 guys that they punch and then after every event there's a series of events cocktail parties dinners lunches they whittle that list down to the final 1520 and then they get the final letter of acceptance and then what happens and then you get into the club and then you see so you so the you know for years students have tried to break into these mansions yeah because of all the valuables and the treasures and the artifacts and all the rumors so you never can go into the club until you become a member and so initiation night which I don't wanna say too much but in the book cuz it's in the book initiation night you finally get to go up into the club and see what and see what's up and it's in a book it's the ancient nine dr. Smith is not against Club rules or house rules or the Brotherhood to start spilling all of these beans well I don't really know access a good question I did it anyway I figured it's been 25 plus years its 2018 it's a new era these clubs are counted from the 1800's 1700s so I'm taking a little risk you know I'm leaping out a little bit but Oh but-but-but my feeling is listen this is such a unique story and such no one's ever written extensively about these clubs ever this is the first time someone's actually written it and I just said listen I'm gonna go for it I'm an artist and you know it's an interesting story I'm assured now was your club all was it white in black or well they're very few black so when I was in we had four blacks you have four and I didn't know them by the way I don't know these kids okay and I never found out why they why they allowed me him I never found that out by the way ever huh I thought maybe once I got in that I would know someone in there I didn't know anyone in there what are the benefits of it like have you since you've graduated can you call on somebody who's been in that Club and get a job for example all the time I'll get a ticket erased all the time I mean listen I'll get a crime swept under the rug well crime may be a little heavy but I'll say this though when I was there the benefit is these mansions have ballrooms and dining halls there's a whole staff so they serve us lunch they serve us dinner we have black-tie affairs the whole just think about like the old 1800 kinda you're making it too clean for me like it ain't no women in the basement tied up on a bed on a slab knowing that men or like there's a scene there's a scene in the book where one of the events the punchy's and the members go to an event and in this event there are women involved and it's an outing I'll just put it like that and there's a scene here in New York because sometimes they will fly you to New York for dinner it seems like though they're recruiting at a high rate like not the average like they're not gonna go after a plumber there's like this is correct the upper of the upper which is why I don't know why they invited me to join this club first of all I'm black secondly I I come from the other side of the tracks I'm a working-class family I didn't have any Harvard connections no legacy I don't know and and then once you get in they don't tell you why they put you in a medical student though right I was pre-med but still I'm just just know that that's nothing what were your grades like it wasn't even a great thing it wasn't a great I had good grades but it hasn't they don't know you're great but but you see okay so the book opens up in 1927 two students are trying to break into the Delphic mansion which is my Clubhouse yeah one student disappears fast forwards to the 80s when me Spencer Collins is being mysteriously invited to join this club and there are two very famous books at Harvard amongst many one book was in the private library of King James de frst uh-huh okay the other book was the last remaining book of the John Harvard collection all the other books burned up in a fire in the 1700s the one book remained because a student took it out of the library and didn't return it so those two very famous books at Harvard under lock and key you can still see them today but you have to be supervised okay and then the last thing is the ancient nine so the ancient nine is a group that for years has been rumored to be a secret society within the secret society and they protect the secrets of the club and this student me is trying to figure out how all these things are connected conference this week and we're gonna be hanging [Laughter] what are your thoughts on other secret society I think that there are a lot of secret societies and I'm not in the Illuminati but I believe that there are definitely these kind of secret society after my own experience no doubt about it no doubt about it and even and you don't really like my club you don't know who's in unless you see the logo like we have logos on our bowties and are so you have to know what that local may not like the Masons right so hey we got a also we got a great if you can solve the mystery connection I've got a Facebook page so those listing right now is $2,500 cash uh-huh go to the Facebook page the ancient nine spell nine out no one's wanted yet okay but there are three sets of questions and if you can answer those three sets of questions you get 1200 hundred cash $2,500 citizens for free go to the ancient nine fell out nine on face book DB and I gonna figure this out alright we're gonna go into a song and open up these phone lines alright so a the mornings call you ever been in one of these secret societies dr.
Ian music okay this conversation we're having about the ancient nine a book written by dr. Ian Smith semi-autobiographical about his life at Harvard and joining a secret society club and experience about that he's the first one to ever write about this from his club and reason why I'm kind of hesitant to hang out with him this weekend in Chicago by the way we're gonna be in Chicago tomorrow and Saturday for event for men called dirty little secrets put together by Lewis car mm-hmm who's been responsible for making over a billion dollars for BG networks and an ad sells and he did it last year and I got a chance to sit on one of the panels and it was great conversation if you around look it up you know and join us you know I'm not gonna tell you how you gotta figure it out be a part is are we up number of a sick it's just a secret society what we're doing this weekend well we can kind of put it in that kind of frame that kind of context but that's lose about his artwork though really yeah I'll just leave it at that oh geez that man got a vote Ozzy what is a collector what really ain't no more rooms left on the walls Wow yeah serious collector anyway good brother all right okay so we got people on the line man this is a great book the ancient nine we got Blake on the line from New York good morning Blake what's poppin yeah well I would I would up what up blink you you've experienced this before yeah listen to me I was in college man I ain't an idiot so I know my surroundings I knew what time it was I've seen a group of about five wearing the same outfit they approached me feel like I later on we gonna come to your dorm we want to talk to you you want to recruit you for something I said oh lord I know what this is I went to my dorm I thought I locked my door I heard him banging banging I locked the door they came in I like Marriott better get out of here join a gang college gang reminded me when I was down in the street you would load are you a you know Sonny Blake say that but I mean is it much difference between joining the gang and joining a club like this well yeah I mean he's you know in the clubs we do things like you know we have like you know we have memorial dinners we have you know these lunches people always asking for exam like a fraternity in clubs yeah yeah and I say that the difference is these clubs are like sophisticated fraternities on steroids listen you got guys who are dropping you know 100 200 thousand dollars a year supporting the club because the grad members own the clubhouse uh-huh so they fund the university doesn't own the clubs by the way at all which is why it's very controversial the university can't make the clubs go away because they own their own mansions and and the people who are at the fortune 500 CEOs partners at big law firms big doctors you can't make them go away so universities trying to make them go away but it's been three they're just grooming folks to jump into their system to protect them when they do wrong because that is well you know I will say that you know it is a Brotherhood and you can reach out I can call people very easily that another person couldn't call because I could say hey I'm Ian Smith class of 91 blah blah blah boom you know yeah but that's how the world turns you know that so how come there aren't any women like the audio female version the sisterhood great question so when the university started admitting women in the 60s the the university said to the club's you got to let women in and the clubs like no we're not we own them it's not gonna happen they did let blacks come in very few blacks come in there are some blacks in now but last year the University finally took us biggest stance and said if you don't open up the clubs or disband we're going to have three penalties one we will not give you a recommendation for a scholarship like the roads or the Fulbright scholarship - we will not let you hold a student government office and three you cannot be a captain of any varsity sports team so that's the furthest that's all the leverage they have once again these are independently owned yeah by the Graduate members who the who's who of America now you can't be the captain of the volleyball but the women tried to start their own clubs and the reason why they didn't work is because there is no real estate in Harvard Square all the real estate you have to have 15 million dollars to buy one of these mansion and even if you did get that where would you buy it when it's all taken up already well dr. Ian Smith is here people from Houston is on the line good morning people tables hey what's going on man thanks with absolutely man well you know about this stuff man I received a weird message a couple months back from somebody oh I thought I thought it was somebody I was high school with like a guy with school with he started sending message time about join this group and you'll be protected spiritually and physically you can get uh we can give you money at a blink of an eye all types of crazy stuff you just sounded crazy to me was it a Pinto did you do questions just cuz it's trying to so crazy Turkey and he started asking he said but you need stuff for initiation he says you're gonna need hair from a three year old bald eagle and lion skin and all types of you know stuff it the moment I start listening to the messages when he goes was you can't attain these items are you gonna have to download the catch you look at the movies you know you see a lot of craziness you see you know men would animal mask on in a forest and you call those tiki torches yeah you know and so I'll say this cuz I want to ruin too much in the book it's in the book I will say that you are blindfolded so before the the dinner so there's an initiation dinner where all the alums come back it's a black-tie dinner but before that the two hours before the dinner starts you're blindfolded and you're taking through let's say the initiation process and then you get introduced into the club and then you get welcomed by your Brotherhood and then you have this big dinner Wow it's kind of great that's why I have to have sex with members you know what to do with that scene is Dartmouth that's Dartmouth at Harvard so listen citizens you want to win $2,500 go to this Facebook page the ancient nine answer the questions figure out some mystery DB and I are gonna try it I just I'm looking at it right now give me example the question question okay so well it's kind of there in succession yes all related to one of the first one is name the book where this passage comes from the name of the author they're printing edition of the book you're publication and page numbers so obviously you have to know what book this is to find out where this passage come from but such and much more wickedness dough they desperately commit who having offended God by their Grievous sins who was so gracious and merciful that he would most certainly forgive them upon their true repentance what does that you got it you got it if you read the book you'll know the relevance of that passage that's the whole idea so it's connected to the book so you find that passage but then it goes further you have to find the author the page number the your publication then you had then they have so much fun yeah it's like some national treasure alright damn I don't want you to go but we got another gas coming but listen hit me up on Instagram follow me at dr.
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