BE RICH! If you PUT this in your BATHROOM on October 1st, Goodbye Poverty | Buddhist Teachings

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Buddhism Wisdom
Unlock the secrets of Buddhist teachings and discover how a simple practice on October can transform...
Video Transcript:
October is a different kind of month and few people know that it carries a unique energetic power many traditions and beliefs including Buddhism point to this period as one of the most powerful times to transform someone's life the energies are aligned for Renewal prosperity and profound changes perhaps you've already felt that during this time of year certain things seem to fall into place or that new opportunities begin to arise but what few people know is that by using this energy in the right way you can accelerate these processes and attract abundance into your life there's
an ancient Buddhist teaching extremely simple but incredibly powerful that can do just that if applied during the month of October this ritual can open doors to Prosperity you never imagined existed imagine how your life would be if you could finally say goodbye to the feeling of scarcity the anxiety caused by bills piling up and feel at peace with your finances often what prevents us from reaching this reality are energetic blockages we've accumulated over time the teaching I'm going to share with you in this video has the power to break through these blockages bringing true renewal
to your financial life the beauty of this Buddhist teaching is that it doesn't require anything complicated or Out Of Reach anyone in any situation can put it into practice and start seeing results if you're wondering whether this can really work I invite you to think about how many times you've tried different methods to improve your financial life without success perhaps what has been missing until now is the connection with the energies of the universe around you something Buddhism has explored for thousands of years the ritual I'm going to teach is a secret passed down through
generations but it's within your reach now and the best time to perform it is in October I've seen many people who after understanding this teaching changed their lives overcame difficulties and achieved levels of prosperity they never thought possible now before we move on I invite you to subscribe to the channel and leave your like to support this content and ensure that more people have access to these teachings and take a moment to comment below which of these statements resonates with you more I attract abundance and prosperity in October or I allow the energy of renewal
to transform my financial life choose the phrase that resonates most with your heart and start manifesting a new reality from today together let's unlock the power of October and transform your financial life once and for all October is known for its strong energetic potential and this is no coincidence many spiritual Traditions including Buddhism recognize that during this period the energies of the universe are more open to external influences facilitating the manifestation of desires and intentions this is the month when renewal and transition energies are most present which can be felt both in nature and in
people's lives the seasons are changing and this natural movement reflects an energetic transformation that affects all areas of life from relationships to financial matters the very cycle of the Earth with the approach of the end of the year creates a unique opportunity for those who want to take a new Direction in their lives especially in terms of prosperity and abundance Buddhism teaches that everything around us is energy and that we are constantly interacting with these invisible forces in October this interaction intensifies and with the right practice it's possible to channel this energy to transform our
reality this is the ideal time for Spiritual practices rituals and meditations aimed at unblocking the flow of abundance and attracting prosperity according to Buddhist teachings the secret lies in consciously connecting with these energies which are stronger during this month the transformation you seek begins internally and the universe responds to your vibration therefore October is the perfect month to adjust your energies eliminate blockages and make room for the flow of wealth and success one of the reasons why October is so energetically special is related to the idea of balance in the northern hemisphere this is the
period of autumn when Nature starts to release what is no longer needed preparing for winter in the southern hemisphere it's spring with the arrival of new cycles and the blossoming of life these natural movements carry the energy of change release and rebirth creating a perfect setting for us to also shed old patterns and limiting beliefs that prevent us from prospering the power of October lies precisely in its ability to offer us a chance to start over to build New Foundations for growth and to attract abundance in every sense additionally Buddhist tradition reminds us that the
universe is in constant motion and that our lives are a reflection of this energetic Flow by understanding that October offers such vibrant and Powerful energy we can use this knowledge to our advantage the key is to be open to this energy creating the necessary space for it to flow freely into our lives during this month simple rituals can have a tremendous impact as long as they are performed with clear intention and purpose and that's exactly what we will cover in The Next Step a simple yet extremely effective ritual that will help you tap into all
of October's energetic power allowing you to attract the prosperity you desire to start the ritual it's important to understand why we use the bathroom as the central location for this practice in Buddhism and many other spiritual Traditions the bathroom is seen as a space for purification it's where we release physical impurities but also where we can symbolically eliminate negative energies that are blocking us the water that flows constantly in this environment has the ability to cleanse both the body and the energies around us that's why performing this ritual in this location creates a strong connection
with the process of purification and energetic renewal especially in a month like October which carries such a powerful transformative charge the act of throwing something into the toilet represents releasing everything that prevents us from achieving a abundance and prosperity for this ritual you will need an element of nature that is linked to prosperity and protection bay leaves bay leaves have been used for centuries in various cultures as a symbol of Victory success and prosperity they carry an energy of power clearing paths and abundance and can be easily found in the United States either in common
markets or stores specializing in herbs we will use bay leaves as the main vehicle of intention in this ritual because they are known for their ability to amplify positive vibrations and help materialize Desires in addition to the bay leaves you will need a white candle to symbolize Purity and renewal and a glass of water with coarse salt a powerful purifier of negative energies the first step is to prepare the environment make sure the bathroom is clean and organized this is crucial because physical clutter can interfere with the flow of energy light the white candle near
the bathroom sink and place the glass of water with salt beside it the candle will symbolize the light Clarity and renewal you wish to attract into your financial life the salt in turn has the function of absorbing negative energies creating an environment conducive to the entry of prosperity as you you light the candle say a brief prayer or positive affirmation asking the renewal energies of October to help you eliminate all the blockages that have prevented your financial life from flowing abundantly next take three bay leaves and hold them firmly in your hands close your eyes
for a moment and focus on what you want to manifest visualize Prosperity entering your life imagine your financial problems being resolved your goals being achieved and you living with more freedom and peace of mind as you do this visualization repeat aloud a powerful affirmation such as I release all negative energies and allow abundance to flow freely into my life feel the energy of these words and the bay leaves vibrating in harmony with your desire now go to the toilet and throw the bay leaves into it this act symbolizes the relief of all the energies that
are blocking you at the same time it also represents the delivery of your desires to the universe allowing the forces of renewal which are intense during October to do their part as you flush the toilet imagine that all limitations and obstacles are being washed away along with the water water is a powerful element of transmutation capable of taking away what no longer serves you and making room for the new you after flushing take the glass of water with salt and pour a little down the sink drain and a little into the toilet this act is
symbolic the salt continues the energetic cleansing ensuring that any remnants of negative energy are completely removed while pouring the salt water mentally or aloud repeat I am cleansed of all energies that prevent me from prospering I am open to receiving abundance and prosperity in all areas of my life this is a moment of affirmation and connection with your new vibrational state to finish the ritual extinguish the candle safely and thank the universe for the energies of renewal and prosperity you've just activated gratitude is an essential component of any spiritual practice because it amplifies the energy
of reception and openness also thank the universe for everything you already have acknowledging that the simple Act of connecting with these forces is already creating significant changes in your energetic field from this moment you are already in tune with the prosperity that October can bring the ritual is not yet complete and the manifestation process is ongoing throughout the month of October maintaining a positive mindset and and a constant connection with the energies of prosperity is crucial stay tuned for the next tips I'll be sharing as each one is essential to ensuring that abundance continues to
flow don't miss any detail as the secret to this ritual success lies in the intention and focus you place on each step until the end now that you've started the ritual there are ways to enhance it so that the results are even faster and more powerful the first step is to work directly with your personal energy remember that your vibration is the key to attracting what you desire one of the most important teachings of Buddhism and other spiritual Traditions is that the Universe responds to your frequency so if you hold on to thoughts of scarcity
or doubt even after performing the ritual you will be blocking the flow of prosperity that's why it's essential that throughout the month of October you practice positive visualization take a few minutes each day to focus on mental images of abundance imagine yourself living the life you want without Financial worries and feel grateful for that reality as if it's already happening another powerful way to enhance the ritual is by keeping your environment clean and organized physical and energetic clutter can create blockages that make make it harder for new opportunities to arrive in the bathroom which is
the central place for this ritual this is even more important keeping the space clean and harmonized allows the energy to flow freely try adding elements that symbolize abundance to the environment like plants that purify the air and attract good energy such as snake plants or Lucky Bamboo these natural elements connect with the energy of prosperity further amplifying the power of the ritual Additionally the practice of smudging with herbs like Sage or Rosemary can also help clear the space of stagnant energies creating a field conducive to the manifestation of your desires daily gratitude practice is also
a crucial factor in amplifying the results of the ritual when you Express gratitude not just for what you already have but also for the things you wish to manifest you elevate your frequency and align even more with the energies of abundance this is especially powerful during the month of October when transformation energies are at their Peak every morning as you wake up take a few minutes to give thanks for the money you already have the opportunities on their way and the blessings that are about to manifest gratitude is one of the most most effective tools
for ensuring that the Universe continues to send you more than you're asking for moreover taking care of your physical and mental well-being is an important way to enhance the ritual the connection between Body Mind and Spirit is essential for energetic balance daily meditation even if only for a few minutes can help calm the mind and align your intentions with the universal energy during meditation focus on your breathing and visualize a golden light symbolizing Prosperity surrounding your entire body this light not only clears energetic blockages but also strengthens your connection to abundance regular physical exercise can
also be an excellent way to keep your energy elevated and flowing ensuring that you are in tune with the positive changes the ritual can bring finally one way to sure the ritual has a lasting impact is to share the energy of abundance with others when you help someone Prosper whether through encouraging words actions or even donations you create a cycle of energy exchange that returns to you multiplied Buddhism teaches us that abundance is not something to be kept just for ourselves but shared by helping others you reinforce your own connection to the flow of Prosperity
because the universe understands that you are in balance with the laws of giving and receiving so take advantage of the month of October not only to focus on your own growth but also to contribute to the lives of those around you ensuring that the energy of abundance flows constantly and harmoniously it's important to understand that the ritual itself doesn't work miracles it's a powerful tool but true results only come with action many people perform rituals prayers or any spiritual practice and then just sit and wait for things to happen as if opportunities will simply fall
from the sky but the truth is even after performing this ritual and aligning your energies with prosperity you need to be alert and ready to act the universe will open doors but it's up to you to walk through them this means being in tune with the opportunities that arise Having the courage to step out of your comfort zone and doing what's necessary to transform your life when you perform a ritual like this something begins to change internally and around you opportunities for Prosperity may appear in unexpected ways maybe a new idea will come an important
contact will show up or even a change in Attitude will make a difference however if you sit back and wait for money or success to come to you without any effort these opportunities will go unnoticed the ritual helps prepare the ground but it's your action that makes the seed of prosperity grow it's like planting a tree you can't expect it to grow without watering it caring for it and protecting it and that's where many people give up they start something but when results don't appear immediately they lose faith and persistence it's not easy to stay
focused when you're tired of trying and nothing seems to work but that's when Faith becomes even more important it's not just about believing in the power of the ritual but also about believing in yourself and your path difficulties and challenges are part of the growth process and giving up halfway will only take you further away from your dreams when you feel tired remember that but true change requires effort and perseverance even when fear knocks at your door you must keep going the fear of failure the fear that things won't work out or even the fear
of not being worthy of the prosperity you seek are normal feelings but they can't be the reason for you to give up the universe places challenges in your path to strengthen you to teach you to Value every achievement and every time you overcome an obstacle you you are one step closer to the life you desire the important thing is not to let fear paralyze you opportunities will arise but you must be willing to act to move forward even when circumstances seem challenging it's essential to remember that God loves you and wants the best for you
Prosperity is part of God's divine plan for your life God doesn't want you to live in scarcity fear or feeling defeated on the contrary he wants you to have a full life of abundance not only materially but Also spiritually and emotionally but for that to happen he expects you to do your part the ritual is a way to connect with the abundance that God has prepared for you but it's necessary to take concrete steps toward your dreams remember that God walks beside you opening doors but it's up to you to have the courage to walk
through them and when things seem difficult remember that you're not alone we all face moments of Doubt fatigue and even despair but it's in those moments that Faith must be strongest god never abandons you even when everything seems lost when you feel like you can't go on it's important to trust that there's a higher purpose behind every challenge God is shaping you preparing you for the blessings that are to come the process may be hard but it's necessary for you to become strong enough to handle the prosperity that is coming another important thing is to
cultivate patience results don't always come when we expect them sometimes you do the ritual start to act but nothing seems to change right away that doesn't mean that the universe or God isn't working often the prosperity you desire is on its way but it needs time to fully manifest during this period you must continue to trust the process act and maintain a positive attitude even if it takes time know that the seeds planted are growing and at the right moment you will reap the fruits lastly never lose hope Prosperity is within your reach but it
requires your action your perseverance and your faith God wants you to prosper and he is always by your side guiding your steps the ritual is the beginning of a journey but it's up to you to walk it facing challenges with courage and determination keep your eyes open for opportunities keep fighting even when it seems tough and remember that success is not just a matter of luck it's the result of the combination of Faith and Action the universe responds to to those who don't give up October truly is a powerful month the energy of renewal and
transformation is at its peak and this Force may be the push you need to completely change your life it's no coincidence that so many spiritual Traditions consider this period ideal for practices that aim to unlock the flow of prosperity and abundance if you connect deeply with this energy you'll see that opportunities will start to arise in unexpected ways throughout the month of October we'll be sharing various rituals that can help you make the most of this special energy each ritual is a valuable tool that when used with intention and faith can bring you closer to
the life you've always dreamed of believe in the power of this month and be open to exploring these practices because I know they can help many people just as they can help you transform your reality take advantage of October as the key to the turning point you've been seeking this is the ideal time to plant the seeds of prosperity that you want to harvest in the coming months don't let this opportunity pass this month can be the turning point in your life as long as you're willing to act and Trust the process now that you
know the power of this ritual I want to know are you going to put it into practice comment below if you're committed to performing the ritual and if you'd like share a positive affirmation that you will use during the process like I open the doors to prosperity in my life or I allow abundance to flow freely it's very important that you perform the ritual carefully and wisely don't rush or do it carelessly remember that the intention behind each action is what really activates the energies of Prosperity follow the instructions correctly paying attention to every detail
to ensure that you are in perfect harmony with the energies of October if needed watch the video again and make sure you understand each step before you begin the prosperity you seek is within your reach but it's essential that you do the ritual the right way with focus and dedication this is the moment of transformation so make the most of this opportunity if you've made it this far it's a clear sign that you're truly committed to your purpose of transforming your life it shows that you're ready to take control of your reality and harness the
power of October's energies to attract the prosperity you desire your dedication is the first step to success and I'm so happy that you've invested this time in yourself now before I finish I'd like to ask you to leave your like on this video this helps the channel grow and allows more people to discover these powerful teachings and of course don't forget to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any of the upcoming videos throughout the month of October I'll be sharing new rituals and practices that can continue to help you on this journey of
transformation it would also be amazing if you could share this video with someone you think might benefit from this information the more people connected to these energies the greater the positive impact on their lives and on the world around us you could be the person who brings this change to someone else thank you so much for being here for dedicating yourself to your growth and for believing in the power to transform your life I'm excited to see the results you're going to achieve let's continue together on this path of prosperity and abundance see you in
the next video
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